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tv   NBC 6 Impact with Jackie Nespral  NBC  March 20, 2016 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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george luis lopez was intricately involved for the run for the white house and he sees the senator staying involved in republican party politics. >> he can have a rolen the administration. he can definitely have a role in uniting the party, substantially bringing more folks into the party and defining policy. >> reporter: like lopez,'s florida correspondent mark caputo thinks rubio may make a second run at president. meantime, says caputo -- >> rubio wants to make money. he's tired of the senate, sounds like he was -- and he's ready to go out in the private sector, make some money. we might see him in four years running for president again, might see him in eight years. >> reporter: rubio's senate term ends this year. lopez on rubio running for governor. >> once you run for the highest office, i don't think you step down. mayors don't run for school board. >> reporter: rubio's rise from a
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the cover of "time"agazine to presidential candidate vaulted him into the national spotlight, the impending abrupt halt in h political career, says lopez, is personal. >> politics is the most personal thing you can experience in life. your name is on the ballot. you go in to vote, you see it. and people are either accepting or rejecting you. it has to be personal. >> senator rubio end his campaign with wins in minnesota, puerto rico, and also the district of columbia. now, he heads back to washington and he'll deal with matters like the senate confirmation hearings for the president's supreme court nominee. for "impact," steve litz, nbc 6 news. and joining me now on "impact" to discuss rubio and all things 2016, mitt caesar and jessica fernandez, the president of the miami young republicans. thank you for joinings here. it was a decisive victory for both trump and for hillary. of course, marco rubio came up theloser, 19 percentage points
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it was a good day for trump, but great day for hillary. let's talk gop first. senator marco rio suspended his campaign. everybody is asking what happened. could it be the trump factor, but the fact he willingly or unwillingly became the candidate and the face for the party? >> i think all the factors played in, i don't think anybody anticipated a year ago that trump would have the following that he did and that people would be very attracted to his message. you know, we hope that donald trump can soften his etoric and, you know, do something to unify thparty. looks like he'll be the presumptive nominee going into the convention. the math is in his favor, the delegate math is in his favor. i think what could rubio have done i don't know. i think a lot of strategists and people that analyze this are really -- don't have the answer
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of factors that i thihi led to this for trump.p. >> let's talk about endorsements. they are ruing marco rubio now. in last week's speeches after the primary from ted cruz, from donald trump, which has been contentious between them, he called him a tough contender, he said he was bright and he had a good future ahead him. who do you think he'll endorse? >> i don't know if he can endorse anyone right w. i think it is too early to tell. let's see what happens the next couplof weeks. we have a long road to the convention. >> let's talk about hillary, because in her speech, tuesday night, she sounded like a general election candidate. >> without question. you can tell she was reaching out to senator sanders' supporters and he personally, talking about the message, talking about h h we have to be unified and frankly, you know,
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he's unifying the party. and i actually agree with him.m. he's unifying the democratic party. and i think that's the type of thininthat will accerate the window of opportunity, bring everybody together including sanders. he's going to stay in for a while because he believes he's a carrier of a message, and correctly so. but i don't think unifying will be a problem against dond trump. >> i spoke to bernie sanders last week when he was here in south florida. he hadn't made any campaign stops until last week in miami-dade county and i had an opportunity to talk to him and he said that he's in it until the convention. >> i don't think there is any question he will be. listen, he's been raising more money than hillary clinton. he outspent hillary clinton in the last week in the cycle by over a million dollars more on tv alone. i think he'll be in for the long stay. if you -- shaon brown, the senator from ohio, on tv in the last day or so, and spoke specifically when asked should
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he should stay in. he should be paid respect. he has a message. deal with him. i think this is going to be -- if it is sanders -- excuse me, if it is clinton, and donald alliances that never existed before shifting around. >> it is interesting, jessica, mitch says that with donald trump has done is unified the democratic party. can the republican party unite to support one candidate if that candidate is donald trump, do you think in. >> i think the burden is mr. trump to unify the party. he's definitely put himself out there as, you know, the republican front-runner and earned the delegate votes and the votes, you know, across the country so far. he has the potentl. we just -- he needs to earn back the trust of people like myself and a lot of my colleagues, you know, who don't -- who cannot confide now in his temperament.
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character trait on a presidential nominee and eventual president. it is really his job nowow to tone down his rhetoric, step back from the ledge a little bit, and, you know, see if he has a conservatives. the party. he's brought people that had never voted before to the table, to the precinct, and to vote. do you think hillary can invigorate the party as well as much as donald trump is doing for the other side? >> i think so. i think she began on election night when she had her speech and did so well. i think trump has trust tremendous promise. an nbc poll emerged, an exit poll, which included all the states from thth other night, which were swing states, ohio, north cararina, florida and indicated of those republican super voters who voted, they -- 24% of them said if it was an election between trump and hillary clinton, they would vote for hillary clinton. 7% going the other way, if i recall, democratic, but that is
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i think she'll be able to do that. i think her message is such that she will be able to pick up republicans that were thought un -- impossible in the past. not only because it is trump, but the way he carries his message has been indicated. he may be the vessel for anger, but he carries it and manifests itself in such an odd way. turned a lot of people off and supporters of marco rubio, he may be out, marco@ but i don't think his supporters will forget that easily. >> let's talk about another endorsement that donald trump got here, in the state of florida, when i spoke to governor rick scott last week, and i asked him why hadn't he endorsed anyone in the republican party and he said that he was waiting for tuesday's primary. well, sure enough, he went on to endorse donald trump. how much weight do you think that has, essica? >> i mean, you know, rick scott has been a great governor, if you're a fan of less taxes. he's made -- he hasn't been able
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we don't know how big of an impact that will be. obviously people look to the state of florida for direction, for leadership, on what is going to happen in the future of the country. i think it has an impact, mr. scott has a very similar background to donald trump in the business world. and i think, you know, he sees kind of eye to eye with donald in that way. i do respect the governor for not endorsing, his ultimate decision was going to be endorse donald trump, i respect his decision to keep his mouth, you know, tightipped on that until the 15th. >> we have it talkbout the future of senator marco rubio. he has ten months left as senator. he has said he will not run for re-election. a lot of speculation as to will he run for governor. many people think that that's the way for him to get his executive experience. he already has a lot of experience as speaker of the house. he knows that forum. and many other people sayhat ronald reagan, which is a political idol, with governor of
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president, is that an option, do you think,or the senator? >> i think right now the senator has to really reassess, you know, his political capital right now. reassess what he wants in the future. perhaps there is a opportunity that comes along as, you know, the repubcan gets elected to the presidency, perhaps there is an opportunity for his leadership to shine and the cabinet, perhaps. definitely i think governor is an option. i think he definitely would benefit from the experience of having that type of adinistrative experience and executive experience. >> mitch, i have to ask you the inevitable question. everybody is talking about hillary clinton as a presume tiff presumptive nominee. there are legal problems surrounding her that nothing has really been confirmed or denied in terms of what is going to happen in her case. is there still a plan b in place, like, for example, vice president joe biden? >> i don't think so. i don't think anyone takes that talk seriously.
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to be frank with you. it has come out thatmultiple predecessors of her, including colin powell, said we all did it the same way, secretary clinton did it. the inspector general came out quite a long time ago and said, all the e-mails she had were not considered classified at the time she had it. they might have been reclassified later, but weren't classified as -- i think that goes away, j jt like benghazi did. now we don't hear anything more about it. she did about 13 hours before the committee. they saw there was nothing. the c cir of the committee, the republican chair, said well, i uess there is nothing here. and then made a comment about secretary clinn's poll numbers. i think that will go the way of benghazi and perhaps hopeful fantasy in some camps of the republican party. >> jessica, we have about a minute left, but i need to ask about the possibility of a contested cooention because many people are discussing what could happen in that case. >> i think people are trying to
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delegates there, how can we barter? but at the end of t day, we need to do what is best for the party, best moving forward. if that is a contested convention, we need to have that process play oul. it is why we have the rules that we do in the republican convention you have to reach a certain amount of delegates. it is going to be very interesting and i really hope that in this process as a group, as a coalition of people, as conservatives, that we can make theheight choice and put forth the most viable candidates to beat hillary clinton. donald trump? >> i think it is a very big possibility that there will be donald trump. we have seen anti-establishment wave sweeping the nation and i expect him toin the presidency. >> and if it is donald trump against hillary as you mentioned earlier, you think it is hillary all the way? >> i do. i think the prlem with the republican party has is they have to decide who they are, what is the identity by the entry of trump and what he's done to the party. that remains to be seen. i think if it is a brokered convnvtion, not trump. it is the end of the republican party as we know it. >> mitch and jessica, thank you
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>> still to come on "impact," my interview with ted cruz's wife, why heidi says her man should
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[ ] [ ] >>in an exclusive interview during a recent south florida in an exclusive interview during a recent south florida stop, i got the rare opportunity to sit down with heidi cruz, the fe of the texas senator and the gop white house hopeful. take a listen to why she says her husband is the right man to lead our country. we want to know a little bit about more about you. we know you t your husband had when you were both on the campaign for george w. bush. tell us about that. >> ted and i met 16 years ago. i drove straight across the country to work for george w. bush in texas, the first time i had been to texas and i never left. beenhere ever since. ted and i spent a few years on the bush administration before
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i grew up in california, jackie, when it was reagan country. a small rural town. my parents were medical missionaries. and my brother and i spent a lot of time outdoors and had a small business when we were kids. my dad said if you want to make ney, go find a product and sell it. my brother and i had a bread baking business and helped pay for some of college. had a wonderful upbreaing ingupbringing with parents that were principled and believed in a healthy mind, body and spirit. i knew i met my match. as you may or may not know about ted, he's cuban-american, raised by a father who came here fighting for freedom. came with nothing and built a small business and ted's mother was first in her family to go to college. ted is incredibly principled. has great, gat courage and is the most thoughtful person i know. >> did you know he wanted to go into public service? >> i can tell when we met on a campaign that ted had incredible
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and great understanding of our constitution, of the principles that founded this country. but ted was to have a career in the law as a litigator, and he pursued that first and foremost. and as y/u may know, served as a solicitor general of our state. >> did you ever tnk you would be in this position right now, him running for president? >> no. not right now. you know, our country is -- we have such a great country. there are so many people in this country that workedo hard to make it great for what it is. and i think right now there is a dynamic where people arengry. people are angry at the left for having failed in their promises. and it is important that we have someone run for office that is principled, that has courage, that speaks to our better selves and has the brilliance and the intellect and e care for ted has. in.
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many negative things said about your husband as a relt of this campaign. how difficult is it for you and for your daughters to hear some of those things? >> well, you know, ted always focuses on the issues. and to him politics is not personal. it is about the issues, it is about serving others. and so you'll note that ted never personalizes politics and that has baen a blessing to our family because these attacks don't bother him. and so if he's the candidate, and it is not bothering him, i me? and we also live our life according to our faith and in prayer and i believe that there is a much greater stor at stake here than any one of us as individuals. we're fighting for the very foundation of our country right now. >> we know a lotbout how he stands on the issues. but what would you want people to know about him, that they don't know? >> well, i do want people to know and to recognize that he is a person who does what he says he's going to do. he's a person who is consistent, who has a consistent record.
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that on policy, what he's fought for and the cases he's won and the values he's fought for and what he's been making in the senate. what i also want people to know is that he's the most thoughtful person i know. this is a person who in some of the most stressful moments on the campaign will just lean over and say i love you. this is a person who is jusus -- has the heart and the ability to have a light moment at tough times. right before t south carolina debate, ted came running up to the hotel room, just a couple of minutes before, an hour before, and when the door opened, i thought he must need something, he came in with a big bouquet of roses. next day was valentine's, he wanted to make sure before the debate he made sure to remember his wife and his girls. >> very special, very romantic. he's cuban-american. we have a large cuban-american community here in south florida. does he keep up with some of the traditions of his cuban heritage? >> absolutely. ted's family lives in dallas and houston. most of the cuban side of the
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we have black beans and rice and porkon thanksgiving on paper plates. ted's side of the family in dallas -- >> let's talk about if you were to become the first lady of the united states. what would you want t ur role to be? >> well, as you know, we're in the middle off a very interesting and tough primary. and so my role in this campaign has been one focus and that's to do whatever i can to help ted win. and in the beginning that was quite a bit of fund-raising and now being out on the trail and sharing with americans who ted is. so that has been our entire focus. i do have a passion from having had a career in businene for entrepreneurship and i think our children must see the value that they can add to our communities, having had the chance to start a small business as a child. i learned so much. the other thing that i think is key to giving this next generation, the foundation that they need is school choice. and you all in florida know a
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something that would be a center policy of a cruz administration. >> so we would know some of e issues you may tackle if you were in the whi house. >> there will be plenty of time in the future should the voters cide to think of such things, but i do have a passion for this country. i'm proud to stand by ted. i know he has the talent to be commander in chief on day one. anddt is because of the talents that god has given him to where his heart is. he has a humble heart to serve people in this country andmake this country what it can be. and as we -- as we had so many times to reignite the promise that is america -- the promise of the american dream for everyone. >> we saw nancy reagan passed away. is there one first lady you feel made an impact in your life or that you admire? >> well, president and mrs. reagan were certainlyp center in my life when i thought of the presidency, the office and the couple that inhabited the white house.
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8, 9 years old, i was almost 20 just seeing them as the iconic leaders of our country. i followed elections back then because i read a lot as a young child about politics. there have been so many amazing families that have served our country. so many great presidents and first ladies who have represented the office and when i'm realal proud of is that it is an active role. it is a role where as a spouse you can do so much for others. i think it is important that we all remember who we elected and that isishe president. there is one person that is elected. and so i would want to do whatever could best support ted's agenda and best serve this country. >> heidi cruz, thank you once again for joining us. >> thank you. and you're watching nbc 6 "impact" and we'll be right back.
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[ ] [ ] to check out past episodes of "impact," go to our website, nbc6.c.c and search "impact" with jackie nespral. click on the livgnks to the full episodes with the newsmakers sitting down with me hereon "impact." once again, thank you for watching nbc 6 "impact." we're looking to bring you the stories that impact you and your
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if you have a story idea, send me a tweet @jackienbc 6. "meet the press" is next. we'll see you b bck here next week. make it a great sunday,
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>> and you know what they say about men with small hands. >> and still, donald trump keeps winning. but last night, more ugliness at a rally. [ shouting ] ] >> as trump warns of violence if he's denied the nomination. >> i think you'd have riots. >> but can he stopped? democrats cry oul. >> the senate will continue to observe the biden rule so that the american people have a voice in this momentous decision. >> why can't they do what they're supposed to, do their jobs? >> mitch mccccnell and harry reid exclusively join me. you like buzzer beaters like this one from friday night? well, we've got the
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possibilities for what could be convention. joining me are jose diaz-balart of telemundo and nbc news, molly ball, joy ann reid, and robert costa of the "washington post." welcome to sunday. it's "meet the press." >> announcer: from nbc news in washington, this is "meet the press" with cpuck todd. good sunday morning. let's agree on this much about the 20 campaign. the rise of donald trump is basically paralleled the fall of the republican establishment. the more the establishment cries "never trump," the more the voters snub them. on tuesday night, in spite of millions of dollarsof negative ads and high profile criticism by mitt romney and others, trump won four of five primaries and he nearly tripled his delegate lead over ted cruz. republicans are despate to use


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