tv FOX 13 1100 News FOX January 20, 2016 1:00am-1:30am EST
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>> so we ask what is i'm going to share a photo of my eggo waffle when it pops up. that's so interesting honey a photo of my eggo waffle when it pops up. l'eggo my eggo l'eggo my eggo (answering machine) hey! leave a message. hi, i know you're there, i'm calling you to tell you to l'eggo my eggo! anncr: some things are too delicious to share. golden crispy, warm and fluffy eggo waffles.
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>> tag time. an overwhelming outpouring of glove for glenn frey. no surprise "hotel california" easily led the way for favorite eagles song of all time. follows by "take it to the limit." what are fans saying? >> many eagles fans couldn't decide on their favorite song. sherry says impossible to name just one. dejanuary says it's just too hard to pick one. >> i too in my mind have found
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winslow, arizona. >> and marie says everything on "hotel california" one of the top albums ever in the history of rock. fantastic. >> such a fine sight to see. stay connected, join the conversation hacking pis ram pid. pour first line of defense is our pweakest. p we are beginning tonight pwith a story that all of us can pfeel out there. pif you step outside -- that guy pis wearing shorts -- a drop in ptemperatures. pmuch of the bay area shivering ptonight. pfolks who were out in downtown ptampa weren't very thrilled pabout the chill. p>> man: i'm wearing a sweat pshirt and i just wanted to be pwearing short sleeved shirts and pshorts. p>> coldest air of the season. aul told us this was coming plast night and boy, it didn't pdispoint.
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p>> spots in the 20s and for us, pthat's pretty cold. pmaybe some patchy frost early pon. pwhat's interesting, some of pthose high cirrus clouds, pthey're overspreading from the psouth and i tell you, even with pa little bit of high cloud pcoffer, it can keep temperatures pup a little bit. psouth of tampa bay, temperatures pmay level off a little bit, it's pbeen very cold inland tonight. pcold there typically drains down pthe state. pas cold air moves right now the eninsula. pfor example, sea bring is 49 and ptampa is 36. pi'll go south and get warmer. ptampa is 46. pbrooksville is 37. psarasota at 44.
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pwas at 11:00 last night. pso i feel pretty confident the pforecast will work out. pthe air is dry. pdew points are in the 30s, that pmakes sense and the winds have pgone calm. eople say why is brooksville palways so cold? pcalm winds in brooksville, other pspots have wind. pwith that light wind, you get pthat effect of radiation of pcooling. pbreezy in st. pete. pfive miles per hour. pand freeze warning is up p1:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and pspecific lows tonight. pwe're going 39 in tampa. p36 in brandon. pwhen you wake up tomorrow, pyou'll see frost on the rims of phomes around you and on your pcar. p29 in brooksville, i'll be back ptalking about another cold pfront.
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p developing tonight, two pmurder scenes in manatee county. pone in bradenton where a p38-year-old man was found dead. pand 9 miles away, a 23-year-old pwoman was discovered. pthey're trying to figure out if pthese are connected. p>> reporter: well, deputies pcan't say one way or the other pyet whether these killings are prelated, but they happened in prapid skegs and they can't rule pthat out. ptake a look. pthis here is the scene. pthis is 8th street east near p12th avenue east. pcarl was found dead after pneighbors saw his suv out of pcontrol, parading through a ptree. pthat was at 12:50. phere, the second scene. p23-year-old jordan fin land was pfound on the side of the road in alm meadow.
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pdriving away from the first pscene but no one saw anything in pthat part of manatee county. p>> man: whenever you have two pcrimes that are committed so pclose together, certainly, you pconnected. pwe are looking at that and right pnow, we can't say definitively pone way or the other. p>> reporter: witnesses told us pthey heard gunshots just before pcarl was found in bradenton. pthis is being investigated by pone county wide standard unit. pand to this point, no suspects phave been named publicly and a pmotive has not been discussed. p all right, evan, thanks. pnew at 11, even for criminals, pthis is low. pstealing from elderly people in pa nursing home. pmelissa taylor admitted to pstealing from several residents.
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psince october, she stole $12,000 pin cash and jewelry. pshe told police she did it to ay her utility bill sz. p clear water police are plooking for a man who robbed a pchurch. olice say he broke open the pdonation box and took $50. pthe money is actually used to phelp the poor. p>> man: it's not a lot of money pbut still, it's the principle of phaving the guts to break into psomething that other people pneed. p>> the church says if the man pjust have reached out them, they pgladly would have helped him. pthey hope someone recognizes him pand calls police. p researchers have been pdigging up unmarked graves in a pschool. ptonight, we're seeing the final
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pit's where children were palledgedly abused and died. presearchers say they've puncovered 51 sets remains. pfrom those, they were able to pidentify 21 boys. pthat was including two new pmatches from dna. plloyd died in 1918 when he was p14 years old. phow he died, they still don't pknow. panother one was grady. phe was 17 years old and died 7 pmonths later from complications pfrom a kidney disorder. pthese two facial reconstructions pwere made. pone of them was between the ages pof 8-14. pthe other between 13-15. pall of the digging is down, but pthe project isn't. pthey'll continue to work with plaw enforcement to identify premains and to locate any psurviving family members. pthe team will present their
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p a national research group pcalls a traffic project in tampa pbay a waste of money. pit will widen 275 and add toll planes to parts of interstates 4 pand 75. pa lot of people are thihinking pthis will be a relief to all the pcongestion headache out there. pand the plan calls for adding pmaz transit including some form pof railway. pbut the research group released pa report calling it one of the p12 wasteful projects in the pcountry. p>> man: the t-junction that is pi-275 is a design flow that pshould have never been built. pthey want to reenforce that pdesign flow and enlargen it.
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pthat the project won't relieve pcongestion. pthe master plan that will be dot psays "fewer cars on the roads pthan they expected." p it can happen any time, panywhere, anybody can be the ptarget. pwe've seen the results of cyber pattacks over and over. pyou'd think people would take it pseriously now but that's not palways the case. pdetails of a new study, a roblem with our passwords. p>> reporter: look, cynthia, for pmany of us, being cyber secure pstarts with our passwords. pthey need to be strong and hard pto crack. phacking and hollywood. pa match made in cyber heaven.
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pthe very real result of cyber phacking, target home depot, all pfalling to the finger tips of phackers. p>> man: it's the result of eople not using good cyber phygiene. p>> reporter: this is a map of pcyber attacks happening in real ptime. p>> man: this represents one ercent of the attacks. p>> reporter: translation, it's pa huge nonstop threat. pone of the first lines of pdefense, something many take for pgranted. ptheir own passwords. p>> man: i try to make them pdifferent but then it's kind of pto her. p>> man: i use the same pass pword with different numbers. p>> reporter: a recent report by pthe company splash data shows pthe two most common passwords pwere 123456 and the word pass pword. phardly top secret considering
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ptwo million leaked passwords. p>> man: if someone hacks your pe-mail because of the super pass pword you've used, they'll try it pwith other subscriptions you've phad. p>> reporter: that can turn your plife into a real horror movie. pexperts say don't be careless, pcome up with hard to hack pass asswords asswords containing a lot of pletters and numbers and symbols. pdespite what hollywood would phave you believe. psomething else to consider, pthose two worst passwords, pthey've been at the top of the plist since it was created back pin 2011. pdespite all the warnings and the pattacks we've seen -- i'm not ptrying to sound like your dad, a
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pmessage until it's too late. p>> it's hard to remember them pall and then you write them down pand that's not good either. p>> absolutely, but you have to pfigure out a way because potherwise, you're going to be a pworld of trouble. p>> thanks so much. p here are some guys that know pa thing or two about cyber psecurity. pthey served our country and now pmilitary vets are becoming a pdifferent kind of hero. pit's designed for wounded pveterans to help fight against ponline child predators. ptoday, 24 vets joined the rogram. pone vet says this gives him pgreat support. p>> man: what they do is they psurround you with that support. pand i know you're going through pstuff, we got you.
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preassurance makes this popportunity way worth it. p>> now, their training last for pthree weeks and then they're pmoved to the d.c. area for six pweeks of computer training. pmeantime, another kind of ptraining for these new deputies. pwho, as you hear, are whining pand eager to go to work. pthe department added six more pdogs to the k-9 unit. ptoday, the k-9s and their phandlers started 16 weeks of ptraining. p>> man: they're going to learn atrol work which includes ptracking. pif there's a missing adult or a pbad guy runs from the police pdepartment, they'll call the k-9 pteams out and they'll come and ptrack and hopefully locate the pbad guy. p>> they now have a total of 17 pk-9s on the force. pthey were able to get more dogs pbecause of very generous
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p>> they're very great dogs too. p>> watch out, bad gay -- guys, pthey're coming for you. p i'm asking the tv and film pindustry to think outside the pbox. pbox. p>> he's a golden globe nominee pbut not an oscar nominee. pyou'll see how the academy is presponding to the nominations. p the disney rides that are pgetting the boot to make room pfor all the new ones. p>> it's a virus known to cause pearth defects. pwe'll tell you what you here in vineland, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups... but just one kind of chicken. white breast meat chicken every time. so if you're not going to make your own chicken soup tonight, do what we do...make it progresso. you say avocado
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without giving up rich flavor do what we do...make it progresso. look at this sweet face. so sweet. ok, we're going to need a napkin gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. pthe tampa bay area has its first pcase of zika virus. pthey contracted the virus while ptravelling in ven swail. pnow the zika virus is spread pwhen a mosquito bites an pinfected person and then bites psomeone else. pit's not transmitted person to
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pmost infected people only have a pminor illness but it does cause pa birth defect that makes babies phave small heads that don't pdevelop properly. p>> man: the key to all the pmosquito born diseases and pviruss and preventing them is psimply preventing getting pbitten. pwe need to drain and cover. pwe want to prevent the popportunity for mosquitos to pgrow in our community and around pour home and then we want to pcover up our skin and body so pwe're not being bitten. p>> and the cdc has issued an palert asking women at any stage pof pregnancy to postpone travel pto latin america and the pcaribbean. p asking you to keep an eye pout for poachers trying to catch psong birds.
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pwhy. pthey breed in the northern part pof the state and then they head psouth during the spring. pthey're protected under the my pgri tore bird act. pif anyone sees a trap like pthese, you can find them hanging p2-4 feet above ground and in phigh grasses. pif you do, they want to hear pfrom you. p shut down traffic in a presidential area of north port. pa few weeks ago, one popped up pby the road and then 1 crossed pthe road. pthey closed that area down to pkeep them safe and at some oint, they'll go in and move pthem to some place a little psafer.
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p steven king and john grisham ptogether on stage at state pcollege of florida. pthis time, though, his long time pfriend john was thereby by his pside. pthey raised $175,000. pi would have paid for a ticket pto see those two in the room ptogether. pthat's for sure. p>> would that not have been the pcoolest pcoolest thing to be at. pthe number of sellers between pthe two of them. p>> those two guys take up a pcouple of shelves in my pbookcase. pthe next time you're here pspeaking, call me. p>> he has a place. phe lives down south sarasota. p>> he lives full time up in pmaine. p>> he's enjoying this weather, pthen.
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p>> this is karabu in july. p>> the winter sky rarely pdisappoints. plook at this one. pthat's the one on my facebook age, you want to grab that. plog on when i'm done with the pweather cast and click on that. pa whole bunch of them coming in plately. pthat's of the beach. pgood stuff. pdon't forget, on this day, pjanuary 19th, 1977, it was cold ptoo, except the difference was pit was snowing on this day. p.2 inches of snow in tampa. pas a huge snow that actually roduced snow in homestead down pby miami, i was in high school, pbut i still remember the size of pthe trough that brought air down pnight.
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ptemperatures begin to moderate a plittle bit tomorrow. pmore so on thursday and then by pfriday, we'll watch the arrival pof a front and that front may pbring with it some showers and pthunder storms and some of those pstorms on friday could be plocally heavy. pthe difference about friday is pit's not going to be a nighttime pevent. pit will be from noon to p6:00 p.m. that's not a favorite ptime for severe weather in the pwinter. pbut we'll watch it as the front pheads our way as the subtropical pjet stays active. p52 in st. pete with the pinfluence of the bay. p44 apollo beach. pbrooksville down at 37. pday city is down to 40. pas we head south, sarasota is p44. plakewood ranch is 41. pinland counties in the 30s and plow 40s.
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phere's the high clouds over us. pthis low is going to weaken but pit is spreading light snow in pst. louis. pthis is the front that pultimately will give us the band pof rain on friday. pit's going to go up east coast, pthis huge buzz talking about the otential of a major snow storm pthis weekend in d.c., new york, pand boston. p20 in buffalo, 29 in new york. ptonight, we'll post a 31 in pspring hill. pif you're watching us around ptampa bay, 30s to mid 40s. pour southern counties will stay pin the 30s inland. plow 40s near the coast as cold pair drains down the peninsula. atchy frost and a freeze to our pnorth and we're down to 39. pwe have sunshine tomorrow and it pwill be chilly.
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artly cloudy and milder on pthursday. p71. pwe'll be tracking. pstay with us, folks. pband of storms on friday. psome could be heavy during the pafternoon. pthat's the prime time. pafter that, it gets windy and pvery cold on saturday with ptemperatures dropping into the plow 50s. pi should say by 7:00 at night. pa bitterly cold weekend. p those buccaneers better warm pup. p the celebrities boy cotting pthe oscars for its lack this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first
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pthe issue is a lack of diversity pamong this year's nominees. pthere's not a single person of pcolor. p>> more actors are coming pforward. p>> woman: straight out of pcompton got one nomination. pno samuel l jackson. p>> reporter: criticism for phaving all white acting nominees pfor the second year in a row. p>> man: will smith for pconcussion and beast of no pnation. pi thought they would get pnominated. pboth black actors and neither pone of them made it so that pdoesn't look great. p>> reporter: each announced pthey will not attend the oscars pthis year and now academy resident issued a statement romising more inclusion and
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psaying "we will conduct a preview of our membership precruitment in order to bring pabout much needed diversity." pthis is actor is calling on the pmore. p>> man: i'm asking the tv and pfilm industry to think outside pthe box. pin fact, get out of the box and pforget it. p>> reporter: meantime african pamerican civil rights advocates pare launching a national pcampaign trying to convince eople not to watch. phit hollywood's bottom line in pan effort to turn around pinstitutional neglect of pminorities. pthey're set to be hosted by pchris rock who is also being ressured to bow out. p walt disney world is pundergoing a lot of changes this pyear. pthe majority happening at
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