tv FOX 13 1100 News FOX March 23, 2016 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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>> good hi, guys! spring is almost here and you know what that means! easter is hopping along. so, if you're looking to stretch your dollar this easter holiday, just look at these savings at your local walmart. tampa, in head-to-head shopping, the total amount saved at walmart vs. winn-dixie was $14.07... that's 10% on this week's easter basket. why shop anywhere else? fill your basket with walmart's
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paulson. >> meanwhile, shay says julianna margulies is a dead ringer. >> now by the way bu this was happened. how about this? who would look better with a tire iron in hand, kevin dylan from "entourage" or steve buschemi, "fargo" edition? >> i'mmcdonalds pinside a local hospital is psending the wrong message. p and first up at 11:00 ptonight, an elderly man is dead pand a bus driver fired after a pride on a psts bus went wrong. pwe're learning what the bus pdriver did and didn't do.
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phe's live at pst head quarters. pwhat are they saying about what phappened? p>>reporter: the bus company says pthis is an extremely rare but revent reventible tragedy. phe lost not only his father but pbest friend. phe sits alone now next to an pempty scooter. p>>man: he'd get around all over pthe place. phe liked it. p>>reporter: reading headlines pabout his own father. p>>man: i just lost a life. pa dear one. p>>reporter: on march 4th, henry pwas on a psta bus when it turned pon a slightly excessive speed. phis scooter tumbled over pinjuring his arm and chest.
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pdead, police linking the death pto the fall. p>>man: i said hey dad, here's pyour favorite program and i pturned around and he wasn't pthere. p>>reporter: the bus company pfired the driver. pa two year veteran. p>>man: i'm very very sorry pabout what happened. p>>reporter: they said he did pthree things wrong. pvideo confirms the turn was ptaken too fast as the light was pyellowed. ptwo, the scooter he was on was pnot strapped in properly. phe should have flagged what phappened and asked a supervisor pto determine if the man needed phelp. pdrivers have been reminded of roper procedures and psta pinsists the public should have pconfidence. p>>man: training never stops phere. pcommunication between the safety pdivision and the operators is pcontinuous.
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pexpects a lawsuit and lucier psays he's considering one. pthe bus drivers' union has filed pan appeal but he may not pnecessarily want to go back to pwork as a bus driver. pthe driver is said to be very pdistraught about what happened. p to brussels now. pthe world once again reeling pfrom a terror attack in the pheart of europe. pthis member -- memorial is on pthe streets. pin new york city, the very top pof the freedom tower is lit in pthe colors of belgium's flag. phere at home, a similar display pshining bright in downtown ptampa. pat least 34 people died in those pattacks, possibly more than 200 pinjured.
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p>>reporter: desperate house to phouse searchs in brussels. pisis is claiming responsibility. pa bomb and an isis flag were pfound in another apartment. pon the right. pthe two men in black are pbelieved to be suicide bombers. pat least one of them is dead. p>>man: we feared a terror pattack would happen and this is pwhat happened. p>>reporter: at least 30 people pwere killed. pmore than two hundred injured. pamong them, nine americans. pthree moreman missionaries. ptwo blasts. pthen glass blowing out, the pceiling falling down, smoke and pdust all around. p>>woman: everyone was running, prunning, running. pwe sat there ten minutes and we
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p>>woman: when i go out i see a plot of people with black and i pjust run out of the airport. pall the building there, there's plike chaos there. p>>reporter: a short time later, pa blast hit a subway station pnear the european union head pquarters and the us embassy. pall this four days after the parrest of the active participant pin last november's paris attack. p>>man: terrorism hit belgium pbut europe was targeted and the pwhole world is concerned. p>>reporter: by the way, nails pwere in that bomb. olice believe the apartment was pwhere they made the bomb.
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pmessage tonight threatening all pcountries participating in the pfight to stop isis. pthere are no specific threats pagainst the us but security at pthe airports across the country phave been increased. p>> it sure has. pforced to land in a remote arking area so agents could do pa security sweep of the plane pand all the luggage. ptook about three hours. pthere were 270 people on board. pthey didn't even know about the pattack until they landed. p>>woman: it's very scary. pand then not to know for ten phours and your family is pfreaking out because they don't pknow what's going on. pit's pretty scary. p>> nothing unusual was found. poperations are back to normal. p tampa international has ptightened up security, too. pyou can expect to see more puniformed police officers in ublic areas as well as more k-9
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pan estimated 2 and a half pmillion people making their way pbreak. p>>man: we condemn the acts of pterrorism in belgium for this, pwe request a minute of silence. p>> that was before today's phistoric baseball team in cuba. pthey held the moment of silence pthere. p also on cuban national ptelevision, president obama pcondemned the attacks. pit helped wrapped up his two day ptrip to europe. pit's the first time a us resident has visited the nation pin 88 years. pit was also the first popportunity for cubans to hear pabout his visit for warming prelations between the two pcountries. pstill though, many opponents say
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pa reward castro don't deserve. pthose two leaders sat together pduring the game today. pit ended with a win for the rays p4-1. pand scott smith will have the phighlights coming up. p and of course baseball and pforeign policy have more in pcommon than you may think. pour political editor has been in pcuba for days now. phe will explain how those two pissues are intertwined. p we're also following a pmidair collision that sent two psky divers not hospital. pthe general manager said the men pwere both experienced sky divers pwearing wing suits. pone was hurt but was able to pdeploy his parachute. pthe other man was knocked out. pit was his reserve shoot that pautomatically activated and he planded four miles away on county proad 54. p>>man: we do use automatic pactivation devices.
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pyou do get knocked out, sky pdiving is dangerous, we have psomething that will throw a arachute over your head. pthat is what saved that jumper's plife. pthat is a very very rare pincident. p>> at last check, both at the phospital. pone in critical condition, the pother in serious but stable pcondition. p the man carrying out a crime pspree over the weekend has been parrested. phe robbed a wells fargo on pfriday. phe's also accused of robbing a pcar driver. phe's being held on a $300,000 pbond. p how about this story ptonight. pa local campaign is trying to pget tampa general hospital to do paway with the mcdonald's inside pthe hospital. porganizers say they have more pthan one thousand signatures purging tgh to say goodbye.
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preaction of the campaign. p>>reporter: basically the idea pis this. ptampa general is supposed to be pa healthy place but some feel pmcdonalds doesn't fit in there. etitions will be given in to pthe president of the hospital pand urging them to get rid of pthe place. pthe worry is it's a bad impact pon health, it's sending a wrong pimage to kids who are stuck at ptampa general. phere's the problem, mcdonalds is pthere under a contract signed in p1988 and runs through 2013. pthere's no way to end it before pthat. porganizers say they want the phospital to take a stand right pnow. p>>woman: we're going to keep pworking so that they're pconvinced that they're not going pto renew that contract. p>>woman: if you go into a phospital and you see something
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pthere, you're going to associate pit with being healthy. p>>reporter: we also reached out pto casper's company that owns pthe mcdonalds. pthey say people go there because pit fits their lifestyle and they phave anything for any type of plifestyle. pthey in the hospital point out pthere's a cafeteria in tampa panyone. p coming up, strong sentiments pbrussels.
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pweekend. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah
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pthe last remnant of the cold pwars of the americas. p president obama speaking pdirectly to the cuban people. plater, he joins in the wave pwhile taking in a historic pbaseball game with cuban resident. pmay be a surprise but that game pand foreign policy go hand in phand. pit's opening the doors to a pfuture that many americans and pcubans never thought they'd see. p>>reporter: you see striking pcontrast here in havana. pit's very large and yet going pthrough repairs and renovations. pon each side of it, you see pother buildings that need a pwhole lot of work. pwhile parts of havana are pthriving, many others are pstruggling. p>>man: president obama is a pgood president.
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pflorida and he wanted us to know phe likes president obama and preally wants hillary clinton. p>>man: in my dreams, i vote phillary clinton, president, resident. p>>reporter: from what he's hard pon state run media, he thinks pshe will continue the course on pkeeping trade with cuba. p>>man: my love for you and your phusband. p>>reporter: while one of our ptaxi drivers see president obama pas a hero, others do not. panother driver said he doesn't plike all the americans here and pcharged us extra for the traffic pand hassle. pour government brought us ptogether through baseball. p>>man: i got my whole family pfrom a place called la pachinta. pit's the north part of the pisland.
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pgame with cuba will open the pdoors for more. p>>man: i definitely hope so. pi've spoken to some of them and pthey would love to play in the pstates. p>>reporter: that plays into the resident's strategy to lift the ptrade embargo and get more pcubans interacting with pamericans and drive more change pon their own. p>>man: 3, 2, 1. pand lift off. psupplies for the crew pexperiments for science. p>> a successful launch for the patlas five rocket. pit went up just few minutes ago. rinter.
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astraw astronauts pwill be able to print anything pthey need. pthat's pretty cool. pthey're going to do that after pthe capsule is unloaded and ptravels a safe distance away pfrom the space station. p>> that makes me nervous. pstart a fire and see what phappens to it. p>> it was a perfect night out pthere for the launch. p>> i know. pbeautiful night. p>> one of my twitter followers pcould see it clearly tonight. pit was a great shot of the peastern sky. pcrystal clear skies. pchanges on the way. pthis was in the eastern sky ptonight. pjustin battles, look at that. pyou have the near full moon and pcan you see jupiter? pit's underneath the twitter psymbol on top of the moon ptonight. pthat was the view in the eastern psky and jupiter and the moon pmoving over the sky in tandem pthe past couple of days.
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pgood job, justin. pthat's on my facebook page. ptoday, another blue day. p71 is the average high, we were pat 77. pwe're going to be at or above paverage this weekend as moisture pincreases and it may rain as psoon as thursday afternoon in psome spots. pa huge transition is underway. pchilly, high pressure. ponce it moves east of our plongitude, that's it. pwe got the humidity coming back pas winds turn to the southeast. pour dew points have been in the p30s and 40s the past couple of pdays. pthey're heading for the 60s and p70s until friday and then at pleast for the first couple of pdays next week. pbig high pressure gave us a good pday today. pthere's a front way over the lain states. pthat moves our way for friday pweekend.
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pcertainly showers and thunders pshowers beginning late thursday pand off and on monday next week. pright now, 50s and 60s are on ptampa bay. pit's a nice night. pthose of you that walked outside pto check out the launch, it pfeels pretty good with a full pmoon overhead. psouthern counties in the 50s and plow 60s. punder mostly clear skies. plook at that dew point. pthink about that for a second. pyou're not going to get more 43 pdew points between now and pnovember. phigh pressure over the southeast pnow. pthere's a frontal boundary pthat's producing snow in the prockies. pdenver was 73 yesterday, they'll pbe having snow tomorrow.
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pweather on the way. pso tonight, we bottom out in the p40s and 50s and tomorrow, i pthink you're going to like it. plots of sunshine and mercury in pthe low 80s. pthe winds turn around. pthey come in from the southeast pstarting tomorrow. pwith that southeast wind, maybe pdeveloping warm front, could be pshowers developing thursday pafternoon and then friday, the pfrontal boundary approaches and pthen it gets stuck. pit's going to sit near us or pover us for a couple of days, pthat's not good. psunshine tomorrow though, pheading to 80 for high and then plow 80s on thursday and turning pmore humid. pa couple of showers developing pby late in the day.
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1:28 am
did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast another big night in p you know we had to have olitical news tonight, right? pthere's another big night in the prace for the white house.
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pand the caucuses in iowa and putah winding down. pthe caucus results aren't out pyet but we are getting results pfrom arizona. p>> the republican race has been pcalled for by quite a large pmargin. pby donald trump and that means pwinner takes all state all pdelegates go to him. p>> for the democrats, arizona is pgoing to hillary clinton. p75 delegates go to her. pas we wait for the caucuses in putah and iowa, you can head to pour website, of course we'll phave updates on good day. pthat starts at 4:00 a.m. p meanwhile, each of the pcandidates speaking up about pwhat happened in brussels. p>> this became a political issue ptoday. pfront runner donald trump is
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pdisaster and renewing his romise on the ban of immigrants pin the us. pthen ted cruz is calling for atrols for muslim neighborhoods pbefore the neighborhoods become pradicalized. p>> okay, for the democrats, phillary clinton taking a pdifferent approach. pshe's calling for a fight pagainst terrorism online. pshe says that's where isis pfollowers are being radicalize. p>> we'll continue to follow the pfallout from the brussels pattack. p still tonight in sports, pwe've got your ticket for the pcu aha! oof! weee! slurp. mmmmmm. cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk.
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