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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  October 30, 2018 9:00am-10:26am EDT

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♪ straight ahead pittsburgh strong. the first ferals for the synagogue massacre victimsin scheduled to b in just a matter of hours. at the same time the first family will make their first trip to the city to visit mourners and first responders despite backlash from some local leaders. and this morning, president trump has a message for americans in the aftermath of the latest mass shootin shootin. breaking ornight the white house considering drastic new action to curb immigration. executive action president trauma many could take to limit citizenship. and the move comes a mid the growerg contrsy over that migrant caravan making its way toward the southern border. allegations of abuse and lack of
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accountability just two of the f maryland football investigaon. i'm melanie alnwick with a look at what may change going forwa forw and later, it was raining threes in chicago last night. klay thomas sending a new 3. record breaking his own teammate's streak. we'll have highlightfrom the golden state blow out coming up. od day at 9a starts right now.>> ♪ good day d.c. it's 9:01 on this tuesday, october 30th we're glad you're with us. >> all right. also theadhis morning... i wear myicrophone is on. >> i can hear you mo. we'll talk about our fox5 winter weather tlook coming u in something we tal about earlyow. this manning. old m winter will be here before we know it the i big questiont going to be mild like the last couple of years or is this year we make up for the
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lack of snow over thele last coup of years. >> mike thomas, tucker barnes working hard on this. we'll have our winter weather outlook coming up at 9:30. >> all right. before we get to all of that and hopefully we won't have a lot of snow. we're due, though. >> yeah, we are. >> the last two y>>rs -- don't want to get it all on the sam. day >> i know. >> spend i out. >> spread it out, right. >> one in january, in february. >> couple inches here. couple inches there. >> we can spr it all the way out till june. >> june. >> a couple sprinkles here and much. >> hush your mouth. june? >> i hear you just a little bit. >> sprutd it. >> that's the bottom line. before we talk about that and today's weather and the future weather, we've got some sunny and warm weatherer to end octob that's good news for all the trick or treaters o there. details now tucker barnes is back with a first check of the forecast. tuck? >> wisdom, what's the plan tomorrow? d g youo out with the kids. >> oh, no. >> wisdom doesn't do halloween. >> maureen, are you going out >> i am. daughter. we've got a parade at school and
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hitting the streets afterwards. >> i on. >> because all i got is steve. it's awkward when we go out trick or treating. >> i told you guys you cant do it. >> last year was the last yea tuck. we say it all the time. >> unless you get one of those wnicorn outfits nobody knows >> it's hard to get the candy. >> if i cover my face i can't see exactly how old i am. >> good point. let's do the forecast. yes. going to be a beautiful days wisdom mentioned sunshine and mid 60 today's. thene get awful close to 70 tomorrow for the big hallolien hoy tomorrow afternoon. 48 now at reagan national. warming uplowly. dulles is 43. still chilly. out the take a jacket. bright sunshine. beautiful day. yesterdayine than dry evening i you're going outn. it wil really be one of those really nice october afternoons we look forward to every year with pleant conditions and a pleasant couple of days. i'll give you a sneak peek there on the halloween forecast as well daytime highsbout 70 tomorrow. okay. seven day coming u and more
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nter outlook.ou mwitioned the details on it and lots of interesting maps coming up at 9:30, guyback to you. >> in the meantime let's get to our big story. follow up on the synagogue shooting in pittsburghor the funerals f the 11 victims killed are s to begin today. four victims will be laid to rest today that includes brothers cecil and david rosenthal who were developmentally disable but described as at light of the neighborhood. jerry rabinowitz was an family physiciao helped to rush the wounded as the shooter stalked his victims and daniel stein rently game a grandfather. >> president trump will thvel to pittsburghis afternoon alongside first ladyania, his daughter ivanka and son-in-law jared who are also jewish the visit comes despite thousands signing a petition against his visit. >> four of the 11 people killed in saturday's synagoguear shootg e being laid to rest today. 66-year-old dr. jeffrey rah bin novities, daniel 79 and brothera r-old cecil rosenthal and
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54-year-old david rosenthal. the burials coming a day after suspected gunman rob ht bowers madeis first court appearance. hes charged with multiple state and federal charges and is being held without bail. >> the president and first lady will travel to pennsylvania to express the support tfhe american people and grieve with the pittsburgh community. >> but theresident's visit i >> we have no use horim.n. >> why is that? >> i think it's his -- it's part of his program toti ite his base. >> tens of thousands of people signed an ope letter to the president saying he's not welcomed in pittsburgh until he stops targeting morities ceases his assault on immigrants and refugees and fully denounces white national lidge. >> i'm just going to pay my respects. i'll also going to the hospital to s the officers and some of the people that were so badly hurt >> tree of life rabbi jeffrey myers says the president is welcomed and the heart broke
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community. but democratic mayor bill has ked the president noto come. while the victims are bng laid to rest. >> meanwhile the president had a message f the american people during a sit dn with fox news last night especiallyvi anyone ng in fear after thet lates mass shooting. .ere's what he had to s "you should about your live you can't letup these people dit any more and let's hear from the president. >> you should go about your life. you can't let these people disrupt any more than they already have whic is disgraceful what he did isl disgrace. you can't let it happen. >> back here in the district meantime more than 1,000 people gatheredt israel congregation in nthwest d.c. thousands moreutside rememberth. mayor muriel bowse add drove the inter faith service last night. m botharylandnooverr and roy virgr ralph north ma'am were also there in attendance ias d.c. evening. >> federal prosecutors want no bond for the florida ma chaed with mailing package bom to high profile democrats in the
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country and also the cnn netwo network. prosecutors said they believe s-year-old cesar and danger toy community. this comes after it was revea in court yesterday that sayoc kept a list of intendedargets many of them elected officials. he was arrested last week on five federal charges related to the packageombs. if convicted he could spend more than 50 years in prison. ♪ 07 is the time right now. break news from overnight. president t plans to sign an executive ordero end birth ship. citiz that means if a baby is born in america and their parents are non citizens or unauthorized immigrants, the president says he will terminate the right to us citizenship for the baby. that's despite berth right citizenshipio protect granted by the 14th amendment constitution. the president revealed his plans during an exclusive interview with axios on hbo in a new documentary newse series. president says that america is the onlyountry in the world
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where an,erson comes has a baby and the baby becomes a citizen. that plan comes a mid white house crack down on immigration and on the heels of that migrant caravan controversy much thousands of refugeesto march i. caravan an invasion and is troops to the border. m heore from holly morris. >> reporter: another wave into mexico. these migrants fromentral america wading across a river despite a helicopter hovering overhead. will the threat of us troops dissuade them? ke doesn't sound li >> nobody can stop me. nobody can stop these. reporter: while some migran dropped out there appear to bee three car have h. vaadnc massive deployment of troops more than,000 to help bolster customnd a agents. the president says the migrants will not enter the country even if they make asylum claims. >> we're going to have tents.
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they're going to be very nice. and they're going to wait and if they don't get asylum they get out and very people they don't actually if you want to wait they don't usually getum asyl you know that. >> reporter: but theta ry's role will be limited. they are intended tosu provide pport to federal agents without actually engaging with .he migrants but the pentagon spelled out the mission. i think the president has made it clear that border security is national security that is the direction we've d given. that's tirection we're marching to. our orders are very clear that was holly morris reporting. carava of nearly 4,000 people is slowly progressing but som people are a getting worn nd dropping out. some are returning home. some are applying for protectiv stat us in in mexico. another group of central americans crosseinto mexico from guatemala yesterday. they're looking to join the other group of ll mill jumps not happy that president trump has used his song happy. single sent a cease and desist letter to the player after he
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played williams smash h happy at a political event in the dw oestn rally just hours after nearly a dozenedown in pittsburh synagogue. use of the song wasn't onlythe tpoorlyed, but also in violation oght infringementrif py and trademark rights williams will not allow president trump to use any of his musical catalog in the future. in the spotlight fox5 digging through a report into the university of maryland's football program afterhe death of jordan mcnair over the summer. so up next, melanie alnwick will veha learned and what comes next. then later, sixers fan demanding an apo sgy after got kicked out of a game for what she wore. that's her in the me there. like it or not team had to about the dress cody bait. that's uoming 9:10 is your time right now. ♪ ♪
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announcer: thoufollowing will surpri about barbara comstock: barbara comstock: "i think roe vs wade should b overturned and the state should decide it." announcer: that's right. comstock supports taking away a man's right to choose. svotd parenthood 6 times, limiting women's access to contraception. v and comstockotes with trump ninety eight percent of the time. jennifer wexton: endorsed by the washington pos she'll protect a woman's right to choose. jennifer wexton for congress. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> developing overnight in the astno arthwnest forces handfulf residents to look for a new d.c. fire and ems responded to the 900 block of shepherd street just before 2:00 this morning. the fire t was ohe top floor of the two-story apartment
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building. thaskfully no one hurt. >> new details in celldehone vio posted on social media. we want to warn you that's what you're looking at and it is disturbing. ddc police cnuertien t whohe sen fire after she tried to break up a street light. a fox5'se cutler is live in southeast waih more d on this story. anne? >> reporter: i'm here in the neighborhoodhere this happened and the ridents here are after their neighbor was liter literally burned alive this morning she's fighting for her life she's in critical condition in the hospital, and as you mentioned, there are cell phoneo videosf those frantic moments as she was on fire bystanders trying to put her out. we'll show them to you. do want twarn this is graphic. this hammed in southeast sunday night around 6:00 o'clock on th s right where 37th street meets 37th place. the videosir cculating online on instagram show the fightin involvg minors that led up to thehe incidet. in t vid sev people main
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mainly women punch and kick each other in the middle of the street. police source tells fox5 their parents got involved. one woman alledly grabbed a bottle of gasoline, doused another woman and set her on fire. peopleearbyrantically trying to put out thelames. the culprit behind this brutal attack is still at large this morning.ic however, pole say they do know who it is. they're offering a thousand dollars reward for any information that leads to anst arre. now the neighbor who i had the opportuno spoke with this morning said that the victim has some oioer health complicatn so that's complicating her recovery. she said that the children ofan this have left the neighborhood. neighborhood. attacky understandably shaken. and she said her own son was actuallyictim violenc as well. years ago. so this incnent her neighborhood hasr the core. very understandably so. back to you.
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>> 9:15. thanks very much. the other big story closer look at a report on the culture within the athletic departmyt within the unive of maryland. >> it's the result of an eight week investigation that began teaffr football player jordan mack nair. >> reporter: thi w marylitand football's culture was not toxic butxtremely dysfunctional e. amongheome of tinngs athletic department that personal feuds led totion, chaos afu dndncys mismanagement. there was no system to trackgt complaints and sh and conditioning coach rick court was accountable to no one. asd forehea coach dj durkin, he didn't have enough training and support for a first-time collegiate head coach c hisoncern for players was hgenuine and had earned loyalty and respe w asell as shown generosity and commitment but there were complaints aboutt theensity of practice and insufficient rough retime. he oas notpen to opposing views a was too close to rick
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court. st friday the board of regions was briefed op these findings. five months after jordan mcnair strenuous off season work out and later died. performance and strength coach rick court who has since been let go was a focus of much of the report. it detailedfccounts o players who were allegedly humiliated or physically attacked by him. and instances of court throwinte waits and other i across the training roo o ne case the report says a player who mr. court considered overweig fced toandy bars while the rest eof t che team work out.anothey made to eat until he psalmed. the reportdai he heard many contradictory accounts ofd evens an presented all sides the board did make some recommendation liked the hea coach will no longer supervind the strength conditioning coaches. to have independent medical care for studentte as without interference from coaches or ann
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the athleticsfafst d uepncarleat this report will have on the leadersof prominent here oincling the university dir an dd durkin who's still on leave. the board did hold another virtual meeting last night through conference call. the board is expected to announce its decision on a plan of action going forward l today. >> it does seem like a lot of m band-aidsore of the we're watching you, yo know, b careful from here on out. when you dig deeper into the report of course anything could happen when it comes to the head coach but ie t seem lik was more like well he's doing his job and there's nothing to points to him specifically as to any out liar. it doesn't sound like at this point he would lose his job. anything could happen. >> is this just me or this report has taken forever>> forever to not produce a lot results. right is right. wrong is wrong. tacr cone ax. this complicate the fish rots at the head.
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get everyon and start a fresh. todr have this out you're putting the family through this. players don't know where they stand. administrators don't know where they sta. it should not be this difficult. make a decision and move on do the tighthing it shouldheot best having ide tepoennt take the. >> it doesn't do much to address ho loste player live in the future that seems t hi ton'ts k hnow how he can keep his job and i don't know how thr athletic dir can keep his job and a lot of pple say wallace loh should go the president of the university. >> but t is not saying that. >>he theept roreport seems to bo could and tra dick itself. p it's a buloint report things th iox at'i fl aee lute semant hicsere man
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lost his life. leaist the coach and if i -- you know i can't even put myself in tldt position i wouant to step away from it let the program get better without me as a constant reminder of what happened. >> is it t average person what has happened this far. they know the parents have no >> that's right. >> university has no real concrete measures in place to prevent this fm happening again. so to me, it's a lot of talking, no action. do better d. >> like you would do if were found guilty ofazing. do the same thing. >> all right. >> okay. that's what we have to say about that. >> all right. coming up 9:20 right now in just a few min tucker is all about his walk. wait until you see it when he stps some high heels on. we got a sneak peek -- >> size 11 stilettos. >> this year'sra annual d race coming up later. did yous say or 11s. >> getter than the sevens. >> erin what are you working on. >> coming up in your headlines search for victims of plain crash in indonesia that continues.we've got the latest o
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investigation what went wrong plus twitter wants to make a major change to your cou be cd heartbreaking. we'll tell you why and later, why the sunday sca they are cutly no joke and could have a . ♪heck on that next, guys. hello there! almond joy is tropi-callin when you need a taste of vacation, pick up!
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iket havehat bill. [megawatt] dave, you know i depend on electricity. [dave] i too, megawatt, [megawatt] dave, you know i dependi do too.ricity. for ways to shave your electric bill, go to im'spl st's a tys meal kit?esgrt it's pre chopped, and pre seasoned.[ ng ] it's just the right amount of help to make a wholesome meal. >> we welcome you back. erin como also back with a check
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riof some of the other sto making headlines this morning>>. e'll begin overseas that's where divers spent the day searching for bodies aft a lion airplane crashed insi inan 189 people were on board wheng the boeinet crashed into the java sea 13 minutes in that flight o monday. the pilot had requestedto clearance to ret the airport just two to three mi after that take offnu and cten lost c. high tech equipment being used to try to find the plane's flight data recorders. other news officialsmi at yose national park identified the man and woman whe died lastk after falling fromrlcenic ovek as married couple from india. authorities s c theple had been living in new york and had traveled a lot over the past few documenting their adventures on a blog. they fell about 800 feet from taft point it is a popular across much of the1 over there there. virginia man killed by us park pice was armed when he was county polic reports writtptere.
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it says no weapons were in rainvieor inw isar duri tovemr 2017. >> pheark police shot and killed sing washfrom mclean down the geo oo. lton. the socialut b c aet n cfoundera what io t platform. since redesign in its ver early stages. finally, yout know tha stress anxiety you feel on sundays before the start of a well that could actually be making youk. new study reveals 80% of workplace professionals experience the scadayries. ouat youngeeli start worrying about your workload and what you have to do th week ahead. experts say some people even report headaches or nausea caused by thel thatda sun streso when i try to realize i have by.
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>> imagine the stress you would have if you could sleep all day every day and there was no checo p.mi tnghe job stress. thank you. ou y'rou wisdom. >> i've missed you. i neehadt. >> he's back. he's back >> i feel you erin.. thank >> 9:26 is the time. clay thompson was on fire last night chicago now he's n's newest three-point champion.e we'll the highlights from that epic game when weook at the good day sports report coming up next. >> and later, sunny and warm out this week. tucker nud mike are backbu with your alit's w c ♪ ..9:
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the things that matter most happen one morniim and one cup at ae. ♪ ♪ 'sard htop.rt mtratessas to get a good night's sleep... with our wide selection of top brands and our pre icmah tcgu you can find the perfect mattress and right now satup to $0 family. on serta icomfort mattresses. it's t ne everyone got a ight's sleep. havertys. life looks good. should thrill you. with bigrands at small prices.. for the whole family! woo and unexpected finds you never knew you were looking for. with brands that wow and prices that thrill... marshalls is never boring,
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and ways surprising. get cold weather ready with amazing pces on name brand outerwear for evyone, today at marshalls. (beebeep)
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♪ 9: and fresh at halloween right around the corner this morning we're alreadyhinking ofpe're getting . plus, kevin learns the real innestror whoopi goldberg's sge down with the nobody's later, le epps funny man joins us live. can't wait. a bigg day c up on good day at 10a. all right. steve and wisdom, over to youl,. thanks very much. looking forward tohat. yon ioo f glto some gp
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patriots walh 25-sixf h a dier patriots win aeancd nd t n l>>here court, incredible night for the guard klay thompson. the warriors taking on chiceyutois the bage fromon dl .
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>> like throwing it in the oce >> a lit disappointased he tlocean. hoping they'd make a run for 2 points. >> 92 in the first half. they weray on the. >> that would have been nice. too bad they tk klay out. >> chicago off t tough start. golden state playingy ver well. chicago, cleveland,c3 teams that have will have that have to pick it up. >> the season is still in. maureen let's turn things over to you. >> you know who is pick it up big time mother mother nature i because s doing some big. things this wint tucker, mike they have your winter weather outlook. so guys we've been peeking ahead.i asked you is it going te white christmas and tucker don't give it away just let this is an indication of what we have t. these little flakegraphic. >> you mean for the winter, yell yeah. >> talk about christmas in particular coming up. traditionally i think 10% chance.. >> >> 10% chance we get a white
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christmas. >> boo! >> that means it can happen here. it's not like we're in floridahi or somet. wh>>ile the rest of the winter rig. stageps for you last counter p couple o bfee ve. mike will show you on the end of the graphic here. >> we had 7.8-inchesast year it was actually noticeable improvement from y theear before 3.4ut one thing t notice about that, both of those y what celdlealw line shows a typical year for us. our about downtown washington af na he nonorth and west. fmticeha t aboveuple years t,ve been noticeablyow sllhortes a snowy potential wly be a snowy winter.we 're. what hints do we look when we're trying to forecast what mig
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happen? one place to go specific maybe you explain about that. >> we're looking for is called el nino, la nina cold water temperatures in thepa central fic you don't want if you like snow in d.c. this year it's thehi is o the pn you get with those kind of winters nic aive storm track cool and wet across southeast. >> a you believe can years ago we had sort of very large el nino a that gave us so much irwarm a we had big storms but we didn't have -- 11 big snow event. this year with less of an el nino impact, chances are better we'll be a little cooler. >> potentially be more like well -- i won't -- snow mageddol we talk about that later. >> this is sascinatingtuff, and mike really turned me on -- lastturned me on to this summer. ut a, talk to meot >> hunr i'm coming up. downtpo looking fascinat then a
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trend here sunsun. does this every decade orwhe itf we notice those arrows there, some of sunin kicking upnd e we fasnatti snge stuff. i'm sure a lot more research on this, but it looks like inet yel seems to create big snow years.b por snow lovers sine erhe ating into the winter and look having over the course of some of these years. mike, talk about a the >> 56.1 the snow mageddon o that year. r gottentmhe te chris any season. 1996 some of you might remember early january storm we had big bls.
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la nina team normally we don't get big snows. we did it because of sunwe spot. l see the low sun spotss could help out in the snow department. >> what a e wecking? we think it will start mild then told cold by january and february. >> november, december could be ld.k and forth between warmcond warming it up this week. cooling it down towards the weekend a lot of that back and forth throug december and turn the corner and we're more persist tenley cold january and february. this is an average snowfall year. we'reosting all o this on fox5 d.c. m bothike and eye posted it on our twitter ts information going through the maps too much its too fast. we get 15 across the 95 corridor and then higher amount moreswe and of course youuys in we age o mutheyls.arrnesan tecas.>> fe to o
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fi18ntgs. snowfall winter expected than what we've had the last couple of >> lots ofet alwaysidsk imas? a >> a lot of t big storms in these typesse of el ninos they do a. >>n'or we ten wrapdt this up, wn do december 22nd. >> is that the same thing you pred:3te0.d >> it was, dember 22nd. >> i want to win the price is right showdown i'm going to s december 21st. >> oh. >> i'm just kidding. i'll go with the 14th. >> okay. >> early. >> will we see a brm sno this year. >> i say yes. >> how my inches will be our biggest >> i think a foot. 1 foot. >> all right. mike is goingith 1 foot. >> just because i wantri to win thece is right showdown i'm going wh -- i'm kidding. i think me is right. i'll go with two storms and more than 6-inche
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w alil find it give us yno an t manyrou kcig sence raeaeor wecastitht'erngs is sup. giv us your opinions. we're interested in them. see what yout ve to say. u went.een we don't knowyohere but we're tossing to you. >> i'm over here. you may have left overpkins and little more than 24 hours coming up in he can we're in the alf fair sharing ways coveredwithlo halthween pumpkie ats, >>h, o gosh.? i tellheel re tonigh h n'i do tire it. that'sfohaitae here to h all the h l uea tuck wiliflng join us right aftr the b ese washington post endors jennifer wexton for congress...
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saying barbara comstock's "promise has tued to dust." she's trump's "unquestioning foot soldier." jennifer wexton is the " cclear and convincing"hoice. "ms. wexton would be a breath of fresh air" in congress. i'er wextoni'jennm that'ixons cw wea' f uain.ho i'er wextoni'jennm
9:39 am
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thee'er. n you can carve them, you can paint j ak me pumpkin pie here he is over the weekend doing his work. and his kitchen adventure inspired this next segment how to u a whole pumpkin here to he u out private chef and
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friend to the s chef daen ho morning..yovefronu't you one opese verng around the pumpy >> just the tp it o want to slice it. cut it r around the topig. top d ol shoop >> take out the seeds aemavndoas e thnd duake out the o coodethutesi but dono>> no. walk us th.roughat aus
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umpkin pure pumpkin.ju >> inside that was cooked down and buzzed in a brent. did y or just the pure pumpkin, sugar.. >> no raw flavor. >> okay. >> you pitt in the ranch dressing. >> so rant' i dressing. add a little pumpkin spice, bam. >> jus a little cf marco was doing apples. >> is that goi in the salad. >> going in the salad somethingh niceealthy for you guys. >> this is for any greens, right? any greens. >> i love kale so i'm calling it a fall harvest salad. >> i like that. >> f harvest salad. >> okay. >>s i i bec ctould green. will cling to it better. >> it's all fallle vegetab. carrots. >> look at that pretty color. brussel sprouts. >> i'mpr sel t.hitsnkingou like thanksgiving this is a great isde d.
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>>tnd o >> okay. he>>oarco. toss thats texture for pumpkin seeds. >> tndhose are just raw or d you toast r o any.thghein salt dres >> o,eah. atre>>eryo i hope you guys. >> you're just going to -- lood? abme. pk i whayou think th one our segment produceret jlly t one you brough y eis it to pumpkin pie. >> it's fairly easy oven.
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it's all aboutur your ements. you can't have too much egg or too t little egg eggs sets it. >> followhe t. >> inside of theum p iint like e there. >> with eggs, cream, spices, sugar. kay. o . >> are you responsible for plating of this. >> yes, w'am. >> tell met we're looking at here. just the slices. >> slices, you start with cutting the pumpkin in half. i mean the pumpkin pie in hal and then i quarters and we have the pumpkin whipped cream on top with a little pumpkin spice and you finish it off with seeds. >> easy pizzi. >> soet s yweummy. >> what do you have to say to someone who's afraid these gourds from pumpkins, butter k nuts, youw, squash all of that. they say it looks so massive. i don't know what to do with it. on>>.d you say to them. it's just foo 'td. >> it's justd. foo food. >> i don't want to dign but i want to taste a shard of take l.
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okay. that's really p person lpkeak with lattes and al that spice but this here -- t it's not up y lunch. >> chefs, tnk you do ityou llowisma azi vidngeow theseuide wher canes find you. >> kiss a chef on instagram. >> i'm at mark'nll on instagram. >> i can't underscore how amazing this meals we're about to dig in. ch moo ck this.oret yummy, yummy. >> ♪ >> ♪ ninety-she u.s.
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puit's america's most r street name. but allstate agents knt's where the similarity stops. if you're on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the washoe zephyr could damage your siding. that's very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, uld cause water damage. but no matter what pu live on, one 0,local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth,
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e yoin good hands? to giveod great onst a winrs d
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dsalki abo ethon walheel race where thousaf spectators flock dupont circle wat d iqueensn and everybody en their costumes show off their elab now, ieat for e eves bwe seri b rsl dig
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acay's in bilowserellhe same th. change y putou t they promise moo m shhooes would be shined much the are not shiyny. >> let's not night so myeetre exc auses. put the shoes on.
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happen. do you think will happ >>. ve e>> i-'m -nt hopin'mg it wile to tndeoe andt look forwardt 'sn >> yetalloween partylv r tarted start to get asrehe d d w s d rllyacr mte
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head start to get down here and he's co s.rds behind us rightin up oo ou yereear yt keu feenlg that',to
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minute.y a >> tha >> tucker said the sam drag brunch every saturday andca sunday at tbequra sit. >> i don't blaouha a certain ageme youan w'tay 5-ince
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not forg. just for looksus . >> okay. good.>> >> meanec heofoo >> no, uld co >>ot >> goodturn, j he ersoe theowed in. bs flick keyaj night's not the n
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this on that if you're goinger t t the exit, youoo have to l what's in your own t bm, and cloing on those wayomen as well if that's going to be your standard. if noteter >> that's the l. i don't t phiblronk there is a standard. ouwee reserve the right to tell they you d ke than'tid the danrsce to s iuaon t ass hanging out and the welfa caid wteenr of here and nickyrg minaj is nicky minaj t - ndswe a okay. >>wait a minute. heho srlan tde t ahatic pre shea
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s so. >> allison penutre-- a thotou we daisy d auke they can do that. look at this. eto roll up inte a many as a regular person. >> i wouldn'to it >> most normal people won. d. case close
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they're saying much you can't roll up in here. there are cheerleadersules that say you have to have, what, shorts at least. >> they have the right to detehaine whetht you're wearing is appropriate for or not. thatro notpriate. the on the thing if you start letting everybody come inik l that. somebody walks in with bikini is that okay. >> two piece bikini. >> how about a one piece. >> well, how about a one piece? >> i walk there -- if tucker walks in there with his calvesas scivees, is that okay. t ucker? >> good day 10a coming up next. >> i'm just saying. let us no he what you think. >> think of tucker barnes in a speedo. >> tuckered out. speedo. >> tuckered out. >> ♪ at foundation by l'oreal. speedo. >> tuckered out. >> ♪matte without the flat. up to 24 hours.
9:58 am
resists, sweat hemity at now available in even more shades. infallible pro-matte foundation by l'oreal paris. super stay 24 lipcolor from maybelline new rerk. longwear goes with micflex technology, it won't crack...s stayl day. real-life-proof. new yo.
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(steel-drumheo?gtone sounds) hello there! almond joy is tropi-caing! when you need a taste of vacation, pick up!
10:00 am
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the must see moments only only good day at 10a. we have the r hot topics. the gloves come off and the o oing feud between nicky minaj and cardi-g b. plus swingers, jada and will smith take on those rumors and could keeping up with the kardashianings be cancel? >> also ten at have you ever wondered how whoopi goldberg got her name? well she tells kevin at 1it0:h.30 funny guy mike emms. he tells us all about his new rom com love jacke let's do this in three, two, one. good day at 10a starts right ♪ow. aaerh! [ la ] >> yes, ael wl -- very nice. >> encore performance. >> yes. >> tucker just -- >> i'm tired of you guys judging a man for hises sho . .> look how the calves pop out.i
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onhe aeve yheou higel acercle li over 30 years they've been doing this. the rac bineg 9:00 tonight the mayor is the -- honorary starter racer.. >> exa it's official. we know the words. >> led other events eyall over the world. >> glad u you're withs for the 10:00 o'clock hour. good morning once again. >> just remin erpic halloween show, yes, 24 hours a it way. we are putting the finishing touches on this show as we speak. this will beur o fifth epic holiday st'cial buts safe to say this particular show was actually a decade the making. that is as hint. >> i it? >> yes. it's been a decade in the maki making. >> make s to stay tune ur hint. tomorrow at 10a you don't wist tos it the whole gang will be here.
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we'll give you a show leo he n. >> that's arantee >>d 0:tr 1checkes for that here'sin herdlin como. >> first up, tirhe v ficsttims f filay responders and members adda lhetof commititsyy'. the suspected gunman 46-year-old haarges and 11 statedi crg more than 5,000 troops to the sohwest they're being fort tepndp iloye tse migrant caravans working their way toward udta however, the role of the us military limed they are intend wed toel b provide st to federal agents without actually engagg with the migrants. in other news investigative
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report on the culture of the university of maryland'et ic programs calls the program but the frrings did not say the culture was toxic. based on that report, u.' ms board of regions recomnded surveillance cameras be grealled into the weight roomst heaner public access tea practice. fu o uf any m.d.'s president ore een made. ea> thousands of fans h out new zealandarkl. h the duke and duchessfspt nearlyg to excite the fans today. duchess meghan even knelt down to accndt a gift a speak with th r cee onl fygestan stops left on their south ecific tour b heading back home to the uk.e and if y looking for ng-term love, it could cost u a new study from gift finds singles spend
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the mgt on dat each month. i can't say i'm surprised about that. single people spend averagef o . those in relationship ty spend a little $139 month. while maryland cplespend $130 and it's n all bad for married cples. ey spend more date than people in relationshipr single people. and y got to tou guys i think when you're single you bring that a game you want to impress, you know. >> nah. >> i'm sorry. well i'm just remembering from my single days. >> it's been awhile for wisdom. >> you didn't want to wine and dine like new girl you were interested iern. >> i nev purchased any wine for anybody of the opposite sexl >>erally. >> all right then. what be that nice dinner a fancy show. >> i never purchae add nice dinner of they are for anybey of the opp sex. >> oh, my gosh. >> all right then. when you were dating what did you used to do? did can you tell us on tv. >> they came to him andle brated. >> they cook for him. >> the experience of being with wisdom. >> as you wish. bark like a dog
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>> for a married wisdomwh martin do you do tour a date. t here's no date night. i got three kids. >> erin, we're not going to win this one. date night gets pick um 11:45 on ethe way big old tray of nuggets. >> i'm offering my babysitting services. >> they're too old for babysitters now. >> then you can have a date night. >> don't get into this cycle. >> erin, leave it alone. you can't win this pun of oneha he's back t full force. he had some rest, too. okla it's time to check what's trending. afirst up, checks of texas couple believed have made medical history as theo first coupdeliver a baby that they actually bothar ced. ashley and bliss colter happy mothers to happy five month old baby boy named stetson rye september pro calvf i so the procedure allowed the t women to participate in the process ofg carryin little stetson one woman's eggs were extracted and fertilized in a lab to form anrymb etho other ws
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to five month oldld chi both ca. or had a hand in creatin. medica else can. >> right. >> being used for the good for all. i love it ck thexc a etilama symbol nf usingtementut also validation. it? ihienk t analysts would age with that. tenha periods now make as right? nd appear more agreeable.e in ordeo recent editorial in the wall street journalhronicled one journalist's attempt at not using exclamation points in regular texting and e-mail conversationsor a mon her response, it wasn't easy. wsherote, that "routine e-mails can become complex calculationsd
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authority critics say women shouldn't have to cut down on their use of the exclamation point so and critics are trying to makether people feel comfortable is a good thing and it should benow, back and forth. i will say this. so do i.a lot in if i'm sgpp conngratulation. >> hope you'reell period. then but ian't use feel l sike you're not s or tt.utomeoelnee i feel like if i i i' mht mig salty or something like that. te>> ssve ioo like -- >> look -- le'lod>>.you ler >> i'll talk toou lat exclamatio problem when it comes toexts and e-mails getting the tone across. it leads to the biggest fights when're talng t somouody. wh yy did you say it that way. you just typed what you men you use the exclamation point.
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>> emojis. mi>> or thele face to try to say, look, this is the tone that i'm taking wh this don't come back and there. imiley face means no matter whaa >> we're good. >> however the lol, we talk about it? >> sometimes when you're doing lol after you try to put somebody in their little placeae make everything right. >> new york ci it doesn't. >> lol does not make everything right. >> people -- passive aggressive people. >> you put lol don't respond to me because i'm done with it. >> i hav't heard from you in awhile. lol it's notunny. >> what about the people who don't know what lol means. lol. who sent this. >> i had a friend bless her heart. she didn't know. mea ynsou clearly no maureen's. >> i still love you. you know i loveoulol. >> you don't want to beed bother-. >> that's your get out of jail free card. g>> s>> w bheulnd you say don't boe
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any mor points.ll >> okay.. l a a >> you're fired, >>vladimir putolin a good day. have a good one.ex >> n. okay. 10:10 is theime right now. snowboarding super star sean white has apologized after wearing halloween costume backlm special olymp asnd social media. in a now deleted post on white's instagram account the professional snowboarder and mple jack disable characterup ai featured in the two to us eight lm tropic thunder. white c the costume ael s apolot was last minute decision and it was the wrong one. the speciightto moe great work supporting so many tremendous athletes and i sorry for being leon learned. >> okay.m. that's a well worded apology
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the. tropics thunder was -- was -- e .lowing that movie no one wie be >> that's probably not a good movie to borrow from any w e. >> many if your wondered how whoopi goldberg pickeder stage name, stay tuned coming up lat n but he never heard about he>> f tirst, though, cardi pulling no punches i her feud withicky minaj. we'll havehe lat back and forth plusa will and jad clear up swinger and scientology rumors. is that allar we're cleg up? heal. red talk table. gasgramom.ena we'll tell you who took hpot spot. i bet you can't guess it unless c>> ♪l rightrd teashi in el
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el ♪ ♪ the things that matter most ng happen one mng and one cup im a te. myom washes the dishes... n...before she puts them in the dishwasher. happen one mng and one cup im a te. so what does the dishwasher do? cascade platinum ds the work for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, the first time. wow, that's clean! cascade platinum. we're gonna replace candy with some healthy hallowewsn trts teaes tast like poopy piñata!
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i threw up. nt candy!wai daily hair damagen stop befoit..both are exposedto dama. the rose withoutleove is dry and britt d dove deeply nourishesstops 9f daily hair damage before it happens. ...heals extremely dry sk. nevaseline clinical care.. ♪ it's amazing what healed skin can e healing power of vaseline. as your home becomes more connected... you need fios to kfip up.r-tics ca f deole gme us the fastest internet availa,
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tvit wh tup25 phon and a 2-year price guarantee-y switch toda d ase tv service satisfaction for the past 10 years, and why we've been ranked #1 in customer satisfaction compared to cable.if an you order online, you'll get a $100 visa prepaid card. but hurry, this is your last chance, because this offer ends october 31st. to today. 100% fiber-optic network. 100% phenomenal. we always areppci yate go. are you kidding me? hea. foruc.h >> no. he was cautious with t
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violent rays and soe stayed in. that's my take. >> five i. >> no. l>>ole got some celebrit. how autt'bos do it. let's serve it up. allison. >> okay. i don't know why my voice was so high. did you hear it. >>kay. >> you wanted the people to feel what you were>>eeling. oh right. like anoixclamation p or lol. >> period. >> there you go. ca b and nicky minaj at eachts po next once again hate to see it a but in lengthy instagram video cardi b responds to nickyi naj's recent claims about her on infamous newweekrawl back in seber nn w instagr videos you thin she was mad. en afterly number nine. look at the baby and don't aboutshi. terry different t videos justn u after minaj accused herfot
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writing her ownongs. she also discussed aftermath t of their new york fashion week howed a screent offit the pairs call log and evenal re that she was considoring suing manag defamation of character. talk about suing maybe i should sue you for defamation of character since you want to claim uhat i'mng somethingse illegal bec you don't understand why i am so bleep successful. myhing just l every new artist had a mega hit, lime looe scissolla may after they get a mega hit everybody wstts to en to them. why is it that when people want n l to me, you cannot believe it that i got to be cheating for that? nded with a respo postin asking to focus on posite things from here onut. >> nice. >> i don't see an exclamation point, lol or smiley face in that tet. >> okay. >> now wait a minute. lo i got to justay thi i got to s just says. this. bows>>o you have to say this. >> minaj goes on her radio
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t s she' sshe t tngalking about howh r.iend put,er you know, blacards you're talking about it then card b responds and now youi want peace and love. >> well they d want peace andonove them want to keep lt going. >> this is what its. i s i got snead lis seteei as thousand s. unrtunately i think nky is foca and asrdiic b >> sheants her career back. >> you w've been seasod in this sirloinghe bigger person let i.. this amazing y things. about what you did whe>>n lil kim was coming after you. there's no money in peace when s . >> s she foriece that's the tnghoul foree hi i ine article.eds the authentic feelik le she tsers aodes her le a the tid she's not f what b,romh.ev
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don't start 91 >> you don'tnk. 50-cent called for piece against jarule, >> i don't see 50 at all. in the booth. >> i see him on power and whatever. >> i understand. all right. >> or jat matterru for. >> that's a bad example. [ laughter ] >> 10:18 is the time. let's talk about will and jadanu smith. they ce to get real on ja's hit facebook show red table talk. follow me on this see. to make a long story short and it will still be a long story the smis opened up about their marriage and struggles and wanted to clear up the rumors that swirled around the couple. take a look. >> i was devastatedpen worse ke up.m-ivorce hmm. >> witur ld wit w domayright >>if w cplet selomy betoistot rumor we've
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>> t nrue. w nerhals been swingers. never been swi op that' mespe.ut wl plou csnarefully woy we've nev that. code inry eshwn,
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at l. w toouch te o abt. >> you say what you want to say. you get the tweets, too. care. could the end of keeping up with gh kardashians finally besi in this one from the control room. what say you?>>ay it ain't so we lebrity dish every mondayce g. the rate, at theinmo lowest poit ever for t e show andtasp.thg ag
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>>ha tthiernkm juouheyog ttay am itmphi >> yeah. >> okay. >> mant'y is everything they dogoinnt hat was -- >> guyshris stopped me before it started about fred sanford. i was aut to break i down. [ laughter ] >> i was going to breakkaiswig s
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me. halloween isdet tce e i it's t0: 1it likeeithr
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du they declare love at walls firssnf.ifuy groceries.dogsb cue du dogs love more, because theymor. e s tncle08.e love at walls firssnf.ifuy groceries.dogsb cue du with big brands at small prices...
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andon name brand outer foy mrw knew yloreakarevshoue rshas is r (beep beep) on saying barbara comstock'sses je"promise has tudu."rngress... she's trump's "unquestioning foot soldier." jennifer wexton is thed "clconvincing" choice. "smart, serious and substant ...iv ". xt w bmsould a frhif s meag oees
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♪ >> imagine it's getting in the holiday spirit when it comes ton in hwealloen this morning let's skipped past halloween skip thanksgiving. the latest ice exhibit is und construction at gaylord. bob barnard has the shovel. quite a bit of work hasbelready en done, bob? >> reporter:h,eas 9 degrees insd take a look. they're putti browntmhrisas at the gaylord nationalrtisshina a. joining us is rachel from gaylord national. thanks for having u in. >> thank coming. >> you're dressedors appropriat. >> i always dress very warm in here. we give everybody blue parkas eeitxhib come. to come inside. you'll give them a helmet.
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>> that's just duringheg i t. take a look cing to life. shis an tenth year thate we've ice. we're very eedh toit ae b brand new theme ofha c mrlost ybrellow -- >> bringing blocks of ice. >> yes. >> hello. how are you? >> how are you? >> reporter: hard athese h seru. you bring them in o>>ncer: and clear iceorepte it call all comes from ohio. we bring in >> youoteeet see >> no. they have to take everything in
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pabuild that together and then put it in place with different all those real iconic scenes. we have 12 scenes for charlie brown that you'll see. >> reporter: that's the experience people will come in and kind ostflofk inction kd hen room right heress definitely always the family favorite. it's our ice slider room. so this is really great sneak peek of middle there we'll e h how it's right nowckoonorr:p >> ae. islyentu fikalriendly. wh it h dasoe its own entryhe fee? >> we open novem fr 16th you
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caind everything online ristmas on the and roall right. 1stugth there theyun go. there's some of theif cmbha dra. movi e s thevidynnd how she nhe8 is moment. me
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alk wi
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s s tlgr onk.t toe tide. alk wi hhhh severe with vicks vapoconeol. at this critical moment in america... i. with so much at stake, ben jealous is the bold leader maryland
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ec t ma's teest a agr ryache an jealo"co to move familiward."h let us stand up for our kids let us stand up for families let us stand up for our state ben jealous, democrat for governor >> mama! >> >> oh, it' no,an no t here. >> no, osha not hereither. >> mama, i hear you at the window. >> i don't know. t know. mama, i know it'si you. >> well,hat do you w stay. need a place t woan >> dan nick kapu today put me o. >> you smoking weird? arthritis. >> is thaty heredit?
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>> i don't know. rthritis. why did she put you >> she mad at me because she got cat fished. >> i guess you just got to call her. putama, i jt told s this connection isnny, so rickety. hello? >> what? >> i can't hear you, baby.. >> mama -- >> mam ya, stop playing. >>lay like mama, t where i going to stay. >> mamaam? m mom, ma'am. >> clip from the new comedy nobody's pool. now in it tiffany haddishlays nited her with her released fror sister she'sn online mysterious with -- relationship with a mysterious may man who may be catfishing her. whoo goldberg p the er. liorherotam k w.ce t sitth downs good morning to kevin y. >> good morning, wis.
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great to have you back. looking forrd to tomorrow's halloween show with everybodyg incl you i'm very excited aboutomorrow's show. but, yes, you set the movie upper if he cannily nobody's fool opens uphis f i had ta chancrieda to n't with amazing whoopisi goldberg, amber riley. whoop pier goldberg specifically thghtegal aasalk toer abouther u oonutear read itefe ihe twhhebefore. hear b it from herant directly. here's whool gidberg and amber riy for the moviele nobody's >> whoopi, i would love to seeue view, o -- i w ou gete interview the view.i k youo clearly but iw t that wo be watch her go on fhi there. on their view if yourracter do went on there from this movehe . >> s probably forget to come like character[ laught ] t. >> where is so and so? he's --
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>> ut-oh. [ laughter ]s laughter ]what i think[ it is? >> not here. no the today >> oh, yeah, we've had threes or four times happened. where -- everybody is like i can't find p --aul the producer we don't know where the person is and i like i know where they are. [ laughter ] >> follow your nose. [ laughter ] you know, she probably b>>e really good because she's -- she's very smart woman. >> you k raisedwoman a sheno at theirghters who are core really great people. >> um-hmm. >> so if you aree to a >>opi, forve m ivyf you've w answered this qowstion before. ting up i your actual name was whoopi. >> yes. >> i was dng research and obviously i found out your legal name real name. i was curiousho wheop if he came from. i know you've probably told it before but i don't know what i've read on the internewh. 's true or not. >> so i worked on san diego for years at the san diego rep when
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we first started at the rep, w the -- it a very small wing section. so when you're running to do quic changes, you you n't he then ofdoav being, o i've got a little gasbility toi i'll jus go over there and let -- you just let iter go. [ laught ] >> truth. s >> peoplerted sayin like a wop pee gcushio stop that. i can't. if you get a bigger wing section you won't know i did it. [ laughter ] >> so w got bigger wings and my car semf whoinshn gng to worier op me. i iswas like, okay. .ecahat's what they calleme aftd whoopi cushi sh said i'm going you li of three names g are a famil. i t these might ber if you want to be t b seriously. iak oka oh s great namerf the stars.y and she was rsh said this is myr that's the why one i chose. alldberg's in family t t
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tt'weso. hapre >> t.hankhas for sharing that. >> whas you favor whoopt'irgold. >> oh, manbe. you can goingo do this. color purple or ghost. ay i'm going t s corri corrina. i satna in the movie theater wih my grandpachedte a d at the end. ht>> and now you're s her yeah.xt >> this istty awesome. this special. >> ma a theater ands like tha gswh sgif w watc fhi herho moveriesg a andnn you'ting nexow tr redor iiere u loven fullithcle tlike tps i misayintervw yesterd with erpeadsh a that's unsensor version of all theseed interviewss on out youtube channel fox5 dcel youot mor eontente bwean't showyous her o. so very very funny moments and a i'll talkbout the review on
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fridaylsorning a we'll have tism ka sumpter and omari hard wi joing us thursda morning oh the show as well. >> all rigyht. it looks like a good time, kevin nobody's foolits theater theaten friday. appreciate your time, can he vin. bou.oun. en has been dethronedge theaopof 100,000. so conulationsgrat >> there you go.. ihere'sny sroytout braggis ahe rndigng has i >> another feather in that cap. >> in that cute epps ba scre en. oat ler socalr sierra'sstarring drole in ne m a this morningeo
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she's li thowing usve theheot o moves thatarriedr all the way to the top. yes, queen p.♪ ♪
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annouer: the following will surprise yarbak: arck ouin aroe wraade should c be decide it." announcer: tight. comstock supports taking away man's right choose. she hane parentho odtovod to ninety eight percent of the cp time. jennifton: endors the washin post. she'll protectedgton a woman's right to choose. jennifer wexton for congress. independence usa pacnts responsible for thent of this advertising.
10:40 am
♪ >> maya needs a man. s malcolm needs a way out that's the basis for. the new -- i got t romantic comedy
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calledhi loves jked. >> most beautiful place'v ie he have burlington-bristol in ment. ou ready t comeyo home? w mhieetm. henim youl many lo him'lve >> this guys. african. he needs a ireen card or mething ee. >>el m home. >> wheresco he? s com>>ing. nexteek. it? u kw what time is♪ >> i'de like to b left alo yo don't mind. >> i was actuanellyu talking toa >> i'm havingeally you. coming tomorrow. >> i don't know what this looksou tellimou it. s m money. .ou're a d hs aftheyod tru htehi s m rt of>>.ou >> r that aicar hamed m8-ldhe newht movie
10:42 am
o decide tofric fors inspiration returns wit a fiance'h not what ooh stevens ce from carmichaelw, shahir anderson and our neck guestve teran actor and comedian mike. he stars about his role.slm le a a from l oh, no you didn't. >> no you what are youho gave d is -a that? morng . >> good morning d.c. is a southeas -- ut m s athigtibaian,.>> okay y. >> stheast nigerng tia say >> mike you're wearing my people'sothing i kactly what you have i have to say -- areougerian. iani amiger i n't partially bread. >> whtrn part of nigeria.
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from souea >> abby estate in the southeast abe estate. >> yeah. >> do yow>> it? >> no the in tuhe southeast region. >> why are you -- >> yeah. i've been or there sev times. though.ute to talk abo you and so you're playing heil e was -- w you decides this filmd no in hollywoodou? sometimes you r a lot scripts your agent th pti ccurals tklani sed tai fr eenat rey sure women j manyimess
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not's kind ory thi . ht tee. >> y>>ou k g. cor-anotfhat trumist' awnsp you' goi nell people the maedittldooamutw he.mlad toee typ nfngad tend l u . >> nobtow. and what makes this film unique want kindia ofr issues and jokes
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you'll be makin with n live taping be >> d surda it's going omie theatersn n gh. washt. is s,alonexandria. yma>>ke sure yodiu ghoeroee ste movie.
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white african-americans b tshamoing.acd i theathoerigee
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loft we'dikonepeee ir me>> iou'rmoo, e coolw. ushatwo w that ghana joke. htelheho c pue
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ueen.fnd?-- w ctan go, queen. but s this feet kings who's been featured,, who had been feaon sd 's america's best dthean and youere dayo righter h fe >> alrdy been edesat i - wl. good people, and s jus had a o e
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just loves people, ando s part of it i the oni so thr idhe t happened? icft she's the creative director for sierra and h u beer j win.usand th is w time.>> r . aoranfoer s a shew. s st w iould be the day be that. rmke you're going atfo. what do you do that p day? >> om. good. for me,ous t jhis
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zone of like refiolectn lneotedl tathethme. un'so. d frolean tcake startedid were you in class somewhere? was it just -- half of tt is just natural but tell us about e.c. if somebody isanngedsh '990e y'veas i'vei'm and that people cintot,usanve
10:51 am
so yoi ge.ouhe d .sage >> is this like more avenue beat your feet type style we're about to see. >> yeah. what i did in the video i wasrum cadence you it's me fl.ple ith a little w.c d. going to still keh osat d rig p htrom her reigthn wi sierra.eequput it
10:52 am
do lofusicwewne ryma communities schlsf
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s rkrc elrich, the ryma communitpeople's choice. heog' 'ars lltorewel?
10:54 am
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10:55 am
dave bi'm rat said he'd ve to rdeficit.uced igspanberger and i approve this message. but instead, he voted to incrse iby1.9. why? went waking hundreds ofs from bigt baconkmps, re ngd an big tax breaks t, making theon payge. dave bngtorat some tricks, annual tacar
10:56 am
o oneg owe >> i can't rememr what it w h>ea . n we a epic battl yte.h
10:57 am
ats me d.
10:58 am
10:59 am
heseup a
11:00 am
new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." all right! las]usghe] thank you for watching


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