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tv   The Final 5  FOX  December 18, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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. several senators are reportedly hoping al franken thinks it over again and the president denies he's thinking about firing robert mueller. ♪ ♪. ♪ ♪. thank you for saving my pocket square. we'll need this later on. let's get things started with the big speech laying out national security policy. before we get
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social media lit up again over the w the way the president zipped his water. people seemed perplex the way the president uses two hands on the glass, thises is not the first time twitter critiqued his drinking style. you use todd hand on water bottle on his speech in november. let's talk about important stuff. the president's actual speech. spoke about ace a turning point. >> we'll embrace new leadership and new strategies and a glorious new hope. that is why we're here today. but to seize the opportunities of the future, we must first understand the failures of the past. for many years, our citizens watched as washington politicians presided over one disappointment after another. to many
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who forgot whose voices they were to respect and whose interest they were supposed to defend. >> much less fun when he's not going off the teleprompter, president trump laying out the four pillars securing borders, economic prosper tea, peace through strength and advancing america influence and as for the nuclear threat, don't worry it's being handled. >> this situation should have been taken care of long before i got into office when it was much easier to handle. but it will be taken care of. we have no choice. >> during the speech, the president talked about the crash we saw, the train crash in seattle asking for prayers for the victims and families, and at least we know three people killed in the crash. and amtrak train making its first ever run along the faster route
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some train cars spilling on the highway. dozens sent to the hospital with injuries he commented about three hours after, using it to call for more infrastructure spend, the train accident that occurred in dupont washington while our soon to be submitted infrastructure plan must be submitted quickly seven trillion in the middle east. we should point out some of the earlier calls for budget propose there were cuts proposed for railways. but you see again, the president calling for prayers and saying they're monitoring the situation at the white house. we should point out that there seems to be no major problems related to,ing to any terrorism or anything like that. looks like the fbi said there were no problems with that. >> our deepest sympathies and heart felt prayers to the train derailment. we're
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coordinating with local authorities, all the more reason why we must start immediately fixing the infrastructure of the united states. >> that was a major part of his campaign, calling for infrastructure spending. one of the thing that would get democrats on board when you think about it when you invest so much money in infrastructure you get people back to working union jobs, good news for democrats but still up to this point, no museum on an infraplan, that derailed train was the first to carry customers on the route. the track previously carried freight trains, r it was upgraded to carry passengers as part of a $180 million project designed to speed up service washington state underwent months of inspection and testing. they're going to try to figure out how this happened. the president talk about the infraplan, it's been delayed. he vowed to introduce legislation to invest a trillion in his first 100 days, it's unclear what's even in the plan moving ahead.
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happened back through the white house's infrastructure week in june but there weren't many policy proposals and came at the same time as former fbi director james comey congressional testimony may have been overshadowed a little bit. from infrastructure let's move on and talk about one way or the other one of the campaign promises tax reform. the if i think version of the tax bill was taken up. it is looking likely that we'll see votes in the house and senate tomorrow. we know that senator john mccain is in arizona recovering for treatment from brain cancer, he pwill not be back until after te holidays, that means the gop can only afford for one republican senator to vote no but things are looking good. utah senator mike lease said he will support the measure and susan collins of maine one of the three senators to vote no
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that repeal of obamacare over the summer said she's on board >> i rise to express my support for the conference agreement on the tax cuts and job act. the first major overhaul of our tax codes since 1986. this legislation will provide tax relief to working families, encourage the creation of jobs, right here in america, and spur check growth. >> after a initial hesitation over the tax bill, after including three amendments that collins said are important. bb corker of tennessee is another yes vote. democrats were accusing the writers of the bill of dropping for people who own certain real estate. that includes corker, calling it the corker kick-back. corker insists he was never briefed about the benefit and senate finance committee or rent hatch is
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the addition is six weeks old. the final vote in the senate could still be 50-50 that's why you have mike pence around because he would cast the tie breaking vote to past the bill. he's postponing his trip to egypt and israel in the middle of january so he can be in the senate for tomorrow's tax votes, he had planned to leave tomorrow night congress continues to struggle with sexual harassment allegations and a new bill would pull back the secrecy on harassment settlements in the private industry, there's big questions over whether congress is doing enough. car row lynn maloney introduced a bill that would stop companies from being able to deduct sexual harassment claims from their taxes as business expenses. that's a thing people can do. we'll see what happens. it would also rear companies to file a public report to the equal
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>> it can cause great harms to victims, other employees who may not know they're working in a harassing environment or who the harassers are and even the public at large. >> it's i ron he can what congress woman just described is exactly the system congress has set up for itself. congress not living by the rules they passed. the congressional compliance paid out nearly $60 million of your money in harassment settlements since the late 90's, those settlements use taxpayer dollars but keep the names of harassers secret. tonight new questions about the political future of democratic al franken in minnesota. politico said four of his colleagues are urging him to row consider, eight women come forward accusing him of sexual harassment. he announced he'd be stepping down in a speech earlier this month but never site date for when he'd be leaving. some peopling think there was a reason why. joe mansion of west virginia urged him not to step
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least not before going through an ethics investigation. he felt he was railroaded by flow democrats. russia, it doesn't steam like it will be over any time soon, cnn said the president told friends and advisors the russia probe coming to a close, why, people drinking water it's leak a collection, president trump drinking water, robert mueller drinking water. i drank water. the special counsel will soon write a electrical clearing the president of wrong doing, that's what the president thinks, we've heard rumors and speculation that president trump may try to fire mueller something he denied last night. the president was also asked about claims from his lawyers that e-mails written by his transition team were improperly accessed >> not looking good. it's not looking good. it's -- it's quite sad to see that. so my people were very upset about it. i can't imagine
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on it frankly, because as we said, there's no collusion, there's no collusion whatsoever. but a lot of lawyers thought that was pretty sad. >> the trump transition team claims the e-mails, which were on a government domain were its property and should not have been handed over without it'sth approval. mueller seen unlawfully obtaining e-mails, a new name is resurfacing. remember jill stein? this woman ran as the green party nominee for president. the senate intelligence committee contacted the stein committee as part of the russia investigation. lawmakers contacted him last week to request documents he thinks stein plans to comply and post the documents publicly. stein attended the 2015 dinner where former national security advisor michael flynn and russian president vladimir putin were president. she said her interaction was minimal. paul manafort is planning a christmas in
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was charged with money laundering and other related to his work for a pro political part in the ukraine, pleaded not guilty and been on house arrest while awaiting trial. a federal judge said manafort can visit for the holidays but he must provide a complete itinerary for his trip, including dates times and addresses where he will visit hissin laws. next we're talking more about today's speech from the president and what's next when it comes to national security policy. ja meal j, a ferty joining me next.
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. what does this mean, we have not seen you in a while. good to see you here. the president gave this big speech and what's your take away
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>> it's a real call for american leadership in the world reasserting role we have to play, both for our own people. also as a force for good in the world >> the two countries he mentioned off the bat being, i guess, adversaries or -- what was the exact terminology? it was something along those lines. >> strategic competitors and adversaries, that's the reality what we face with russia and china, they're focused on us as a national security threat to them and we ought to be focused the same way as they are a national security threat to us >> there are people like me when we mention china you saw them and seem to get famousing. >> the president has spent a lot of time with vladimir putin on the phone and people say they have the this bro man's going on, it's
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to talk and work with foreign leaders, it's clear at least the strategy we've laid out our view of those two nations >> this strategy something every president has to do >> it's required by law. every so often, they report to congress with the official national security strategy >> as you're figuring out how to approach things, you used to work with bob corker and the senate foreign relations committee. there's been talk about rex tillerson maybe going away. is is there any correlation between the fact you have these faces who specialize in foreign policy maybe moving out maybe uncertainty there and executing the strategy? >> look i think at the end of the day it's always about execution. it's about -- you all the words you want on paper but until you carry it out it doesn't mean a whole lot. we'll have to see what happens. unclear whether mr. tillerson still in place but a lot of key players, jim mattis and hr master, at least for now are there to
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real agenda, if the president is able to carry out some of these thing we'll see a real change in american foreign policy >> from a political standpoint when you looked at the president speaking, say, in florida when he did that big rally and you saw him today, staying on message, executing something, actually quite eloquent. it gives a lot of people pause to say, wait, you know, this is a good perspective moving ahead. >> well, look, if the president can stay on message and talking his talk and avoid twitter you have agenda >> he's got a real message out there. and he's got a vision for the world, and it's not one that everybody will agree with. we have to safety that but the reality is that the president does have an agenda and he's pushing forward with it. we'll see if it's effective but at the end of the day, this is a bold new call for american leadership in the world. >> what is the next step? is it really just about having the right people around him and right foresight moving ahead? where did you go from here once you lay allhi
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>> i think a lot of is policy discipline. you got a lot of ideas and that's about execution. the challenge has been that there's been at times a lack of discipline in administration, that's ok, that happens be it's early, it's the first year in the administration, they need to focus on their message, not get distracted with russia, this, that and the other thing, mueller, this, that, focus on the agenda, tax cuts, strong foreign policy and move out. >> we'll see you tomorrow. this could be a signature week in the president's term so far. it's good to see you >> thanks for having me >> back after this on the final five.
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? is
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. the iran, politico says a u.s. task force has bell la's criminal enterprise working for years to target drug
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trafficking. the obama administration essential handcuff lid the project because they didn't want to rock the boat. obama administration officials denied they derailed any actions against hes ba la. >> twitter expanding rules to crack down on the hate speech and shut down the account britain first leaders, where does it come from, president trump retweeted several anti-muslim videos posted by before it first completely unverified. one of the its leaders found harassment last year after vegetably abusing a muslim woman. the president's retweet were met with outrage in the u.k. and theresa may said he was wrong to share the videos. . >> a photo opt got a little awkward. we all know the about the rex exit. during an appearance with the france foreign minister, a reporter asked him about the
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rumors. >> resignation >> that's ridiculous. ridiculous questions. >> so a french reporter asked the question after first greeting tillerson. president trump is kicking up for residency, disney world is reopening the hall of president's exhibit with the new edition of president trump. the exhibit underwent a year of renovations >> america has been a nation defined by its people. >> a little terrifying. it will reopen tomorrow in the magic king to my, the trump rehearses part of the inaugural address and by the way this is exactly the exhibit your parents want you to go see when you go to disney and all you want to do is ride participates mountain but no, we have to sit through the hall of presidents >> fortunately for me, my parents did not make me. i was eight
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definitely do not remember that. i remember it's a small world and that's kind of terrifying >> our friend tim young had probably my favorite tweets, which was the president trump just broke loose and went a built a wall over it >> there was also this one act lot of people don't think that it looks like donald trump, they think it look like john voit. it doesn't look like the president. >> they got the hair and the suit, the unbuttoned suit, the long tie >> but the face is not >> the face is a little void? >> i was trying to look at some of the other presidents, the barack obama didn't really look that much like him either. >> there was an episode of modern family which by the way you can watch on fox 5 at 7:30 tonight where jay richard made them go to the
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presidents >> i'm into history >> i was a history major in college. >> ok. >> it's just a little -- it's -- we don't have to make it an amusement ride >> that's a good point's thank you producer christie >> i'm goff going to have a drink now first lady milania trump is gaining in popularity. her favorite ability rating risen 17 points since january putting her at favor ability at 54%. a third of americans say they have an unfavorable view of the first lady. why would you have a negative view of any first lady? one of president trump's name, matthew paul weidefeld is- peterson >> have you ever tried a trial >> i have not >> civil >> no. >> criminal >> no. >> bench >> no. >>
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>> i have not >> have you ever taken a deposition >> i was involved in taking depositions when i was associate >> that's peterson being questioned. struggled to answers basic questions about courtroom procedure. he wrote i hope my nearly two decades of public service might carry more weight than my worse two minutes on television. we'll tell you who's sleeping soundly and who's toss to go and turning when the final five comes back after this. comes back after this.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it all starts with a wish. the final days of wish list are here. hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complementary first months payment.
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. this could be the biggest winning of president trump's first year in office. the president laid out his national security
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maybe it was the fact he stayed on message and on the teleprompter but for the first time in a while he gave the american people a clear picture of what he sees as his priorities, you may not agree but there were few surprises and it's a good thing. we'll say president trump sound asleep. six days ago, doug jones celebrating his big victory in the alabama senate race. of jones is taking flack from democrats for his stance that voters had the chance to judge candidate trump on the sexual harassment allegations, he'll face a lot of pressure from liberal democrats to toe the party line, if he survives past 2020 when he has to face the voters in alabama again he'll have to keep an open mind in alabama. there's a lot of republican, there's no to guarantees you'll still have the same for a candidate in 2016 is a tough job ahead for senator elect jones, we'll say
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and turning tonight. that's the final five on this monday night, back at it again on tuesday. good night. is
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- charles: the impossible happened, nick young and iggy azalea had a loving reunion. >> is this the reunion? that was how nick made it seem anyway. >> iggy azalea tore nick young apart. she responded on twitter, i hope all of your christmas gifts contain boxes of dried up chips of dog [bleep] for trying to even imply i would have a dinner date with my ex who created a full human behind my back. [laughter] >> colin kaepernick and p. diddy want to buy the carolina panthers. >> i would be the best nfl owner that you could imagine. >> jerry richardson, who owns the panthers, he said i'm going to sell the team and diddy came right out and said, yeah, nfl, it's time for some diversity. >> i read this morning if diddy bought the carolina panthers they would rename the team the carolina black panthers.


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