tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX June 28, 2018 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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>> ♪ >> breaking news. chaos in annapolis. >> we just started hearing shots and stuff. >> a gunman openede fir building that houses the capital gazette newspaper offices. >> there are several peopl who have died fromdehis inci and several others are injured. >> 200 police cars right now. it was crazy. >> right now the suspect killer is in custody as investigators try to figure out what led to the deadly shooting rampage. >> our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their famies. >> our team coverage continues right now. >> ♪ >> and right now five people are dead, several others weregrn opened fire insine a build st gatroad inroad in that building houses the capital gazetha newspaper. employve been tweeting about the gunshots that were fired into their news room. >> weno kone suspect is in custody, no word on why thihapp.
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we're told though the suspect isn't cooperating with police. this started at 2:34 this afternoon. law enforcement all over local agencies fapitol police and bi are all involved in the investigation. speak is now tacticallywe secured and what that means is our s.w.a.t. team and our quick responders have been through the buildg. it is secure as far as there are nohe more persons in t building that are a threat to anyone else. we did recover what we thought ay have beenn explosive b device that hasn taken care of. we have members of squad on scene. we don't anticipate having any more. >> maryland governor hogan at the scene. alsodent trump was >> that's right. police meantime have secured the building as you heard to make sure there were no other shooters and no explosive devices but the area a very active crime scene. we havf a team o reporters
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from everyg this angle. fox5's at the familyeunification center lindsey. >> reporter: shawn an oldlord as been used as the reunification center heret westfield mall when is just across the street from the buildg where this shooting happened. so,wi immediately follo the shooting, the people worked in that office building who surved who were not injured, theye came over and this was an area they could be safe, they could call theirnd family friends and then leave from here. i was speaking to a woman who workhere at the mall. she said she brought over some food for the people here. she said rht after the shooting, there were perhaps a few hundred people here but ere they cleared out pretty m quickly. theall has remained opene t throughouts but everybody coming throughn has the firstesponders, seen the tape and eve that i havecrime spoken to has just been shocked that this happenedi want to bring in eileen and you live just a little ways away fro to me about u
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were when you found out that something was wrong. >> actually, i was on my way to an appointmentoing up route 97 i was headed there and i was going north and. coming s there was -- i want to say an entourage of law enforcement officials from different jurisdictions.and it wasn't jus. it was probably 15, 20 of 'em. it was like they were racing to something. and i figured there was something going on, and after i saw the fir,st entourage thaw another set of law ens,nd j kfot emencioft comfiin. they did not stop. >> reporter:s you're speaking, this intprince george's couy fire rehab unit right there. people are coming from milndes away to r to this. what did you think was going on? >> i said to myself either it's a shooting, it's a bombing, it was somethi
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as i was driving, i got a text from my boyfriend w is a d.c. sergeant, and i told him i cout talk 'cause i was driving, and h texted me to tell me it weas an active shooter at the mall, and i was floored. i only live within a walking stance from here and this is ve t shocking bechis is a very, ver upscale nice area and ll pretty much don't i wasakhing like this. oi sri tve by here all the time and i. >> reporter:nd youk in security you were telling me. so, your company actually does acve shooter training drills. so, this is your line of work? >> absolutely. >> reporter: is it still surprising to have something ke this happen. you know this i so common country are doing this.oss our we had somebody come into fox5 yesterdao do active shooter training with us. how did that change your reaction to this orid it? >> well, i feel like now i'm
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on the other end ofhe whole situational awareness where we go in as security specialists d one of our big push and our big focus and we're getting a lot of request is th situational awareness with active sreoter aggive behavior and now i can sow people feel on the other end of it and it's been very busy for us. i work for a comny called ops security group out of philadelphia and i cover this region as a security specialist and our whole idea is to be proactive, to know how to react, to bree prepa i should say, f oor this kind situation. anoed so if this situatios happen, y to react andou not panic. >> reporter: right. >> a try to keep calm and condol aollected as you you ca on in those kf situations. >> reporter: and you and i were talking about how you g oo
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toffice buildings like the one across the street from us and oftentimes therere security guards in the front, they need your i.d., they need you to sign in and this is >> exactly. and i don't thi should give any problems to any secity guards that are the front desk because they're doing it forso an. for this very reason, to protect the building, to protect everyone that works in that building so these kind of situatns happen and wt it does sound like is this person only way to get into this buding was to shoot >> reporter: eileen glass. you for talking to us. thanks for taking the time. >> you're veorry welcome. >>ter: i want to walk you over her and just show you we are a block or tw from the building where this shooting happened so you can see some of the police cars and the mall an obvious location for the reunification area because it's just across the street from where this shooting happened. guys we'll send it back to you. nk lindsey watts, thaou much.
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>> all right, let's switch over right now. joining us on the phone i sues an o'brien with the annapolis emergency management agency. susan thanks for joining u >> thank you i'm with the city of annapolis in the mayor's office. >> we apologize for that. give us the latest inforon on what you know happened today. we know the investigation is still early. what is the situation as you kn >> well, the situation i do know is that we in the citr y ourst responders, our police, o tur firhey habeve en dealing with these reporters all their lives. the capital is one of thent oldest papers in thery and they are an incredibly important part of the cit of s beenlis, and it' very tough day for these guys and they're doing an amazing b handling this situation with anne arrundel county. you know, our ohoughts and prayerut -- this is our family and we're just doing the best we can to help the families and support for these victims. >> susan there was a lot of
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inlyrest obviousrom people who live nearby and peoplne who li the city of annapolis. at this point, there is no --no, right, everybody should be safe. >>hrhere is neat. the building has been secured, the suspect is in custody, an cne arrundelnty is and ing autn oanding job. are their respons is just breathtaking. but, you know, there's no we just urge everyone to use. patience and navigate around the street closures as best they can. >> susan let me ask you, for people who are not familiar with the capital gazette, we've heard from others about the importance that it has to the community of annapolis. can you s lt of share atle bit of that for us? >> y know, i have been in this business for nearly 30 years and the capital has always been sort of stalwart, you know, just he-- they're alware. they're everywhere. they live he.e. they've grown up
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these reporters -- you know, the whole state oalf journm has transformed so much over he past decades a jnd theust --l group ofeople, it's gotten smaller over the years and rethey just a an incredibly tight group, and when y walk he capital building, when you go into that area where today's tragedises happene you know, you're in the news business, they're all sitting there, altogether, as if you sat around the dinner table working as a team. and you know, it's the oldest per in the country and it's, you kno synonymous with the city of annapolis for ctinue to watch and see these live pictus coming in and we're waiting for updates on the suspect and also the vtims, what can you tell us, do you have any information that you've learned from police about the suspect or about the victiy ? >> i don't havother details other than it was a mahale and tt he's in custody. i don't have any details on the vic. i do know of a number of
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reporters there that, you know i called not only colleagues but good friends and a lotf them have been okay. i've not heard from all of them but i've heard fm almost a of them. >> i got to tell you what was amazing susan 'cause i just saw aet from, you know -- and we keep going back to all of these reporters who were in ere and who kept on tweeting buhis came from joshua mckerrow who says there will be a captain on friday. >> there will be. >> the news never stops i. joshesting enough about his father taught me journalism at school at towson 30 years ago. >> wow. >> he is -- he i a family of -- he's from a family of professional journalists and 's an outstanding photographer and i have no doubt that as the oldest paper in the country, there will be a capital tomorrow. >> and, yo i know what, thats what we do. i mean, as journalists no about telling the stories and the story continues even when you happeto be tragically part of such an horrific story
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rht.they have been tod >> susan, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us today. >> yup. >> if something changes, something comes up, please give us a call and let us know. >> yup. you know you guys are on my speed dial. >> thank you very much, susan o'brien we appreciate it. >> we're going tve continue our li coverage from annapolis coming up after the break. >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> ♪ our coverage of the deadly shooting at the capital gazette in annapolis continues. these are live images of the westfield annapolis mall where families are being reunited at this location here. we have a team of reporters nned out across the scene covering the storyrom every single angle. >> in the meantime wechant to k in with fox melissa how well she been on the ground from the moment the shots werend reported melissa you have been keeping statements coming outicial that area. >> reporter: absolutely.
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where we're standg right in front of the mall area it's cleared out bit but let me tell you there's no shortage we've got city police, county police and several otherer agencies out h now,rv the crisis ention team is also out here speaking withno witnesses. just a few moments ago we had a chance to speak with congressman anthony brown. now, as you arrundel county is a part of his district and he also helped shape policies when it comes to best equiping the military, making sure that are safe, so something like this has really close to ho for him considering his efforts. we spoke with him. i want to give you a listen to his very emotional state snt on thishooting. take a listen. >> and my heart goes out to the families o those whose lives were taken from us today and to those who are now wrestling with survivingdehis nt. my prayers are with them as well. look, this is a tragedy in that we're seeing this across theth countryer it's a chchhether it's a school,
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a a theat press room at a newspaper. this is a great newspaper. capital gazette provide outstanding coverage. it's even thate much unfortunate. every tragic shootingat is unfortunbut today this really hitse ins thi community. >> reporter: nls, off just spoke with the media a little while ago oe. her the deputy chief with annent arrundely police told us the s.w.a.t. team has already been through the building where the shooting too place in the building that houses the capital gazette. w they did rechat they believe was an explosive device. they told us that has been handled. the building now secur so there's n longer a threat. members of t bomb squad are on the scene. the nex step is to begin here -g over the scene the process of identifying what occurred deand the motive ir way at this time. but we have seen folks leaving
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the mall. oit is still bloff out here. the road is expected to be closed for quite some time now. we domo havee information for family members who are trying to get ahold of folks ckdown here.ave beenlo on we do have a number for folks that can cal it's the anne arrundel county crisis response team, they've set up a li called the warm line. that number you can see it on yourcr sn (410)768-5522. that is can make sure your family members who may have been in the area at the time of the shooting a safe. but again, at this time the investigation continues.e five peoplve been killed. the threein others we areold some of those people in grave condition. witnesses at this me being 170 people evacuated from the now bei reunited with family meers. but again, the suspect is in custody and is being ck to you guys. >> melissa howell thank you very much. >> so, look, a lot of people sinc all of this broke have been tweeting us and they've -- a lot of people
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have been mentioning various quotes that have come down, variousgenti-media ms. >> the rhetoric. >> we don't know. here the thing and we've said this and we' being lot of speculation. we have no idea what this mad man intended to do. doesn't matter what he was going after. this is a sick individual who went and ended five innocent lives todayn o backyard. so we know that. but what happened is when we eets were coming from people inside that's a big building but there's a lot being saidne about what hd today. >> and a lot of people assuming that maybe this was inted by some of the political rhetoric we've heard. we don't know that to be the case but i just want to read some of the press release that was recently sent out from thess national club. the president of the national press club basically saying w standith our colleagues at the annapolis capital gazette wspaper. the shooting is a tragic remindep thatorters both in the field and in the news room are on the risk fromen ce from a variety of
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sources. they gon to say we call on those who use hateful rhetoric to insight violence against journalists to a their political gain to pause and reflect on damage they do to human beings their families and their communities. there's more. i tweeted out the d rest. we't know the motive in this shooting but it does bring up a lot of concerns ands journalistll over the country have been teting about this well. >> you can't ignore the climate but then you think back to 2015 colleagues at wdbj dron inanokes were killed on the air. >> on the air. is this an attack on the media and turns out it was a disgruntled co-worker who did that.n regardless we're ocial media and we see that. let's talk aboin some other gs that come out of this today including the ft that vernor hogan was called to the scene and he s at twoay briefings so far tod >> tom fitzgerald is live in the news roo with an upday. hey fitz. >> rorter: hey shawn we were in touch with the governor's office moments after the news broke at about t
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2:34 this afternoonhis shooting in annapolis. now, we were told from the actually was in annapolisrnor today this afternoon but not in the area where this took place.y it onl took the governor and his ttaff momentso get to the scene there. the gover tr so faray hased briefings.two news you jus segment of governor larry hogan earlier this afternoon addressing the media in the midst of what isno the secood large scale ting the governor has had to deal with in the pt couple of months. listen to this. >> and i want to praise the loca officials who respondedso d other people's lives by getting therehile the thing was taking place. and apprehending the suspect and he's in custody. >> rorter: governor larry hogan speaking just a short time ago today from the scene there in annnoolis. jim and shawn, as you know, this is normally a half
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hour of bevadcast telion e normal cycle of these types of stories is that an incident like this will take place, b there wille a pubec outcry, there wi politicians that come out and say that something needs to be done, there will be political debates in which both sides entrenched on ther seed of the gun issue will comed out say things and then ultimately life b will gok to the way it was, these issues will be forgott until theexthooting. so, we need to see at this point whether or not the maryland general assembly at some point mov to possibly reconvene over this issue. we need to know more a exactly why this took place and the mind-set of the permin who comed these horrible atrocities today and whether or not congress at some point will take up the mantle and debate or try to find some issue that both sides who are
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opposed on some of these second amendment issues may be able to find some common ground on. in recent months here in our area, governor hogan found himself in a very similar situation that he did today of having to address theat afh of the great mills shooti in which that focused fe attenti the nation but you know, we've beenri monito this social media stream thrghout today and i can tell you as we focus in o on our area today, t world is literally watching this. we have seen tweets come inse from ireland, we hen them come in from far east asia, from europe. it is not just our area, it isir thee planet that is ned in on what is going on bath gate drive in annapolis tonight. >> i agree fitz. we had maryland senator chris van hollen on earlier. he sort t of said same thing you did. something needs to be done while we don't yet know thed motivation behinhe shooting but we talked about how sing our thoughts and prayers simply aren't enough. just a short time ago speak paul ryan tweeted out his
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condolences called this aes sensel attack on a maryland newspaper cled it sickening saying he's praying for those folksnd their families tonight. you know, it's going to bein interest again to see what ppens in the days the weeks that follow. >> regardless of where you stand politically, five people went to work went to the doctor went to wherever they y'reto go todom hayhend t >> right. >>and it doesn't matter, i mean, what you think about the situation, that's the fact. and sohere you go from here, we'llee. we're going to take a break. 're back a this. >> ♪ >> ♪
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they've been updating media letting us know the very latest. heard they are questioning the suspect at thisime. they still have this area completely blocked os. this i now a scene where they are continuing their investation at this point. you know, w we sith someone earlier who told us they could hear gunshots f wm their home as ere trying to get away from the scene actually very distraught as we them.wit we also spoke with congressman anthony brown. he sent hisnc condole and said that, you know, something like thist is unacceptable. as you know, thisar is -- this is part of his district. so, very emotional for the people outy here, cit police, county police, a lot of agencies out here responding. we've also got some clinicians that are out here talki to police as well as witnesses. at this time wtt we have learned the suspect, a white male who used a long gun. now, police are questioning him at this time. he is in custody. as far as the victims, w do know five fatalities, several other people in grave condition right now accordiic
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toials. ngey are also questio witnesses.a total of at lst -- e than 170 people were evacuated and brought to an area where they are being reconnected with family members. now, officials they are giving a number out. they want people to call just in case you are looking for family members and loved ones. this is called the anne arrundel county crisis response team's warm line. the number for that you should be able to see that on your isc. heat is a numbey want people to call if you are trying to getn touch with people. but at ts point, there's not too much information as far as a motive for this shooting but we do know the investigation is continuing. they say it's going to take some time but we are expecting to get another briefing outm here fro officials at about 8 o. so, st with us f that. back to you guys. >>elissa i know we only have a few minutes left here. just give us the lay of the land out there quickly are there still a massive amount of law enforcementcoverie this investigatio,? >> reporter: the law enforcement that we saw lining
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the road out here has actually left, but when you look just behind the crime -- the crime tape where they've got it all marked off, there are a lot of officials still continuing i know it was a very active k scene, younow, we saw a lot erof tactical crews out h but it is now -- h now turned into a scene where an investigation is ongoing at this point sore t taking a lot of meticulous stepsve to piecrythig together to find out what happened but we're still seeing a lot of police out here at the time. >> melissa howell reporting life. thank you for the updates. >> we're expecting more informatn on this and that's wherelll the off information has been coming down from these briefings. we're expecting another one 8 o'clock an hour or so from now. you'll be able to watch that live over ons fox5 along with all the other information >> that's r.. again the suspect is in custody, fiveeople are d tonight, a number of people are hurt. we're going stay on top of this. you n get the very latest updates on air and online and on the fox5 mobile app. >> ineehe meantime we' you back right here on fox5 plus at 8 o'clock. and back for theews at 10:00
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announcer: today on mz" -- harvey: ok, theris a butt movement going oand tom brady is leading the pack. >> tom brady likes hippo butts! commented on this photo. and the caption is, as soon as they get out of the shower and comment on it -- >> have to wait for gisele to get out of the shower. >> oh, 100%. you just have to wait until she gets off the toilet. >> we got john legend and chrissy our camera gu he thought claudia jordan fat aming sarah huckabee sanders was problematic. >> i d't care about [bleep] sanders. harvey: i'm a little surprised. i thought fat shaming was going e a line for people but not. what the hell happened? >> it was a goal. [laughter] >> khloe kardashian had a 34th
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