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tv   NBC 6 South Florida News at 11pm  NBC  March 15, 2016 11:00pm-11:34pm EDT

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primary night celebration. however, it was anything but a celebration. a sad day for marco rubio's supporters. >> after tonight, it is clear that while we are on the right side, this year, we will not be on the winning side. >> reporter: minutes after the polls closed in his home state, marco rubio stood by his family and announced he is suspending his presidential campaign. >> while it is not god's plan that i be president in 2016 or maybe ever, a a while today my campaign is suspended, the fact that i've even come this far is evidence of how special america truly is. >> reporter: the florida senator garnered most of the votes in miami-dade county. however, that wasn't enough to trumponald trump. rubio congratulated the businessman but also said he's proud he's run an optimistic campaign, not one that makes people angry and frustrated. >> the politics of resenent against other people will not just leave us a fractured party.
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fractured nation. they're going to leave us as a nation where people literally hate each other because they have different political opinions. >> at one point during his speech, a trump supporter yelled out "trump for president." rubio responded with a grin. >> don't worry. you won't get beat up at our event. >> he was escorted out of the fint and moments later, rubio supporters also walked out disappointed with the night's turnout. >> i was almost crying upstairs. it was add. >> a little sad. but at the end of the day, i think the republican party@ needs to rally behind one candidate to defeat donald trump. >> reporter: marco rubio finished with a prayer and he made one final plea to the american public to not give into fear and frustration. reporting live in southwest miami dade, laura rodriguez. >> thank you. here's a look at the breakdown here in florida. donald trump the projected winner with 46% of the votes.
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decision 2016 continues now with the big winners in palm beach county. ril willard shepard is live with the trump camp at in irra lago and picks up coverage. >> reporter: big celebration here fo donald trump and his supporters. a double victory for him here on this super tuesday here in florida. he wins thestate, he wins the 99 delegates on the republican side and also his competition marco rubio has decided to suspend his campaign. donald trump came into the cheers of his supporters after pulling off an impressive victory in the republican florida primary. trump's vacation home at mira lago, the location for him to dress supporters and florida's republicans who gave him the state's 99 delegates. >> win the states that we won and to win by the margins and especially look, there is my second home, florida, to win by
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incredible. >> reporter: trump's lead in the polls turned out to be true as was beating marco rubio election night 2-1. trump spoke ababt rubio's departure. >> i have to say it that number one, i want to congratulate marco rubio on having run a really tough campaign. he's tough. he's smart. and he's got a great future. he's got a great future. >> reporter: trump says he can unify his party. >> and they asked, is there anger from your people? i said there ip anger. they're not angry people but threw want to see the country properly run. they want to see borders. they want to see good health care. they want to see things properly taken care of. >> reporter: so donald trump's a big winner here in florida. 99, all of those delegates as he continues to go forward to try to get the 1237 needed on the republican side. one bit of inside politics in terms of marco rubio, his 165 delegates, what happens to them?
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because legally and technically, he suspended his campaign. he didn't abandon it. that could be a big point down account road as thh goes forward. live tonight in palm beach county, willard shepard, nbc6 news. >> very good point. the democratic front-runner former secretary of state hillary clinton now alsoso celebrating a projected win in palm beach county tonight. political reporter steve litz joins us now from palm beach county convention center with more on that. steve? >> reporter: hi, jawan. a big night for hillary clinton. her director of communications huddled with reporters a a short time ago and said she performed better than expected. not in just getting all of those people to get out and vote for hillary clinton but also in running up the delegate count. whether he mrs. clinton to spoke to her supporters she said the next president has three clear tests ahead. number one, making a positive difference in people's lives. number two, keeping americans safe and number three, bringing this country together.
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hillary clinton thanked her supporters in the states that just launched her closer to the democratic nomination. >> makingdifferences in people's lives comes first because americans everywhere are hungry for solutions. they want to break down the barriers holding themback. >> reporter: minutes after polls closed, nbc news projected clinton e winner here in florida, ohio, and north carolina. she preached the importance of equal pay, defending people's rights, andcreating good paying jobs. >> all of us have to do our part. we can't just talk about economic inequality. we have to take on all forms of inequality and discrimination. >> reporter: in florida, she did very well with democratic women and black voters. this room of supporters is eager for her to take on the republican nominee come november. i asked voter jennifer hickman about electing a woman president.
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>> she has been attacked for 2525 years. she keeps on going. i see that as a strength. she keeps on going. >> reporter: mrs. clinton did mention donald trump's name here this evening but campaign officials insys that clinton i squarely focused on winning this democratic nomination and not looking toward november yet. so a big night for hillary clinton. that is not the case for her primary opponent democratic senator bernie sanders. his sporters were down. miami in winwood. that's where we found nbc6's dan. >> there are a lot of boos earlier tonight every time an clinton won a state. as you can see behind me and hear behind me, there are still aot of cheers, people rallying together in support of bernie sanders here in winwood. they say despite tonight's losses they aretill optimistic about the future. >> so don't let tonight's
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belief in change. >> reporter: despite a disappointing defeat, hundredu of volunteers cheering for sanders in winiood even though they're feeling the burn. >> the best days are yet to come. >> reporter: sanders didn't even stop in florida today choosing to skip to arizona where their primary will be held next week. >> think outside of the box, outside of t t status quo. >> reporter: the vermont senator didn't focus on tonight's losses. he focus the on moving forward. >> we're going to create an economy that works for all of us, not just the1%. >> reporter: with more than two dozen states left to go, volunteers both young and old say they're going to continue to how their support for what they're calling a revolution. >> we have a lot of degs out there. 4,000 plus delegates needed to win. so oh this is just getting started. feel the bern. >> reporter: this office and
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here at least throughout the end of this month. live in winwood tonight, dancroft, nbc6 news. >> now for a closer look at the other states casting ballots today. adam kuperstein is joining with us tonight's results. >> reporter: a big n nht for the fronts runners of both parties. gt won florida, and ohio as well as north carolina, too. at last collect, she was ahead in illinois but slightlylybehind bernie sanders in missouri. donald trump moved closer to the republican nomination with wins in florida. but also illinois and north carolina. he's also slightly just barely ahead right now in missouri. trump had e setback when governor john kasich won his own state of ohio, his first win of the campaign. kasich thanked supporters during a victory speech tonight. his ohio win could throw a b of a monkey wrench in trump's plans to earn enough delegates before the republican convention. certainly big for ted cruz. kasich winning ohio. the only good n ns of the night
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so as far he hasn't won any states but his uphill climb for delegates would have been much woror if trump had won ohio. the next election day one week away. primaries in arizona and utah as wells the democratic caucus in idaho. adam kuperstein, nbc6 news. another hot topipi for those hose live in meme beach tonight. convention center hotel lease. voters supported building it but not by a wide enough margin here. take a look. the approve of the land lease needed 60% to support to pass. it only got 54%. the center is undergoing a $600 million renovation and expansion righgh now. player levine said i will work with myolleagues to ensure that the will of the majority of miami beach voters is not silent. nbc6 news and weather app is your source for everything you need to know about decisi 2016. you'll find detailed information about the candidates as well as
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ahead of the respective conventions. >> president barack obama is likely to announce his bik for supreme court nominee as early as tomorrow. according to reuters, either judge have i vi nav ven or merritt garland will be will announced. the team of advisers helping to vet candidates answered the presidede's questions has finished its work as of tonight. the new justice will replace the late antonin scalia. >> it wass hot today in south florida. our first 90 degree reading of the year. i'll tell you where that happened and whether you can expect more of that heat tomorrow. >> a man is gunned down while walking to work wearing his uniform. the details coming up. urgent shutdown at a commuting nightmare looming. > why a complete emergency shutdown of one of the nation's largest mass transit systems plagued with problems is less than an hour away. >> and continuing coverage ofof decision 2016 and the florida primary. our political analyst is still
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but she's on the move getting a man is shot and killed in miami gardens. police are trying to find the gunman. the murder may be connected to a rash of armed blurring burglaries across the county. jamie guirola joins with ushe details. >> reporter: police are following leads and while there is no official connection between the murder and the rash of armed rglaryies there are clues they cn't ignore. >> i heard pop, pop, pop, a pause and then i heard pop, pop, pop, pop. >> reporter: that was the sound of bullets that struck and killed 4 -year-old milt fon morrison. just a half a block from his house sunday mornini walking to the bus stop to go to work. >> it's a shame thatomeone loses their life. we just -- this is america. people can't lose their lives on the way to work.
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that's just barbaric. >> reporter: police say he worked as a security guard and wearing a uniform. afr taking a bullet, he walked to a neighbor's house and told them he had been shot by two suspects in a white pickup truck. he later died. >> the police responded immediately. i had my daughter call them. they came right away. they called for the rescue helicopter. rescue helicopter came. >> reporter: police telling nbc6, an it's looking into a four-ho crime spree in the north end of the county around the sameime he was shot. they released six different scenes involving shoings and armed robberies. a lightweight pickup truck rerted in three. >> we've got to band together to shut it dn. somebody knows who they are. >> reporter: if you have any information any wi tips, it can remain anonymous. call crimetoppers at 305-471-tips. live fluff miami gardens, jamie guirola
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>> new video from the hollywo accident that captured the moment the car came barreling inside the building before 3:00 the morning on hollywood boulevard and 1th avenue. the impact killed 24-year-old david la maur who was not wearing a seat belt at the time. cops say his girlfriend was and she's recovering in the hospital. now back to our continuing coverage of the decision 2016. and throughout the night, political analyst helen an gear ril farai hasbeen with us. >> joining us live on the set with more insight to the big wins. thank for joining us here. >> so a decisive victory by donald trump double digits over senator marco rubio. as a result, rubio suspended his campaign. he was supposed to be the savior of the republican party. what happened? >> it's kind you have interesesng. you know, it's difficult to say there's one thing.
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number one, he couldn't get past it the stigmaing that governor chris christie put on him that he was robotic, not an authentic candidate, not a person of substance. he couldn't shake that off. i think also he had a difficulty when he would be critical of donald trump's behavior let's just say and then he started emulating his bebevior at the same time. and i think when he started talkinggbout size of hands and getting into something that was not proper keeping within the demeanor of a presidential race or who marco rubio truly is, and number thre it has to do with the electorate. it is polls showed that two-thirds of republican voters feel that the republican party indicators more to special interests. you have rubio who is talking very aspirationally b b didn't address that specific issue. donald trump does and i think that's somemeing that made a difference. rubio hadomething that i ought was really nice that he said. he said tonight, while we are on
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the winning side. >> let's get to the democratic side before we have to let you go because of time. hillary clinton tonight did extremely well. >> really good night for her. >> was this knockout punk for hillary clinton? >> she is acting likesley is. it is pretty significant. she still has a couple of races where she's very tied with bernie sanders. learly she is way ahead. in her speech tonight when she was giving her speech, she sounded like a general candidate. she was really referring to donald trump that whole speech through. and she's looking forward to the opportunity to be able to be fight the republican contender. she thinks it's donald trump. >> wow. but bernie is still not out yet. >> no, he's not. >> thanks again ass always. >> a pleasure. >> you got it. now, first alert weather where chief meteorologist onmorales, south florida's most accurate forecast. >> let's talk weather and talk
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first 90-degree high temperature of the year in pembroke pines. but there were several spots afternoon. that included fort lauderdale executive airport, open pa lockka, pompano beach. you get the pictu here. it was way above normal today. currently temperatures have cooled. we're in the 70s. 78 inany, many spots. as col as 17 degrees in homestead. we have a big area of high pressure almost right over us keeping winds calm plus the air has dried. that's the one good thing. it was so humum sunday and monday at least today, with these near 90 temperatures, it wasn't as humid as it had been during the last couple of days. so at least it didn't feel that oppressive but it's certainly hot, especially if you stand out in thsun. i'd expect the same for tomorrow. plentiful sunshine for tomorrow here in south florida and very warm temperatures yet again.
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wednesday so you can plan accordingly here, watch out for the risk of fog again in the morning. it's happened for two straight nights. it might happen aain tomorrow, especially in inland locations. notice how much of boward would see the fog early tomorrow before as you see we head to the midmorning hours and it just disappears and dies off. we'll see plentiful sunshine towards the midday. here comes the mid afternoon and looks like we'll spend the rest of the day rain freeee in the metro area despite an isolated shower in inland spots. starting off the day comfortably at 69 degrees but the afternoon high would be 88, again, way above normal for this time of the year. then the evening still pretty warm with the sunset near 7:31 in the evening. beyond tomorrow, you can expect the warmth to stick around for thursday, as well. maybe a slight chance of a shower on friday and then this upcoming weekend, a chance of scattered thunderstorms. saturday and sunday as an approaching front will be
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and we could see so of that thunderstorm activity scatter about. notice temperatures next week could start off about 15 degrees cooler than what they were today. >> john, thank you. up next the reason behind a massive emergency shutdown of one of the nation's largest mass transit systems. >> only in florida, a daring rescue as what if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes?
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one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13 vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13 may help provide additional protection. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pnpnmococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. get this one done. ask your doctor or pharmacist
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you're taking a live look right now out of washington, d.c. where the city's metrorail service is expected to shut down within the next half hour. it has the potentoal to make the commute in and around our nation's capitala a nightmare till thursday morning when things are scheduled to go back to normal. the shutdown is a result of an investigation into recurring fires that haa plagued the system's jumper cables.. the d.c. memeorail general manager says that a fire on monday was similar to one that killed a woman back in january of 2015. starting tomorrow, a new series of travel and commerce regulations with cuba announced by the obama administration take effect. the move will allow americans to travel to cuba on their own as long as they fill out a form saying the trip is for educationaapurposes. the changes will also expand access to u.s. financial institutions and the u.s. dollar from the island nation. cuban athletes, artists and performers will now be able to paid in dollars while working in the u.s. the shift comes five days before the president makes a trip to
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also going to cuba is miami beach mayor phillip levine. >> not as muchbout government, not about politics, more about the people in cuba. clearly i believe we must empower them and give them hope. e have to make them understand that we're here. >> the mayor will be traveling with a group of graduate university students from massachusetts as part of a school seminar program. the mayor said he is interested in analyzing how havana can a tourism destination in competition with miami beach. as part of the trip he will participate in a series of meetin with cuban dissidents and the lgbt community. levine will be the first local mayor from miami-dade to visit the nation in an official capacity since castro's revolution. starting this friday, jawan and i will be in havana bringing you live coverage ahead of president obama'svisit to the island nation. >> some dolphins quarterback news. >> busy nit. sports, too.
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ryan tannehill not exactly about him but it's relalad. also a new era of football
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if ryan tannehill gets injured, his back will still be matt moore. the dolphins it apparently resigned him for 3.5 total
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he's been with the dolphins since 2011. the panthers hoping to bounce back. this is how you do it. second period in montreal, nuk buick stad on the power play. it's 2-0 florida. third period no, letdown tonight. the panthers top line so good. jonathan hewner doe assists to alexander barkov. the cats win 4-1, returning to first place in the atlantic division. backup goalie al montoya does it again, another win and a chance to wear the lucky spa in space hoodie. no clue where the panthers do this thing. but it's working. mark richt ricketts has a lot to learn. i don't palestinian about football. he has to learn his players names. he led his first spring practice wearing that sweet hat. it was up tempo. the players already talking about how they feel rejuvenated under the new regime after al@ golden. with all the new coaches and some new players comes a challenge for richt. >> i'm learning..
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they got their nameme on the front and the back. we made it in such a way where it's not going to fall off. i think all the coaches need. i'm trying to learn 100 of them and little by little, i'm getting there. >> the u.n. basketball am is tournament bound. the third seeded kanes got on the bus this afternoon and now in providence ready for thursday night's match-up against buffalo.
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reached tonight's can't miss clip is a story you'll only see in south florida. a big pink flamingo on the loose in hialeah running through traffic near ninth street and east fourth rt fourth avenue. >> it sounds like a joke but it's not. an officer managed to catch the bird and restrain it with a jacket. kopts it to theasino park sanctuary in good health. good news there. >> can you imagine. >> especially at nighttime in the dark. >> who knew they were so fast. >> they stand out in the dark a little bit. >> glad it did not become a lawn ornament, right.
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thank goodness. >> the flamingo is okay. >> that's a good thing. >> need some cool weather,fdp here, man. > not going to happen. that's not going to happen. >> it is not going to happen anytime soon. maybe next week after a cold front moves through and drops first some rain. this upcoming weekend, saturday and sunday, some showers or storms. and then maybe 15 degrees cooler tn today. by monday of next week. >> by the w, still too close to call for the democrats in missouri and illinois. >> a lot more tomorrow morning [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rocefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- jesse eisenberg, zoe kravitz, chris martin, musical guest colplay. and featuring the legenr roots crew
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>> steve: and now, here he is jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hot crowd. oh, hey. hi. hot crowd. hot new york city crorod tonight. hey. welcome, welcome, welcome, everyone, welcome to "the tonight show." this is it, right here. [ cheers and applause ] you're here at the sh. you made it. thank you so much for being here, everdy i appreciate it. here's what everyone's talking about. of course, it's last nighghs


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