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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  June 26, 2018 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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viducation and victory that's how the e inedi t is describing his controversial travel ban. as you can see from the run down on the side over there, this is thest hosse story at six:30 it. we have to be safe s and we have to be secure. at a minimum we have to make sure that we vet people coming into the country. we know who is coming know where they're coming from. we just hav to know who's coming here. q. of course that is president trump, sharply divided supreme court made its first substantive ruling on a trump administration policy. j chiefustice john roberts wrote the majority opinion. heejected the claim ever anti musli bias and says they have the power to regulate
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i am graition. statements about immigration nor muslims and justice sotto disee sent sed she wrote her colleagues arrived at ignoringite result by ignoring blind eye. thergument has continued so much the president said he was on firm legal ground nt obviously the supreme court agreed with him in that instance today. and he's called this a major victory. . absolu let's bring from our panelists amad muhammad tr attorney for care. former communications director for theo cratic national commit eesm we are republican trat gistment if we get hime int him ed are the martin. we th td i'm going to start with you and ask you is this a victory for the american people president who campaigned on it and said we should ban all muilims unt we get our immigratio policy straight. we for cabout certain
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>> i think is because the systed . we d hadistrict court judges who took up the issue and had a nationwide injunction and it went to the supreme court and the supreme court ruled. i think that actually shows that the president and all of us are hemmed in by a system of checks and balances. t second reason is i think it's not a muslim travel ban. it's a ban on people coming from certain countr and that's a judgment that we a our commander in chief to make. he's making it and the election had consequence s so i don't think anything dramatic has happened except the systems worked and now we can go forward andee. in a couple years people can hold thesi prent accountable for hist policies at the election. is that incorrect if we could take the graphic down. the travel ban has taken onle a different forms. as we
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move ahead here there was a lot of talk initiallyhe in first months of this white house. they were saying this is not a travel b. sean spicer had said that many times. as ed mentioned, there are six muslim majority countries mixed in here re there a dozens more than that. so what organization do moving forward from this because the supreme court has spohen. what's t next step i >> thank you first for havinge on. this is a must le ban. it bans muslims from you reyouh nielting their families. the supreme court in this case theyhe abdicated t role and this isn't the first time that they've allowed morally repunk informant policies to go forward . correspond mon so comes to mind. please i versus ferguson as those decisions were found to be repug informant so will this decision. moving forward, care and our allies we're going to go and rally our
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supporters, rally politicians do their job and to tell thend president tondhis muslim ban ,o defund, you know, thee executiv branch to make sureat he no american taxpayer dollars go to keeping arican muslims from uniting with theira lies. realistically that's not going to happenhi unders administration. we know that. when you mentioned theuslim ban, north korea is on the list and convenient what is large audiencen is the list. is that window dre ming. lete explain why. north korea number one, it is illegal for north koreand it to even travel outside their country to the united states. in the past year there was maybe 40 indivinoals frth korea that traveled to this country much that's an i irrelevant country put in thereo make it seem like as if it is not a muslim ban. ue vla is not included in there. imt's really
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rtant when you lieu at venezuela the president didot ban venezuela a sit sense from coming into the united states he banned the immigration picies inysan venezuela. those offerings are banned from coming into the united states. the president, when he he wants to hold partiesid and indivls accountable for their actio heka ow you do it. you don't separate american cit their families oveees lik our plaintiffs have beeneparated and you don't keep innocent civilians, human beingses who have human rights and dignity it in from entering this country from theurimplepose that laey pyu do. let me bring ine john so w can get his reaction to all of this. here's how look at all this, the president has a lot of power to keep us safe and lots of discretion when it comes to a immigration that's a good thing. weeed him t be our command inner chief, but what our constitution says is he
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cannot discriminate on the basis of religion and that's exactly what happened here all the lower courts that lookedded to this says there's nothing to do with security,ll of our 91 attackers came from asawedry list. he wants to ban muslims. he wants aanuslim. the lower courtsd actually pai attention, took him seriously and he said we see what you're doing youe banning muslims, that's not okay under our constitution. the supreme court has essentially said we're not t listening tohe things that president trump said about what 's actually doing here. they kind of spped o that and said, well,ook, he's got some discretion we'll let him do what he wants agn ied the foundation of this which is also ironic because they've decided against their political alleys.
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the hiproc situate is pregy fr rantnd it's unforth that there's a decision being made. americans can't make ende meet, tre cutting social serity and cutti medicare, but what this administration wants to dop is us talking with brown skin who are going to come over our borders and thrten us because those kind of brown boogie men distract us fromhe economi policies of this country. go ahea and jump in. both of my collgues are throwing up distrases. it's all about distractses, ed, that is true. correspond not so was about internment camps done by fdr. dread scott was about slavery and was a bad decision. he rule of law that says t c presence inrge of national security, muslim is not brown skin there'sf plenty o white
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muslims ungess you're have tond say muslims have to muslim or anything else, it's about nations that are not v ting people coming into america and here's the thing. you got to be kidding me. there is n credible security expert anywhere that will s that. i didn't interruptou. we're going to put americans first and b the law,y the way, you guys just said you like the law. yeah,ht, the district urt's ruled, but the surreme t five to four is the law of the land. merritt isn't sitting in that seat because mitchell connell didn't. confirm ed, you want to jump in t bre? justause the supreme court has decided this case doesn't make its right. it' morly wron legally wrong. dread scott was the law of the land then, tet didn't them right. this is very similar annular parallel to correspond moch sue and it's very sad. in
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correspond not sue they said we're not going to look beyond wh the president said. it's hat isal security. exactly what the supreme court has don today. they have decided eyes shut and be blind to reality and created a whole where president trump's promise that he would create a ban muslims hy destructive and the court they really did not consider the pain and suffering that muslims, which somef them are s gtizens areoing tough. d, right before we go,hen the president mentioned -- when nted to ban muslims on the campaignrail, it was a temporary ban until we couldgu fi out what the heck was goingt' on. s been two years, done anything when it comes to immigration. what is -- what has to be done from here on out so we won't be talng about >> the first thing and the.
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president ran ons this i we need to build a wall. we need to secure our nation andhen it comes to this ban we need to make sure that nationses that are letti people come to our country they have a system that vets them before they tbet to us . and that's not illegal, un constitutional or anything else. that's totally within the tradition of our g fer n if that's what this was good, you and i would agree. this is not about security, this is 's about banning muslim. tlaaid ten seconds here, amad. it's really important, the president won't act, the supreme court won't act. it's up to t people. it's we the people who control what happens to this country ant ourry is going through a disaster at the moment and we need people to go out in the streets and we need them tot register toe and we need th to vote and vote those individuals out offfice if they're not willing to stand up to the. presidenthank you he so much for joining us certainly this is dll continue f voting we're going to talk aboun
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that com up next. maryland voters going to the polls. si there's confu after a major voting registration snafue. tom fitzgerald spoke with voters live today. tom, what's the deal? >>reporter: well, you yse could behind us, p aplere now turning out a little bit heavier than we had seen throughout most of today that's normal on a primary day. people are workng their way down to thehi polls. t question about what happened with these registration address change easies raising a lieutenant of eyebrows in the take it. you've got 830,000 voters in the state of m. they went to m theotorcycle administration to the kiosk n and thehe websitement t thought that information was goingo wind it's ' way over to the boardf he elections. it didn't. whe those peopl turned out today to vote they dre being tol they would have to fill out a provisional ballot or they would have to go to the polling place where they're supposed to be casting their balance office we went over to
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annapolis today. we talked to niki carol son. she is the assistant of the board of elections in maryland. this is important. she says that given the number of tight races that could be happening tonht, this could actually delay some of the final results that we're going to be waitingor this evening when thesels close at 8 p.m. this isow we count balance office we startcthenion day and early voting. then we move to and teana and profel s so we expect another ten to 12 days of voting ands so it' possible that results might come down to and tea prossionals but that's the process that we're used to and we're prepared for that.t >> and tha could mean a lot in a tachte, especially like governor in this stat ofor remember, been gel is and rushern baker, the two front runnerses in a pack of a half dozen were only polls i the low 20s. it's a cliche when people say every vote counts, every
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vote might very well really count tonight in this maryland democratic gubernatorial primary . the democrat law kers in the state are furious over this, very angry at the transportation pete rom who has jurisdiction over v.a. in fact, there could be hearings as early thi summer. we spoke to journalist bruce due point ote maryland mat. the general assembly will this and they're not going to wait l until the january legislative session ces around . there will be hearings this summer because the level of concern and for some the level of outrage is hig enough that this needs to be addressed immediately. >> there's about an hour and 15 minutes left before these polls close. one woman came out t od building and came up to us and say she was one of t who said her informaon t not make its way on the boe rolls. she decided to walk to another poll
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ing place which is a coupl of blocks away from us. she said this was not going to her. she was going to cast her vote tonight. eo hopefullyple will take that hard and do what it takes becauve e vote counts. thank you, tom. 2018 could be the year of women. morend more women from all over the political spectrum shall dipping tow toes in the water. we'll be right back. g
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setback for president trump's former campaign chair paul m ford, a federal judge rejecting an argument to throw out charges . robertd mueller excee ed his authority because theurrent case was unrelate. a record number of are seekinge. offica loft the first time candidates say they're fueled by t frustration over trump administration and recenthe wins inir home
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states. according to politicalo actiups for women like ignite, 114 women. women still unrepresented in political percent of congress, 12e up 20 percent o governors and 22 percent of mayors. ann most president and fonder ote igni joins us. we know that yyou rec wrapped up a conference that to run for office. tell us about it. tell us a little bit more about s ignite. thanko much for having me. ignite is building aat nnal movement of young wom who a waiting to beco the next group of young women leaders. these are women from arod the country that are. ambi they're not quite sure how to procey. theant to fix and address what they perceive to be the problems in theirommunity. we want to teach them how to do it and get them on their path to leadership . a lot of people are
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poat investigated by hillary clinton. i think that goes without saying. l when youook at thede political iify he'll ol ji do you seeemocrat women or republican women. i >> ignites a non part son 501c 3. we're not screening. we're asking young women what their is. some of the girls are younger than voting age. >> that's. g sometimes high school and middle l l school and then college and grad school and young professionalses. de't ask them. sometimes they cffer and ian tell you what observed, but more than not we g people is that o they mayr may not ascribe to a political party . they have views on a variety of issues and those view s don't necessarily break on straight ahead id logical lines what are some of the issueses that are motivating these young people. >> we just had a conference here in d.c. for 1350 college and
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ad school women and young professionalses from across thew country. theseomen represented 26 states and the issues were across the board we had you women who were interested cyber security. >> we had yng women w were interested in military issues. we had young women who were interestedde in international affairs. we had young women who were interested in education and the heahcare and so on, right. i mean ihink there's popular perception that women tend to cae about the kind of softer more fme anyone, more steer fin, education, healthcare, childcare , but really that's just not the case. young women care about all kinds of issues. they're interestedded in a variety of this and they demonstrate leadership skills around all of these issues. fos young l or folks watching right now how can if he find you to learn morebout your
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organization. www ignite national. org. founderen and presidf o ignite. thank you for sharing your perspective i personally love the fact that ung women are getting involved in pom particulars. first lady caused big old stir on socialhat media but now it's leading to a fashion a trend. d. my gums are irri i don't have to worry about that, do i?al actu, you do. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify to neutralizrmful plaque bacteria below the gum linee and help reverse early gum damage and, now there's new crest it gives you cliy proven healthier gums enamel repairl and helps repair and strengthen weakened enamel.
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>> well, of course we've been talking about thi now for a while. the first lady's controversial jacket is flying off store shelves. it sells for about $39. it is you can find it online. me line yeah trump faced much criticism for wearinj theacket. the forr press secretary sean spicer working on aw television where he'll
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interview about different topics . interviewing public figures a cling what they are calling. the one thing i was actuallyooking forward to show.arah pay line doing her own >> not going to happen. q. we'll see what is going to happen with spicer. >> shul i is trained to do things like fetch t phone. george h bush tweeted out this video o himself, sul ian former president blnt w backer aft this. cheddar puffs.
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and i like these award-winng cheddar puffs. both events? boo-yah. we're an awards family. u'll like them both, t love our price. awaredwinning organic chr puffs, from aldi. simply smarter shopping.
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ss cry t t mow 50 isng lawns in 50 states n a. it's the first time he he has done it . a good samaritan in utah. during a sleepless sunday night
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rochelle dolan saw a retweet from lieutenant governor spencer cox. put out the call to utahs need, the elderly, the disabled and veterans offering to mow their lawns for free. with a disabledho husband spent 29 years in the military autism,children with rochelle decided to contact him if you'd like to consider us, okay. ot expecting anything, not asking for it. early this morning, she got a caugh from rodney. it was so certify dip doze us unexpected. within a few hours he was at her housen sandy. this is wonderful. rodney'sawnmower is a lot better than ours. his stop in utah is second part of his tour, aits. ameri50 in need. i'm glad itowot m
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because they're not able to mow the lawns. i'm able so i canr o fo them. last year he did 350 states in 39 days. but this year he's planning at topping on schools and organizations along the way to teach kids about lawnmower safety and encourage them to do their own 50-rd challenge. >> at just 28 years old. q. that's a lot ofdn water. ro is a cut above theest. we are incredibly greatful. my husbandnd my back juso aren't up t it? a. taking on a simple chore in the heat and warming the hearts of arican home owners along the way. >> rodney ritzed baltimore and e richmondarlier this week and present utah he heads t arizona . love to seat spirit of giving b in a community like that. it isha awesomement ts onighth for joining us at 35 to 6:30. sean is back on
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fox5 eight at plus. and we'll ' you tonight at ten. good night, everybody.
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announcer: today on "tmz"! harvey: we got some pretty of awesome video eek mill celebrating with james harden, but maybcelebration was premature.dg jue brinkley has ruled that l meekis not going to get a new trial. harvey: this judge is unbelievable. charles: i think i'll drop my ruling when he is out partying in l.a. >> googling where meek i mills right now for my ruling. out sarah huckabee sanders and the red hen denying her service. she has a very nice inswer in the beginnes >> the freedom of sion of >> and then adds on t -- >> and sarah huckabee sanders, she is not missing anyeals. she'll be all right. harvey: that is a low bw.


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