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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  December 20, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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♪ ♪. ♪ ♪. on this vote, the yeahs are 224 and the nay's are 201-the motion is adopted. the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. >> with that, it is a victory for the gop for the second day in a row. house law makers voted to packs the tax reform bill. we'll break it down what it means for you and your paycheck >> this is what we're talking about at 6:30, let's go. >> that will be tremendous for people. they will start seeing the results in february. this bill means more
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pay. it will be an incredible christmas gift for hard working americans. i said i wanted to have it done before christmas, we got it done. >> it was do over day, they gave final approval, 220-201, gives republicans and president trump the first major legislative achievement. it's the country's first major tax code overhaul since 1986 >> certainly there was a loot of hi fives and back slapping today, democrats weren't so happy >> no, they had some reservations of course, those were well-known throughout the debate. let's talk a little bit about this tonight's >> let's bring in republican strategist kimberly, and democratic strategist more re-simpson, thanks for joining us. >> kimberly let me ask you was this a huge victory for the gop and should democrats be scared >> it's kind of a little bit. both. it is a big win for republicans today.
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was a 55% disapproval rating of this bill. i think a lot of people will be looking to see if there's a take-home money, if there isn't it correct i think republicans should be worried about what 2018 could look like for them. >> i agree. i think republicans celebrate today but they will cry next year at the ballot box. 55% disapproval of this and the president tomorrow still wakes up with 35% approval ratings in the polls >> i'll tell you the parallel, go back to 2010, massachusetts had a special election, scott brown shocked the world they located a republican, people said that was the beginning of an anti-democratic wave in the wake of obamacare. we had doug jones win, is this going to be an anti-republican win in the wake of the tax bill. >> i think so, you saw it in virginia. now was our first bill, whether, and it will move straight through the mid term elections, people are very disaster with his plan the way they've done it overnight and also this
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lot of the tax cuts, state and local tax deductions, many people particularly in maryland rely on that to ease their burden in the state. so yeah, it will be difficult >> i would like to say, when they sit down and they do the amendments, which they said they will do, i think if they bring people to the table from like, new york, new jersey, california where this bill really mattered and kind of crippled them, this could end up being a good thing >> let's listen quick to hear what the democrats had to say. certainly they were opposed. let's listen >> did you hear the cry? can you feel their pain? you did not, mr. speaker, you chose to turn a deaf ear >> high interest rates, higher interest rates on most vulnerable people in our population >> when you think of robin hood in reverse. take from the poor and give to the rich. >> shame on you for vot
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this outrageous theft in the american middle class. >> kimberly, is there any valued deto what they had to say. >> i'm surprised they didn't show the clip from yesterday when nancy pilosi said tax cuts means stealing from the government. i think people should be worried but if there's a take-home and economy does boost, why are we worried >> anything regarding a economy we have to give credit to president obama. the economy is coming along and that's because of everything he did before he left office. any of the tax incentives expires in eight years. any of the tax cuts dedicated to the corporations. so the big fat cats on wall street are dancing in the street >> it did something that the republicans were not able to over the summer and pealed back a major provision of the obamacare and the president talked about that today, take a
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essentially repealed obamacare because we got rid of the individual mandate which was terrible. and that was a primary source of funding of obamacare. >> so this, it was sort of a back door repeal, something the republicans wanted to do all all, where did you go from here with this? because you have many provisions taken away from the affordable care act. can the republicans next year come together and come up with something that you can get everybody on board with in terms of a stabilizing what's left of obamacare? >> they we don't have to reach across the aisle. and you know, i know a lot of times they sit down and they don't include other people, which i'm totally against. >> on the senate side you do have la mar alexander and mitch mcconnell pretty much saying we're not going to vote on that >> we need to make sure we're thinking about the american people first and not just republican and democratic
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>> the american people are going to be disaster with this repeal overall. the obamacare is over with themming popular in the polls >> i feel more people are saying they see the provisions and like it now more than when it passed >> they benefited from it. people have seen their premiums go down, will see increase in their premiums with this repeal and that's what the people saying. >> we see that too with the gop tax plan, right now, seems like it's very unpopular when you look at the polls but will people be happy >> i think in the wrong run, this is a good bill. >> no way, >> it can't be a good bill in the long run eight years later when people are starting to see relief, this bill only givers people $1,000 a year. so in eight year, after they oh got >> some people $1,000 a year >> for only eight year, aged the eight year, there's a substantial increase in
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tax liability, so 8,000 they earned will go out the window. >> you guys come back in eight years from now. we'll replay this clip and see what happened. ok >> ok. >> thank you guys so much for coming. >> good seeing you both. >> it's almost straight up. looking we're still talking about this tax bill. let's break the down now from the legal perspective. joel payne legal political analyst is here. let's talk about the legal teas of this and who might benefit or get around certain provisions, tats your take away >> middle class families are really hurt by what's going to happen with this bill. your guests before were talking about the fact that $1,000 over the course of ten years, i've seen less optimistic readings and analysis of what's going to happen, over 60% of families are supposed to see an
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over 60% of middle class family see an increase in their taxes. we're not even sure all the things that republicans have been touting about what the benefits are will be realized >> where he talked about the corporate aspect too, the corporate political -- excuse me, the corporate tax rates, originally they -- president wanted 15% tax rate. republicans wanted a 20%. they settled on 21%. a lot of people are looking at this from that perspective and not necessarily from the how it affects them personally. >> also you have to look at who it most benefits. really, the president who's talked a lot about, i'm not going to benefit from that but you look at some carried interest provisions and some provisions who it helps, it helps people like commercial real estate developers which the president happens to be one of he and his family made a lot of money off that industry and they stand to be some of the biggest winner, that's the problem that they will have when they have to sell this beyond just today and the big ceremony in the rose garden >> i was
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will be able to exploit some of the loopholes in this and that will benefit them the most. what are some loopholes >> i think the carried interest is interesting. he said i want to repeal carried interest so hedge funds are paying their fair share but that ended up in the final bill. i also think it's interesting for you a legal perspective, this bill had to be revoted on in the house because there were three flawed aspects of the bill that had to actually be removed from it. so again, very ten with us legal ground that the bill stands on. >> i don't think a lot of people understand what carried interest is. i don't get it either >> that's the point. >> we'll save that discussion for another day. joel, thank you for coming in. we appreciate it >> thank you so much. on the heels of the tax bill passage, local tax office it's are being flooded with people trying to pay property
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>> why would they want to pay their taxes early? it's a move to try to avoid the loss of state and local tax deductions, one office is arlington county where tom fitzgerald is tonight. this is not a place normally you see lines at but a couple days before christmas here we are. >> reporter: looks like a store checkout counter. this is that quite a loop hole. this falls into the category people trying to get under the wire before a lot of this kicks in. we're here at the arlington county board headquarters and this is where the treasury department is and where you would have found a lot of people online today paying their real estate taxes now before the changes kick into place. a lot of people have been paying attention to the fact that some state and local tax deductions will go away once this goes into effect. kim rutger, the deputy director of the treasury say
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showing up here now trying to pay their taxes and hoping to avoid this loss deduction in 2018. >> we can definitely see a difference. it's usually very slow. and as you noticed there's a quite few people in line. on average two or three taxpayers that like to come in and prepay their taxes but we're seeing many more. >> reporter: it's exactly what we saw today. 200 people have called already this week inquired about this. 20 people paid their taxes early yesterday. 40 people paid today. they expect this number to continues to double every day between now and the next 12 days, when january 31st hit. here's the thing. county officials will tell you flat out they cannot offer you legal advice when you do this, they cannot offer you accounting advice when you do this. so it is not completely a sure thing that this is going to save you any money. this cap will kick i
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if you pay a lot of money in property and real estate taxes, yes, that will be a big hit when you lose this deduction. however, the people we talked to who did this today will tell you it is worth a shot. >> the worst thing that can happen i paid it in advance, we only have to pay it next year. the best thing that can happen is i deduct it from my taxes when i file next year. >> jim and shawn, we have already a heard from montgomery county in dc, they're both moving to help people do this. as we said, there's only 12 days away, you'll lose krments christmas and the day after, you need to contact the local jurisdiction, get the information you need and see if this can benefit in the 2018 tax year >> 12 days till taxes you got to pay them soon >> thank you,
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one big change i noticed. folks where minus the jackets this time of day, today they're bundled up. >> they will want them tomorrow morning, jim, you have a nice singing voice. yet another thing he can do. >> let's talk about weather headlines, yesterday, we were 62, today our high temperatures occurred early this morning, most of the day near 50 if not low, but it will feel a lot more like winter tomorrow, which is good timing since tomorrow is the first day of winter, it's the winter solstice at 11:29 in the morning and looks like as we jump forward from thursday, which will be a sunny day, by the way, with temperatures in the mid 40's, if you're traveling friday, boy did i see a lot of the cars today, people are hitting the roads, you'll be good for local travel on friday heading north into new england you might run into a few flurries. we got rain in the forecast saturday, showers look likely. it's not the heaviest but it will be around and a mild rain maybe over 60 on saturday. and then by the time
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christmas day and a gradual process over the weekend, we're turning colder as we head on into christmas day, it's possible we could have a couple of rain showers and maybe mixed with snow if the cold air gets into place well north and west we'll keep an eye on that now, shawn and jim back to you >> see you at the christmas party >> sounds good. >> it is proof that every single vote counts, we'll have an update on a close race in virginia separated by one vote. 5@630 will be right back. ll be right back.
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al franken resigned tuesday, january 2nd. he announced he was stemming down after several sexual misconduct allegations. tina smith a democratic is set to be sworn in. virginia democrats and short of delegates were short lived >> the court refused to certify a recount that would have given he
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victory. the court ruled there was no election winner after a determined that one questionable ballot should be counted for the republican. according to virginia state law, in the event of a tie like this >> it's a dual >> they chose r choose it a different way. it's what they call by lot. it's like the flip of a coin. essentially they will draw a name out of a glass bowl. >> it's sort of like secret santa. except one is losing their job. >> here's the deal. if that happens, and the person who end up losing out doesn't like it. they can request another recount's this could go on potentially. >> again, every vote counts, don't ever let anybody tell you it doesn't count. >> hey, this -- listen to this. >> we'll be submitting legislation at the beginning of the session next month, which will protect maryland taxpayers and which will mitigate any negative impact of these changes to
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. we're going back to tax reform. because larry hogan said he'll fight the whole tax overhaul on behalf of the taxpayers, he called for bipartisan legislative support of his proposals. governor said the bill will bring in extra revenue for state to the tune of millions and return money to the taxpayerings lost as a result of the those new federal deductions and exemptions >> this is in my opinion a smart move. i was republican governor in a blue state doing something like this which seems like it's going against the gop big victory >> we heard more resonly talking about this before, the reason you're seeing i done in maryland because it's one of the states like new york, california, where you have republicans in congress vote against it because it did away with a big chunk of that state and local tax deduction. so it's sort of -- it's tied in together with that. >> yep. good move as we're coming up on a gubernatorial election year as well >> it's a beg deal. >> there's a giant ginger bread display downtown >> this
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ronica. >> reporter: i'm on the grand staircase at the ritz carlton washington, dc, what we got here is far more grand a than anything you might expect. we'll show you coming up.
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. rosy o'donnell offering them $2 million each to vote no on the tack bill. by the way, rosy it's a felony to offer money to a politician to influence acts like voting on a bill >> a lot of folks were scolding her for that. you can't do that. you can talk about it at home but you shouldn't tweet about it and really do it >> especially when you have money. >> right. after tom hanks said probably not when asked if he would screen his new film the post at the white house. hank said this is a moment where
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to reflect his opinions. meryl streep plays publisher, it tells the publishing of the pentagon papers in the early 70 >> something tells me the president not muchin clinton nation to watch a film about the "washington post." >> i don't think so. >> did you hear both, cat saddler resigned after finding out her co host earns double her salary. >> saddler found this out and she had been earning that amount several years. he had been earning twice as much, they started working at the network the same year and virtually do the same job, she doesn't blame him, put out a statement saying the decision was scary, of course, there's the whole statement right there, he said we wish her the best. and she moves forward into whatever new ventures she proceeds into >> you know her statement she was basically saying, i can't believe here we are in the age we're in and i
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neshek and to find out that they are not treating women equally the same as men. >> if you work there the same time and do the same job? back after this. back after this. back after this. how's it going down there? that's good. lica misses you. i'm over it though. (laughter) that's fine. i miss her more than you anyway. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, my window is closing. yeah that's okay. alright miles. i love you. (phone hangs up) ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah i love you too. ♪ ♪ ♪
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. the ritz carlton keeping with the holiday tradition by creating a massive edible ginger bread house >> ronica cleary is live outside the ginger bread house, tell us a little bit hor about it. >> reporter: i don't think ginger bread house sums this up. i'm here with the executive chef at the ritz carlton they told me they create replica of the washington monument in ginger bread, this is beyond my expectations. tell me about the process of creating this amazing structure and your inspiration. >> the inspiration was
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the ritz carlton company is known for doing ginger bread house in the past year, we did a couple of them. we did the library, with the actually covered with ginger bread. we also did a building across the street and this year we wanted a challenge the paste tree team and chef queen came up with the idea of doing the washington monument. the only thing because it's a 40-foot structure, where could we put it? we realized that actually some other towns used a staircase and why can't we do it in a staircase. >> reporter: the detail is incredible. you're showing them the video of the creation of this. but even the fact that there are two colors to the recreation, just as we have in the actual washington monument, i mean, the detail that you put into it, to make this as life like as possible. tell me how -- the process of doing the research and, you know, making it
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life like. >> all the plans we did research, we went on-site with the team, exactly the tones of the colors so we can reply indicate the color tone in terms of the color and how far we could go in terms of the stones, we reached out to a couple of people involved in the museum to gives some feedback on how to make that happen. >> i know you said it's coming down december 28. but you will maybe save the structure of this so that this could possibly reappear again in a few years. >> yes, we could. eventually use it different events, maybe cherry blossom events, a different way, maybe instead of ginger bread using a different format and use it a different way. >> i don't want to let the executive chef know i bought my daughter one of those boxed premade ginger bread houses. i think that's the extent of my creativity we'll be having in
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the cleary household >> break off a little piece he'll never know >> thanks for joining us at 6:30 is >> we're back at 8:00.
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- charles: wow, apparently alex trebek did not get the memo because he really shamed a woman for her rank in the army. >> that must be really tough for a woman, because a master sergeant is giving orders most of the time. charles: is it possible that alex was saying this from a place of sympathy? >> what is no? [laughter] >> floyd mayweather hanging out in the hustler store. he was hitting up some whips, he was getting some restraints. >> why would he go to the hustler store for sex toys? you go to amazon prime. charles: i didn't know you could order sex toys on amazon. >> now that you know this, this will be nonstop. >> taylor swift, she's out in miami shooting her new music video. >> s


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