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tv   FOX 13 1000 News  FOX  March 21, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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phow p>> it's just nice to get back to pnormal. p>> an even bigger win for hulk phogan. pwhy a jury awarded him an extra p$25. resident obama: the future of pcuba will be decided by cubans.{ p>> president obama at raul pcastro in a news conference. p>> proving deadly, street pdealers mixing xanax with a
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pone pill could be your last. p>> good evening. pi'm craze. p>> i'm kell ring. pthanks for joining us. pdeveloping right now the hulk phogan sex tape trial is over. phogan says he made history. pthe jury hammered the gossip web psite gawker saying they owe phogan another $25 million in pdamages. plive at pinellas county pcourthouse in st. pete. phogan i guess was thrilled. p>> even a little bit surprised pkelly because he can't -- didn't pknow what to expect, but jurors pmade a statement with this pmassive boy out for hogan. phulk hogan left court thanking pthe jury that awarded him $140 pmillion. p>> i feel great. pi'm really happy about peverything that happened. p>> jurors awarded hogan $115 pmillion for the emotional and{
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pfelt he suffered after the pgossip web site gawker posted phim having sex. phogan's said he didn't know he pwas being recorded and his rivacy was violated. pthe jury hammered gawker monday pto the stun of $25.million in unitive damages. p>> i think we've protected a lot pof people going through what i pwent through. p>> one juror says viewing the pvideo convinced her hogan didn't pknow he was being taped. p>> feel like if he knew he was pbeing videotaped he would not phave spoke been the things he pspoke about. pwe also have privacy laws, and i phope those will be taken more pinto consideration. p>> gawker lawyers called the pverdict devastating at the site pfounder left court, he properly pe-ed this isn't over. p>> we have heard the jury
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pgoing to the appeals court where pthe law will follow and the pfacts be known. p>> while the case is far from pdone, hogan{ feels vindicated and pthanks his fans for never pdoubting him. p>> everywhere i show up people phave been really supportive so pit's cool to be in this pcommunity and feel the love. p>> heather dietrich says the pcompany feels that an appeals pcourt will overturn these pverdicts because she feels the osting of the sex tape was rotected by the first amendment pand news worthy and that the pjury was denied access to pcritical company from bubba the plove sponge, who did not have to ptake the witness stand. pwe will follow the developments pin this case. p>> 90 miles south of florida phistory, president obama spent
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psomething a u.s. president pyears. resident obama shook hands with pcuban leader raul castro in a phavana becoming the first u.s. resident to visit since 1928. resident obama visited prevolutionary scare. psasha square. pin divest 2014 president obama pannounced{ his administration pwould normalize relations with pcuba. psince then embassys have opened pbut tensions remain over issues plike human rights at the u.s. ptrade embargo. resident obama: just as i pcontinue to call on congress to plift the trade embargo, i pdiscussed with president castro pthe steps we urge cuba to take pthat it's ready to do more pbusiness. p>> president obama attended a pstate dinner tonight. ptomorrow he will deliver a pspeech to the cuban people and phe's also expected to meet and ptalk with some political
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pthe rays baseball game. pit's been a big push to get a pcuban consulate in st. peter's pberg. p>> foreign political editor ptakes a look why it makes sense pto have one here. p>> as the president's motorcade pclosed off a large part of phavana we found a part of the pcity most american tourists pdon't see. pas we explored havana inner city pwe discovered other explorers pfrom tampa bay who have been phere before. p>> there's a richness of culture pthat's unparalleled. p>> kevin king is chief of staff{ pto st. petersburg mayor chris price man. pthey're here to support the ptampa bay rays but they're also ptrying to convince the cuban pgovernment to open a consulate pin st. pete. p>> to me having a consulate poffice in st. pete ursburg is a
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pit's just that next step. p>> they've already discussed pthis with high level cuban pofficials and kpub a's ties to ptampa bay they say it could pay poff for besides. p>> we are creating this pinternational sort of flavor to pst. pete. pthis really yes with what we are ptrying to accomplish. p>> great chance to make pconnections, working very hard pto bring the consulate there. pworking hard to connect with the eople of havana, erase pboundaries and build bridges. p>> there are cuban exiles who pdon't want to bumped bridges pwith the castro regime, given pits history. psome say krisman is making pmistake. p>> the mayor has been out spoken psaying they{ don't want the pconsulate there. pwe would welcome it.
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ete to connect with the world pand the way it makes us a pdoorway to much of latin pamerica. p>> we spent a good time of our ptime but we veered off into keel pcuba. p-- real cuba. p>> the tampa bay rays are in a phavana had today they worked out pat a stadium that will host ptomorrow's game against the pcuban national team. pthe team took batting practice. pchris archer had a game of catch pwith a man named diego lopez. pour sports director scott is in pcuba. pcoming up in our next half hour, pscott is going to talk to the prays steve souza junior about phis spanish skills. p>> detectives investigating a
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psomeone found skeletal remains pin hud:n pthe sheriff's office says it may pbe the remains after homeless erson who went missing last pyear. pno word how that person may have pdied. p>> three young men were killed pat another one was injured in an pearly morning crash in sarasota. ptheir friends say they were out pcelebrating a 21st birthday. pofficers say wesley mccurly went pover the curb and was killed palong with michael duffy and dan pcuster. pa fourth person in the car pthomas bentley survived. ptoday is his 21st birthday. pofficers say mccurley was pspeeding. p>> officers believe speed was a pfact for in the crash.
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pconduct toxicology tests to see pif drugs or alcohol were a fact pfor in the crash. psince mccurley got his driver's plicense he's had four speeding ptickets. p>> overdoses from the drug spice pcounty. ptoday st. pete police went to punity park to explain the pdangers of spike. pthe man made marijuana is often placed with poison. pon saturday people found phomeless people vomiting and phaving seizures after smoking pspice. pcameras were rolling as a police pofficer found a couple punresponsive after using that pdrug. p>> hello. phello. pare you aware?
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pso was her boyfriend in the pblanket next to her. p>> police called paramedics. pcouple was okay. pst. pete police say since last pthursday they've had 28 calls pfor suspected overdoses from pspice many they're urging people pto stay away it from. pfortunately at this point no one phas died. p>> that is not the case with panother illegal drug making the prounds, a growing number of pdeaths in pinellas county blamed pon a fake xanax.{ pbuyers think they're getting one pthing but it turns out they're ptaking potentially deadly pamounts of a drug that many ptimes stronger than behind. p-- heroin. pso far at least nine people have pdied in pinellas county. pjosh is there live to tell us pmore about what's going on. p>> reporter: the sheriff calling pthis a major public safety pconcern, one that's almost pexclusive to pinellas county, pthe sheriff's message tonight, pdo not go out and buy xanax on
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pone it's illegal but two it may pnot be pure xanax. pit could be laced. pas people are finding out, one ill can kimt nine silhouettes, pnine pinellas county lives lost pto a tiny pill, passed off as pregular xanax. p>> however, these pills that pwere taken and swallowed were a pcombination of xanax and feint pno. p-- feint natural. pdr. fentanol. p>> if if people are going to{ buy pwhat they think is xanax on the pstreet they could not wake up. p>> this is really is a public psafety concern. p>> it's so dangerous, it's hard pfor authorities to understand pwhy anyone would even blend this
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pmore mixed street drugs are pbeing reported. p>> we don't know whether the psource of this xanax mixture is pa little source, whether it's pbeing manufactured here in inellas county or the tampa bay parea or whether it's being pmanufactured elsewhere and pimported into the area. p>> on at least nine occasions, pinvestigators have purchased the pbogus drugs during undercover pbuys. pthat's nine more people that pwhite bullet. p>> people need to immediately pstop buying xanax on the street pbecause their life depends on pit. p>> and if that's not scary penough, deputies report a new popioid hitting the street.
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pwe learned tonight three people phave died from that. pthe sheriff vowing to go after pdealers, if they can prove a pdealer's drugs killed someone, pthey'll pursue murder charges. p>> coming up, a powerful message pdelivered in person. pdui offenders come face to face pwith people who have lost loved pnext. p>> when you think of eating pdisorders, you probably think of pwomen, but more men have these pdisorders now, and why they're pless likely to get help. pthat's coming up tonight at p10:30. pwhat's going on no. p>> a winter chill around the bay parea today with the mercury only pin the 60s, tampa's high today pwas 65 at the same time denver phit 7 3. pthey have know on -- snow on the pwait a minute we have 80 on the pway it's a busy seven-day
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p>> it's a scene that seems to lay out nearly every week. p-- weekend. p>> there's a one way driver pdriving on southbound, i mena psouthbound 275. p>> this time the wrong way pdriver nearly hit a tampa police pofficer early yesterday morning. plook at this video. pit's from officer scott van ptreece's dash cam.{ pshe was charged with dui. p>> that hillsborough county can psheriff's deputy was hit by a pwrong way draoifrmt all these pdrivers have one thing in common palcohol. pit's a huge problem, and tonight eople have been arrested for
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pdangerous and deadly pconsequences of their choices. phaley is live in tampa this. psounds like an emotional night pfor these people. p>> absolutely. pit was tough for everybody in pthat room. pit was pretty stunning to see palmost 200 people packed into pthat room all arrested for dui. pthat's just one month. pmad against drunk driving host pthis impact panel once a month pwith a different crowd. pfor two hours people listened to pstories about how drunk driving pshattered lives and families in pthis community. pone more drink, one tragic pdecision can cause a lifetime of pregret. p>> don't be the cause of someone pelse's grief. pdon't destroy someone else's pdreams. p>> monday night it was a reality pcheck sitting in the audience pnearly{ 200 people arrested fo pdui.
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pthe pain of losing families to pdrunk driving. p>> you're arrested, you're fined pmaybe the loss of your driver's plicense is nothing compared to pthe cost of hospital bills and pfuneral expenses. p>> they stared at the names and pfaces of people killed they pheard stories of sheets covering pbodies and brown paper belongs pfilled with people's belongings. p>> it's been an emotional day pfinding out that the offender pthat killed the deputy had .27. p>> deputy was killed on the pexpressway. peric mcbeth was three times over pthe legal him it. panother reminder that no one is pinvincible. p>> very, very emotional, and pthen seeing all these people and pthem not realizing they could pkill someone. p>> the message hit home. psome were left in tears. pothers had to step to you. pgoal is for them to never set
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p>> i'm just lucky i didn't hurt panybody that, i'm still here ptoday and last thing i want is panybody taking my children from pme by a poor decision.{ p>> just don't do it. pthat's all i got to say. p>> these were people from all pwalks of life, young, old, pbusiness people, veterans, they pall unfortunately have one thing pin common. pback to those wrong way drivers, pthe florida department of ptransportation has been tracking parrests since april of 2014, pmore than a hundred of them in ptampa bay area in every single pcase, alcohol determined to be a pfactor. p>> all right haley thank you. psomebody needs to tell the pnortheast it's spring because it plooks like winter them got a prare spring snowstorm in maine. pfolks had to get out on the road pwith shovels and they're
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pis going on. pchilly for us considering it's pspringtime. p>> a snowstorm in the northeast, pwhich most of that snow melted pby afternoon. pthe storm helped drag cold air pour way. pwhat a night we had tonight. pwe saw this coming on our 6:00 pbroadcast. pin punta gorda from natalie, pgreat stuff, this one from a pbuddy in sarasota.{ pthat's a great shot. psarasota bay from sue rex pmichael. pnicely done, sue. plots of high clouds late today peven inland. phere's a view from avon park pfrom gina. finally the old sky pon fire alert in lake is is pwales tonight. pfrom lynn blackwell. pthat was a sky we had tonight. pby the way, if you're outside at pany point look up, to the moon pand to the left jupiter is in
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p65 the highs today. pthat's a big deal. pthat is a chilly day for us n. pthe middle of january the paverage high is 77 degrees. phigh pressure is west of us. pthe cold air continues to drain pdown the state. poccasional high clouds could pmake for a halo around the moon ptonight. pthis high will move our way. pby wednesday it will move east pof us. pwhen that happens, the winds pturn from nnw to east and psoutheast. pthings really heat up by pwednesday. pwe are 80. punfortunately, this weekend plooks like a front is going to peither be over us or near us so prain chances go up late friday pand{ higher rain chances should pcontinue through the weekend. pwe will update that in days pahead.
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pcounties tonight. pfrs advisory except for inland psections of hernando and citrus pcounties. pthis will probably be the pcoldest night we see until psometime in november or december plate they are year. pi don't think we get this cold pagain, patchy frost across pnorthern counties. phigh pressure west of us. psnowstorm is long gone in the pnortheast. pit's chilly up and down the east pkoefrkts lake-effect snow in new pyork state, 46 in columbia 47 patlanta 40 chicago going in the p45s 40s, tomorrow{ we bounce back pinto the mid 70s. pmiddle of the week high pressure
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pthe high goes east of us, the pwinds start turning. pthen we wait and watch for this pfront up here that will be i am acking us this weekend. pace i mentioned we could see pshowers and thundershowers. pdeep september chance of showers pand thundershowers e the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande with veggie or sausage today.
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it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you.
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put more fun in your day with ice-cream-flavored coffees at dunkin' donuts. go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today.
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p>> donald trump is speaking at pthe a-pack policy conference in pwashington to polish his image pon foreign affairs. pthe meeting draws thousands of ro-israel supporters to pwashington. p>> it may not be enough to lock pup nominations from those arties. p>> trying to earn the support of pthe powerful israel lobby, pdonald trump made an{ appearance pin water-dropping. p>> you have a lot of people that pyou think are against me and pit's just politicians them. pwant to make a deal. p>> his appearance in washington pmay be an attempt to recast his pimage. preports say trump also mess h pmet with top g.o.p. leaders as
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pbe a tough path to a republican pnomination. p>> to consolidate support and pwin the majority of the popular pvote in the prime advice a pdangerous sign going forward. p>> democrat hillary clinton was pthe first candidate to speak to pa-pack and part of the largest pcrowd ever. pclinton took a swipe at trump in pwhat she described as divisive phatred. p>> if you see bigotry oppose it. pif you see violence condemn it. pif you see a bully, stand up to phim. p>> tomorrow another key day in pthe election as key states in pthe west cast votes for the resident. p>> police often rely on psurveillance video to catch pcriminals. p>> sometimes it's grainy hard to{ phe but not this one.
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places hit by terrorists in november.. reopened with a tribute to those who died there. 3 ((chris meanwhile, a worldwide manhunt is underway tonight for another suspect in the paris attacks. ((kelly 2hs)) as fox's benjamin hall reports, he was seen traveling with one of the known terrorists.
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p>> he was on the run for four pmonths and found living 500 pyards in this charleston home. olice are working for a p24-year-old named najim who they psay traveled to hungary with the psuspect in the paris attack.{ pall this as the blaikt -- pblaifkt blavkt -- restaurant popened. p>> a nice way to remember them pand remember them. p>> the owner lost his mother and pwife in the attack saying it.
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pfound a i would to unlock an piphone used by the san pbernardino terrorists. pthere was a hearing tomorrow pbetween apple and the fbi but pthat hearing is cancelled the pfbi says they're working with an poutside party to show them a ossible way to unlock that hone. p>> the country's top two daily pfantasy sports web site world pseries have agreed to stop ptaking bets after months of plegal fighting. plast year, the attorney pgeneral's office argued that pdripping springs and fanduel{ the pboth companies read and pagreement with the state pattorney general to end betting ractices in the state. pthe agreement also delays an pinjunction against the companies
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ass legislation allowing the pweb sites. p>> they used some of the pclearest surveillance video pyou've probably ever seen. pthe shooting happened at a pmobile gas station amount woman ulled out a gun after someone pgot in an graumt. pturns out this gas station is art of what they call project pgreen life. pthere you see the woman shooting pthat gas station is equipped pwith high definition psurveillance cameras to the olice department and are pmonitored 24 hours a day. olice say they had the woman parrested within two hours of the pshooting. p>> an off duty new jersey police pofficer was found shot to death pin his car. pthe officer was sitting in his ersonal car next to a movie ptheater complex. olice say the officer may have pbeen investigating the report of
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pthe officer's name not released. pthe scene is still being pinvestigated tonight. p>> in indiana there's a pemotional that's growing for a olice officer who was shot and pkilled over the weekend, pofficers were serving a warrant pwhen a suspect barricaded phimself in a mobile home and popened fire. ptwo officers were hit, one of pthem killed. pthe other is in stable condition pin the hospital. pthe suspect was shot and killed pby police. p>> eating disorders affect pmostly women and can be a deadly roblem. psome men also struggle with pthese disorders. pas fox's scarlet reports, pthey're far less likely to get pany help. p>> when you hear the term, peating disorder, you probably pthey can of women and conditions pthat rob them of their physical phealth and their ability to see pwhat they truly look like even pwhen they're thin. p>> they have distorted body
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p>> but eating disorders are not pjust a female problem. p>> probably 10% of the opulation is male. p>> the problem is prevalent penough to be nicknamed pmanorexia.{ p>> the problems with eating pdisorders in men is it's secret pi. p-- secretive. p>> there's more pressures than pthere was in the past with all pthe media that's available, ptwitter, facebook, you know, the pinternet. p>> studies show mal body images pconcerns have dramatically pincreased over the past three pdecades from 15 percent to 43 ercent of men dissatisfied with ptheir bodies. p>> men want to look good. pthen they start focusing in on
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plittle, and then they will gorge pthemselves and have episodes pthese quicky diets. pin something else. p>> conditions that pre-dispose eople to eating disorders would pbe things like sexual abuse in pchildhood, among some of the men psituations that raise anxiety plevels higher. p>> like anyone with a medical roblem, experts say tiu sooner pmen seek help, the better. p>> you wouldn't hesitate to go pto an orthopedic surgeon. pyou think it would be ridiculous pto lie there with a bone psticking out and not get help. p>> you like country music? p>> yes, i do. p>> you don't want to miss this. p>> fox has announced some of the pheadliners in next month's pcountry music awards.
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lace p>> coming up tonight at 11:00, pit was a deadly ride for a local assenger. pa public bus that ended a man's plife. lus opening up{ cuba is like a pblast from the pass for pamericans. pcuban community out of touch pwith the times. p>> well, the biggest stars in pcountry music will play the pamerican country awards on fox, pluke brian, florida georgia line pthomas will headline the show. pyou can watch the american pcountry awards may 1st right phere. phelen hunt and trichd drives --
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paftermath of a racially charged pshooting in tennessee. p>> the mascot for the portland ptimbers is asking for help after psome of his gear was stolen over pthe week. pjoey webber better known as ptimber joey mascot for the ptimbers professional soccer pteam.{ phe posted on facebook to see if panyone had seen the items. pwithin a day some of his pbelongings were found. p>> i believe in people more, and pi believe that when i posted on pfacebook and i have almost 250 pshares of the stories so far, pthe people of portland love what pwe do with the timbers.
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pwhat good is a lumber jack pwithout his chainsaw? phis chainsaw and his suspend presearchers still missing so he phopes he will turn up soon or no plogs will get sawed. psuspenders are important too. pthey hold his pants up. p>> fox 13 sports director scott psmith is in a havana for tampa pbay playing the nationals in pcuba. p>> scott also got to spend time pwith a cuban born player. phe's going to get the start in pcenterfield tomorrow. pwe will take a look at his pemotional return to{ his pbirthplace just ahead in sports. p>> this poor guy was not cut out
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p>> okay, we love this. pwe are going to start with great ptrending. pif you've seen those dogs pcompete in the agility courses pin dog shows, you've got to see pthis. pfaced with an agility coursw, pwent through it on his own, slow pand precious. phe ignored most of the obstacles pand said no, i'm going to get to pthe treats. pwe are not sure what his honor pwas thinking but we thought it pwas entertaining.
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pi had a bassett hound for years. p>> 73 and rapid from the mid p p p>> how about that. pyou know, that's the cast of psesame street doing harmony. pof course, they didn't do it by pchoice. pthis was because a creative guy pon youtube takms clips and pmatches the puppet mouth. pthe whole thing is hilarious. pi've got it posted on my pfacebook page if you want to pcheck it out. pat least get to the one minute pmark where cookie monster did
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p>> he was back in his desk pwatching it over and over. pi thought it was you had for a pwhile. p>> i wish i thought of that. p>> interesting crank up all the pway in the news room all evening plong. p>> the sesame street characters pdo a great beasty boy routine ptoo. p>> sports director scott smith pis reporting tonight from cuba. p>> dave, one of the historic ptrip to cuba has been amazing plet's start with the weather. pthis is not necessarily ideal pbaseball weather. pit's been overcast. pwe are located just next to the psea wall here. pthroughout the day, major waves phave been kicking up alongside pthis and covering that street. pthere's actually cars that have pbeen commuting along that road, pbut it's really been something pto watch. pthere are men station e out pthere to make sure no edestrians get swamped by these pwaves. pthe weather has been one thing pwe watched but earlier today had
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prevolution plaza from there we ptook a cab ride in a 1959 dodge, pso all the things that you think pabout cuba we've been able to psoak in today, but we had an popportunity to go to the stadium pwhere tomorrow's game is going pto be played, and that was quite pa treat. pmany of the players toured phavana. pothers went to the stadium. pthe historic stadium is the home pof the famed does trals. p-- industrials. pthey looked forward to ptomorrow's game. p>> i knew that it was going to pmean a lot to the people here, pbut until you actually see you pdon't fully understand, so it's pnice. pi'm really happy that the rays pwere selected and that i could pbe a part of this trip to bring psuch joy to the people of this pcountry. p>> one of the stories of this pvisit is daron ve rona.
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preturn to his country three pyears after leaving it. pthe reception for him has been pfantastic. phe's going to lead off and play pright field. pit's a moment for{ verona a long ptime coming p[speaking foreign language] p>> i never would have dreamed of pit. pto be here, i thank god for this popportunity. pit's something special. p>> much like the united states, pbaseball is cuba's pass time. pright across the state from the pstadium is a youth field. pnine and ten-year-old boys from paround the country gather to get pcoached up in a kids clinic by prays coaches. pfinally, take it from me, it's ptough to get around here. pif you can't speak the native planguage. pthat was a question i had for prays players. pi wanted to know since they've pknown about this trip, have they phad the opportunity to brush up pon spanish.
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pwhen i was young. plot of my roommates are spanish. pso i can get around a little pbit. p>> if you get lost, where is the pbaseball stadium? psay that in spanish. p>> donde esta el stadium. p>> in a havana cuba.{ p>> we got to meet the bolts pbetter halves.
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(mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. p>> fox 13 sunrise in fort de psoto.
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alm tree in the foreground. pthat's a fox 13 umbrella winner. pbeautiful sunrise. pwe talked about the snow up and pdown@a!e east coast. pthis was the scene just east of rovidence, rhode island. pearly today, covered with snow pn. fact, a couple of inches of psnow. pseveral hours later brx 4:00 in pthe afternoon this was the pscene. pthat's what happens when you get pthat bright spring sun doing its pthing and the snow is gone. pby evening it was all gone. pgrass was green, temperatures pmoderating in the northeast, pmoderating front. pfirst cold night tonight. pright now 54 in tampa. psebring 43. p42 in wauchula. ptonight will probably be the pcoldest night we see for nine to pten months.
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psimilar readings but i doubt it pwill be this cold until next pfall and winter. p43 degrees in brooksville with atchy frost -- fog. pit will be significantly colder pthan average running about 15 pdegrees below average many pspots. pso 48 degrees at 9:00 a.m. lenty of sunshine by midday. pthe only problem tomorrow is ollen. pthe tree{ pollen levels stay high pfor another week or two at pleast. pby 4:00, we are up to 72 pdegrees. p>> it was a four inch ptouchscreen and the start around p$400 bucks. pthe company revealing a cheaper pipad. pmeanwhile set back for the phousing market ahead of the pkrurb spring shopping season
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pmore than 7 percent the drop pblamed on a shortage of roperties that's causing pbidding wars. pthe cost of buying a home isn't pthe only thing going up. pgetting to work is also getting pmore expensive. pgallon of gas a nickel more than pjust last week. p27 cents higher than a month pagent. pit appears americans will do pjust about anything to avoid aying taxes, a survey finds one pin four would get a tattoo of pthe irs if it meant we would pnever have to pay income tax pagain. p>> winning florida lottery pnumbers.{ pthe play for daytime is 6062. pgood luck. pwe see a lot of tampa bay plightning players but tonight we
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pthat's what they call their pwives and girlfriends who put on pa fashion show for a cause ptonight. pthere was a cocktail reception pand dinner, followed by a pfashion show. pit all benefited the spring of ptampa bay. p>> we struggle every year to praise enough money to serve the pthousands of people who need our pservices. pto raise enough money in one pnight sin credible. p>> certainly is. pgreat job for the lightning to pdo this. pthe spring has served more than p60,000 women pad children in phibs county.{
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pwhy investigaters need your phelp. p>> feel great. pi'm really happy about peverything that's happened. p>> i'll bet he is. panother multimillion dollar win pfor hulk hogan. pwhat the pricy pay out means for pthe gossip web site gawker. pjill: a new day but the same old pchallenges. phistoric meeting between resident obama and raul castro. crash killed 44-year-old michael bladen. 3 right now fox 13's kellie cowan is live along interbay where that hit and run crash took place... she spoke with bladen's family and friends who are just heartbroken


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