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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  November 2, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ >> ♪ >> this was the day that they've been waiting for in washington, d.c. and around country. the president has been counting down to the tax reform rollouts. >> tt'
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>> we have a better idea what republicans are calling for but democrats are calling the plan half baked. they think it still gives too much to the rich. >> as you can see from the run down on the side of the screen this is one of the stories we're following tonight at 6:30. that long awaited tax plan today is out. it called the tax cuts and jobs act and focuses on making five key changes to the current tax plan. >> here's what we know right now. there's going to be fewer brackets and some lower rates. but radical changes on deductions. remember things like the student loan deduction and medical expenses, those are out. the two key housing writeoffs are in there by the way. it will limit the value of your house. but they're going to expand the child tax credit. this is something there was a lot of talk about. the 401k is, they're not going to make changes. >> a tax bill designed to plunder the middle class in order to put
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into the pockets of the wealtiest 1 percent more money. while republicans ambushed the american people with this half baked tax bill, written in the dark to be raced through congress before it is understood. >> so, obviously the president is all in on this and you mentioned the name is the tax cuts and job acts. reportedly he was fighting for the term the cut cut cut act. which apparently did not pass muster with house republicans. >> no, paul ryan wasn't really thrilled about this. they seem to be very enthusiastic about this. the president would like to get this signed before christmas. i'm understanding. but certainly they've got a lot to do and what they're going to need to do is get the entire gop in line with this. >> yeah. >> in order to pass it but there's concern that they won't be able to do this and this may end up like some of the other key bills we've seen where some of the more moderate republicans side with the democrats especially in states like new york and new jersey. >> that's where a lot of opposition came from.
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we had a guest lined up apparently technical issues that happens sometimes. i want to let you know in the name of fairness we had somebody lined up but having issues bringing in him tonight. we'll follow this in depth from both sides as we always do on 5 at 6:30. >> speaking of the economy and the budget president trump introduced his nominee for the next chair of the federal reserve. jerome powell is the current fed reserve governor. he served as a treasury official under george h.w. bush when he was president. if confirmed he would succeed janet yellen whose term ends in february. meanwhile the fed has decided to leave interest rates unchanged put hinted to a hike in december. we'll how that goes. now to one of the other big stories making headlines tonight. donna brazil the former interim head of the democratic national committee blasted the clintons, we're talking about bill and hillary in her new tell all book.
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>> unethical fundraising agreement was signed between hillary clinton's and the dnc to keep the family financially afloat. brazil hints -- donna brazil was part of the dnc during the al gore era. doesn't seem like he ever had strong allegiances to the hillary campaign down the road. she came in during the election last year, had to clean up the mess left by debbie wasserman schultz. >> she was accused of giving some of the questions from the debate questions to hillary clinton. >> one of the town halls. >> yeah, for one of the town hall debates. there's a lot to go with here, a lot that we're waiting to hear what she has to say. let's bring in ronica cleary now for more on this story that people are talking about tonight. ronica. >> reporter: hey, jim and shawn. we are waiting to hear a little bit more from donna brazil and i'll get to there in a minute. let me tell you, this excerpt from her book today in politico is definitel
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the democratic party. i mean, there's always been talk and whispers of whether or not the dnc was really an unbiased organization which is its responsibility, especially in that primary or whether or not they had -- they really wanted to see hillary clinton win. we know debbie wasserman schultz had to resign because of some leaked e-mails that showed a favoritism for hillary clinton, and when donna brazil took over, what we learn in this excerpt is that there was basically a setup in place where the clinton campaign would help fund several million dollars in debt that the dnc was under. now, she basically talks about president obama in essence throwing him under the bus, saying that he left the dnc in a really bad place and that the debt wouldn't be paid off until 2016. she says that debbie w wasserman schultz were you very bad at managing this and didn't go to the board of the d
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seeking the support of the clinton campaign to help fund that debt that they were seeking out and you know, the interesting thing, jim, you did say it in that introduction about this being unethical. donna brazil does say in this piece that what she witnessed, this relationship and this agreement with the clinton campaign to help fund this and pay back this debt that the dnc had, she says it wasn't illegal. that it was just unethical but it certainly suggests this relationship that would have been in the pocket of the clinton campaign. there's one part where she talks about you couldn't get any press release out unless it went through brooklyn, mean, the clinton headquarters. and again, those bernie sanders supporters already felt the sting of believing that the dnc had it out against them and then you read this and whether or not it's illegal it adds to that. now we asked do donna brazil for a comment today.
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until her book comes out. so, the timing of her decision to release all of this, certainly has some people scratching heads about the intention behind it and what it's really for and who her best intentions are for and then we had elizabeth warren come out today saying that now she fully beliefs the election was rigged against bernie sanders. we know she's a name that people talk about for 2020. so, this is just going to get uglier and uglier for the democrats. back to you jim and shawn. >> i think you're right ronica. it's not a surprise. before hillary clinton's book came out we started hearing these. this is what they do to sell their books. you were talking about bernie sanders, he still has not said he won't, you know, jump in the election next time around. >> i think people fully expect him to run in spite a lot of people point to the age but age is but a number these days. talk about president trump was sworn in at age 70. that was unheard of. you look at -- i
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donald trump but if you look at president trumping think about president reagan. age is a totally different rubric. >> joe biden has said he hasn't ruled anything out either. >> i think that speaks to the fact that youngblood -- the democrats have said the biggest problem with the party right now is after president obama left office, there's a lack of -- there's not a bench because they put all their eggs in the hillary basket a couple years ago and they knew she was going to run. >> and that's some of the criticism we saw in ronica's story there. tom perez who is head of the dnc is being criticized because people have been saying they have not been able to move forward to mount something against the gop. >> yeah. >> so, we'll see what happens. >> yeah, it's a not more than just being the party of no and that's what they're learning. >> let's switch to the other party now. former trump campaign chairman paul manafort and his associate rick gates faced a judge for the second time this week. they were both in court today for a status hearing. they're the first to be charged in the special counsel robert muell
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investigation. both manafort and gates pled not guilty to conspiracy and money laundering charges. they're being held under house arrest. >> all right. so, the campaign for the -- did we leave something out there. >> are we going to run that? are we going to have a little bit of that ad? >> all right. so, we've been talking about this for a little bit on all of our newscasts today. >> yes. >> the campaign for the democrat running for governor of virginia is in damage control tonight following the controversial campaign ad that you saw here on fox5. >> yeah, fox5 has learned that campaign finance records show a money trail linking the group and the campaign of ralph northam. fox5's tom fitzgerald with the story in arlington tonight with more. and this is a new twist for sure, fitz. >> reporter: well, you know, we've been talking about this ad and you've probably seen it. we've been showing it on the air since i think about tuesday now. it's an advertisement which shows a group of minority children running up to each other, telling each other that they have to go and the reason they have to go in these advertisements is because there is a pickup truck
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the pickup truck has a confederate flag on it and on the back has an ed gillespie for governor bumper sticker. now, that ad was made and produced by a group called latino victory fund. the ralph northam campaign has said since this hit the web the other day, they didn't have anything to do with this ad, they didn't know about this ad, they didn't like the content of this ad. however, as we found out today, there is a financial connection between this group, latino victory fund, and the northam campaign and it comes by way of this. this is a filing that was made with the virginia election board on tuesday, halloween, the 31st of october. it shows the latino victory fund, it's a media contribution and this is what's called an in-kind donation of some $62,000. now, why is this important? well,
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was quick to attack this ad saying that it made their followers look like racists, that it made their followers look like murderers. now, we should also tell you we reached out to the northern thatnorthamcampaign for comment. they reiterated that their position that, look, we didn't have anything to do with making this ad, we didn't have anything to do with the content of this ad, that we were required by law, they say, to report these in-kind donations. now, what does that mean? well, they say they have to report things like data, which they have gotten from the latino victory fund, and canvassing, which is when people literally and physically go door to door, but when it comes to the content of this ad they say they were not involved. however, there is this $62,000 in-kind donation that appears on their virginia election fund. now, we also did speak to their
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afternoon since we have been reporting on this, david turner, the spokesperson for the campaign, he got back in touch with us tonight. he said he wanted to reiterate that they had not made any effort to conceal this financial connection between the latino victory fund and the northam campaign. furthermore, they say they are required by law to report all in-kind donations and they take issue with anyone who not been open and transparent about this. however, we should tell you when we sat down with ed gillespie earlier this week, he said that this ad puts his supporters in a very bad light. he called for it to be taken down. we understand now that it has been taken down. and the northam campaign tonight saying they agree with that many decision by the latino victory fund. jim and shawn. >> certainly was a talker in this race and a lot of people as they try to nationalize what is really, you know, a commonwealth wide race coming up, but nonetheless that's
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attention being paid to it. >> absolutely. thank you fitz. >> you may check out the d.c. a local blog hyper local coverage local news restaurants and some other things. >> everything else. >> tonight -- and this is sad. we had rachel sadone the editor. tonight she's out of a job and other similar blogs in new york city and i believe in chicago. joe ricketts the owner he's a billionaire if that name sounds familiar he used to be the ceo of td ameritrade family owns the chicago cubs. they shut down operations after reporters a the other sites in new york city decided to unionize so a lot of sadness tonight. checking the tweets already. >> certainly our thoughts go out to them because this is a tough position to all of a sudden find yourself out of a job like that. we'll keep you posted. >> more important fewer voices is never a good thing. to our friends we wish you all
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the best. m mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. female narrator: what would john adams do to women's health? adams argued before the supreme court to give employers control over your access to birth control. adams also supports giving employers the power to block access to affordable contraception for 1.6 million virginia women. and adams opposes abortion even in cases of rape, or incest. john adams: wrong for women's health. wrong for virginia.
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>> ♪ >> all right, so started a go fund me for fairfax county public schools. >> the northern virginia school district launched a fundraising page on its web site to raise money for the costs associated with changing the name of j.e.b. stuart high school to justice high school. fox5's tisha lewis has more now from falls church. >> reporter: fairfax county public schools is collecting donations for justice high school. on friday, the site went live. the district is urging the public to donate online or via mail and insists all donations the cost of renaming j.e.b. stuart high school to justice high school. >> as soon as we cast the vote to change the name, we obligated fairfax county taxpayer funds whether we get any income from the public or not. >> reporter: board member elizabeth schultz ace the saint
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million dollars it would cost to complete the name change not including hidden costs. >> like buy and support the boosters with uniforms and spirit wear and just all of the ancillary costs that i think just are very, very difficult to estimate. so, the question is, you know, where is julianne's half million check, julieian moore. where is the hollywood money that we said -- we were told was coming forward and i don't see it. maybe it will come. you know, i guess i have the highest hopes that we'll get every single dollar because that takes the burden off the individual fairfax county taxpayers. >> i think we'll see much more. the folks who had put out the petition that was in a nationwide petition with about 40,000 names on it, they have just recently pushed out a message to those 40,000 people asking them to make, you know -- even just small donations inch the district's online plea to the public reminds potential donors their contribution i
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deductible. >> should the board have allocated funds for this before moving so aggressively with the name change? >> so, we called on the superintendent to bring us back an implementation plan by december 14th so he and staff are working on a plan. >> reporter: while fairfax county public schools has two years to implement the plan. what they don't have is the money. if sandy evans gets her way the class of 2018 would be the last class graduating under the j.e.b. stuart high school name. she wants this to be the year that it all happens even though the board has until the 2019-2020 school year. even though they've only raised about $8,000 on the web site so far evans tells us that's not due to lack of enthusiasm. rather she says people just don't know but now they do. tisha lewis fox5 local news. >> stick around. we'll be right back.
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ralph northam: i'm ralph northam, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. narrator: they call him enron ed. because washington, dc lobbyist ed gillespie represented the worst of the worst. lenders trying to keep student loan rates high. corporations sending jobs overseas. and of course the enron scandal. now, enron ed is lobbying for donald trump's agenda. like cuts to virginia school funding, and taking away healthcare from thousands of virginians. enron ed gillespie. he's not lobbying for you. >> ♪ >> so there's take your child to work today and some
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even offer bring your dog to workday. >> what about bring a vet to work. jack tilly senior vp for leadership development at new day. thanks for being here. >> thanks for letting me be here. >> take a vet to workday. tell me what this is about. >> new day u.s.a. celebrates every birthday for every service and tomorrow we'll celebrate veterans day even though it's a little early november 11th is veterans day and we're bringing in employees bringing veterans family members, people from fort meade are going to come in national guard is going to visit us too but we have a wonderful guest speaker and that's a captain charles plum. he flew in vietnam with a shotgun and was a prisoner of for about 2100 days. this is a wonderful event for veteran and it's our way of giving back. it's new day's way of giving back. >> is it just for new day or do you want people all over to do this. >> right now it's just for new day. if we get
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a problem. >> all right. >> we want people to know about what new day does. new day is a number one veterans lender. we want people to know about new day. we want to tell people about the kind of sacrifices our veterans make for our country. >> how important is it just to share -- for the vets to share their stories and have that dialogue for people who aren't familiar with the sacrifices and the service that a lot of these veterans have put on line for our country. >> i think it's very important. in fact i give classes at the new day and if i asked you guys how many people died in vietnam do you know. >> i don't. >> 58,228 women, 153,000 wounded. iraqi and afghanistan 6,000 killed and about 60,000 wounded and vietnam 1600 of them still haven't been found and so when you look at an organization like new day u.s.a. they just don't talk about taking care of veterans, they're stepping forward. they even have a scholarship program for veterans' children so it's a great program and they're going to do
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wonderful thing. >> they walk the walk and talk the talk. >> they don't just talk about it they do it that's for sure. >> awesome. jack tilly thanks for coming in and sharing. >> god bless you,. [laughter] >> we're back after this. >> ♪
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narrator: ed gillespie's false attacks. independent press says they're false. fear mongering. absurd. ralph northam went to vmi and was an army doctor for eight years. in richmond, dr. northam helped pass longer sentences for gang members and mandatory life sentences for violent sexual predators.
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candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad because i'm a pediatrician, and for ed gillespie to say i would tolerate anyone hurting a child is despicable. >> welcome back where politics and paparazzi collide. >> guy lambert joins us tonight to talk about the latest things going on at that intersection of politics and paparazzi. so, i noticed this was really interesting today. the president former president barack obama came out and said there's one thing he doesn't really want to do. >> yeah, you got any pet peeves. former president barack obama does and that's taking the infamous selfie. >> what's wrong with that. >> everything. >> shawn now the president is -- we'll do it. we got it. >> okay. >> sorry, jim. so, with regard to former president barack obama yeah let's get back to it. speaking at a leadership confer
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the president said hey guys i'm going to tell you right from the jump i'm not taking a selfie. this has been an issue for him ever since leaving the office. he says he can't take two steps without someone walking up to him and saying, can i take a selfie. >> seriously though i mean you're the former president so people want to take selfies with you. >> i think the reasoning, the fact that he misses that eye contact, that one-on-one interaction that people are more concerned about looking at the camera as opposed to looking at him in the eye and making that connection. that makes some sense to me. >> that's what he said. he said folks walk up to him shake his hand don't look him in the eye and immediately lift that hand up to take the infamous selfie. earlier this year he spoke at benjamin banneker high school and he said there's a line over there but have your cell phone keep you company. been an issue for a time. >> another big story. we heard a lot about house of cards because of the kevin spacey thing. there's some
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several spinoffs coming out of the house of cards. is it going to be called aces clubs, who knows. bottom line they'll have several spinoffs. what's really interesting about this is that when thet whe 2012, netflix worth about $5.7 billion. fast forward to right now, would you believe netflix worth $85 billion. >> that's incredible. >> that's more than fox cbs and via com combined. >> got to get some stock. >> we got about 30 seconds left. we all enjoy a good alcoholic beverage from time to time. >> yes. >> restaurant the bird in shaw doing something fun. >> it's called the robert mueller shall i say -- it's called the mueller. >> moscow. >> moscow mueller. i've been drinking already guys. help me out here. this is actually taking place right now. five bucks the next time this happens and i'm talking about robert mueller indicting someone you can get a drink for five bucks. >> really. >> that you have it. can i have my drink back now. >> yeah, right.
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>> good to see you guy. >> always a pre pleasure guys. >> we'll be right back oh, no, we're done. >> you're getting a drink, too. >> you're right. control over your access to birth control. adams also supports giving employers the power to block access to affordable contraception for 1.6 million virginia women. and adams opposes abortion even in cases of rape, or incest. john adams: wrong for women's health. wrong for virginia.
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debbie: when you work at a children's hospice, people ask you, how can you possibly do this? and we say, how can we not? if these kids go through what they go through, we can support them. dr. ralph northam has been our volunteer medical director for the last eighteen years. he's made such a difference in so many families' lives. ralph northam: these kids have given me more than i could ever give them.
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can afford good healthcare when they need it. announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: s it was no contest last night. the astros won big as we all know, but instead of running out and celebraing the way almost every astro did, justin verlander and kate upton decided to have some canine pleasure. >> what the? >> wow! [laughter] >> so everyone else is getting ready to like keep the party going, justin verlader and kate upton were taking the dog on a walk. >> i think verlander was more relieved to winthe world series. >> i think the dog was relieved. [laughter >> best time of year, oprah's favorite things ist is out. there's a bike for $1200. there's colonial bird houses, a gratitude glass jar. harvey: there's nothing i heard yet that i want. what i want from oprah is something surprising that i never though


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