tv Fox 5 News Ten FOX June 21, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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nts? we're an awards family. th you'll like both, but love our price. award-winning organic cheddar puffs, from aldi. simply smarter shopping. right now at ten, shot in the back by police, the growing outn remaining oother deadlysh ting. plus, a woman w malled to death by her own dog. while neighbors say was so un expected. and first on fox, a campaign controversy, t man that got a local camign ad can ned. the news at ten starts right now. we begin tonight with a story youill see first on fox5. it is campaign season and there are new signs that
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things are getting nasty alreadp a. camaper manager at one local maryland district was mera trashing the opponent'son cam paper literature. foxs ang lee hemp hill i lie in reporter: it's not hard toonig. tell that today was the last day of earlying here in maryland , downsi town er springs. you can see then civic center filled with campaign signs. lots of people showed up to cast their ballots, but a days ago security cameras at this building were rolling as a campaign worker pulled a dirty move. take a look at this video that was taken insidehe storage room here where all ther candidatese allowed to store their campaign materials. it shows will smith who is running for maryland senate,d shar q and and david moodoth running fortate delegate seats. they're all running on the same ticket with maryland state delegate joe n will kipps. they say that box had about $600
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worth of nicer, sticksers and bue.ons insid a few minutes later the camera walked a manager walking into the same storage room and look into the box. he then leaves aomes back and this time you see him peak out the front door up the y him toss it in the dumpster. the candidates that lost the aterials sayt first they thought thead misplaced the box. they start a tosking it around when they couldn't find it daysater they asked the security companyo look coverage they saw the man trash ing it. his name john driquez. we weren't really outo raise money from family andn our friends i order to raise money to purase those, so it was just vry troubling that to go into the trash.
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what's more imporhantn criminal charges is public accountability and commitments tole positive, c cam papering going forward and few more d s on this one but in all cam paper in the future. dwight younger did not return our comment for comments today but he did post on his facebook page thated says he has that worker. he called the behavior completely unaccepble n. that same mess aiming he also offers to pay for the cost of those materials. meanwhile the woman we spoke to tight sayhey have not yet received any mon and meanwhile primary voting day here is just a few days away on wednesday, june 26. hief in g,lver s ang lee hemp hill q. let's take a look at weather now, we saw a hief look outside just a moment tgo. it'she first official day of summer. a. that's right and it was hot and sticky out k there,e lip.
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welcome to summer. the temperature wasn't too high today. we made i into the mid humid, howeverid, however of our area. we've got a little bit of rape moving in and it's going to be a wet friday. showers have maiply stayed south and west ofel us,l south and west of us throughout the afternoon and evening. we had a nice breakhi on tst fir nig a lt all year. right now storm theker radar showing a showers and storms from earlier haveea wned considerably. in ourme light rape western suburbs and rape has moved out of richmond moving into south portions of virginia. light showers along 66, hartf fredericksburg, up 956789 locally inside the beltway not even seein much. i think it will be after midnight that we start to get some showers inere. some showers into c thepeper area. not flash fegoding, butular flooding due to some heavy earlg
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on the red roadway. flash flood watch still remains in effect for our area, thatncludes facultative certificatier, stafford and culpeper yowpts in tures outsidempe right now, 79 in washington, very mild, 76 in dulles, 77 in quantico and 79 in annapolis. rape moving in after midnight we'll fallback to just 70. it dtemperature dsn't rise much tomorrow. we don't hav storms in the forecast despite the fact that we have rain. ur weekend of sstum fmer,ir i'll ha look at that in just a bit. q. tnew videoight of those dramatic rescues at the woodrow bwilsonmg. yesterday three men were trapped whe a tractor-trailer crashed and exploded into flames. they caught on camer the men being slly lowered down to a rescue boat one by one. the driver of the tractor-trailer died. the crash also contributed to all that terrible traffic that was across the metro area all day
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and into the night. a local man kidnappis accused of that turned deadly. it startedr tuesday in mand and ended in the district. twenty-eight year old andre simmons was kidnapped at gun point. d.c. police believe darren moore kidnapped him in buyy. simmons was later found dead of g a shot wound in a drape age alley in southeast. darren moo is facing kidnapping charges. rm te murders are pending. breaking news, a southern maryland womanft has dieer she was attacked by her fiance's dog. we're also learningichat thetim was an employee of primghts. janice suit wipped was attacked in huntington maryland. it happened in a grassy area justdjacent t the frontard. drivers whoaw the attackalled 911 for help. police responding to the scene shot and killed the dog as i charged toward them. its a mass
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tive fix and w had lith the couple for four years he's been my buddy since he was a puppy. he would see me outde running around. he would come up to me love on me. he would see me pull in myew mothes ay and he would whip for me to come up and petho him. he nevewed anything aggress never.l trying to figure out how rutky gotside of what appeared to be in a fenced in area. the investigation continues. earlier5 on fox tonight we're learning even mor about even more ak gressive and increasriate salary necessary primghts schools. this time an audit shows they add up to hundrs of thousan of dollars. lipped situate watts is tracking your tax dollare tonight have been following the money and we just got new details about ant investigation tha was launched by the school system. auditors looked at all employee pay in the human resources department and what they found was maplor misuse of funds, all of it on
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theye taxpa dime. the audok ed back on human resources salaries over the last five years. the time dr. i'm maxwell has been running the school system. it found multipmployees being paidy. inappropri some of them getting excessive raises and promotions. all tolled the mistaked add upo over $300,000 accord rg to theeport. there's no oversight. school board member david murray has been a longime critic of dr. maxwell. it's disturbing. i'm thinking about how many teache we would have hired, money we could have put towards school supplies, students' a p exams. dr. maxwell and his staff haven't gotten a chance to fact checkrs the numbe or officially respond to the instigation. he says for now it's a confidential matter and violating the process. i think that they violated the process by giving raises that weren't
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authorized. this just the lat est scandal involving raises. we told you how members of mps between 35 and $50,000 inu just few years. then allegations by boardembers that t were unauthorized ises for several central office employees thate violated hasn't publicly responded to that. there has been acknowledgment that there were prior improper raises found intd he wasn't aware of them and has since corrected theues. it's unclear tight when dr. maxwell will have a respons to this latest investigation. our last story atut the las rowpped of u allegednauthorized raisesired eight weeks ago and maxwel h stillas not responded to those claims. ai he's also s mediaefusing all interviews for the rest of his time as school eco. q. virginia governor ralph north a.m. is orderinginn stigation into abuse allegations at t facilityhat houses migrant children. thets comaipre coming from shen
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and dough a juvenile center. he's concerned about what he call disturbing allegations of abuse of c theldren being housed there. the the claims are without merit. sky fox is showing you a look right herehe at r virginia facility is that housing migrant chdren in prince william yowpt . let's take a look at the conditions inside ty.t facilit this is in brings toe, video reading shows children and playing. the new comes just one day after mp signed an executive order to prevent migrant families from being separated the border. social media lit upckhe first lady worn she plaip when she went tisit the migrant famil ies. the words on theack of her jacket says i really don't care, do you. ast spokesperson for the first lady down played the situation. she said there was no hidden meaning . t the j cost about
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39-dollars. it came fm zahra. president trump tweeted, he said nemmiateo t yavment i don't know wait means, but, you know. let's not get distracted. the bigger issuess the and the families beinge separat #-d. re enacting the scene, how investigators in fairfax county are trying to get to the bottom of a deadly involved shooting andle what may have up to then counter. what happens twe a person is too young for an amber alt and too old for an alert. keepingg kids safe durin the consumer wat a dog has a list of this year's most dangerous toys. which ones you need to look out for next. next. vo: "ludicrous."
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that's what the washington post calls the attacks on david blair. it's dirty the wagton post endorses blair for montgomery countexecutive. "an energy and passion f innovation." blair is "the best chance of injecting a dose of vitality in a county that badly needs it."d: we can invest more in our schools, expand pre-ktind improve transporta and we can do it without more taxes when we create jobs. vo: david blair. that's the change we need. democrat for montgomery county executive. endorsed by the washington pt.
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it's been months since the deadly shootin after an unarmed man by us park police. by bnuary kay czar was shot officers on a residential stretch last november. crime sceep investigators are now taking another looat the casetrf what happed. this morning they arrived back at the scene and shot down the road to traffic to conductnt a reena . they cut down trees and moved the screep to the exact location trying to t piece togethert deadly nig . reporter receiptor gaze ar was unarmed at the time of otndnth theooe tsh ation. take a look,h of the incident was caught on dash cam by fairfax county who were assisting in the police chase. gaze ar was a 25 year old accountant from mack claim. he wasd first involve in a minor traffic accent on the gw parkway, but left the sceep. p olice spotted him in
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fairfax county and followed him with lights and sirens. that dash cam video shows gay czar stopping twice and then driving off eachn time. estopped a third time april it appeared he that's when officers fsed niep into his jeep. gay czar was hit multiple times. he died ten days ler. a family representative releasingt a stat today saying in part we hope the events today are an vestigation and a step closerin toward justice for a young man whose bght future was needlessly taken. q. politicians in thee beeny case. maerny v c alling for federal police and il to w cing it would have give snam a much clearericture f what happened nov 17. q. multiple life terms in pri without the possibility of
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parole. the juveniles cannot be ntenced t life without parole . john mow ham add murder ed teneo pe. they executed him in twiep. the navy veteran charged withbd ating and killing asian take you billy be forced to take guing' ring. psecurs a fed are get eric brown h competent to stand trial. he's year old from a military base last year in virginia beach and then killing her. doctors told the judge brown needs to be medicated because he'r a dange to himself and to o er r now a virginia trial will bo signed law tomorrow objection to the form the asian take you alert will act as a short of alert foray dults . police can send information about theisng shrson also on billboards. a akane t missing f she went her job in virginia beach last ptember. her body was found in northin ca. her parents
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spoke exclusively he with fox5 after her daughter's death. the current law made it difficult for police to take medicine action for their missing daughter because she was 19. ia virgin governor ralph north a.m. will hold a b ceremonyl signing tomorrow. last year it was the i am it spip are,mb reme those? this yr they named water balloon slipping shotss the most hazardous toy for the summer. world against toys causing harm. in addition to the water balloon slingshots, it includes lawn darts, in ground and above ground toys and ys with small parts. also on the list are shallow pools, water slides, water guns, bounce house he and trampolines. sounds like lot of summer toys million children are treated for injury related accidents each summer. now that school is out forth sumgr how does it take your kids to start driving you crazy? according to a
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survey it takes n less than two weeks. really, parents? that's not the case for you? research others surveyed hundreds of american pents they found the majority want summer vacation to en days. i'm stunned by that. this is a eringingorsement for having childr maybe it's bad painrring. the survey also foundt 60 percent of parents said their children's plans will not live up to their expectation . m kids have been out for t weeks and i'm loving it. that's good to hear when you hear tha it's like oh, would yo they shouldn't have hi expectations for their kids. go outside and may. that's the re told to do. they'll have fun no matter what. they are e not in school. they're happy to sit by the pool or may out with f theirriends, rest as sure. i certainly had a good time in the summe by the way,
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a live look outside on this first night of sumr. this is down up w to athawf. a holding off to maybe dine delut fres cooors while it said rain free in washington. i'm sure we'll see that sne play over many times. in fact are it's humid enough we still have oking ahead to tomorrow it'sree actually going t be wet and kind of u cooler. mbrellas needed and a very differenteay ont moves in,nd clouds awarm showrsz especially in the morning hours, i think. you could be talking about a wet, dry and then needing the umbrella on and off throughout the afternoon. mid 70s here if washington. we'll do 60s. that's it for high t iperatures backo person sections of pennnnlvania. youring forecast for tomorro 8 a.m., 73 still mild for the drive in. we peak about noon mid '70s and the we start to fawvment rape moors outth weekend but we still have somehunderstorm
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chances and i'll have the weekend forecas i'll send it back u to you guys rembering the legendary charles krowt hammer. now that i think bit april i find it worrisome. the reason is when i ything i damn well pleased. an y the well known conservative commentator and pult diser price winner died at 68. a look backe at hisr and see how the washington nats honored him. the suprem court handing down a ruling this morning that might make you cringe a little when you're shopping oine.
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christmas eve, my dad had no healthcare. he walked into an emergency room clenching his chest, he died alone on a cold floor becae he was poor. he walked into an emergency room cltoday in americat, your life is just a paycheck to an insurance company. amit's time to end the ican nightmare that my mond i went through. i'ger manno. i'm running for congress to emedicare to every american. i approve this message.
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q. the big biggesterror that we maig is t lose the damn war . for sake why dowait requires you have to talk authat. shiva ise and if you're athe timistic. it will snow inop hell before rt doj is g to go after her. we all were expecting it. i didn't happen. that was the dog that didn't bark. tonight the world is remembering columnist charles krowt hammer. he has died of cancer of the smallon time contr to the fox news channel and was nsidered a conservative yearsyes extraordinary life.s it' my job to call a, f a folie. charle krowt hammer, columnist, thor and fox news commentator elling others exactly what he thought. you're betraying your whole life if you don'say what you think and you
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don't say it honestly and blunt ly. it was that quality that brought fox news to fox news channel. this is not man destiepped for television. you look at him and say not a potential tv star. in fact, he became a huge star, i would almost say a mega star on this channel. and it was the shear force of his intelle and the power of his thinking. on top t of thathere was atl genen in about him that if he disagreed with you, you nevertt felt ak ed. he just disaged with you. it was always un spokenlw that he was as the leader because of his deliver his in threct. crowd hammer was always humble and at times un easy with the in fleups words held. i think about it and i find it worrisome and the reas ishen i was totly up damn well pleased. that includ ed whe his pips reached presidents. read charles krowt hammer'solumn in the post.
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's a brilliant man. when you get praise from president clipt on and you are from my side of the alley that means my career is done. i'm toast. he were bipartisan for palm. trump. this is the strongest field of republican candidates in 35 years. you could pick a dozen of themm at rando and have thet stro cabinet america has had in our lifetime and instead this rodeo clown. charles andg others aside froms politic played chess and was an avid baseball fan. i group upaying th game and loved more than seeing his washington nationals may and june krowt beenanowpsed tt he had diagnosed with cancer and doctor s had given him just weeks to live. do you think you'll ever stop writing? a. no, io ntend te at my
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desk. a. really. i would likem to. i't sure i cange a it. charles krowt hammer was 68 years old. q. the washington nationals held aent of silence before tonight's game to honor krowt hammer. he had such a strong voice and such an opinion. his firery spirit certainly will be. miss he has some good one ners. he absolutely did. coming up tight, he killed his two year old daughter and her moth today the victim's family got justice. marina maracco has detailss on thi story that really stunned theit coy. a maryland man confessed to murdering his two year old daughter and her mother . today a judge handed down the sentence. mihat story co up after the break.
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right now, e protecting maryland families ans stopping donald trum (birds chirping, a running ahh.k,) the new iser park sparkling made with real spring water. ♪ it's so refreshing and delicious, you don't need slo-mo models to sell it. real spring water, real fruit flavors and refreshing bubbles. just what's refreshingly real.
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mr. daron boss well johnson will now spend the rest of his life in jaism the we've been ask ed several times as this closure. is it is not closure to us. thiser will close. it will never end. this is something that we'll tip to feel for o the restf our lies. it was ae horrifying of murder that grabbed national head lines sentenced to two coecutive lifeentences in prison without parole for mur ing hises daughter's mother a his two year old little gir fox5's marina maracco has an autopsy date on the case. >>reporter: it all came down to $600 a month, a dispute over child support lead to a double murder of thi mother and child and now a life sentence for darren boss well. johnsonoss well johnson had been orderedy a court to pay after a paternity test determed that he w the baby 's biologicalather. in wellary of 2016 boss johnson shot and killed his two year old daughter cloa ' and the child's mother outside of her fort wasngton home of the
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davis was a beloved teacher. the pair withoutat acknowledging happened and maintaining the same demeanor that he has hads throughout thi complete case and so we areat satisfied th forhe premeditated and evil murders that he committed in this case s that hehould spend every minute of the rest of hisife i jail. boss wel jop sono confess the murders . he has been sentenced to life in prison without parole . the family said they are pleased with thenc sente but will forever carry their
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loss. q. more stos heading our way. kate lip is tracking t forecast also tonight morale ises. lipped situate wattsayra has that fox5 exclusive. stun ning new video of some very unsports man-like behavior on the campaign trail. ang lee has the story first on fox5. ec reporter rptor early voting in m is officially open. gn campai signs still liter downtown silver springs here at the civic center. it was earlier thi week that security cameras caught a disturbing scene. a cpaign manager picking up a box of his boss' opponents campaign materialslk ing it out to a loading dock and throwing it all in the trash . these we flyers, stickers a buttons for four fferent candidates running on the same ticket. $600 of donat ed funds paid for those materials. the candida dare anyounger whose mer did this
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has since apologized to his opponents and fired that worker he's also offered to recommend reimburse those affected candidates. lipped situate only on fox5 more evidence of money miss spe in primghts. a new report says salary mistakes and excessive raises a up to $300,000. that reportim from thechool systears humand at resourcestment over the past five years. a spokesman says the head of schools still needs to review the report and for now this is supposed to cmain aonfidential matter. q. and lindsay it was nice to have epa evening without any rape showers locally. they stayed off towards our south and west but we're heavier earlier this evening. right now we'vee got light rain moving into our western suburbs, prince william county seeing some very light rape. high water on a lot of reported roadways in green county, and marl yowpt. we have will be a wet friday. yourit
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seven day forecast is still ahead. formerto wasn barry trotz already landing a new job and is not a big surprise that he's g to coach the rival new york islanders. he's expected to sign a five- deal valued at $4 million aear . that'say a $2.2 millio raise from what he was earning to coach the stanley cup winning capitols. they asked for a five -year $2million contractto reflp coach obviously did not happen and he has land somewhere else . good for him. i'm dishwasher pointed but good for him. got to do what you got do? a. exactly. a florida man or a florida arrest was made in the deadly shooting of an up and coming rap star. why wells fargo is asking amazon customers in virgi ca toontact them. a new scam that you could be a victim of.
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(sound ocar door opening) (car door closes) f (sound ogine starting) ♪ ♪ policeaught up with the man accused of killing an up and co rapper during a traffic stop in. floridaolice arrest ed the suspect 22 year old dewreak devon shai williams wednesday night. twenty year old rapper xxx wased accused by two suspects as he left a motor sports dealership monday. hundreds of friends and mily gathered today to sayod carried her ionic purseser in hometown in kansasity, missouri. her heartbroken 89 year old father died last night kate spade was found dead by
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suicide more than two weeks ago at herman hat and apartment. she us survived byer he stranged husba and her daughter. the spade new york foundation says will give a quarter million dollars tohe crisis text line which is a free 24 hour confidential textce message servi for people who are in crisis. thes company also planning a global mental health awareness day for its employees. a new supreme court ruling may have you paying more when you shopin one. in a five-four decision ruled states can now charge sales taxren items th purchased online. the ruling is a winor states bringing inta mx revenue but retailers areed concern consumer s would not like to see the higher prices when they check out. we have more on that decison at. 1 find out what it means for you when it comes to shopping onopularsites scammers are targeting nip with the lls fargo debit card. up on their bil. wron woman
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sayshe's not even a amazon prbeer but says she's been charged 90 times. each had an average value of $14. hey ask you to call if you see any charges. who knewpi cllars could be so dangerous? a. all of a m suddeny hand went numbt and i sort of just burnt a lot. jep yep, a caterpillar about it that teenager. we'll show you more of the damage that it cause plus a wild -- would you, look at that wild brawl all caught on camera. wt set these parents off during a youtt software balln aneurysm. q. paint a. are you kidding me? that's up afterhis.
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people had to jump with their lives with a townhome erupting intoou flames in montgomenty overnight. the fire broke out early this morning in the 9200 block of place in gaithersburg. two people and a firefighter were all taken to e hospital with non life threatening injuri about 90 firefighters were called in tt fight tha fire and smoke. the cause is sti under investiggiion. a vira mall copies accused of trying to ex cour money from teen aimers. two teen aimers said the securi guard approached them yesterday after they parked their car at the braml ton town center. the teenagers said the guy told them the pay him money or he would report their car as suspicion. of the teenagers gave him cash. he is now being held on a secured bond new tonight, primghts police are addressing rising community concerns of gang violence at a local middleschoot
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washington post report students and teach are terrified amid a rise of ms13 gang members. sips it's from stember of 2017 theu may of 2018 there have been 74 calls for police service. fourrijts police say only of those calls were actually gang related. er ts and students at the school say that ms13 students are attacki them two to three times a day to pressure them to join gangs. they say it has a unit to tackle gang activity. nothave the license they need o lead int the classroom. cithe saysy are working to make sure mor ofheir teachers are fully licensed. it will require all teachers to start the credential process. the state of the office of superintendent . she says this convenient year
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must caterpillar september her soto t hospital. logan was dog some volunteer landscaping when he felt aharp paper. he noticed that he had b beaten by a furry creature. his mom bagged up t insect and rushed him to the emergency room. all of a sud especially my hand went numb and it sort of just burnt a lot. i knew itd wasn't goo as soon as i saw it, but definitely never thought it would be a bad him and he was just fine. tlyed famiigured outns theect was a caterpillar. theyal actu used an app cal seek to upload a picture of of the insect to determine tha it w called an as p. the momas posted the photo to the faceboo and it's been sharedhousands of times t p. allhe creep i things come out this o timef year. with all the rain we've
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been having and how warm is i've seen some credible things in my yard. we've got moreet gg to be a wet one and a cool one. i'll have your full forecast in just ten seconds. we' managed to stay try k through much of the evening i showers moven after midnight setting up a pretty wet and of year a prettyl friday forecast. into the weekend we warm things right bat up. will be a hot first weekend of summer. not a wash out, but still thunderstormchang autiful. our last week of ju. it's alr summer. today may have been tge lon long. wit our sunrise tomorrow 56789. forty-three a. sunset at eight:37. a better chance of seeing some sunsetting not sunrising. storm track ar radar
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showinsome light rape. the eadier stuff been further south and west into the more central portion of virginia. gapesville, centerville you guys have probably seen a little bit of light rape even if it's reaching the ground. it can'tor be said places like charlottesville, h culpeper. we igh water on many roads. those are in effect until late tonight. no flash flooding but stil dangerous to be driving around this. it does include culpeper, facultative ceificatier, stafford and think a lot of the downpoursre are other ever with. seventy-nine in d.c. right now 74 inaltimore, 76 out of dulles, 71 in martinsville. it is very mild and futurecast is showing while there is still the possibility towards our west a long the mountains to hav some heavier showers by the timepe te ra reaches tomorrow morning it is steadily i yes and it isra ing but we concerned aboutsh
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any floods. however, cautious for the dri n. it may take you some ext time just because it will be raping and most of the morning we'll see light to steady rape. y'll still need the umbrella at times . even into tom . you can't let your guard down. thiss all along a warm front tt's lifting through. once it does we'llut cheer a bit by saturday morning but'r tn we in the warm sector and m thateans we'll get veryry humid, ve mild and the chance for thunderstorms. 70-degrees with the rape moving in and we'll have steady on and off showers. warm sector this weekend we'nc have thee of showers and thunderstorms epting late in the day on saturday and then on sunday, although do think sunday will b hot near 90- degrees and just aor spotty st chance. most of the day sunday ifhe you're at pool
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it's the perfect afternoon for it. it's hot. eighty-seven, spotty thunderstorm is all. accuweather seven day forecast showse some really weather. i think we'll finally string together a few days of seasonal temperatures, low humidity andun some sine. this is coming off a something i a friday. zip trip west in virginia. our crew will be there rape or shine and into the weekend it's less of a washout, more just thunderstorm cheans. next weekend is looking great monday through wednesday and even into thursday not so outra. sed in an acaught on brawl at a youth softball game inss tee. parents of oppos ing teams going at it in the stands and on the ground there. spilling out on to the field. people punching, kking it other. it apparently started
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overal questionable c made by the umpire. dt alwaysoes, right. q. both teams were suspended from the teurp amount. it wasn't the ks. it was girls softball. did you see her? she was crying? a. those parents should beba rrassed. what kind of example are you setting for your kids? did you see that guy? parents should b ashamed ofese themselves. they should be absolutely ashamedf themselves . the cops wlle ca, from what i was reading, but nobody wanted too own up t what started it or press charges probably because they knew they were being complete idiots. the kids were bee having better than you guys. baseball hasit its ions and that's not typically one of them. getting a black eye isly usualot one a black eye, sly they get aacet
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k. it is tradition for the phillies fanatic to sho hot dogs wrapped up in doings into the stands. o of those dogs smacked auy right in the eye. he shot in our direction and bat l. ton i of bringings. mu my glasses flew. youever know. you would think i would understand a baseball, but not a hot dog. . it sort of limits herr injury raping of motion. she could not move outf the way fast enough to get outf the way of the. flying dog a historic moment inho iran. usands of women were allowed inside the country the first time since 1979. iran played spain yesterday in the world cup. the decision to open the stadium to women came a however, are theinstar
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country st the match yesterday . still they were happy,he women being allowed into the stadium was personal victory for themselves itselpr ress. there's a lot more world cup excitement come upto rrow. it kicks off at 10 a.m. and then it's is i versus 23450eu just so we're clear yeah, and the intesh yeah at 2 p.m. a depy comes to the rescue of a bear in california. it happened near lake taw who he . the bear somehow got iide of a car and damn aimed the car so badly the doors on wouldn't on. the deputy b the window and then the bear was able to get off. and took back off into the woods. he's like okay, let me get out. he's booking. the bear finally gets out. iope
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blocking streets in pittsburgh. they are demanding answers after another police involved shooting . this one of teenager fox's correspondent respondent has the story. what you're looking at is expertise in police brutality. hundreds king to the streets of pittsburgh dor a seconday of protests thursday after police shoot and kill a unarmed 17
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year old boyho ran after being pulled over in a car believed to be connected to a drive by shooting. what you saw as a murder. let's not mix words. let's not confuse things. v cellphideo of the incidentappea. running from police tuesday night eyewitnesses saying they heardhree gunshots ring out. i just told my kids go in the howsms t next thing i know he's shooting the boy. just rue ning. just ran. awing running isot a d sentence. police say the video might not tell the whole story i briefly saw it. it'ser important, h , it has toe taken in the context of the entire investigation. it's aho snaps in time. coleman mcdonough says thee vehicle ros was in matched the car invved in a nearby drive-by shooting. police de taped one occupant of
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vehicle and found firearms inside. rose was unarmed. ipl would urge peo to give us time to cduct an objective investigation. the police officer involved has not been identifi but we do know he was new to the force and had jt been swo in. in new york,ve laura eng l, fox news. q. right now at 11, campaign ntroversy, what local worker did that cost him his job. plus ls, new d about the maryland woman who died after her fiance's dog att hked this morning. and dramatic newe video from ara soir f brimg. yr news starts now off the top tonight there's a new sign this cam paper season i getting a little nasty. a cam paper manager in a local maryland d of a job after he was caught on camera trashing the oh
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