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tv   Fox 13 News  FOX  September 9, 2016 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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>> well, bucs center holly is returning to face his old team, but it's not his first time back to the area. he was released by the falcons and maybe in transition since
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season. the big three will be the main guys that the bucs are honing in on. all dangerous weapons for atlanta that the bucs defense will have to try to find a way to contain. gerald mccoy says the bucs have their own triple thread, though. >> when you look across the field, on the other side of the field you take what we got jaimis and v jay and -- you go dang, and they can watch us step for step so those three are as good as it gets. >> and scwaisen light is looking out to his first winning season since joining the team a couple of years ago.
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the roster. but despite that licht says the bbucs feel a lot mar than in previous years. >> there is a sense of calmness from a confidence level that is very high and i feel very confident and dirk and our headcoach and players feel very confident that we are going be a much better show significant progress this year. it all starts with week one, so we are excited. >> the rays fall into a 3-10 hole. morrison drills a solo shot to get one back here, and then steven sousa with another. this is his third homer in two days but this has been a problem for the rays all season, too
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before rain hits again, and they are now in their fourth rain delay. so it's not with, chris, they have a shot here. >> i know! i need to scamper off and see how this ends. >> and the news keeps on going. money, power and politics is coming good day starts at 6:a.m., from all of us here, have a great night and go bucs this weekend. golden outside or fluffy inside. deep pockets or delicious ridges. tasty egg or savory bacon. experience dunkin's new belgian waffle breakfast sandwich.
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introducing dunkin's new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. america runs on dunkin'. tonight bill clinton may regret attacking trump's slogan.
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great again. make america great again. >> donald trump may regret his affections for putin and ripping our mel tear leaders. >> the generals have been reduced to rubble. >> johnson may regret his oops moment on tv. >> we score the week if politics and call out the contradictions and gapseses. and explain what's up with north korea. >> provocations invite more pressure and deepen the isolation. >> we examine the dictator who keeps testing nukes. how it got to this point and what happens next. >> this is complete disregard of the demands of the international community. >> this is money, power & politics. >> we start tonight with a threat to our national security that's not been getting the time and attention it deserves from the candidates.
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remarks. a 5.3 magnitude earthquake and north korea announced it tested it fifth nuclear warhead. here's the bottom line. north korea run by an unstable murderous dictator who has it out for us and learning to launch nukes to travel closer to us. this could mean or probably means that north korea will have the ability to strike the united states with a nuclear warhead by the end of the next president's first term. to u to look back at how this all started. with a war that we entered with south korea that never officially ended and now north korea is starving and the dictator is erratic and threatened nuclear war. >> he's an amateur and he's had everything at his fingertips his whole life. >> now kim ung has the power to use nuclear weapons on south korea or launch missiles more than two thousand piles and way
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he could do major damage to that part of the world. >> we have to take it seriously. we have to be prepared to defend against the missiles but to protect the interest of the free and democratic governments out there that are threatened by noort korea. >> this crisis started more than 60 years ago. japan concurred korea then we concurred japan. stall inand truman divided korea. the soviets shaped the north, we shaped the south. then the north invaded south. the war turned into a stalemate but never officially ended. so kim ung could try to end it now. >> the professor studied in south korea. she says there's always been threats over the years but this time it's different. if this dictator is driven by attention how do you talk him down? >> he has to escalate up. where does it stop?
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korea could be trying to press for more aid or concessions from the united states and the rest of the world. or it could be gearing up for battle. check out my facebook page for more on this. search for fox 13s craig patrick on facebook. we have a closer look at the crisis with north korea. the problem, our option, possible consequences of each option and where we go from here. now onto the three big points in the racement first gary johnsons gap. he committed one of the g blunders revealed this week. and he may have just blown his chance to nudge up in the polls enough to get in the national debates. he gets that. >> well, if it is kissing my chances good-bye so be it. i've been served really well by telling the truth. you tell the truth and you get your way through things. >> meanwhile, clinton and trump ranked the most unpopular nominees in modern history
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clinton and e-mails and trump on his idea on isis. and a praise of a -- but tonight i want to key into stuff they both back pedalled on. we have troops on the ground. >> they are not going to get ground troops. we are not putting ground troops into iraq ever again and we're not putting ground troops into syria. >> that sounded weird. thousand four hundred and sexty u.s. troops already on the ground in iraq. we have three hundred mostly special operators already on the ground in syria. so clinton had to clarify. she said ground troops meaning she didn't mean that. she meant no large scale ground combat and not those already on the grounds. >> i i support special forces, inables, intelligence and. clinton atracks trump where she
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>> what would ronald reagan say about a republican nominee attacking americas generals and praise on are u shas president. >> that's the third big point. trump may get burned by praising putin while trash talking our military leaders and suggests he'd kick him to the curb. >> the generals have been reduced to rubble. there'd probably be different generals. >> when press trump back pedalled a little bit and focused attacks on the administration a military. >> i have great faith in the military. i have great faith in certain commanders but no faith in hillary clinton or the leadership. >> let's go to the scoreboard. this week donald trump narrowed the gap in the polls. we say he did win the week. the roadways is basically reset to where it was before the conventions. trumps the underdog but now within streaking distance and closing in. bill clinton fumbled this week by claiming trump's slogan is
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america great again is -- if you're a white southerner you know what it means don'ts you? what it means is i give you economy you had 50 years ago and i move you back up on the social totem pole. >> he called trump's slogan racist because he apparently did not remember he used the same theme before trump. >> i believe that together we can make america great to secure a better future for your children and your grandchildren and make america great again. i want to attack these problems and make america great again. it's time for another come back. time to make america great again. >> and bill clinton didn't just use a slogan he calls racist for himself. he used it to promote hillary when he ran for president. >> time to make america great again. hillary can do it. >> team trump may have fumbled in minnesota and could
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there. the republican party facing accusations it broke state law in minnesota by picking alternate electors in a closed door meeting instead of an election. now they face a legal petition that seeks to remove trump's naem from all ballots in minnesota. but at the same time, trump is gaining points in the battleground states and we want to show you how he could be doing even better than the polls suggest. republicans are out pacing democrats in v in some places where it really counts. check out the graph. in florida democrats still outnumber republicans but it's always close and since the last presidential election, republicans have gained 162 thousand voters while democrats lost nearly 137 thousand voters. you see a similar pattern in the state of pennsylvania. republicans gained 40 thousand voters. democrats lost 178 thousand
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ground than republicans in north carolina. those three states will likely tip the scales. here we go. early voting has already started in the state of north carolina. that's the first of 37 states that has early voting for any reason by mail or in person. according to projections, up to 75% of the vote in the key swing states will be in before election day. in other words, we and peer to have a jump on the race right now and the started. coming up. charley belcher picks up the weekly humor segment reading real viewer e-mails.
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oh... hello money, power & politics audience. i got to be honest with you. i'm exhausted. i'm just exhausted. i had my good day p week at a different high school every week. it's always great. the kids are so enthusiastic but it really wears me out. i don't think i have the energy to answer mail this week to be honest with you. i really need some coaching up. one of those locker room speeches or something like that might do it. i don't even think if that happened i could possibly muster the energy to go through all of this e-mail. you guys are really loading up the e-mail box, which is great.
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mail bag at i appreciate that. >> what's going on in here? get fired up. this is mail. the most popular segment of the show. you can do this. >> i don't know. i don't know if i'm good enough. i lost my mojo >> we have the best running back in the whole league. >> nobody reads mail better than you. nobody tells jokes better than you. you can do nobody wears that jersey better than you. >> nobody else is going to fit in it probably, anyway. >> you getting to the playoff? >> playoff? >> i know. you have that eye of the tiger, man. the edge. now you've got to get on. it's eye of the tiger. ? ? >> that's right.
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>> i had it then i lost it. i hate running in slow motion. >> i'm feeling... when the team is up against it... and the breaks are beating the boys... tell them to go out there with all they've got and when one for the giper. >> dog gone it. mr. president, i'll do it. >> we did it. let's go. >> can i have tha >> sure. >> can i -- never mind. e i got this. i got this. we're going to do this mail for the giper. ha... ha... ha. you're not going to look over my shoulder the whole time are you? i got it now. >> go ahead. you're good. i'll step back here. >> there or in the other room. all right.
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carlee edwards. she says i absolutely love this. am so sec of sad news. they make me laugh. even some segments are silly. you're welcome. i rub my face thinking am i really watching this. like i'll be honest with you. sometimes we do the same they think. i do the little... did craig and i really just do that? >> yeah. >> she yes, i am watching this because my other options are so lame. love it. keep it coming guys. you got it. if i wasn't fired up before i am now thanks to that e-mail. let's see what's next. elizabeth stevenson says thank you craig for money, power & politics and having john wilson with me view now on as guest o kaegsally. oh, yes. john wilson. you know that's why i keep this
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person right there. i miss john wilson. wherever he is, whatever he's looking at that's his view. all right. brian bell says, loved it. fox 13 rules tampa bay. thank you. our viewers rule and we appreciate you. all right. one more e-mail... well, you know what? this is fine. well, judy, sometimes pretty good is good i'll take it. el take pretty good. better than pretty bad. we appreciate your e-mail. keep them coming mvp mail bag at i am fired up. i will never lose that mojo. keep the e males coming and we'll get them answered. i wonder what craig is going on the set?
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thanks. back to you, craig. here i come. put me in coach. >> for the biggest moment of the week... >> thank you for the pep talk. >> good. >> i love it. >> all right. there we go. we'll be right back. okay. coming up we're shifting gears to more serious news in the middle east and some big decisions for president obama and congress. families of september 11th
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convicted terrorist admitted to planning the september 11th attacks and he testified that high ranks saudi officials helped bankroll al-qaeda. the government strongly denies that but recently to classified pages from the congressional investigation also tie the attacks to the government of saudi arabia. and congress just gave the families of september 11th victims government of saudi arabia. well the president has suggested that he'll veto that. tonight we want to show you why and how our relationship with the saudis is at a fork in the road. we'll start back in april when president obama landed in riad he was snubbed. state run tv did not broadcast his arrival. he didn't get the royal welcome.
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king they were cordial in public but there's tension behind the scenes. the saudis are not happy about the nuclear deal with iran. then the government released evidence that suggests the saudi government secreretly supported the september 11th attacks. within the u.s. there's a growing push to reconsider our relationship. >> it allows the saudis to continue feeling there's no sanction against them to fund terrorist activities and to train the next generation of t rests in mosques and schools that are financed by saudi arabia. >> on top of this, congress just allowed families of september 11th victims to sue te saudi government. saudi officials said that they would retaliate by selling off more than $700 billion in u.s. assets. so, president obama has to decide how much pressure right now to exert on our complicated alliance.
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cooperation or drive the saudis away when we need their help to win the war on terror. some like senator graham say there's more evidence that implicates the saudi government still locked away. he's pressuring the white house to reconsider once again our relationship. >> we provide them with security and they supply us with a guaranteed source of me troll item. >> bill nelson said the saudis played both sides. >> the saudi government and other middle eastern governments are due police tis. it's a two faced game. >> keep in mind, our presidents mane and theed close relations with the royal family for a long time. if we lose that relationship it could disrupt oil flow and, therefore, our economy and key bases that we use to fight terrorists. that could destable live the saudi government and as we saw in iran, a far more hostile
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the president has a lot to consider in this. he opposes the bill that allows the families of september 11th vements to sue in part he said it would enable people in other countries to sue our government. if he vetoes that bill congress appears to have the votes needed to override it and make it into law. coming up. 15 years after the attacks we'll show you how america bounced back and transformed ground ? this week, you're taking a well-earned staycation... determined to make it the most relaxing staycation in the history of staycations. thankfully, you have enhanced dvr from bright house networks... and you've loaded it with hundreds of hours of hd movies and shows... just for this very occasion.
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tv, with enhanced dvr
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so, 15 years ago bin laden tried to take us down but didn't. i want to show you how ground zero transformed. that one world trade. the first project finished. the tallest building in the western e hemisphere reaching 1176 feet. tieing to date of our countries declaration of independence. this is part of a much broader project on this anniversary. i want to thank all of joining us. see you tomorrow for another edition of money, power &
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i'm really good at war. i love war in a certain way. including with nukes, yes including with nukes. i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me.
12:00 am
hi, "dish nation" fans. today we're going to start the show. going to be full of love. >> right. that love is in the house! it's gawk to get messy. >> and go pour it -- >> come on outside! what's up, everybody? welco we got a big show for you today. our girl monie love back in the house! and making his first "dish nation" appearance, we got ed loven in the house. yeah! so late other than in the show talking to morris chestnut and regina about their new movie "when the bow breaks" and ever wondered what mariah carey looks like when she takes a bath.


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