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tv   The Final 5  FOX  November 9, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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coming up on your final five. roy mower denies those allegations against him. the time for the gop to pass tax re form and they know campaign donations depend on it. the president's granddaughter, big star in china, believe it or not . and a new controversial i surrounding the national anthem this one over the song itself. it's the final five. let's do this. but we start with the allegations of roy moore. these had the future of his senate campaign in doubt tonight. let's break down what happened. today the washington post spoke with a woman who says moore initiated a
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with her when she was 14 years old. he was in his 30s at the time. this happened in 1979. moore was working as an assistant district attorney. mower spoke to her outside the courtroom. her mother was there for a child custody hearing. mower asked for her phone number and then days later took her to her house and kissed and touched her. he knew she was 14. the post also talked to three other women who said moore pursued them when they were between 16 and 18. this story, carefully researched. you can imagine in situations like this they have to. theirs and he never forced them into any sort of relation ship. we have to put that out. moore denies the allegationsment he says they're totally false. moore calls the post story a political tax say ing in part the obama/clinton 's liberal media launch dogs
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most nasty attack i've ever fac ed. we're in the midst of those who weren't to silence our message. this was a four-part tweet. big deal obviously. >> mitchell mcconnell and other gop senators say if the allegations are true, this is sort of the blanket statement. if the allegations are true, mower must step aside. i don't know -- it's a devastating nasty story. if the revelations, if that's true, i don't believe they'd be anyplace for him in the us senate. just with regard to roy moore, those stories are all just appalling. >> and a white house official said that if the allegations are true, pupil will not support him . keep in mind president trump didn't support him in the primary. he was supporting leut er strange. senator john mccain has old called for moore to step.
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talked about running a write in campaign. back in 2010 she ran a successful write in campaign for senate. strange was appoint ed to the senate seat back in 2015 to. strange lost to moore in the gop primary. look, this is alabama. mower had been heavily favored to win next month's special election against democrat doug jones. regardless of what you see the poles say. even if moore decided to step aside. moore is expected to remain on the bin laden on the either way and by the way, moore's campaign has already turned down an opportunity to debate his opponent. although he is using this whole episode to fundraiser . he already sent out e-mails. the election is set for december 12. wait until you see annual arrested on an outstanding he see it what's happening down in alabama ahead of christmas. what happens with roy moore could complicate the push for tax reform in the senate if he pulse out
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doug jones win. they need 50 roats to pass tax reform. that is a very slim margin forkerror remember healthcare in we all do ment just listen to the optimism of senator lindsay gram . he was asked today what would happen if the gop can't pass that tax reform and he said this, the party fractures, most incumbents will get a primary challengement a lot of them will probably lose, the basal fracture. the financial contributions will stop, other than that it will be fine. and i hope you enjoyed my lindsay gram. i feel like that's the authenticity ticketed event of it all. at least you you hear it in h his voice. house republicans did take a step forward today planning a vote for next week. which is in line to pass the legislation before thanksgiving. we're doing this the right way. it takes time, but trust he me we're going to get this over the finish line. we're going to get this over the finish line because we need to get this for
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we need to get this done by people who will be helped by simpler, fairer taxes. today we're taking one step closer to fulfilling that goal. house members were given less than a half hour to review a 29-page amendment to the plan. if they think that this is the bill that they must pass in order to stay in power, they have it all wrong . the public is hearing the truth, the public is paying attention. you saw what happened in virginia. they should be worried, very, very worried and now we're very worr ied about what they might have in their alternative. >> we're going to hear that line a lot, too, what we saw in virginia. also today republican s in the senate gave a glimpse of their own idea of tax reformat it offers cuts for corporations. it appeals state and local deductionsment a lot of opposition from special senators or rather
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the northeast, new york, new jersey, connecticut. of course there aren't senators, there aren't republican senators from those states. we'll see where that rolls on here. both sides have to come together, work out a deal. we'll see what happens with a long to do list for congress, immigration form has a nt been at the top of the priority list, but they're trying to get the future of the dreamers back in the spotlight. it thats been over two months since president trump announced dock a would be ending. he gave congress six months to act to get those so-called dreamers from deportation a. it included some students sphr fredericksburg schools in maryland and the district. they walked out of class to protest. remember that threat, organizers estimate the up to 1500 people who took part in the protest that ended on the hill. child arrivals were temporary. but when somebody hands you you or when you fight for something that
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even for two years at a time i think when that's that given or when you get that you kind of want to believe that you're going to be able to hold onto that and from there fight on. most of us have clean records, our parents raised us in supplant a way that we want to pursue us and furt per our education. immigration and youth from all over the country and here in d.c., are pissed. they're mad, they're tired. this is the representation of the american people across the country. we want a permanent solution. we want it now. we nt what it this year and this is a call to all congress that i must act now and especially the leadership. the plan was all these students were going to wrap up the protest at the center park. after hearing the comments house speaker ryan made today about the timeline for do ing something when it comes to d.c. ca. we have i believe until march. i don't believe there is a need to have
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artificial deadlines within the ones we already have. we we have a working group on this tissue and that working group is now going to spread out and start talking to our broader conference. i also met with some members of the congress who are also meting the working group. active discussions are underway about how the d.c. ca should occur. i don't think we should put artificial deadlines than what we already have. they hope to pass a exroa miss by the end of the year. president trump tonight. he's continuing his trip onto vietnam, but the first lady sticking around in china to do some sightseeing. the president tweeted just before disee pargt tonightment i am leaving china for 2017 and floats us is staying behind h ment the president also used social media to put out basically what has been a highlight real and it's set to the music from
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part. see if you can pay attention. our relationship with you and china is a are important one to me and awful the people of our country. i feel up lifted already. but president trump's trip to china probably wasn't as exciting as when \china\china's president came to visit him back here. when he came back in april. he came to mar allaying oh. the president ordered trieks on situatery a. i had i'm fished at the tabling. we're now having desert and we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen and the president, she wassen yoiing it. that was the same interview when he said you attacked iraq. president trump doesn't just brag about cakement he spent time with the latest the president to show off his granddaughter's clip of the, air bell a trump who
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daughter singing in mandarin. sing dong oh. (singing in man darin.) my man darin is a little rusty, but i they she nailed it air bell a is considered a child star in china. this after mommy van contact posted another video of air bell a singing in mandarin back in february. that video went viral in february. there you have it. they're huge in china. this is a story. there's been a lot of talk about this. we've talked so much on the final five about all the pro tests during the national anthem at nfl games. that is starting to die dowrntion but there is a new different controversy involving the anthem for awful you to argue about and for your aunts and uncles to post on facebook and for many
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you to tweet about. the naacp, the california state branch is calling for the soj to be chang ed because of lyrics that you you or i have probably never heard of. the lyric naacp objects to is part of a verse of a song that is hardly ever sunk here it goes, no refuge can save from the ter ofer of flight or the gloom. the reference to gloom is what they take issue with. people are undecided whether the song should be changed. a loft is up lifting to a the look of people. chang ing it now would be nothing but a distracts. i think it's part of our historiment i don't think we necessarily need to change history. sit down, decide and what should be in it and what shouldn't be it. come together and have common ground on it. i'm more of a traditional list and i would be in favor of keeping
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spangled banner. just a little perspective here because we've had incidents in this country involving anthem before. remember rose and when she sang the anthem at a padres game years and years ago. sang is a subjective term. it should have been this land is your land you but that's not the point. good chance you you didn't know that verse. i certainly didn't know the veer. the california chapter of the naacp will need a response sponsor to kill or change the anthem. we reached out to the headquarters and they dined it. there's something for you to discuss over the even. >> next at 10:30 after a rough election night for the gop how are young conservatives trying to energize themselves and voters? you'll meet david blare when we come back after this.
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♪ [doorbell] ♪ ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ havertys furniture helps your home look perfect even when life isn't. are you sure you don't want me to call an exterminator? (muffled) aw, come on. it's just a raccoon that got in the attic. and there she is. oh, look. babies. [loud hissing.] darren! daddy! [crashing from above. loud and violent.] they're on the move! honey!?! what's going on? she's got me cornered. how big is she? make the call!
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havertys. life looks good.
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that ran and they say were i be expired by their dislike of the president, but if you're talking about conservatives, what are the issues that get them excited to run? jim, as i travel around the country with the leadership institutes, youth leadership i run into hundreds of young people who are passionate about the issues of conservatism. one of the things, you you can't really i guess identify a single issue that all young people
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with. itself it's definitely not a negative approach as if seen on the left. a lot of times they seem to be motivated a little bit more by negative approach, a negative look at the president. but what i see on the right is a lot of positivity and a lot of hope, really a lot of excitement about the direction that our country is headed because they see kind of their future really in the hands of elected officials. and that's, i think, the biggest motivation for young people to be involved in politics is really just secure their future. >> do you find that it's tough to get excited about the whole process? because i think even when i look at, you know, somebody who is running for office, if you're starting out, it is a daunting undertaking. how do you give them the to as to do it and how do you defeat the whole idea that this is hard in this is impossible. >> really starts off with kind of
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and speaking in an authentic way . too often for young people they see politics as kind of a dirty word and they tie of politicses as something as more of a negative or someone who is going to be, you know dishonest with them. and they've seen so many, you you know, failed politicians in their time. but really what you have to do is come to them with a real and authentic message to show them, hey, if they don't do it, nobody else is going to do. i'm a child of the '80s. i know that you have a lot of politicians who always say ronald reagan is my hero. who is the hero for the modern day and the young, the millenial conservatives out there in. >> well, i mean i would have to say you have your mike pences and your donald trumps. i saw on the trump campaign, i saw a lot of excitement from young people.
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paul, for example. with ron paul, what fascinated me about ron paul because here is a guy who is not a young gierks late six i ts, early seventies and he energized young conservatives on a level that i think bernie sanders energized young liberals on. it comes down to being authentic. young people can kind of smell someone who is being dishonest or someone who is faking it a mile away and it really boils down to someone who goes to where young people and deliver an authentic message that kind of delivers to them. i think that you had that with ron paul. you had that with rand paul. bernie sanders excited young people even though i may disagree with him. it's really all about -- half the battle is showing up. >> for sure. >> and the rest of it is authenticity, i think. in terms of moving forward in the midterms, do you you have a lot of young people coming to you go
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are they optimistic and excited about the local levels, those smaller races. >> absolutely. i've trained hundreds and hundreds of young people that come to us looking for the tips and tricks and skills to be politically success ful and and a lot of that is going into the state races, the stuff is that is more direct to them. i feel like i've said more times than not over the past couple of days, all politics. we have to leave it at that. we are back after the break. did you know you can still get a refreshing any size soft drink for just one dollar at mcdonald's? with the days getting shorter and your to-do list getting longer, you'll enjoy this ice-cold deliciousness more than ever. hurry over to mcdonald's. ♪♪
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they're looking at the mcpick 2... ...two for five deals all across the board! here it comes... (crowd cheers) a big mac and 10 piece mcnuggets! they got em! get your fan favorites on the mcpick 2 menu. choose any two for just five bucks. they did it! unbelievable! ♪ let me get a mcpick 2 ♪ >> merry christmas again. merry christmas. so merry christmas. from the campaign trail, the president has pledged to end the so call war on christmas, but political correctness may have gotten to somebody at the white house. the president has invited reporters
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reception invitation sent to white house reporters today explicitly called the event on september 1 a holiday reception the body of the e-mail do call it a christmas reception. president trump has largely avoided social events with journalists including the white house correspondents dinner. jim, i don't have much to adhere , he i just thought just in casey forget between now and then i wanted to say merry christmas. i hope you have a very merry christmas and i'm not afraid to say it. here's the thing about that. i had a job back in my early days. i worked for a defunct consumer electronics chain that rhymes with per pharmacokinetic pity and i was always -- i was worr ied how people would take it if i said merry christmas. he so i didn't say happy holidays to be politically correct, i
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people out there that celebrate different things. i know it's a matter of effect. i think most of the time even if tu don't celebrate christmas and someone says merry christmas to you you in a store women will say thanks and goodbye. it's a touch point and the president was add mapt that we're going to keep saying merry critical condition mass so to you, too, i say merry christmas. christmas for taylor swift fans because her music drops in what, seven minutes, because the guy who is pushing the buttons is a huge t swift fan. the woman who got fired from her job is getting severance. a fund has raised money, fearly 1500 people have donated. she was fired from her job after the photos of her went viral. her bosses told her she violated the company's social media policy because she use
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. leave it to oprah to admit this. the former vice-president tells her i have a regret that i am not president .ed by den also told oprah during the 2016 race he said he was the most qualified person forth job. after his son died. there is speculation that biden would run in h 2020 and he wouldn't rule it out because you're not allow to lie to oprah . who is sleeping soundly and who is tossing and turning tonight. after this.
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>> virginia rebl
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latest in his caucus to announce he's hanging it up. for that we'll say he's sound asleep tonight. representing the roanoke area, he's also been chair of the powerful house committee. it brings to 14 the number of congress who are hanging it up. twelve of them republicans. this seat will likely stay in the gop's hands. while he looks forward to spending more time with his family. he is the third one to allowance nouns this week alone mitchell mcconnell has a headache on his h hands. he wasn't a fan of the roy moore. in alabama that's as good as win ning the whole thing. with the allegations against moore mcconnell has to be frustrated. he joined the forces demanding that moore dropout if theetion allegations were true. with steve bannon backing moore it's a sign that the pressure is on even if moore stays in and wins that seat on december 12. that's the final five
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the week in politics tomorrow night same time at 11. thirty. make it a good night. the morning crew is here at four:25 goodbye.
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12:00 am
announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: ok, terry crews is the latest celebrity tofile a sexual assault report. we got him a the hollywood police department. >> people ave to be held accountable. >> how do you-- why does anybody go up to terry crews ad sexually assault him in public? and not get beat the hell down? >> the power this guy here tells you the position he is put in being thought of in this way. he thought of his career,and he was powerless in this situation.& >> celine dion may have a big future in e.d.m. music. steve aoki's set.out during - she sang, but she also had some amazing dance move. ♪ harvey: that's fantastic. >> the downfall continues wit ke


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