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tv   FOX 13 1100 News  FOX  February 3, 2016 1:00am-1:30am EST

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bronco is a handsome fellow. millie is a little fatter. we got her out of a shelter in san gabrielle, millie. very happy, very lucky dog. >> is she in love, george? i want to service everything. >> let's not say i want to service everything. >> no more tequila. >> i was looking out for millie. by the way, george, call me. i'll come over with bronco for that play date we talked about. >> one shot of tequila and dog.
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music: "another sunny day" by belle and sebastian such a shame it's labeled a "getaway." life should always feel like this. hampton. we go together. always get the lowest price, only when you book direct
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tag time, we are counting down to the grammys on cbs. and we asked what is your pick for record of the year? bruno mars. i say this, because bruno leaves it all on the stage with his performances. well said deb. ed sheeran, thinking out loud. love this song forever. i sure love uptown funk but taylor swift should win this hands down. what do you think? >> i in palabama causing chaos.
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pstill exists in the area. pnew right now at 11:00, this pwinter haven dad is accused of pbringing his young daughter to phelp him shoplift from walmart. plooks like he didn't take into paccount the security cameras pthere. pjosh has details from haven. p>>reporter: this guy isn't going pto be winning any father of the pyear awards. pnot only was his daughter with phim here at walmart when he was pstealing, but she was in on it, ptoo. pmost parents teach their kids pnot to steal. pwe're seeing just the opposite phere. pthe guy in the pictures is tommy pjunior and that's his young pdaughter with him. pthey're at the walmart. phis plans were simple, to leave pwithout paying a dime for panything in his cart, including pthat expensive motorized toy. p>>woman: he obviously knew pexactly what he was going to do.
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phad a back up plan in place if pthey were to be questioned. phe told his daughter to claim pshe'd thrown the receipt and pchange away so there was no aper trail. p>>woman: a child is not going to pmake that up on a fly. pabsolutely not good parenting. p>>reporter: tips and good psurveillance shots helped police ptrack him down. phe's charged with grand theft pand contributing to the pdelynning wanes of a minor. p>>woman: to have a parent teach ptheir kid to steal is terrible. p>>man: why are you going to pteach that at such a young age. pshe's damaged for her adult phood. p>>reporter: it would appear the plessons would go beyond right pand wrong. p>>woman: involving a child in psome kind of criminal activity pis absolutely unforgiveable and pwe will make you pay for it. p>>reporter: he is at jail ptonight.
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pwild video out of alabama. pwestern alabama, a strong ptornado spotted sweeping across pthat part of the state there. pbusinesses, obviously took down ower lines and trees. pno major injuries reported, at pstate. ptornado watches are still in peffect at this hour. pwhat's it looking like now? p>> it's still going on now, pchris. pwe have active tornado watches pas you mentioned. ptornado. pthis one is ten miles south west pof aliceville in alabama. psome of the damage from the ptornado is in this video here pfrom the city of mcmullen. pdamage there, you can see homes, pdown trees, power lines, as you pmentioned, you biggest news out pof this is that so far we've had
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pwe've been talking about this psevere weather threat for pseveral days now and so that's pthe good news. pyou get the warning out days in padvance, seven days in advance pin this case, and then tornado pwarnings, as advanced as they pare, you hope people are able to pshelter themselves. peverywhere that you see one of pthese red marks here, that's a preport of a tornado. pagain, several in in pmississippi, even toward alabama pjust west of birmingham and the pline pushes east ward. pwe still have two active tornado pwatches right now. pit's this batch over mississippi pand alabama that we're paying pclose attention to. pas we head into the rest of the povernight period, you can see pthe line of storms continuing to pshift east ward, they should
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ptornado threat but still a pstrong wind gust threat even pinto the day on wednesday and pthat continues to shift east pward and even into the pan phandle by later on wednesday pafternoon. pas far as the severe weather pthreat, there it is now. pa slight enhanced risk by ptomorrow. pwe're looking at a marginal risk pand then by thursday, the time pthat line gets here, we're plooking at just general thunder pstorm risk out there. pno big severe weather threat for pus. pi'll have more details on that pand a bit of temperature roller pcoaster coming up later on. p thank you very much. pdeveloping tonight, a man pscheduled to die next week has pbeen given an indefinite stay of pexecution. phere's why. pthe state supreme court says pthis convicted killer cannot be ut to death until it figures pout how to apply a us supreme pcourt ruling that declared pflorida's death penalty punconstitutional. pthe question is does that ruling papply to those already
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pfox 13's evan is here to explain pwhat this means for everyone pelse on the death row. p>>reporter: chris, it's been a plong day, it could mean that peveryone on death row could have ptheir sentences either thrown pout or commuted. pthere are 390 people on death prow and they're all waiting to psee how the state supreme court phandles the case of lambracks. pit could decide he's still set pto die because he was convicted pbefore the process. phowever, it could say that the psupreme court violated the sixth pamendment right to a trial by pjury. ublic defenders and legal pexperts we spoke to said preopening sentences for all pthose cases would be incredibly pexpensive, impractical and ainful for families to reopen
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p>>man: if you're going to go pback to open 390 cases, you're popening all the wounds and pmaking it worse for some people pwho have had closure. p>>reporter: but, pending cases pare also in flux today. plawyers for accused killer pandres argued in a pretrial phearing that the state shouldn't pbe allowed to seek the death enalty against him until the pstate legislature writes a new plaw. pthey took a first step in doing pthat to create a fix. ptheir colleagues in the state psenate are also working on a pfix. p something we'll definitely phave to follow. plook at this video, a bad guy pmay have picked the wrong store pto rob. phe was in for quite the surprise pwhen the store clerk turned the
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psurveillance video shows the pclerk pum malling the suspect. pwe're hearing from that hero pstore clerk. phe's an army veteran. phe's seen plenty more danger pthan this guy. p>>reporter: this surveillance pvideo from the sheriff's office pshows an armed robber pointing a pgun at the clerk demanding pmoney. pit happened last tuesday her at pthe vp gas station. p>>man: he was using a lot of rofanity, telling me to put the pmoney in the bag. p>>reporter: but things didn't go pas planned, for the robber that pis. p>>man: i went into training pmode. pi got the gun away as fast as i pcould and inflicted pain. p>>reporter: he's an army veteran pthat did five tours in iraq as a pspecialist.
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pwell for the robber. p>>man: he made the first pmistake, he took the gun out and pi was able to take control of pthe situation. p>>reporter: even though the gun pwas fake, at the time, david pdidn't know that. phe was able to grab the gun and ut the suspect in a choke hold. pyou can see him punching him pmultiple times. p>>man: a little bit right here, phe was close enough to me and pthat's when i knew i had a pchance. pas soon as i got him to look paway. p>>reporter: dropping the money, pthe robber runs out of the pstore. p>>man: tried to get away as fast pas he could. p>>reporter: tonight, the robber pis still on the run and this phusband and father of five hopes phe's caught. p>>man: having a gun pointed at pyour face changes you and over p$60 is not worth ruining psomebody's life.
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pincome residents overcome drug pabusers is scrambling for money. pthe program is called hope now pand helps people beat their drug paddiction and rejoin society. pcommissioners say they have pserious concerns about the eople running the program. pafter reading a report by the pcounty's inspector general. pit includes sloppy financial precords, a lack of fund rasing pand inappropriate spending by pthe former executive director pwho the board fired three weeks pago. pcommissioners voted today to pterminate the contract. pit's a staggering blow pconsidering the contract prepresents about 85 percent of pits budget. p>>man: it's heart breaking for pme. pwe're not going to be able to pserve the capacity of people pthat we've been serving.
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pat this time, continuing to pinvest in the investigation of phope now. p>> they have 60 days to find psimilar programs for the men and pwomen in their facility. pthe interim executive director phopes that someone in the pcommunity will invest in hope pnow so that it can continue to phelp people reclaim their lives. p big brother will be watching pover all eight fire stations in pclear water. pthey order that surveillance pcameras be installed inside and poutside the fire houses. pthis comes after three cases of psexual misconduct of pfirefighters. pthe cameras were first precommended in 2012. psince then, two more pindiscretions. pthe most recent of those pinvolving a lieutenant and pfemale. p>>man: we want to do the right pthing.
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pdon't want to underreact but we pknow the standards and bee have pa responsibility to protect all pof our employees. p>> they're going to figure out phow to install and properly use pthe cameras. psome areas will remain punmonitored. p new tonight, raymond james pmissed the cut. pthe stadium will not be preceiving money that could've phelped pay for upcoming prenovations. pthey did not put in the pnecessary paper work on time. pthose renovations include larger pscore boards, a better sound psystem and upgraded concessions. pthe goal was to attract other pevents. pfortunately, the team can preapply for the grant money next
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p an emotional moment on pcamera has given this teenager pthe boost he needs. p>>man: it's really organ pdonation. eople were commenting on the pvideo i just went and signed up ptoday. p>> you've seen this guy's video. pa heart transplant patient pthat's using his story to help pothers. pthat's all new. p you write a will for your pmoney and personal possessions pbut what about for your online paccounts? pyour facebook, twitter, pinstagram, all that stuff. pthere's a bill in florida that pcan help you manage those pdigital (singing) i just can't wait to meet you, sweet child you're on the way, i'm filled with expectation, and you're growing everyday...
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(singing) i just can't wait to meet you, sweet child you're on the way, i'm filled with expectation, and you're growing everyday...
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3 there's a good chance that today, you posted something on facebook or sent out p there's a better than good pchance that you've posted psomething on facebook or sent a ptweet. pdid you ever think about who has pcontrol of your pages after you pdie? pwe're going to explain how a pbill could change how people in pflorida are writing their wills. p>>reporter: people in florida pwould be able to designate pcustodians of their digital passets. phen you die, that person would
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paccess to all of your accounts. pthe custodian could preserve pcrucial information that they pmay not otherwise be able to paccess due to privacy prestrictions. pthis adjusted version requires paccount owners to sign a will pclearly stating who will get ptheir passwords. pjoseph realized the demand for pthis years ago and adjusted his planguage in his documents and pestate planning. p>>man: i also had a number of eople that died that did all ptheir banking online and no one pknows the passwords. psometimes their health care is ponline, all hidden behind the ass word. pit's important to give someone pthe pass word and power to use pit. p>>reporter: you have the option pif choosing a legacy contact who
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pwithout the power to post as pview or see messages. pyou can opt to have your page pdeleted if you die. pof course this bill will give pyour custodian full access to pall your information. pas it stands, the bill passed punanimously. pa companion bill is making its pway through the state house. p>> oh, the things we must think pabout now before we pass on. pall right thanks. p hillary clinton's narrow win pwas the closest in history. pnow the candidates are in new phampshire. pbernie sanders said he won't pcontest the numbers in iowa and phe's confident about his chances pin new hampshire. phe has a lot of support there pleading clinton by double digits pin most polls. pon the republican side, iowa pwinner ted cruz is still lashing
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pdonald trump was surprisingly phumble. p>>man: iowa has said notice that pthe republican nominee and the pnext president of the united pstates will not be chosen by the pmedia. p>>man: we finish second and i pwant to tell you something, i'm pjust honored, i'm really honored pand i want to congratulate ted. p>> humbler donald trump? pi don't know. pmarco rubio was a close third pand martin o'malley dropped out pof the races after poor showings plast night. pthat's still a week away. eople in iowa are glad they pvoted yesterday though because pthey had some wicked storms move pin there. p>> who knows what's going to phappen in new hampshire now. pit's winter time but -- p>> but according to punxsutawney hil, they can put on their pshorts.
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pwhatever punxsutawney phil says pand doing the opposite. p>> i'll trust you. p>> phil is a punk. phe's a weather punk. p>> he's got a job. p>> you have to watch out how you ick him up, though. pcheck this out, time lapse from ptoday, foggy start to the day. pwe take you through the time plapse and you see the fog prolling in and out of the pbeaches. pthat's that sea fog and we're pgetting into the time of the pyear where we start to see a plittle more in the way of sea pfog. pit's starting to get a little pcloser to the coast line. pwe'll see the sea fog expand ptonight but winds a little pstronger tonight than last pnight. pthat should prevent the pwidespread fog that we saw last pnight. pthe front arriving thursday with pheavy rain possible. plooks like the best chance for pheavier rain would be the pfarther north you get.
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pbeen sped up a bit. pa little more on saturday pevening at this point. p82 the high today, 62 the low. pincredibly warm early february pday. p73 in tampa, 72 in bradenton, pupper 60s to near 70 inland. pthat's pretty cripple. pyou have these temperatures at p11:00 on february 2nd. pthat's a pretty warm and mild pand muggy evening. pwind wise, just a little bit pstronger than yesterday. peverything coming out of the psoutheast. pbut since it's stroong nger, it pdoesn't allow the fog to settle pin. pwe'll wait to see if the winds pdrop overnight. pfog doesn't look like a concern povernight tonight. pdoesn't mean we won't see it
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pwake up tomorrow morning. pbefore the front drops through pand pushes that fog out of the icture by later on thursday pafternoon. pas far as satellite and radar pgoes, not much happening over pthe state, there's the severe pweather occurring across pmississippi now and alabama. pas it shifts east, we'll talk pabout all the energy in the patmosphere with that severe pweather riding to our north. pnot expecting any severe weather paround here on thursday. pthere's the front continuing to ush on through that band of pshowers as early as later ptomorrow or tomorrow evening poccurring north of tampa. pand then making its way south pward into thursday afternoon and pthursday evening and then ushing south thursday night. pby friday, we're talking about pcooler and breezier conditions. pstate fair, not the best of popening days. prain occurring on the first day pof the fair. p72 at 1:00 p.m. 67 by 5:00 p.m.
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pdoes look to be in the afternoon pand into the evening. pyour recap for tonight, 69 pdegrees, areas of fog pdeveloping. p79 for tomorrow. pstill warm and humid. plate shower possible but best pchance of shower would be the pfurther north you go and the pcloser to the coast you get. pforecast for thursday, 73, pshowers and storms, heavy rain ossible. phere's your 7-day forecast. pwe'll get through this system, pdrop temperature on friday. pnext system on saturday, 50 ercent rain chances in the pafternoon and evening. plingering storms on sunday. pand then mid 60s and dry to pstart next week. p coming up, his first words pwaking up with a new heart were pall caught on camera. palthough he had some trouble pspeaking, his message, his pemotion was very clear.
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pabout a team with a aha! oof! weee! slurp. mmmmmm. cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk. cinnamon toast crunch. crunch! crave those crazy squares.
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p>>man: are you feeling good? p>>man: amazing. p>> who can forget that? pthat's 15-year-old trefor the pmoment he woke up from heart ptransplant surgery. pthat was a few months ago and it pgave the teenager world wide pattention. pbut he's going to do something ositive with his platform. phow he's spreading the word pabout organ donation. p>>reporter: it's mid november pand for the first time in pmonths, trevor can breathe. pthe raw emotional moment reveals poverwhelming joy and relief. psharing it makes him proud. p>>man: i'm glad it's doing the pright thing and promoting organ pdonation. pthat's what i wanted it to do. p>>reporter: and that's what he
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phe's back at his old stopping pground talking to kids about pheart health and organ donation. phe seems to have a bad cold but pthe truth is, he is suffering pfrom severe heart failure from pan undiagnosed heart defect. p>>man: it was pushing down on my plung and i couldn't breathe pgood. p>>reporter: he left with a pdonated heart and huge scar. pthat's quite a battle scar. p>>man: yeah. p>>reporter: are you going to be roud of this scar? p>>man: oh, a little. p>>reporter: you should be. p>>man: it's kind of cool. p>>reporter: trevor is breathing pbetter every day and feels the ponly way he can begin to say pthank you is to keep sharing his pstory. p>>man: it's promoting organ pdonation. pwe'll have people commenting on
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