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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  December 27, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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welcome back. we're glad to be with you on 55. it's been a year of firsts. what's ahead for 2018 >> as you can see this is what we're talking about tonight at 6:30. well, despite reports of goppin fighting, president trump did chief some accomplishments this year, he also made good on some campaign promises, the biggest the controversial gop tax bill. but will that bill bury the attach it between president trump and some of his fearsest republican critics in 2018. >> will he face a challenge from within his own party in 2020. it's been a long time since we've seen a sitting president face that sort of fate but
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it's been a long time since we've had a president like this one, niles stand the white house columnist with the hill. is this a possibility he could face a primary challenge in a couple of year >> i think it's a strong possibility, jim. the question of whether a primary challenge would be successful is different. there are clearly a lot of republicans who aren't happy with the president. who believe that they represent a different strand of conservativism to him. so i think some kind of challenge is quite likely. senator jeff flake was arizona was indicating that this weekend >> i know jeff flake indicated. do we think he could be one of those republicans who are unhappy with the status quo who may challenge him especially considering, you know, he will no longer be in the senate >> absolutely, shawn. jeff flake has been very critical of the president. has been increasingly critical in recent months, wrote a book that was about a different kind of republican party to the one
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one big problem for jeff flake, he's not that popular with voters in his home state. so i don't know then how that translates nationally to some kind of against an income he didn't. >> we can sit here and throw out names all night. i will say one name and i heard a lot throw this name out. they say maybe john kasich might throw his hat into the rink maybe he wants to keep his feet in the political waters. >> john kasich i think has gone further than any other likely candidate indicating that he would be interested in running, jim. kasich obviously the governor of a battle ground state. again, there's down sides for him. specifically that he ran in 2016, won only his home state. that doesn't suggest an enormous appetite for a kasich candidacy. >> let me ask you about ted cruz who also went up against donald trump in the past. could we see him as a challenger >> i think so, shawn, because we've been talking so far about people who reject, let's say the
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but it's quite possible that a challenge from the right of the republican party would have more overall chance of success. i think ted cruz is a representative of that flank of the party. obviously, no love lost between him and the president because of the 2016 race >> we talk about bottles between president trump and mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. what could be the big battle ground in 2018? maybe entitlements when it comes to medical reform >> that's one of the more urgent things to try to fix is daca, the immigration program, there's some appetite on both sides to do that. it's a legislative slate and of course, that he is year proven that even legislative objectives that seem clear aren't always easily achieved. >> niles standage white house columnist with the hill.hope you had a merry christmas and let us wish a happy new year >> the same to
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homeowners may have a little incentive to pay property taxes early. people across the country are rushing to prepay. now, the new rules cap state and local tax deductions at $10,000, which affects people who write off their property taxes or don't itemize their deductions by paying now, some homeowners could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars. >> new developments in the virginia house race that could decide party control. this is over the one seat, 9th direct in newspaper news ended in a tie >> election officials plan to break the tie by drawing names from a bowl today. now they're postponing the tie breaker, ronica cleary is following this and joins us live tonight. ronica? >> jim and shawn, we were supposed to be there for you guys, we were supposed to be in richmond be i was pumped to see this happen. draw this name, that would affect the entire state of virginia, way more than the 9th district. then it was cancelled. we'll get into
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let me tell you how we got here. the results first came out ten point spread between the democrats and republican, republican was the winner initially then there was a recount. put the democrat as the victor by just one vote. a three, judge panel weighed in, the one vote comes down to this is the reported ballot that it comes down to, if you take a look you see that it looks like this person which was originally marked invalid. the judges took a closer look, the voter voted for the republican in investigator race they said you know what? looks like that's a cross-out for the democrat and it's a vote for the republican. when they weighed in that way, it made the race go to a tie. what happens when there is a tie? well, you said it. they draw names out of a hat that is the official r policy for the state board of elections in virginia. and like i said, we were going to be there but the news broke yesterday, the
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democrat shelly simons, republican is david yancy. simons will be taking legal action in the matter. so very late last night, i got text messages on my phone about 3:00 in the mornin from our team telling me that the virginia state board of elections decided to cancel today's drawing. i want to show you part of the statement. now, they initially defended the idea that the drawing is in compliance with the code of virginia. but they say drawing names is an action of last resort. any substantive concerns regarding the election or recount should be resolved before a random drawing is conducted. so why is this race such a big deal? why is it bigger than the 9th district. it comes down to the fact that there are 100 seats in the house of delegates in virginia. if yancy, republican is announced the winner, republicans maintain majority control, and then speaker of the house. they would have 51
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if the democrats he wins, shelly, simons, there will be 50 democrats and 50 republicans in the house of delegates. right down the middle. i spoke with ron myers, he's a loudoun county supervisor, a political analyst for media dc about how significant this really is. take a listen. >> it's way bigger than the 9th district. it decides the majority. whoever has majority has the speakership gets to decide what legislation comes forward and when. so it's tremendously important and this seat will have tremendous way from that perspective alone. >> reporter: and basically, if the democrat is declared the victor, the house of delegates with the 50-50 split would then vote on who becomes the house speaker. now, how does that happen? they will have to cut deals to decide who is in charge? it will affect which legislation is looked at and voted on in the state of virginia. so amazing to see this race
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unfold. how much bigger it is than just 9th district and how it could affect the entire state of virginia. back to you jim and shawn >> we've said this many times >> merry christmas. >> also, it's really cold. >> it is cold indeed, caitlin roth is standing by with a look at the chilly forecast. caitlin. >> who knew we'd be saying it's so cold more than merry christmas? i think by the end of this week, we'll definitely have said it's so cold more, because it will only get colder, single digits windchills on tap overnight, so you're going to be waking up to a feeling close to zero degrees, if not zero in so many spots around our area, the sunshine will do very little to help your thursday, high temperatures struggle to even hit 30. snow chances to go along with this cold weather look slim. initially we thought maybe we'd have opportunities but now looks like a few flurries saturday and that could really be it. but we've got enough cold air to focus on. it will
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new year. day and beyond, it's 26 in washington, 24 in put manchester-21 in frederick. we'll fall to the teens overnight but it will feel like it's in the single digits. 28 thursday, 35 on friday with a chance of snow showers saturday. new year's eve incredibly cold to be out in this type of weather with windchills values near zero. it stays bitterly cold next tuesday even into next wednesday be that's your seven-day forecast. shawn and jim. prince harry and president obama one-on-one. sat down for an interview on the bbc, talked about everything from life after the white house to underwear. we'll be right back. l be right back.
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the social media landscape has changed dramatically >> it has. >> swollen. issues of trolling, extremism fake news, cyber bullying. major social issues. is there more you could have done as president to get ahead of some of these issues >> the question i think really has to do with how do we harnass this technology in way that allows a multiple misof voices. one of the dangers people can have entirely different realities, they can be co coned. on the internet, everything is simplified. >> they're pushing for regulation >> you heard barack obama talking about
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warner is also building a case against facebook, a research fellow with the consumer choice center joins us, ryan, thanks for joining us. give us an idea. we understand the push-back but explain to our viewers why lawmakers, why president obama was talking about this concern for the media consumption or what's going out through sites like facebook? >> well, there is a real problem with things leak face news, it's not easy to verify what you're seeing. the issue is it's not very clear what regulators can do about it. seems more to be an issue about the level of competition online. whether there are enough firms for people to choose from and that way you get to choose which one represents your interest best >> it also seems like the current ground work as
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pertains to laws, certainly they were thought up years and years before social media exploded on to the scene. so that's another slippery slope that lawmakers have to traverse >> it's important to remember that this isn't a completely new phenomenon. it's in terms of how it spreads. it's not that we need a new paradigm in laws to regulaity social media, we just have to be aware of these issues and allow the companies room to innovate and try to make their services better. it's not like facebook isn't aware of the fake news, it's not like they're trying to solve it on their own >> what are some things or ideas that are being pitched to sort of harness or control this to make sure that we're not consuming a bunch of fake news >> a few of the regulations proposed, one includes the idea of holding company like facebook responsible for what their users post online. that's quite a worry
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easier for a big company like facebook to comply with that than it is for a smaller start-up to tell its users what they can and cannot post. another idea circulated is full disclosure on who's buying the ads on these sites, that way we would know no one like russian bought, that has racial connotations, smaller sites is where they get their revenue and it's much easier for facebook to get rid of a few advertisers but much harder for a startup to >> appreciate you your perspective tonight >> happy new year. how about a new you? the count be down to 2018 is on, we're talking resolutions with tips to make the new year your best one yet, jim. >> are you saying i need to change? come on.
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. welcome back, the trump administration has been marked
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type of change can say often lead to anxiety or numbness. psychologists say our brains can struggle with processing a lot of change. >> how do you prepare yourself for 2018? dr. michelle rosen is here with us. i think the whole thing is about clarity and finding focus and moving ahead. it trans sends politics. >> i think overall, our goal for this coming year, for all of us, is targeting our focus. i think that what we're seeing with the trump era and we're seeing in our personal lives, theories just so much change, so much information to process, and like you said, our brain gets tired, how do we focus ourselves around what we really need to focus ourselves on? how do we focus ourselves on our goals? >> we see a lot of news daily. >>in voluntarily so sometimes >> seriously, how do you start to -- where is the s
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point. >> i think the most important thing is to prioritize, ask yourself what is the one or two things that are most important to me that i want to focus my attention on, every day there's something new to process and we can't process that much information that much change. so you can ask yourself, a lot of time when i work with companies that go through a lot of change, people that go through a lot of change be i ask them to scale from zero to ten. how important is this for me? how much does it matter to me? even when we look at the trump era and we ask ourselves, there are all these changes, what matters to me the most? this is seven, this is six, this is ten. this is what i want to focus my attention on >> we talk about the trump era itself but we have so many different distractions, ways to consume news, so many different avenues. there's a lot of competition for our brains period. seals >>
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for our attention and focus is our most important resource, when we look at ourselves and lives as we head towards 2018, focus is the most important resource we have. we need to be careful in what we focus on. for example, did you know that when people make new year's eve resolution there's only 8% that hold only when you make a resolution, whether if it's what to focus on for politics or what to focus on in belter, your on lives, how important is it on a scale of zero to ten is this to me and if you answer ten, this is very important for my to lose weight, very important for me to focus my attention on a certain thing, then you start break, it down into goals. if that's my resolution, how am i going to do it? >> how do we carry it through from day one all the way to the end of the year >>
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have to plan ahead. if we don't work on our attention on our focus, which is our most important resource, like you said, there's so many distractions, everybody wants our attention and focus, we can't afford that. we have to center our focus around the things that are the most important to us. >> thank you so much for coming in. >> thank you for having me. and happy 2018. >> happy new year. >> we appreciate that. >> thanks a lot's this historic tree on the white house grounds is coming down. first lady milania trump ordered the removal of this diseased tree. it's supposed to be removed some time this week, the first lady request that day wood from the iconic tree be preserved and sed links were available if there's an opportunity to plant a new magnolia in the exact same location. >> this was sort of
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consultation with experts. >> the tree was old. it was diseased. >> when a tree can't stand on its own, bye-bye. back after this.
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. i didn't know where it was going. could have changed the whole course of history >> that was supposed to be a look from the new movie the post. the "washington post" publishing the pentagon
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>> kevin mccarthy sat down with some of the cast >> people are concerned having a woman in charge of the paper. >> thank you, arthur for your frankness >> let's talk about the bravery and what you saw and what that means for audiences today to see that character on screen in that environment >> i think it's tough to imagine what it must have been like in 1971. 46 years ago what it must have been like to be on a woman who was head of an organization like that when women just simply didn't hold those positions for the most part. it's one thing to try to imagine it now when it's still very rare. but 46 years ago, incredibly rare. >> she's a reluctant hero it's really interesting >> super hero >> she's not approaching this through a contemporary
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feminism. she's part of a culture that, you know, for the first 200 years of this country, we dismissed the talents of half of the people >> the times has barely scratched the surface, ten hires till the deadline, so we dig in. >> did they really print out the peeps for you guys on the set. >> we were looking at the pentagon papers in that big scene if ben bradley's house, we were working with the copies of the pentagon papers, they're intriguing and very readable. i know that it's published. you can buy it on amazon wherever. but they're very readable. the reports from vietnam or there are reports about vietnam. because sometimes it's written -- they're written over many years. and they go back into the history of that engagement even back to the french engagement there. it's just a survey of the overlight over there and the question
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what's -- what's happening? and where is it leading >> i might have something >> must be precious cargo. >> it's just government secrets >> i just for some reason i want to see saul walk into that scene as a lawyer, what do you think saul's advice would have been about publish, papers >> yeah, saul would have been let's go. i think not for the right reasons. because it will blow us up, we'll be a big -- we'll be in the press because we're doing this, let's go to jail, come on, we'll be worth a lot of money after that. he would have been all for creating a ruckus. opposite of what a real lawyer would do. a real corporate lawyer would say don't publish. >> by the way, post is playing at theaters nationwide right now. it looks very fascinati
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on the list. tom hanks and meryl streep will be a good one >> thanks for joining us on 5@630. we'll see you at 8:00 on fox 5 local news.
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: kylie jenner has done a great job keeping her pregnancy a big secret. but video surfaced that looks like a baby bump. >> we found out this was in january so this is no baby bump. >> and no baby bump in the stupid advent we all waited for it. >> pregnancy pictures are bad for the brand. >> and madonna, did we see the madonna pregnant pictures? >> that is true. where are they? >> it's hard to remember because she's like in her 40's now. >> prince harry and obama had a sit-down. they did a rapid fire of questions. prince harry: boxers or briefs? mr. obama sorry, we don't answer : those questions. >> he should have went ahead and said boxers. >> how do you know he's not


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