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tv   The Final 5  FOX  September 9, 2019 11:30pm-11:57pm EDT

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wiouennotc s coming up tonight on the final five they can put away the fancy china at camp david ttaliban no longein omusg theirceor f i at as trump resort during a refueng trip. the president won't be taking part in any primary debate against a handful of challenges. kamala harris has toap ologize after an offensive o term at onef her events. hd nobody'sing a better time on the 2020 campaign trail than andrew yang. let's do this. hi everydy. hi. hope you had a great weekend. thcia and white house are pushing back against reports the xtracted one of its orsm de
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inth 2017. neicen s it happe after a mmaeeytingween the president ru bssianet foreign administer and ambassador during which the president shared highly classified information about syria. the cnn's intelligence saying a anything other than objective analysis is simplely false misguidedcu speonlati president's handling our most sensitive intelligence which he >> i know nothing about it.esidt responded whatever the cia said is fine with me but i heard they responded rfectly. i know nothing.hat he>> after he witknh the liban to try to come tpe aon
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i don't think anybody was cancelled he p the meeting because of car boom attack that killed a us nkldier and 11 others l sllt t the now scrapped talks. i concept wte house. that would be a step t faroo there have been many veryampavi ha tvio do wit very big enemieh be goodand i still dothe onlyeai .celled soldiers and a totalanu think that's important. fore b eisenhower met with cart
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oing the peace accord talks between egypt in the 70s, bill inton tried his own between is real and the pal ntco president trump said the meeting objection of vice-psiredent bolton.. the p air for decidingur overnight it's after several crewem arsbe. now the air forcete ad it might be allowable but not visible. the air force also explainedhy w airport which is close saying ia asirport ireland and lesss on top ofo eu
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ret h ats en s nt it's irrelevant. he can't be taking that money from the pre. uside.snt says h at trump luce the dune beg. mike trump says he picked it because he has family there.p president tr also claims teatios ot ofi own different p or to
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the election i'm going to give out aan rllci baleeptor extreme that thean in ums are many, m times what you think. >> reporter: the two words that he didn't say wns.ertax n'tes fosngsthe. he promised re icpubl dorakcted if t toingh wt i nasot just for himselfut in gop cand sidate danisho b about election in north carolin do over. year's race tn gop candidate mark harris came out ousand votes but the votes thaa were overturned after
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investigators con clouded the republican side was in an illegal voting scheme. they're holding a new election.a new republican candidate dan bishop. they wanted to hold the rally tonight inbishop's district prd esident said he was forced to choose a smaller venue and the esidt sa he wou b willing to stand out in the rain even though it wtasn' fayetteville. >> i would haveould e don wave been proud. i souit w my h .uthave rebeen pretty b bu i will say, it'ste bet .hfriends who the samett a a lot! calinaas h seha minority le tuch la yeain k ev mcc the th
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presiden in part to a ksant gift of a jar of star b president's favorite pink and re d, honest they ar tonight mccarthy tweofed t a tw thanks for the ride on air force one and look closely, in d,re if ll see it, sta burstandy s c it was a coincidence or pulled them out just for t occasion. meanwhile the preside gained another 2 p02rymari withr south caro slinaenator a differk aplachian trl bu inargentina. >> wan tfoo claim he washi s
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hiking the appalachi trail when really he was with his ar general continueianmistress, you think the president might avoid bringing up somebody else's infa dill is the. sanford will have almost zer i chance the primary in fact he won't be able to vote for hielf. his home state of south carolina among those where the state gop saidrehey'ng goi primaries to clear the field for president trump, canned and other states will won't take pay h baits against his long shot opponents. oc >> so therats on yhinkou potus. kamala harris on the hot seat for a slur offensive to many people while referring to president trump. >> what are you goingno do i th theion m wlltasaid.
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the r word appearow apologized erlling themhatf hur oulnnd the people who applauded that as well the harris campaign made another misstep when staffers accideally left behind an em interno in new hampshire, politico ended u with the memo which including talking points wioothr p p limited stops in new hampshire. senatoisriarhe hown gming intor for mun aowyndrew yang. >>lo, new hampshire! i love you! i'm talking na aregang. enjoyingt wa enough to n self on the trail helier the campaign that at one point, are you rea for this, he would
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crowd surf. ♪ ♪ >> allright. so hopefully this becomes a trend among the candidates because i think we w enjoy joe biden or bernie sanders try to crowd surf. put medown. put me down. meanwhile not sure how he missed he but maryanne williams picked up another celebrity supporter besides dave navarro. >> marianne wil amson is lighting up theleadship debates. could america really be about to get its first spiritualist president? >> of course russell brand's a fan of her, he interviewed her in the past on the podcast andc acing to the williamson campai w will bith her at an esident trump's first supreme .
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court pick has a new book coming out about hisoswn ophy. we sat down with the two co-authorizes that worked with hi on the book, up next on the final five.
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♪ more than two careers since near gorsuch waso confirm the supreme court the president's first nominee to the high court and while we don't hear much from the man, now he's out with a new book eoutlining wh believes the role of a fulfill it.d a bend how t the called republic. jane and david are both up with me late on the final five. david on the west coast, dave thank you for joining me. ha nk you for having me. >> i'm starting with jane, you and david both had a closing relationship or had one wh the justice cities. >> both ofhi us clerked for twice, once to the tenth circuit and then on the supreme court
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and continued wking with him on the book. >> david talk to me about the book. this is something you've worked on with the justice, something or so a lots outlining what he believes is really the role of a justice on the supreme court. >> the title eludes it's about everything that's important in keeping our republic, a lot about jew tissue, a vote for your avege everyday citizens and talks about things like civics education and cility whi to keep in our republic foron genes to come. >> what what's interesting about justice gorsuch is, from time he was nominated to the time he was confirmed, jane, look at the way -- i in the way that a lot of peoplen the left embrace for their integrity for their ideals, a lot of couldn't constitutional conservatives hold justicen gorsuch o a high
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pedestal, they like h wimnd a but he's a much different justice than justice scalia was. >> he is. a he's certainly they share certain attributes of judging.both originalists. but they're other aspects in which they're different and ly on vote differe certain cases. >> also, because inow that justice scalia had a, shall we y, gorsuch is, i think fromda thnk people knewnn justice scalia as >> he is an incredibly good, hump and civil man. i thinkhe's made friends acrossc the um both in the tenth circuit and the supreme court. the book obk to mow about tn he becaviously supreme court justice has a lot going on in his life. what were some of the things
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that comprised this book, some historic tests but this is something -- what was the insurprisings for the justice to say i want to do this. >> the inspiration forhe justice was during their mation process, he saw a lot of people talng about judgess if they were politicians inrobes. and that's not how judges are or should be, so he wanted to write out and explain his philosophy t and explaio people why the role of the judge is to interpret the words the paper rty before them newt opa the and impartially. that was the inspiration for the book. as far as working on it, we helped him -- a lot of it is essays and speeches given but also a lot of ashlike content that the justice wrote and we helped him with including eight new original essays, the chapter introductions which are all just terrific. so we helped him with whatever he needed help with, act as a sounding bore, find and se tct materials, buthe end of the day it'soo his band all hists th and as everyone who
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knows the justiceknows, he is a hard worker, a full-time day job and writes a llbook, actua quitamazing and quite inspirational. >> was there anything jane that tting this together that ess of surprised you, something you didn't know in spitef the fact >> i think one thing i took s. away - so i was tasked at the start with reading the body of everything he's written slangsly forever, so ten years of writing and some from before he was a judg some was academic writing, some was commencement speeches to young lawyers, some was tribute to men tours and what surprised me in reading is was the consistency of the message ti etches get across regardless of the type of speech or writing that he was giving and this consistent mesge of what our republic is, what it means to be a jud in the republic, the lues we need as a people to rep generations to come. >> david if her thank you very
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much forn coming from tanhejane. the book's out rrmorrow, ect. >> it is, it is. people>> book ojone moretis ti gorsuch, jane and david we'll be back er aftean mist, . deborah? shh, i'm on the cape now. ca pewhen your hand's, your head's in the ce.
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shh, i'm on the cape now. beyond the routine checkups. comcast rssiness is helping d beyondinca t noto--srout provide care in whole new ways. all gerking with a new neration of technologies powere o therd e is human ess go beyond the expected. to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. ♪s on the file five i
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like toheck outeeour tweets, yot me with the hashtag #final five. jury selection in the trial of a chinese woman accused of illegally enteringar-a-lago as lying to the secret service was interrupted today becauserf underwea or lack thereof. things were delayed when she appeared in court dressed in a m brownpsuit instead of civilian clothes claiming she wasn't given sunderwear. cell where she she is representin herse in the case she fired her public defenders in june against her judge's recommenddation. fast food has become a tradition of president trump. he started with clemson in january said that's wt they were feeding them because the government was shut down. but nce thene served a buffet ofo junk food ther teams and we are he a thinking the president's championship deals might have inspired acr at john bell edwards because he hosted the team that won the little league world
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se and he fed them theost indemand fast food item in the country right now. yep. they got popeye's sandwiches. louisiana fast, right? they're sold out everyere but the governor posted the video last night saying louisiana governor's mansion for one night only was the only place in the wod to get a popeye'scken sandwich so he may have one upped the president. mr. president, you'v got to gete po's chicken sandwiches,gh al we know he's more of a kf c guy guy. over in brexit is a massive dumpster fire. law but whether prime minister boris johnson will follow it is another story.
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he suspended parliamen which means they're done until october. he also didn't get them to approved for mid sokt. so while it's up in the air the speaker is making up his own deadline. john says he'll step down by the 31st andon't run i a general election is called before then and i don't know if he's any good at j his but he is entertainings hell. and our hope is in the uk the next speer can deliver moments like this. >>e wouldn't dare behave like that in front o colin, a neither would us the thee at tricks.ha beve yourself. be a good boy, young man. be a goodboy. >> really that's how they should choose the next speaker, get people up there and scream be a oever's best but will be sad to see him go and allow us to witness an odd british tradition
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for newly electedakouse of common spes. yeah, the britsre kind of weird. th pretend to physically drag the speaker to the chair after election or ection. very different from our house where they'll probably have to drag nancy pelosi away from the speakership just like they had to drag paul ryan into it the first time around. germy twin panda cubs are joined at t berlin zoo and a newspaper ask to name the and the most popular were honk andgress in support of the i don't know how longna would allow themhe to deep pandas which are on loan from o china. th says the name of the pandas will be chosep with from a chinese center. back after this with who's
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sleeping soundly and who's tossing and tning. ♪ for those bold enough to drink it. elevate your taste. yuenglintraditional lager. spread your wings.
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and this is annie paying back her friend for the tickets with zeste® before the previewsart. and th is annie getting ready enjoy t. [whispers] this is your right here, right now bank.
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this is wells fargo. montana congressmanreg is running for governor of montana and polls have him up 27 over his nearest challenger in the primary. ifndhe namess familiar that's the same greg who pled guilty of assault twoears ago after attacking a reporter on the eveci of aal election victory and even though the ve outgoing governor bullock is a democrat running for president the pools are good for him who's sound asleep tonight. meanwhile not a good summer for kamala harris sinking pole numbers and that incident over the weekend where someone described president trump as a namee wouldn't say on tv many called the r word. s at first laughed and then after word said she didn't hear the comment. it's not about political correctness it's about decency. the guy who asked shouldter
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and so should kamala harris. the morning crew istere a 4:00 a.m. go to bed. someabe's still nervous out buying a new house. is it that obvious? s i you know, maybe you'd worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance. i didn't know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. yep, they've been doing it for years. what are you doing? big steve? thanks, man. there he is. get to know geico and see how much you could save on homeowners and renters insurance. ah thso refreshing. deborah? shh, i'm on the cape i hope you're ck by our 2 o'clock. our crunchy kettle cooked chips e made with potatoes, oil, salt and the good vibes of the cape.
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12:00 am
call 1-800-501-6000 today. e aptioning made possiblby warner bros. domestic television distribution] announcer: today on "tmz."si harvey: ok, so predent trump has a new person to tweet to. chrissy teigen, she had choice rds back, too. >> she called him a little ass tch but used a different word. instead ofas little. the on why she called him that is because he was on twitter. he ends up taggi john legend. he doesn't name chrissy teigen. he calls her john legend filthy mouthed wif >> j.lo got an earful on wearing fur at the screening of her movie, "hustlers." >>he s's killed thousands of coas for fur >> the animal rights protestors >> they're goi to hate this movie. >> there's very little fur in th movie. >> kanye west took his sunday service back home to chicago and people are calling him moses because he parted the human se


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