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tv   FOX 13 1000 News  FOX  January 19, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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p falling temperatures next at p>> man: it's hard for me to see pthat this took place. p two people murders in pmanatee county. pthe shocking crimes that have pneighbors searching for answers. p>> man: cyber hacking is a pthreat. p how protecting your asswords, the old habits that pcould be putting you at risk. p an express way expansion pcausing concerns tonight. pa traffic plan that some people pare protesting. p good evening, i'm cynthia in
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p>> i'm mark, glad to have you pwith us. pfirst up at 10:00, there's a preal chill in the air, i'm sure pyou noticed. eople are staying inside. pmost venturing out, they're all pbundling up. p>> man: i'm from colorado, this pweather is still too cold for pme. pi came back from winter break pand it's freezing. p it's chilly. pthe temperatures are still on pthe way down. phow we talking here? p>> everything is on schedule ptonight. pwe have cold air filtering down pthe state. pthe high clouds were around for pa time earlier today and moved pto the south. pthat allowed good radiation of pcooling. pany cloud cover tends to keep pheat in at night. pon top of that, the high is pabout in a perfect spot. pit will drift to the southeast ptonight. pwinds will diminish late ptonight. pthere will be areas of frost. pthere will be a freeze mainly
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pon nights like tonight, cold air ptends to drain right now the eninsula and can be colder in alm dale than it is in tampa. p47 tampa. p43 lake land. p38 degrees in brooksville. p51 degrees in st. pete. pthe difference between now and p10:00 last night? pit's significantly colder every lace you go. pthe air mass is still very dry. pdew points are in the low 30s. pthe winds are still up a little pbit in speed. pbut by late tonight, they go pnearly calm. pthe stage is set for the coldest pnight this season. pfreeze warning pas co-, her nan pdez. p38 in lake land. pa freeze, tampa bay north. pthere's an active cold front
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pcoming up. p two killings in manatee pcounty. p40 minutes apart. pten miles away from each other. pthat has deputies investigating pto see if they're connected. pevan is live tonight at pwith more. phave they figured this out yet? p>> reporter: any time there are ptwo killings this close ptogether, police deputies are pgoing to check out to see if pthey're related. pthe 1 up the road in palm pmeadow, that happened in the pmiddle of nowhere. pat 12:50, neighbors heard pgunshots, saw an suv bashing pthrough a fence and smashing pover a fire hydrant before it pstopped with a dead man hanging pout the door. p>> man: it's hard for me to paccept that this took place. p>> reporter: 40 minutes later,
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pdriver gave detectives a second hone call. p>> man: this is a pretty pstretch of road here. pthey were out for a leisurely pdrive. pthey happened to look out and psee the body. p>> reporter: unknown to them, a psecond body, this one, a female. pso, what's going on here? pa coincidence or not? p>> man: whenever you have two pcrimes that are committed so pclose together, certainly, you pdo look to make sure they're not pconnected. pwe can't say defin tifl, one way por the other. p>> reporter: the victim in palm pmeadow has been identified at p23-year-old jordan fin land. pbut no one has seen anything pbefore or after. p>> man: we've gun door to door pand ask people if they have psurveillance video, this, that, pand the other, so far, not pgetting a whole lot there.
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pmade a connection, they've not pmade that information public. pto neighbors, if they're not pmatched forensically, this is pjust too much. p>> man: we ask god to have pmercy on them. p>> reporter: police say they pneed tips on either of these two pincidents to see if they can put pthem together or not. pevan. p clear water police are on pthe hunt for a thief who stole pmoney from a church donation pbox. pthe man walks inside the chapel. phe broke up the donation box and ptook 50 bucks in cash. pall the money is raised from pchurch parishioners. p>> man: the money goes to the oor and helps people that need pthe money to pay their bills for pelectricity, food, bedding, prent. pso that's how we support our pcommunity by the donation of arishioners.
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preached out to them, they pcertainly would have helped him. panybody with information should pcall crime stoppers. p two thieves on the run in pclear water. pdeputies say it shows the couple pwho stole jewelry from value awn on us 19 north. pthe man took the items from the pdisplay case, handed them to the pwoman who put them in the purse pand walked out. pif you recognize either one, pyou. p the school board supports pmore recess at school. pthe board held a workshop today pand they'll meet on february 9th pto vote on a resolution to pencourage schools for physical pactivity for elementary pstudents. arents are asking to bring back precess. p could a murder defendant phave a bargaining chip here that pcould keep him off death row? phe's accused of killing two men pback in 2003.
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phave to go to trial. psources are telling fox 13 that phe's offering facts in the pmurder in exchange that rosectors take the death enalty off the table. pnow he faces murder charges in pthe deaths of michael and jason. pboth men disappeared from a gay pbar and later he pointed the pfinger at lorenzo claiming he pkilled the men and schwiker pdisposed of the body. p>> man: so if he has pinformation against lorenzo and phe's willing to give it to the rosectors, it's possible to pcharge him on unsolved crimes.
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phe'll be back in court in march. p an unpleasant surprise over pthe holiday weekend. pdozens of them went to premiere arking and say the 24 hour arking service closed thursday pnight and hasn't reopened. pthe company advertises itself as pa secure place to park your car pduring your stay. pwhen she took a cab there, pnobody was there to get her pkeys. p>> woman: you just didn't know pwhat to do. art. pyou don't know what to do. pdo. pinvestigating. pthe property landlord has psecured all the clients keys and pwill hand them over when they plocate all the owners. p we know cyber security is plives. pa new study shows that not peverybody is taking it pseriously. pjosh is in the control room
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pone of the most simple, easy pthings to do to protect yourself pfrom hackers and that's having pstrong passwords. pare people doing that? pno. psplash data and its most recent plist of the worst passwords. pnumber one and number two are p123, 456, and the word pass pword. pget this, those two have been at pthe top since 2011. pthat report is compiled of more pthan two million leaked asswords last year. pneedless to say, if you care pthat little about your cyber psecurity, you're asking for pmajor headaches down the road. p>> man: it's a serious threat. pour personal information can be pstolen, intellectual property pcan be stolen, as we've seen pover the last few years. ponce your personal information pis stolen, the citizens have to pgo through extraordinary ptroubles and steps to rectify
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p>> it's a good idea to use asswords up to 12 letters using pspecial letters, numbers and psymbols. pdon't use the same pass word on pall your accounts. pas experts point out, if you pdon't do this stuff, you'll be pvery sorry to find yourself punhacking yourself. p>> as some of us have found out, pit can take weeks, if not plonger. p deputies are looking for a pmissing puppy stolen from a pet pstore. plast week, a man walked in and ptook a yorke. pthat pet was valued at $1,600. pthe man was caught on video pstuffing the dog in his sweater pand he left. pthe man has since been arrested pfound. pthe store owners say if the uppy can do if it doesn't get
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p still to come, a traffic psolution or a pricey mess in the pmaking. p>> man: it's very clear that pthis is a waste of money. p why some say tampa's express pway expansion will do more harm pthan good. p>> man: every time there's a pterrorist attack, my phone pstarts ringing. p>> in 1934, steak 'n shake decided the world didn't need another hamburger. it needed a steakburger. so they used 100 percent beef. quick seared to seal in the flavor ... ... you'll only get from a steakburger. steak 'n shake,
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p well, it's a (330) 000-0000 roject that might one day prelieve the headache you get on pi-275 every day. pit's called the tampa bay works. pit's been in work for 25 years. pthis expansion will effect some pneighborhoods along 275.
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pjosh joins us with details of a pmeeting that took place pdowntown. pand a lot of questions they phave. p>> reporter: there are about 30 por 40 neighbors there and they phad a lot of questions for dot. pthey want to know if this psacrifice is really going to be pworth it. pwill these plans really relieve pcongestion, to expand 275, the pstate has to require right of pway which means some businesses pand home owners will have to pmove. pthis has to be done to relieve pcongestion. pa lot of people question if that prelief will ever be done. p>> woman: i needed to see an pactual plan. pi looked online, i dry tried to pfind one. p>> reporter: she heard that the roject might effect her home. pshe got her hands on a detailed pmap and was heart broken. p>> woman: i'm going to have to
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pbecause i don't want to open my pdoor and see a wall connected to pa highway. p>> reporter: it will bring the proadway right up to her front phome. pbut the state will pay them and pconsider the project a necessity pas tampa's traffic congestion pseems to worsen by the week. pthey named tbx one of the most pwasteful projects in the pcountry. p>> man: not because we're pspending the money but we're not pgetting a return of the money in pwhat it's supposed to do. p>> reporter: we took that claim pto dot spokes person debbie phunt. pthis report calls this project a pwaste of taxpayer money. p>> woman: it does and it pfocuses on the fact that they ortion. pwhat also has to happen have the ptransit portion. pyears from completion. pshe says dot will keep the ublic informed every step of
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pjennifer says they need to do a pbetter job than that thus far. p>> woman: i only found out my phouse was effected tonight and i phad to do it face-to-face. pi'm very upset. p>> reporter: again, dot says pit's not just the widening of pthe 275 and the adding the planes, it's a combination of padding a tight infrastructure of pa meeting plan. pthere's a lot of information pthey posted at tampa express p>> i do feel for those people, pthat's for sure. p home owners in sarasota and pmanatee county still cleaning up pafter the deadly tornados where ptwo people were killed and homes ptorn apart. pthey're working on how to make
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pthey want to prepare how pstructures are built to standard pcode. pnow, one demonstration, winds up pto one hundred miles per hour, a ptropical store just obliterated pthe house. pthe president says fortifying is psimple and most homes built pafter andrew are built that way. p>> man: we'd like to see in pevery home, a continuous low ath where the rooms are tied to pthe walls and the walls are tied pto the foundation. pso it doesn't tear your house papart. p>> she says older homes can be pretro fitted. pmanufactured mobile homes can palso be fortified, which that is pnews to me. pi didn't realize you can fortify pa home to make that much pdifference.
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pequal, a mobile home is not the psafest place to be during a ptornado. pstay away from outside walls pthat are open and away from pwindows. antry, bathroom, whatever it ptakes to get away from the pwindow structure. p>> there was an ef-2, imagine if pwe've seen a three or four. p>> then it's a whole new ball pgame. peven well built structures have pa hard time. pit's cold tonight but nothing plike it was 39 years ago. p>> i heard about that. p>> look at that. p>> there's one actually before pthis. pyou know what cool car that is pin the background? ptalk about a classic car. pthe amc pacer which was voted 50 pworst cars of all time. p>> nice.
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pgood buddy howard is somewhere pout west in the desert south pwest not complaining about the pcold. pthat was snow fall, officially ptwo tenths of an inch of snow at ptia. pand howard actually predicted pthat snow fall the night before pon fox 13. pthat's great stuff. pthat's the classic amc pacer pcovered in snow from brian pmckay. pthat's not going to happen any ptime soon. pit can get cold enough to snow pbut usually when it does get pcold enough, we get dry air. peven tonight, where it will be pbelow freezing, you get a lot of pdry air filtering in from the pnorth. ponce in a while we can get gulf peffect snow. peverything is going to come into lay to get that to happen. pit's not going to happen any ptime soon. pnot a cloud in the sky and look pat the great view up st. pete pbeach, blue sky and a lot of
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pwindy evening around tampa bay. p59 degrees was the high today. pa lot of blue on the calendar in pjanuary. pthis weekend is going to be cold pon the backside of a cold front. phigh pressure dominates in the psoutheast. pwe'll get briefly into the pwestern half of that high in a pcouple of days. pwe'll start to moderate a little pbit tomorrow. pmore so on thursday back into pthe 70s on friday. pthere's going to be a cold front pheading our way and now we have pto watch and wait and see if pthat cold front will produce any psevere threat. pright now, most of that severe pthreat should be north of us. pwe'll track it. pthe problem is you have the pstrong, subtropical jet. pthis screams el nino. pit blows across the pacific and pinto the gulf of mexico. p47 degrees in tampa now. plook at brandon down to 39. psome of these lows could be near pfreezing and there's going to be
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pcoast line tonight. pbrooksville's at 38. pcrystal river at 36. p44 sarasota. pthen 30s and low 40s as you head pinland. pfreeze warning is up. p1:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. but paround the bay area, inland, pthere will be pockets where it pwill be near freezing for a ptime. pshort dur duration of those pfreezing temperatures. pthis is our front for friday. pit's going to race to the east pand bring with it, a band of prain and eventually, that low is pgoing to become a huge storm. pfriends and relatives up in d.c. por philly could be seeing 1-2 pfeet of snow this weekend. pfirst of the season.
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p29 in brooksville. p39 in tampa. pbut pockets inland in the mid p30s. pwe slide south, we'll do a 40 in psarasota. p38 in lakewood ranch. pinland, low temperatures in the p30s and low 40s. pwe warm up to the mid 60s ptomorrow. ptonight, clear and cold with atchy frost. pwe're down to 39 in town. pbright but still chilly tomorrow pand 64. pone warmer day. pthat comes up on thursday. artly cloudy and milder, back pin the 70s. pand then we have to track this pcold front. pwe'll watch it because any one pof these fronts in an el nino pwinter has a potential chance pfor severe rain. psaturday is going to be very pcold and windy. p thanks, paul. pthe search for three americans
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p>> who may have in this line of work only the freshest ingredients make the cut it's important to me to know every dish i serve is the best it can be. especially for this food critic. publix bakery scratch made bread we bake it in store every day with pride so you can serve it with some
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p developing tonight, the pcoast guard suspending its psearch for 12 marines missing poff the coast of hawaii. p>> it's believed that their phelicopters collided last pthursday. pthey did find a debris field and pall four life rafts but they pwere empty. pthe military's largest phelicopters held six marines peach.
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p>> man: the decision to suspend pthis case, the search is very pdifficult, we have not found the psurvivors and this has psignificant scope and impact pstopping our search efforts. p>> one of the missing marines is p22-year-old corporal thomas and phe's from fort myers. p the americans were abducted pfrom their translator's home on psaturday. pus officials say the woman and ptwo men are iraqy's with pamerican citizenship and working pat the embassy. psecretary of state says they're p--
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pdeath of jihadi john. pthey published a eulogy in a pmagazine. phe was a british citizen. pthe us military said back in pnovember that a drone strike may phave killed him but now we know pfor sure. p coming up, donald trump gets pa big endorsement but will it phelp him or hurt him? p>> man: when i heard that she pwas going to endorse me, i was pso honored. pyou have no idea how honored. p>> that's sarah the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today.
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right now, all you're thinking about is finding quick cover, so you can continue streaming your favorite show in the great outdoors. and you don't need further interrupting your otherwise- perfect afternoon. echo from bright house networks. eliminates dead zones, so you can stream confidently all around your home. and now connect to... premier tv, 15 megabit internet and hd-dvr service... only $92 a month
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find your sweet spot today with dunkin's chicken apple sausage sandwich. enjoy sweet apple and savory sausage together for under 400 calories. america runs on dunkin'. p in the race for the white phouse, sarah palin has endorsed pdonald trump for president. pshe made the announcement two
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p>> woman: tom and a couple of pmy friends here from alaska plending our support for the next resident of our great united pstates america, donald trump. p>> you can forget that she was pjohn mccain's running mate in p2008. pshe said she chose trump because phe shares her vision for pamerica. p>> man: i love sarah palin. pshe is fantastic. pwithout her friendship and psupport, i wouldn't be in the psenate today. p>> reporter: trump, who cruz psaid will work with a liberal pleft. p>> man: if you're looking for psomeone who is a deal maker and pwill give in to the dem krats, pthen perhaps donald trump is
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p>> man: i believe that would be pa big mistake for iowa to psupport him. p>> man: this is that's true pfeelings. pi guess you agree, too. p>> man: i agree. phe's been mixed in the subject, phe goes wherever the votes are. pi'd really like to win. pdon't forget, iowa hasn't picked pthat winner for 16 years. pif he pick someone other than pme, they're going to pick a ploser. p>> man: ted has got a tough ptemperament. pyou can't call people liars on pthe senate floor when they're pyour leader. p>> man: it makes it hard for pcandidates to get traction. pbut they can do it in town phall's like this and there's a plittle less than two weeks in pthe caucus in iowa.
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phe wants to conserve fund prasing. phe called it the stop act. pjolly is running for senate pright now and says we need this pbill because too many in pcongress are spending more time pfund rasing than doing what pthey're elected to do. p>> man: members of congress are ptold when they get to pwashington, your number one riority is to raise money. pthe expectation of hours to pdoing your job is ten hours a pday. p>> 30 hours a week just rasing pmoney. phe's hoping this bill will pchange that. pjolly admits that getting a pass pwill be a bit of a challenge. p more scrutiny of police penforced. pall cases of when a police pofficer kills or seriously
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phe was the one shot by a palm pbeach garden police officer pwhile he was waiting for a tow ptruck. p>> woman: you're investigating pthe people that you go out to pdinner with. pthat you have drinks with, that pyou socialize with. pand so the question among the ublic is, is it fair and is it pimpartial? p>> agencies are not required to preport use of force incidents to pthe fdle. punder her bill, that would pchange. pthe committees are considering assing the bill. p americans are trying to go pthemselves. pthe bunker industry says pbusiness is booming. p>> it is indeed. pwe're showing you how some repare for an apocalypse. p>> man: inside the bunker. p>> reporter: a survival space, pabout 8 feet by 10 feet.
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pbig enough to keep its occupants palive. p>> man: it's got a couch and pkitchen. pthe air system. p>> reporter: you bury the pbunkers ten feet below the psurface in the back yard, below pthe garage. powner of the atlas survival pshelters, says this is the last plife insurance policy you'll pever need. p>> man: it's the last rotection that you could buy in pcase of a nuclear, biological, por chemical attack. p>> reporter: his california pmanufacturing yard pumping out pmore and more of the pipe blast roof air purified hatches has ar noi yeah of events. p>> man: every time there's a pterrorism attack, my phone pstarts rinking and people start pbuying bunkers. p>> reporter: the history of
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pthe '50s and '60s when anxiety pover nuclear war led to the pcreation of the bunkers. pthe producing videos like these pintended to educate americans to psurvive destruction. p>> man: perhaps nothing is more pimportant than extra food and pwater. p>> reporter: perhaps nothing pnow insights fear like the rospect of terrorism. pdominating the political plandscape. p>> man: as groups like isil pgrew stronger. p>> reporter: providing fuel for psome on the campaign trail. p>> man: i would bomb the p(bleep) out of them. pi'd blow up the pipes, every psingle inch, there would be pnothing left. p>> man: the air system spreads pto the floor. pthe furniture is all left in the pboxes for assembly. p>> reporter: what do you say to pfolks who say this is paranoia
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p>> man: gun sales are on the prise and people preparing is on pthe rise. pit's a whole different world we plive in now. p>> reporter: for hubbard, it pmeans new business. phe has bunkers that he sells for p$300,000. plately, he's advertising his platest product, a smaller 80 pfoot program priced at $80,000. p>> man: the average person, as plong as they have a house and a lace to bury could have a fall pout shelter. p>> reporter: the last line of pdefense you never want to use. p>> well, still to come, it's a
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p yep, daytona finished our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn' t need a loan. we needed short-term
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building 18 homes in 4 months? that was a leap. but i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself? realize your buying power at in 1934, steak 'n shake decided the world didn't need another hamburger. it needed a steakburger. so they used 100 percent beef. quick seared to seal in the flavor ...
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steak 'n shake, home of the original steakburger. p coming up tonight at 11:00, pdigging into a dark past. pwe're seeing the results of pyears of archeological work for pthe school of boys. pwe have the final report tonight pon what the research team has punearthed.
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pto see who has come forward pagainst the boy cot and how the pacademy is responding. p here's a look at how the pexpansion of the aquarium will plook. p8 how people a year visit the paquarium. pwell, now they plan to more than pdouble the size for people and ptriple the size of the tanks pwhere they treat injured pdolphins and turtles and other psea creatures and talking about pa new parking garage, too. p>> man: my dream here as ceo pwas to get a call that someone phas been struck by a car and pthat concerns me. pthe families have young kids pcrossing the streets. pwith hundreds of families parriving a day, the risk is pclear. p several of the people who plive near the aquarium did
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pbut in the end, the aquarium did pget the approval the needs from pthe city. p the final seats at the newly prenovated daytona speed way were pfinally installed today. pthe last of the 101 thousand 5 phundred seats. pthey called it daytona rising. pmajor redesign of the speed way. pthis has been a long two year rocess but speed way officials psay it's all going to be worth pit to their fans. p>> man: the facilities i've pbeen to, i don't know there's panother one in the world that pspent 4 hundred million dollars pon the fan part of the venue. p>> yeah, they only have pfinishing touches to put on the pstadium but it will be ready the pfinal weekend in january. p>> the digital 500 not too far
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pthe bolts get a lot of bounces ptonight. pincluding a bizarre goal. pit wasn't enough to extend the plongest winning streak. p why pick it up if a drone pcan drop it off?
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in this line of work only the freshest ingredients make the cut it's important to me to know every dish i serve is the best it can be.
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food critic. publix bakery scratch made bread we bake it in store every day with pride so you can serve it with some
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p some drone delivery video is ptrending tonight. pthe future is here. pamazon released video of how the rogram is going to work. pit's called drone air. pthey'll deliver to an area pwithin a ten mile radius of the pset off. pyou'll have it within 30 minutes pof your order. pwhen is it going to launch? puse it? pso far amazon is not saying. pa few details coming out.
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paren't you willing to drive psomewhere that day? p>> i'm skeptical. pit makes me wonder how crowded pthe sky is going to get. pwhat's the impact on wildlife plike birds. p>> this is a lot of promotion. pthe reality is we may not seen a plot of drones carrying packages. plimit things to five pounds. p we'll have to look at how pmany are up there, without a pdoubt. pa wild crash is trending ptonight. pa woman is lucky to be alive pafter a car smashes through a pwall in australia. plook at this. pcameras captured the moment as pthe woman just missed the toyota pcam ri as it burst through the pfront of the store. pmiraculously earn made it out pokay. p>> one more step. phow close is that. pthat is crazy.
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pstore, you're not thinking a car pis coming through. p check out this shelter cat pthat has gone viral for psomething near and dear to pmark's heart. pthe star wars character. p>> adam driver. p>> cory is his name. phe was a shelter in new jersey. pshe tweets out along with the pcaption, tell me this cat pdoesn't look like adam driver. p>> that's funny. pthe eyes and the ear. pi see it. p>> he's been retweeted thousands pof times and he's been adopted. pif adam wants to come by and pmeet his dople ganger, he's pwelcome to come by. pi'm telling you, it's uncanny. p>> i don't think it has anything
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pnot real flattering. p how about stretching the pstreak wasn't easy against new porleans but the lightning keeps pchipping away at the atlantic pdivision. pthe bulls are tied for second lace. pfour minutes in, alex with a pdecision to pass. pand tied up at 1. pwatch him do this right there. p19th goal of the season. pand again, the lightning kept ressing against the control. p3-2. pyou know what? psome things are going well, you pforget all about. pit's going to pop up in the air pand you'll see, he just walks it pin. pa good goal. pa rare one at that.
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phe comes back with two more pgoals and tied it at 4-4. pthe lightning get the brakes in pthis one. pthey had an empty netter. pthey win it 6-4 with their sixth pstraight win. p fresh off with their best pshooting games of the season. pmike white isn't completely pthrilled with his team after pseeing so many turnovers the plast two games. pflorida looking to clean up pstuff against mississippi in the po center. p alan was hot for the gators. pknocked down two 3's in the pfirst half. pfollow with know three. pthis is back to back triple. pthe bull dogs run wild in the pfinal quarter. pthey out score the gators 18-5. pbrett thomas, look at this, at
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pthe gators crawl right back. pthe follow-up slam, gives the pgators a three point lead. pit was the last field goal and pthey hang on to win. p tampa bay gm scouts and pcoaches from every nfl team for pthe next week some and get to look at pthe next nfl stars. psome might not even get drafted, pbut you know what, many of these pguys are going to end up on the pnfl rosters next year. pthis is why practice is so pimportant. pthese players have to get used pto playing with pthis show case gives nfl rospects another chance to be pseen along side other senior pstars. pscouts to uncover hidden gems.
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ractice and he tells us he plooked forward to it every year. p>> man: it's one of our pfavorite events in the scouting rocess. pyou never know what you're going pto find. pin the setting right here it's pcompetitive and that's what we plook for. pas opposed to going to practice, pit's not necessarily competitive ractice that we're looking at. pthey're trypma pleague. pit's a great setting for us. pnot revealing anything. p>> i bet. pkevin, thanks very much. pstill to come here at 10:00, a psint sized football fan gets a
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pthe spe wow. the internet is crazy fast here. i know, right? over. hi hey. i just laid an egg. does anybody want it? joey, you want some gasoline? yes, please. mom, guess what?
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mhm. i just bought a hammer. with internet fast enough for everyone, your guests might get a bit carried away. get out of the past. get fios. vo: know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from. we didn't really have anything, you know. but, we made do. vo: know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values. al, how you doing. hey, mr. hamilton. vo: know that together you can establish a meaningful legacy. with the guidance and support of your dedicated
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p winter sky really pdisappoints. pit was crystal sky today after phigh clouds moved to the south. psunset tonight was at 6:00. pmade for a great sky. pcrystal clear, unlimited pvisibility. pthat's the view from the top of psky tower. pit's a picture taken last night.
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pthe past couple of weeks. pas i said before, the winter sky pis almost always good. pa lot of ice crystals in the pwinter. peven had a little hail around pthe sun today. pfox 13 umbrella goes to rachel. pyou upload your photo, give an pumbrella away monday-friday. pthe chill is certainly on. pwe'll stay above average. panother cold front on friday and pthen much colder for the pweekend. pquiet now. pthere's some high clouds trying pto approach from the south west. pthey could help to keep ptemperatures up a little bit. pany cloud cover at all can help pa little bit. pclouds at night act like a pblanket and keep the heat in povernight. pyou got high pressure, it will pmove away.
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pby thursday, the mercury is back pin the 70s before the cold front parrives on friday. p46 in tampa. p43 in west chase. p43 in lando lakes. p42 in frost. pfreeze warning up for our pnorthern counties. p1:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 39 in ptampa and mid to upper 30s pinland as cold air drains down pthe peninsula. p29 in brooksville. pforecast for tomorrow, bright punshine in the morning and 47 pdegrees. pwe're 60 by midday. pin the 70s by thursday. p>> man: well, a lot of people pdidn't see this one coming. pmillennials are putting the pbrakes on driving.
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plicense. pbig job cuts over at johnson and pjohnson. pthe health care and consumer roducts. plost 3 thousand workers in its pmedical device division. pnearly 8 percent of folks there pare worth at least $1 billion. pthat's business, i'm neil. p>> all right, neil, thanks. plotto time. p3, 7, 6, 9 for tonight. p4, 2, 2, 3. p young football fan has a pmoment that she will never pforget. pi love this. pthis video shows her getting her pfirst touchdown ball in the ball
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pjust jumping for joy when pstewart walked right up and phanded her the ball. pshe says it was the best moment pof her life. p>> woman: i got a ball from pjonathan stewart. p>> reporter: what was that plike? p>> woman: that was awesome. p>> woman: we all still kind of pshocked. pbefore she even got the ball, we pwere all sitting in the seats ptalking about just how amazing pit was to be that close and be pable to see the players. p>> yeah, she was even more pthrilled when her team went on pto win the game. pit's been quite a year for the anthers. pit will be in a case and pdisplayed in their home. pall right, time for the fox 13 p11:00 news. p we're starting with this. pa deadly day in manatee county. p>> deputies investigating two pmurders, minutes and miles papart. p>> man: whenever you have two pcrimes that are committed so
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psure they're not connected.
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