tv The Final 5 FOX July 1, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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detained together, abouten 2000 parents have yet to be reuned. reportedly. as the immigration debat rages, the clils to abo ice are growing. immigration andustoms enforcement wasreated a 911 but some democrats go figure say it's out lived its usefulness. >> i think what has to change are the policies ande the peopl that are making these policies are makingou horrend decisions like sarating kids from parents, we'reo als going to need immigrat.on enforc to me, the issues what are get comprehensive immigration s reform something i was strongly supported for year, we passed a bill that not only involved order at the border and funding but the path to citizenip for people who obey the law and people part of this country
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at's what we need which includes thedreamers, people who have been here legally. >> i said the democrats want to abolish ice, the republicans go figurere pus back against calls saying there's no reason to do ay with e anntire agency security is alternarisk. >> ice, these are the guys that go in and take ms-13, that you'll be grade t walk out of your house. >> so they pushed back as well and despite the border crisis, congress failed last week to pass a single bill on immigrion, anything has done and they won'te get anything this week either because they're break. town for the 4th of july now m even further from
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thrder, all the way e u. tbos.o overseas, trump received mostly posikve fee over his visit with kim jong un. that kim jong un wasn't exactly being honest during that singapore summit. and it's not a that's the case, intelligence insiders are ringing the elements saying new evidence shows nth korea has been working to hide keyects of its nuclear program. it does notnt fully id to hand over the full stockpile butp president trum hopes he will still follow through >> i believe north korea has a future.ous i got along really well with kim. we had a great chemistry. >> do we believe him, mr. president? >> i made a deal withim. i shook hands with him. i really believe he meansit. now, is it possible? have i been -- have you been in
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things where people didn't work out? it's possible. >> it end deed is possible. officials from the u.s. and north kore did in fact meet today toalk about how to implement theiz denucation agreement. the first face-to-face conversations between the two countries since last monthly summit. on the foreign policy fund thereppears to be growingio ns over the president's tariffs, canada moved forward with raliation tariffs. canada is hitting back with13 b. they're concerns these potential trade wars could hurt the ut econom trump isn't worried. >> we're so high up, we picked up -- if you look at the kind of numbers we picke. up it's up almost 40%.
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the mark, and that's. the real market is -- now, we got little bit of uncertainty because of trade, to me, there's no uncertainty and to other people thatappen to be smart there's no uncertainty >> rev up the eines or not. mr. president is still mad at harley david son too, by the way, theomotorcyclespany announced they would be moving some operationsea os because of tariffs. doesn't get any more american than d harleyavidson and the president thinks they will regret that specific companies?lling out you're the president >> yes, i should. look. i devoted a lot of time harley david s >> there's pride it's called bikers for trump and they're ap verypy about it. we just proposed this a few days
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ago, they made thi deal at the beginningf the year, long before -- i don't thinkhey should do it. i think that harley is an american bike, it's an ameri motorcycles and they should build themcoith this try, they shouldn't play cute. >> keep them while, another motorcycles companynowledged it also is thinking of moving production overseas because of those tariffs. polarists motorcycles company uld move to p poland,resident trump said he willounce the supreme court nominee on july 9th. one of the most contentious issues involved is the future o abortionrights, could it change the balance of the high court following justice anthony kennedy's retirement announcement last week, kennedy al of age 81, he is known for his split vote on several major issues. his replacement is t expected
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be more conservative. and now, appointee needs to be approved by the senate >> a candidate for this important position thate would overturn v wade would not be acceptable,d that indicate an activist agenda that i don't want to see a judge have >> g'm notoing to vote for anybody that tells me they will decide the case before the facts are presented to t them >>hese are real lives, real impacts and you're right. the shape of the court will be determined for decades tocome. >> president trump said he will not ask potential nomineeses about their views o rowe versus wade however, all the candidates onhe listere vetted by the conservative federalist society and the heritage fouration for thei ideology. now, in a itsit-downh fox ne, the president spoke about
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the importance of this nomination >> if you look at the last for decisions to have the supreme court at ld5-4 they wouave been reversed. union decision was massive. the -- you can look at a one of those four, they were also big, important and would have obousl outde ofpraridt, anden peace, the biggest decision you can make is the selection of a justice.ourt and i see it and you see it so vividly over the lastca two day use those decisions would have all gone the other way. the white house narrowed down his list including two women. planning to announce his pick on july 9 which is a week from tomorrow. coming up l ter forhe president, big sit-down with russian leader vladimir putin.
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the two will meet in helsinki fineland on july 16th for the first formal summit, john bolden has already travelled to rsia set up the s summit andke with putin. >> reporte through the de ere was no meddling in the d 2016 election by the russian state. so i thinkt's still raises the question i think the president willonveation about this and say we don't want see medicine i linkn the 2018 veelection >> do yo doubts that thekr lin was involved >> i think the intelligencat wa i said i t sbefore, i hangn'ted me and my. lindsay graham has concerns lling on the president to confront russia over election interference. >> i'm concern by what i hear, i'm concerned when the president tweets. russia denies mhe link,n they say they didn't meddle
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they're lying, i'm glad the president will confront pulln >> you think the show them the evidence? the president is out there tweeting, that he believes the russians. you expect him to >> we have, you don't have it? >> well, here's what i would say, that in main ways this eeadministration hn tough one' russia, w armed the ukrain kicked out diploma but the idea that russia d not meddle in our election is fakenews, they did and they're doing it again in 2018. >> as for the ongoing investigation into russian interference and the allegations of bias o the fbi agent who sent explicit anti-tmp text messages the predent will remain hands-off for now. >> one thing i want to say i'm involved in, i've been told so
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many people don't get involved. it's not good and they get the documents and it's getting and they're getting them, and they're great people. i didn't like the scene the other day whereverybody is screaming at each other. it's b for the country. if russia is in fact looking to discord or chaos, they got to be saying this is the greatest thing we've ever done,s there's no collusion, there's no hissia, ng, honestly it's a disgrace >> we'll see if he keeps his fingerro away f that phone to stay ou besides the russia probe, the s president believe his oppents are tearing the country apart. >> do you know, there's probably never been a base in thery h of politics in this country like my base. i hope the other se realizes that they better just take it easy. better just take it easy, some
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populus agenda vowing to change the in quaty and violence in mexico. it's important to note.l al of the candidates slammed esident trump's policies against migrants and mexico although voters were concerned about who could set to deal with trump.e' i don't thinll expect much progress at the border any time soon >>here's a fierce political state in the race for the next gornor. am put on an and jawn san at his are fighting for that nomination. fox's bill keating as the story. >> four candidates to thete sta. >> rr: four of the five democratic candidates heading into the august candidate helped thr governor's debate two weeks ago arguing this is their yearo finally take tell hassy back >> i'm running for governor to sure everybody they eld to make
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opportunit to live the american dream >> miami beach mayor said he'd be willing to spend 25 million on his candidacy. wage minimum wage, boost public education and basicallily deal with sea rising climate change. >> too many floridaians are struggling >> daughter of governorer bob graham wants to deemphasize, increase environmental standds and make opposition to the president a campaign center piece >> the soulnt of ourry is under attack by donald trump >> we shouldn't have to turnon decisi for the direction and ate over to the millionaires club. >> tallahassee mayor wants t spend the revenue on education and enact a bernisandersesque mayer medicaid foyer all policy >> and chris king who's never
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held public office calls ending theeath penalty a sales tax on bullies andin legaliz marijuana >> only candidateme inrica willing to stand upru to t theeff green didn't answer campaign in time to make the debate i butthe race now vowing tove spend wr it takes. already flooding the aires with anti-trump tv ads >> even though no democratic has been elected in4 years, contests have been tight. rick scott narrowly one by 1% point each time. phil keating fox news. beate to it well,e will be right back with more of the "final 5." stay with us. stay with us.
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. how do this sound, wedding crunhers two? ds great to me, butt would be starring vince vaughn, own a wilson, will farrell and wedding trump. th president crashed the wedding and the moment he surprised the wedding party >> i loveyou. sorry [cheers and applause] this is not the first time the commandein chief crash weddings in bedminister he made a brief appearance in there a the end the lastyear. thousands of visitors will inbe visit the u.s. capital over the 4ay of july h and inside, they will s artwork from the capital'sist but do
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you know how he got the job? chad program explains resume people upload the others go to a job fair, the lu but constantine know was granted an audition to paint the then incomplete u.s. capital in 1855, his auditionnc was o a now conference room ins the conference room. >> heame into his room and sa what would you think, and he painted the ceiling >> in fact, that was his application >> well, he painted the ceiling. of that, he was hi >> most important building demanded a special artist, but there was no one iic 19th centuy amer who could paint in the same league a constantineo. he paint trained at the vatican.
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that's why some characterize him as the michael angelo. reminiscent of raffle'st ae vatican. georgia washington rising into heav and started with an audition inenate hire's office. did hoyer ever audition for a jobike he did >> i came to a job try-out every two years. make a new application every two years>> chad pergramox news >> i wonder with the stress of th h campaigninge enjoys anyast food. it's no secret americans love st food, one state lovesmo it than the rest. alabama h the most fast food restaurants per capita in the tire country. we all the mcdonald's and kfc's ptheresident is such a fan hy >> i love this place.
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i love alabama, it's special. thank you very much.i said if lost i'm going to move to alabama or some place in the south. >> i doubt that. perhaps mar-a-lago is where heu were stay south in general has more fast foods compared to the east and westcoast, the least is vermont, between thatn and bersanders vermont might be the president's least in a lot of cities you can live it up on six figures in san francisco it's considered low income. it's because allowing costs in the bay area are out of control. according to a new report. a four person household that makes 117,000 a year qualifies for all lowom inc housing. that's unreal. byn comparison i new york city, 83,000 is theth reshold.
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>> canada, russia is not happy about it.ld youn't think russia would care if canadians smoke pot. they probably be a l more relaxed about this if they had legal weed themselves but russia come out strony against the s international legal breach ot obligation. the russian foreign minisy said a number of internationals conventionhat canada signed ono restr the use of it to only medical and scientific purpoues. maybe can have some of that here in the district up next, before you go t sleep 'll tell you who is sleeping soundly and who's tossing and turning tonight. stay with us.
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there's nothing but cheer for croatia, thanks in large part to a sensational rm performance fro their goal keeper. look at the emotion, to be fair, bol teams keepers deliver stunning performances but croatia deserve free beers for a lifetime. ndsimply sensational it is all sensationalou can watch all the world cup action here on fox 5 and wayne r ooner, tomorrow, see you next week.
12:00 am
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