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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  October 29, 2018 6:30pm-6:57pm EDT

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synagogue. details. >> white house pushes back after critics say thehetoric is fueling the discourse and angers ou can see this is the big story at get to it. >> the only person responsible were the individuals who carried them out. it's not the enprt. >> the president will head to pittsburgh in the wake of that 11 people murdered at the hands of the gunman. the decision to visit which is after a former president of the synagogue said the president would not be wel in the city unless he denounces white nationalistism. shot and killed by a man who tried to enter a prominentlyam ican church. we have team covere of the pittsburgh synagogue attack,
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mari marraco joins us with the latestmarina >> 46-year-old robert bowers appeared inourt for the first time since what police believe was a hate, fueled massacre bowers was shot multiple times by police if a gun battle. today he sat in a wheelchair and displayed no emotion before dg ju police say bowers yelled lu anti-semitic srs when shooting at worshippe gather to do the tree of life itsynagogue. in addn to the 11 killed, poli say six others including police officers were also injured. earlr today, white house press secretary, sarah sanders announcing plans for the president the first lady to visit pittsburgh tomorrow. sanders was asked about comments about jish leaders in theur pittsbgh area, who said the presidten should not visit unless and until he denounces r change is fore words of to stop. >> if it comes from you,
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americans will listen. but let's not forget one really important thing.of independent what happens tonight, independent of whatff the people. words ofate are welcomen pittsburgh bond and back in court owithout n thursday. the white house not announcing exactly where the president and first lady will visit tomorrow or with whoil theyl meet. my colleague t fitzgerald has more live om northwest dc toepght. tom? >> rter: good evening. as you can see thendlag worship across the countryo reevaluate the security. amongstio suggest being made,
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forming security teams, hardening buildings, monitoring perimete areas around those facilities, and training members in active shooter response. the ceo of the jhis council of tshington ron haller belt fongx 5 many discussions this evening are already underway. in what is bngalled a game changer an ievet would be appropriate to say o that f those discussions will be to what extent do we want armed personnel. we're not talking about, you know, random congregants walking around, we're talking about the tbe n ce chief peto defend our atsyionanedgues throughout the area on scene pdilangrs ofrosera
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samhe reaching out to and houses oforship working iro r he mayor muriel fox 5 that lling both police andd dc hom security are prepared andeady th'rewith. any situation no credible threat against any house of worship in the columbia. at the same time, the mayor is taking a different approach to the prevention aspect that the president suggested ofed adding. on telerboghmowsreng guns d more safe. she said instead, she wants focus on reducin gspeech and b o political fend hate finding a safe place. o what weco, a ore cu we have a we
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engage to make sure that the public safetye,eeds if they need to bees butd at any particular facility, that they're do to go that to.n >> reporter: later ohis evening there will be a vigil at 6:30 not onlyayor bowser will attend but we're told virginia 'vlaenor ralph nth rr ao learned that the on derm >> her ae's from the vigil.ndhedr o in hunorthwes jewish federation of greater washington, other groups haveo part and of course, we'll follow thisow, jaclyn kelly is o the story. that's a huge crowd. we'll have more on the later necast. you can watch the vigiln our
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website at another sous package intercepted. addressed to cn authorities discovered the mail and appears i to bentical to the other packages investigator sesame seet say the pipe bomb suspect cesar sayoc sent. this is the third package addressed to cnn. the florida appeared in court. heve could recei up to 48 yearsf onvicted of the numerous federal charge. a lot ofeople say the rhetoric, the current pitical climate could be to blame for the synagogu attack and pipe bomb, there's a call to change tone. some people are blaming president trump. the mid-terms are weeks away and people are accusing the president o creating a violent atmosphere but the president tweeted quote this the fake newn is doing everythin their power for the divisioha and ed going on so long in our country, it's the fake and dishonest reporting causing re
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problems fater than they understand. >> these are foolish and very stupid people. >> i want to points out, the president had a little more eloqntly ad passionately hey he that with the talnok the pic sides. is this far more th an kpoliticr i don't want this to be pointing fingers one way or another, is this far more than political. >> joisng u to talk a lit me bitore about this is dr. p norman freedrofessor of jewish study at columbia university. thanks so much f joining us. let me get your takes a we head into the mid-term electionsot there's a lf talk about the rhetoric that we might hear from heard the president condemn the attacks but at the same time, we've also heard him condemnhe media and say wom beare responsibility for just typing
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up the a rhetocross the country.nt does the preside bear responsiiality? does the medear responsibility? >> veryifficult question to answer.ll i ay don't think that the president bears responsibility. i will tell you that we are living in a society where people are more damaged than we think. and mental illness is actually a t more subtle and insidious than people are aware. we ascribe mental health to people that actually might not i don't think this is a time in our country to become divisive and say it's this or that person's fault. what's been goingn is asking for -- asking us to become more unified, become more combined in and not to figure out where the fault comes from. it's mental iness >> it's a very good w of putting this. we know the president spoken on
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ay, you know, calling people to come togrdether atund think that that'sresident i to . as we go forward, i think personally as we watch this play out, i'm greek 's aor time to ud each otherllond t don't want to understand. they're set in their ways and 'sey bththonatd 's just psychy of too many people these day >> people are fright i think whether they don't wa.n to understand or upset, when they hear or see these tragic events occur, they think this could happenm to and they need to have some type a scapegoat oromeone to ame. they can't accept the fact thats the potential for bh good and bad and our journey in this life
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is to find t right balance and to actually help one another. meikisive speech people in pittsburgre no different than the rest of us all over this d,wo ifffering at d ountr lives. and right now, suffering is what brings us together. not apart.>> let me ask you, be times like this, we have seen other presidents come out and sort of give us this conzillatory tone. certainly the president camde out and coned the who do we need to look to to bring our nation together? should we be looking inside ourselves? who do we need to call on to do this? >> a idt. in my we ways we'res smarter or charge and we o want president to be that kind of a person, whether his rrihetoc profession
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casual. e is someone thae w tnurom this best to prote and his co ouny. wordstr that are said by the presidento blame instead of to say we need to work together and search f someone who can combine allor o our forces tother, not to be so divided as country. whether that's a rabbi, a priest, your own father, a therapist, ultimaly, the president of the united states, who actuall good will and good things to say to those of us that listen >> before we go, i want you to play for people to hear. this came up today at the white house press briefing t second in a number of we let's listen. >> the president is goi to continue to draw contrast particularly as we go into the final days of an election, differencesetween the two
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parties. >> so that's what sarah sanders said would be the tone. that's what politics should be about, sayings hey, this what i stand for and that's it. i think that's what'som missing this process, because we've gtten into the point where wefe talk about therences and we point so quick to point out fault as opposed to saying th is where stand and this is why i feel that way >> i appreciate that, and all o us when we go through trauma a at this point, everybody in thes with the package bomber, with the shooting, and all of our fears. this is not a time for our country and our members actually begin to point fingers and say you said this and we it won't heal.e way you spoke. we're f i n iinivg,nd homes in our own communities, across the nation or the global loss that
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experience on saturday morning or any of the time that we see these things on the news. right. ithe president i think sarah sanders is speaking right about saying he's going to go forward with the agenda, is thishat it is. but we're also going to be usth is sth compassion and missing and so much neeord f st. >> dr. norman freed tha you for joining us tonight, celebrities are diving into the mid-terms, helping to drive undecidedoters to the lls. a closer look when 5@630 continues. ♪
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announcer: the following will surprise you about barbara a comstock: comstock: "i think roe vs wade should be overtu ed and the state should" announcer: that's right. wamstock supports taking ay a woman's right to choose. she voted to defund pland parenthood 6 times, lio ting women's access tntraception. and comstock votes with trump ni ty eight percent of the tif jeer wexton: endorsed by the washington post. she'll protect a man' reindependence usa pac isonsibl tadofhis ec it's a declaration. that when they attack whowe are. we show what we're made of. and d'tonta snd for women's rights. r health care.
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for our kids futures. the washington post says david trone is detailed, studious and no-nonsense-- xc ellent successor to john delaney. there's no sitting on the sidelines. not me. not you. not now. the best choice, by a mile, is mr. trone. on novber 6th. vote. david trone for congress. i'm david trone, i approve this message. continues, new action is being considered by the white house to block the ability to cross into e united states toeek . deploying up to 5,000 active troops be 2100r
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tina an executive oanerts tno opporty for asylum >> a few wks ago it was brett kavanaugh that were mid-term threats, we've had a string of events, traditionally it's the incumbent party who benefits during a national. cr take a look at virginia's seventh congrsional race. abigale span berge are in a statistil tie. jimmy carter is getting out to vote. he doesn't want just stacy abrams, but brian kim to resign completely and he's not alone. >> this is a very important election. not only to the future of georgia butth to future of the whole and we need stacy abrams as governor of georgia. >> the comedian andig actorht there will farrell campaigned door to door for stacy abrams and gave his officialpih, this was posted on g theeorgia
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democrat twitter account. p the ower wasn't just in georgia. >> go out and go >> [cheers and applause] >> travis scott endorsed bay toe ce.ourke in the state senatera he posed with him and thanked them. question all the celebri campaigning actually making a difference? a new poll by the institute of politics at harvard university kennedy school of government d foun40% under the age of 30 say they will vote in the mid-terms, but in 2014 only 26% said they will definitely vote in the mid-term election >> bridget baumann joins use i think eve has their own interpretation of celebrities. let's put that aside. obviously we're paying a lot of attention to local and national races. ere are a couple races that i about re thinking >> just for kind of a big
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picture look here, one week out from electionday, we're a bit where we started. we knewoing in that democrats were likely to take over house given the historical tterns, still likedo to t thaqueson is w big ammarengine, there are raat, m districts,tos ce wchon by double digits that's still a qu. on theti senate sidell looks like republicans are favored to win the ofcycl are still the watch. i was just in nevada and arizona two top senate racesn terms of one kind of surpris the unities, senate side isse that we states like ohio and fall off the map, the republican challenges theren' has been as democratsn hin a
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blue state like in that where incumbent democratic senator bob menendez is facing some eics issues and republicans are going after him on that. those will be races to watchre r su but we'll kp an overtime country, there might be surprises that we're not expecting ti >> we know tonally you don't see high voter turn-out. what are you polls so far about vehicles willingoe comhat about millennials andng you voting >> democrats think they will see really high voter this cycle, typically it's democrats that see more of a drop-o in a mid-termyear. i was in nevada for first day o early voting at a polling place in a latino community. thiscks a blof voters that democrats need to turn out that typically have a big drop-off ie the mid-term and t's a short line, it wast -- is only a few people but there was still a line out the door, voters sd they hadn't seen democrats think they're going to be able to capitalize on this as well.i think yo vokey question in this election
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they tend to favor democrats, even though increasingly rejecting both parties, democrats are looking to mobilize them, billionaire to my stair trying to rist'rsegte out and for voters that aren't used to it. l that might be aittle bit tougher but democrats are working really hard to make sure they head out to the polls >> we know the president has a fe more rallies plannede'll hit the campaign trail hard states likeindian, ohio, there's one more on the list i'm forg.ting him really go all in so close to e electir is this just politics as usual. >> i think it's certainly common for this presid he's been really active on the campaign trail this ente cycle. it seemsalntense in the days, multiple states, days, sticking to those pretty red stateshat he won in 2016.
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we'll, like you sai seenim going to indiana and missou places like democrats and publicans are really close, states that repubcans really need to win wen the in the senate joining us.bowman thanks for campaign trail with the president. we'll talk about this after the break. ♪ . ♪ . ♪ . the washington post endorses je..ifer wexton for congress saying barbara comstock's "promise has turned to dust." she's trump's "unquestioning foot soldier." jennifer wexton is the "clear and convincing" cho se. "smart,ious and substantive" ...t "ms. weon would be a breath of fresh air" in congress. i'm jennifer wexn and i proved this message because i'veorked across party lines to get things done. and make it workor us again. ou r home becomes more connected, you neheioeds,nohe tmenal 1 capacity for your tech and the most arded networkor for the past 10 years.
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now is your last chance to get $200 toward a range of google and neshome devices, plus the fastest interne avt art phone, and a 2-year price guarantee all for just.9 9pelr with aea-yagr reemt.and il get a $100 visa prepaid card. but hurry, offer ends october diatric debean rsainsor political gain.og wre e at i'll always listen to you tn that virgia and i approve this m, rsainsor political gain.og wre e spanberger: i'm anwhen dave brabate th. ss, l went tero congre t shington. [ camera shutter clicks ] ewhile virginians struggl with rising drug prices,
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from pharmaceutical, insurance, brat's tak thousands and othealth care e voting them biiellions in tax breaks while voting against lowerini and voting against protectionc while voting against lowerini for pre-existionditions for the people he represents. brat sstves his donors' in we need someone who's for us.
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the president 2020 campaign manager said he has a lot of f a recall, abc roseann after she compared former president obama valerie jared to an egg. >> do you want the run again >> i'd like to be president. >> ok. >> haha. >> former domocratic presidentiinee -- some people sending mixed signals. if you read it and you readn prr the way she said it.ou you judge frself whether or not she sees herself in the oval office. she said she would like to be presidentnd feels prepared to do the job but she said they're -- made for good headlines but e when you sersae y ow. >> well >> of cour se, if>> president. >> you know, i think when she id a yreou nooi. g
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but know, she -yo- you're absolutelyright. your natural reaction sure i would have wanted to be president. so anyway. >> back after this. so anyway. >> back after this. now i have a general practice, with a lot of patients who are counting on me. many of them worry about president trump taking away protectionsng many of them worry about for pre-existi conditions.wo anmen are frhtenedhe ty could lose reproductive health care. it's why i'm glad i have a friend nameden. ben is a national leader who's protecting orumacare from presidemp. he's my friend ben. t i hope he's your frien. i'm ben cardin and
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i approved this message. not to the fish.ght. i'm ben cardin and but to the beginning. a fight that can only be won, if we stand together for one cause. him. expert care for every new beginning.
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he got to the top of the st arsnd there. boarded the >>ent viral when t s atali, umbrella flap, focusin. first lady are getting into the halloween spirit. wee omthgyoun white house,he t chocolate bars and twisslers, ku ca andtiondsar and the white house military office that is also a fun event
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thanks for joining us on 5@630. fox 5's "like it or not" coming up next. ♪ . ♪ .
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lower the fare a lite bit, we're trying to keep money in our po uet. all ofs don't drive >> likingomething on twitter could become a thing of the past. along with fapoo,rom the simpsons >> what can you do? those stories and more tonight on fox 5, "like it oreot." welcome t show. begin with synagogue. a robert gregory bowerppeared brief physical federal court to


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