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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  July 5, 2018 6:30pm-6:56pm EDT

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>> o you're in and the next you're out. ainisator scott pruitt has resigned. >> a see from tou y i the big s. late this afternn about 3:45
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so. >> yup. ere inor the meeting word cameweet. pruitt has been under fire about his tral spending security association with industry lobbyists a miss usinggovernmen. wrongdoing but of couheied all question was as more inn came out, was it aatfo matter off but a matter of when. >> when, yes. >> we learned thede presi did noto it p.e ss ikpr l said it's notou y official unless w renet.ntau blanchard joining us from the,es he wasea taso final straw and been in the works couplepruitt d become a distraction to the ptherefore offered his resignation. wefid see a bit that letter from pruitt today on
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why he was spping down. he said were pers his family andattacks on hs theynprecedented andlyon they h w a pruitt thanked the president for the opportunity to serve. theresidents wished pruitt very well but both agreed they need to go the separate ways. >> and looks like his number two is take over asctor ahein hg time . >> reporter: right, that's andrew wheeler. he's been the deputy administrator. he'll be the interim administrator until the president is able nominate somebody else and that person hearings.wheeler unlike pruitt n almost twoo decad he'sf years fairly well known in d.c. circles. ite interesting to bl w see if the president decides to offer him the top job. hower in the past wheeler ps critical of thedu'lreai. stoha tt at all intof
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whher or not the him that top job. neefor for sy sen of what'sitis november. >> reporter: right, that was the big question if pruitt was going to use his job at the epa to help him forward hisr political c possibly into a run for office. at this point this maye hurt his chances at that. we'll see what happwhs en he oklahoma if voter or hsiatnio i gs him. >> yup.ay lauren blanchard alwgood to see you. >> thank you. >> reporter: always good to>> see you. all right. moving on, president trump's frontrunner for the sacing somee highlightingudge brett kavanaugh's previous rulings. >> weighing in, democratic
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strategist j pain and republican strategist oz tltan. do you thinkhis point the president has already made up his md. >> who knows.e it lookshe wants to do a bachelor style again next week where he'll bring a couple people in the office, he did that with neal gorsuch when he brought multiple finalists and kind of tried to makeho it realityw style. i imagine the show man president will try to be aan show m again but democrats are still obviously going to hold the line here. oii don't think you're g toro see one democrss to support this nominee. oz, thanks foroining us tonight. about who the president may appoint. in your estimation we hear so ny different names, amy coney barrett has been a favorite among many conservatives because of her interpretation of the law. what makes aur good supreme co justice in your estimation, any insight, any ike to seeou would like to see >> pick. >> ink there's a number of different candidates on t table right now so i'm going
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to reserveht comment rig but to the -- to my democratic collgue's comment, i don't necessarily think it's bachelor style but i think it's really the challenge of split of partisan votes to actually get someone confirmed the days and we saw a lot g of challenges worsuch and then a number of trump appointees ear on,o i thin thely president's being a hinkingbit decisive right nowanf o k conservativeno w candidates do we want that's going to set the tone for next t you dhion't thinkou you'll see a crsingle democratic s lines jo montana, thet peoe likete president holding a rally inow montana rig for tester's opponent, you have clairmccasmc.
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does thatt a lst iea joe manchis that put him in play? >> it might put him in play but you have to remember if au're going to run as democratic senator you got to win votes from the democratic base. you want to get css overs, you want to get independents but you also have to hold yr se and the democratic base is outraged. they know that this is a us years what mitchack tpltwo mcconnell did with merrick garland and barack obama's appointee in his final year and democrats don't w their democratic officeders back up here, they don't wanthe to relent and i think the pressure is going to b very tight. i think this is going toe tm test for020. >> brett kavanaugh leading 2 this lasoantdates that we have been hearing about reports t will likely however, thesident hasay. been very hd on the affordable care act and brett
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kavanaugh writing that opiniuphe essentially. is that something that may have some sort oom compre potentially that maybe both parties can agree on that pe single payer would we the solution. ave to how that is t the end of day. the obamacare wasri w complicatd fashion it's going to beo hard to pull out regardless of of judicial rev we have ofnd beyond that, i kind of think i thet tsi pre looking someone that can look at the big tough iues. we've got healthcare, i think we have thetr international e tariffs and welso h national security on the table so someone who really speaks to the types of things and can kind of help set the stage for trump moving forward is probably the te of person that theoi president'sng to i think kavanaugh's strong but i think we maylso see a couple other t contenders in next few days. >> i want to give you guys a
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few seconds. a lot of debate onmmigration and wher go. joel let me start with you. the republicans have not been le to get anything through at this point. they have the majority. io a forward? >> i'm not quite sure and i don't think that's the point. i don't think republicans o the president actually want to see acppon. they've had otunities. the president knowshat this is an issue that's very popular with his base he is us think the president tookis p a rkis forward the separation issue earlier this year and it was kind o a test to see how things played phe las,stg lawse existing that we have do not work and ng'se. o chaut stipulated that to congress and i thiat'sth nk pushing forward so we would hae immtion problems wetion to nve american people wou as well. >> time will tell.
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>> oz suln,ta tonight. t ts.nk after two british citizens ty were poisoned with theent usepo to r authorities confirmed a coue dea military nerve agent produced in russia t same poison used ll an a egarerfo.rmus >> these two individuals weref t with this paraphernalia. there's no suggestion that ey were tarted. >> cobra meeting on thursday morning to discussspondon's nying any connection to the incident calling it anti-russian propaganda aimed
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at embarrassing moscow during the world c. [speaking foreig language] >> the interpreter: this is happening emotional wave lmeondo sy they havss continues. theay they believe there's little risk to most people say they're worried the march incident could have le traces of the nerve agent in their usighborhood. >> oly if it's a trace from soles bury it's a big n'nerve wrackint it. >> don't touch anything, you know, don't do anything, wash your hands, you know, all of that sortf stuff. minister theresa may saying there's no need to avoid the neighborhood where place sayinge is very much still opened for business. in london, benjamin hall, fox ws. >> more navy seals have joined the maive effort to rescue 12 soccerheea coach. crews areg at the cave to try a way w to millionsons of
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water are being pumped out of the cave. to put this intave to navateark flooded tunnels for six hours to rea t team. >> this is an incredible restory. nds me of thean c miners. >> yeah, yeah, yeah and a nice resolution after so long there. we hope the same repeats there. >> china says it will now bow in the face of threats and blackmail on the eve of u.s. tariff hikes. at midnight the u.s. and china are set to impose tariffs on $34 billion worth of goods. targeting 800 different items including industrial machinery and auto parts beijing plans to fire back by hitting 500 products. the trump administration is fighting over trade with american allies such as c europ. the impact on both economies will be sign if the tariffs start there.
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>> washington post economic reporter heather long joining us via skype. hi, heather. >> hi. good to be here. >> we've had a l p ofeople talk about tariffs. i think the first question i've asked everybody so far do hat's playing out right now asyothse aise trr are we far away from that? >> i still say we're inut a trade skirmish bf it goes any furer than what we're frig to see tomorrow, we'll be in a trade war. >> what takes that over the top? when is it really at is point a big yould wor will. >> it's simply the numbers. at the after tomorrow when u.s. hit each other with tariffs on 34 billion wesfth t ohan enperc tfaltota ueas. economy. more c ae' out tiffs
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on foreign autos and trucks aan parts. that kind of tariff wou more than doubl what g so far. then you'ree've talking more lie nd all of the people watching this show start toeel that. >> yeah. and you know, president trump really made an effort early on to create -- to .ationship with presidentxi they looked like they were getting along. now it lots like they' a logger heads. is therenything that could head this off between now and the deadline. >> i don't think so, not before tomorrow -- well, 12:01. you don't have to make it to tomorrow morng. >> it is alr tomorrow. exactly d the american people seen a futuhis continu ies to rehe be ?oio tangible effectsre here. you're goingly to thingsms le cs that are starting to rise in price. >> so big ticket items. >> yes, definitely
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ticket items. you just see it more. sure, a beer can or i drink lacroix that might go up a few probably not're going to notice that right ouay but y will if you start to buy aic car you'lle it's a hundred or a couple keep pressuring on thise we tariffs. >> you're going to fit in very well with a lot ofeo pe in re l ss heomsri a lacndroix.hea b
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(sound of footsteps) (sound of car door opening) (car door closes) (s nd of gi stai♪ ♪)
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o(sound ocar dopeng)rtg) >> welcome back. freedomeressman and head of harassment claims.n dying several wrestlers have come forward saying jordan was
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aware team physician abused theft wrestlers. dr. strauss committed suicide in 2005. jordan was an assistant wrestlg coach. >> i n knew of any abuse from dr. strausswe've rea howchedut y tou contact us, give us a record of how you contact us. congressman jordan says he got e-mails from alleg victims and he wants to forwardgehose messa to police but he's also questioning t tim jordan is considered a act sash is a baron cohenouse . releasing a fourth of targetingp university. the video ends sasha graduates soon and the trump university logo o they have met before when alley gnterviewed. trump has bragged he's walked out of t interview though hen refuted that claim. no more on the details on when thec pmay see it. >> michael avenatti the lawyerti represen stormy daniels is
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floating the idea that he may ru for president in 2020. he says that he t is deeply disturbehe direction the country is going in especially because of the border separations and u.s.rade policy. who certainly enjoys a camera tweeted he would decide to run if president trump ishi and ifvenatti doesn't i' has teraken on cases in new yimlf outor t find his wayhe said that'shat doe iic was. serious abouhead to the border? >> you missed that. dades old tn northern virginias get manassas eliminates a civil war what's replaci it coming up next. >> ♪
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>> welcome back. northern viry
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eliminatitinggini a can annual i one year after the deadly outcomen charlottesville. >> the city of manassas will noeekend. >> cancele lastivlilh wit include civsilneomntpo the civi reenactment. >> we aew to the aova. we n jused here everybody is new. >> reporter: manassas is known for its controversial ciil warese are weekendtsps the sna assas
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d ideas, theen let's go ahead and let's see whaotheve thry't t i,u and we're very eorited. >> repr: the civil war weekend attracts about 200 people eachr yea mary ellen dilr hopes the new history weekend will have the same success. >> we chose to focus on a new event manassas through the ages and focusing onore about more modern stories. we're not ignoring that part our history we're embracing it. it's part of a larger story we're telling this time. feature som civil warwill components including livinger to interpreters children's acvities spy games a scavenger hunt and cannon demonstrations. manassas history weekend will take pla august 24th through the 26th and will feature
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music and also mitary demonstrations. it will te place right here the manassas museum and also at the liberia house. ne tisha lewis, fox5 local news. >> and we're back after this. >> ♪ >>y w
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rd this one fndatn has roverusngt a jyeeksntoleli hisymen sixthh a. ohef two marines ct auall off ovef one of the prop rotors the v22 that crashed. >> reporter: after years of cous
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