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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  October 12, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> ♪ >> repeal and replace still at the top of the president's agenda. he signs this executive order today. the question is what does it mean for the affordable care act and for you. >> turmoil in the trump white house. the president's chief of staff spoke out today. he talked about the rumors and as you can see from the rundown on the side of the screen over there this is what we're talking about tonight at 6:30 so let's get to it. >> i will sign an executive order taking the first steps to providing millions of americans with obamacare relief. it directs the department of health and human services the treasurtreasury and dep
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higher quality healthcare options. >> the executive order looks to make lower premium healthcare plans available to more americans and the president is relying on the order because republican led congress has not been able to repeal and replace. >> caitlin owens healthcare reporter at axios and tom fitzgerald are here to break down the executive order. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having us. >> caitlin let me start with you. what does this mean for americans? i know a lot of people are watching thinks this is going to help us. >> i think it's important to say this executive order that was signed today, you know, it's kind of just directing agencies to write rules. it says more regulations are going to come so, labor treasury hhs they still have to write these rules. what it's trying to do is first of all allow more short term health insurance policies
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length of those policies from three months to about a year. and then it will also allow something called association health plans and, you know, basically what that does is allows small businesses to ban together to be part of the employer -- the large employer market. and so basically what i think -- i think what could happen is two things. first of all for young healthy americans i think it gives them more -- you know, if it's written as has been described it gives them more cheaper plans to choose from. but the downside to that people are warning is that sicker older people that are still in the individual market and the small group market premiums could go up for those people. >> yeah. fitz, so we just saw the video and one thing that struck me is you saw president trump handing a pen to rand paul, two people that about a year ago you would never imagine would be working together hand in hand but this is something rand paul has been working on. >> yeah aren't the week isn't over yet so let'
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on that relationship. [laughter] i was thinking about a story i read in the paper this week in relation to what we saw today. and that was about baseball hats. stay with me on this. >> okay. >> reporter: there was a story in the paper this week. >> it's a half hour show, fitz. >> reporter: you can buy a five dollars baseball hat outside of nationals park and it's not that really good baseball hat that you get inside the park for $25. >> sure. >> reporter: but you can put it on your head and it will cover your head and it will have a le logo on it but it's nt the actual genuine article. you plug that in here, senator tim kaine the democrat out of virginia called this today sabotage and here's why. the democrats view this as trying to poke a hole in the bottom of the obamacare boat. that if you're giving people these cheaper policies that give less coverage, well, that opens up a whole another area outside of the obamacare
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market and that will only speed up what is the problem with the market to begin with right now. so, they are not viewing this as a fix. they are viewing this as a time bomb almost that eventually could absolutely lead to what the president has been talking about, that obamacare would completely collapse. >> so, this is not -- i mean, you remember after the first time when the house voted and we saw the big celebration outside the rose garden, this is not a repeal and replace and i know that's what a lot of people are thinking. fitz i know you had a take on that, too. >> reporter: well, you know, what this is is it's not a repeal and replace. it's not legislation. it's an executive order. you know, time and time again since the president has taken office, they have done these executive orders in the guise of it being legislation. senator john mccain was very clear on this and a lot of other senators have been very clear on this, the congress at some point needs to return to regular order. they need to start having hearings again. they need to start taking testimony again. yes, i know
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yes, i know that that's not exactly the kind of thing that you want to have a party around but that's the meat and potatoes about how legislation gets done in this city. >> right. >> reporter: and until republicans in their own house can start having hearings and coming up with an alternative you're going to get more of this. >> caitlin real quick we're almost out of time so what comes next? >> you know, as i was saying, now these agencies have to write these regulations but i think something that's really different about what we saw before through repeal and replace is trump can just do this. the agencies can just do this. i think we're going to see a lot of reaction a lot of outcries from the democrats saying this sabotage but this is going to be something, hey, it can happen on its own but b it's going to take a long time. these rules have to be written. this is not going to be an immediate change. so in the meantime i think maybe congress will -- there's a senate committee that has been trying to get through some bipartisan legislation to stabilize the market places and that's a long shot and it's hard to do but, you know, i think it's hard to
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going to be seeing a lot of is is this enough to kind of get -- satisfy the repeal and replace. >> right. >> does this give republicans enough of a win where they can do something bipartisan or do they need to keep going with the repeal and replace. >> all right. caitlin owens with axios. thanks for coming in, our own tom fitzgerald with the red tie on tonight showing his support for the nats. thank you fitz. >> latest executive order is getting a lot of reaction that leaves many wondering how this is going to impact them. >> ronica, what are people saying. >> reporter: hey, jim and shawn. we got some volume going on here. we think there's movement from the white house. maybe the president is going to come by. we'll invite him to give the pulse of the people from the president but just in case that doesn't happen, we talked to a few people on the streets and, you know, it's interesting a lot of people -- some people didn't even know this happened today. so, what we really talked to them about was the idea that the president took matters into his own hands and signed this executive order rather than doing this through congress. we know those efforts to
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fashioned way, if you will, were not successful. so, here's what people had to say about that. they had a lot to say when it came to the president doing this on his own. take a listen. >> i imagine it will be held up in court for a long time and it will give us time to reverse it. >> i'm on medicare so it's a different situation for me. i'm not in the healthcare market place. >> congress ain't going to move it. he's got to move it. he's got to step up. that's what he promised the american people, that's what he's going to do. >> i've always thought that the best way to run the country is to have it as mutual decision. congress should make the laws. president trump has the right to come up with ideas. he like obama has the right to come up with presidential proclamations but they don't last. >> i wish our congress would be a little bit more forthcoming with action. if they were acting more, i think our presidents and our supreme courts could do less. >> reporter: so reaction there, you know, a lot of it really speaking to t -
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in essence the inefficiency of congress and others just kind of saying that the right way to do it, the best way to do it because it can be overturned is through congress but some showing support for the president. so we'll somewhere to see how this goes and we'll keep you posted on 5 at 6:30. back to you jim and shawn. >> thank you ronica. >> quieted down just as we were signing off with ronica, too. rumors swirling about turmoil in the white house and the possibility chief of staff john kelly is either quitting or being fired. >> earlier today kelly addressed those rumors during a surprise appearance at the white house. here's some of what he had to say. >> i just talked to the president. i don't think i'm being fired today. and i am not so frustrated in this job that i'm thinking of leaving. i would tell you this is the hardest job i've ever had. this is in my view the most important job i ever had. >> niles stanage was at that press briefing today. a bit of a surprise to see general kelly
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the president tweeted about these rumors about john kelly being on the way out. i think what we've heard in the media was that maybe he was disappointed, he was not happy bit job. i didn't hear anything about him being fired. >> no, i think that's right. i mean, there has been some suggestion that john kelly has become pretty worn down by some of the drama in the white house of course only having taken over as chief of staff in late july. but there didn't seem to be any suggestion of firing and i think that's why kelly was gently mocking that idea in his comments today. >> nile, you were in this briefing today and i know one of the questions posed to him was about controlling the president and his tweets and twitter, you know, from -- from talking about the nfl, to talking about puerto rico. i'm just curious what did he have to say about that? because people are saying, you know, even we heard from some gop members m who have said he needs to get a better handle. >> john kelly pushed back against the idea that the
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more difficult for him but of course, shawn what else can he really do? the president is notoriously thin skinned. i think even his defenders would agree that and so kelly can't stand up there really and say i wish he'd stop tweeting, it makes life complicated for me. so, he did push against that idea. but i think a lot of people will -- will raise an eyebrow and reach for the salt several a little bit in respect. >> reince preibus was a political guy, he ran the rnc. john kelly is not a political guy. are you seen some sort of change in the d day to day operations at the white house? has there been a demonstrable feeling that it's a different man in champ. >> yes, to be fair to john kelly, jim, i think it has changed. reince preibus was perceived rightly or wrongly as a somewhat weak chief of staff. the idea was that he had been weakened by the factionalism that was running riot in the white house at that time. that's not so much the case with john kelly.
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obviously someone who has sought to impose a degree of discipline on the white house and we have also seen a reduction in the number of leaks about palace intrigue since he's took over even though there's been a slight increase in that in the past week or so. >> folks were talking this morning about another one of the president's tweets, nile, about puerto rico, the president tweeted about possibly, you know, removing the folks who were there to help, fema folks who were there to help. i know john kelly was asked about that today and whether the president was off base here. what did he have to say. >> essentially he said that the president was right on the facts, that you can't leave fema or any other federal first responders in a location permanently. he side stepped the point that i know you and i have spoken about in the past, shawn about would a tweet like that be sent by the president about texas or about florida the citizens in puerto rico are
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>> right. >> and so that's why that tweet by the president was so controversial in the first instance. >> all right, niall stanage it is always great to have you on the show. thanks for coming out tonight. we appreciate it. >> thanks guys. >> well, there's more trouble tonight for harvey weinstein. >> as police investigate more accusations against him it turns out his behavior may not have been a secret in hollywood. we'll take a closer look coming up after the vertebraic. break. >> ♪ ralph northam: i'm ralph northam, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. narrator: ed gillespie wants to end a woman's right to choose. ed gillespie would put the government in charge of a woman's personal decisions, not women and their doctors.
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i would like to see abortion be banned. if ed gillespie would like to see abortion banned, i would like to see i would like to see i would like to see that ed gillespie never becomes governor.
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>> ♪ >> more trouble for hollywood film producer harvey weinstein. police in new york and london looking into new sex assault allegations against him. >> the new york police department is trying to determine if there could be any other complaints. police in london investigating allegations of sexual assault involving him dating back into the 1980's. at this point more than a dozen women including several well known actresses have accused weinstein of
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harassing or assaulting them. >> tonight political comedian tim young claims weinstein's actions, well, were no secret in hollywood. >> tim pointed out recently in a show things considered. >> with all the harvey weinstein controversy hollywood is coming out against casting couches and sexual assault as if that's not been a thing in hollywood for years. it's called the casting couch there, the rest of us, us poors call it sexual assault. so, let's go and show a few clips that show that hollywood knew exactly what was going on with harvey weinstein throughout the year. let's start with seth mcfar lane. >> best performance by an actress in a support role are congratulations you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to harvey weinstein . >> [laughter] >> tim young joins us now in the studio. tim, i -- you know, when we hear that i know a lot of people are outraged saying
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hypocrisy there, people have known about it for years but nobody said anything until now. >> yeah its really troubling when you really think about it because we joke it off and we've seen many references to the casting couch over and over again. this has been something that's known in hollywood to have happened for years not just with him but this seems to be like a lot of executives. >> we saw the allegations come out on the way of terry crews the actor who is on "brooklyn 99" who says he, i mean, this 6-foot four, 250-pound hulk of a m man former nfl player says he was assaulted. you can imagine why younger women haven't come forward. >> it's embarrassing. victims of sexual assault especially people who have been in these situations from my friends that have been in it have told me you don't know how to react and you feel completely weak and powerless in these situations so it's understandable why many people haven't come out but i think at some point someone saw this or knew about this going on, these comedians who
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these jokes like seth mcfarland and could have said something and been very serious about it. >> let me ask you though. from the perspective of when you see if you're a young actress and you see harvey weinstein hanging out with people like hillary clinton or president obama or some of the other big named donors, i've heard they didn't think that anyone would believe them. you look and see the people around them and they're like who am i, i'm not the angelina jolie or gywneth pam tree yet. hopefully this leads to some sort of change. >> i hope so. for every victim there's probably 10 or 20 more we're not hearing from on this point. on the political side hillary clinton took a million and a half dollars from this guy since 1999 and we'll see if she donates that money back somewhere or returns a check. >> would we be talking about this if that wasn't the case. >> i don't know. >> 'cause i see a lot of outrage and it's justifiable. this is a sick,
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you know, he was out there today and he was -- the paparazzi was out there and he says i've been good to you guys all these years. that's beyond it. that's completely irrelevant. this is a sick individual. i'm curious when you see the connections obviously hollywood -- it's well documented hollywood is left wing. >> there's been a double standard as far as, you know, sexual assault and things like when donald trump said his awful thing. >> sure. >> people went crazy. >> do you want to say the quote. >> absolutely not, no. >> i think when we talk about the double standard, too, though, i mean the president has been accused of similar allegations that we've heard against harvey weinstein but yet he's still the president of the united states. so, i still think that there are a lot of women out there who are confused and scared, don't know what to do because even, you know, it's this culture of power and i just don't know, you know -- >> it's such a difficult -- >> yeah. >> -- situation to be in. again, i've had friends that have been in this situation and like you don't know what to do as a victim, you don't know whether or
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forward. i hope this empowers many women and men to come forward. >> i think like james vander beak came out and said -- not by harvey weinstein but somebody in power before. tim we saw the quote from your show. shameless plug time. >> oh, yeah, nothing like a depressing topic. >> we have you on the show because what was your commentary there. >> no things considered 7:30 p.m. eastern standard time on the washington examiner facebook page. >> there we go thank you tim young always a pleasure to have you on. >> this is the second time we've had you on on something. >> not funny. it balances out that i'm not funny. >> oh, stop. >> good to see you. >> thanks tim. coming up equifax could be the victim of another hack. >> army sergeant bowe bergdahl gets his day in court years after he walked away from his post. but there are so many survivors that live knowing
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♪♪ thank you mark herring, for taking this seriously, and for making this a priority, for all of the victims out there. mark: i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad.
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ing. >> ♪ >> equifax is investigating
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after the breach that potentially compromised the information of 145 million americans. >> earlier today equifax took down one of its customer assistance pages. the page was removed out of an abundance of caution. the initial breach took place between mid may and july. hackers were able to access social security numbers and birth dates. >> they say it seemed like there was no information that went out. >> for the first time facebook coo sandberg speaking out about the election. >> sandberg says facebook will publically release the 3,000 russia backed ads that ran during the presidential election. >> we want to give them the material. we want the full picture to be understood. we don't want this kind of foreign interference and none of us should wants this kind of foreign interference and in order to prevent it we're all going to have to
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cooperate with each other with government across-the-board. >> sandberg says facebook is hiring thousands of people to help with the tracking of these fake accounts. well, attorney general jeff sessions is renewing calls for a crackdown on immigrants seeking asylum here in the u.s. >> sessions says the current program is filled with what oh calls fraud and abuse. during a speech from the justice department he accused immigration attorneys from exploiting loopholes. he didn't lay out any specific proposals or changes. >> the epa new strategic four year plan is raising eyebrows because it doesn't include climate change as one of its top priorities. the plan doesn't discuss what experts say are the causes of climate change. instead the three priorities outlined are clean air, land and water, the role of the federal government in regulation and shifting more environmental responsibilities to the states. >> on monday army sergeant bowe bergdahl is expected to plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior for walking offer his post in afghanistan in 2009. not clear if a guilty plea will lesson
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the misbehavior charge carries a maximum penalty of life in prison. the desertion charge is punishable by up to five years. bergdahl will enter that plea at fort bragg. >> is eminem going to take on a country music star a political rap battle. it could if fans have their way. >> what? >> a political rap battle. >> you're going to have to stay here. >> 5 at 6:30.
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[vo] one moment can change a life. intelligent technology can help protect it. the 2018 audi q5 is here. >> ♪ >> the sounds of pat ben tar as we come back and what about a better way to lead into a story about. >> eminem. hold on. >> there you go. >> ♪ >> okay. >> you've seen eminem's new video attacking president trump in a freestyle rap. tonight some fans are calling on eminem to challenge trump supporter and possible michigan senatorial candidate kid rock to a rap battle or maybe run himself for that na
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>> if you didn't know they are both from the same area outside of detroit. this all kind of started when eminem released a freestyle rap there slamming president trump and trump supporters at the bet hip hop awards. kid rock by the way is a known trump backer who is expressed interest as jim said in possibly running for the u.s. senate. somehow i don't see eminem deciding that he wants to run for the senate against kid rock. >> no. >> and i don't even really see either one of them agreeing to this battle. >> no. >> two completely different styles. >> and i'll say this. if you live in michigan and your choice for the united states senate which is the most elite club in the world with a hundred members and your choices are eminem versus kid rock,. >> right. >> uh-huh. >> tweet us. >> canada is right across -- right across, there's a tunnel that goes right from windsor to detroit if you want to tweet us and know who you would vote
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personal. >> me, too. >> thanks for joining us tonight. news continues on this digital at >> shawn is back at 8:00 on the plus.
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>> today on tmz. >> o.t. genasis. he had something happen that happens to a lot of people. a car got scratched. the difference is o.t. genasis went out of his mind. then he gives him a knife. >> no he does not. you know who that guy literally is? you ever see the cartoon with a an on the shoulder and a devil? >> harvey weinstein. he was leaving his daughter's house and he goes --. >> i've always been loyal to you guys not like those -- who treat you like --. >> he is referring to other celebrities who don't engage the papparazzi. >> he never really engaged us before. nice since this stuff has happened. >> put a girl out there. >> then he's in a bath robe.


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