tv FOX 13 600 News FOX March 14, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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pdonald trump at a rally in tampa ptoday. psee the scene inside and outside pthe convention center. p>> find out about the new p$360,000 traffic system that's phoped to save lives. p>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is the fox p13, 6:00 news. p>> good evening. p>> we're glad to have you with pus. pfirst up, it's a developing pstory. phe lived his life to protect and pserve and the deputy's final paction may have saved two lives. pwe learned today he put himself pbetween a wrong-way driver and panother car. pthe crash killing the p30-year-old deputy. paaron is live at the sheriff's poffice. pthis is an amazing story to do pwhat he did. p>> it really is. puntil today nobody had heard pthis part of the story. pthe witness had not come forward pbut she said she wanted to tell pthe story because she wanted peverybody to know this deputy pdied a hero.
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pthe community. pand he may have given his life pto save someone he never met. p>> i was a random person on a prandom road at a random time. pi didn't know him and i love phim. p>> sara got on the selmon pexpressway just before 3:00 a.m. psaturday at around the same time pas the deputy. pat first she was driving in pfront of him and then she saw pheadlights. p>> i realized the car was coming pat me and coming faster and pfaster. p>> another car was going the pwrong way, barrelling toward pher. pshe flashed her lights over and pover again. pwhat she says happened next was, puntil now, the untold story of pthe deputy's final heroic paction. p>> the moment i started to pull pover, he raced around me and i pthink he literally made a split psecond decision and said, i'm pgoing to try to stop this car pfrom being in the accident. p>> she and her father believe
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pcruiser between her car and the pwrong way driver, saving the plives of her and her boyfriend, pwho was also in the vehicle. p>> this man put himself in front pof us as a human shield. pabsolutely. p>> there was no mistakes made. phe did everything he did pintentionally and he saved my pdaughter and her boyfriend and i pthank him. p>> the fellow deputies are heart pbroken by the loss. p>> we're all going to miss him. p>> the thing i'm going to miss pmost was his smile. petches such a great person. p>> they're not surprised by his psacrifice. p>> there's nothing you disliked. pneeded him. p>> he was there willing to give phis life until his last breath. p>> he didn't know me. phe sacrificed himself for me. pthere's nothing more that you pcan ask of someone. p>> wrong way driver also died in pthe crash. pinvestigators are trying to pinvolved. pwe also now know the funeral lans for the deputy is going to pbe buried on friday at the saint
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ublic visitation from 11:00 pa.m. to 1:00 p.m. pa lot of people will want to pay ptheir respects. p>> we're so glad she came pforward to share that story. pit really just reminds us again phow selfless the first presponders really are. pthanks very much. p>> tomorrow is the day where pwe're going to shock the country pand we're going to do what needs pto be done. pwe're going to win the 99 pdelegates here in florida. p>> that's the prediction from pmarco rubio during a campaign pstop in jacksonville. platest polls are correct, well, phe's got a stiff uphill battle pduring tomorrow's florida rimary. ptake a look. pthis is the fox 13 opinion savvy oll. platest one. pone done just before the voting pstarts tomorrow gives donald ptrump a commanding lead with 44% pof the vote. prubio with 26%. pted cruz is in third place with p18. pdonald trump was at tampa today
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phow did that go out there today? p>> trump again criticized rotestors that have tracked him pand dogged him at recent events psaying he didn't even want to pcall them protestors. phe refers to call them pdisruptors. ptake a listen. phere are the protestors. pthankfully nothing became pviolent during the protests. pinside four or five of them made ptheir way in and disrupted or rotested during the rally. pthey were shouted down by chants pof trump, trump, trump, trufr mp. pone was screaming he was a pfascist and the other was pscreaming the f word. ptrump said he loved tampa and pwas surprised that there were rotestors here. p>> they'll go home to their moms psoon.
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pi don't want to ruin somebody's plife but do we prosecute psomebody like that? pyou know what's on their card pforever, i don't know. pit seems harsh. pit seems harsh but we're trying pto be nice. p>> trump also had three of his pstar endorsements with him here pin an effort to seal the deal phere in florida and seal that plead that we are seeing in the olls. pfirst we saw governor sarah alin, the former governor of palaska who, despite reports she pwas headed back to alaska to be pwith her husband who was in a psnowmobile crash, she came on pstage to support trump. pshe called the protestors punk plittle thugs and governor kiss pchristie came out of new jersey pand introduced pam bondi who psaid she was endorsing trump on pnational security grounds. pshe's the highest elected pofficial in florida to endorse ptrump. pthis was a surprise. pwe did not expect or know that
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phere this afternoon. pshe has endorsed trump and trump psays he's eager to get on with pelection. p>> if we win ohio and florida, pit's pretty much over of the pthen i can focus on hillary pbecause that's what i really pwant to focus on. pthe republican party has to come ptogether. p>> what may be a window as far pas what may be a window into ptrump's mind, into donald ptrump's mind right now is that ptrump originally was scheduled pto hold a rally in florida on rimary day. pbut with the poll numbers being pwhat they are and his lead pappearing to be close to 20 oints in some cases, donald ptrump has rescheduled that rally pfor -- that was supposed to be pin florida to ohio. phe's in a very tight battle with pjohn kasich there and his hope pis that if he can win florida pand ohio, it would give him pfurther rationale to say, you pknow what?
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erson who republicans coalesce paround the country. p>> florida primary tomorrow. pwe'll be here. pthanks so much. p>> inside the convention center, rotestors and supporters pclashing over donald trump. pjosh is there. psome tense moments. pset the scene for us today. p>> yeah. pthings did get a little heated pout here and at times, it felt plike things could boil over and perupt into violence if the wrong pthing slipped out of someone's pmouth or if there was a push or pshove but we didn't see any of pthat and at the end of the day, preally huffing and puffing on pboth sides. pi would say 20 to 40 protestors pout here. pthey were dwarfed by the number pof trump supporters. pthe only time things got testy pis when the line to get into the prally got cut off. pthose folks didn't get inside. psome of them were out here, pgoing at it one-on-one and they
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pfrom trump's immigration policy, psome calling each other racist, pthere were four letter words we pcan't say on tv. pi want to give you a little ptaste of what folks had to say. plisten to this. p>> we're here to counter the pmongerring that trump is pspreading. pwe're here to let his big psupporters know that we welcome prefugees, that we will not pexpect fascism, racism, bigotry pin our community. pwe're here to counter his pmessage with our own. p>> it is those bernie socialist pidiots. p>> what do you think of them? p>> i think they need to get a pjob. pi think they need to go to work, ay some taxes, pay some bills pand then they'll understand we pcan't just do handouts in this pcountry. pnothing in this country is for pfree. p>> that's a little flavor of pwhat we heard out here. pt.p.d. tells us there were no parrests related to the rally. pi believe that's what you're pseeing on the screen right now.
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pnot what we saw in chicago. pthis was noisy, it was loud but pin the end, it was peaceful. pback to you. p>> josh in downtown tampa, pthanks. p>> take a look at this p21-year-old accused of a deadly phit and run and she's in more ptrouble tonight. pthis time with a judge. pjasmine crandall was a no show pin court and the judge is not phappy. pgloria gomez is here to explain pwhat exactly happened. p>> she does have a bond but that pdoesn't mean you don't show up pto court when your court date is pscheduled this morning and pthat's what happened. pjust to give you a little pbackground, crandall is charged pwith leaving the scene of a pdeadly hit and run last pseptember. pinvestigators say the p93-year-old victim was crossing pthe street near busch gardens pwhen she was struck and killed. pthe defendant left her car pbehind and took off. olice were able to catch up to pher eventually but it's unclear pwhere she was today. pshe didn't show up for court and pthe judge was not happy and
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pfreedom are over. p>> bondsman? p>> yes. pfree to bond. parrest jasmine crandall and pdirect she be apprehended, held pwith no bond available. pfurther order of this court, her pnon appearance as of 8:38 now pa.m. pmiss krand crandall appears in the pcourtroom, take her into pcustody. p>> a warrant has been issued for pher arrest. pwe'll let you know how it all lays out. pback to you. p>> thanks so much, gloria gomez. p>> all right. pdangerous dash across six lanes pof traffic is over now for eople in an east tampa pneighborhood. pnew traffic signals on phillsborough avenue. pfour people have been hit by pcars on that stretch of phillsborough the past four pyears. ortable message boards are pthere to alert drivers. ptotal cost of the new signal is p$350,000.
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pdetails coming is the economy rigged? well, the 15 richest americans acquired more wealth in two years than the bottom 100 million people combined. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultra-rich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. the middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. with your help, as president, we will. in 1934, steak 'n shake decided another hamburger. a steakburger. so they used 100 percent beef. quick seared to seal in the flavor ... ... you'll only get from a steakburger. steak 'n shake,
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community policing... in the digital age! st. pete police are now using a popular social network site... to p>> community policing reaches pthe digital age. pthey help connect with pneighborhoods and people they're pserving. pit's called next door and more pthan 94,000 neighborhoods across pcountry, we're using the pwebsite. p>> including about 100 in st. etersburg. pchris is joining us now with a plook at how police are tapping pinto this resource to make pneighborhoods safer. p>> makes perfect sense. pyou think about it, next door is psomething that neighbors use to pdo things like find a good pbaby-sitter, find a lost dog, a pgood yard sale or let people pknow about a rash of car pbreak-ins in a neighborhood. pthis is the perfect way to penhance law enforcement which is pso important to making pneighborhoods safer. pst. pete pd already has what pthey call community service pofficers assigned to every pneighborhood so starting today, pthose officers can post messages pon the neighborhood's pages on
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pthey say they can't see the pinformation that neighbors are psharing with each other so this pisn't a surveillance or big pbrother tool but rather, pofficers use it to share pinformation on things like crime palerts, free programs, community pevents and neighbors can reach pout to the officer by replying pto the officer's post. p>> this app allows the pneighborhood and the members of pthe neighborhood to really peasily speak with each other and pwith the department in ways they phaven't been able to do before. pso we see this app is a real popening for us to continue the pevolution of our community pengagement with the police pdepartment. p>> next door is free for presidents and police. pyou do have to verify that you plive in the neighborhood before pyou join the private page. pthey're concerned about keeping pyour private information private pthere. pa spokesperson for next door psays they do not share users' pinformation with businesses but pthey may reach out to local
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pget them to sponsor the cost of roviding the service. p>> all right. pcheck it out. ptime lapse from today, you saw pshowers roll through. pall children's hospital in st. ete, behind that it's a little pmore sun. pinland there was a little bit pmore in the way of cloud cover pbut overall, a nice looking pafternoon. ponce we got to the showers, at pthe airport in tampa, we picked pup just shy of a quarter inch of prain between last night and this pmorning. pnot a whole lot of rain out pthere. paverage we should be down to p1.34 inches so it is our dry pseason but it has been even more pdry than usual. pyou take a look at the rainfall pfor the year, we're well above paverage and that's because of pthe rain we saw early on this pyear. pweather headlines for the next pfew days, dry and humid as we phead into the day on tuesday on pinto wednesday. pmainly on into thursday.
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pstart to see showers out there. poverall the moisture and the prain chances increase beyond pthat. pfriday we'll see a little more pin the way of shower activity. psaturday at this point looks to pbe a wet day. pmaybe a stormy day as well. peven into sunday. punsettled weekend but beyond pthat, including the weekend, pwe're talking about temperatures pmaybe dipping below average. p79 degrees the current ptemperature. p80 in pinellas park. p81 in weeki wachee. p79 in inverness. p78 at sarasota, 75 in venice. p81 right now in myakka city. pinland, it's really warm. p86 in frost proof. p87 in sebring and 84 down in plake placid. pit's been a breezy day today pjust like it was yesterday. pmost areas have winds sustained p15 miles an how were, gusting at ptimes to above 20 miles an hour. pyou see 22 mile-per-hour wind pgusts for lakeland, 24 in winter phaven. pnow, notice the direction. pwinds coming out over the gulf pso that's going to increase the
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pthat's why we have a dew point pof 71 in tampa. pyou head to the east coast, pthough, it's only somewhat phumid. p60 dew point at vero beach. p60 in orlando. pso with that west wind, we're pgoing to remain humid at least puntil we start to shift the pwinds later on thursday. pmay see a brief dropoff in the pdew points. psatellite and radar view, post pshower activity and cloud cover psinking to the south and east. poverall tonight, partly cloudy pskies. pone exception may be quite a bit pin the way of low clouds psettling in over the area. phere's the future cast. pdeveloping later tonight, pespecially the farther north you pgo, tuesday we're talking about pthe potential for sea fog poffshore. pbut i don't think we can quite pget it to move onshore. pwarm and muggy out there. pwednesday notice the next front pstarts to dip southward. pafternoon sunshine on wednesday. pthe rain doesn't quite make it. pwednesday and thursday, it's pstill just off to the north but pthat means if you live along the
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pcouple of showers out there pthursday afternoon, friday a pbetter chance and then we get pthis system really going on psaturday. pat this point, most of the pmodels hinting at a pretty wet pweekend out there and maybe a pstormy weekend as well. psomething we have to watch. p69 degree for tonight. pareas of low cloud, mild and pfoggy for the day tomorrow, warm pand humid once again, mostly psunny skies, 81 degrees and then pheading into the day on pwednesday, 82, sun and clouds, pstill unseasonably warm. pmarine forecast for tomorrow, pwinds out of the west five knot psays. pgulf temperature is 71 degrees. phere's a look at the next seven pdays. ptemperatures in the low to mid p70s. pinland the next few days, we'll pcontinue to see the upper 80s. pthursday 80 degrees, a few pshowers to the north. p30% friday. p50% on saturday. plook at the temperatures drop in pthe upper 60s by monday.
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this is a letter from someone who's here. she has to take a brand name drug. been taking it since the early 1980's. at that time it cost approximately $180 for 10 shots. the latest refill was $14.700 for the same 10 vials and the company is called valeant pharmaceuticals. i'm going after them. this is predatory pricing and we're going to make sure it is stopped. i'm hillary clinton and i
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the youngest team in the nfl after adding two key fre p>> bucs added two free key pagents over the age of 30. pbrett grimes is i 10-year vet, pturns 33 in june and that's old pby nfl standards. phe came out today to one buc lace, walking into the room and pmedia. phe does not look like he's at pthe end of his career and more pimportantly, he's not playing plike it. pgrimes is the leader on the pdolphins team and so why did pmiami give up on him? psome believe it's because of his pcontroversial wife who is very popinion ated on twitter. pgrimes credits his wife for pkeeping him fit and looking pyoung. phe said it's all in her cooking. p>> first, i thank my wife. pher food is the key. pthe food is key.
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pa lot of people can't do the psame things. pawesome salmon, just everything pshe makes is good but it's pusually healthy. pi like to say before i met her, pi probably didn't know more than pmaybe two vegetables. pnow i know a lot. pi eat a lot of vegetables and pthat's a good thing. p>> always solid to give a shout pout to the wife on day one. pkevin cash has not revealed his pstarting rotation but he did pannounce the starter. pit's chris arch he were. phe gets the honor the second pstraight year. p>> last year happened but not punder the best circumstances. pso to kind of be the one to earn pit for the 2016 season is nice, peven more special than last year pconsidering how it happened and pconsidering what we have there.
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pthe punishment, check out the pcheap shot yesterday. psoccer punch up against the pglass there, knocked him out of pthe game. pnow he faces a hearing on ptuesday and faces possible psuspension. proughing penalty and misconduct. pi'm not sure if the coach will lay him tomorrow. pwe'll find out. pyesterday was election sunday. pthat makes today selection pmonday for the women's ptournament. pthe u.s.f. women are standing by pfor the good news that is sure pto come later on this evening. pselection show gets going at p7:00. pthey're hoping for a draw to pgive them home court advantage pin the opening round. psome sights have the bulls the pseventh seed. pwe'll find out for confirmation pso whatever they receive. pwe'll have reaction at 10:00.
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pthe valspar tournament was lee pmc coy. phe finished fourth in the entire ptournament. pthat's the best showing by an pamateur in nearly two decades. phis earnings would have been pover $290,000. pcan you imagine that? pin college receiving $290,000? pit's only going to be something pthat he dreams about. pbecause he's an amateur, he pcan't get the money. pjordan speith said don't look pdown. p>> apparently he had one of the pbiggest galleries, too, which is pcool, neat to see that kind of pstuff. p>> local guy. pthen he had to hit the road to pgo back to georgia. pseven-hour drive last night pafter the tournament so he could lay in a college tournament pthis week for the university of pgeorgia. p>> thanks, scott.
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pkept the plane from ever p>> we have a big election coming pup. pwe can really change things and, pyou know, marco is not going to pdo it. pand lying ted -- thank you, i pwill. pand lying ted, lying ted. plying ted. p>> donald trump brings out psupporters in tampa today. olls show him with a double pdigit lead over marco rubio. ptomorrow another super tuesday. pfive states. pit could break or make the premaining contestants. pit's the last opportunity to ptake down trump. p>> on the big winner take all pstates of ohio and florida, new olls show donald trump pexpanding his lead over senator pmarco rubio there in the psunshine state. pleading political analysts redict tomorrow could be the pday that makes the republican
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p>> when you look at the pelectorate, i think this is a pstraight on cruz versus trump pfight. p>> senator marco rubio pcampaigning across the home pstate today, seemingly ignoring pthe polls. p>> tomorrow let's take all 99 pdelegates to one person. pi want it to be me. p>> this following a wild weekend pon the campaign trail starting pwith the trump rally in chicago pfriday cancelled after punexpected violence erupted pbetween protestors and trump psupporters. pthe frontrunner continuing to pdefend his supporters today. p>> yes, the millions of people pthat are supporting trump and pi'm supporting them. pwe're all angry. p>> in ohio, a university poll ptoday shows the buckeye state pgovernor, john kasich, with a pslim five point lead over donald ptrump. pthis as kasich picks up a last
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prepublican presidential nominee pmitt romney. p>> unlike the other people prunning, he has a real track precord. p>> same poll shows hillary pclinton holding a 14-point lead pover her rival, senator bernie psanders. p>> tomorrow, people, come out. p>> the other three states pholding primaries tomorrow are pillinois, missouri and north pcarolina. pall in which divide their pdelegates proportionately. p>> of course, we'll have results ptomorrow night right here on fox p13 and online at p>> marco rubio spent the past pweek bearing down on florida and pit appears to have helped him if ponly a little. pnow up against. p>> thank you, guys. p>> thank you. p>> while marco rubio is getting phammered in every florida poll, pour junior senator is predicting pa miracle. p>> tomorrow is the day we're pgoing to shock the country and pdo what needs to be done. pwe're going to win the 99
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p>> our final fox 13 opinion psavvy poll before the florida rimary shows rubio is losing by p18 points. pbut to rubio's point, he's pnarrowed the gap and has late pmomentum. olling showed trump led early pvoters by more than 20 voters. pnow it's down to six points. lus florida is a closed primary pstate to only republicans can pvote in the republican race and ptrump has a history of punderperforming in closed rimaries. p>> republican party is not going pto allow itself to be hijacked pby people who go around dividing pus against each other. p>> now how rubio has calmed down phis attacks. pit may have cost rubio the most. pthose insuls appear to have pdamaged his brand as an poptimistic rising star and that, pcombined with his poor showing pon super tuesday, zapped his
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pwin in his own home state. p>> i don't find a way how rubio, pif he loses florida, can pcontinue for the nomination. pespecially if trump wins by a plarge margin. p>> for notice rubio says he's pstaying in no matter what. phe also said no matter who wins pflorida will win the nomination. p>> and rubio is not done. phe's going to spend tomorrow pnight in miami while the results pcome in. p>> president obama visited the pstate department today to pdeliver marks at the chief of pmissions conference. pthey're helping keep america psafe at home and abroad. pthe syrian conflict, isis and prelations with cuba. p>> i plan to do everything that pi can with every minute that i phave left in this office to keep pmaking progress and make the
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pto deal with the enormous pchallenges that so many people pare burdened with around the pworld. p>> president obama also said he plooks forward to his visit to pcuba next week where the rays pwill take on the cuban baseball pteam. p>> we did not have to cut panybody out. pthe cars were laid on their psides. p>> amtrak train derailment in pkansas injured more than two pdozen people. pat least 32 hurt, two of them in pcritical condition but expected pto survive. pthat amtrak train was the way pfrom california to illinois when pit left the track in southwest pkansas. pan engineer noticed a bend in pthe tracks, hit the emergency pbrakes and the train derailed. pinvestigators think the train pmay have been derailed from an pearlier accident. p>> some 20 miles west of dodge pcity, the train travelling from plos angeles to chicago when the pincident occurred shortly after pmidnight. p>> all of a sudden, it got a plittle bit of turbulence, i
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pand it became more drastic and pafter about three seconds, we pknew something was wrong. p>> 128 passengers from 14 crew pmembers on board, amtrak says pthe train was made up of two plocomotives and nine cars. ptwo others also coming off the ptracks but those cars stayed pstanding. p>> we had to take and help eople up and off the -- what pwould actually be a side door, pended up being a door on the top pof the train car and so we had pto take it out, lift the atients up and set laerdz -- pladders up and bring them down pon ladders. p>> it was a real dark feel. peveryone was just on both sides pof the train, kind of looking pfor other people, family pmembers. p>> all those on board are paccounted for. pmore than two dozen people taken pto the hospital for treatment. pnone of the injuries are pconsidered life threatening. p>> one gentleman stopped me kind pof in the darkness of the field pand said your friend.
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pis there any blood? pi shined my cell phone light in phis face. pit was very bloody. p>> those not hurt were taken to pa nearby community building for pamtrak to get them on to their pdestinations. p>> american airlines flight in pflorida had to cancel after the pemergency chute deployed at the pgate. pamerican airlines flight 2493 pwas supposed to depart from pmiami to new york's j.f.k. pairport when the emergency chute pdeployed. pthe incident happened about two phours before the plane's pdeparture. pit would have been around 9:00 pa.m. pnobody was hurt. pdemolition day for some pardon pmes that were dangerously close pto go over a cliff in pcalifornia. pthese are the last days of the ptroubled property. pdays leading up to the tear pdown, crews stripped the papartments of toxic properties. precent storms have eroded the pcliff's edge even more.
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((mark--ots)) deadly fighting between regime and rebel forces in p>> deadly fighting between pregime and rebel forces in syria phit the five-year mark this pweek. pnegotiations are to end the pcivil war started to resume. prussian president vladmir putin pordering his troops out of psyria. pbenjamin hall tonight is in plondon with die tails -- tee details. p>> government officials are pmeeting with the u.n. special
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pthere's no intention. p>> the only plan b is to return pto war and to even worse war pthan we had so far. p>> tuesday marks five years of pfighting between forces loyal to psyrian president asad and rebel pgroups. phis future, a key sticking point pin negotiations. p>> what is the real issue? olitical transition. p>> the head of the regime's pdelegation added the group psubmitted ideas for political psolution. p>> we as a delegation did what pour responsibility has called pupon us to do which is help him pto ensure good preparation in porder to get from form to psubstance. p>> president obama commenting on premarks at the state department. p>> we have to keep pushing on pthe diplomatic front. p>> russian president vladmir
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ptroops to start leaving syria. phe said it should help to pstimulate peace talks. p>> the goals set out to the pministry and defense and forces phave been largely fulfilled and pthat's why i ordered the pminister of defense, as of ptomorrow, to start the pullout pof the main part of our pmilitary. p>> syrian reb and he will pgovernment delegations do not panother. pthe u.n. special envoy is pexpected to meet opposition pgroups tuesday. p>> conflict has killed more than p250,000 and displacing some 11 pmillion people still. pa new report from unicef find pthat a third of syrian children pnow have nothing. pmore than 80% of the country phave been harmed by the fighting pthere. p>> weekend suicide car bombing. pthree dozen people were killed, pmore than 100 others injured. pturkish prime minister said that
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pworkers party. pthe president now vowing to, pquote, bring terrorism to its pknees. pcatholic church will soon vote pfor a saint. pmother teresa sent most of her pyears caring for the poor. ope francis signed up for the psecond miracle needed for mother pteresa's sainthood and now the pcardinals and church officials pwill finalize the details for pthe ceremony. pit's expected to take place in pearly september. pan unmanned probe started the pmission to mars. pit's a two part mission by the peuropean space agency to explore pthe red planet. robe will look for signs of pwhere methane comes from on pmars. pthey want to see how it changes pwith the seasons. pit's expected to reach mars in
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pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. the middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. with your help, as president, we will. (cynthia/live) we have a fox 13 investigation tonight at ten.. 3 (cynthia there are new questions about a body camera
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ptonight at 10:00. pthere are questions about a body pcamera to the university of psouth florida study. pthe investigation is why that is pnot made until now. pwas there public interest? pfind out tonight at 10:00. p>> after a four week winning pstreak, the dow up 15, nasdaq up pas well. ps&p 500 dropping by three. pthe water is finally starting to precede in some areas of plouisiana and mississippi but it pcontinues to rise elsewhere. p>> a major storm brought high pwinds and major rain to the pmidwest and the south. p>> parts of the south are still punderwater but in some areas, pthe flood waters are receding prain. pthe storm leaving up to six eople dead and more than 5,000 palone. pnow officials and civilians are pscrambling to assess the damage. p>> i'm just concerned about what pkind of damage the water is
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ptime. p>> the trouble isn't over yet. pa quarter of louisiana's river pgauges are in some level of pflooding, prompting president pobama to declare a major pdisaster for the state. pthe emergency management office pdescribing the flooding as phistoric and calling for pvoluntary evacuations of at pleast two towns near the pearl priver along the plouisiana-mississippi border. p>> it's very strong current. pif you come in the house, you pcan redo that. pbut if you get in it and you're pgone, it's over. p>> also causing concern, another pline of thunderstorms that hit arts of oklahoma, arkansas and peast texas. pseveral homes destroyed in texas pthat's just a few miles across pthe border from louisiana. presidents now watching and pwaiting for the water levels to pdrop. p>> it's just up in the air, peverything right now. pyou don't know what you're going pto need and you don't know what pyou left behind, if it's going
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p>> the rain is expected to hold poff today and tomorrow but pofficials are warning of more pstorms expected later in the pweek, bringing fears of celled pflooding throughout the region. p>> what an el nino winter pthey've had. p>> all of this water and we've pseen that. pit's not too bad around here, palthough to the south, south pflorida and fort myers area has pgotten a lot of rain. p>> yeah. pand you look at this rain they psaw over the last couple of pdays, some of those folks picked pup more than 20 inches of rain, pand you kind of compare that to pwhat we saw last summer. pthe difference being that they phave a lot of major river psystems. peverything just funnels into the pmajor river systems and so you pget this big flooding lasting pdays after the actual event and punfortunately, i think it's pgoing to be a slow cleanup rocess as the rivers really pcontinue to rise the next couple pof days. pfor us kind of the opposite. ptoday really over the entire pmonth of march so far, have not
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phere's a look outside the tampa pcamera. premember sunset now, an hour plater so you have another hour pof sunshine. p77 degrees. pout at the beaches, not too bad. ptemperatures in the upper 70s as pwell out of clearwater. p78. pa little breezier at the beaches ptoday as well. phighs across the rest of the parea, look at this. plow 80s right up against the pcoast here. p82 in new port richey. p80 in sarasota. pinland, 88 in sebring, 87 up in pfrost proof. p86 in haines city and tomorrow, pit's similar to that. p81 in tampa. plow 80s heading close to the pcoast but inland, that's where pwe saw the temperatures soar, pupper 80s. pcan't rule out a 90-degree ptemperature popping up, pespecially the farther inland pyou go, the more closer to 50 pwe're going to have. pdew point of 70, relative
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pbarometer 29.6 inches falling pand winds at 13 miles an hour. pother temps across the area, mid p80s still inland, 79 in brandon, p77 in st. pete. pbrooksville. pacross the rest of the state, retty warm in miami, 86. p85 in west palm. p79 in key west. pthe cool spot, if you can call pcity. phere's a look at the satellite pand radar view, not a whole lot pto show across the state. pa few morning showers, even a pcouple of spotty afternoon pshowers in polk county. pthose have moved to the east. pwe're drying things out. pto the north, a whole lot of prain and shower activity. peven some higher elevation snow pshowers across the portions of pnew england and the northeast. punfortunately, a lot of ski presorts up there that needed psnow, have basically shut down pfor the season. pjust not been a good season for pthem. prockies picked up higher pelevation snow showers.
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pthat allows things to warm up pquite a bit around here. pthat's why temperatures are in pthe low 80s, mid 80s across the pmiddle portion of the state. pwatch what happens toward the pend of the week. pshowers and storms, you start to pget a big dip in the jet stream. pit's going to be pretty chilly. pdownright cold for portions of pthe northeast and midwest. pfor us, we're going to get the ptail end of things so it may pcool down but there may be a pcouple of days out there, the pnext seven or eight days where phigh temperatures may not get pout of the 60s for some of us. pnot summer yet around here. pnot done with winter just yet. pareas of low clouds, maybe atchy fog. pfor the day tomorrow, ptemperatures back in the low 80s pskies. phere's a look at the seven-day pforecast. ptemperatures in the mid 80s the pnext few days. pfriday not all the models are in pon friday. pthere could be a few isolated
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pbetter chance of showers and pstorms i think saturday, ptrailing to sunday and cooler pbut dry the start of next week. p>> sounds good. pthank you. pwe'll be back with one amazing pvolunteer. ugh. i really shouldn't. no, you know what? i should. and i will. i deserve this. i'm a bogo findin', weekly ad flippin', couponing mastermind. who's saving big time? this girl! can i help you? indeed. this queen of
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coming up tonight at 11... a startling p>> coming up tonight at 11:00, a pstartling discovery for a spring phill teen. pdeputies say she woke up to find pthis man, a stranger, in her pshower. pwe'll tell you how he ended up pthere. pand jump from bar to bar without pever having to put down your pdrink. phow about that? pyou could sip and stroll through arts of st. pete. pthose stories and much more ptonight on the fox 13, 11:00 pnews.
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p>> generosity has inspired an pentire community. p>> 89 years young, this is pwhat's right with tampa bay. p>> hello, everybody. p>> eleanor sets a high bar when pit comes to volunteering. p>> five days a week, four hours pevery morning. p>> volunteer office. p>> in 14 years, the 89-year-old pretired bus driver has paccumulated 24,000 hours. p>> thank you for calling. p>> volunteering at bay front phealth hospital in brooksville. p>> i love volunteering because pyou're with people and you're pgiving to the community. p>> she got the idea to volunteer pwhen her late husband had a pstroke and went to the hospital. peleanor met a hospital volunteer pwho helped her with her husband pand it left a lasting pimpression.
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pshe was very, very nice, taking pcare of him. pthe waiting room was full of eople. p>> eleanor organizes schedules pfor more than 90 volunteers. paffectionately known as miss pellie because of her upbeat pattitude. p>> you might not be having a pgreat day and she comes and pcheers you up. pshe does it for the volunteers pand staff around here. p>> diana morris works with miss pellie. pthey met 10 years ago and it pbecomes the best of friends. p>> a lot of fun. pshe drug me into a lot of pthings. p>> good morning, everybody. p>> miss ellie can't see herself pdoing anything else. p>> it's rewarding to volunteer, pto help. p>> dedication and commitment to phelping others when they need it pthe most. p>> she's off. p>> there you go. p>> on another mission. pshe is awesome indeed.
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>> today on "tmz" -- harvey: with you know now have video, rob kardashian is not only losing weight, he's now officially light on his feet. >> blac chyna's working, putting on a show for us. the thing with rob, he's smiling. harvey: he just needed -- i hate to say it -- available ass. >> what man doesn't need available ass? [laughter] >> donnell rawlings was involved in a crazy bawl over an unpaid bill. >> hey! >> the kitchen guy comes running out and he just swings at donnell. this is probably one of the best fight videos that we've gotten in a long time. harvey: best fit video.
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