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tv   FOX 13 1000 News  FOX  February 16, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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and ford. we go further, so you can. captioned by media access group at wgbh 3 expensive jewelry gained by an elaborate ponzi-scheme. p. p expensive jewelry gained by pan elaborate i don't know what i'm doing. i can't find anything just when i think it's just not going to work. this woman that works there comes over and asks can i help you? and he was so happy, to do it amazing right? i never would have expected would have thought that anyone would find that
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make that go out of their way for me. right then, right there i couldn't believe it he was so helpful i know it's such a small thing little thing. simple thing but it made me smile made me happy made my day share your story. publix. where shopping is a pleasure. p>>man: we've been slammed here pwith people coming in to pregister to vote and change arty affiliation. p a large number of florida pvoters switched political arties today. phow the big move could shake up pthe white house. p>>woman: use caution. pthat's what we ask you to do. plet us go home. p a passionate plea from tow ptruck drivers after one of their pown was killed on the job. ptonight at 10:00, the message pthey want you to hear. p>>man: every surface of the pwatch is covered in diamonds. p imagine getting your hands
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pa rare collection of pricey pjewels hits the auction block pand how they're all that's left pof a jail. pi'm kelly. p>> and i'm mark wilson, we're pglad to have you with us. pfirst up, it's a political game pof twister in florida as the question now, which of the candidates could benefit most. fox 13's evan axelbank is here to explain. evan? pindependents are scrambling pright now to join a political way things are typically done. but if you're looking for a sign as to which party came out ahead, there isn' arty.
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pthere's not a clear winner. pserena scott, matthew park of ptampa, both college -- to major arties. p>>woman: i switched to democrat. p>>man: i want to be republican. p>>reporter: they're 2/3 voters pto change parties since the new pyear. pmatthew will support trump. p>>man: he's kind of extreme. pwe need an extreme to fix the pextreme that's going on now. p>>reporter: serena is for pbernie. p>>woman: he's been holding pvalues for like basically as plong as he's been a politician. p>>reporter: even if neither pcandidate wins, change is phappening. pin pulp county, more than 52 phundred have changed parties as pcompared to 2000 in '08. pin penelis only 46 hundred have
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phe convinced ten people to pregister as democrats to vote pfor bernie. p>>reporter: whether either party pis reaping a benefit is hard to psay. pthat margin was even smaller, pmuch smaller in hillsboro. p>>man: i think there's a grand ptotal of nine voters difference pbetween the two parties. pit's what happens within the arties that matters even more. phe became a republican just to pblock trump. p>>man: as much as a good pbusinessman he is, i don't want phim as our president. p>>reporter: that's a voter pthere, who said he's going to be psupporting ted cruz in the
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pthe deadline to register for pthat had come and gone. pyou had to be registered by poctober stranded couple's car. huffman admitted to the accident...and told troopers she kept driving because she was "scared". the victm's sister was in court.. and says with three prior d-u-i's.. huffman had no business being on the road. p>>woman: what she did, you know. pi know we all make mistakes. pbut i really hope that she prealizes the pain that she's pcaused. p>> law enforcement agencies pacross the tampa bay area spent pthe whole day yesterday psearching for hoffman and then
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pin when she showed up at his papartment in st. pete. p>> this accident could've easily pbeen prevented and they're pspeaking out about the dangers pof their drive. p>>reporter: she's urging pdrivers, now more than ever to pobey florida's move over law pwhich requires you to move over planes giving emergency vehicles psome room. pdrivers say people seem to punderstand rules when police or pfirefighters are at work but tow ptruck drivers are often pforgotten. p>>woman: while you're on the pside of the road, your padrenaline is pumping. p>>reporter: ginger said each day pshe puts on her neon vest and passists drivers, she wonders pwill i make it home. p>>woman: it is a fear but you ut it in the back of your mind. pyou wouldn't go out there and do pwhat you do. p>>reporter: that fear was shoved pinto the forefront on monday pwhen the driver was struck on
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phelping a couple whose car broke pdown. p36-year-old allison admitted she phit him and was too afraid to pstop. phis co-worker say it feels like plosing a brother. p>>man: he's dead. psomebody that was near and dear pto all of us here. p>>reporter: even drivers like pdarling are grieving especially pbecause the crash was easily pavoidable. pby law, drivers are supposed to pgive them room to work. p>>woman: the biggest issue is pthey're not aware of it, but if pthey are aware of it, they don't prespect it. p>>reporter: it was extended to pinclude tow truck drivers in p2014. pdrivers must over a lane or slow pdown when they see flashing pemergency lights. p>>woman: all you can do is give pthose people on the side of the proad common courtesy. p>>reporter: she said it's not pjust about respect.
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plaw is literally a matter of plife and death. p>>woman: use caution, let us go phome. p>>reporter: over the past pseveral years, highway patrol phas really begun cracking down pon law breakers who do not move pover. pyou can be fined $120 and get pthree points on your license. p>> you need to yield to them on pthe side of the road. p former university of south pflorida matt. phe's been arrested on felony pbattery charges. phe was booked into the jail this pafternoon. pthe charges stem from an pincident in december when he palledgedly punched a man in the pface causing serious injuries. phe's out on bond tonight. p the airport is the last lace you'd carry a concealed pgun due to all the security. pbut florida law makers feel you phave the right to do that. ptoday they approved the bill to phave people carry guns in the pairports.
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p>>reporter: some republican law pmakers believe that if a citizen pcarrying a concealed weapon pcould be the best line of pdefense if a terrorist tries to pattack in the airport. pthe senate bill would allow eople with conceal weapon ermits to wear their gun poutside the tsa security pscreening. pthe bill sponsor says this will pgive people dropping off and icking up passengers the pability to protect themselves. psome people say this is just a pbad idea. pthis is going to give people pwith bad intentions to blend in pwith everyone else. pthe florida council is against pthe bill. p>>man: if the incidents are law penforcement officers would have pconcerns as to who is carrying pweapons and who is not.
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pabiding citizens with the proper ptraining with a concealed weapon p-- to defend themselves, i think pit makes society safer for all pof us. p>>reporter: today, the senate pcriminal justice committee papproved the vote from 3-2 along arty lines but that may be as pfar as the proposal goes because pthe republican says he won't pgrant a hearing for this bill. phe says the bill could result in punintended consequences. p>> chris, thanks. pcape coral man has been booked pinto jail accusing to get online psexual favors from young girls. phe told an 11-year-old to send phim nude photos or he would post pher home address on the internet pand ask people to rape her or pset her house on fire. phe was also accused of pterrorizing a 12-year-old. phe was brought to pulp county ptoday.
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p we are getting a look at lans for toll lanes on i-275 pjust north of mlk. pthe plans include widening 275, padding express toll lanes next pto the existing lanes. pit will make travel easier by pimproving pimproving traffic flow and preducing congestion. pa lot of people are against it pthough. pthey say their historic pneighborhood would be negatively pimpacted by the highway project pwith noise and pollution. p>>man: now that our neighborhood pis getting businesses, it's pgetting a lot of new residents, pwe're making a lot of progress pas a neighborhood and something plike this is going to otentially derail us psignificantly. p>> the multibillion dollar roject would add express lanes pto i-4 and i-75, it's in the
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p coming up, it's a prized pjewelry collection. pwhat a story. p>>man: outrageous. pit's over the top. p a jailed millionaire jewels phitting the auction block. pthe scandal behind the dazzling pdiamonds. palso this at 10:30. p>>reporter: i'm hung up on pfighting robo calls. pwe'll name names and show you pwhat you can do about it. p and i tell you, busy day ptoday from severe weather early
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pmorning and then wrap it up with hey, guys, it's annie. you know, as moms, we are always looking for new ways to save money. pwell today, i'm going to share with you pa simple tip that could help you stretch your budget when it comes to your grocery shopping. not bad. pit's easy: bogos from other stores aren't always the best deal, pbut walmart every day low prices, pwell, that could save you some money. tampa, the total amount saved at walmart vs winn dixie was $24.49 in this week's basket - that's 22%. including bogos. give walmart every day low prices a try today.
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(kelly / new at ten.. it was one of the largest ponzi schemes in history. a south florida p new at 10:00 tonight, it's pone of the largest schemes in phistory. pa south florida lawyer scammed pinvestors out of more than
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psome of his estate is in tampa pbay. p>> hayley is live in st. pete. pa local jewelry store is helping pget justice for victims. p>>reporter: they sure are. pthey're in possession of up to p$10 million in jewelry and rolex pwatches of his once la vish plifestyle. pthey're hoping to get the money pback to where it belongs. psparkling diamonds. pflashy watches. p>>man: retailed for $550,000. p>>reporter: even beautiful pens. p>>man: retailed to 3 thousand to p$6,000 each. p>>reporter: just a glimpse into pscott and his ex wife. pthe foils of schemes that got p$1.2 billion out of investors
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rison. p>>man: i will not stop until pevery single penny is paid back. p>>reporter: his cars both pauctioned on the east coast praised more than $5.8 million pfor the victims. pnow some good will come from the psparkling stones. p>>man: it's pretty extraordinary pstuff. p>>reporter: jeffery got a call pfrom attorneys involved with the pcase. pthey asked if he could help pliquidate pliquidate 8-12 million dollars pworth of jewelry. p>>man: nothing with this kind of pflash. poutrageous. pit's over the top. p>>reporter: like this, $109,000 plaid yeses watch. pthe most expensive ever pmanufactured by rolex. por this yellow diamond ring. p>>man: this is, without a doubt, pgoing to be the star of the pshow. p>>reporter: this time, it's phelping them rebuild their plives. p>>man: everything here is phistorical nature and all of
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ptreasured and going to be seen pand known about for the next one phundred or two hundred years. p>>reporter: now what you saw pthere was only about 40 percent pof what's actually up for pbidding. pso what's it all worth? pyou heard the retail value, 8-12 pmillion dollars. pthe auction is expected to bring pin much less than that. phe expected to raise between 1-2 pmillion dollars for those pvictims. p>> that's amazing. p well millions of people in pthe northeast are wishing they pwere here right now. pmix of heavy snow, sleet, pfreezing temperatures, traffic pconditions are treacherous and pthousands are without power pafter ice storms downed a lot of ower lines. pit's effecting a lot of flights pat tampa international as well. pa lot of delays. pno matter where they're headed. pjust some half an hour, other
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pwe're told more than 150 flights pwere delayed today. pnearly a dozen cancelled. pyou could blame the ice and snow pup north for all of that. pneedless to say if you're headed pout to pick somebody up, you pshould definitely check the pairline first. pmake sure everything is a go pbefore you head that way and pwait and wait and nothing. p>> just think what it's been in pthe past month or so. p>> like paul said, el nino is pcoming. p>> i'll tell you what, pvalentine's day morning, they pwere 25 below zero and then ptoday, they were 55 above zero pso that's like a 70 degree ptemperature change with rain and pa lot of melting snow. pcrazy weather in the east. pour activity last night, that's plong gone, lots of sunshine ptoday. pthis sunset was so nice, i pcouldn't keep up. pwe had so many good photos. pi wish i could put them all on ptv. pdo like a 30 minute special.
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pshore towards tampa. pnice job, vincent. pcertainly appreciate that. psharon, up in trinity, lots of urples in the sky tonight. plook at that reflecting off the pleg. pthat's good stuff. pthird one, from shelby, pfantastic sunset. pnumber four, again, the theme of pthe purple sky, this is all good pfrom andrew and i think maybe my pfavorite out of the hundred i pgot tonight, look at this. pwow. psunset in crystal beach. pthat's on my facebook page. pthat would be a nice wall paper pon your computer, don't you pthink? pthat's all good stuff. pwe have the best viewers, always pgood on social media. ptoday, sunshine back today. pdespite that with a cold front pcoming by, our high was a couple pdegrees below average at 71 pdegrees despite sunshine. plots of high clouds coming out
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ptonight, we had an halo around pthe room reflecting the pmoonlight making a perfect 22 pdegree halo saying nothing but pthere are ice crystals in the psky. pwe'll stay with dry air, i don't phave it in writing but there pwill be areas of patchy fog. pdew points were up a little last pnight. pnights are still warm because pit's winter time so watch out pfor patchy grass fog. pand the jet stream moves rapidly pfrom west to east. p57 in tampa, 58 in sarasota and p60 in st. pete. pthe dew points are up a little pbit in the mid 50s. pand the winds generally from the pnorth and northwest. poutside, 57. pthe dew point is 55.
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pthat says fog with a high phumidity. paround the country, we had a pcold front down by miami. plots of wind damage along the psoutheast coast. pwe've gone from ice to snow to prain. p42 in new york, 29 in buffalo, p30 in columbus. ptonight, it will be cool in the p40s and 50s and tomorrow a nice pday. pcooler at the coast line, lower p70s as you head inland and plonger range forecast looks good pas the high pressure moves in pfrom the west. pthis doesn't bother us. phigh pressure off the carolina pcoast. pbetween now and next week, it's retty good. pmostly sunny by day and mostly pclear by night. p53 tonight. psunshine is back tomorrow. pa bit on the cool side. phigh of 68. pon thursday, it's more sunshine, pnice day near 70. pwe'll have to watch next ptuesday. pa lot of models are screaming psevere weather on tuesday.
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puntil then, the weather is good pincluding the weather for psunday, the daytona 500, lots of psunshine. pwe stay in the 70s. pback to you. p thanks, paul. pit could be a political battle punlike anything we've ever seen. p who will replace sup (vo) making the most out of every mile. that's why i got a subaru impreza. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. in 1934, steak 'n shake decided the world didn't need another hamburger. it needed a steakburger.
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quick seared to seal in the flavor ... ... you'll only get from a steakburger. steak 'n shake, home of the original steakburger. some people don't like to share their wifi, but at bright house networks, we do. login to one of our hotspots and get your code for free wifi at over 50,000 bright house wifi hotspots.
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tribute .. marking justice antonin p a solemn tribute marking pjustice antonin scalia's passing ptoday. phis chair at the supreme court
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pa symbol of mourning that honors pthe legacy he now leaves behind. pit has thrown capitol hill into pchaos though. p>> they don't want president pobama to pick someone to replace phim. p>>reporter: antonin scalia's pfuneral on saturday. pbut questions are being asked pabout what will happen to cases phe helped decide and others that pare still pending. p>>man: some will be affirmed by pa vote and some will be pscheduled for argument next term pand you don't know which. p>>reporter: meanwhile, both arties are fighting over who pwill place antonin scalia. p>>man: we are one justice away pfrom a radical justice winning pthe majority the lengths at pwhich this country has never pseen. p>>man: there's no unwritten law pthat says it could only be done pon off years.
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p>>reporter: republicans are pdigging in their heels saying a pvote on antonin scalia's preplacement won't even be pconsidered until after the residential election. pbut president obama is saying pit's his responsibility to pappoint a justice to keep it pflowing smoothly. p>>man: the thoughtful way, the precord of a nominee i present pand to make a decision. p>>reporter: the head of the pjudiciary committee says he will pwait to see who the president pnominates before making any pdecisions. p>> president obama and the pleaders of south east asia pcalled for a peaceful resolution pwith china. pthis came as the association of psoutheast asian nations. pthe president said it needs to pbe resolved challenging china's
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psouth china sea. p>>man: we will continue to help pour allies and we discussed how pany disputes between claimance pin the region must be resolved eacefully through legal means. p>> and president obama's hosting pten southeast asian leaders in pthe us for the first time that psends a subtle message to china pthat us remains an important pforce in the region. p many around the world are pmourning the passing of a former punited nations secretary ptonight. phe died earlier today at a phospital in cairo. phe served until 1996 dealing pwith war and genocide in africa. phe went on as director of the pegyptian national council. phe was 9 3. p still to come, they're pirritating and never stop. p>> we're talking about robo
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p>>reporter: what happens when an probo call dials your home? pyou're supposed to hang up. pi, on the other hand, i'm paid pwe'll the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. let hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today.
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oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-ooh, oh hearts are made for sharing. spread some sweetness with dunkin' donuts' cookie dough and brownie batter donuts. heart-shaped happiness too sweet not to share. america runs on dunkin'. 3 they call... unsolicited. over and over and over again.. we're talking about robocalls. so who is p they call unsolicited over pand over again. p>> who is making the unwanted pcalls and how do we get rid of pthem? p>>reporter: they're more than a pnuisance, they're illegal and pit's simply an epidemic. pthey've got your number, whoever pthey are.
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pare worse than ever. pwe receive more than one billion hone calls nationally each pmonth. p>>man: what shocked us is that pit's nearly doubled in four pmonths and now it's one and a phalf billion robo calls every pmonth. pthat really surprised us. p>>reporter: umail is in a unique osition to track robo calls. pit handles voicemails for 7 pmillion consumers, they can flag pnumbers that are dialing faster pthan a human ever could. p>>woman: we see a number that pshould be a verizon cell phone pfrom miami but it's calling one phundred thousand callers an phour. pit's a robo call. p>>reporter: meet the man we're pcalling gram bell. p>>man: i don't know what else to pdo, that's why we came to you. p>>reporter: he asked us to hide phis face and use a different pname because robo calls are laguing his life. pspecifically the credit card poffer. p>>man: it's a recorded message
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plast opportunity to take padvantage of a credit card preduction. p>>reporter: gram is on the "do pnot call" list and yet, he gets phis second to last opportunity pto refinance. p>>man: hello? psame spiel. p>>reporter: almost every -- p>>man: it's harassment, they pdon't stop. p>>reporter: day. p>>man: they said it was second pto last, after 30-40 calls, i pshouldn't be getting them panymore. p>>reporter: robo calls come in pmany flavors, scams, tax, most pare banned. pthe federal communications pcommission told us some illegal probo calls originated here in ptampa. pthe fcc fines power club pincorporated $2.96 million for pmaking 185 robo calls. pare you surprised? p>>man: very surprised.
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phe claimed i was the first to ptell him about the fcc pinvestigation which began almost pfive years ago. pyou have no idea that for the ast four years the fcc has been plooking into your company for pmaking robo calls. pthey say they're sending you pnotifications. p>>man: i haven't gotten any. p>>reporter: the fcc tells a pdifferent story. pmiller must have received the pnotice because he responded in pwriting. phis 2011 letter requested a preduced punishment because he pclaimed a multimillion dollar pfine would cause "significant pharm to our company ". pas of this broadcast, miller's p$2.96 million fine remains punclaimed and has been sent to pfederal collection. pwho else making robo calls? pthis company. phow do i know? pit's called me. p>>man: we don't win anymore.
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pbegan with an automated survey pabout the election. pi played along with the bot puntil a human picked up and told pme he was part of a well-known pcompany. p>>man: we are of the city area proyal caribbean. p>>reporter: he agreed to let me precord the call and then he told pme i was receiving a free pcruise. pgolden ticket get aways is not art of royal caribbean, it's palso not scoring well with the pbetter business bureau. pit gets an "f ". pwhatever don was trying to sell pme might have been legal but the probo call was questionable. peven though it began with the olitical survey which is pallowed by law. pbut the prize of the cruise was pillegal. pwhen i said i was a news preporter he had a peculiar
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p>>man: you're hysterical, chris, pi got to tell you. p>>reporter: they aren't plaughing. pat the very same time, making probo calls is easier and cheaper pthan ever. pconsider this, criminals could pbe making illegal robo calls pright now with a set up as psimple as this. pa desktop computer and a phone pline. pthat's all they need. p>>man: just ring, ring, ring, pdifferent people, finally psomeone picks up, victim number pone. p>>reporter: since no one in ower is aggressively cracking pdown on robo calls, umail has pcreated a novel tool that prequires three familiar musical pnotes. pumail says those unmistakable ptones could be the key to pbeating them. pit offers free service that preplaces automated voice mail. pwhen it detects a black listed pnumber, it cons the conman with
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p>>woman: we actually play a pdisconnected number tone. pat that point, what they do is psay hey, this number is probably pnot good, i'm not going to call pit anymore. p>>reporter: for the moment, sly pvoice mail might outwit a slick probo caller but frustrated pconsumers like gram bell want pmore. p>>man: i don't know how they do pthis stuff. pthey're very good at doing it. p>>reporter: gram bell used to pwork for the phone company. phe's perplexed that no one can pshut them down. phis call is a plea to d.c., put psharper teeth into federal law pto stop the auto dial nuisance. p>>man: do prison time or some pkind of penalty for it. p>>reporter: i just did the math. pduring the course of that six pminute long story, robo callers laced 208 thousand unwanted
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pi invite you to listen to my pfull conversation with don. pit's posted on our website. pwhen you have 20 minutes to pspare, you can listen to golden pticket get away once before the pline goes dead. pyou can ask yourself, do i preally want to do business with pa company whose first contact pviolates the law? p>> how did umail come up with laying the disconnected sound. pif it works, it sounds like a pgreat idea. p>>reporter: they originally pdecided they wanted to try pgirlfriends. peffective. pso they said if this works on pthe ex girlfriend, this can pcertainly work on the criminals pwho are bothering us during pand constantly. p>> how about that. p>>reporter: three little notes. p>> good stuff, chris, thank you
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p still to come tonight, it pwill soon be the end of the road pfor some idol hopefuls. p p>> the judges are going to pnarrow it down to the top 14 pthis week.
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psome really good again! r again! again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal...
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tonight at 11... p coming up in just a few pminutes at 11:00, passengers say pit was a flight from hell trying pto get from philly to tampa. p>>man: me and my daughter had to psleep in the airport. pfantastic trip. p>> we'll take a look at the ptravel trouble that made the pfliers a whole day late. p what a website prank and a pgeography mistake could mean for pthese two florida candidates. pwe'll have more on that on the
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p it is a big week for the pidol hopefuls. pthe top 14 are going to be prevealed in just 48 hours. pat this stage in the game, the pcompetition is very fierce and pevery performance counts. p>> we'll show you how past idol pstars are helping make the psingers now make the cut. p>>reporter: american idols top p24 contestants are continuing to pwork with past winners and pfinalists in hopes of moving on pto next week's live show. p>>woman: i keep thinking, oh, my pgosh, i'm almost there and i'm pthis close to the live shows, i pjust have to make it through. poh, my gosh, it's crazy. p>>reporter: helping to guide the psingers on solo numbers are pjordan sparks, jordan cook and pconstantine.
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preally humbled to be a part of ptelevision history and the pgreatest television show ever. p>>man: it's great to go through pthis experience and all the punique moments that go along pwith that. pbut to get the opportunity to phelp navigate the fresh crop pthrough it is rewarding. p>>man: it's an honor. pi know where they are, i know pwhat they're going through and pall the things they're feeling. p>>reporter: just like this week, pthe contestants are trying to pabsorb all the advice that the pformer idols are giving them. p>>man: she said a lot of good psingers have come out here and pkilled their song but you can pjust tell that in their eyes it pwasn't real and she said and the pjudges can tell it. p>>woman: we talked about some of pthe things that i needed to pimprove on like smiling with my peyes on stage because sometimes pi can get a little lost in the psong. p>>reporter: see how they do pwednesday and thursday night in phollywood.
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pyou can watch part three of the psemi finals tomorrow night at p8:00. pthe top three of the finals will pbe revealed on thursday at 8:00. p now, for sports tonight. p>>reporter: all right, we are phere in the dayton counting down pto the daytona 500. pwe will bring you inside pnascar's media day. p pushing the limits. phave you seen this? pthis is3 home burglaries are on the rise... but one south tampa woman was ready! see how her camera... and her quick thinking.. foiled these guys, tonight at eleven.******* in 1934, steak 'n shake decided the world didn't need another hamburger. it needed a steakburger. so they used 100 percent beef. quick seared to seal in the flavor ... ... you'll only get from a steakburger. steak 'n shake,
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is trending.. 3 a team of daredevils just scaled this massive skyscraper in china. p a selfie is trending. pa massive sky scraper in china pand then they took the elevator pto the top. p>> oh, my gosh. p>> no words. p>> yeah, i know. pthis is the suhing square tower, p12 hundred feet above ground and pthen they took a selfie. p>> i can't even watch it. p>> i know it's hard to watch. p>> are they tied on in any way?
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pwhat do they have around their pmouths? p>> who know. pmaybe their mouth pieces in case pthey call. pof course the go progoing the pwhole time. pthey're kids with clearly no psense of -- p>> i know. p>> it just makes my stomach phurt. p>> definitely makes your knees a plittle wobbly. p>> 12 hundred thousand feet. p>> how did they get down? pthat's what i'd like to know. p>> very carefully. pdo not try this at home.
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pit's five stories in the mall in pshang hi. pas you can imagine, you're going retty fast when you get to the pbottom there. pthe slide opens monday. pyou have to be at least three pyears old and three feet to ride pthis thing. pi think we need one of those. pyes, i just made it. pi might be able to get over pthere. p>> it may come in handy pchristmas time. pget all the packages down. p>> i want this, this, this -- we phave to end with this adorable hoto shoot. pjonathan didn't have a date this pvalentine's day so he decided to pmake the best of it. phe arranged this adorable photo pshoot with his best friend, his prescue dog noodle. psweet photos of the pair. pthey've gone viral and now next pyear, he'll have a valentine's pday. p>> i hope he didn't give him pchocolate. pit's got to be in new york it plooks like. pcongratulations to the happy pcouple.
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p well, you know they're pchanging things up in daytona pthis year. pthe meeting day falls inside pspeed week and it makes better psense. pit comes five days before they pwave flag on the 500. pchip has covered the race for 35 pyears, he's making this one his plast one. p>>reporter: all right, it is a plittle quiet here now, all the pdrivers have left, obviously we pwere counting down to the pdaytona 500 on sunday but today pwas media day. pwhen you take a look at the pvideo, how fun is this? pnascar's version of the red pcarpet. pjimmy johnson, brad, jamie pmcmurray, all of them coming pthrough, all of them talking pabout g psunday obviously, but they've pgot the abdul's on thursday, px-finity series, there's going pto be a lot of racing in speed pweeks.
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phe said this is the race that pmade jimmy johnson, jimmy pjohnson. p>>man: in 2006 when i won my pfirst race here, we weren't pchampions yet and it was the pfirst time in my life that i had pa title with my name. pi was the dayton 500 winner. pit's amazing and how meaningful pit is to a driver and his pcareer. p>>man: i've been looking forward pto sunday since checkered flag. pi don't think the duals are that pbig of an influence to us. pof course they're a nice popportunity to get a win under pyour belt but beyond that, it's pjust not an important race to pus. p>>reporter: kyle bush heads to pthe race as a spring cup pdefending champion. pif you remember last year, he pseverely broke his leg, broke
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phand and yet somehow he wins the psprint cup championship. poverall, when you think about pit, he only ran 25 races. pthere's 36 races in the season pand he tells me that the rehab phe did made him mentally pstronger behind the wheel. p>>man: i'm better now because of pwhat all happened and going pthrough the rehab and all the pthings that happened in order to pget back into the race car and i pfeel like it was a good learning pexperience for myself both hysically and mentally to push pmyself to get back and i've palways pushed real hard. pi've been a hard nosed racer and pmaybe overdriven. pi step back a little bit and let pthe races come to me and let pthings happen more naturally. pthat's when we started winning pmore last year. pit was quite crazy to see that i pliterally took that step and pthings started winning. p>>reporter: all right, that's pthe story from dayton. pwe've got crews out here all pweek.
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pwe'll be counting down until pthey drop the green flag. pwe're going to have great pweather through race day. p>> thank you, we're going to phold paul to that, too. pthe lightning has been a great pteam in the year but they took a pbolt tonight. pup the ice right here and alex pand watch how he sets up pcallahan. p1-0. psan jose gets up two in the psecond. pthey get a lucky bounce here. punder martin's arm, 2-2. psharks go ahead again early in pthe third. pthen here's the bad break. pthe puck hits the ref, right to pthe sharks. pcarlson and after winning nine pstraight at home, the lightning plose their second straight.
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ptheir sixth time this season. pmcmurray leads usf again with 26 oints. p it's been nearly five weeks psince the historic powerball pjackpot. p>> we will soon know who won phere in flor know you can keep your financial
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know you can see how much you have to spend and whether you should transfer funds. know you can easily keep track of what you're putting away. and know you're budgeted for the great escape. thanks to virtual wallet by pnc. hey, guys, it's annie. you know, as moms, we are always looking for new ways to save money.
10:55 pm
pa simple tip that could help you stretch your budget when it comes to your grocery shopping. not bad. pit's easy: bogos from other stores aren't always the best deal, pbut walmart every day low prices, pwell, that could save you some money. tampa, the total amount saved at walmart vs winn dixie was $24.49 in this week's basket - that's 22%. including bogos. give walmart every day low prices a try today.
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3 we'll soon know *who bought the winning powerball ticket .. last month... in florida!! the florida florida!!month... in ticket .. last winning powerball *who bought the we'll soon know palong the bay area last night. pthat rain is long gone. p71 in tampa.
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pthe sky tonight making a little phalo around the moon. pthis fog doesn't bother us at pall so we stay primarily dry. phere's the outlook for tomorrow. p9:00 a.m., there will be patchy pcloud fog and we're 55 degrees. pby lunch time, we're back in the pmid 60s and by 4:00, we're 68 pdegrees. pbottom line, cool morning, next pchance of rain moves in sometime pon tuesday. plotto time, 2, 4, 5 on the cash pthree. p0, 7, 9. p3, 7, 6, 9. lay four night, 1, 7, 8, 2. p>> sounds good, paul. ptoo.
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p>> everything we can do to get phim away from the mirror. p this winning powerball pticket. pit was sold on the east coast in pflorida. p>> finally we're going to get to plearn who it is. pthey're going to make the pannouncement tomorrow. pwhoever bought it will take home pa share of the record p$1.6 billion powerball jackpot. pyou may remember the mega pjackpot caused one of the pbiggest frenzies in history. pcan't believe it's been that plong. p>> they claimed their share of pthe jackpot. pthey live in tennessee and said pthey'll use the cash to pay off ptheir daughter's student loans pand make donations to their pchurch. p>> and pretty soon they'll be pmoving into a bigger house. pthe third winning ticket was pbought in southern california.
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pconvenience store once word got pout. pthe winner still hasn't come pforward. peach winning ticket is worth p$528 million. pand every day they don't claim pit, then they lose the interest. p>> they've already lost over p$100,000 on interest. p>> easily. p time now for the fox 13 p11:00 news. p surveillance isn't just for psecurity guards. p>> check this out, a tampa woman pwas watching as burglars broke pinto her home and she was able pto stop them even though she was pmiles away. p>>woman: i had the app. p>> have to see how she pulled pout the police power all from pher app. p>>man: we had more phone calls pyesterday than we had the entire pmonth of january. p pulling the political


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