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tv   The Final 5  FOX  December 13, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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>> usual final five on this wednesday night, doug jones bask in victory will roy moore is in the state of denial. the big push for tax reform rolls on a mid of christmas. maryland takes steps to keep their lawmakers honest but maybe it's not not enough. and it's see you later a.m. rosa. >> tonight republican roy moore refusing to accept aless to keep
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republican hands. the campaign is clinging to hope when all the military counts next point they hold their to half a point. if the gap doesn't narrow moore's team can still ask for a recount . the problem is they'd have to pay for it. doug jones is looking ahead and taking up president trump on an invitation to the white house. however he is not calling upon moore to quit. i'm going to leave that to him. i'm going to think that as most people, including the people of alabama spoke and after elects it's a time for healing. it's a time for reaching out. the president who eventually endorsed moore said he 3r50e disicted this would happen. today he tweeted this, quote, the originally i endorsed leuter strange and his numbers went up mightily is that i said roy moore would not be able to win the general election. i was right. roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him. his sister was blaming the outcom
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reasons. it was dirty policies is what it was. i'm his sister and i know what's happened. when i saw him he was very happy . he hasn't lost yet. >> sisters know everything, right? doug jones, the first democrat from alabama to win a senate seat in 25 years. the last guy who won the senate seat was richard shell bit. he still serves in the senate this day. he said he did not vote for roy moore. the loss of a senate vote made the push for tax re form even more urgent today. if last night's election proved anything we need to put up great republican margins to increase the house and the senate. now we're looking at 51 to 49. the loss put more pressure on republicans to pass reform. next week, chuck schumer wants the vote delayed until doug jones is seated. it would be wrong for national republicans to jamb through this tax
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senator from alabama the opportunity to cast his vote. the people of alabama deserve to have their representative in the senate to debate the biggest issues of the day and the tax bill certainly falls under that category. i am obsessed with that woman behind chuck schumer at every given term. by the way if you are sitting al at home and say why would chuck smu her want to do that. mitchell mcconnell said no, it's an election year we're not going to do that. they're trying to see some kind of parallel. here's a spoiler alert, it ain't going to happen. president trump said the vote next week is crucial, tax reform laying the foundation for what he calls american re neul. if congress sends me a tax reform this is only a small beginning to the incredible things that our people will achieve over a very short period of time and the tremendous eights that
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economically and so many other ways in our country. the president says if the bill was done by why is mass americans could see tax cuts by february. critics say the plan will heavily benefit the risk. lawmakers asking if is biased. ninety pages of text messages of then candidate trump. they were shainged between an fbi lawyer. today they grilled deputy attorney general roy rosen teen you can disband the musclier special prosecutor and you can do what we've all called for. appoint a special second counsel to look into this. our inspector general is doing a thorough review. that's how we found a text message as part of the review. lawmakers, their questions would be answered by an inspector general's report that is expected to come out soon. mueller's team has already brought several
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against campaign chair paul man ford and michael flynn. flynn has plead guilty to lying to the fbi and of course there's george pap done last. in maryland there was a new plan to deal with sexual harassment for law makers and staff of the general maryland asem blism the idea here is to collect data on sexual misconduct but keep the namings of the public officials a second revment things that are happening in the people's building in the statehouse, public officials they want to keep that secret. well, maryland governor larry hogan also think that lawmakers should hold themselves accountable with the same transpair yns i that's taken in his office i agree with that. i just heard that they were propoation a poly s. i haven't seen any wording of the proposed poly s. if they're do ing one it should be open and transparent and open as the executive branch poly is. since it's a separate branch of state government, he wants lawmakers to follow the policy
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office. sexual harassment experts are cite icing this deborah cats says congress is do ing away with itself -- own system to keep sexual harasser's identity in secret. the public wants to know who is engaging this behavior and if settlements ever reached that are coming out of the public effective how much is being paid and as a result of what kind of conduct. it is a bit tone deaf because right now we're in a moment where the public is demanding accountability and transparency you heard about the plan through the media. he also said he was surprised to learn they weren't already compiling information of people who have reported sexual harassment bylaw makers. fox5 also talked to maryland senator cheryl kaig and today. she's a democrat she thinks law makers can quote, doer month. did you see the big news today? a.m. rosa, the only person in this administration that goes by one name is out. the former contestant on the a
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i believe served two or three tours of duty on the apprentice served as director of communications for the white house office of publicly a \son\{^son}. white house officials says she plans to evan lambert look the administration last month to pursue other opportunities. there have been reports that say something more went down and tonight we do we have the video to show how this havment take a look. >> i just don't get it. we all have problems. life is full of problems. you're fired. >> maybe that's not how it went down. but we couldn't deny that the president has fired a.m. rosa before. the thing is there are reports that she had to be physically removed from the white house after chief of staff john kelly had to terminate her the secret service tweeted it it wasn't involved in her removal but it did deactivate her key card. like our own sarah frazer she no longer has a key card. president trump also tweeted th
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wishing her success. >> i don't know if we're going to hear that story. will we ever know what happened to a.m. rosa? who knows, but we're going to talk a little bit more about the big surprise out of alabama when the big final five comes back after the break.
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>> after a long nasty battle the most paid attention to alabama special election is over. probably the most paid attention to alabama since rhys whiter spoon started in sweat home alabama. what's next. our friend and yourself, he's up late with me on the final five. good to see you. >> sweat home alabama reference, that was strong. i think i've seen 30 seconds on an airplane and that's been about it. lie. let'
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of toeder to talk about on your show the last couple of days, the last week of months in were you surprised. >> yes, i was. and i'm so glad i was wrong. i had roy moore by two. i'm so glad he's out of the news cycle and gone. >> he's not gone. when you've had a dude who was booted from the alabama supreme court twice not twice once twice. he ran for governor in the past. that didn't do quite well. tried to get a job the at a hot topic at a mall. that didn't go well, too. boo boo boo. >> were you booing hot topic or were you booing him. >> i think that's fair. there's a lot of people who say, look, there are just allegations all a long. you have to look at them at face value. if you are one of the people who discount the allegations against roy moore you have to in turn discount the allegations against bill clinton
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to juanita broderick which is totally valid you have to look at it from both sides. you can't have it both ways. it's the same thing with democrats. that's why they threw out al franken. he's not leaving any time soon. if roy moore won, i keep getting in your shot when i keep reaching over. you're in my bubble. i am in your bubble right there. when you talk about al franken i really thought add roy moore won he was going to stick around. he was going to totally stick around. that's what they were waiting for. do you think that's dis ingenious. >> complete limit if it was genuine they would have gone after him a long time ago and all of these other people a long time ago. when they say bill clinton should have resigned. >> hip krit al. they're going after it. you should worry or wonder about a party that ace they put woman first and they want to protect women and they
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ago. they did come forward, but then you didn't hear from them. they show up on the meaghan kelly show early this week. they did a press conference as some sort of a precussor. has that saved her career, meaghan kelly? we should point out the ratings have bum bumped up a little bit, but the today show has more problems. they're no final five. >> i like the choring on that one. they cut it off, too. just a little bit there. before we go, the bigs story of the day is what we saw at the white house, a.m. rosa, men gallon newman leaving, resigning, but there's all these other reports coming out about it and it is quite funny. who would not expect some sort of drama around her as she departed in i still don't know what she doctor there . i don't think anyone knows what she did there, but she was apparently kick and screaming on the way out. office of publicly a\so
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voters? listen. she lost african-american voters when she went on wendy williams and made a fool of herself years ago. tim young no things considered, washington examiner he's going to show up on our holiday show. >> i might be there. >> watch what we're wearing and watch, you know, maybe christmas and see if there's any comparison here. i wear the same qulets every day. we're back after this on the final five. five.
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tweeted about that. in a statement cnn confired the tweet was not sent from cooper's phone. they say the tweet was sent from a phone belonging to an assistant afternoon cooper's assistant left the phone unlocked and unattended at the gym today. my phone was hacked first off, if you left your phone somewhere, that's not hack ing. this isn't someone behind a computer hacking into your phone. you left it somewhere. no one hacked into your phone. the other thing is just own it. we are in the society where it was
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trummic pan diameter, too. >> it sounded like a trump tweet >> no punk waition. he's a news man. if you look at coopers history he doesn't tweet a whole lot. he's not an avid twitter. he only replies. i don't even know if he does. >> apparently he doesn't. >> we've seen a slew of sexual allegations. so the screen act ors really leaning into the me two movement. all of the presenters during the january sag awards women. act tres kristin bellies hosting the a wards. >> i love that. they've run out of any men who are any good. there's just none left. >> we would be available to host . maybe the preshow or something like that. we are sag members. we're up standing members of society. if you're
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watching, sag people, tweet us. just don't do it from anderson coopers' phone. >> elizabeth warren is getting a second term as a comic book character. i was going to say a second turn. comic wavies re leasing a comic entitled female force elizabeth warren. oddly it has nothing to do with native native americans. good point. it focuses on her senate run. there was another comic re lease last year. they release comments in the past, on hillary clinton and con dangerous deliveries lease a wrist before i have to think that they're in the a very successful comic book company. come iks on political figures in general. it's not exactly -- what do you do? filibusters, supplant are man can shoot lasers out of his eyes . she can just talk. wonder woman has an
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jill says she has an exploratory . she wore a make america great again dress to the grammy awards. she told fox and frebdz she was considering a run for congress. president trump encouraged her to run in a tweet after those comments. i absolutely love this. this is the world we live in, you wear a dress, run for office. i believe -- any mod come of note try. i think she had tickets to go. it wasn't like she performed at the grammies. she's gotten some publicity out of this. she knows how to woirkt. i'm endorsing her. you are a floridian. she has my vote. i don't know if she's your district or not. we'll find out. >> i'm not saying i'm still registered there. if you were still register ted there we would have a voter fraud investigation on our hands right here on the final five. >> ivanka trump's brand may no longer be available at
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herself at a location that can't reject the stuff, trump tower. it is opening a store tomorrow in the lobby of the building. ivanka has had to switch up her business model since her dad became president. she's selling products from her website. the products are getting more affordable. it discontinued the fine jewelry line earlier this year. good for her. i'm glad that she's getting into stores. bootstrapped, blue collar tore. zero nepotism. at least rent free. you know it's probably -- he's making her pay, 100 percent . it is the political scandal that took down a president and let everyone put the word gait at any scandal. four four decades after the oornlg nal watergate a piece of it is going up for auction, the brass lock they used to pick the headquarters over at the
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watergate will be auctioned off tomorrow, starting bid $50,000. the wood and the lock -- we can put it right up there. what will kill the gait? what will gait being at the end of everything? i think if there is a scandal centered around gates -- gait gait? we're not doing gait gait, gates gait not happening. if bill gates has an issue. >> we have rick gates, the guy who worked with man ford. >> would that call gates gait? no. that would end it. the white house hosts a lot of holiday events. a star studded reception last night because scott bay oh was there. there he is, tv's chat ji, was joan i was there erin moran as we know posted away earlier this year. >> i did not know that. >> he posted himself on twitter taking a turn at the podium. objection to theor
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were invited by the president to tour the president's residence which includes cot bay oh. >> president trump has reassured us we're allow to say merry christmas. merry christmas to you even though it's not christmas yet. one man may be taking it too far. david sanchez posted this. this is a christmas pizza that he made. oh, no. is that actual -- that's the sound you make after you eat it. >> candy canes -- are those slices of peppermint gum. >> no, it's cheese. >> it is cheese. what goes with cheese better than peppermint? at least it will hug your stomach. >> no. >> after seeing this, no more merry christmas. i'm not ig sa it anymore. this is what it encourages. the caption was tiz the season to be jolly, my
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proad brody logan. he's going to absorb that and we'll come back after this on the final five. five.
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this time of year is all about family. and we'd like you to be part of ours. so our chevy employee discount is now available to everyone. you pay what we pay. not a cent more. we're so happy to share this with you. it's our way of saying happy holidays. and welcome to the family... the chevy family. use your employee discount for everyone and trade up to this silverado all star to get a total value of over eleven thousand dollars. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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>> a vote of confidence tonight for rob erlt musclier, the only man who can fire musclier, deputy general ron rosen steen said musclier has the to keep the russian investigation moving along despite the text messages between two fbi employees. they were clearly in favor of the president or his policies. they were citing those texts to shut the whole investigation down or appoint a second
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to investigate the special counsel. on the other hand you have blake fair tolled and you can't forget this picture. that is him. he is a sitting congressman in the united states house of representatives. the congressman with a pen chon for pennsylvania jambs accusations of improper behavior is now the target of new allegations. these are coming from his former communications director micro cola, he said fair told made de meaning jokes and made an environment in the workplace so hostile it apparently made him vomit after work every day. that is a report present cnn who held an interview. he also made jokes at the of the mentally dis iebled. he has rebuked calls . you did have the resignation of john con irs anal franken and then trent franks a fellow republican resigned just last week. that's
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five on this wednesday night. we're back at it tomorrow morning. the morning crew is back here at four:25. we'll see you tomorrow.
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12:00 am
announcer: today on "tmz" -- charles: keaton jones has passionately told us all about the horrors of bullying but his father is telling us about white supremacy. >> we found this guy's facebook profile. he has posts for aryan pride. >> if you're one of the famous people and reached out and offered this kid passes to movie premieres, do you rescind that now? >> forget about "infinity war," invite him to "the black panther" premiere. >> can you imagine if the father found out the kid was going to a "black panther" premiere? >> the knicks-lakers game at madison square garden, thrilling game. bella hadid was sitting court side. >> she also does weird things on the court like crawling around. >> you do not do that. >> you're telling me if you went to a cleveland cavaliers game and you sat court side, you wouldn't do that? you would just sit there -- >> she would be passed out, dude. [laughter]


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