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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  June 19, 2018 6:30pm-6:59pm EDT

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zero toll tolerance immigration policy and more heart breaking moments you heardre the is what we believe are children tha were torn away from their t families at border. this is what we're talking about at 5@6:30 so let's get right to it (crying) well, if that's hard to listen to, we should point out that is what's happening right
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now. pro public contact, a journali gro release audio border protectio facilities where you c children crying with an agent joking about the emotional separationment it was release through t attorney general fer hashry. she received the recording from a heistleblower who heard t cr ies. we should point out right now outside the trump hol there was a group blasting this, trying toir get the point across that something shod be done about the situation there, at least whent comes to the separationn issue. i if that isit indeed legate it is heart breaking to hear the kids calling out for their mothers and their fathers. moving on tonight. we don't want people pouring into our country, we want them to come in through the process, through t legal system and ultimately a merit-based system where come in based merit.
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president trump stood his ground over his controveral zero tolerance immigration policy and th backlash over border patrol riagentsng families apart continues to grow especially after the new recordingsere re t ed capital hill hing tofind a ne president meeting withpu blicans at this hour. thisup was ssed to be a week where they're debating different immigration bills. ts is a new wrinkle thrown into the mix. a. absolutely. what we have right now is a public relations and a political disaster for republicans and it was shoveled onto them by president trump and this new zero tolerance where they're sepating famil ies at the borde they're ostensibly going to be discuss ing these to house reblican immigration bills. never ' hoping toddress the blight of dreamers. the president is going tet g an ear full of republicansment this is a white hot political issue.
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it's galvanizedded democrats, republicans, religious groups. r we he seeing protestses, everyone i pressing themi trump adstration to do something about thisment he's on congress. the astounding thing thaton immig has been an trackingssue on capital hill for about decade. we might see some movement to address this narrow issue, which shows the extent to which the political pressures on republicans to do something. the republican lawmakers just like toc demts have come out and said this i heart breaking. they want to do something to topt separation. we heard people say this could be the republicans katrinato the disast else have you been hearing about what planning to do to stop this? is mse the oneh an alarmin mething that addresses twos
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things. they're not going to stop arresting people who aro trying toss into the country illegally. they're still going to be booking these people and processing them. what they're going to do is try to expedite at processes particularly if you'reoming into country with small childn. they're t goingo send some judges down m there toe through some of these things. while we're processing for youo come into country illegally we'll allow you to come into the country as a family unit and not separate the children. oren hatch, tro senator f utah had eleven republican s that he sent to the president. they're asking for a temporary stay to stop this right now un congress can come up with aix. who knows if the ey seem to be digging in righth now. i think if we're going to see some movement on this it will be to be able to keep the ' inrogress. we're runninglf
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out of time. we sentetter after letter,ft letterer letter canning these cmittees to investigate the trump ad mrgs ' policy, which is now resulting in childen ter meant nops. but we have gotten he response. look, even if you believe people shall in our country iegally, even if you vah lem claimshe in t own country, f even if you believe immigration should be halted entirely, we all should be able to agree t in the united states of america we will intentionally children from their parents. >> so, look, emotions areun r when you see the images, buty
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let's remember here in a lot of these cases you do have people seekingemsigh. it's heart breaking, but what do you do if you're not gong t hold these kids -- what do y do i what's the end result here in what does capital hill want to see accomplished in. >> i thist the firhing that he they have to do is somet that addresses the plight of these children who are being separated from their families. >> these kids are >>, the administration is saying that the media is sort of playing this wrong and tt a lo of these children are being brought here with people who are tst their paren so they can abused thr child smug letter o sr drug traffickers or other means things like that. i think krir teen nielsen the secretar of hole land security said ten thowf the 12,000 children didt come here with their parents, they came here with other people. so there is
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some nuance, but clearly the crisis is around the 2 children over the last few weeav who h been separated from debate ons will continuement hopefutiy thisng they'll work out something in this meeting they'll have on capitalr coming in. we appreciate it. this is one of the few calming images that people have seenly re. a group of children being held at one of the temporary sheelt ers in homestead, florida. senator jim nelson called on president trump to stop the accept separation of families. we're here because of the policy that has t offendedhe mor aflt the american people. what he we have is a policy and notice when the president points his finger and blames somebod else, there are three that are pointing back a at him this is an administrative policy
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made by president trump and he could end it in a nano second just by saying it. the homestead facility was opened tw years ago to house unac companied minors who were running from gangs and violence in central america. a lot of people talking about thi you go on social media these days that's a you see. a couple of things people were saying tonight, well, the associated press,hat's just news. let's mo on. you've seen the outrage from bidh s. this is senator hatch's office. he planses to send a letter calling for the process to end. also here you see former first lady laura bush she called thi c policyruel and i moral and said it broke her heart. we also heard from the curnt first lady melania trum she he weighed in on it. michelle obama, sometimes the truth trans
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ends party. social media a lot of folks coming in and talk ing about this. i think it's going to continue. whether you're a celebrity or whether plyou're every day peo talking about this, the images are heart eaking. onand that was right, it's heart breaking to see the kids crying, but you have to remember,oo,ple element to this, but first and fire most let's issue and take it from there also some breaking \flew/flus right now, nikki hal says the us is withdrawing from the un human rights council. it comes after a un humanef rights denounces the trum administration for the whole family separation issue. one of the main reasons, rea primary reason, it doesn't have they're saying the anti israeli violence, t number o condemnations that have comeut predominantly favoring israeli disportion natelyhey say local politic the race forrael.
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mayor is one of the big items on the pal objection to the form we knowowhat mayorser is run ning for reelection. two challenges, james butler and eventerohn sofnlt the s house delegate and d.c. shadow senator , pollspe aren tonight until 8 p.m. one of the big issues on the ballot is mesh known as initiative 77. fox5 a 's tom fitzgerald is live near the wilson building tonight with more o how this could affect tipped workers at restaurts are right now. we are in tere middle of a three-week spat of primaries. last week we had virginia, today it's d.c., next week it'saryland. so ifhis was your triple krowfn primaries this would pretty much make this preakness which we're experiencinge today. t clear , yes, mayor muriel bowser is running in mayoral primary today, but also a very strong yes, she is facing no strg
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opposition virtual is thi lock not only tonight, but for reelection come november. and , d.c. has not mayor run successfully in a primary. u'yo go back and anthony williams. that's 16 years. that'senin weow had a dr run successfully in a primary and then go on a reelectionid. in a sense we are returning toss officehich we have not seen in over a decade now. now in the council were seeing races not only the chairman's race, there was an at large seat and in wardshr one,ee, five and six. of course the marquis issue, though, is this initiative 77 which has gotten so much attention over the the couple of wldks. this do away, if you talked to servers in this district about tipping, now what they areaying is that
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this proposal would eliminate tipped minimum wage and it would eliminate also what is a two- \tier/teared systemere in d.c. right now bars, restaurants, service industries they'rellow to tip theird servers a three dollars 33-cents an hour and then bring the servers up to 12.50 if they don'he make minimum wage. what the serve are saying is this, if itiative 77 is passed , that is going to be a whole heck of a lot of money out ofheir pockets because the way bars, restaurants they would pay for this would be to add a service charge to a ctomer's bill. and the argument is this, if a customer goes in, orders a meal, get their bill back and sees a servin charge o their bill, they're the not just going to go ahe and ove tha thiss tip very importanter andy serious to a lot of bartenders, waitresses,ys b, anybody in
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the service industry who has itiative 77, they want to see this go down tonight. they've against it and they'r hopingaign when the polls tonight the vote will ce out in your favor. we'll have much more on fox5 news at ten1 a and of course on the final five. q. we've got more breaking ns coming out wall street. ge is ono longer partf the dow jones the dow jones announced today g g wl b replaced by walgreens. ge joined the do you in 1896. they've been ar membe since 1907 . a lot ofg dru for ge . last year the worst perform anding stock. ge out. not something youea thought you'dr . you're just used to the name ge. a new c e and poll found the fst lady is falling
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out of a favor. er she disappeared from the public for wahiling follow heridneyprocurs holding steady at about 40 percent. the first lady has slowly returned to the public eye. are hackers taking advantage of world cup fever in wee going to be talking about that when wht come rig back. woshgt a o pe
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watching the games on fox5 at home or at a patchty. top u s oicials warn americans should not take electronic dwo s to russia. r fwhite house information office under george wereurke and tree tree see a payton joins us. thanks for joining us. thanks for having me objection to the form this seems like the first time i heard this kind ofni war don't take your device you because the reungs government os bad could hack you. >> they are talking about athletes, the professionals that an the teamsnd the spectators
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and these warnings have come out from both the us government, the uk government, obviously it's sa to stay disconnected in this eve connected world so there are somt things tha people need to do to take them is just leg the phonene of at home. sometim that's not practical so consider getting ar phone or consider taking your phone but handing out a phone numour that's not y typical phone number. g a burner number from google talk or from something like talk a tone, use encrypted apps such as what's app and signal. they may not work all that well when you're inr country, con getting an international data plan. again, assume that your digital devices in all of those accoun to be under surveillance a. the best thing to do if you can't get ay with d ali unplugged from the gri that, use burnelerne phos, wthro e-mails, encrypted
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devices such as pro\con/{con^} ebb encryptor much there's one s $5 a month through disconn those could be some ways to help vice even if it's not turnedry on could be undernc surveilla great advice, but it still seems like why would hackers or the russian governmentbo care a folks watching the game. ne ev needs to realize that the new currency that's considered more v yubl than paper money, credit cards and krip toe currencys data. data can be completely i monetized many differentays and for emotionals. it's not just pickingver your shoald tore get your online \bank/banging anymore. you could be connected to your address book that's a person of interest andy the wanted to get the information tc ial campaigns or other types of campaigns against it's not just but or your bank
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account or yourntity, it's about the data that a you could be trading back and forth that could also beesident on these broad these are the steps you pretty much have to tak no matter where i is these days. >> thanks so muchgh for weig in and giving usoo thosed tips , good advice. good things to know. verizon pledged to end sales of phone location data. it is the first major wireless carrier to step back from a business practice. d thea has allow third pares to track wireless devicesir without the other than's knowledge or con sent. t all comes full c circumstancecle there. it bring whole new meaning to medical marijuana. that after th break.
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that should not everru happen. presidenmp promised an aggressive response to the nation opioid crisis but more than a year into his partnership situate social services and foster agencies say theye being overwhelmed with an ilux of kids of being born in their system or witnessed their parents doing drugs. i largely opioids. that's been the disirches make inner the past few years that have the number of children removed- from their h due t opioids is well over 5percent, a big spike from just a few years ago in addition to babies born and i
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addictedt is skyrocketing rates ofn cars ergs. mostpeople abone addicti a lot ofta childrenying in care longer. advocacy groups say t need more help from the federal government. the trump admiusstration largely itself on ' efforts on enforcement not treatment. exharts sayt's resulting in a lot of kids being lef behind. they will have problematic because that's what they were used to in the he.lo t program r parents in virginia how t for opioid impacted kids. if it's successful it could expand n, other states. in washing doug mckelway, fox news. >> the first approval to a prescrtionrug made from the marijuana plant. it's called an experimental drugd c especially dual action. en it's
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be shown to help children withil epsy. currently the government categorizes cpd as a cate iry one. ift is approved it could move down to category two o three drug. we'll be right back, everybody. you [mys don't have fios? . jennings] oh-no. but it's a 100% fiber-optic network with you could have, like, a hundred devices online at once. . jennings] oh-no. interested, talk later. don't even think about going online. woah... i can't workthis. the 100% fiber-optic network means more speed for mo devices at once. so get a fios triple play with a 2-year agreement, and choose a free samsung chromebook 3 or credit towards her samsung tech.
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former president barac obama shared his summer reading list over the weekend and all of his picks are non fix. ty cover a range ofics from personal memars toconomic and equality. on the list isll why wi be raised tonight list many failed. future face, a and in the shadow of statues, a white southern confronts history . he's got a long list there, a ls of t to read this summer. i m it admit my't have one book yet on my u jim. >> i'm picking u a book that i
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started reading last summer. i picked up my kindle i said it's been a while since i start reading this one. i do have one but the name of the book is not aropriate to on air. the summer, if you have e opportunity is always a good time to find a f minutes and read a book. i'm one of the folks who say i never enough time. maybe you cou t take minutes every day. >> that's what i do in the poo float o my r kindle. thanks so much u for joinings tonight at 5@6:30. we're back here tight at fox5 eight and shawn and i are back here one.ght at 10. make it a good chpudar ffs.
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and i like theff award-winning cheddas. first bonts? boo-yah. we're an awards family. em you'll lik both, but love our award-winning c cheddar puffs, from aldi. simply smarter shopping. announce today on "tmz" -- harvey: so guess who surfaced last night? khloe and tristan thomps but her sisters might have bee
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there just to keep an eye on tristan maybe. >> it started it was just tristan and khe. then they met up with kourtney and kendall and ben simmons. >> no, i don't think kourtney was there. ere.ey: ththought kourtney was >> listen, we don't know. there was a collection of kardashians and black guys out last night. boom. >> paris hilton, we asked her is lindsay lon going to be invited to youwedding? >> if you can't say anything ytce, don't saanhi a harvey: when i heard her say that, i wanted go back and see the video we shoe in 2006. >> the firotch video?>> lindsay lohan, she's a fire crotch. ke>> because it's orange o hot? >> it's orange because she's a >> it's like saying lie has brown pubic hair. >> i would eect that.


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