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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  October 10, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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friends, when she ran into a couple of cars. according to police the collision action quite violent. you can see the damage to the car. we want to show you a video post today social media by music producer, who was at the scene that night. we want to warn you, that what you're going to see is quite graphic. now, according to this video, you can see the damaged bmw stopped on 12th street at ocean drive. you can hear several people commenting on how hitton look behind the wheel, may have looked drunk, when all the sudden you see her male passenger get out of the car as uniformed officers approached. suddenly, she hits the gas, and takes off, at a high rate of speed. >> the officer, he was on the grounds, for -- and everyone was checking on him, asking if he was okay, he said he was okay. but it didn't appear that way.
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anything like that. but he was responsive. >> now, cariann's father told us today she wanted to be a lawyer, just transferred from hampton university, to temple university. he did say that she's had some mental health issues in the recent past, that he's tried to help her with those issues, we've looked at court records, we know she as had several run in's with the law. but we want to know play you what mr. hithon had to say to us today hear outside his house in bowie about his reaction when two prince george's counties police officers came and knock on his door. >> my immediate reaction when the police officer gave me the report of what happened, you know, of course, rage, went up in me, how could, you know, thinks he is call ate with, you know, a five-two, five-three, 100 pounds soaking wet young lady who
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harm a fly could escalate to this. that was my immediate reaction. and then, you know, looking at the other details, i mean, i can only surmise that my daughter panicked. >> now, the court records we've been able to see on line show that she has gotten tickets for driving with a suspended license, for speeding, and, in fact, in one case her father took out a police report against her, filed charges against her for unlawful use after vehicle and unlawful taking of property. now, as far as the passenger is concerned, miami dade police this afternoon released his name, as ryan lucas, but they did not say where he lived. at this point we've not been able to reach him to try and get his side of the story. we're live in bowie, paul wagner, five fox local news. >> tonight a cup nel st. mary county maryland is desperate for your help. over the weekends someone broke into their home, stealing laptops
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>> what the robbers may not have known those devices hold precious pictures of their late son. tom fitzgerald live in leonardtown with the family and their story tonight. hey, fits? >> reporter: this is one of those stories that makes you sad, and it makes you angry, and to be honest with you, i'm not sure when you hear the details of this which emotion is going to run stronger into you. we're talking about an ipad. we're talking about a mack book, couple of back passion, some hard drives. but it is not the devices that are important here. it is what's on those devices. this couple lost their young son earlier this year, on those devices, some of the most precious pictures they have in the world. it is the pictures of their son. i want you to meet somebody. this is angela ballard. this is john ballard. they are a couple who live nearby here in leonards town, maryland. we thank you for talking to us about this. now, this happened sunday. you soon realized what was on those
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what are you asking people for tonight? >> we don't really care about the devices themselves. what we want are the files. we have hugo's ipad, which he had his videos, his pictures, all of the websites he likes to visit to see about science, and those are things that we did not back up. i didn't want to touch his ipad. i wanted it to remain. >> you wanted to remain the way he left it intact, in fact, john, you discovered this robbery the other day. you very nearly walked in on it. how quickly did you realize something was a miss here? >> i had been home for about ten minutes, walking through the rest of the house, before i finally got to the living room and saw that dvd's and cd's and clothes had been thrown all over the floor trying to root through whatever had been in the living room at the time. >> now, i want people to take good look a
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pictures a young man, you see him in that space helmet here. he was rapid about exploration, about astronomy, and a lot of this material on these devices contain these kinds of photos, the last photos that they have of him. but, if this wasn't worse enough, there is this detail. one of these devices contained a facebook account that was hugo's. and angelica, you heard from the robbers through that account. tell us what happened there. >> all after cindy got a message, it said it was from hugo. and it said i'm trying to contact the previous owners of this ipad. and i begged them. i said, please, this is one of the last things that i have of his, and please give it back. no questions asked. there is a reward. we will pay you. we just want our
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back. and i didn't hear back from them. >> if somebody's got a heart, if somebody's watching this, if they know where these things are, they really need them back. they're not even that much interested in the law end forment angle of this, although we talked to the st. mary sheriff's county today, they say this do have an investigation. we want to give you some numbers, crime solvers (301)475-3333. you can also text information to pound tip 239. there is a $1,000 reward involved in this. if you can get these materials back. but it will go a long way toward writing a wrong that's been done here in saint mary's county. we send it back into you. >> tom, thank you. women, it is almost here. the war of along the dc waterfront almost open for business. >> made up of restaurant, music venue, condos, a lot more. something like this will attract thousands of people every day. matt, got a loo
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to get there, also talk about security. if you go down there, will you be safe? matt's war of tonight with more. pretty big deal, matt. >> huge deal, jim. you can tell that the clock is ticking and they're trying to get the last minute things in place, in fact, hine me, this is a mike isabella restaurant that's going in place, lot of workers there. take a look at this condo or hotel, i'm not sure what that; but there are so many guys in hard hats around here trying to fix up. i want to show you a couple of other things here. this is a great outside amphitheatrement take a look, long dock, you can pull huge boats along the side, and then that's the stage. but one big thing the mayor wanted to show off today was transportation getting here. see this? these are new water taxies. these will bring people from maryland, and virginia, here to the war of. and what they're hoping, the mayor is hoping, is that it will reduce the amount of people who actually drive their cars here. we caught up with the mayor today, on one of those taxies. take a
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>> what a way to come to a concert, to arrest taunt right here in d.c. and have a really pleasant ride where ever your destination, you're end point is. >> out on the water with mayor bowser, she usually gets around in a fancy suv. but today, she road a new water taxi, that will soon bring people in from virginia and maryland, to the war ph. the mayor even hopped off and off a bus to bring attention to call alternatives. >> also a free shuttle that the development project is offering. it looks like a metro bus, but wrapped in blue it, says southwest waterfront. that they should take advantage of. >> there are parking spaces at the wharf but not nearly enough and they'll cost you. traffic is already clogged along main avenue. just imagine what it will look like before and after a big concert. >> another concern, security and safety. >> council member charles allen says fire and police
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prepared now, but as the waterfront expands, he says, city resources must target this area. one worry of his? dc's oldest fire boat. >> one of my concerns is the john glenn, which is our oldest and our largest fire boat, is actually older than i am. and it is a boat that needs to be replaced. >> allen said you just can't buy a fire boat right away t takes years to plan and build one. and it will cost several million dollars. >> i have confidence for today that we are covered. we've got the men and women serving and trained that will serve us well. but as we continue to grow our waterfront, as we continue to grow our city on the rivers and on the water, i think we have to make more investments to make sure we're ready. >> all right, back out live now, you can see how close the water is to some of these really, really tall buildings. there are condos, restaurants, and one of the biggest things i wanted to show you, the amphitheatre, the food players are premiering here on thursday, the big
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kick things off, so much to see, so much to do. but, once again, jim and sarah, the mayor's concern is if you live in virginia or maryland, you don't really want to get in your car. you want to try public transit, as much as possible because there is parking here but it will cost you. and there just isn't that much. but what an exciting place. it should be done. there is a big unveiling we're doing something big tomorrow on our morning show. we hope to have you join us then. and then of course the mayor, everyone else, will be out here for the grand opening. live at the wharf, matt. >> they'll need that alternative for sure. parking is a mess down there. >> it is, speaking every things that bring people down to the waterfront this just came out, game four of the cubs, national series at wrigley field delayed tonight because of the weather. i know sue wanted to hear that. so the nats, facing an important game tonight. they're not playing tonight. it will be tomorrow in wrigley fields in chicago. >> meanwhile, two brothers involved in a shooting attack at a prince george's county police
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today for their involvement. >> how much time they're behind bars, facing in the attack that killed a police officer. >> and, a maryland man accused of setting his pregnant girlfriends on fire also faced a judge today. details of his day in court. plus an update on the woman and her baby. sue? >> you guys stole my thunder. i was going to show this huge amount of rain moving in chicago with no let-up in site. so vast must tomorrow anybody? keep hope alive. speaking of rain, we actually have some in our forecast, too, ready for little change every season in it is eight a right now. feels like 88. tomorrow low 70s, and fine your umbrella, maybe rain jacket, will come in handy, too. a look at your forecast coming right up. we'll be right back. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> the grand opening of the wharf is here, a look at the hottest shopping and living and dining spoin
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>> a picture perfect family, we have newman sean murders pod cast. >> plus the powerful secret to saving more money. >> stay tuned tomorrow on fox5 news morning.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> he reached, put his hands in his coat, and i said oh, my god, he's going to, you know, shoot or something. so i came back in. and i looked out here. and i was looking out the window. then i heard some gunshots, like pow, pow, pow. i said oh, my god they're shooting at each other. >> the four brothers involved fired at this citizen's car, fired at this citizen's car, fired at an ambulance, fired randomly, and then detective colson was arriving, in a unma
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himself in the middle of a gun fight. >> the community needs to know that one of your defenders has been lost. >> officer was a wonderful officer, he showed up, he was brave, he was courageous. >> this was callously recorded and could have been prevented. >> it was a vicious ambush on the prince george's county police department's district three station in landover t led to the death of undercover narcotic detective jacai colson, killed by friendly fire. today two of the three brothers accuse in the that vicious march 13 attack pled guilty to their involvement. twenty-two year old molly, facing 20 years in prison for driving the car used in the attack. filming the rampage on his cell phone and conspiring in the shooting. his 19 year old brother elijah also pled guilty today to conspiracy to commit first degree murder and is facing 12 years in prison. both will be
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of next year. >> i don't think there is any explanation that can be given to make any of us understand why any group of people would conspire to go open fire on a police station with video recorded, would discuss handing over property after the incident occurred. but this is what happened in this case. >> this waneta tack on just detective colson, who was tragically lost. it was an attack on the entire community. it was an attack on bystanders. it was an attack on fire ems personnel. it was wreckless attack on a police facility. >> i appreciate the leadership, the skill that has been done on this work and i appreciate the outcome. >> attorney for the thirds brother accused shooter michael ford said he plans to take his case to trial. facing similar charges as his brother including first degree murder. >> also prince georges county man accuse
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pregnant girlfriend's apartment on fire was in court today. his attorney claims his client wasn't there when the crime happened. phillips is charged with attempted first and second degree murder and arson, for the incident back on september y being head without bond, as for the man's girlfriends, she was critically injured and forced to deliver her baby early. the baby is doing okay, but is still in the hospital. >> breaking news, silver spring gas leaked, building near plum orchard way, the 4-inch gas line struck by a grill this afternoon, you can see traffic pretty slow, many streets nearby are shutdown, buildings evacuated that includes med star health, as you can imagine, big inconvenience for a lot of people all in the name of safety. we'll let you know if anything changes over the next zero nine minutes or so. >> all right, it has been a hot and muggy day out there. another summer like day. but i'm just count
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days, or is the hours, sue, before the colds air comes in? or cooler air? >> it is coming. >> we did do some hours now, sarah, jim. we need to. it got to 88 degrees today. stilt eight a degrees. we start with the fact that our skies are still clear. you can see little bit of moisture building down here. and eventually that works it way in here in the overnight hours, i think the rush hour tomorrow morning, for many areas, will be on the wet side. so keep the umbrella handy. it will affect temperatures, more on that in a minute. so just heard jim mention, that the cubs and nats game four in lds will be delayed. this is why. we've got rain coming in there, and then i'm going to show you the future cast, because it is a delay now, will it be a postponement later? let's look it, keeps coming, coming, coming, still raining there, tomorrow morning. so it looks like good soaker. they're worried about some flashflooding in part of chicago later tonight. so, we will keep you pos
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we hear anything. >> it will be significantly keel, ocean air moving in. temperatures closer to where they should be normally zero seven to 71 degrees, we're 88 today. eighty-six yesterday. that ocean air will definitely have a big impact on our weather. but again, getting some temperatures back to normal, getting some badly needed rain. at this hour, 85, it feels like 88, because while it is not as humid as it it was yesterday, still very humid for this time of year. frederick, 86, and fredericksburg, 85, culpeper you're 87 degrees, so i think everybody's ready for a bit of a cool down, now, as we go through the evening, it is generally dry, for most areas, you have to go pretty far south to bump into some rain, and you can see, we're going to fall from the upper 70s to the mid 70s, so still, fairly mild, until those winds change direction. and again, 5:00 future cast is overdoing the rain in our area. all of it is down to the south, but you can
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some big swats of moisture get closer by 7:00 a.m., have the rain gear handy, may not be raining everywhere in the morning, but at some point most of us at least dodge some of the showers whether it is morning, noon, or even into the evening, as late as 11:00. still may be some rain around. and this is not our only wet day more on that coming up later. >> just want to tell you says they'll meet if about ten minute or so and try to decide what's going to happen tonight with the game four. right now delayed, we'll see if it gets played at all. but look at the radar, it is pretty rough situation. >> does not look good. >> no, it does not. on the way, harvey weinstein scandal just got worse. >> accusations from two well known celebrities and presidential candidate hillary clinton also speaking out on the scandal. >> then should sexting be considered free speech? what the supreme court determined in a very controversial case. >> plus, where a new law could lead to jail time for parent every bullies. we'r
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>> update on a story we first told you about. >> more development on a story you saw first on fox5. >> it will be a good one.
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sweet 4k tv, mr. peterson. thanks. i'm pretty psyched. did you get fios too? no, was i supposed to get fios? mr. peterson. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network. it's like it was invented to stream 4k movies and shows. how do you know so much about tv and internet? the internet. right. streaming is only as good as your internet. so get the best internet with the 100% fiber-optic network. get fios, now just $79.99 per month for fios gigabit connection plus tv and phone. ralph northam: i'm ralph northam and as a doctor, nobody ever asked if i'm a democrat or republican. they just want my help. so if donald trump is helping virginia i'll work with him.
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virginia's school funding, rolling back our clean air and water protections, and taking away health care from thousands of virginians. as a candidate for governor, i sponsored this ad because i've stood up to donald trump on all of it. ed gillespie refuses to stand up to him at all. we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. we also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. cigna. together, all the way.
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>> a number of actress also now speaking out, along with former presidential candidate, hillary clinton, who received donations from weinstein over the years. >> and days ago the new york times published an expose detailing allegations every his alleging exploits with women, now the new yorker is out with a story today in which three women have accused weinstein of raping them. this afternoon one every his accusers spoke out. >> we went to his office and we had a great conversation about his current film and the fill that many i was pitching. he seemed genuinely interested, and i was excited. after about 30 minutes, he asked to excuse himself and go to the bathroom. he returned in nothing but a robe with the front open, and he was buck naked. >> the days of sense of
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power, my girl, i can take advantage of anyone seeking employment, or attempting to retain the employment they have, or being in fear of suffering some negative job impact because they declined sexual advances, i mean, those days are at an end. >> representative denies weinstein forcely had any sex with his accusers, more with how other are re acing. >> this is extraordinary, jim, sarah. har harvey swine wine, big power playing, his fall from grace has been quick. tonight, some of hollywood's top talent is speaking out. angelina jolie tells "tmz" she was sexually harassed by weinstein. she says it happened early in her career when she was on a press junket for weinstein's movie playing by heart. jolie said she was in a hotel room and weinstein made an unwanted advance toward her. she says after the
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she chose never to work with him again, and she warned other actresses about his behavior. gwyneth paltrow telling similar story hearing said weinstein summoned her to his hotel room while shooting the film em a pal tow just 22 years old at the time. weinstein of course big donor to democratic causes and candidate including former presidential candidate, hillary clinton. she issued a statement today that says in part, quote, i was shocked and appalled by the revelations about harvey weinstein, the behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior. meanwhile, two other prominent democrats, senate minority leader chuck schumer and massachusetts senator, elizabeth warren, say they will return the donations they've received from weinstein, still we've not heard from the obama's, of course, weinstein a big campaign donate or to president
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campaigns, we haven't heard from them as of yet. back to you guys. >> all right, meanwhile, fashion designer donna karen clarifying comment she made coming to the defense of harvey weinstein. yesterday, karen, close friend of his, said that his alleged victims might also be to blame. saying that they were asking for trouble. today donna car send backpedaling on those comment say they were taken out every context and she is truly sorry for offer ending anyone, not before huge backlash from social media. one of alleged victims lashed out with a screen shot of her daily mail interview saying donna karen you are deplorable, aiding and a bet something a moral crime. you are scum in a fancy dress. >> a lot of people upset over this. >> coming up here, the battle between the white house and the nfl. >> ron a cleary has the latest on the protest controversy, and new threats from the white house. hey, ronica. >> hey, jim and czar a let me tell you, nfl commissioner roger goodel, is telling nfl players exactly
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they should do. we'll tell you what he has to say coming up. jim? >> angry man, clinging to a school bus with kids inside. we now know the charges he is facing coming up after this.
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hot on. carry ann
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we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. we also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. cigna. together, all the way. alex: when i was 11 years old, a man broke into the house it could save your life. and he sexually assaulted me. thankfully, in my case, the police caught him, but there are so many survivors that live knowing that their attacker is still out there. ♪♪ thank you mark herring, for taking this seriously,
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for all of the victims out there. mark: i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. >> skyfox over the scene every deadly crash in fairfax county two, cars collide in the morning, one person died, on al bonn road near rolling road in springfield. the other person involved suffered minor injuries. >> investigators still trying to determine the cause after garage fire in kensington. the flames broke out around 5:00 this morning, along valley view avenue. one fire went to the hospital with minor injuries. montgomery county fire officials believe the fire may ha b
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air-conditioning unit. >> new information about that angry man from baltimore county caught on camera clinging to the hood after moving school bus. this happened last week in parkville, maryland, the man laverne dooren trying to stop the bus because he said someone on board through a bottle out the window and struck his car. police later arrested him and charged him with disturbing the peace, destruction of property, lock raven middle schoolers were on the bus at the time. none of the students hurt. well, the battle between the white house and nfl players who choose to kneel during the national anthem continues. >> but in a new twist the commissioner of the nfl seems to be moving in line with the president, fox5 live at the white house with this story, what's going on, ronica? >> jim, sarah, the president started his day as he often does with a hands full of tweet, one aimed directly at the nfl. take a look at this
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president posted, he said, why is the nfl getting massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our anthem flag and country change tax law, the white house press secretary addressed this further, in today's briefing. take a listen. >> while the nfl may have given up its tax exempt status, it is well documented billions of taxpayer dollars continue to subs dies the construction and renovation of professional sports stadiums f this industry is going to use money from american taxpayers to build the very fields they play on, is it really too much to ask that they show respect for the american flag at the beginning of the game. >> now, as you know, over the weekends, vice president pence left that colt's game when players chose to kneel during the national anthem, just adding more fuel to this escalating battle between the two. but then today, in a letter obtain by espn, by nfl commissioner, roger goodel, he
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said one give co-ly woe like players to stands during the national anthem. he basically said this current dispute in his words, it is affecting the unifying nature of the game. now, let's take a look atmore of what he had to say in this letter. he says, like many of our fans, we believe that everyone should stand for the national anthem. it is an important moment in our game. we want to honor our flag and our country and our fans expect that of us. now, the letter did go onto acknowledge the concerns that players are protesting during this time when they've been kneeling during the anthem t said that they would like to maybe create a platform for players to address these issues, and effect change across the country. now the nfl does have a fall meeting next week, where we expect to learn more about these efforts. reporting live at the white house, ronica cleary, fox5 local news. thank you, ronica. the trump administration is expected to propose scrapping the president's clean power plan.
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mandate the the states change their overall power mix, displacing coal fire electricity with renewable energy, epa will argue the obama by requiring those broad changes, to the electricity sector. >> first lady melania trump towards drug recovery center for infants in a place that's the heart of the nation's opioid epidemic. mrs. trump visited lilly's place in huntingdon, west virginia, it is an organization that cares for children born to parent with a opioid problem. >> here for fuel and leave a voice, also for opioid -- it is very passion of mine to help children and educate them and also to educate the families and have conversation about the opioid abuse. >> first lady decided to visit lilly's place after meeting with expert and people affe
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september white house event. according to the cdc, west virginia has the nation's highest rate of babies born addicted to drugs. >> coming up new details about the mass shooting in las vegas. >> how a time line change is raising new questions about what happened before that attack. >> and a new anti-bullying law that could make parent pay the price for their kids who were the bullies. hey, caitlin? >> hey there, jim and sarah. well, not really october. not just quite yet. we've had another very warm day. not as tropical as yesterday, but still, with the temperature of eight a right now, and heat index of 88, you know that's odd whether you're showing heat index in mid october by the way. our high temperature actually was 88 earlier today. the cool weather is coming. fall lovers, it is right around the corner. but it comes with a price for tomorrow. we will have a look at the wet forecast over the next couple every days, plus when the nice fall weather arrives in the seven day forecast, i'll show it to you coming up on the other side of the break. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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ralph northam: i'm ralph northam, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. narrator: ed gillespie wants to end a woman's right to choose. ed gillespie would put the government in charge of a woman's personal decisions, not women and their doctors. as governor, ed gillespie says, i would like to see abortion be banned. if ed gillespie would like to see abortion banned, i would like to see i would like to see i would like to see that ed gillespie never becomes governor.
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>> new tonight, millions of visitors to popular adult website may have been infected with malware. hack verse been targeting the site important hub for more than a year in a attempt to spread virus to its users, the hackers apparently hijacked porn hub's ads to deliver fake browser updates, those tricked into downloading it were affected. the hack exposed millions of potential victims in the u.s., canada, the uk and australia. >> the un united states supreme court ruled sex something not a form of free speech. the high court reject add free speech appeal today from former school lunch server in minnisota who is charged with sexting a 15 year old student. that means, the criminal case against christa muccia will proceed. minnesota appeals court had struck down the state law aimed at adults who use social media to lure children into sexual
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supreme court overruled that decision. >> the new york state now, new law could lead to jail time for the parent every bullies, city council in up-state new york approved the law in the hopes of ending bullying holding parents more accountable for their kids actions, under the law would affect town in some cases the parent have to face jail time and a fine. >> want the message taught there we're serious about this, we don't want anyone to be afraid to be in our city or to walk the streets or go to school. >> i think it will get a message out there. parents who haven't now have to take some responsibility for their their -- for their children. >> affecting one particular town outside of buffalo. law targets minors who repeatedly bully other children in public places, and holds parents more accountable to a child stays out after the city
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would be 15 days for parents include in the that law. all right, caitlin here with the latest on our hot humid forecast. i'm so tired of this, i just want fall. >> i totally agree. we all had to put the ac on. >> oh, yes. >> no way around it. >> and we have it on. >> absolutely. near 09 degrees this afternoon. and yesterday, we had dew points in the mid 70s, which is your worse case scenario in july. not october. >> right. >> right? so we need a break. >> i think so. >> all right, well it, will get cooler tomorrow. it will be kind of dreary for the next couple of days. we would still use rain. healthy dose of it yesterday. abnormally dry. take live look outside at the capitol dome, very beautiful afternoon. but, a very warm one, too. so, we will get some beneficial rain the next couple of days, and then finally, after another warm weekend, weirdly, temperatures will be back into the 80s saturday and sunday, and i think we will settle into some october weather. by the time october is almost over, right? showers move in late tonight, so by the time we had the
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drive tomorrow vukovich some drizzle and light rain around, nothing too heavy. we looking at wet couple of days with an opportunity for some heavier rounds every rain, but mostly just showery. temperatures rebounds by the weekends, above normal. and then finally showing up on the last day of the seven day forecast it, looks like we will get one of the crisp fall days that is accompanied by some sunshine. so, that will be nice finally. 85 degrees outside here in washington. eighty in annapolis, 82 in stevens ville, 82 baltimore. just don't want to rush into winter like we get couple every nice fall days, then all the sudden mid-november, chilly and gray every day, so really hoping come next week we've continued the corner. heat index right now still well into the upper 80s, yesterday, shocking, we had heat index values with the dew point, well into the 90's, triple digit for some. so not as humid today. but it is about to get kind of wet out there. as you see some showers creeping in from the southwest, as we take a wide view of the radar right now, rain, across portions of the ohio valley, yes moving into chicago right now. so i believe we're still
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final words for the cubs and the nats. real robust area of rain now pushing into the chicago metro. hasn't really arrived yet. it will soon. a lot of water behind it, eastern iowa, down into the missouri valley, that's going to finally deliver cool air to chicago then us, as well. all right, go through through this evening back home here, with our future cast, over done, don't have any showers out there right now. but, you can see, by early tomorrow morning, you start to have some showers in the vicinity. so, just call for the need for an umbrella, hooded jacket, better layers for tomorrow. no more shorts and t-shirts. as we get into the afternoon, there is the possibility for some steadier pockets of showers, but i would say on and off rain all day, you will need the umbrella through tomorrow and through thursday. look at this rounds of rain along the colds front that comes through late into thursday. what's going to happen, colds front will come through, then the cool air will get locked in over here. east flow off the ocean, and you have the clouds, showers, continuing, through about early thursday morning. there we are, thursday. two days from now. and i think we're still going to do all showers. so, all
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all day through thursday. very gloomy, and also, very cool. like i said, beneficial rain, and it looks like wheel we don't have a lot of heavy rain in the forecast per say each day there is could still all add to up good one to 2-inch across the area. we will see how much heavy rain we get that will be entirely dependent on that because the drizzle and the light stuff doesn't add up very easily. but again for tonight, it still is pretty nice evening. one of the probably nicest early october mid-october evenings you can get. 68 degrees. but showers roll in by tomorrow morning. and then it will be much cooler with steady to slightly rising temperatures throughout the day. just 73 for tomorrow. gray skies again on thursday. some showers. and both thursday, friday, will barely touch 70 degrees, i think, that will be very cool, and dreary work temperatures mainly in the 60s, check out the weekend though. again, we just warm right back up, in the 80s, sunny, warm, pool weather. anyone still keep their pools open? probably should for october. seventy-eight thereon monday, cold front comes in, then behind that cold front, i thinkin
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pattern change for good, 68 degrees, high temperature next tuesday. sarah, jim, back over to you. >> would are learning new details about the mass shooting in las vegas. investigators say, suspected gunman, steven paddock, shot a security guard, six minutes before he opened fire on that crowd, attending a country music festival. in addition, we are learning that paddock checked in to his hotel room, on september 25th. not september 28th, as was first rotted. the sheriff's offers says authorities have not yet been able to figure out what he was doing during those three days. and the motive for the shooting, still remains a mystery. in lubbock, texas, 19 year old in custody for killing a university police officer, a texas tech. this happened last night at the campus police station. officer are doing welfare check on hole as daniels when they say they found evidence of drugs in his dorm room. they took him into custody. moment later the campus police department, daniels allegedly pulled out a gun and shot an officer in the head before returning away. he was later caught by campus poce
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capitol murder charges. >> on the way, in the midst of the controversy over players protesting president trump, hosed the stanley cup champion pittsburgh penguins at the white house today. >> so did the visit turn political or not? we'll have a live report next. where's gary? 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico. goin' up the country. later, gary' i have a motorcycle! wonderful. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> this is fox5 news at 5:00. >> ♪ ♪ >> well, if you are a pittsburgh penguin fan, you've heard that song twice over the last two years, and to celebrate the stanley cup victory the pen wings were at the white house today. of course it is standards practice for the winning team to make the trip, but in this case it makes a bit of controversy. ronica cleary now at the white house with more, hey, ronica. >> reporter: hey, jim, sarah, the room was packed today for the celebration honoring the pittsburgh penguins to be
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stanley cup championship team. when we new today's event was going to happen we couldn't help but think back from the controversy just few weeks ago, now, you may recall, the golden state warriors, nba champions, seth curry said he didn't want to make the trip to the white thousand to celebrate that victory, when the president heard this he rescinded the invitation. now, there is some controversy whether or not they received an official invitation, but, certainly, it did spark a conversation, and just after that happened, the news broke that the pittsburgh penguins would except their invitation to the white house, so at today's remarks, you couldn't help but wonder, would the controversy come up again today? now, the president did not address it correctly but did dictate the teams who have accepted an invite to the white house. >> over the last couple every months the path tree at, chicago cubs and the ncaa champion clemson tigers
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the hoist to celebrate their great victories. it has been an honor to have them all here. now i want to proudly welcome the pittsburgh penguins. >> now, the event was cheerful today. the president even joked at one point with one of the owners of the penguins, but he would like him to help him renegotiate nafta, because he said he's such a good deal maker. ronica cleary, fox5 local news. >> cast of the hit show the caulking dead was in the district today. >> stars in town to celebrate money must see artifact of the show to the smithsonian national museum of american history. >> here is fox5 kevin motorcycle cart high caught up with the cast of the walking dead. >> hey everybody it is kevin mccarth geeking out here at the national museum of american history where the walking dead is donating artifacts from the show as you can see, darryl's crossbow bo is here, herschel's head, absolutely insane. i caught up with the cast of the show, including
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lincoln, norman receiptus and more. >> i want to join director gray and all of my colleagues in thanking amc and the walking dead for this generous gift to the nation. mr. collier, could you please side the -- sign the deed of gift. thank you. >> in is major moment, obviously being here at the smithsonian. just curious personally how this feels for to you have sat down there and see these artifact being taken into the smithsonian. what does it mean for you? >> it is incredible. i mean already object, artifacts in this building that have formed my imagination of american culture, the ruby slippers, you know, you have the phonesis jacket, and now we have the decapitated head of scott wilson. i mean, scott wilson is a living smithsonian institute, anyway. he's been in the industry for 50 plus years. >> yes. >> and been in
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so, i think it is very -- i'm only sorry that it is not his leg that i chopped off in season three,. >> i've been a fan of yours since boone dock days, you put on these white gloves. i mean, that's got to be an interest thing now that that object no longer belongs to the show, now part of the smithsonian. >> i've thrown that thing across fields, i've drop kicked it, i've thrown it probably at and a couple of times. that's the original og across bo, i remember it on the back of my bike, falling off the back of my bike, going to herschel's farm, and my arrows fell out, the thing that holds the arrows, and i ran it over in the prius. >> in the prius? wasn't it a hyundai? >> hundred due. >> you drive a prius, my bad. obviously you've had an amazing career, but has to be a hy lit. >> this is surreal to be here with muhammad ali robe, and principal's -- prince's guitar, that's a huge thing. >> and the
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eighth season debuts on amc october 22. the season premiere the 100 episode. show. a lot of people excited for that one. coming up michael jordan getting into the medical game. costing him 7 billion bucks. we'll break it down for you coming up after this.
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alex: when i was 11 years old, a man broke into the house and he sexually assaulted me. thankfully, in my case, the police caught him, but there are so many survivors that live knowing that their attacker is still out there. ♪♪ thank you mark herring, for taking this seriously, and for making this a priority, for all of the victims out there. mark: i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad.
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a gig-speed network. it's like 20 times faster than what most people have. i'd of said... i'd of said you're dreaming. dreaming! definitely dreaming. then again, dreaming is how i got this far. now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. >> nga legends michael jordan making a huge contribution, donated $7 million to open two medical centers, charlotte most neglected communities, the gift will give nearly 35,000 kids and adults access to emergency and preventive care. new clinics are set to open in 2020. >> free to go to work. >> nasa astronaut are on day two of their mission to perform maintenance on the international space station, two astronaunts made their expect space walk to lubricate newly device, last week
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replaced latch on robotic arm that's been in orbit for 16 years, the next space walk is scheduled for next wednesday. excellent. >> tony, sean standing by for your noose cause at six. >> the news start right now. >> this is fox5 at six. >> right now at 6:00. >> maryland father is speaking out after miami police shot and killed his daughter after they say she ran over one of their own. thieves robbed a maryland house and stole computers and ipads. tonight a family is concerned the precious memories on those devices may be lost forever. president trump's latest prison battle, escalating feud with the gop senator. the news at 6:00 starts right now. >> we begin tonight with breaking news in northwest dc. a police chase just ends wad crash on connecticut avenue. >> this happened just moments ago,
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arrived at the scene, lindsay, what can you tell us? >> tony, sean, just across the street from where this chase ended but we want to gave you a look at the suspect, vehicle, when that police car pulls away, you may be able to get a better look at it right there. so here's what we know about this situation. arlington police were attempt to go make a traffic stop on north kirkwood street in arlington. this was around 4:30. the driver failed to stop, arlington police followed the driver for a distance, they close not to pursue, notified park police, park police attempted a traffic stop, as well. that driver fled from park police, park police did pursue this is where everything ended. arlington police say, cars, during and eventually, police were able to detain him, here, on connecticut and upton, in northwest


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