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tv   Fox 13 News  FOX  August 23, 2016 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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much like last weeks first joint much like last week's first joint practice in jacksonville, today's first joint with the browns was not up to cutters liking that the offense was not good.
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all-in-all, they need to be better. >>man: we had balls tipped, we had poor throws, and we had bad protection. bad combination. i'm only talking about one side of the ball. if i was on the other field, i might be here with a big smile. we have to take it with a grain of salt, work it out, and get back to work. >> he's not the only kicker to miss preseason field other kickers have missed as well. but he was obviously struggling as well. another reason to be thankful that this is just the preseason. today at practice, the shakiness continued. it's clearly something his coachs and teammates are noticing but have decided to rally around him. >>man: who better than me to go talk to him about being drafted and being expected to be the guy right away? you know what i'm saying.
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injuries, not living up to expectations, who better to go talk to? i just go and encourage him and say listen, stay the course. >> well, the rays are thought to be one of 20 plus teams to attend the tim tebow show case next week. he's working out before the scouts hoping to get signed by the team and pursue thepo hasn't played since high school. rays, red sox, i suppose you never know. chris archer facing david ortiz in the third. red sox take a 1-0 lead. and high chopper over brad millers head. around second going to third. attempts the throw to third and this pass longoria.
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home. he's winded. 2-0 red sox. kevin, the liner -- comes on home. makes it 2-1 game. not much offense for either team tonight. a combined 25 strikeouts between the two clubs. rays fall 2-1 is your final. that's sports. that's going to do it for us tonight. money, power, politics coming up next. good day starting at 4:00 a.m. have a great night,
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my son has meningitis b. but how did we end up here? his mom thought he had the flu and that he was covered by the meningococcal meningitis vaccine he had received. until 2014 there were no vaccines for meningitis b in the u.s. now there are. while uncommon, meningitis b can lead to death within 24 hours. trumenba is a vaccine for 10 through 25 year olds to help prevent group b meningococcal disease.
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that is the way it is supposed to be. >> to be determined. >> are you rethinking your mass deportation strategy. >> i am not flip-floping. >> we go one on one with haley baumgartner and we decide what went month court room of mr. merissa. >> you may be a bit confused. >> craig: i object. >> objection. >> you are going back and forth like children. look at the evidence. congress! >> craig: this is "money, >> craig: this is "money, power and politics." >> craig: so struch coming back to tampa bay as he faces more questions over his immigration policy. he took off in the primaries by saying that all undocumented immigrants from to go. >> a massive deportation force. >> you are going to have a deportation force. >> craig: sources tell buzz
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and is now open to legal legalization. and if asked if he wants that deportation. his new campaign manager said tbd. >> to be determined. >> craig: is trump softening his position on deportation. it he open to allowing om illegal immigrants to stay h here, and will he elaborate this when he speaks tomorrow in tampa. i caught up with trump's national spokesperson haley baumgartner this afternoon crai softening his position deporting all the people who live here legally. >> his position has not cha changed. again, the immigration issue has been a forefront of his candidacy from the beginning, and he wants stricter policies that are enforced in terms of our illegal immigration pro problem. it is an inequitable for current hard-working citizens to have to for and prop up people who are in our country,
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that policy. >> craig: to be clear, he still favors and would move toward deporting all people living here illegally if elected president? >> as it currently is and as he has stated, he wants the laws enforced. those laws are already in place. we have customs and border protection and we have ice. they are not being enforced. where he is in his policy we have to address the illegal immigration problem and we are currently looking at ways how that will be done specifically. >> craig: might t illegally will be allowed to stay? >> i am not going speculate that and what i will reinforce and echo is his stance, a major problem not only from an economic standpoint but an illegal immigration standpoint. we will be looking at that specifically and addressing specific ways to mitigate that problem. >> craig: will he be addressing specific topic? >> i have not even the advanced
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deport all living here illegally seems to be up in the air, to be determined or a matter speculation. but trump and his surrogates say he is not flip-floping. >> are you rethinking your mass deportation strategy. >> i want to follow the law. >> craig: he has moved saying all people who live here illegally need to go. to the bad ones living here need to go >> the existing laws the first thing t when i win is to get rid of the bad ones. >> reporter: brushing off mixed signals in terms of tone. his campaign manager said he will stop hurling personal insult and then he hurled personal insults. two clowns and a not very bright mess among other things. in the second half of the show we will ask trump's spokeswoman to address that. and drill into the zika crisis sounding new alarms here in tampa bay while congress does
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closer look at why we have a gridlock do nothing congress and why president obama has not helped us as he hoped. charley belcher is my sparing partner and merissa will hear the argue numbers to the's edition of judge merissa. >> i have never been more hopeful about america's future than i have been tonight. [crickets] >> craig: a fall for community fell on deaf ears. >> we need to find our way to civility. >> you be quiet. >> you don't know me. >> reporter: do you think politics are rougher and more in your face more than ever. >> sit down and shut up. >> reporter: if so, who is responsible and what is up for can we change. that is up for debate in our court. you are entering the court room of judge merissa lynn. real issues, real political arguments, settled here in our forum.
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>> merissa: you both agree that politics has turned nasty. >> yes, but mr. patrick may be a little confused. >> craig: i object, lack of personal knowledge khailz khailz i object incompetent. >> craig: i object. >> charley: object merissa lynn look at the evidence. you are both sounding like congress. >> mr. speaker -- >> i object, i object. >> the modern force. >> objection. >> objection. objection. >> the gentleman will state his objection here. >> object. >> merissa: mr. patrick we heard you go back and forth before. >> craig: with charley and me. >> what life would be like. >> i object. >> if we acted like politicians on both sides of the aisle. >> i object. >> craig: sorry.
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congress and the is no more civility. whether this team. with me or against me. what happened of us all getting along. >> merissa: do you think we have not lost civility in politics? >> craig: if you look in history -- i would like to play a clip governor zel miller. >> i wish we lived in a day that we challenge a person to a duel. >> craig: our founding fathers shot rivals in the stomach. yes, ugliness trouble certainly this year on the campaign trail, but i would like to go back to video from the convention floor back in the '50s and '60s. >> i am sorry to be out of breath but someone belted me in the stomach. >> a priest, and dozens of reporters and the man that got involved in it all is very calmly smoking a cigarette. >> craig: there was no golden age of politics stuck to is issues, held hands and sang country gospel songs together.
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? giddy up ?. >> merissa: the singing senators do count. >> craig: they were exceptions and one the singing senators was larry craig before he got busted in the airport men's room he had nasty things to say about bill clinton >> the american people already know that bill clinton is a bad boy, a naughty boy, probably even a nasty, bad, naughty boy. >> craig: your honor that is just the start. i would like to submit that john quincy adams colleagues abraham lincoln a ape and in the middle ages could you get spanked. >> precedent of a senator being beaten by a cane in the senate. >> craig: don't romanticize the poll six of yesteryear because the past wasn't that simple. >> charley: in modern politics the tone used to be softer. i would like to introduce the old eisenhower ad ? you like ike, i like ike, everybody likes ike ?.
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>> do you realize that what is done by left wing -- >> what the difference worse back then. >> charley: you want to know the truth. >> craig: give us truth right now. >> charley: you can't handle the truth -- i always wanted to do that in the court room. you thank you, your honor. >> craig: he said he didn't want to win the argument. >> merissa: you still jack nicholson. >> charley: turns out she can handle the truth. >> craig: now your time to handle the verdict, find and like our facebook page, craig patrick's page on facebook. do you like the judge's decision? cast your vote as a member of the jury. coming up, why the polls have narrowed this week and what to make of it. matt flannery has a beef with donald trump and hillary clinton. and we will break down the
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donald trump facing new criticism - a reporter with a disability. "you gotta see this guy. 'uhhhh i don't know what i said, i don't remember.' he's going like 'i don't remember'." "putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. i don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist." "you have to be wealthy in order to be great. i'm sorry to say it." "he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured."
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? ? ?. well, if you follow the average of national polls, you may have noticed that it has narrowed a bit this week. check out the line graph from the real clear politics average of national polls. over the past two weeks, trump has gained a little and clinton has lost a little. we will explain, a couple of things going on here to put this in context. hillary clinton got a double bounce first from a strong l line-up at the democratic
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donald trump. well, as that period wears off, would you expect the race to tighten a little just as it has in prior election years. and based on history, the race may tighten even a little more by labor day this year. but in addition tne poll withint national average that stands out. it is the "la times" survey that has consistently given trump more support than the other national polls, and we have the new showing trump and clinton are, t days be wondering what's up with the "la times" poll why it consistently shows trump doing better than other surveys. the short answer that the other polls filter out the undecided voters and the la times presses the undecided voters to rank their likelihood of picking
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translation, it use a different formula and suggests that undecided voters may be a little more inclined to vote for donald trump when push comes to shove. clinton and trump both have a good deal of baggage. they rank as the least popular nominees in modern history and mike flannery is here to call out both of them in tonight's flannery fired up. >> good for donald trump, getting rid of his disgraceful campaign chairman. the shocking revelations of for vladimir putin raised serious questions none of which good for donald trump's campaign. at the end of the week he accepted manafort's resig resignation. how about those income tax returns that we urged you last week to release. while we are following up, sorry, bill clinton, promising not to collect corporate
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only if and when your wife hillary clinton becomes president is not good enough. we need to see a complete and thorough accounting of all the foundation's donors. a few e-mails recently made public hint that the conflicts of interest that existed when mrs. clinton was secretary of state. and aides seemed to seek special favor for lebanese billionaire, a guy who had given millions of dollars to the clinton foundation. a guy who also, by the way, has unsavory cne bad and very bloody people. it is time for the clintons to come clean. stop collecting that kind of money right now. open the books. i am political editor mike flannery. well, when trump comes to tampa tomorrow, he may face more questions over the zika crisis especially since it may no longer be deconfined to south florida especially when we have a nontravel related chase in pinellas county and a
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brushed off the controversy saying that our governor probably has it all under control. >> i would say that it is up to rick scott. it depends on what he is looking to do. because he really seems to have it under control in florida. >> reporter: governor rick scott says it is not under control and he needs more action from washington. and the u.s. surgeon general told me if congress does not take action, a key part in the fight against zika will come to a halt. >> our ability to continue doing expanding our efforts on vaccine development. these will all be compromised. >> that means that research and development will stop if the funds ran snout. >> if the funds ran out we won't be able to continue our efforts to develop a vaccine. that a tragedy because a vaccine is an incredibly important tool to prevent complications of zika. >> craig: if congress specifically takes no action what is the threat to florida over say the next six months.
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aggressively as we need to. we won't be able to invest in the development of a vaccine. and we won't be able to possibly ensure that we have the full complement of testing in diagnostic capacity that we will need for the duration of this epidemic. what i don't want to see is forr resource that we can and find out in a few months that we ran out of resources. that would be -- tha >> craig: dr. murphy, thank you for your time. coming up, the zika crisis has triggered more finger pointing on all sides. south florida is blaming governor scott. scott is blaming washington.
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? ? ?. well, governor scott is taking heat for his response to the zika crisis. just last week we gave him high marks for taking action while congress is out on break, but problems with the state's response. and kelly wright breaks it d down. >> governor and the health department were not talking to us. >> a feud is breaking out between the florida governor and miami beach's mayor over the zika outbreak. miami beach mayor phillip levine is accusing governor rick scott of not taking enough action, but the governor is pushing back. >> mayor levine has not been to any of those events until today. i reached out to mayor levine
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>> reporter: miami beach has been centered out as one of the centers of the zika outbreak along with the wynwood neighborhood in miami where dozens of case s have been reported. mayor levine is upset with the governor for not keeping residents informed about the latest cases. >> information is important. you know, we don't want to ever play around with people's lives. this is very serious stuff. we take it very serious. >> craig: the governor says he has been active in his outreach campai a crews to spray for mosquitoes. >> i have made sure that i have gone to congress and ask for money. on a daily basis, we put out information for our department of health. i have traveled to miami a number of times and held roundtables here. the -- so everybody has had an opportunity to participate. >> craig: meanwhile, florida democrats say congress needs to pass funding now to fight the zika outbreak saying it is alredy impacting tourism in the state. >> we kept saying it and kept
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their heads in the sand, and here we are. >> craig: again funding for zika research could run out this summer and congress has been unable to strike a deal because it has been caught up in politics. in politics. coming up, we will preview donald trump's rally in tampa, take a closer look at ground game and ask why ?? know you're budgeted for the expected,
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story tomorrow will be donald trump here in tampa bay because he is planning another big rally in tampa at the f fairgrounds tomorrow afternoon. and today this afternoon, i had a very interesting conversation with his national spokesperson haley baumgartner who had some thoughts on trump's tone. . >> craig: let's start with the tone of the campaign. we seem to be getting mixed signals that trump will not hurl personal insult and he hurled insults at the morning jo what is up for mixed signals. >> i don't think we are with mixed signals. we are big on message and some of the things he is talking about from the onset of his presidential bid. and he had conversations with the american public. >> craig: so in effect, brushing off inconsistencies, redirecting to the core message of the campaign, that's where trump has been the past couple of days. also some concerns that the trump team does not have the ground game in place that it
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people like florida, but she also pushed back on that. take a look. >> we have, for example, 30,000 volunteers. that is huge. just with our voter registration, we have registered 67,000 more voters than the democrats. >> craig: 30,000 volunteers in florida actively engaged doing different things for the campaign. >> yes. >> craig: closing thoughts, hillary clinton spent the afternoon in hollywood with justin timberlake. her goal is to raise more mo money. concerned of fund raising from the trump campaign. that is our show tonight. we will see you once again
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12:00 am
hey, happy tuesday and welcome to "dish nation." a lot of big stories to get to today. hearing from eddie murphy himself about what he might be doing again soon, plus, dmx about to be a father for the we'll tell you. plus your homegirl, mariah carey. alleged story going on that there's one definite turn of beyonce the music. >> no way? >> what? >> learned the hard way what music he cannot play trying to get mariah in the mood. that is the music from beyonce. a source says to get in the mood turns on "crazy in love" a disaster. mariah threw the entire computer


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