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tv   The Final 5  FOX  June 27, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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>> oh, yeah, definitely a chill time to be in.c d relatching, o calm, nothing goinn. holy heck what a day this has 'sen. only wednesday. we start with supreme court. break out score cards. juste anthony kennedy is like i'm retiring and democrats are like we couldn't probably rep the words in initial reaction tthe news and i know one person who is
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attorney onef lwho was asked during a hearing by somebo off the record and again it's a word we cannot o share tv. reps are probably thinking the court is ours, baby justicey ke though republican was often swing vitae between legals, and he s madeure to explain the significance to visitingder. >> i'm sorry to botheyou in our community theon sel of tort considered i think thisx is one of most important things for our country. you saw what came down. how big ait v they are and they did s different ways dependingig who m be in the court. it's c always onsidered a tremendously important thing. some peoe think outside of
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obviously war and peace it's noet most important thing you could have. >> reporter: and ihehink president of portugal was match-up in the world cupcoming5 >> so once the president g down with explanation about stream court. marcela row bella desosa has to explain why it was not necessary. >> iinerestg the president and highly respended president of portugal.. thank you >> thank you president as constitutional -- i know how it is when austicen your supreme court retires. >> this will be the second time president trump had tremendouslymportant tas of having somebody in the supreme court and this is fir time it was announced during his term. neil gorsuch was the first
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pick and he made that pick thank to mc connell. barack obama wnd president nominated marit gar land to hll street. senate majority would want to watch. a new justice should not take plac during mid election year. >> we will vote to confirm justice kennedy successor this fall i have every confidence in onairmangras grassly's cct of upcoming process and judiciary committee it's imperative the nominee be considered fairly and not subjected to personal attacks. >> so depend howo youhink maret c land. >> chuck shumer sd they should not consider it because ctit'sion year.
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yes, it is. midterman election senate. third seats of senate in house and entire house up in november. when chuck shumer said today nobody reminded him when into high that wasated amaa election and democra lost badly in novemb. i was -- that's politics. meanwhile whoever he chooses will be on the court. >> we have aick a great one that will be there who years y ears. we need intellect. we need so many things. there's so much that goes into making of supreme court justice. you have to hit everyone one. >> he hit them all. today's retirement of kennedy d this happened in
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district in queens and. bronx democratic sociallist alexandria cortez in first run for office ousted the congressman he's further left and should coast to vicry in general election and president trumpeize its a win. >> last night we had a great evening we watched thate television a were winning left and rights. they did not know what the hell happened and e of my biggest critics slov anally man coully got his as a young wom had a lot of energy. she had a lot of energy. i guess he deposit see. it they couldn't find him. >> all right. so he made the remark as campaign rally inorth day
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coat a thent preside was very careful to pronounce a specific word in the norm korean i want to congratulate the north dota state buyson.i s. i should not tell you this. i was coming out they were talking about bison i thought it was an s.d they sai is but it's pronounced bizan. we didn't get that wrong. >> that's definitely how you spell bisan. >> the crowdts size hand my pillow guyuc and hh is a trillion. and play the hits. trillion. and play the hits. nfh aes raidings.
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when we're down 20% it's the flag but it's the fact everybody is watchin their own different rail marks.e be prankly, they find this for xhiting than nfl and hell of a lot more dangerous right. what?us nfl has concons but no all my winning he says there'so a lot morecome he's working on. >> so we have things cooking now. you'll sob happy. when people rushing, rushing turkey out of the stove. the women ca tell i and some of the men, see, i have to be politically connect. in the old days i wouldave never said that i would have sa i opt don't want to doit, to. >> i think most men with tell you don't take a turkey out of
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the off ep until it's let's move tnoother subject today aederal judge issued up junctio kcall forids impacted by zeroce toleran policy to be reued with students in a few days. there is not mu to fight because he also wants families to be together. meanwhile today president all caps tweet turned outo be too little too late. imaybef he would have added. et failed todting no vote from dem klats.n more 1100 represents also voted against it would have providede citizenship for 1 is.million borders so ee nto get trum of of some kind. illegal immigration has
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improved >> far fewer people are coming through as much as i can explain come tluing southern bored airport now it's getting worse because we have so much opportunity here. we have done so weland wewant pr interrupt i can but want to come in based onmer rity.. merr we learned today president trump and vladimir putin expected to go now. i really hope both leaders work. nod nod. >> you have to look good. by the way did the president wear anything under it. president looksike he's going for tommy bahama loo
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they do a family photo everyar . and i think this should be a tradition any time world leaders meet. dig that purple shirt out of your closet mr. president and time to meet. >>. . office they asked agea.alal >> we'll be talking about sarah, ukraine and many other others. >> you never know what happens meeting an a lot of good things are meeting with people and they had maybe somethingive willhina. come out of it. >> meanwhile national security advisor met with mu tip to arawvrp the summit. the president also congratulated russia today on job hosting world cup and basically said if you don't watch it on "fox5"you're mitc
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mitching out. y >> mfe has done a fantastic with the world cup now. n 's ish yaxt an will tell thought 's exciting by son loves soccer and loves watching the world cup. and they have alley done a fan tas kick john. on.>> i thought you would. >> well they would i want everybody to do well. >> the venueas been have shown something special. >> by the way the go from port began is with you ks butt and say portugal i'm falling. by the way, you mentioned bar von a big soccer fan that's tr. there's a giant soccer goal in rose garden. it's kind of cool. by theu way if yo watch the world cup or ifot watch the action continuing 9 a.m. on "fox5". ed dayton trust bringing
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up the conversationithorld culdor take christiano ronald o. >> in a sense i think has been success. >> so will christian ever run for president against you. ?e wouldn't win >>. know he won't? >> prett sur christian doesn't have political aspirations at the moment. hey, whonows. >> role of xhit housect communication or has been a tough spot to fill. the president may finally he stepped from fox new ter criticisms the way he sexually harassed claims at the network. even if not communications directors signifily he's expectsed to take on senior
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communications role at the white house. if he get the gig shine will be first half to role communication so far in the white house let's take a trip down -- yeah this was january 2017 to march 20, 17 we had a guy many of you don't know who it is a guy by the name of mike dupkey he left after three months and forced spiand then hen he quit s quit. when move came h alonglagged whoing nine days. he's been like the call ripkin of communication director. he's been like the call ripkin of communication director. it's beenp vaikd since ce
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>> we thought the end of
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supreme court decision with interns returnindown ruleings to hand with repoers would it and found out aboutnthony kennedy today. host of legal pod cast not endorsed by bar. live from the west coast and got ae on the final 5 i salute love it. >> it's fantastic to be on. >> we wero talkindays ago we thought you would be on to talk about immigrationyb e we will. but let's talk about news out of supreme court today. as lawyer as you watch all this unfolded i would imagine if you followsi the legal pron this is fascinating regardless. >> so fascinating i've never seen so much stuff to come out of supreme court in 48 hrs time. it's incredible to h ever person ad to deal with law school and studying for bar for rest of community and with consequences might mean it's unbelievable >> where did you go to law school. i went to university of
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california hteings in san francisco. loved.vedy area it therapy had te to southern california because weather and beaches were. supe that's where i'm here. >> establishing dre credentials for people who don't know you. i want to talk about kennedy in moment. first of all there ways ruling that came down for people especially in d.c. there's a huge intert pertains to un yopz and payingun due into ns and turns out if it's used forit polal needs it's no longer necessarily legal i guess right? >>e you know th had law about this for the past 40 years. c case wasalled abood and the for the one that presentssests ayitself and employees look why do you have to payni u fees when they make political speech. of course if it has to do with political candidates and thin like that as unlawful
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and it also till we had it over 20 states and dftrict o columbia craft laws that work with un yopz ande collectiv bargaining that saot we' going to do that the speenvolved will be involved in collecti bargaining and supreme court in 5-decision they said even collectiveargaininspeech is intertwined and for a strong review with respec first amendment cas delays high burden. it doesn't pass muingt area cording to this court in a five-four decion which shows importance of trump getting goresuch and obama not getting hgar lande waited in advance for a year. it shows you importance of who is on the court and the fact that all these decisions come
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down, 5, had rjs it will affects unions in a big way. plenty of people the idea they have to pay unions represent mpl eyees. they represent all employees and there's certain you know obvihesly they represem in all kind. manners with respect to collective bargaining and some pent don't want to be part of the union and there's still requires t be. we are respe yingou should still pay for something otrwise considered free required. now th court say you have to represent people regardless. they should not be required you pate agency. membership goesownnd collective powers and betting better deals is any captain lessened and this affects many amllionseicans. it's inceld i believe decision
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andse of , it depends whether or not you're conservative. >> the psident tweeted abou that earlier calling that big victory. of course, understandably so, running row on time. waipt to ask you people are watching what happened on t high court today. obviously we watch ruth bar and ginsburg moving along head and row versus wait weighed and should people are worried w or is this one of the things we have to see thousand all plays out. well i mean, there can be concerns. kennedy was important vot and swing vote. he wept to right and left. he did fams casey decisio that uph row v. weighed. there no not been muchsc ussion, 5 conservative. itouldake a difference on the court. dd all theseecisions and
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they're not writers sdvrt require them to 's for services for artion thatre free. this is 5-decision.. >> adam good to see you. wel have you back soon to. >> adam good to see you. wel have you back soon to. >> back after the break
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mayor of city in michig wants to you stay the hell away from him when someone compla he didn't speak to her while jogging. he said he cannot stop whe jogging he's writing to get complete cardiexercise. er. stops he hasovo start he's available 24/7 except when jogging twice a day for
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45 minute he looks few. jogging scandle isbably distraction. he's denied it and refused to step down. currently he's at the sent he of a lawsuit >> meanwhile if you want to make america great again avoi avoid. a new dress code that bans mega hats and tatos dressde co was all about afterla the sh.up >> next "the final 5" who is sleeping soundly and who is >> next "the final 5" who is sleeping soundly and who is toss tossi and turning.
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>> you know nothing sa sheer mitchonnell shows thisan what you't blame him. democratser no what they plano do, mc connell will usher through another supreme court justice.h even t chuck shumer said it was coming gress,ction
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year. mitch mcconnell sound asleep tonight. >> and expecosto see tng and turning fromvi wrginia deancrat joe mon. expe odds reminding voteers in the state that went for trump more than other senator mansion would derail trump nominee. he'll be under a lot of pressure. neil gorsuch a mansion wase yes. >> and hopefully calmer day tomoow andhat will we talk rning crews at. tomoow andhat will we talk rning crews at. we'll see you tomorrow
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♪ ♪ welcome to "world cup tonight." i'mrnando fiore with kate abdo. what for the


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