tv The Final 5 FOX December 22, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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i'm britt mc henry filling in for jim lokay. tonight trump maze it official signing the bill into law for tax. now he can celebrate at mar-a-lago resort in florida. and is bitcoin popularity coming to end. online currency drops dramatically in value. check investments and why d.c. residents may have a hard time getting through tsa more than normal. next. the big story tonight the republican tax bill is officially signed
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>> it's the biggest reform of all times. >> reporter: president trump signed 1.5 trill don't tax bill in oval office earlier today. you heard me with that amount. it was a point of contention with fiscal conservatives and trump said he did it now instead of in january because he wanted to show americans he kept his promise. despite low approval ratings before congress passed it. trump insisted critics will come around once they see benefits in the wallets. >> i said the bill would be on my desk before chris pass and you're holding me literally to it. we did a rush job today. it's not fancy but oval office great oval office. >> and democrats argue the bill benefits the wealthy and despite back and forth
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capitol hill mitch mc counsel celebrating in own way in his final news conference of the year mc connell spoke of congressional achievements including what else, tax bill. >> we believe combination of regulatory relief and tax reform particularly business side tax reform making american businesses more competitive, making it less likely that jobs will be offshoreed is the way to get the economy going again. >> someone else who is happy about the tax bilk signed into law is you new england patriots owner bob craft. president trump said craft personally called to thank him and that craft is in the process of building a large paper mill in north carolina so craft told him the tax bill will help him do just that. craft confirmed the phone call and craft is close friend of trump's along with j
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separately donated 1 million to inaugural celebration. >> in addition to signing tax cut and job passed into law they signed a short term spending bill. that will keep the government open until january 19. it was time for r & r and the president headed south for winter. don't you wish we all could do that now at least for christmas. trump is end someing holiday with family at mar-a-lago estate in palm beach alwill stay there until new year's day. melania and their son barron was there and when he arrived he signed autografts and posed for pibts. he didn't hold a formal year end news conference before washington. and the president suggested he would speak with reporters on board air force one in route to florida and but t
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happen. not always friendly to reporters right? that most modern presidents have held major news conferences at the end of eachier to offer holiday greetings and out accomplishments and to be fair he had quite accomplishment this week he joins george w. bush in skipping that tradition. >> another thing president trump did today busy. applaud united nations security council vote to impose tougher vrption saves on north korea and the president called move a sign the international community wants peace not death. council voted 15-0 in favor of resolution and these penalties impact countries refind and crude oil supplies. >> previous resolutions spanned 90% of norm korea export and this banned all remaining categories of major north korean exports and loss of 250
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>> the recommend i'm defies revolution of council and norms of civilizeed behaviors and patience of the international community. they're arrogance and hos hostility to anything pro dublingttive set country on sgruingttive path. >> today's resolution was t tenth dealing with north korea and ball is kick former top advisors was asked to testify in the investigation into alleged russian interference in the residential election. this week house intelligence committee september heaters to mr. trump's former chief strategist steve bannon and form are campaign manager korey ludnoski. they'resuggesting they testify before house lawm lawmakers. the committee has not received a response from either. perhaps they're gearing up for christmas and this was not a surprise. and instead
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voluntary. no word on specific reasons that this was brought about or what questions the panel could ask. >> and turns out hundreds of environmental protection agency employees have left their jobs. surprise to possibly no one since trump took office. a report by "new york times" claims departures were buy buyouts, retirements and resignations, about 700 employees including 200 sintist reportedly left and given trump administration toutd effort to roll back regulations. and so this again it no surprise. en report notes up take when we come back we'll see what is going on with bitcoin and has it already plummeted. we'll tell you the latest. brody we're not done
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♪ ♪. look who it is >> i'm here >> you were on queue with that as well. >> it's my favorite song. i can't wait to hear the full version >> brody logan is here, perhaps he'll sing after the show. >> i don't know all the words yet. i just know the one drum beat >> phil collins >> exactly. >> speaking of dropping drum solos, i don't know if bitcoin will be dropping much lately other than its value, it lost about 1/3rd of its value. i'm trying to figure out what bitcoin is. let's have it broken down for us. >> bitcoin in almost investigator encrypto currency crashed. it fell as much
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base, a digital currency exchange. went from nearly 20,000 to as low as 12,000 on some exchanges around 7:30 a.m. london time, this is the biggest percentage loss bitcoin seen so far this year, if you look back to the year, january 1st, the currency was valued at just $998, it soared to a nearly record high of 20,000 on exchanges earlier this week. this past year, the valve bitcoin jumped from 8,000, hitting nearly 20,000, goldman sacks is one of the first financial organizations to offer bitcoin futures for selected clients took regulated exchanges offer trading in bitcoin futures on december 10th and the c my cliente shortly thereafter. bitcoin not without its detract tors. they said it is a fraud and jamie
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anyone who trades bitcoin, there are no banks or government so there's a lack of transparency. since its inception, bitcoin fallen 80% in a 24-hour period at least five times. it is not just bitcoin that lost a significant am on friday. if you look a the some competing coins. bitcoin cash light coin down more than 20%. bitcoin can change the future. the infrastructure seems here to stay, that is why goldman sacks and other banks are considering trading bitcoin and other currency next year. fox business. you know, someone said this to me and i'm going to continually repeat it bitcoin is the new cross bit >> it kind of is. if you're into bitcoin you have to talk about it just like cross bit. but it is, it went down as low
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up to 15,000, that's kind of the fun people investing in this. you get these wild roller coaster. everyone hears the story of a guy who bought a pizza seven years ago and it's worth millions of dollars >> i don't get it. i don't know the traditional viewers watching my money in my closet or my bank account >> buried in the backyard, it's the black chain technology. my favorite part about this fad, long island tea company, they make actual tea they sell in stores, they have 5 million in sales every year, they totally change wad they're doing, they're long island block chain trying to be a bitcoin company and socking up 500%. they're a tea company and they just changed their name and the stock rises because it's bitcoin. >> are you investing in bitcoin >> i may have some bitcoin, i like all -- there's
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other coins that make no sense at all. it's fantastic. maybe you could use bitcoins to pay back the government. >> i was just going to say that. >> how many bitcoin is a private jet? 40 bitcoin? so tom price, he was taking private jet flights on the government >> for $51,000 >> so maybe like four bitcoin. >> on the government's dime, but then he go and writes a check. here's what i think of this. if you have the money to write that kind of a check. why are you charging the taxpayers this to begin with >> the best one, if there's anything that will really anger me it's taxpayer dollars going to like conniers settling sexual harassment lawsuit we're paying for or frivolous travel, he's throwing his wife under the bus >> my
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but me, for this position, it's ridiculous. why do >> imagine if you're his wife after the whole scandal and now you hear he's trying to make reparations for it and you were the costly burden on the government not the man doing it >> and the travel was like dc to new york. it was in the northeast. it was such quick flights >> but we can relate. tsa does a fine job but it, you know, you might want to take the private travel because it's difficult and especially if you're a dc resident, eleanor homes norton has stern words >> what did she say >> basically dc exists, let our people through. >> they weren't letting some people through. >> district of columbia driver's license which is not state but it is a district and you do have your own license and it says district of columbia and some people weren't able to get through because tsa workers somehow didn't know it was a thing and thought it was a fake id maybe they thought it was columbia which they should have a
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still, it's ridiculous. it's just or two thing to make the line longer this weekend and give you more hassles >> we will be in those linesthi. >> don't get in my way >> i got cleared from the topic, not really. go through immediately. i think it's worth every penny to get free check and clear >> the regular line is shorter i heard. >> that the your approach >> i'm a tsa hipster i stick with the old way of doing it. none of this cleared >> you take amtrak them to to florida >> mar-a-lago, will still be here and it's still chilly but we have more topics to break down like what did trump happened in the media >> what he did i'm sure it's amazing. amazing.
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♪ ♪. ♪ ♪. thanks for joining us again coming back. every time that song comes on >> i love it. >> i'll support more like it a political action committee supporting president trump is ringing in the holiday season by saying thank you to the commander in chief. >> everything is saying thanks. >> the america's first policy is back. >> at&t people who work at at&t are saying thank you for the,000. >> a lot of corporations are. it's set to release a new add on christmas day, showcasing people thanking trump for various reasons including for quote, letting us say merry christmas again. >> thank you for cutting my tax. >> thank you for fixing our economy >> thank you for keeping my family safe >> thank you for putting america first >>
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israel >> as veterans thank you for rhyming us to stand for our anthem >> thank you, president trump merry christmas. >> ok. >> that little girl was not allowed to say merry christmas until this day. >> she was barred >> that's not really accurate. but you know, the obamas did say on their holiday card, happy holidays >> i know but they said merry christmas so many times >> and cnn and msnbc tracked every one of them. it's like the new trump tweet trackers merry christmas >> i love it it's trumped up, he's putting it out there so everyone is like yeah, this is a thing, even if it's not, it's great. he says it and he's in. but you know, if you want a little bit of that trump magic get one of these pens. have you heard about these pens? th
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>> there are these pens that the president uses to sign bills and whatnot and usually it only goes to congress men, today, he gave them to the media because we all know how much he loves the media >> didn't he say he liked the camera men? they're not fake news >> they're the ones put him on tv. they're the most important people in his world. is anyone that can put him out to the world. so the members of the media not so much, the people who recorded it put it out there. he said quote many of you worked very hard, many of you have worked very fairly and we really appreciate that. because of that, here's a pen. i just lobbied on i bay for presidential pens, pens from bill clinton go for like $300, i see a reagan pen for 105 and barack obama $35. maybe you
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pens to get out of circulation. >> how would you feel if you got one of them >> i don't use men pens, texting. i don't write things. >> i was looking for one in the newsroom before the show, rare com mod de. >> what about his approval poll? you can't say that he's doing a poor job >> you cannot. there's no way you can say trump is doing a poor job because he's not giving it as an option of the this was sense out and you'll notice that how would you rate president trump nor options, you got great, ok, other. and how would you rate president obama's first year? you have all the options except you also have poor. now, here's my thing with this. it's already your supporters, so the deck is already stacked.
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deck. i'm thinking it would be smart to have poor on the trump side >> you're saying i wouldn't get that same poll for obama when it was going around >> i don't know. what i'm saying is that if you're the trump campaign and you're biggest supporters are clicking poor, you're like ok, we have stuff we have to fix in the next few years but not even giving them the option, you don't know if that's a possibility. >> it will be interesting to see even with tax reform how much of his base wants the wall. that was arguably i would say the biggest thing he ran on, even though personally i would prefer tax reform, it will be interesting to see what happens in 2018, that wall isn't going up might take awhile. i was at the white house, it was beautiful. milania trump did a great job. >> it's a brag. there is nothing humble about it >> it was just a tour, she's gett
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and i don't think it's fair about this and i saw this, it was hilarious brody so many people, it's like, >> what was wrong. >> little kids in adult bodies wanted to grab the candy, they had two guards in the white house by the candy saying you can't touch anything >> why can't you touch the candy >> because you can't >> this is saying this is a slight to michelle obama because she was running on her personal campaign as first lady of >> fitness >> yes >> that's ridiculous. they're candy out. that doesn't. >> it was a lot of -- >> very -- >> should have some of that later in the show. we're going to take a look at who's sleeping soundly and who's tossing and turning tonight later. who's sleeping? who's sleeping? ♪ ♪. ♪ ♪.
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. listen to that noise, someone who has nothing but cheer and is sleeping very soundly tonight is president trump. yes. sticking up for him and not just because he's sleeping to in a luck re-floridaian resort but he ran a campaign that promised the following, obamacare mandate, done, recognize israel capitol done, tax reform done and done, like trump or not, tax reform proves he's delivered and is doing more than just your hurt feelings and nancy pilosi hates it. the house minorities leader is likely awake all h
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phone tweeting. she already did. she tweeted today breaks every promise he has made to the american middle class. she said it, quote, leaves working families dry, pilosi you've been here in washington quite a while in the swamp. perhaps you forgotten what range of $930 to $1800 on average can do for middle class families, that's a down payment on a car, investment only appliances or gifts next year for christmas and we all want those. americans don't wants cole, as you're remembering that, snuggled in, sleep tight knowing tax reform passed and those benefits will soon be in the stocking and under the tree. that's it for the final five. come back for a special holiday dec edition for the final five on
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: there is something that beyonce and jay-z do not want you to see, and it's them doing the electric slide. >> tina lawson posted a video on her instagram and then she deleted it. she took it down. harvey: my theory is beyonce is such an accomplished dancer, she didn't like her version of it. >> there's one person out of the group who's the best electric slider. >> there was one person in the group who calls out the direction for everybody else. >> the leader? >> my boy geno is like, all right, we're going left, y'all. [laughter] >> meghan markle, she attended the queen's christmas luncheon but princess michael was seen wearing a black brooch and it's considered to be very racist. princess michael, she has a history of racist remarks. she said it hurts me when people think i'm racist because when i travel to africa, i found those
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