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tv   FOX 13 1100 News  FOX  February 9, 2016 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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here's cynthia, and chris! 3 right now at eleven: in new hampshire... donald trump and bernie sanders come out on top. we're hearing from the winners. 3 we have complete results from this year's *first presidential primary. 3 a shoplifting suspect... dies trying to get away. how it all unfolded. 3 that's 10... 15... 20 *credit cards a year! the tactic that's giving shoppers *more... and hurting their credit score *less... 3 3
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of the *first presidential primary of 20-16. donald trump and bernie sanders... cruised to victory tonight in snowy new hampshire. 3 fox 13 political editor craig patrick... joins us now with all the p political editor craig atrick who joined the actions. p>> the democratic race was a pwipeout. pbernie sanders was leading phillary clinton in the regular olls by 13 points but he blows pher out by 24 points. pthat's great news for bernie psanders be tonight. pin the republican race, not even pclose. pthis is donald trump country, pnew hampshire. p34 percent for donald trump. phe wins independent voters. plate deciders, john kasich in psecond place followed by jeb pbush and ted cruz separated by
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pmarco rubio a very disappointing pfifth place for him followed by pchris christie followed up by pcarly fiorina. pbut i want to give you sound pfrom donald trump thanking his privals and john kasich on the pimportance retail politics. p>>man: to be victorious against pthese people, even if it's for pone week, a number of them pcalled and i just wanted to pthank them, i just wanted to pcongratulate the other pcandidates. pnow that i got that over with, pit's always tough but that's the pway it is. p>>man: this is the hard place pthat changed the world. pguys are sleeping on mattresses pin the campaign head quarters pand they hold up a hot plate pwhere they're eating their flood ood. p>>reporter: that's the kind of pspeech marco rubio had hoped to pgive and it did not play out for phim. phe's stuck in fifth place after pa rough week. phere is how marco rubio
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p>>man: i know many people pdisappointed. pi'm disappointed with tonight. pbut i want you to understand psomething, our disappointment ptonight is not on you, it's on pme. pi did not do well on saturday pnight. pso listen to this, that will pnever happen again. pthat will never happen again. p>>reporter: all right, to do pbetter, he met with thunder papplause in marco rubio's room pbut we have a new contender and pthat's john kasich. p>> it is amazing that he rose pout of the pile. pwhat about the democratic side? p>>reporter: it was a difficult ploss but new hampshire had been
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pbased on where she stands, she's pfacing a lot of momentum from pbernie sanders. pi want to show you what sanders phad to say. pthis will resinate, take a look. p>>man: what the people here have psaid is that given the enormous pcrisis facing our country, it's pjust too late for the same old, psame old establishment politics pand establishment economics, the eople want real change. p>>reporter: this is something pthat hillary clinton will have pto address. pshe will have to explain that pshe's not the same old, same pold. pshe can do this by selling out a pvision that resinates with pdemocratic voters, particularly rogressives within her own arty. pbut given the beating she took ptonight, moving forward, that pwon't be easy. p>> nope, i'm sure it won't. pand on to the next one.
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p-- thank you so much, craig. psouth carolina will hold its pfirst in the south primary for prepublicans. pbut the real action, that comes pmarch 1st. palso known as super tuesday. pthat's a 13 state primary it's a pbig one. p new at this hour, a case of pshoplifting at a local walmart ptook a tragic turn. pthe suspect, a 64-year-old man pdied after being detained. phe swiped hundreds of dollars pworth of dvds on the store psunday morning. pjosh reports, investigators are pnow trying to determine exactly pwhat happened after workers pconfronted him. p>>reporter: the final hours of pkenneth's life are far from pideal. p>>man: he died during committing pa criminal act. p>>reporter: the investigation
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pthe 64-year-old was shoplifting p$380 worth of dvds from the pwalmart when he was confronted pby employees, he took off prunning and then fell to the pground and they realized that he pwasn't breathing. p>>man: it's unfortunate for us pas a community and the employees pof walmart that had to deal with pthis. p>>reporter: they all did what pthey could to resuscitate him pbut he died at the hospital 12 phours later. pwalmart says it's cooperating pwith police and has suspended pthe employees involved in the pincident pending the outcome of pthe investigation, which they psay is standard procedure. p>>man: it just puts things in erspective, i guess. phis blood pressure went up when pthey chased him. p>>man: he shouldn't have done pwhat he did but in the end, a ptragedy happens. p>>reporter: he has been arrested
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pburglary and grand theft. pthat was last year. p>>man: the fact that he died pduring a criminal act, that's pstill somebody's brother, psister, a father possibly. p>>reporter: moving forward, olice need to know what the pcause of death is in this case. pwhat exactly led to his death. pthat's up to the medical pexaminer's office. pwe're told the answer is still ending. p well, tonight tampa police pare looking for a person of pinterest in a deadly shooting at pa strip club over the weekend. panother man died of his injuries ptoday, three days after the pincident. pcrystal clark spoke to family pand friends of one of the pvictims at a candle light vigil. pthey're hoping to get an arrest psoon. p>>reporter: yeah, but they need pthe community's help for it to phappen. pthey're hoping someone who knows pthe man will speak up before
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ptampa police released these psurveillance photos of the strip pclub. psomeone opened fire at 2:00 a.m. pon saturday. p21-year-old was killed inside pthe club. pthis morning, chris houston also assed away from his gunshot pwound at his local hospital. phe was 20 years old. pfamily members say he was only pat the club for a few moments to ick up a friend when the pbullets started flying. phe did not deserve to die that pway. pwhat he deserves now is justice. p>>man: he only went in the club pfor ten seconds. pten seconds literally. pand his life was gone. p>>man: anyone that knows psomething, say something. pthe no snitching policy must pend. p>>reporter: crime stoppers is poffering a $3,000 reward for pinformation that leads to an parrest. pthey say several people have preached out to them since psaturday and right now, they're
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p>> maybe something will break psoon. p a sad story this evening pwhere deputies are investigating pa possible murder/suicide. pthey found the bodies of a pmother and son at their home pmonday night. pand they think that 89-year-old pkay and her son a 69-year-old pjerry died of gunshot wounds. phe left a note indicating that phis mother had alzheimer's and phe had trouble taking care of pher. pthey believe he shot his mother pand then himself. pthe investigation is still pongoing p an olympic qualifying psailing race had to be called poff because of the high wind and psurf conditions. pabout 20 boats in the wind pfleeing their captains into the pwater. pbut organizers had planned ahead pfor something like this. pthey had safety boats pulling
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pno one was injured but several pboats were damaged. p>>man: you just hang on and hope pyou don't leave the boat. pif you do, you hope a safety pboat comes to pick you up. p>> yeah and the weather put a pdamper on vacation plans. pit was way too cold for beach pgoers. pwe saw many of them out there pbundled up out there. p>>woman: they wanted towels and play on the beach but oh, well, pwe'll make the best of it. p>> the race will pick up ptomorrow but there's a high surf padvisory expected tomorrow as pwell. palso a rip current warning that pshould last until thursday. pwe'll see if there are any more roblems. p>> the atlantic and the gulf. p the pope county school board pwill decide what happens to the pschool superintendent. pthey're going to vote on whether pto keep her even though she was paccused of misconduct. pafter associate superintendent
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phe accused her of sexual pharassment, pursuing a prelationship beyond professional pboundaries and created a hostile pwork environment when he pdeclined. p>>man: i have lost confidence in pher ability to continue leading pthe public school system. p>>man: we do need to be fair to panyone involved. pbut obviously first, we have an pobligation to our students. p>> well the vote now scheduled pfor this friday at 5:00 and pwe'll let you know how it goes. p the city has approved reliminary plans for the psupermarket. pthe mayor calls this the last pmissing piece in downtown. pthey're going to build the tower pfirst and then the public. pconstruction should start early
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pthe stores should open in 2017. pthey're saying that's what will pmake channel five a local pcommunity. p>> lots of people living there pare hoping this will happen psoon. p coming up, we'll have the pcause of shopping with a whole plot of plastic. p>>man: it could be a wonderful penabler but could also be a when pweapon of individual pdestruction. p11:26. p are you ready for some pracing? pit's almost grand free time pagain in st. pete, you'll see phow last year's winner helped pyear's track. pstuck. pif you want more chill, you got pa good 7-day forecast coming up.
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that's how last year's firestone p. p>> yeah, that's how last year's pfire stone ended. pwho better to get this year's pstarted? pmontoya, he returned to help the pmayor get all ramped up. pit's only four weeks away. p>> they're having it two weeks pearlier than they usually did pbecause they decided that this pis one of their signature events pand they wanted to continue to pbe the first race in the season. pit's a beautiful back drop in pst. pete. ptoday the mayor was there to pjoin race organizers for the pfirst block of the course right pthere along bay shore drive. pover the next few weeks, you'll psee workers constructing a 1.8
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pfencing going up. plast year's winner, pablo was phere for today's ceremony and he psaid it's nice to see the city pwithout having to worry about pcrashing into it. p>>man: you know the view on tv plooks beautiful but when you're pracing, you really focused on pwhat you're doing. pyou're trying to keep off the pwall. pit's how close can you be to the pwalls without hitting them. p>> the fire stone grand pre runs pmarch 11th-13th. plast year brought about 140 pfans, volunteers, and workers to pst. pete. pthat's an economic impact p$48 million. p i'll take this one as well. pwe can share it. pthey have a k-9 who was honored ptoday. pthis k-9 was shot in the line of pduty. phe's the most highly decorated pk-9.
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pand his family were responding pto the domestic dispute. pthey chased down the guy until phe caught them. phe got a purple heart and medal pof monthor from the sheriff's poffice this morning. p>>man: he did just as he was psupposed to do. phe caught the guy and did hysically apprehend the guy and pthat's when he was shot. pon the bad guy's leg. p>> his handler, they were also phonored. pyou can see he's doing great and phe's back at work. p>> we're hoping for a recovery phere. pwe have the update on the baby peagles. peveryone was watching them. pone of them had to be removed pfrom the nest after it became ptangled in the fishing line. pyou're thinking how did the pfishing line get in the net. phere's what happened, the pfishing line they say was
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pdad eagle brought back to the pnest to feed the babies. pthe 12 day old got the foot ptangled in it. pthat's why it's a good thing pthat we have the camera because pthat's how wildlife officers and pofficials saw that the eagle pneeded rescuing and they removed phim from the rest and took him pto a wildlife center to help him pout. phis foot was very swollen but he pwill recover and will be preturned as soon as possible. pthe other eagle et is doing pfine. p>> this is a huge problem for pall of our birds these days. pdon't cut the line, pull it back pin and see what you can do for pthe bird. p>> i didn't see it but they said pon the camera you could see the arents that were visibly upset. pthey've had eagles to contend pwith high winds out there. pwe saw the video earlier from pclear water today, the boats poverturning. p>> it was unbelievable and last
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pit was tough. pyou're in bed and you hear the phowl outside. pwe don't usually see a lot of pwind at night. pwinds still up tonight and the psky today, talk about fast pmoving clouds, they're whipping pfrom west to east, they're pcaught on the wind flow. pi bet you winds at that level pblowing 60-70 miles an hour. pcomes fast from the west. pwe're going to stay with breezy pconditions overnight but not as otent as they were 24 hours pago. pback in november and december, eople saying oh, what's the pdeal with this el nino thing, pevery day is 85-90. pwe only had one day out of 31 pdays in december that had below pnormal temperatures. pthe switch was flipped, we've pgotten active.
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pwith it rain and multiple days pof below average. pand in february, five days so pfar below average. ptomorrow will be and most days pthrough the first half of next pweek, should have below average ptemperatures. phere's the calendar. pwe went four in the row at the pbeginning of the month above paverage, including a record ptying 84 last wednesday and then pthe cold front went by, five pdays in a row below average and pmore days to come. pno doubt about that. pthe weather map is simple. pyou have a trough along the east pcoast and energy going by that pincreases the wind and preenforces the cold air. pthat's happening now. pthis little dash line comes pthrough. ptonight, the winds stay up. psustained at 24. pgusting to 22 in tampa. pstill pretty active wind around. pyou can see it's a monster
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pthis is coming up through palberta and driving south into pthe gulf coast and spins up the peast coast. pcould be another big storm up pthe east coast next week. pbottom line, as long as there's pa trough in the east and a ridge pin the west, we still chilly. pthe overall trend still favors pbelow average temperatures for pus. psnowing tonight in the sand phills of south carolina, snow pthrough tennessee, snowed pretty pgood for a while in atlanta. pcincinnati has had snow. psnowing in west virginia. p55 in tampa, 56 in sun city pcenter, 57 in sarasota. pand then mid 50s as you head pinland. pwe're 55. pdew point is 40. ptonight, we're going to stay artly cloudy, breezy and
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pno frost and no freeze. ptoo much wind with the water. psome passing clouds, a fair pamount of sunshine tomorrow, 58. pthursday, we're warming up to p62. pwe could approach 70 on friday pbut there's more sun and chill pvalentine's day. p65. pchance of showers monday and ptuesday. pback to you. p going to cuddle up on pvalentine's day. pthere you go. pcoming up, it seems more of us pare trying out extreme credit pcard debt. p>> speaking of valentine's day, pit's a trend that calls for pcarrying multiple credit cards pat once and can give you a lot pof in 1934, steak 'n shake decided the world didn't need another hamburger. it needed a steakburger. so they used 100 percent beef. quick seared to seal in the flavor ... ... you'll only get from a steakburger. steak 'n shake,
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with havertys furniture, your
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our presidents day sale is happening now. from classic to contemporary, havertys. it's like musi p yeah, that's music to pshoppers ears. pexperts are handing out advice
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pmore credit cards, think about pthat, in order to reap the pbenefits of points, miles and pother perks. p>> i've often wondered about pthis and they say you can do pthis and improve your credit pscore, really? pit does come with a risk. p>>man: it can be a wonderful penabler but also can be a weapon pand individual destruction. p>>reporter: he co-founded p>>man: it's difficult to get pyour credit back once you've plost it. p>>reporter: along with every pother credit expert banker, reach caution when it comes to papplying for owning and using a pcredit card. p>>man: they have to really have pthe cash to take care of it. p>>reporter: hopefully not a prevelation to any of us. pand yet, even with that very paccessible piece of knowledge,
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pthe way exist because people pfail to pay their bills on time, psee the opportunity to litter pour mailboxes with more credit pcards. pthese are the points plans and pbonuses. p>>man: pretty much miles and erks. p>>woman: i have one that has pmiles and points and cash back. p>>man: depends on the pflexibility i have in the ayment. p>>woman: i think there's travel oints. p>>reporter: close the padvertisement, feel a sense of ride that we're not one of the psuckers. p>>man: there are ways to gain pthe system so you can get 20 in pa year. p>>reporter: that's 10, 15, or 20 pcredit cards that open in it a pyear and jared does this, papplying for dozens of cards, pclaiming their benefits and pcloses them to avoid any annual pfees. phis credit scores declines a few oints every time he signs up pfor a new card but in longer
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p>>man: a lot of people do that. pbut there are issues that come pwith it. p>>reporter: after the recession, pthe availability of credit pdecline from an all time high. pin the last few years creditors phave used their standards making pcredit cards more widely pavailable once more. p>>man: there's a catch to popening a dozen of cards. pthere's a lot of work in pmanaging a lot of credit cards. pit's not a game for most people. p>>reporter: because of the work pinvolved in playing the strategy peffectively, they don't precommend accepting the cards we psee every day. pbut we could and cancel those pcards we don't use before we phave to pay their annual fees, pour credit scores and bank paccounts would benefit by doing pso. p>>man: i don't think an enormous pnumber people who do it but they pare doing it. p on the road tonight, pmontreal played a great time.
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pare you ready for the rays pseason? pthe truck is packed and ready to
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check this out, bro. what's that, broheim? i switched to geico and got more. more savings on car insurance? yeah bro-fessor, and more. like renters insurance. more ways to save. nice, bro-tato chip. that's not all, bro-tein shake. geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. oh, that's a lot more. oh yeah, i'm all about more, teddy brosevelt. geico. expect great savings
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the lightning put out the effort...just didn't p the lightning put out the peffort, they just didn't get the pgoals. pthe pressure was there but they pcouldn't find the holes. pcanadians swarming around and pthe first of two goals and the pcanadians are up 2-1. pcritical game for montreal ptonight because they're out of pthe playoffs right now. ptypical pk, flex it off a p4-2.


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