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tv   The Final 5  FOX  June 21, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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on id tonight on the final five there's a l of blame being thrown around but still no progress on immigration. the president say he's reassuring american farm \he/es who are worried aboutac the imp of tariffs. using food and the supreme court ruling everyone whonhops o hypershould be pay ing attention to. s t your final five. let's get this started.prident trump is still blaming democrats for the situation at the border, there were protest at the capital today and the hse can't get a bill passed until a least nex week. everybody on social media seems to be arg about milan
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yeah's jacket. she went to visit aha facilityt houses immigrant children and while boarding the plane be the jacket es care otherwise she wouonn't have g to visit them. the optics aren't great. a spokesperson said it was just a jacket with no hidden mess aiming. the preside said the mess aiming on the the jacke quote, refers to the fake news media and m lan yeah learns how dishwasher honest they are and she truly no longer cares. she talked to staff members about their jobs caring kids. when the children come here, what kind o state, physicalal ad ment stage the come here, so what would you say the percen tge howhey come here. usually the great majority are is higher percentage rate. usually when they get here they're very distraught i the
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sense that they don't know where they're at. they thinking esf icening them. ontinue when they see the especially environment and the other kids and they see the yard they sta house theresident held a cabady in the mee where immigration and the issue of families being separated was of course a major top ig. he continued to blame democrats for the lack of progress. we need two to tango wen have 51 votes ihe senate. wed 60 unfortunately because libuster rule. so we need 630 . i think i'll getour or five or six in senators where i won by be 25, 3040 points. i think we'll get six senators, maybe seven senators. that still dsn't get to 70. the use where the gop has a larger t
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majorityhey also can't get anything passemm on iration because of disagreement within the party a conservative bill failed in the vote today and leadership has pusd back a bill until next week. democts say they've been given no inp on the compromised legs. it is not a compromise. it may be a w comproith the devil, but it's not af crow myselth the demoats in terms of what they have in their bill and their bills are anti family, per perpetuate child detention, under miepxisting protections, en waiting lawfully to enterbe the country. a while it appears congress accomplis nothing today onti immigra, house speaker paul ryan doesn't see it that w the promise and the goal was always we wereg neveroing to be able to promise an outcome but we can promise an effort and that is what is being delivered on today . lets believe and
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north korea. aouthip d korean n is heading to the dmzk to about reutingamily members who havein been unitedce the korean war. how they're meeting with allies reassuring tha them that the american military presence willemain. the president said our allies are very happy with the results of the summit with kim. all over rati they're inth love wi the united states because of what we've done. japan i spoke pme minister and ' and h was thrilled. he doesn't have rockets going over japan that makes him very happy. you know that, he's very thrilledt seeing rockets going over japan. there were plenty of i want to thank you,pan. he there's no more rockets and there's no thought of i q. japan canceled drills simulating a north korean
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missile attack. there's still some subsequent is am aut kim young heun's motives. the president admits success i'tsn totally guaranteed. things can change, i said it last night at a speech. things can change, personalities change, maybe you end up with conflict, maybe you don't. but the relationship thatas mike hnd i haveith chairman kim and his group is a nery good o a very strong one and it' thinks going to lead to tremendous success. kim young heun has returned to north korea after a sell bring tray visit to summit this week. de spite the warm relations between kim and president trump, iep a is still t key ally. they will need to continues sanc until denucleization complete. sanctions against the north will not b lifted until kim has completely
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dismantled the country's entire nuclear program. while we've been working withhiep to to dismantle the nuclear program. riother count are imposingiv es in retaliation from us a tariffs the presidentow did ledge that the back and forth could end with american farms paying the price. it's not a pleasant thing but they've got away with it for a long time . they send their product to us, but we can't tend our prodo them and scott walker did not lying it and i don't like it a we're going to get it fixed. so let in particular your farmers know that i'm with them. here may be a little b of pain initially but ultimately we're opening up markets that th never even thawpt possible. q. we'll have to wait and see for that. chiep a has told its farmers to start growing more soybeans amid the fight with the us. chiep a ace the source of so i soybean a theyo warned that american workers wil
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hurt by the trade dispute and sa t us government is being unpredictable andhallenging. president trump says trade i going on well than that the us will come out better a on top the countries are coming along that have not treated us well andre they negotiating very vigorously and lots of good things are happening. this should have been taken care of long time before my administration came intoei b, but for some reason for 25, 30 trade deals. y're out of control. we're going to make them good f our country and for whichever company we're of the because they're alllenty bad. there's nothing good. q. tomorrow tar tifs by the europe rb union are set to go into effect o a number of us goods. the eu ma florida, orange juice, tennessee whiz time critic and harley davidson
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mosquitoes plus corn and pork both of which are big exportsfoe the president actually held hisl you he has a lot of fans in minnesota. at least 15,000 people couldn't get into the i held 9,000 peoe, but sadly 15,0 people couldn't get into th arena. but it was a very special evening and people had a good time but they als heard a lot. q. the president brought up the rally during today's cab meeting but one of the big topics of the meeting was a plan to massivelyve ohaul the federal t government. he uh-uh introduced the budget dalector to tabout the plan but didn't s exactlyet expectations tooig h nick muscle vein i isg going to be g a little media media. would the like to hearick muscle vaip i report orould you find it extraordinarily boring and therefore not fit for camera? don't know. despite low
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expectations as to how interesting mul vaip i would be he actually impressed his boss by demonstrating using foods aes ex. if you make a cheese pizza it's governed by the food drug administration. if you put a pep own i on it, that's governed by the usd a. if you have a chicken it's governed by the usd a. if that chicken l it's an egg it's governed by the fd a. if have an open face roast beef sandwich, that's one or the on. you put the bread on top it it's the other one. the hot dogs dofg, the hot dogs dog gmeet isped by one. if you have tor tit oh and chips i'll eat them. back to mul vaip i's map, a big part of is consolidating programs into the agencies where they make the most sense. for example, the us program. housing the overall would put thandzme e
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depart of housing. instead it a wouldlso combine the department of education andaib omple the white house t sayshis makes sense sincere both pre people for the workforce. the plan b is expectee a long shot since it will needpproval from congress. a loft people still scratching their heads aboutnl this. oe shoppers should be paying attention to. the justices ruled that states can force onle retai to pay state sales tax. that decision over turned a precedent setback in 1992et barrings with no physical presence in the state to collect sales tax. during a meing with republican governors the president cleared it as a win. a lot of states and cities now are going to be benefiting from what's going on 's a big, big vtory for t governors in this room. i know they wanted to seen that h and i don't think it was a surprising victory. it was the right thing to do. itas a five to four decision andou the supreme c just came down. so i have a lot of happy faces
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in front of me much that's good it's b going te a very good meal. q. the president probably excit ed abouthe impact the ruling could have on amazon. president and ceo jeff piece owes has been a target for the president. amazon's stock price s slipped one percent. the president saidg the termite not ht amazon that muchs meaning already collecting sales tax in every state. they'll be the ones that will feel the impact. up next on the final five he's promised a vicious campan in virginia against i am couple bent tim cane. corey stewa jns mene . th
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raise for a senate seat in virginia sure to get national attention this fall, i'm couple
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bent time cane facing corey steward who won the nominion in the primary earlier this tonight. tonight coreyis stewad joining me. thanks for havi m you've been through this already before. you had a failed attpt at the gop nomination for governor. you lost to ed gillespie and now you won the republican nomination for us senate. why a vicious campaign against senator timeca in? that was the first won?g out of your mouth when you a. at the of the day i want to run an honest campaign. people are sick and tired of the soft words. this is going to be a clear differences where i'm going to be brutaony ht about getting the fact outre that time cane has done nothing for virginia in his entire sixys be real you are p opposite. a. we are. q. let's talk about immigrati. this has been a hot dogs topic
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for you. you purged illegal immigrantsr you tried on even t ify hadn't committed any crimes? a. that's not exactly right. actually o policy -- that's what you aempted to do. a. let me just say the policy that has been in place in prghts since we put it in place more than ten years ago is this if you'veeen arrested for your cme weck che your immigrationtatus. if you're here illegally after you your sentence instead of beingk released into the community you're sent over to ice for de port taichghts you've b very against these sanctuary cities. a. yes, aely. q. do you think the president caved? a. no, i thought he was a gene be just in what he came up with he found a way to stop at the boer and at the same time keep q. they're going to try to pushb ack tomorrow, but even the
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go itself they feel that t compromise bill, i'm not sure in a anyone understands it? a. the democrats are against anything. they want this chaosc toontinue. it's not good for anybody. at the end of the day want immigration in this country. we want b it toe legal . we want to makeature th the people who come into our country are going to work hard and that they don have a criminal background. the only way that can ensure that is having a borr that is secured as they come into the coury. democrats don't want to do thasm it's up fortunate because atf te d for immigrants and nots is good for the united states. nobody wants to see a child mbeing separated their mother. a. nobody wants that, but they're supporting the present system of chaos under the is goodor america but it hastion to be leg q. what's the compromise? o you want t push them out, whe is the middle ground? i tnk high temperature middle ground is
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this, number one you secure the border. you billion dollar a wawvment number two, is t do what we did in priches william county, ishat you check immigration status of illegal immigrants whomm have coted crimes. you focus on the a criminal elementnd that re moves people and reduces crime areit allows those that here who want to work and support their familis. it allows them stay here, but at the same time you t have enforce the immration laws otherwise there's no pont in alwing it in the first place. q. it seems like you're running for office because y seem a lot more tepid on these immigration laws? a. i'm very tough on illegal immigration. my wifes an immigrant. she cameeg her ill ly. i support immigrants and legal immigration. but for that to be good for the h county youave to make sure that you're straipi out the criminal element. you have to take out those who are just coming to the united states andt wh to become dependent
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upon government benefs. what's your current status with the president. it seems like you guys had little jostling in 2016, are you back. a. we're buds again. he came up and you saw tweet, i'm sure. he supported me. i've always supportedhe him. going to a. i hop some. we want himail. out in virginia. i'm going to beolling out the red carpet. he's good for everybody. he's good in virginia. people support the facthat he's bring ing backg jobs, bri back the economy. he's good my campaign as well. was in your hometown last nht. deleut,he was in minnesota, i couldn't belie it . we have also extended an open invitation to time cane right here on the final five. time cape, whenever you want, come on by. we're back after this.
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whoever thought weld be talk ing about pam anderson objection, vladimir put i'mnd whales all in the same breath, but this i 2018. the former bawatch is a long time vocate for pit april today he wrote an open letter urging him to abandon plans to holding whales. it is far from dprait, but russia can do better. ify anybodan explain this and brean? it a. obviously i'm the big whale exper. the blupper , first of all, marina, isto say your first time hosting on the ow, so welcome to the final five. w love having you yeah, right. q. haven't got into any fight s tonight so that's a positive. i don't understand ndwhy pamelaerson thinks that put in wouldar c about whales. 's h people killed that don'tit agree w him so why would he a care aboutnimals if
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he doesn't even care about people? the way i see this pamela anderson is k basicallyim junk heup's dennis rodn. he can go to russia, take care of the whales and take care of all the whole inaugeration thing. he wanted som flowers handed to him. apparently she can. i ybe better off for put in.n. ma q. thanks, christie, thanks for having me on tonight. you are welcome. and the residents of the president of france, the ls palace is nearly 300 years old d it's a little nice fixer upper.rench president emmanu mack chron and his wife bridgetette are prepared to freshen it up. they're selling
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souvenirs with the decor. the earestoration is alr going on. the palace might also need somer repairs aft tonight's big e. they hosted 1600 people for andm concert. wasteful spending of taxpayer money is nothing new, z but newealand took things to new levels of ridiculous. oat hunting i an efforto control the wild dpoat population. you want to know m howany goats were killed, zer the council literally paying hunters tob take walks. if you line to the left when it comes to politics, someone in texas wants to stay away. pictures of a billboard going89 vira it says liberals continue on i40 until you have ft our great state t ofexas.
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this is ineeg a, texas. the llboard company says that following complaints the billboard wille taken down and theailient whod for that billboard will be reimbursed. the ownerf the com told a texas newspaper said i believeh in free s but this country is divided enough as it is. up next, on the final five, who is sleepi and who is toss andnd s turning ton z z and tonight milan a trump is
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sleeping soundly and maybe even t. ng so in her green jac her presence at the borderou speaking l loudly today answering the question cares and so far the only person at the white house who has shown it by actually making it down the south bored tore visit the mostd vulnerable theren are at the especially i center at the increasingly heated debate about immigration. today her loudests age was for her husband re unite these children with their families as quickly as ssible. tossing and turning failed gop immigration bill anda a compromised bill tha can't
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seem to get votes on. ryan says if the compromise b fails he's he'll cross that brim w ife get to it. more confusion and prolonginghe agony for 2,000 chilen who have n idea what will happen tow them tomorro once the sunrises. by the way they've aeady crossed the bridge, in the border. see you tomorrow. the mning show starts at four in thein morn morning. summer is here and everyo's coupling up.
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