tv The Final 5 FOX June 19, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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a quick solution for separation for separating families at the border doesn't l likely. the president saywe have to s canadians for stealing shoes across ther. borde spanish royalty visits the white house. is that your final five. let's do this. it's time to dance. it's time to go. you america. d candace sleigh never sai in the same sentence. first up wee talk immigration despite thendutrage promises from jaws about every law make issue that they want too something to change it, here we are, another day and the policy continues of separating migrant
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pa tnts fromir children. we've established this was d in some shape or form under the obama administration. it is still continuing now. president trumpas blamed the democrats and said it's up to congress to change the laws and fix the problem. his adminisination is g the backlash. tonight kir steen was hackled so much she was forced to leave dinner at aestaurant, by the way, a mexican restaurant. she was ino the that was in the press t briefing defenhe actions of thein admtration. the president also had protestorswa members of the hispanic caucus were there and they shouted at him while they walked through. mr. president yeah, even though had the courtesy to say mr.t
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president. that was definitely not nancy pee lowe's i. besides the heckling they are losing national guard troops on ther. borde a democrat and a republican both announced they are recalling their natnal guard troops who were called to theored tore help. the reasonre the pdent was at the capital -- well, he previewed his visit earlier. l's let hi explain. we have a house that's getting ready to finaliz an immigration pack package that they're going to brief me on later and that i'm going to make changes to. we have one chance to get it right. so h i mustave missed the portion of school house rock where they exchanged how t president makes change toes a bit. heays he wants to end the practice of separating families but he wants too it as part of ammroaderigration plan. most illegal immigration families and minor frontal system central america who
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arrive unlawfully at the border cannot beained together or removed tognlher, o release. these are crippling loopholes th cause family separation which we don't want. now in his eting tonight at the capital, the president said that he supports both immigration bills the house is expected to vote on lar this week, that includes one that addresses the issue of family separation. neither btel is ed to get much support from democrats, though. in the senate republican leaders are trying to address the accept racial issue on its own and not as part of a large immigration bill. the white hse said they will not support a bill includ ing border security. a lot of you want to see that and that's fine. we should point out the issue because of this, because nobody can agree tn anythinghe city it's not going to go away any time soon. not you m presidente remarks on immigration today during an event he was actually supposed to be t bking aboutinesses
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lked about that, tooment right now the u ts ising to re netiate nafta andpr the ident says he's heard the concerns about tearing up the deal altogether but he ss he's not worried. when i campaigned i said i w renegotiate with nafta or i'll terminate and we'll start fm anen base and peopled are a of that. i've d so many people they come up and they say p'tase don terminate nafta and i say it's no good and they say we know what we have. canada's foreignm minuteinister did say they possible. the president will probab want to address another trade issue with canada shoe smuggling. the tariffs to get common items back into canada are so hig that they have to
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smuggle them in. they buy shoes and they wear them. they scuff them up, they make them sound treatedribly. we'reg smuggl shoes here on the final five. tnt preside also took timeo talk up the gop new tax laws. are there tariffs on the new tax laws? he may have had to pay up. one audience member was maybe a little too thusiastic. the american farmer virtually will not hav an their farms when they pass away and they wtt to leave i to their children. (applause). that goeslm for at all small businesses. you won'tave the estate tax any more nfl. young is standing up. he's too young to be leaving it so that means he's a d beneficiary ion't know. don't act toohe
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happy. t's a healthy father there. is that your father? the answer is yes. and you know what, you're both happy. i'm honored to have done it. i wonder if that father went home and wrote his son out of the will. at one point the speech wrote out femme ne am. no one loves women more than donald trump. i don't knowha ift today that was a success. ou y turned america from 13 colonies into the most incredible rep ins thetory of human kind. see i don't say mkind any more. i say women kind. leave it at that. remember when justie today tried doing that and it sounded ridiculous. he didn't
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exactly coast i up the women. he gotoast i with something else at the end of his speech. those sweat sweat stars and stripes. the president just wanted you tnoo k that nobody loves the flag more than him. this is at least the third time he's hugged an america blahing stage. he did it twice back on the campaign trail during rallies in new hampshire and florida. i don't know what the flag says, but that's an issue for another day. meanwhile on capital hill, the fbi inspect general appeared for a second mail investigation. they wereo- ady to shine. there was nothing more and theft california toticrus adver in lowering that blind fold and making up your mindn based o who is standing in front of you. that is not who we are. that is not what we shoe.d ever b there is a saying in the
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courtroom may justice be done though the heavens fall. you won't hear that saying in politics. you more likely to hear at all cts the heavens be damn. we can svive with politicians we don't trust. you know what else we don't hear, congressman gowd did i, you look great today. he is right. w can survive with politicians we don't trust. we've done it for years. it's hdo trust somebody who is doing it so ten. today it was the beard. we have t not seenhe beard and notice the disheveled look fferent hairstyles. rememberdif a cup of them. this is why we're going g to miss theuy. this is where it all comes from he's made fun of it inampaign adses. don't worried if you think we're makucg too m of tray gowd did i. as we got that all out of the way let's get back to the hearing. republican
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s question the ig over what they described as political bias. primarily they talked senthe text messages between fbi peter struck and fbi lawyer lisag page sugge that they would stop donald trump from being elected. struckso ws briefly on the team inveigating russian'ste rference. today truck was spotted being of the fbi building. he remains an employee at least for now. his attorney ss that struc is fully cooperating with an fiebl investigation. you thoht we were going to get through a show without north korea. ki nm jong un made another trip to third visit in a span of three months. kim andif hise were welcomy b she sing pink. kim and she reached annd ustanding on denuclearation and other issues after the singapore summit. the white house has insisted that ancients won't be lifted on north korea until
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they're don denuclear icing. with testing halted they might be. president trump suggestedec kim's sd visit to china might haveo something to with it. there was a somewha different attitude after that meeting and i'm a little surprised. maybe nothi happened. i'm not blaming anybody but i'm just sayingap maybe nothingpened and maybe it did. there was d aifferent attitude by the north koreafolki don't think it wasre a g meeting. >> so helpfully kim will have a change in attitude after a his latest visit to china. meanwhile the pentagon announced it suspended all military exercises that were set for august. that in compliance wit president trump's pull back on as he calls them war games. t
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meanwhile tod the white howt presidentf welcomed ki he lip aand king large audienc tiesha. thepl royal cou finishing up a five-y trip to the us which also included trips in san antonio and new orleans. the ainistration's decision to impose tariffs on spanish olives . ng but thi were friendly during a photo op in the oval office today. it's a great honor to have the kink and queen of spain a beautiful country. we were in spain not so long ago and we love it. very special people and a beautil place and our relation ship has been out stand aing over the years and i think especially right now. the visit also gave us the photo of the day, melania trump perfectly calm, perfectly composed on the coitoouc like they were all going after something else there. not a care in the. word not happening there. i think faced b the press. the pressot
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les talk about your face. yeah, you face. more specifically the ongoing battle over facial recognition these days, in fact my guest tonight wrote a piece forth week called the government's creepy obsession with your week. civil liberties writer a king up late with me on the final five to talk about this. hey, my iend how a you. >> always a pleasure to be with you. talk about this. mor more often we see all ofco these faci recognition platforms. it seems like something that was tubond level s, but this is real lif now. >> yeah, anriginally intentions were for businesses
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like a.m. done and facebook to use them for their own ast in the case of a.m. donele t they're in cohorts with a lot of local law enforcement. so there was this platform that cam amazon came up with because i remember this madeeadlines not too long ago. they were selling the rights toel it, sng access ey amasked. they haveccesstth to hundreds of millions of facee in data that goes with those faces to the point where theyy alle can match a face over 90 percent of the time time and they're selling to local police departments all ove the country . orlando has been very into it. ill be interesting how that plays out. how does let's be honest much we kwplace there's surveillance cameras out amassing a database of goinb your face and everybody's faces
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it's typically tough we just willing turn over to them. i mean w doesn't have their face mewhere o their facebook page in obviously they're going to be able to access t and in bad circumstances ty're going to be able to share that with bad actors in the government and elsewhere. we're looking at some video right now of filters, snap chat, instagr apple to some extent has some things the way y manipulate photos and the camera. one of our guys here and i told them when we booked you tonight because this is something he asked me quite a bit about,ef you tak a picture of yourself, let'se say y trying to put a filter on the do emoji or something like that , is that something thatan you i should be concerned with something taking that facial scan and putting that out into the cloud somewhere in probably you were right, mark. go ahead the has a database of 352 mill mug shots. dhs is looking
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to expand their facial recognition database to have 500 million people it i a n the problem here is when ty're used for law enforcement a loft times they don't actuallygh get t person especially with people of color 12 percent of the time they can't even detect the right gender let alone if to be arresting. you canupposed certainly opt out by not putting your face in certain places,y not agreeing to the user agreem of facebook. is there eriod. ovoid this? not really. i mean if you go to any major public eve, cha are there's going to be surveillance cameras there. lete happens at that event they're going to be looking at that surveiance footage and they're going to be matchin it against the dhs datab that's being expanded and ainst the hundred s of millions of recognition data that amazon has
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everybody is really pump for presidentrump's new space force. you yourself at home you've been eatg freezed dried big barri. decades ofa if you internatiol law could keep the space force grounded. there is actually something called the s outerpace treaty which does allow for a military presence in space but they're restricted in what they cano. the other major issue getting approl from congress. of course ngress has to okay the creation of any spaceorce and well know how good congress is passing things. finding a new don't wor yirks just look at sean spicer. he's doing
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just fine. he has a pod cast now he announced the first episode of his new pod cast that he'sosh katie pap lich called everybody i going t tuberculosis all rht. i assume that's what he heas going to whies perse to him. by the way, the iro the first episode uses a clip ofce spi saying this is the largedi ence to witness an inauguration period. so, look, d.c. is dysfunctional. we all know that really putting it nice and others would call it an absolute dumpster fire. richard paintedder used to work at the white house. he was ethics lawyer under george were bush and now he's running for run asman he put out one hell of an ad. some peopleay s dumpster fire do nothing watch the spectacle. i they thinkt will benefit them if they let it keep on burning. others shrug and say all this talk about dumpster
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fire it's justake news. there is an inferno raging in washington but here in the land of 10,000 likes we know how to put out aire. >> what the hell was that? that was a little creep painter switched parties last year to run as a democrat for former senatorial franken seat. he's going agast continue a smith. the primary is coming up in august. and hey, jim. >> hi christi are you here to talk meovhrough thacht ie the ad. i think it's great. i but crazy and hilarious. ive, he was not reassuring at. and i don't understand what being from the land of a thousand leg lakes, are you going to import lake water fm minnesota to put out the dump fire? what does that have t do with it? i don't know. and also his voice, too,
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real i adds to that's what got me there. h has accomplishments, but it's just -- heeshes ' a guy, give him credit. he's not overly rehearsed. i do see him on cabl news and every time i see him i think wow that voice. it's the same one in the ad. at do you think l al frankenht is doing now? >> i don't know, sitting backn relying his snl money. i don't know. if he's he goingnsp t that he could probably have gotten reelected. it's a bad movie. i don't think we're going to beik makinge pence the queer eye. correspon ronr oh brown is the show's culture expert. he says he met with karen pence. karen pence has
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been a big proponent of art therapy. brown says he doesn't know for sure that the second staffers told him she enjoys the show. i'm not se if former president obama. it iso bam a correspond not owes. that's an imprint in the fossil if you can make it out there. it was a tiny disc shaped annual much the oh bam as correspond natspnal us t its life embedded in the ocean floor. by the way, the species no longer ests. u next on the final five we'll y tell who is sleeping soundly and who is tossing and turning. around.ound. to three generations montgoof elrich' home we love it here. but we have to work to keep it great,tr
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to shorten likemy son-in-law's commute. increasing open space where my grandchildren can play. and reducing classroom sizes for all our kids. w that's our next county executive has to require developers to solve the problems their developments create.iv as county exe, that's exactly what i'll do for every generation.
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larry hogan and ralphorth n a rd a democrat, but tonight both one the sid of the trump administration policy against seration. their orders stand until the separation policy s is rescinded. on the oth hand you have jeff sessions, the s se jeffessions who announced the diser zero tolerance policy. on the same day as president trump
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's 2020 campaign manager filed ain formal complaint aga him. yes, it goes back to the immigration policy but for a guy who we know likes t cite scripture left and right an has to justify the policy in o somef his immigration moves tt has to hurt a little bit. it doesn' look like it's going to go far, we're back at it again on wednesday night. in the meantime tune in for 4 a.m. for fox5 morning. make it a good e and we'll see you tomorrow. w. nesummer is here and ev's coupling up. with mcdonald's newhotter a, 100% fresh beef quarter poder. and $1y size coke for just here's to one summer fling you'll want again and again. ♪
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