tv The Final 5 FOX November 3, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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>> coming up on the final five the president goes to hawaii ahead of his big trip to asia. he's got one of the greatest memories of all time but the president can't recall details of a meeting with a guy who pled guilty in the rush probe. bernie sanders responding about the dnc scandal. the gop pushing ahead making changes to tax reform. it's the final five. let's do this. >> ♪♪ >> all right, let's get it start. the president touched down in hawaii tonight then heading to asia. he landed in hawaii earlier when he and h
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were greeted with leis. from these headed to japan china the philippines. president said putin is important because russia can help with north korea. the president is tacking an extra day on his trip to the philippines to head to the east asian summit. >> and i think we're going to have great success. we'll be talking about trade. we'll be talking about obviously north korea. we'll be enlisting the help of a lot of people and countries. we'll see what happens but i think we're going to have a very success physical full trip. >> >> the president there is inincludes a briefing from u.s. pacific command many people in hawaii are nervous about the nuclear threat from north korea since they're closer than the rest of us and they say they feel unprepared. >> just like right now in the schools we don't have evacuation for kim jong un but we've got for a active shooter. if there's an
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what do you do? you know exactly what to do. those are the things they're doing in japan for the north korean threat they're doing it in gaum and i've just written to the governor to say we've got to speed up those evacuation drills here. >> so when it comes to the threat from north korea using diplomacy to solve the problem is obviously preferable to nuclear war but the president isn't given a strong vote of confidence on his top diplomat. he says even unsure if rex tillerson will stay in his post and asked if tillerson would remain on board it's a term we've heard a couple of times the president said we'll see. let's talk about russia right now. the judge proposed a may seventh start date for the trials of paul manafort and rick gates meaning the case could stretch into the summer. there's so much legal maneuvering that could be done between now and then. special counsel robert mueller says if manafort and gates proceed to trial prosecutors would need three weeks to present their case. manafort and gates are
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of money laundering stemming from their work for a pro russia political party that came before manafort led the campaign. the other name you've been hearing about is george papadopoulos. now the trump administration is downplayed the whole role of papadopoulos on the campaign. he said he was a volunteer. but there's a new report out tonight from nbc news that found multiple instances where papadopoulos represented the trump campaign publically calling himself a foreign policy adviser and sure anybody can say they're a certain title, they can lie, they can make it up but they also uncovered several interviews and an appearance on panel at the republican national convention. the white house says papadopoulos was only ever in one meeting with the president in march of 2016 and president trump was asked about that meeting today before he left for hawaii. >> i -- i don't remember much about that meeting. it was a very unimportant meeting. took place a long time. don't remember much about it.
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>> okay, so here's the thing. just last week on october 25th the president said this. >> i thought right from the beginning there's no hesitation one of the great memories of all time. there was no hesitation. >> so, this is not the only time the president's great memory failed him. there were 35 times he said he didn't remember something during a december 2015 deposition in the trump university lawsuit. let's get back to the russia investigation. we're learning the russian linked hacker behind the dnc e-mail breach altered one of the stolen e-mails by labeling it confidential. it was apparently a move intended to draw attention from the medial the former dnc official told the associated press that confidential label was added to the message after it was stolen. that e-mail was only one of at least 50,000 hacked from clinton campaign chair john podesta's in box. the bigger story allegations from donna brazile who claimed hillary clinton rigged the system to get the democratic nomination and you know the president beca
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have something to say about this. in fact this morning he went up on twitter calling for the justice department and the fbi to look into "crooked hillary and the dems." he thinks that's who investigators should be focused on not his campaign and the potential ties to russia. >> all i can tell you is this. there was no collusion. there was no nothing. it's a disgrace frankly that they continue. you want to look at hillary clinton and you want to look at the new book that was just put out by donna brazile where she basically bought the dnc and she stole the election from bernie so that's what you ought to take a look at. >> the take away so far by some people is untenth many ethical absolutely illegal not at least this instance but bernie sanders isn't as outraged by donna brazil's allegations. the president said we don't be distracted you taking healthcare from millions and
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a new report out about donna brazil's claims. nbc obtaining a memo of understanding. it's from august 26, 2015 long before clinton won the nomination a year before. the memo says in exchange for the clinton campaign helping the dnc raise money the campaign agreed that campaign personnel would be consulted on strategic decisions but only for the general election not the primary. >> today was sentencing day for army sergeant bowe bergdahl and the president also weighed in on his sentence on twitter. bergdahl walked away from his most in afghanistan back in 2007. he says he was trying to call attention to deteriorating conditions for troops there but he was captured by the taliban and spent five years in captivity. today a military judge said bergdahl will get a dishonorable discharge but will avoid prison time. he must also pay back 10,000 bucks in fines. the president expressed outrage over the ruling tweeting the d
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sergeant bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our country and to our military. bergdahl's case became a political talking point in 2014 when the obama administration made a controversial trade for his release offering five guantanamo bay detainees and this is not the first time president trump has discussed bergdahl. going back to the campaign trail the president said he was a traitor. back in february bergdahl's lawyers argued their client couldn't get a fair trial because of the president's comments about him. >> president trump unprincipled efforts to stoke a lynch mob atmosphere while seeking our nation's highest office has cast a dark cloud over the case. >> bergdahl would face life in prison after pleading guilty to desertion. the sentence is expected immediately. >> let's talk about the one thing the gop really wanted to get everybody on message with this week talking about tax reform. the gop is already talking making a big big change to
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tax overhaul and it would lower the value of the tax cuts by $89 billion over 10 years compared to the version of the bill unveiled yesterday. the new plan would have tax brackets adjusted immediately instead of 2023 so as wages rise middle class filers would have more of their income taxed at the higher rate. today you house majority leader talking about the next steps. >> we're looking out at the house we want to get it done this month. ways and means will take it up next week. as soon as it comes out of committee just like we say regular order it will go all through committee mark up then it will come to the floor. i'd like to see this done before thanksgiving. >> plans to move full speed ahead. democratic leaders say they want to fight this tax reform plan tooth and nail. >> republicans want to you believe they are cutting taxes on the middle class. but republicans are plundering the middle class and middle class families to give trillions of dollars in tax cuts to
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shipping jobs overseas. >> throughout the back and forth over tax reform there's one thing both democrats and republicans have in common. they both claim to be sticking up for middle class and lower income families and they both made sure that kids standing behind them just to prove it. did you notice today? nancy pelosi had a little girl standing next to her. there's paul ryan. here's the deal. nancy pelosi had a little girl standing over her shoulder and when republicans unveiled the plan there was a baby girl in her mother's arms. i think they're trying to subtly say think of the children but getting back to tax reform we saw a tweet from the president earlier this week calling for -- down at the newseum the chairman of the house ways and means committee kevin brady says the president want to repeal the mandate which would save about 400 billion but points out that would make the tax bill tougher to pass. fascinating conversation
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>> ♪♪ >> once upon a time say five days ago the world of >> ♪♪ >> once upon a time say five days ago the world of politics was buzzing about the president's former campaign manager and his top aide being indicted. then the gop puts out the tax plan. somehow the democrats finish the week with the headlines. lots to digest. hello my friend how are you. >> i'm well. how are you doing. >> all right. let's talk about this. you know i know a lot of people thought hey the democrats are going to have a easy ride to 2018. should we take anything from what we're hearing this week. i know a lot
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>> look, jim, i think donna brazile's publisher wants her book to sell well. the timing couldn't be more inopportune for us in terms of distracting the conversation where it should be on tax reform and the republicans frankly bailing out corporations at the expense of the middle class but no, i don't think that the discussion that miss brazile is bringing to the forefront is anything new. i think bernie sanders put it perfectly when he said to the president today we're not going to be distracted by you or by this this manufactured crisis. >> that almost sounds like the words of a guy who might be running in 2020. >> you know, i'm not going to presume what bernie sanders is thinking for 2020. >> so, but obviously there was a lot of -- i'll say this. regardless of how you stood and regardless of how people at home stand you can't deny this is a guy who really energized the process and there was a lot of excitement about him but then we saw tom perez give new leadership in the
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seems like he still has two different visions of where he thinks people should move. >> to be clear i think it's a really healthy conversation. i worked for senator sanders for a brief time when he was chairman of the veterans affairs committee. he's an inspiring guy. there's new mood in the party and it's important we create space for this kind of dialogue this debate and frankly this competition to see which ideas are the best and where do we want to take the party. >> all right. >> 2018 is going to be test for that. 2020 we'll be just fine. >> let's talk about the big news this week involving tax reform because, you know, the republicans have said we're going to do this and they brought it to the forefront. there's a plan out there. it may not be the final plan but it's going to move on. democrats don't seem to happy about it though. >> no. look, i think a lot of democrats understand the greed that we do need some form of corporate tax reform. but what this plan is, it's not tax reform. it's tax cuts and it's tax cuts for the top 1 percent of the c
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corporations at the expense of the middle class. i was reading several different analyses on way over here about the bill. >> you weren't driving were you. >> no. i was ubering. once -- once this bill some of these clauses sunset in five years you're going to actually see taxes go you will on people making less than $100,000 in this country. you'll see taxes on people making less than $40,000. this is absolutely a hit for the middle class and for people who are struggling to get by. >> what do you do? what's -- do you think there are democrats who are going to be involved in the whole process talking about a final plan or is this going to be like the healthcare discussion we saw a couple months ago. >> it's a great question, a great analogy. on the house side absolutely not democrats will not be part of the discussion. you heard the leaders say it will be a party line vote we'll pass it on the floor before thanksgiving i'm skeptical but we'll see. where the rubber meets the road as with healthcare it's going to be in the senate. they have to stay tight in the lane only to
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get this over the finish line. you've seen folks on the right flake corker, these are the folks who are generally speaking, you know, the swing votes, right. they're already raising concerns. i don't think this bill as drafted has a shot in the senate. >> all right. we'll leave it at that. david brown happy friday. >> you too man. >> and we're back after this on the final five. >> ♪♪
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will have power over your health care. adams supports letting insurance companies deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. seniors would be charged more for health care; premiums would go up. and adams supports giving employers the power to block birth control access for female employees. john adams: wrong on health care, wrong on birth control, wrong for virginia. disclaimer: i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad.
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flower. i was going make make it smell good in here. >> you weren't here last night. >> i was on earth. i knew what was going on. >> the twitter employee who deactivated the president's account could face hacking charges. it was an employee on their last day and i'm still not convinced it wasn't predetermined it wasn't going to be their last day. >> no, it was -- i feel like this was that planned, right. this person took the president's account off line for 11 minutes. the former worker is anonymous so far. someone is going to rat him. they might want to lawyer up because twitter might pursue legal action. officials might look at this as an act under the fraud and abuse act. >> if you have access to this already it's not like you're zero cool trying to hack into the system and you change things. hackers don't do that. here's my thing its a thin line. >> it is a thin line.
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get to the president on the twitter account, don't deactivate the account drive him mad by getting rid of his caps, get rid of sad, get rid of explanation points. >> would you replace it with an emoji. >> it replaces it with flour emojis and hearts. >> you can't deny the power of twitter and putting him on the political stage and making him president. >> the president sometimes like to venture out of the white house for dinner and he's only gone to one restaurant at the trump international hotel. a new radio interview he says he's going to start branching out to various restaurants in d.c. but he says the white house is "the best restaurant in town." we open it up to you at home. where would you think -- 'cause the president seems to have pretty simple tests. >> mcdonald's. >> you think mcdonald's. i'll tell you what, there's a great -- true story. there's a great grilled cheese place right next to the white house. >> okay. >> i've been there before. i've
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staffers sneaking out there for grilled cheese. >> are you breaking news here? is this a scoop. >> i know at least two of the staffers are no longer there. maybe it was an unsanctioned grille cheese run. >> that's why. >> d.c. is such a foodie town why not enjoy it. >> and the obamas, they had their anniversary dinners at raseca. they would venture out to a lot of restaurants in d.c. it would be funny if it turned out that then every other restaurant he ventured out to that he now owns. >> are zero buys it as he's going along. >> putting the trump name on everything. >> this is your milieu, your wheel house. the president's golf game is apparently improved since taking office. >> like it would. >> well, it doesn't matter who is in the office. you never let the president loss. u.s.g.a.'s handicap index. the president reported to the index he shot a 68 on
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>> amazing score. prior to that the president scores were in the 70's and 80's. it's also the first score he posted since june of 2016. >> crazy his score would improve. he said he wouldn't be on the golf course he would be in the white house working. >> that is true. >> this is very much a move that kim jong il used to make when he had that very famous 34 under par 38. >> 34 under par and like 12 holes in one. >> exactly. >> i don't know. just all of a sudden now he's president and he thinks with the pressures of the office he wouldn't be able to put up such a crazy score. >> i want to see who he played with. >> i just want video of him nine putting. he would be so mad. it would be great. >> russian president vladimir putin is a big backer here in the u.s. capitol star. alex ovechkin. ovie posted he's lauren ago
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support for putin. >> he talks to putin often and spends his off season in moscow. he says he's creating the putin team in support of putin i'm want to know were they at a white party here? that's a a lot of white. >> white parties down in miami. >> here's the thing, he lives in russia in the off season. he's very prominent. even if he doesn't agree with putin, you probably got to support him. >> probably in your best interests. >> in you want to keep playing hockey not disappearing -- if you like not disappearing you should probably go out there and support vladimir putin. >> that's a campaign slogan if i've ever heard one right there. >> don't want to disappear. >> yeah. >> venezuela's president is unable to resist a snack just like brody when he was rummaging through the -- just -- see what snacks we have in there. >> are you getting rid of me.
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>> nicolas maduro snuck a site of a empanada during a broadcast. political opposition groups are perceived enemies making this look even worsen veenas is in the middle of a hunger crisis. maduro took time out of his seventy two etch to grab a bite. can you not open -- >> what? it hasn't been opened yet. >> then he put the empanada back in the drawer and continued. what do we do the there. >> i'm going to put these back in the drawer. party size -- i don't know how long they've been there. >> they're good. >> good stuff. >> lunch. >> all right. very good. >> we'll enjoy these. brody is going to enjoy them. i'm going to come back as he's sleeping soundly last night. fox returns after the break. ralph northam: i'm ralph northam, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. narrator: they call him enron ed. because washington, dc lobbyist ed gillespie represented the worst of the worst.
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>> house republicans as they kick off that battle for tax reform. politico reporting steve bannon says he's not going to focus on the house in efforts to replace republicans with more ideological ones. bannon and breitbart have their eyes set on mitch mcconnell and company. bannon met with house gop campaign leaders this week and says he'll put time and money on beating democrats in areas where president trump did well last year. david brown says the caucus usually trends more conservative. silicon valley has a reputation or a perception by conservatives as being friendly towards liberals was bolstered by a rogue employee deleting the president's twitter account. this week many democrats turned on the facebooks and twitters for not taking quick action for those russian ads that popped up ahead of the 2016 election. they weren't happy from the info coming from tech leaders. in this bold new era you can't always be sure who is on your side and that's wh
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to keep all of us on our toes. that's the final five tonight. make it a good one. we'll see you monday night right here at find the furniture you want at prices you'll love, now at havertys furniture. save one hundred dollars off every thousand through november 13th. plus, you can finance with no interest for 24 months create custom looks from our stylish collections. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. i'm going to the movies with britney. [sfx: motorcycle roar.] hurry in. now's the time to save big at havertys. life looks good. narrator: ed gillespie's false attacks. independent press says they're false. fear mongering. absurd. ralph northam went to vmi and was an army doctor for eight years. in richmond, dr. northam helped pass longer sentences for gang members and mandatory life sentences for violent sexual predators. ralph northam: i'm ralph northam, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad because
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: we got harvey winstein wearing a disguise that was so bad. he's wearing a blone wig and orange makeup. >> why? >> it wasn't halloween stuff, was it? harvey: no, it as last night. >> did he go trick-or-treating? >> yeah, as a oompa loompa or something. >> you're going to give him candy whether you want to or not. >> kendall jenner turned 2 and decided to celebrate wih blake griffin. >> she looks so good. >> i wondr why kendall wasn't get on the baby train with everybody ele. it's a family baby train. >> becaus she's 22 years old. harvey: kylie's younger. >> i don't think kylie planned that though. >> kylie is vaguely aware of what's happening. [laughter] >> fetty wap racing down a new york highway at ver 100 miles an hour. harvey: was he drunk? >> yeah, .09, right over the legal limit. fetty wap's going to der
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