tv The Final 5 FOX November 8, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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>> let me fix my sthaevl is live tv. president trump relives election glory a year later while talking trade with ch china. and changes in trade and travel with cuba about to become official and still talking about tax reform and deadline imposed by president looms. this is final five. let's do this. >> i can't believe they let me he go opt air looking like that. >> i will do better i proums. today is a very special day for president trump
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election victory. we asked you on facebook and twitter to share thoughts about one year in with president trump or one year since election and here are thoughts and he marked occasion on twitter in typical low-key, modest style. this is what we put out congratulations to deplorables and millions of people that gave us a massive electoral college landslide victory. see those familiar face there's. there you have it. for the woman that turned coin deplorables i assume hillary clinton would be with a bottle of awhine and pint of ben and jury's she was tweeting about yesterday's election. democrats are talking about victorys in virginia newly elected governor elect ralph northam spoke call his win reaction to president trump policy and ralph northam pledged to work with the white house when in the interest of
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>> the decisiveness and hatred and bigotry and politics tearing this country apart is not -- that's not united states of america that people love it's certainly not commonwealth of virginia that they love. there are things that president trump has talked about wanting to do for this country that would be very beneficial to the commonwealth of virginia. for example, building up military. as you know i'm veteran of the united states army. >> we saw the adds, ralph saw them a lot. ralph northam says economy and opioid rice is and gun control will be hissh use. >> fill murphy was so excited he literally, literally jumped for joy. watch. dude has hops but when we were watching that we thought it
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producer christie pkd a song that works better i want to you watch and see what you think about it. let's go. ♪ i'm so excited, i just can't hide it♪ >> by the way i can't tell of the shoes he was wearing there regardless he and jeffy spano would have a good time together. phil murphy, new governor of new jersey. a lot of candidates that didn't come out on top were gracious in defeat and not bo deal. it started after chair of staten island reform committee tweeted congrats to bo after spending a million appears to have finished fifth. he hit back with no regard for grammar. >> good morning frank
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i lost last night and i'm still a multi-millionaire and you're a fat losser in the looser reform party. control room, good or bad. what did you think on that one there. >> those two have a tense history by the way. beatle called merano a lying worm and sent text messages to him after they ep dorsd another candidate over deedle and what is happening in maine approvers there called for state expand medicade narrow bama care. today he said he will not expand medicade until they find a way to pay for it. they will fight the governor if he tries to intervene. they previously vet owed five medicade expansion bills. all right. we're tracking president trump tonight as we do every night continuing his big trip toy asia with a end up in beijing
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country you're in and who are you meeting with. >> the president of china and the president of china. china, china, china, big league, >> and the president arrived in china to pomp and circumstance of state visit and performance in the forbidden city and the issue, north korea nuclear program. before arriving in china the president had tough words for jim young unand offered him an exit from the escalating crisising is if he gives up nuclear program. >> the weapons you're ak squaring are not making you safer but putting regime in dpraiv daivrn dor not under estimate us and do not try us. despite every crime you have committed against god and man we will offer a path to a much better future. >> as you can probably guess north korea reaction was calm and measured. >>
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north korea media said "the u.s. muingt out the lun atic old ran in power and withdrawal hostile policy to north korea. he's talking trade with china and accused them of unfair trade practice misstiss in the past. they have got and well so far since the president took office almost 11 months ago. >> during a stop yesterday in south korea president trump was asked about gun control debate saying extra laws would are not have prevented the deadly shooting in texas. democrats disagree and wanted to introduce gun control legislation. two democrats introduce aid bill to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines and bump stocks and keep any weapons they currently have and in the state of texas democrats are there also looking to take action on guns. >> i have a lot of guns, no one is coming to take my guns i can guarantee you that. and we have an oddity in texas
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locked and loaded with an ar 15 and the j that obtained this legally. it would have been illegal for the police to actually brace him and ask what he was doing with his weapon. in other words they could not have stopped him and asked h him, hey, do you have a concealed hand gun permit are you someone who can legally buy a weapon. that would have been illegal. they could not have done that. >> tonight vice-president pence was in texas and met with law enforcement and families of vick ill of of deadly shooting in sutherland springs. the air force is moving agress ofly looking at the states that allowed him to guy a gun. and defense department is completingies its own evaluation. >> another big change the president promised on election was altering the relationship between u.s. and cuba and now it's becoming official. back in june president aannounceed he would roll back policies obama administration put in place to
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policy americans were allowed to travel to cuba on own. now they must use official tour companies for travel. americans are also no longer allowed to stay at hotels with kux with cuba military. all these rules go into effect tomorrow and by the way if you booked travel you'll be able to carry through. what does this mean for t tourism try that was so excited for all options for americans to travel and to cuba and we talked to president of "insight cuba" and got an idea how business may be affectd for the first time clears up what was kind of a foggy message on june 16 by president trump because at his press conference in miami he said, imending obama policy on cuba. a the lot of people, lot of travelers and cuban americans and visiting family thought it was over. there was no longer legal travel to cuba and that was not the case. given the scope of what could have happened or changed i th
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citizens and travelers to celebrate and go to cube. >> a. >> president obama ended eyelation with cuba. president trump questioned easing of hostilities and white house blamed cuba for series of unexplained tax on american dip nats cuba and prompted state department to cut down staff drasicily in havana. >> and big topic on capitol hill the big accomplishment they want to get through is tax reform. it would add $1.7 trillion to the deficit. there. >> they were using agent night ammunition. gop has to stay true to its word. >> we have a promise to keep and get on with keeping promise. one of chief proms we made when we ran for office, all of us whether president or coming gress in 2016 do tax reform and tax cuts for families and people.
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doing that. >> where did they get clobbered in the suburbs? where does the tax bill clobber upper class and middle class people? in the suburbs. >> hows ways and means committee is making changes to the tax bill and they will put out their own version as soon as tomorrow. >> and an organization to work and support young democrats runing for office to power them to victories on election day. we'll talk to the governor of run for something up next
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stranger to the reigns, here she on the west coast up late with us tonight hello amanda good to see you. tell bus run for something and what you've been doing this year. >> run for something brand new political organization recruiting and supporting young people runing for local office for the fist time. yesterday we had 72 candidates running for local office in 14 states and 32 won or had recount that's 46% win rate. they expect first time candidates win one out of every ten times. 46% is insane number. >> we had two candidates on your list that ran here. we had chris hurst and danika roem. >> amazing. >> there's a certain ideology looking for young progress ivz as part of your group. what do you think the biggest challenge is to gets people interested in the idea of running for public office in
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>> they think it's scary and think it's expensive. a lot of these house races cost between 100,000 and 200,000. obviously there's a lot of variation between media market and competition and it's not that expensive and you're not funding it yourself you're asking neighbors and friends to invest in communities and values you share. if you have to work hard you can do it. >> yeah and i think you're absolutely right and regardless of where you stand on political spectrum it's a big deal to get people to get young people invested mentally and socially in their community. and this is a great way to do. it what do you do? what is your main role in working with these candidates? >> so our organization provides a whole bunch of resources and support and mentorship and coaching and partnership and community and in virginia especially in this cycle we invest in more than 200,000 in ten candidates long with providing advertising and canvases and direct support
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beginning of show it was a year ago today president trump took office and a lot of people who did not support the president were motivated by that. do you find it sometimes hard to sustain that momentum a year beyond it and going into the midterms next year. >> i'm optimistic that people after yesterday are more fired up up than ever and we see our candidates are not running because of something immediate they're running because they want to solve a problem and that motivation doesn't go away because the president does one thing or another today. i think we're in this for the long haul. >> what do you think the main issue s we talked about what people take to the polls with them in their mind you know some people say it's about tax reform or healthcare or jobs what are younger voters and younger candidates, what's their main focus, the thing about danika roem he we were imwrestlinged with she's talking about fixing a roa roadway. that's the thing. it's all politics are local when you dig down to it. >> all politics are local a
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the person run asking do for you. make your commute shorter. make it easier for you to vote. make electrically bill che cheaper. what we're trying to do is field as many young candidates as possible who can articulate and advocate progressive levels in a local value and make sure people understand when run for dem drats works for them. >> all right and by the way amanda thank you very much. amanda litman run for something and we urge anybody out there if you're on the republican side or on conservative side or young candidate get involved. we would love you have you on "the final 5". meantime we're back with more on "the final 5" ♪ [doorbell] ♪ ♪
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>> i sit home. >> all of you. >> sit home watching this program with slow tier going down my face. >> first story offer the bat this is something we like the thrill of victory and agony of defeat and that's what we live and breathe by if you're a sports fan and members of congress used to competing with votes and competitive streak does not end. there house majority whip steve skal ees showed what happened after they challenged congressman sam johnson to a scooter race. >> i'm sure there will be thrilling. i like the music they chose for this. why is he wearing a helmet. how fast are they going. >> i give him credit for being at least you know cognizant of injuries or potential for it. >> safe. >> i'm impressed they thought to put the go pro on it. >> sam johnson clearly has the technique done. skal ees is not used to this thing. >> johnson he's the one -- he's ruse cruising through the grocery store about to run you
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over. it's happened us. >> my dad is in a wheelchair and a year or so ago we took him to costco and i said i don't want to pub your wheelchair around we put him in motorized scooter he could be tinned to drive into customers to the point he was pinning people against various displays of bulk foods. >> i thoughts you would say he took the governor off of it and was like popping wheelies. >> why not. >> if you can do it why not. >> all right have had you jury duty before. >> i have not been selectd not been, i was called for it once and did not get selected. i don't want it tell people i know somebody is guilty by looking at them that gets off real quick. barack obama jury duty today in chicago. he'll be paid 17.25 for each day of service like the the average american citizen se serving. >> does he have to go to hotel sequestered
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movie. >> is that pauly shore movie. >> that's how i assumed jury duty works. >> if you saw the people versus o.j. simpson our sister network. >> you got into the whole process there. >> apparently former white house advisor steve bannon posted an effort to slim down. >> he's doing more media and we all know what it's like dealing with you viewers. >> that's right. >> you talk about weight. >> politico looked at how bannon travels he only plies by private plane own security team and four pages of restrictions on his diet on refrigerator. >> driving shooj i whys avoiding red meat and snacks banned he lost 12 pounds and gained it back andai
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hungry and bragged about his energy and stamina. >> they didn't say what's in the smoothies i like the thought all snacks and read made meat are in the blender. >> twix and beef smoothie. >> going off what's on the first -- >> nobody smripz through pages on a fridge cox on that'sry dick you ulus. >> we've been talking about the corruption trial new jersey senator bob. >> is president obama on that jury. >> i don't think. this westbound a conflict. >> just a small one. >> would be great if he said no. >> that's menendez. this is not a good sign of how well informed the jury s a juror asked the judge a basic question on first day of deliberations. what is a senator? >> oh, boy. >> the judge declined to answer the question and re fused jurors request for tranjipt of monday closing arguments by menen sdez attorney i award you no paint ev
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your soul. >> that's one way to get grown off a jury. >> you sat through weeks and weeks of it will and you have no idea what the the hell the guy does. there's only 100 of them. >> but i know he's guilty. >> you never know how these people take it. >> what say senator? >> actor alec baldwin claims melania trump loves his imperson nation of president and this is baldwin second is of playing trump and he heard float us loves his show and impress. the first lady office denies it. a spokesperson for melania trump said that is not true which is why mr. baldwin has no actual names to witness his bizarre assertion and the president is not a fan because he tweeted impersonation just can't get any worse. >> what's wrong with saying yeah i like it. here's the other thing. here's what i have against baldwin impression. >> gore for it. >> if you're a cust
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snl working for this years and getting play president is star making role and some outsider already famous done a million movies and things come in and takes what should be yours i would be furiousfy was on snl. >> "washington post". >> boo. >> "washington post". >> they're booing me. >> "washington post" did a great piece a man that did his impersonation since 96, 97. it's fascinating they did a write-up how he took this personally where he plunged into depression because i mean that was your role that was your thinging. >> all right. >> i guess things have not been going well for him. >> brody. >> does he have his own show. >> we're back after this on "the final 5".
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ref rep dumb was on trumpp but you can't believe it's not a vote of confident and since virginia governors are one and done think about you. it when you're lieutenant governor and fellow democrat wins job it's a sign vir virginiaians are happy with course of commonwealth it may be mcauliffe is attempted to dig his toes into the presidential race. in the end he doesn't have much to loss. on the other hoond pa you're paul ryan it may have gotten tougher. republican have a good run including in utah. lying t big wave of democratic wins in local races. if they can ol lies issues during midterms it may keep gop on their toes. more than a dozen republicans said they will not run for reelection in the house. paul ryan toss
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that's "the final 5" we're back tomorrow to wrap up the weekend in politics. make it a good night, we'll see you any size soft drink for just one dollar at mcdonald's? with the days getting shorter and your to-do list getting longer, you'll enjoy this ice-cold deliciousness more than ever. hurry over to mcdonald's. ♪♪ havertys furniture helps your home look perfect even when life isn't. are you sure you don't want me to call an exterminator? (muffled) aw, come on. it's just a raccoon that got in the attic.
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[loud hissing.] darren! daddy! [crashing from above. loud and violent.] they're on the move! honey!?! what's going on? she's got me cornered. how big is she? make the call! don't miss these big savings. hurry in now. havertys. life looks good. they're looking at the mcpick 2... ...two for five deals all across the board! here it comes... (crowd cheers) a big mac and 10 piece mcnuggets! they got em! get your fan favorites on the mcpick 2 menu. choose any two for just five bucks. they did it! unbelievable! ♪ let me get a mcpick 2 ♪
12:00 am
announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: so mariah carey is in the crosshairs of a security company that says she disrespected them in a big way by calling them azis. >> not only that, he's claiming she sexually assaulted them. she called him into her room. >> that would be sexual be.- harassment. >> that's full harvey weinstein. >> it's not full harvey weinstein. >> she didn't get in the shower. >> you guys don't feel the need to be the least bit consistent ? >> no. >> i was flabbergasted. >> there's a crazy video we just got of junior galette, a linebacker for the washington redskins, getting tased while running from police. >> the guy falls down to the ground. he goes over him --
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