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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  December 11, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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>> hi everybody, hello to you. >> happy monday. >> happen my mn to you at home. >> big news involving the president and women that say uned the first time. and their goal is to take the commander in chief down. >> and well as you can see from the rundown on the side of the screen big story tonight at 6:30 first failed terrorist attack in new york city and pipe bomb went offer in manhattan near subway times square. inspired by isis. three people were hurt and injuries are minor and details are still coming in tonight though. but first let's fwling e police officer and security expert lieu palumbo greet you have on the show tonight.
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had this individual had any wherewithal toll what he was doing he may have created something exactly a low great explosive what he used and he probably would have done it considerable amount more damage. and the good news is high grade explosives and
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are difficult to come by and it's hard to find syntax and c 4 as you know a result of explosion down at the building with timothy mcvay and accessibility to fertilize ear in subways and people ghoing for the holiday season. anything we can do to protect ourselves. >> to be candid and truvl absolutely not. if you see something, say something. i think what people have to understand is that people come into a terminal like grand central and come in droves like cattle and preoccupied with the weather and preoccupied with getting work on time and any other number of distractions and on a day-to-day basis and we cannot expect them to have what we refer t
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awareness and that's our ability to look at situations or conditions with surrounded with and realize something wrong. and police department and mayor and governor today speak to concept if you see something. say something. which i whole heart edly agree with. as a rule, especially in the circumstances in which we were dealing with today, it's not likely that the people are going to really be paying attention to anything or anyone around them. that's unfortunate part of this incident. we have to be realistic in our approach and at the same time when it is -- are you capable and try to be aware of surroundings and individuals and packages left and aabandoned and it's very difficult especially as the general pub welcome for a r rule. >> lieu palumbo great to you have on the show thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> meanwhile, tonight, new cost for congress to launch sexual harassment investigation and this time member of congress is talking about the president of the united states. >> tom fitzgerald is live on
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capitol hill tonight with more on this one. hi, its. >> gene evening. this was press conference held in new york city this evening. and with three different women who all share a very similar story. what they're saying is they were victims of sexual assault by donald trump. president of the united st states. what do they want done about this. these are women that came forward during the 2016 election an however in the wake of me too movement they have come forward again and calling tonight on congress to launch a non partisan investigation of their accusations. now, understand, these accusations run a very long timeline.
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we were look at like he was property. >> i wars forcibly kissed by trump during introduction duction. mr. trump repeatedly kissed cheeks and ultimately lips. and grabbed me and. >> this news conference was put on by documentary film company that produced video you are looking at now and donald trump and 16 women in which those 16 women detail what they say were assaults by trump before he was president. and now at the white house today, during very contentious briefing today sarah sanders was repeatedly asked about this news conference this morning than briefing grew heated at times and oneoi
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sanders was asked if she had ever been the victim of sexual harassment. she would not answer that question but she again repeated trump's constant denial of this story in which he says he did not do these things. that he's accused of. >> and the the president has addressed these accusations directly and denied all of these allegations. and this took place long before he was elected to be president. and the people of this country had a decisive election supported president trump. >> and of course this is not i new story and it's a story that's taken on new life in the wake of the me too movement. jim and shawn you remember during the campaign when these allegations came out then candidate trump said he would sue his accusers. we're just days away from end of 017 about to begin 018 as of yet. no lawsuit has been filed. >> we'll see what happens moving forward. we know
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a lawsuit pending in state worst and we'll see where that goes from here if anywhere. >> one day to go before the special election in alabama. president trump making last minute robo calls and gop senate candidate roy moore. take a listen. >> and this is president donald trump and i need alabama to vote for roy moore it's so important. >> yep, that 90 second recorded call to voters includes president saying progress on his again day would be stopped cold if alabama elects democrat doug jones. >> voters received a call today and more though this is rare you have big election he spent weekend out of the public eye in pretaped interview in front of friendly call where he denied allegations of misconduct of teenage girls and young women. >> do i not know them and no encounter with them and never molested anyone and for them to say that i don't know know where they're saying it it's
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booker offer the weekend and recent poll shows race in a dead heat in red stayed and they said president obama has record aid phone call for roy moore. the question is how voters respond to having out of up toers come in and say, vote this way. >> i don't know i think it's really, really interesting. and polls show they're close i don't believe the polls. they were all over. >> right, right. >> steph kite from axiosis. where do things stand now with the race. >> it's very close and it will be up until tomorrow until we know. and it's look you were saying big dilemma here is whether allegations against roy moore were enough to deter people from voting for him and this is red state and soen in general he would have had easy election if it weren't or all the other allegations and we'll have to see whether voters decide to stick with party and distress of media and distress of washington or whether they'll say no this is
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en >> richard shelby the long time senator in alabama politics for 40 some years once a democrat and switched to gop some 0 years ago he went on tv over the weekend and wrote in another republican's name and could not would not vote for roy moore and then again goes back to distrust of washington where richard shelby while a veteran he's establishedment. >> it's ha to tell if this means anything. again these people are so -- many people if alabama do got trust and trust washington and everything is fake news to them and which is what roy moore campaigned on and there is a sense in which all of these washington he lights coming out and against roy moore and might not be enough. >> so. we talk about president making robo calls and is
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affect or impact ob the folks there in alabama we've seen jones do better in the polls. we don't know why that is. it's a negative view of rye roy moore or if efforts of helping doug jones are successful. has doing better in polls than he was a while ago. it's hard to trace where that's coming from. >> this is first time you have eyes of nation trained upon senate election in alabama and so we will be up late tomorrow night. i'm sure you will too at axio. >> good to see you guys. >> on-call toll hill lawmakers work cog dom brian house and senate. what they have to reconcile. manly size of corporate tax cuts and whether to include repeal of obamacare individual mandate. we said as many time the president said this many times republican can not afford to lose any votes on this one and there could be a possible s snag. republican senator sue collins says support is got a gen
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wants to wait until the whole the final version is out and she doesn't like to say yes or no beforehand because she wants to raet it awe and her big sticking point she want to see cut for the middle class. >> and any other concern that is gotten her in machiney waters she wants a guarantee there will not be cuts to medicare moving forward in the next year and she has assurances and the question is is that valid. >> and let's check in with gary mcgrady. gary, we had snow still on the ground outside. are we expecting anymore any time soon. >> i think we he can see wednesday morning and maybe friday as well. so couple more answer chas for that. there could be a flake or twob tonight. for the most part we'll stay dry out there. and all right, listen, the jet stream is taking a huge dip in iping areing down arctic air and it really starts coming in tomorrow night and wednesday. temperatures wednesday these are air temperatures. upper 20s, low 30s. wind is reallylo
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tomorrow night and through the day on wednesday. so we're talking some teens and we're going to have single digits out there and especially on wednesday morning. and the feels like tempe temperature. let me make that very, very clear. tomorrow afternoon temperatures start to drop. we'll get into the upper 40s and lower 50s it looks like and temperatures start to dram at aicily drop tomorrow afternoon to tomorrow evening and that sets the the stapling for super cold stuff on wednesday. temperature will be about 34 degrees but it won't feel that way. let me show you quickly these are feels like temperatures tomorrow night into wednesday morning and single digits out here guys. wednesday morning. gets a little warmer wednesday afternoon. not much. it looks like another chance for snow m coming up thursday and friday. back to you guys. >> thank you. he was one of the few people that silenced president trump and the man that shut down the xhapdner chief twitter account is saying tonight.
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>> welcome back. the pentagon will allow transgender people to enlist in january despite president trump opposition the new policy reflects growing legal pressure on the issue. two federal courts ruled against the trump administration ban on transgender people entering military and transgender recruits overcome a lengthy physician and mental conditions to join armed forces. >> former paul manafort >> the man that did it says it was a mistake. and a few wrong things back
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november. wavr the wrong things were caused president twitter act to go online for minutes. he call the perpetrator rogue employee and former employee says he was not pay ago tension and thought it was a parity trump account. >> and i just realized later from the news like everyone else treated him as ordinary account and should have double checked things which i did not do due to hectic and tiredness of the last day. >> and apologized to the company and. >> he mentioned it on the last day. >> ivy league school. >> that simple. >> meaning just everybody is going to get n and let me tell you going to i'vey league school very expensive. >> we'll tell you how 5@60 continues.
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ask >> welcome back. uner is slammed for search pricing. commuters rushed out of the port authority and nearby uber prices increased more than double in some case and one person said they had to pay 50 to travel 30 blocks during chaos and trp that normally cost 28 went top 5. >> wow. >> after the out cry uber disabled surge pricing and -- not the first time we heard about that. >> and brown university getting rid of student loans. hivey league school is replacing them with scholarships. grants, brown launched 30 million fundraising effort and the university plans to raise 90 million more dollars to sustain scholarship giving and grant program. you can imagine if every school did that. >> it's really incredible i mean especially we talked about this last week when talking about price of education. i think about what my student loan payments were based on then and what they're up to
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>> ridiculous. >> you feel terrible as a parents getting ready to accepted a child to college. i mean it's sxen live? very. >> very much so. >> even the state schools a anymore. >> right. >> take a look at this bit of way to make an entrance. california governor arnold schwarzenegger road into a climate summit in paris on a bike. speaking before a large crowd he said despite president pulling out of the paris agreement he would continue to fight climate change. >> it doesn't matter that donald trump backed out of the paris agreement baw the private sector did not drop out the public sector did not drop out and duvrts not drop out and scientist didn't and 1000 world leaders are planning to aten the summit. and it's also worth mentioning donald trump used to
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apprentice and arnold schwarzenegger did and apprentice got cancelled and donald trump was angry at arnold schwartz naiing foresfwlat i'm looking at him on the bicycle. >> do you remember the wizard of oz. >> yes. >> when the wicked witch was riding the bike. >> that's what it reminded me for a second. >> i was suc there for a moment. >> and we'll be right back everybody.
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>> welcome back. it a time of year again company holiday parties and friend and family gatherings popping up left and right. >> that's right the question is how do you navigate the holiday parties when political kvrpings that you do not want to be a part of began. crystal bailey director of edet cat institute of washing ton here with tips force. happy holidays. >> and politics
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climate we're in and we live in the washington region. we're at office parties and home parties and how do we avoid it especially when we don't want to be a part of the the conversations. >> so we've always said in polite company we don't talk politics. it's difficult nowadays and all about the pivot. if i can move on to any other conversation topic that's where i'm going whether kardsahians or pop culture. >> how do you pivot. like say we're in this conversation now. let's talk about politics. >> what about -- how about the tax bill? >> you know you don't want to two there with me now. i'll kind of go light and funny with it and pivot to another topic or you know go to something i know you also like to talk about. >> kardsahians. >> kardsahians. >> and chris's. >> and i love kris jenner
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he has to take away from thanksgiving and christmas is political, touch discussions that happened and then we really are not savering the holiday as we should. >> we talk about this leading up to thanksgiving and it's captive audience you're at the table and having discussion. if you go to holiday parties or christmas parties and dinners and more informal gatherings it seems like it's easier toe extricate from those situations. >> to kind of slide away. >> if you into talking about it be open and listen to what the other person has to say and open to both sides. >> good idea. i mean some people want to it talk about it. >> let's talk about the difference between the home, your friends, holiday party and the office holiday party. i know there is a difference from the way you probably should conduct yourself. >> and absolutely. >> i like the laugh. >> i'm thinking. >> so, certainly. >> you had wild o
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parties. just kidding go ahead. >> we have to remember that you know you have to go back to work after that office party. >> has to true you. >> want to save face. you want to be very careful about the gifts you're sharing at work and making sure that they are appropriate and so it's a lot the to think about and be on toes at holiday party it's still work and keep that in mind. >> i think too in the climate right now we're in where there is a just pliable sensitivity you have to approach situations with that changes conversation even more it seems especially too when you talk about gifts and talk about those chats you're having. >> absolutely. >> and so, for me, i'm thinking about being my most professional in that particular setting. >> so you know let's go back to office things we do secret santa again people like to do this. what is things we should absolutely say away from what we do secret santa gifts. >> things too personal, colon, fer perfume, one because of scent and it's a personal gift.
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ke and a lot of people like to do baked goods and buying something prepared or cooked and jammed just not forcing something. >> and the ultimate goal on a great note you wanting to filled with joy this season and now you spent good times well spent with colleagues and friend and family or whatever. >> not too much eggnog. >> not too much spice eggnog is what it is. >> that's social lubricant that goes too far. when you spike the eggnog you have to watch this. >> and balance it out with water. >> we'll talk about that later. >> after the show stick around for the after show. >> what is it? >> it's empty. >> it's behind the tree there. >> anyway. >> crystal thank you very much for coming up in. >> absolutely, thank you. >> thank you so much. thank you for joining us tonight on
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have an awesome week and awesome evening our next show at p.m. >> i'll see you on the final 5 at 11:30 make it a good night. everybody. km
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- >> taylor swift just made some guy's dreams come true. about to make them a star, probably by breaking up with them. >> her public debut with her boyfriend joe alwyn. he's an actor and model and british. >> instead of dating someone already famous, she bought low. >> instead of getting high, he will dump her. >> thomas hiddleston got famous before that. >> he was famous before taylor swift. >> she made him famous the same way kanye made kim famous. >> gigi hadid films day number 11 of the "love" magazine advent calendar. >> she's got like a full mane of hair under her armpit. >> she had to grow that out for a while. >> you don't know how quickly her hair grows. it could be a 5:00 shadow. >> no, it's beyond 5:00 shadow. you could physically braid it.


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