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tv   FOX 13 1000 News  FOX  January 26, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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a wild drug bust in tampa. the shocking discovery .. deputies didn't see coming. pman: it is a lot of weed, it plooks like a jungle. p the shocking discovery the pdeputies didn't see coming. pman: it's very uncommon for pthis time of crime to occur. p a man brutally attacks two pwomen. pthe nightmare that went on pinside this gated community. pwoman: we are accidental padvocates. pwe're just moms at the end of pthe day. p the flight for fun. pthis mom's push to make school precess a must. p good evening, everybody, and pwelcome, i'm kelly green. p>> i'm mark wilson, thanks for pjoining us tonight. pwe have a developing story out pof hernando county right now.
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pwomen in the hospital. psilver thorn community. pdeputies are still there piecing ptogether what happened. pthey do tell us, they caught the pmale suspect just a few moments pafter the attack. pneighbors are shocked. pman: we've lived here for 20 pyears now, nothing like this pever happened. pit's very unusual. p>> both women were air lifted to pthe hospital with serious pinjuries. pdeputies say they don't think pthis was a random act. p a bust on a quiet street in pcarol wood. pa home had two rooms packed with pmarijuana. pevan is at the sheriff's office. ptell us more about this big pbust, evan. preporter: it was hundreds of ounds of marijuana worth phundreds of thousands of dollars pand deputies say the man parrested may be at the top of a phuge supply chain.
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pthat much is sure. pman: that is a lot of weed, plooks like a jungle in there. preporter: indeed, deputies say pacross from a busy basketball pcourt was a 14 hundred square pfoot home that was a little more pthan a marijuana factory. pman: this is the type of poperation that he could be ackaging and distributing pthroughout the country. preporter: early tuesday pmorning, deputies stormed in and pfound 234 marijuana plants with pa street value of $320,000. pthey also found a gun, heat plamps, fans, and 46-year-old preynaldo who is charged with parmed trafficking and grand ptheft for the $8,000 of pstole. pman: never even knew that phere. pman: no clue. pit was a quiet neighborhood. ark.
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poff the street but deputies say pit also helps drug related home pinvasions like earlier this pmonth that left three people pdead. ptips from the general public poften smoke out grow houses. pman: they see the activity pcoming and going, they see that pthe potential for violence with ptheir kids out riding on pbicycles. pthey don't want their kids pcaught up in the middle of cross pfires. preporter: deputies say it's punclear how long this house was poperating for. pbut neighbors say it appears the psame people were there for 7 pyears. pman: nobody wants to live in a pdrug neighborhood. preporter: the suspect in this pcase is being held in the jail pwithout bond. p evan reporting for us ptonight. pthank you, evan. p get ready for wet weather pthis evening. aul tracking storms. p>> it's a sign of things to pcome. pan amazing transformation from
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phumidity and actually tropical prain heading our way from the psouth has been increasing all pevening long. pnone of this is severe pinitially. pall this is is areas of light prain, not much in the way of plightning yet. pthe thing is, there will be ptropical moisture heading our pway at the same time, there's penergy with a warm front coming pup from the south west and some penergy in the western gulf. pboth of these areas will come ptogether and during the day ptomorrow, there will be numerous pshowers and thunder showers paround, and during the day, some pof these storms will be locally pheavy and a couple of them could roduce some strong winds, maybe protate for a while. psmall chance of a tornado as the parea. pany way to slice it, it's going pto be a wet and stormy pwednesday. ponly slow improvement on pthursday before things turn much pbetter for the weekend. pthere's a lot going on. pwe'll talk more about it at p10:20.
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p a woman's been accused of pshooting her boyfriend just a pofficers were standing. pit happened tonight at a home on p17th avenue south of st. pete. pofficers tell us they were pcalled to a domestic argument at pa home and they were talking to pkelly right outside her house, pwhen she went inside, got a gun pand shot her boyfriend. pman: made a comment that she pdidn't take care of herself and pshot him. pthe officers came up on the presidence to find out what phappened, she pulled around the pcorner and immediately shot her pboyfriend. pshe shot him in the lower pextremities. pthe officers went in, she fled, pshe was arrested around the pcorner. p>> here she is. pthe boyfriend is expected to psurvive. pshe's in jail now. p tampa bay police officers pare investigating a hit-and-run paccident. pthe motorcyclist was taken to pthe hospital.
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panyone with information is asked pto call crime stoppers. p the city of bradenton has a pnew law enforcement leader ptonight. phayley is live at the police pdepartment with a look at what pshe is bringing to the force. preporter: kelly, medical ni has pworked for the police department pfor three decades, most recently pas assistant chief. pshe will be the very first pfemale chief. pshe says gender has no bare on phow she does her job. pchief raz finds the passing of pthe torch bitter sweet. pwoman: i'm going to miss you as pindividuals. preporter: after 13 years at the phelm of the police department, phe's retiring and welcoming its pnew leader. pwoman: at this moment, i feel plike the luckiest cop alive. preporter: she recently served
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olice. pher new role is what she repared for as 29 years as an pofficer. pwoman: my passion is to be pright in the thick of things. preporter: she's the department pvery first female police chief. pshe beat out more than one phundred candidates but gender is pnot something she dwells on. pwoman: i stand before you as a olice chief and the psignificance of that is not lost pon me but i don't think it pdefines me. pman: not only because -- did pshe get the job because she is a pfemale but because she deserves. pthe largest part of bradenton pcounty is manatee. pwe are pwe don't allow it. preporter: devon plans to take ptime to know the community
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pwoman: i know this area, i grew pup right over the bridge to be pable to become a police chief so pclose to home, it makes me feel plike i'm at home. preporter: the outgoing chief psays he will be spending a lot pmore time with his family and pcaring for his mother and a pnewborn grand baby. pshe will be sworn in as police pchief on tuesday, february 16th. p thanks. pa disgraced tampa attorney is pguilty of a dui is pulling the lug on his own career. phe filed a notice of dismissal pwith the state supreme court. pthey found three men of porchestrating the arrest of a prival attorney. pthe same judge recommended ermanent disbar for all of pthem. panthony rickman tells us that pseals his fate. pman: essentially, he will now
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psupreme court with a permanent pdishonor. pit means it's over. pfor the time being, it's over in racticing law, him operating a plaw firm and this case, for urposes of steven diaco is now pover. p>> the other two attorneys did pnot agree to that and they're pstill fighting to save their pcareers. pthe supreme court could hear pthose arguments coming up later pthis summer. p a man accused of beating a pfive pound chi wa wa was faced pwith cruelty charges. phe took a best interest plea. pthat means he didn't admit guilt pbut he does plead guilty any way pif he wants to avoid prison. pwhen the jury didn't find him pnot guilty, he blamed his pattorneys.
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pman: i did not do this to a plittle dog. p>> little dixie here lost her pleft eye, suffered internal pinjuries but survived and pcontinues to recover. pthe jury did find him guilty of presisting an officer without pviolence. pwith time served, he was able to pwalk out of jail a free man ptoday. p florida house bill that pwould make play time mandatory pfor elementary school students assed through the committee ptoday and the vote was punanimous. pa group of parents from the ptampa bay area was there to make psure it passed. pchris joins us now with more on pwhat happened. preporter: this started with a pfacebook group. pit has 7 hundred members and psimilar groups from other pcounties have joined in pushing pfor mandatory recess. pthey say children need that punrestricted play time. pwe're not talking about physical
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lay time to express creativity, pdevelop social skills, and just pto blow off steam. pbut their pleas to district pleaders they say, was -- presulted in a lot of excuses pabout how there's not enough ptime in the school day for precess, given all the subjects pschools are mandated to teach. pwoman: my argument was that my pboy has 3 days of pe and no precess and he needs a little bit pof a break and that you'll pactually get better results from pchildren if they are given a pmore balanced schedule with precess breaks. preporter: so the group took ptheir fight to the state level pwith the help of two prepresentatives. pthey drafted a bill mandating pthe school provide 100 minutes pof recess per week for students. ptoday, the florida house, k-12 psubcommittee took up that bill
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arents across the state, they assed it unanimously. pwoman: this should be handle d pat the local level but when it's pnot and we're presented data pthat indicates that we have a roblem, then i think it is pincumbent upon us to take the pissue. pwoman: it's not being resolved pacross florida. pit's not just this year and last pyear. pit's been many many years. pat some point, we feel the state pneeds to move in and take pcontrol. preporter: all right, well that pbill has to have two more pcommittee meetings before the pfull house could take the bill. pnow tonight, there are other pmedia reports saying the psuperintendent at tonight's pboard meeting announced that all enalis schools will have to rovide 20 minutes of recess on pdays that students don't have e. pwe're working on confirming that pfor you. p coming up, the pirates take
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pgear up and see what's in store pfor pirates and lang level palike. pman: we dug up the back yard pand haven't found it yet. p fame stre-e-e-e-eam stream, stream, stre-eam stre-e-e-e-eam stream, stream, stream when i want you
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when i want you and all your charms whenever i want you
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with cannons firing, the pirates of ye mystic krewe came calling in tampa today... p with cannons flying, the irates came calling in tampa. pthey got one treasure in mind. ptalking about the key of the pcity. pthe mayor said he's not giving pup that easy. p>> oh, he is not and the city of ptampa will not surrender. pthey made their presence known. pyou can hear them from all over. pthey started handing out beads, pof course. pgot yb pthey have their eye on the rize.
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pto the death and pointed out panother thing to them. pman: they tried to be nice, pthey wrote me a letter, couldn't pread it it was so misspelled. irates. pi don't know, let's take a vote. pshould i hold on and fight to pthe death? pand make sure that these pirates pdon't take over our city? plet's see yee. p>> those pirates aren't going to pgive up, either. pthey'll be back on saturday to pinvade and forcibly take control pof the city before they have a plittle brunch. p>> before they left, some of the irates visited local high pschools and hospitals like tampa pgeneral. pthey do this year round but it pwas extra special this week pdelivering a number of treasures pincluding the beads. pone pirate has been doing it for p11 years. pman: one of the best time today
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pthe boy in the room that had an porgan transplant. plast year, we were blessed to phave a little girl who recovered pand sent us an e-mail and was on pthe parade route. p>> the party started back in p1904 and the pirates will be pback on saturday. pthat will kick off at the irate's parade at 2:00. pand so far, mother nature seems pto enjoy the party. p>> a little el nino during the pgaspreilla times so anything pcould happen. pthankfully, the timing is right pthat the bad weather is tomorrow pand thursday and the weekend pshould be great. psunshine, around 70, good stuff. pa lot going on. pfirst things first, we'll show pyou how the day kicked off. pa lot of clouds made out for
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phere's a ha lo around the sky. pnice job, justin. plate in the day, those clouds pwhich were high early today, plowered and thickened during the pday and tim up in crystal river plooking off to the west and you pcan see the clouds thickening, a pday. pjust think a couple of days ago, pa lot of you were in the 20s and p30s for nighttime lows. ptoday, 77. pthey actually had the air pconditioning on after being in pthe 30s monday morning and the plow this morning, 52 degrees. pweather systems are on the go pand a few storms early on pwednesday as they come in from pthe gulf and some energy papproaches from the west and a pcouple of these storms could protate. pthe main threat could be the pdownstorm winds. pon top of that, even if we don't pget severe weather from tornado
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pheavy rain. pit will continue on and off ptomorrow and then maybe another pround of rain coming through on pthursday as the cold front comes pby later in the day. pas i mentioned, next two days pvery active. ptoday, well into the 70s for pdaytime highs and tropical pmoisture is rapidly coming up pfrom the south and south west. pwe've watched our land based pradars really show this rain pincrease in coverage during the ast hour or two and it's making pa bee line for us. pyou can see what's happening on pthe water vapor imagery. pthis jet stream going from p120-140 knots above us. pthis is typical of the winds in pthe northern latitude. pit's a kink back here and that pwill likely bring more pday tomorrow.
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pand sarasota counties. pthere's more broken rain down in pmaple counts. pall of this is moving our way. ptomorrow morning, you may want pto get up and early with the pkids heading out to school and pheading out to work, it's not pgoing to be a fun drive at all. pfurther down the road, here are pstorms that will head our way ptonight. pdon't be surprised late tonight por tomorrow there's a severe pthunder storm watch or tornado pwatch in effect. pthis ride is riding along the pfast jet stream and this line is pmoving our way tomorrow. pit's kind of a double whammy pfrom the south west and peventually, from the north and pnorthwest later tomorrow. pfor that reason, the storm rediction center has us in the pdarker green which is for a few pstrong or severe storms. pduring the outbreak, a couple of
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pit goes thunder storms, marginal pslight, enhance the moderate phigh which you see in the plain pstates. pnot often you would see that phere. ptemperatures now are in the 60s pand low 70s and temperatures pcompared to last night at 10:00, pincredible temperature rise. p17 degrees warmer in brooksville pand dew point is up in the 50s pand 60s. plet's track how this is going to lay out. pwatch the front as it moves our pway. prain increases over the bay area plater tonight into tomorrow pmorning and then the front moves pslowly down the peninsula. pa very wet day tomorrow. robably diminishing later in pthe day or night. robably more on thursday as pmore energy comes by from west pto east. prain and a few showers after pmidnight. pa few storms could be strong or plate. pafter that, we're locked in with pa pretty decent weekend.
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p60s and 70s and looking in the plong range, looks like very cold pweather coming our way. pmaybe thursday to sunday of next pweek. pso it stays busy. pback to you. p>> yes, it does. pel nino. p>> here we go. pnot done yet. pstill to come, will donald trump pskip thursday's big debate? p>> why he's considering that and our cosmetics line was a hit.
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developing tonight: the next republican debate fron p developing tonight, the next prepublican debate may be missing
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pdonald trump said tonight he pwill probably not participate in pthursday's big match up. phe said debate kelly did phorrible last time and he won't ut up it. pman: i'm going to be making a pdecision with fox but i probably pwon't brother doing the debate. p>> he said he'll do a fundraiser pfor wounded veterans. pnew polls show he's beating ted pcruz in the battle. p>> cruz has a pretty good shot, ptoo. preporter: with the first pcaucuses less than a week, it's pgo time in iowa. pthe air waves are cluttered with pattack ads and on the ground
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preporter: volunteers are pconstantly criticizing one pside. pman: please, nobody here vote pfor trump. phe's just -- as we say in the pmedical field, he's jpn and that pmeans "just plain nuts." preporter: marco rubio is ushing in on ted cruz. pthe latest iowa polls shows ptrump at 31 percent and cruz ptied. ptrump says he's new to running pfor office but ran for the residential nominations in p2000. pman: he's just saying lie after plie. pit's not becoming. pand he's got a problem. phe's got a very much bigger roblem a lot of people don't
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phe was born in canada. preporter: cruz topped iowa olls aon ago. pman: if donald wins iowa, he pright now has a substantial lead pin new hampshire -- if he went pon to win new hampshire as well, pthere's a good chance he could pbe unstoppable and be our pnominee. preporter: donald trump drew a pbig crowd tonight but he took a pshot from several women's rolife groups. pconcerned women of america, prights to life, and several pother organizations have said pthat they find trump punacceptable because of his past rochoice positions and his ptreatment of women. p so what if trump loses the piowa caucus? pwe asked craig patrick what a ploss would mean for his pcampaign. preporter: the polls are very
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pfavor hillary clinton in the pdemocratic race and ted cruz in pthe republican race. pthere are typically at least ptickets out of iowa and new phampshire continues to narrow pthe list. p>> the final republican debate pbefore the iowa caucuses will be pon thursday here on fox 13. pcraig patrick is going to bring pyou live coverage beginning on pthursday at noon. p still to come tonight, p10:30, it will soon being easier
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p>> the b walmart set out on a mission to find you the best oranges. to do that, we first had to find the best orange growers. we logged the miles, put in the hours, tasted a lot of fruit, and shook a lot of hands. but we did it for a reason. so that here you'll find the best oranges we've ever had. they're even backed by our 100 percent freshness guarantee. try them for yourself today at
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inellas p there's a big shift underway pwith our country's development pwith cuba. pit could boost tourism in a big pway.
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pthe us is easing a number of psanctions on cuba. pthe changes will officially pfacilitate travel from the us to pthe island nation. pman: for the first time ever, pyou're seeing the shortage of pbuses and tour guides. preporter: it will lift export ayment and financing prestrictions and allow us movies pto shoot in cuba. pus companies to be involved with pauthorized instra structure rojects. pthey restored diplomatic ties plast summer. pman: i've seen more americans pthan i expected to see. pman: the group's that are pcoming also are bigger so that pis good for business. preporter: a record number of p2015 with american visits rising p77 percent from 2014. pnow from taxi rides to meals,
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pman: it makes it hard because pthere's no wholesale stores, we phave to buy in the same stores pas everybody else and there's pnot a lot of stock. pi think in the future, you will psee challenges with electricity pgrids, water systems -- preporter: with only 63 thousand photel rooms nationwide, they're palready having booking issues. p>> since the obama padministration moved to pnormalize relations from cuba, a plot of people are looking to see phow to make more money. pone of the more unusual things pis a family right here in pflorida. p>> they have ties to the mafia. preporter: in the god father
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phas been called "the banker of pthe mafia." pman: $65 million. pwe've dug up the back yard, we phaven't found it yet. preporter: he's the grandson. phe and myer's daughter live in ptampa. pa far cry from what he built in pcuba. pthe hotel and casino. pwoman: oh, it was gorgeous. pabsolutely beautiful. pfirst of all, it was the first ptotally air conditioned hotel pthat they had. preporter: the family says in pthe late '50s, he spent between p6-8 million dollars building the priviara and then it came pcrashing down. pthey ran in 1959 as castro moved pin. pfleeing the revolution, eating pbehind millions, his family says
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pman: i have to thank our pcurrent president for opening pthose doors. pi didn't think anybody ever pwould. pi don't believe my grandfather pthought they would. preporter: he said his pgrandfather was liked and prespected by the cuba an people pthat worked at the hotel. pwoman: he was like a travelling psalesman. preporter: they never made a pclaim before with the losses, pbut with big changes in cuba, pthey believe it's worth a shot. pman: i don't believe anybody is pgoing to drop $8 million on us. pbut the property has value. preporter: once the finest in phavanna, now they search for the pfortune left behind by the pbanker of the mafia. p>> his family says they'll be ptalking with attorneys about pmaking a claim.
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pcuba when castro took over. phe was finally let go months plater. p they're threatening a plawsuit in a public prayer pcontroversy. pbefore a state football pchampionship in december, they phad masters e-mail the athletic passociation and ask for ermission to use the loud pspeaker for a pregame prayer. pthe game was against the puniversity of jacksonville and ptheir request was denied. pa spokes person said the use of pthe pa system for a prayer would pviolate federal law. pit would give the impression pthat the state was endorsing a preligion. phowever, they said the denial is pa violation of the first pamendment. pthe school wants an apology in
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pman: religion freedom is psomething that god gave to us pand we're supposed to respect it pand they didn't. p>> we're told that using the pa psystem for a prayer dates back pto the '60s. pthey held a joint mid field rayer. puniversity of christian won the pgame 61-16. p coming up, a fake priest
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p>> you have to see how coming up tonight at 11... a florida woman who lost her husband in a helicopter crash... has this message for others. 3 months after her family's tragedy... this widow is speaking out... you've gotta hear what she says has happened to her... that lets her know... her husband is still around. 3 and... a crumbling sea wall threatening to send homes and buildings into the pacific. families are evacuating... but finding somewhere else to go is a struggle. see why.. tonight at eleven. 3 3 a man who has claimed to be a catholic priest for more
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run! p eye a man who claimed to be pa catholic priest for many years pis now on the run. p>> he fooled a lot of people all pacross the country. preporter: he's known as father pirwin. psince the mid 1990s, he's been pcelebrating masses at churches pthroughout california. pthey say they loved him who they pdescribed as friendly and pcharming. pman: he started the praying pgroups and they asked him to do pa mass for us. preporter: he did. pholding mass, prayer meetings, aid counselling sessions, and pnights of confession. pthis man says he confessed his psins to the father. pwhat he didn't know at the time pis that father irwin is not preally a priest.
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pfox 11 news obtained this search pwarrant which details what he pwas exactly up to. phe is 49 years old. phis latest ploy, selling tickets pto a pilgrimage to new york to pvisit pope. phe made up $15,000 from punsuspecting victims. pthey say they know people who pwere swindled. pman: he started asking for pmoney, people started writing phim checks. preporter: police documents say phe's been passing himself off as pa roman catholic priest since pthe mid '90s across california. phis latest deceptions were held pin los angeles.
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pscam. phe knew how to deceive people. peveryone is surprised. preporter: the arch die sist put phim on a list. phe swindled cash and pdisappeared. pman: he has time to scam, he pnever came back, he never led a pmass again. preporter: detectives wouldn't pcomment on camera about this pinvestigation. pbut we were told he is on the prun. pif you see this man, you're pasked to contact the lapd. pman: makes you sad and more mad pbecause he plays with the eople. p>> and catholic pa rishs have
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ptheir facebook pages. pthey're warning people to be on pthe lookout for this guy. p we're going to check in at pthe senior bowl where the bucks pare working to get ready for the pdraft. p after seeing a lightning 7 pgame winning streak snap, he has pone things he wants to see from pthem. p acrobats3 police skill and the sarasota deputy who's already had to use it twice.... the new rise of heroin, tonight at eleven. ******
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3 we are following a news alert from st. pete. p we've got fox news alert pcoming in the newsroom out of pst. pete. pa woman riding a motorized pwheelchair has been killed in a pcrash. pit happened just a short time pago. olice tell us that she was hit pby a person who was driving a pleks us and the driver did stop pto help. pwhile police can investigate the pcrash, we do have a crew on the pway and we'll bring you an pupdate at 11:00. p let's see what's trending ptonight. phere's a look at one of the top
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pcheck this out. pwoman: did you find everything pokay, sir? pwhaaaat? pwoman: and there's your pbeautiful baby. p>> they have narrowed 45 hundred psubmissions down to three pfinalists and that was one of pthem. pwhoever wins the contest gets p$1 million. pwho doesn't love animals though? p>> looks like there's going to pbe a lot of them, too. pthe money they've spent for pthese commercials. pwe've all seen wind tunnels for ractice to making jumps. porlando has opened those to the ublic.
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ptubes to new heights. pthese are the indoor games. pamazing competition in pacrobatics, athletes performed pin the tubes where the wind pspeeds reach up to 80 miles an phour. p>> it's like the cirque de. pthat's pretty cool. p>> fluctuating, the winds speed ptoo from top to bottom. p>> it looks like they're hanging pthere. pi did it in orlando and it's so pmuch harder than you can pimagine. pevery movement of your finger pcould make it dictate where you pgo and how you spin. p>> there's a reason they have phelmets on. p>> it's amazing. pit almost looks like something pdone in a movie. p>> that's really cool.
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pthree-year-old trending also. plisten. paw, she is precious. pher name is claire crosby and pshe's singing the song from the plittle mer maid. pher father recorded it. p>> very good. p>> she's got it. p>> and she knows every word and pnuance. pher dad recorded it and she
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pnow everybody loves to watch it. pyou can see why. p>> precious. p>> definitely a cutie. p how about this? psitting idol since saturday has pcaught the lightning some ground pin the eastern conference pstanding. pall the way down to 7th place in pthe east, they host toronto ptomorrow. plightning worked out in brandon pthis morning. ptwo days of spirited practices pshut this team up nicely for the pupcoming all star game. pcooper says that 7 game winning pstreak is over. pbut you know what, 7 games in 8 pgames going into the break would pbe a nice push into the second phalf. pman: it is and that's why i pthink having this little bit of pa few days off here -- hopefully
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pi watched the last two teams phave streaks, they had to play pright away. pmaybe it will be a good refocus pfor us. p>> alabama for the senior bowl. pthey arrive, not with the same pintention they had a year ago pwhen they held the top pick in pthe nfl draft. pthey have to fix the defense. pjust one defensive player in the plast two drafts, life should phave limited eyes this week. pthe bucks desperately need guys pwho can hoped up front. pthey might not use any of the pguys on the senior bowl. pthey are juniors that are coming pout. phe fits the bucks need for speed pat the edge. p jim is moving forward to pspring game to prime time. pit will be on friday night, papril 8th, and that's different pthan the normal saturday
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pgood recruiting tool because pit's going to be the only game pon during the time. pthe acc finalizes the team's pfootball schedule. phere are key games. pthey open the season pseptember 8th. pfsu comes to raymond james to ptake on usf. pthat game drew a huge crowd last ptime here. poctober they play miami and pclemson. pand the showdown with florida pwill be november 25th. p up in boston take on bc, fsu pchasing the eagles most of the pfirst half. psmith comes off the bench to pslam it in right there with pthree and a half minutes in the phalf. pand then a triple. pfsu grabs a five point lead at pthe break and then it's more pbeezly in the second half.
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pand they boat beat bc.
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pwe're going to take in this line of work only the freshest ingredients make the cut it's important to me to know every dish i serve is the best it can be. especially for this food critic. publix bakery scratch made bread we bake it in store every day with pride so you can serve it with some
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p we'll start off by showing pyou the weather pic winner ptonight.
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pumbrella (paul) 3 3 (mark here are today's winning florida lottery numbers..lottery numbers.. winning florida here are today's (mark pumbrella . pbands of heavy rain during the pafternoon. pand then thursday, the biggest pband of rain will shift south pand southeast. pany one of these storms, there pwill likely be light winds. pflooding rains are a ossibility. psome rainfall totals could pexceed three inches in spots and palso some lightning. pagain, we're going to track it,
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pof it, we'll have more coming up pduring the 11:00 news cast. pback to you. p america is feeling pretty pgood about shelling out money pafter the holiday shopping. pimproving job market, big preasons why. pand that gave investors some pconfidence. pmarket way up on tuesday. pother thing helping, you got plower oil prices. pseems folks could be losing in papple. pget this, the company gained a pdisappointment when it sold only pabout 75 million iphones last pquarter. pthat was a bit fewer than pexpected. p meantime, home values are pheading higher. rices for single family homes psoaring in november. pbut the same time a year ago, pthey're five percent below the pall time high hit back in july, p2006. p look at the medical field.
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pgists are bringing home the most aid. p175 grand a year. pnot too shabby. p the cast three today, 077, p649 the night numbers. p0649, 7554. opular bald eagle couple pwelcoming a new baby today. p>> yes, you're looking at a live icture of the nest. pbeautiful cameras set up there pin north fort myers. pyou can see the mother eagle psleeping and guarding her pbabies. pthere are two eggs. pone hatched early this morning. pthe chik is a tiny ball of gray pfluff and the others are going pto hatch at any time. pnow we're just waiting. pand here's some video of them pfrom earlier today, too. pthe mother and the father, pthey're taking turns sitting on pthe egg and bringing food in and
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pand we saw them even bring some
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