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tv   The Final 5  FOX  November 13, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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, where just slid into the during 2016 campaign, the president takes part in what might be the most awkward handshake. clock is. it's all in the final five. let's do this. let's do this. tonight roy moore still refusing to step
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in alabama, despite the call for him to get out. another woman calls heavy name was beverly nelson. >> mr. moore regioned over and began groping me. hadding his hands on my breasts. i tried to open my car door to leave. but he reached over and he locked it and he said you're just a child. and he said i'm the district attorney. and if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you. >> allegations comes after the "washington post" saying he made inappropriate advances. he denieded story and talked to deny the latest round of accusations >> i can tell you without hesitation this is had absolutely false. i never did what
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i don't even know the woman, i don't know emg about her. i don't even know where the restaurant is or was. >> now, they produced in that press conference you saw gloria, this is first she made in the controversy, allegedly moore signed this girl's high school year book years and acquires ago. there's that dispute whether he met her or not and that's at the heart. there have been a lot of different ideas about how gop can handle this, there's been a talk of a writing campaign for luther strange who was the mandy feeted in the republic pri >> do you believe these allegations to be true >> i believe the women, yes. >> not just mitch mcconnell but gop corey gardner wants the senate to expel more, last time a senator wasuc
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he would during the civil war. let's give you a history lesson, jess see bright, kicked out over a charge of support for confederate rebelian, and the whole, is that mitch mcconnell didn't want roy moore there in the first place. steve bannon wanted him there in the first place, steve bannon wants him out. it's a big mess right now, at least on that end, we wills how it works out. between the we're learning wikileaks made contacted with drop junior during last year's campaign by just sliding. the atlanta contained messages that were turned over. correspond really is mostly one-sided. mostly ignoring the frequent messages, done junior, was releasing information that benefitted russian interest. this is an exa
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messages. wikileaks hi be great if he comments on push the story. done junior, already did that earlier today. it's amazing what she can get away with. there you have it. that's my attempted voicing over wikileaks. there's a look at some quotes. wikileaks donald great to see you and your dad. suggest your dad tweets as he mentions us, the press are missing and we're sure some of your follows will find it we just released podesta e-mails, donald junior didn't respond but 15 minutes later, his father tweeted little pickup of the dishonest media, so dishonesty. they kept it up. this is wikileaks, and again, john junior didn't reply, they asked him to leak part o
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father's tax returns with wikileaks saying toing so we help make the site far more marshall. it largely went when they broke the story about don junior's connection with the kremlin. we're very interested in obtaining and publishing a copy of e-mails cited in the "new york times." few hours later. done junior posted the e-mails and he's posted all direct messages with wikileaks which confirms the story but then don junior here's the entire chain. which one of the congressional committees chosen to selectively leak how ironic. although just like atlantis morery set. let's move on to talk about the end to the overseas trip
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spot in the phillipines. he surprised everyone had a gala dinner when he broke out in adieu wet and joked it was on the orders of the commander in chief of the united states. made it more awkward trying to get everyone to cross their hands and link arms and this is the photo which may very well be one of the more awkward photos. that in and of itself is a pellet weird handshake. it's gone
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anyone can look awkward in a photo but video isn't much better. he's a big guy. there you have it. so there's that handshake maybe they should try something it is. we know there was singing and handshaking in the president of philippines we don't know what the president said. the white house said the tleerdz briefly discussed human rights, part of an effort to rid the phillipines of drug users extra additional killings. spokesman said human rights were never discussed. tax reform, the clock is ticking, president wants this done by christmas and we're getting there quickly. keep in mind thanksgiving is more than a week away but getting close. the senate version went through markups in the finance committee. markup time. the house today. did that last week as well.
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which chambers. the senate's proposal elements the deductions for property taxes which is good for if you're in a high tax state. new york, new jersey, connecticut. republicans say it main focus is to provide tax relief the two middle class, democrats claims the plans will do the opposite paw you eliminate the state and local tax deductions, i do think nancy pilosi and chuck schumer should reverse the routine a little bit >> don't take my word for it. gary cone what's his title? whatever it is. >> whatever >> here's one truth he did say. the most excited group out there are big ceos about our tax plan. >> spreader of
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sibling bird which you think. despite divisions among republicans the house is expected to vote on the tax bill before going on recess for the thanksgiving holiday and president trump talked about the process tweeting i'm proud of the republican house and senate on cutting taxes and reform. now this is where the 280 characters kick in. how about any of the unfair and highly unpopular individual mandate in obamacare, cut top rate to 35% with the rest to going to middle income tax ruts including the individual mandate it could add votes in the house, sources suggest tying the individual mandate to the bill would lose votes in the senate. there's a very slim margin for robber. closer to home. a hateful flyers attributed to white ring extremists groups were plastered on the gop headquarters, the chairman said it was a trick aimed a
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mainstream republicans with extremist organizations. >> maybe this was a smear campaign trying to, you know, affiliate us, with these people. and we have absolutely no interest in supporting them. the -- we have, do not have the same beliefs, and if they put them on our door to influence us, they didn't did the wrong thing. >> there is surveillance video of the vandals cameras are about everywhere. if you're doing something like this. two suspects walking up to the door of the gop headquarters, you see it right there they glue four posters to the fronts door and walk off. they glued a poster to a mailbox to take a cell phone picture of what they've done, montgomery county police say this doesn't rise to the level of a hate crime that could change if at any undercover new information,
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meeting about the vandalism and talk about putting up a reward. those are the big five stories. up next, we'll dive in more about roy moore, we got on a poster, is it the distraught have a chance of winning in alabama or will voters have moved on by election day? coming up after the break. up after the break. did you know you can still get a refreshing any size soft drink for just one dollar at mcdonald's? with the days getting shorter and your to-do list getting longer, you'll enjoy this ice-cold deliciousness more than ever. hurry over to mcdonald's. ♪♪ we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. from scandalous romance, to ridiculous plot twists. (gasping) son? dad! we also know you can avoid drama
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. the democrats have not won a senate race since 1992, and that was richard shelby. >> the polls after the primary, still showed moore. more was controversial. we all know who he is, what he's done. he was still leading pretty commandedly for a long while >> and now we're getting to this point here, we hav
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doug jones, the allegations come out, do you think based on your knowledge is it possible that roy moore if he makes it to election day, can he lose this race >> it's possible. the tricky thing right now is i would argue that this week to me is the most crucial of all the weeks in the campaign. for the reason being is that roy moore has to articulate a forceful and compelling defense, once we get to infections week and beyond we get into holiday season, it's very tough to get people to pay attention when you have a campaign running in that thanksgiving to christmastime. >> do you buy the idea, here we are, many will say we're in the beltway bubble and looking at this race, and there are people out there that look at roy moore and say how would anybody vote for him. this is a guy who
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large chunk of the population or at least a large chunk of people. they revere these guy and don't buy these allegations >> you have two things going on, talking about getting outside the beltway bubble. you're talking about it deep south where feistiness matters a lot in politics and number two, you have to remember that roy moore is connected with the evangelical community which is particularly strong in alabama and louisiana as well. it's a different culture that is why roy moore has much more of a chance >> they still love president trump down there, look how much he carried alabama >> the interesting thing about the poll that somehow gets skipped over by those in the media is that donald trump's numbers barely have budged in the poll. what has budged is the moore jones
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which i think the republicans are more concerned about democrats have a lead in the generic ballot question >> when you talk about all of the national does that have a chance to do the adverse effect who don't want these voters to tell them how to vote >> i would see it having the muddying the waters effect. i thought i read somewhere. that's one of the things that's a sensitive subject when you're talking about a smaller state like alabama is this notion of outsiders interfering and that's certainly something that could be a benefit >> i appreciate your perspective. i'd like to check back with you. i'm sure
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between then and now, you'll be there to cover it. we'll be back after this on the final five.
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. when somebody disrespects our flag to say get that son of a -- off the field right now. out, he's fired. little apprentice -- he segwayed. the president made the perfectly cheer where he stand on the protest. man started has been named qq citizens of the year. he said the nfl protest against police brutality, at any all
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from g q the menendez trial, are deadlocked and can't reach a verdict. outside of the courthouse, menendez said thein decision means there are jurors believe in his innocence of the most serious charge he faces carries a maximum 20 year prison sentence, keep in mind how this pans out could throw the chris christie still has time. he would likely put a republican in. we'll pay attention to this one. president trump is wrapping up his foreign trip to asia but influence still being stein in japan. we're talking about the burger he ordered trump organization a lunch and that puppy is selling out. he opted for a $10
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cooked well done, a wave of diners are ordering the same with some locations selling out by the afternoon. >> i just wanted to talk about this for a minute. i believe it's interesting milania and i ivanka and barren thinks it's sold out. people think the burgers >> he loves his burgers and you have that >> but a burger cooked well-done >> i have fundamental issues with that >> and he also likes his steak well done. >> he does like that, there's the unstash substantiated rumors he takes it with ketchup. there was ketchup on the table. >> i've stayed at the trump taj mahal hotel,
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in atlantic city. i don't recall a $10 burger being on the menu, i know you can't get one at the $10 hotel in dc >> it is a bargain >> what is the most you would pay >> most i have ever paid is like 15, 20. >> i'm about that, somebody gasped in the control room. >> mike is horrified >> producer christie thank you very much. meantime there's never been a better time to buy real estate at trump tower. the median are at recession levels prices fallen since the president announced his candidacy in 2015 it could be due to the inconvenience of. the average price is down 23%
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we mentioned the hotel not exactly a safe space for liberals, a new anti-trump hotel is being just blocks away. it is called the eaten workshop. being built as the first politically motivated hotel. the founder said it's meant to attract liberal guests. it will plan on partnering with local artists, scheduled to open in spring 2018. i don't care what the politic are, make it affordable. stay there a night and give me a $10 burger and we'll be fine. who's sleeping soundly and tossing and turning when the final five comes back. l five comes back.
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11:56 pm
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was it a yard dispute, politics? the injury sound much worse as the story unfolded and we'll let the legal process play out. it's an important step. the roy moore revelations are causing a lot of people to ask questions. if we're to take the allegations what about the women that made similar accusations against bill clinton? not cases center around women under age, is it still as easy to discount the allegations. bottom line is when you look at any case, first thing first, take away the politics then go back and ask yourself would i feel any differently? that's the final five on this friday night -- did i just skip ahead five days? final five on this monday night,
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make it a good one. see you back tomorrow night. back tomorrow night.
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: shaquille 'neal's sweet 16 for his daughterwill put everybody to shame because he blew a million bucks. ♪ >> jay-z, he was performing. he addresses colin kaepernick. >> it's no about playing. it's about justice. harvey: are people who go to these concerts receptive to political'sages -- political messages? >> are you really annoyed with kanye? >> hold on, jay-z gives yu the message and he drops the song. kanye makes you listen to the sermon for 40 minutes. >> insane video of an nfl star from a brawl in a casino. he looks up to a potted plant and just rips it out. security guards just ump on him. literally five guys on his back


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