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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  September 13, 2019 9:00am-9:09am EDT

9:00 am
alone. ire most recent happening just honis aurag. that's where an armed man was shot by police while they were instigating a burglaryn. i d.c. man is facing charges after shooting atff.c. police oers last night. this one happenedround 10:30 n maryland, surveilla fnce footageho scews george's county much this hammed yesterday at the summe land apartments in laurel. virginia lieutenant governor justin fairfax has filed a $400 million defamation lawsuit against the network cbs after it aired interviews with two wom d. >> thank you, sir. >> you told me this you'r ae dg renovations as well. f 1951 this building was buihe ront entrance renovating our library, ou track. but most now to build an annex. our goal is to build an an neck. our goal to go out here and yoise
9:01 am
heununyg need to be scessful in the wasdcrea. ttoim n because i love this. and you're not bragging but youd uation rate for last year. >> 1%. graduation rate. >> i mean, nothingls ee period. else needs to be s mic drop. 'srot not mine.p i ca let's go over here get then humidity up again before we send yem back to class. l alri a'll got a big game ♪omorrow. [ cheers and applause ]ht >> all. hey, hey, hey. now i'm official. ♪ >> back t y. all right. >> i love >> how about it. >> i love it, too. >> listen whenever young kids can be tagted that happy it says a lot for the -- >> yes.the schoo oh, man. >> 100% graduation rate.
9:02 am
>> 100% college septemb i tans. s that for the sy gchot to get o class like wisdom said. the game is notntil tomorrow. >> more good day at 9a. >> coming up time 9:19 aftere' e breakre talking to the hurricane man. with as a storm chaser new docu seriesie premiering on thnce chael this weekend a little late tucker and i we'll pick his brain a little bit as >> first, though, ayesha, what are you working on? >> reporter: thrill seeker and superstitious about friday the 13th. how about repelling off the rio buouding. i'll tell y more about it coming up. stay with why switch to fios now?
9:03 am
you get our best interict on the 100% fiber-optetwork and now the best value from your tv package with the fios tv test drive. i love tv. once my kids go to bed, tv is my way to unwind. you'll get over 425 channels for 60 days. that sounds awesome. fe you can unlock the perct tv package, so you pay for the plan you want. we get to see what we're actually using.
9:04 am
i don't want to spend money on things that i don't need. afternoon, and tonight you goion out tight it won't really it may fee gloomy out there but it won't really beaining wake up tomorrow rngeorni break the s by tomorrow aernoon. dhesunshihine going.t ion sulde . thre eesrdteraordiaynary.. the the two days we'll heatternoonf rt lived as cooler temperatures will arrive by the middle of n btigexome opener thd ed skins. what are you thinking? >> i mean obviously i'm optimistice've aegot. however, cowboys are a good team. >> theyre a good team. >> we'll have to wait andee.
9:05 am
>> thank you t sucker. >> thanks anchorman. >> you're welcome. >> allison seymour, over you. >> ♪ 9:32 that means it's time to talk movies this morning kevinsh ing about his night on the red carpet with the >> this is really cool. ven't chained sce interhaews i night. but downton abby is the new mo sviereiesd er stheaesons, six geries as they clovie is in di prectly after, ornaments b aells. all kindsav of things and you he great.s which is what a so >> all stories. >> we got tohow you. track with me this is picture f. >> after every movie the have what they call wty war. and for it'srap wonderful life a htd. an a frao snk here cap per the r and it was a panoramicth o oh
9:06 am
>>t>>as u>> he was just ideal we got remembered him as kind offay seco>> that's cin you know, here you have this nostalgia convention and who woy do go you said you love it. i love the people whohe olde l tstions. >> i know. >> not enough time. >> i'm looking forward that one weather guy fromt charlotte tha imitates the looks. >> nico sick with the drip. i'm looking forward tog page.
9:07 am
>> nick with the drip. >> how he recreates that look. that's my fame of favorite. our favorite mime tock mass is in the green room with a little bit of a tease. >> that's marlon wayans the funny man the wayans brothers and he's promotinrigesisnd h yos weekend doing a com dough show, writ? >> who put crack in your coffee >> yes, i will be at t national harbor tater saturday night. get your towkets! fe we serve good c ewe're getting ready for taking. cranerbo
9:08 am
anit itsents and say mom, can i borrow some money. seven, eight years ago. but i mean iap h.pens up and no tak--cour bell. remember that. we went b and forth between theac cheaper fooen asind a ress well. old and never got married orears dating still takingomed seby iot a lot ofindome peeo who overboard. wale said it best it's a love hate thing when it comes to watching netflix these days soms arewing no mercy for the streamingiant like own black mccoy who said thate's
9:09 am
actually willing to h cancel hic retfliause of all the oldies, runs and junk they currently have streaming. a lot of people chiming in and agreeing with blake. so with all the other streaming services out there, does netflix need totep up its game, videos and, you know -- >> there's so much options. >> there no way to tabulate. they can't -- there are no nielsen can't do it. so we're stuck at the topce. >> good to be, right. >> you made reference to the fact that you and 1850 coffee.
9:10 am
♪ ♪ inspired by the year the folger coffee company began. with a bold yet smooth taste. ♪ ♪ c offee, begin boldly. it's my l friend, antonio. his luxurious fur lms my moving into our new apartment. y doi didnwh't know geico helps with renters insurance. yeah, and we could save a bunch antonio! fomputer! sttju holly i'm littlealr:cgi to therhoe's lady.i
9:11 am
platoo platoo next onajorn, ge ye ahand sa 2 department store pris. ce at the ross fall fashion event. on now.
9:12 am
on me years ago we got married. she hasn't changed her last name >> oth. >> i said all rightan wl, change


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