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tv   FOX 13 500 News  FOX  September 28, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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very warm, and a low sheer environment. the models are showing a sharp right-hand turn. buzz there's details we have to work out, including when does that turn happen, and could the storm slow down over the baha as a matter ofbahamas? that's a for now -- this is cautious thinking -- the storm should primarily stay east of us. and this position is another seven to ten days down the road. this is going to be on the map for a long, long time. the position 13.8. top winds of 60. this is a new 5:00 advisory. again the main concern in the short term is going to be jamacia, eastern cuba, this is
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bahamas. the last position is monday. again, this is wednesday. and that's monday at 2:00 as a cat 2 hurricane. a lot of time to see how this behaves. short term, it's an issue in the carribbean. long term perhaps the united states. we'll talk more about that and a wet seven-day forecast coming up in 20 minutes. back to you. >> thank you, paul. we'll following breaking developments out of south carolina where two students and a teacher were shot at a school. this all unfolded around 1:00 at sob county -- anderson county. the students' injuries do not appear life threatening. deputies say they have the teen suspect in custody. well, the same week the governor makes an emergency rule about public pollution, clear water has another sewage spill. fox 13's heevan lambert is live outside the station where there was a malfunction. >> reporter: you can see the
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disinfect from this sewage spill. i do want to put this into perspective. that 150,000 gallons that's just .1 percent of what st. pete spilled into the bay during hurricane hermine. still clear water officials say they tying ever sewage spill seriously. they say a pipe malfunctioned at this lift station which led to the leak into alligator creek, leading to a nearby lake, and to the bay. officials have posted signs telling people the water and the creek and in general they say this spill didn't spread much from the lift station, but it did get into one yard of a nearby home and the creek. they're doing tests to determine the potential health or environmental risk. they say they expect it to be minimal. >> we've disinfected the area here at this home which is the only one that had any spill on the property. and what went in the creek
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diluted. we're looking at that now and should have results soon. >> reporter: officials say they're constantly looking at their system and looking into potential upgrades. but think tey this is not a huge spill, but to them they take is seriously as well. for now live in clear water, evan lambert, fox 13 news. >> when rains it powers' the city of north port keeping a close eye on their drinking water, because they think chemicals from a may have leaked into this creek that leads to their water supply. they've stopped taking in waw per from that course. as we report, thr they're hoping their quick actions have stopped any of those chemicals from makeing it homes. >> reporter: there's a light sheen that's appeared in this creek in north port that's concerned city officials. >> i do not want to take any risks at all of every affecting anybody's health due to the water supply. >> reporter: it's believed to be chemicals from a tanker crash
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the tanker turned over and the department of environmental protection was called in to clean up the fuel. some of the chemicals are believed to have made it to into this creek when a rain stormed moved in. >> we don't know what's in the water at the time. we don't know what chemicals are in there. >> reporter: as soon as they learned the chemicals went downstream they shut off the source they water treatment facility and getting their water from other sources. >> to err on the did not want to pull from this source. >> reporter: drinking water is coming in from the peace river facility. some test results on the creek have come back negative. but the city is waiting on more before they move forward. >> we want to know it's safe. right now with the source water contamination we're not 100 percent until we get that information back. >> reporter: residents are keeping an eye on the situation. >> everyone has something to say and some are more worried than
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help keep their water supply clean. >> i'm hoping everything comes out naturally and good. >> reporter: in forth port, fox 13 news. >> the dep is still testing. north port water. it could take days and up to a week before the water treatment plant is back up. a tampa man is in jail accused of beating the woman who is pregnant with his baby. police say this morning lewis ladarius broke into k challenger's home and beat her and hit two of her roommates as well. she ran to a neighbor's house. he chased her there and continued to beat her. some high profile cases are on hold because the state's death penalty is in limbo. the delays have been going on for months, but one judge is taking some action. fox 15's gloria bow mez is here to explain what this judge is doing. >> reporter: well, the judge put every attorney on notice if
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trail date real soon. what do these three cases have in no one? all of them are over a year old and have yet to go to trial. >> when will you be ready? >> next year. >> reporter: there's confusion among the attorneys on how old some of the cases are. >> in february this daze will be three years old. >> that's incorrect. it was february 2015. it's a 1 it's not even two years old at this ., judge. and it's definitely a case we have several issues before the florida supreme court as it relates to penalty phase issues. >> reporter: you may have heard the state's death penalty has been on hold for months because in january the u.s. supreme court rejected florida's sentencing procedures and lawmakers scrambled to fix it. that created a series of appeals from defendants.
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supreme court. meanwhile cases are stacking up. but judge chet has a plan. >> october 27 i'm bringing in every case that's over a year old, and i'm going to set them for trials. so this will be one of those cases joo. that means cases like nicole cockman, the florida state student accused of killing her parents will be set for trial. and keith dukes who prosecutors say hunted down wife and shot her dead in front of their kids will go to trial next year. his attorney warn they have nearly 100 witnesses yet to interview. but the judge is done with delays and excuses and wants the attorneys to prepare for trial. >> just start thinking about it. >> and the judge said all of the attorneys affected will get a notice to show up on october 27th to schedule a trial date.
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reporting live in the news room. back to you. >> thank you, gloria. this right here is one of the last photos of a six-year-old boy who drowned. his parents were desperate to have a lasting impression to remember him by so they drove thousands of miles to preserve his memory. as dan maddox explains they don't have done it without the help of a police officer. >> it happened the day he passed wai. >> reporter: an image of this little boy's hands will be carried with his mom and dad for as long as they are his handprints are now a tattoo along with the saying your wings were ready but my heart was not. rob is the artist. his cousin megan lost their six-year-old son in a drowning accident in upstate new york. the couple drove to largo with a mirror on a mission to get this at that time too but had no way of removing the little boy's handprints. >> i was on cloud 9. i still am. you know, .
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facebook messages sergeant ann starling with the police department went to work with fingerprint powder. >> the mom described -- she said i could see him sticking his face in the mirror and that's where he left his print. and he got off the counter and went on about his day. unfortunately that afternoon he pass add wai. >> reporter: after several attempts and several searches, sergeant starling pulled little jammedacob's prints. >> everybody was vying in the room. it was just -- it was very >>ving. above and beyond. >> had he. r should sh -- she came in on her day off to do it. nothing in the world that feels better than to give somebody something like that to carry with them for, you know. >> reporter: in largo, dan maddox x fox 13. >> man. that pulls on your heart strings. >> i think everybody can understand. >> i know. >> what that family was feeling >> and what a great thing for
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doesn't want the attention. she was happy to help. >> she's a good person. >> i think so too. >> well, a first for president obama. what congress did today that's never happened before in his presidency and what it means for the families of 9/11 victims. >> and tim tebow's baseball career gets off to a pretty incredible start. the at bat that lit up social
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now at havertys furniture, it's our fall savings event. where you can create the perfect home. from now until october 10th, everything is on sale. save on furniture and accessories for every room. plus enjoy thirty-six month, no-interest financing. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. come in today and save.
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(cynthia vo) skimmers... at the pump secretly
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about this? they're secretly installed to steal your debit card information. now a crackdown of starts. our consumer reporter joining us with a new law. >> will it help in this new law makes the penalties stronger. the problem, people stealing information through gas scammers has spiked we're talking hundreds ever reported cases. the small devices are attached th the card swipe machines. theeives to stell your information when you fill up. officials are hoping a new law will help curb the problem. it ups the crime from a third degree to second degree felony with a possibility of 15 years in prison. >> this new law will bump the offense up.
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needed to possess 10 cards before facing these types of chargeses. that's been dropped to five. and remember, though, you need to take steps to protect yourself. never use a pump that looks like it's been at that . maniered with. -- tampered with. and pay with cash, if you want to be extra careful. >> it happened to me a few weeks a bow. >> i'm always reaching out liking for the tape line and those things. >> exactly. we're going to move onto something else. this is interesting. how to get health insurance to pay for your seriously? >> yeah. if your health insurance is aetna they may pay for your watch to help keep track of your health. it's an app based program that will rely on apple products. they'll subdies the cost of the -- subsidize the cost of customers.
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to offer something like this. it's set to begin this fall during open enrollment. the apple watch starts at $269 for the older model and then all the way up to $369 even $549 for the more recent models. speaking of healthy, the food and drug administration they want to know what you think healthy should mean when it's on a food label? the public can start commenting tomorrow to help them out. the changes come after issues with whether things like bars are healthy because of fats and hidden shoe bars. other examples meal replacement shakes, frozen yogurt. new food labels are required on all packaged food by july of 2018, and they're meant to make it more clear. now we have a chance to voice our opinions. >> what do you know. one person's healthy is somebody else's oh, my gosh that's terrible. >> exactly. >> thank you. >> you got it. >> a massive brush fire burning near titusville is 50 percent
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lie lightning and quickl burned more that 855 acres. it's near i-95 and state route 350. both roads were closed for a time due to heavy smoke. >> usually we see that more in the spring time, don't we, paul in the fires like that? >> usually. sometimes spring can be wet for them. but it's usually may, june, july. fair enough to say. >> well, i know that matthew, if it g them out. >> for sure. at that point, not going to hope for a hurricane to put out fires but it would be the positive. >> how about just get some rain? >> the next couple of days look wet. then rain for us the and the future track of matthew. let's begin by showing you the satellite view today. number of bands of rain going by. for late september -- it will be late october, too, early october
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rainfall. sky tower has another batch of rain in the gulf. i mean, we had a tough time having rain coverage like this back in july. it's not extensive but between now and next wednesday there could be significant rainfall in many spots. this rain should weaken as it moves on shore and then later on tonight, with the west wind, there should be additional showers near the mostly light rain. there was an impressive line of rain that went through tampa around lunch time today. that moved through south tampa and caused some flooded roadways. i can tell you that from experience. you've got rain in citrus kind of curves back into levy. this rain will impact citrus and levy in the next hour or two. elsewhere, some rain over
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and the motion is west to east. temperatures, where it's rained it's cooler. nothing unusual. 80s to near 90s. unfortunately the dew points are still high in the mid-70s. that's not going to change any time soon. a lot to talk about regarding matthew. even at home, you know, i know you've seen a lot of satellite views here. can you tell that that storm is getting better organized. notice the feathery clouds blowing t circulation. that indicates go outflow. that's one of the signs of an intense tying tropical system. even the ray radar from barbados is showing a better defined system. we're pretty confident in the next day or two this will become hurricane matthew in the carribbean sea. i talked about this at the beginning of our newscast. this is not an immediate threat to the united states. the position on monday -- this
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in the carribbean sea. the five-day forecast has about a 240-mile margin of error. it's going to be any yr inside this cone. could this eventually impact the united states? i mean, it certainly is possible. it would be about 10 days from now. it's also possible the storm could kind of sit then move out to sea. there just isn't enough confidence, and hobble honest with you, anyone making a forecast of where it's going past five days is taking a wild guess. we don't have that skill to be that exact on a totropical systm seven to 10 days away. complicated upper level pattern over the united states. that's the main product. the gfs model continues with its theme of a hurricane passing east of florida then going up the east coast towards the mid-atlantic states. the european model is nothing like that at all. it shows a hurricane in the
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and near the bahamas and slowing down and kind of turning to the east, northeast. remember yesterday, the position of this yesterday was over here. then i said, you wait. you wait. the next day it will be over here, over here, over here. that's what happens five to 10 days out. have you to wait until you get some sort of consistency with the models. not there yet. showers redeveloping near the coast. and we're down to 77. tomorrow, showers and thunder we're back in the mid-80s. fairly wet on friday. 86 for a high. if you're boating a southwest wind, 10 knots. light chop on the bay. low tide, 7:47. your seven-day forecast the east wind will come back own the weekend and that will keep us fairly wet with temperatures in the upper 80s. nighttime lows in the mid-70s. >> all right. paul, you'll vey busy week. thank you. well, patience trusted him but
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counselor violated their trust by taking advantage of female patients and what happened when he went to court today. we'll tell you about it. and a former race car driver left paralyzed after a crash is getting behind the wheel again. you're going to see the specially modified corvette. it doesn't need hands on the wheel or feet on the pedals. it's another step in the move to driverless cars. we'll show you all about it tonight at 6:00. >> thank you, kelly. she county jail.
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i think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. i would bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. get him out of here! get him out of here! get the hell out of here! priorities usa action is responsible
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family and friends of miami marlins' pitcher jose >> family and friends of jose fernandez gathered this afternoon for a memorial service. the hearst carrying fernandez moved fromom the ballpark to hee at the catholic church where there was a public viewing. members of his family could be seen embracing as they arrive at church. he and two of his friends died
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states from cuba as a teenager. attended high school in tampa. there will be a vigil there at 7:30. the jetty where his boat crashed. there's the aftermath. it could get scrunity. marco rubio is asking the ghost card to assess the safety of that channel. the miami herald is reporting that the jetty has long been a problem for boaters and is difficult >> a commissioner and her boyfriend are accused of stealing from a dead woman. authorities say commissioner sara shaw and her boyfriend moved into a home that continued to have utilities automatically paid from the bank account of carol woosley for several months. but she died in 2011.
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payments to happen. you should have cancelled those and made those yourself, the right way, the legal way. >> the fdle arrested the couple tuesday after an investigation by the police department. both have bonded out of jail and are facing fraud and grand theft charges. >> still ahead congress rejects a veto by the president. what it means for the families of september 11th victims. >> and we've been there. getting nicked by a paper cut. a howd how it landed on a coma for three weeks. >> he got hurt on the job and was treated at the er. but the real pain is the bill. >> he was freaking out. i mean, when i first saw t. i thought it was a joke too. i mean, i thought maybe it was an error. >> a cat scan that can cost $400 rang in at death penalty 17,000. but this was no error. we'll take a look at why the same prodeed cure can you know, some people, they shop all over town to save money.
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when you add it all up... it's a lot. that's how i save at publix. how 'bout you?
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oh yea, everything is digital now-a-days. this thing never leaves my side. that is why i signed up for publix digital coupons. and i got the paper ones too. so retro... that's how i save at publix. how 'bout you? publix. where shopping is a pleasure. a congressional >> you may remember a congressional investigation linked the september 11th attacks to the government of saudi arabia. families -- of september 11th can sue the kingdom.
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house. first veto for the president, is that right? >> yes. that is correct in seven-plus years because the president had strong objections. he said this is a law that could put u.s. troops and interests at risk. and the logic in this pr the president's perspective is that if we let american sue the governments of saudi arabia, they could let their citizens sue us and we could get locked up in all kinds of law in addition the saudi government denied any involvement whatsoever in the september 11th attacks. so the white house and pentagon officials are concerned this could put more tension in our relationship with a key ally in the war on terror. you have some saudi officials and business leader who's have at least threatened to retaliate by pulling their investments in u.s. interest as a result. and there's concerns from the
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isis. but critics of the saudis say they're undermining it by playing both sides in this. so with this, the president vetoed this bill but there was overwhelming support in the house and senate. they overrode his veto. that's the first time that has ever happened to president obama throughout his two terms. so this is a big defeat for the white house. the president claims it's well intended but misguided. but supporters of the plan to let these people sue the governme if the saudis aren't involved they have nothing to worry about and they're focused on the victims and loved one ins this case. >> so we have to ask what evidence do we have that saudi arabia played a role? >> let's start with what was for years 23 blacked out confidential pages in the congressional investigation. the former governor led that push and cowrote the report to
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weeks ago, it did show there was evidence in that government report that linked saudi government officials to providing support for a terror support network that ultimately contributed to this september 11th attacks. now, you have some in congress and within the white house saying wait a minute there's other information that contradicts that, and that should be released too. bottom line, bob graham and others are saying there's much more information out there beyond the 23 there are still thousands of other pages under lock and key. so we may not get a full scope of how much evidence there is and that there is not -- or evidence that may refute this perhaps for months if not years from now. >> before we receipt let you go, i'm wonderings that bob graham and these other legislators read what's under those blacked out pages? did they get an opportunity to read it? >> they have read good portions of it. that's why they're saying they can't tell us exactly what it is
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they say they know the information that's there. they know what it says. they've seen it. they have access. but the trouble for all of us is that they give conflicting interrorist attemptations of what they're reading and -- interrorist attemptations of what they're -- -- terrorist tinterpratations of what they're reading. >> well, more troops are heading to iraq. they're going to mosul the city that has been a islamic state strongholder for as long as two years. the surge could start next month. there are currently over 4,500 troops in iraq. in the race for the white house hillary clinton campaigns with bernie sanders courting the millennial vote. the former secretary of state getting a pair of big endorsements one from john warner and another from the arizona republic newspaper which has never backed a democrat for
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and a new campaign ad rolling out in pennsylvania features michelle obama as the first lady rallied voters in philly never once envoking donald trump's name. >> being president isn't anything like reality tv. it is not an apprenticeship. and it is not just about fiery speeches or insulting tweets. >> i don't think she had to say his name. >> i don't think so either. >> trump is trailing clinton by less than three to the average of national polls. he's promising to hit clinton harder in the next debate. one thing a majority of americans seem to agree on, a new university poll reveals more than two in three voters say this year's presidential race has brought out the worst in people. >> sad to say. another shooting of an unarmed black an. this same in san diego and another protest. this happened tuesday afternoon at a strip mall in el cajon where authorities say the man
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before pulling an object out of his pocket and assumed a shooting stance. >> they shot him five times and he's mentally challenged. you shoot somebody five times, you're not trying to stop him. you're trying to kill him. >> those officers do not wear body camaras. theyeldease only the similar image you saw from a witness' cell phone. the of the. a minister said the man's sister called 9-1-1 to say her brother was aging out and makeing it clear he had mental health issues. >> officials investigating the flight that was downed over eastern ukraine. european authorities say they have solid evidence linking russian backed rebels to that troj can i. all 298 people on board were
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taped conversations reveal the plane was taken out by a missile moved into the cup friday from russia. then she say the launcher was sent back to russian territory. the dutch police say the findings are important because the evidence is solid enough to be used in a criminal trial. >> it likely comes as no surprise if you fly a lot that air rage is on the rise. there have been 10,854 incident up from the year before. they'v effective deturrent including how alcohol is sold. >> more scandal from the fallout or wells fargo's sales practices. the bank's ceo will for fit $41 million in stock awards. autisim many was grilled last week by the senate banking commits pee over the unauthorized opening of millions of accounts. he's apologized for violating customer's trust in wells fargo. he was due to appear before a
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regulators fined wells fargo $185 million for opening unauthorized accounts to meet aggressive sales targets. >> scary, near death because of a paper cut. up next the scare that had a man in a coma and how he recovered i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she's a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she have a fat [expletive]?
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y that either. i wore a badge for 38 years knowing how much you trusted us to keep you safe. yet when a officer was killed in action florida was not doing enough to give their families the help they desperately needed. dana young understood. that was wrong, so we changed that law. to ensure these families get the benefits they are entitled to and the honor they deserve.
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a return to common sense. yesterday we told you about the birth of this little >> we had we told you about the first ever born using a method of combining the dna of three people. doctors used the procedure to insure the baby would be free of a genetic condition his mother carries. cool stuff. joe, what did the doctors do to do that?
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woman had had four miscarriages and had lost two children, one died at age eight months. the other at six years of age. they were desperate. basically they took the donor cell. they took a donor egg from someone a woman, then they had the mother's egg, and they had the father's sperm. the brains of the cell which is the called the nucleus. that's what they wanted to keep of the mother's. but her i have. so they discarded from the brains from that. and that allowed the healthy mitochondria to be in the egg. then they territory -- fertilized it. >> it worked? amazing. >> they've done it in other countries. but before they did it they fertilized the mother's and donor's egg.
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discard a living embryo. i know this was done in mexico because it's not approved in the u.s. >> a noesi lot of people worry about designer babies. the f.d.a. has tried this before without extracting and placing the nuclues and had two mitochondria and the baby was born with genetic so this was a big concern. but there's been a mitt tee saying think they it's ok to be forward. >> lots of changes. all right. let's change gears. amazing news by new jersey man who almost died framer cut which is something that we all get. what happened there? >> well, he had a bacteria infection. he didn't take care of it he probably didn't wash it.
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a lot of people don't know what sepsis is. but it affects over one million people. what they -- what happened with him is they had to put him in a medically induced coma. your body is trying to fight the bacteria, and when it does that it causes inflammation in the good parts of your body. so you start to lose the lung function, they can't breath anymore and exchange oxygen. this their ced anies shut down -- kidneys shut down. and i have people die this way. it's something that once that cascade begins sometimes it's hard to reverse. what they said here which is something i hope happens more and more places is they have a team approach, and they try to then take care of that person. >> you would go symptoms get help immediately. >> it's a tough one. fever, low blood pressure. high heart rate. >> thank you, dr. joey. we're going to send it over to
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>> we're going to tell people? just kidding. the bucks get ready for the broncos this week and their quarterback who is a rising star now in the nfl. but the bucks have inside information from a college teammate. plus tim tebow playing in his first professional baseball game. he does something that sets twitter on fire. not only that what but tebow does have a tampa connection.
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vo: we asked women in pinellas county to describe congressman david jolly in one word: woman 2: backwards. woman 3: out-of-touch... woman 4: that's 3 words. vo: david jolly shares donald trump's backwards agenda for women. jolly opposes a woman's right to choose and voted to defund planned parenthood and deny women access to basic health care like mammograms and cancer screenings. woman 5: i have 3 words for david jolly... not for women. vo: house majority pac is responsible
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>> the announcer: now your forecast with paul delagado. >> short term weather is above average rainfall today through friday. a moisture, upper level energy means once in a while the storms will increase in coverage. we have heavy rain move through tampa around lunch time. now the heaviest rain is from our viewers in citrus county and levy. this is moving steadily east. some of these showers will hold together as they move on shore tonight. one storm popped up near plant city. this is a small cell with occasional lightning. that should pretty much drive
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dying showers around tampa bay. then, as i said, look at citrus county. all the way up to the marion county line and back to levi. floral city, bands ever rain coming in from the west and more off shore. scattering of light showers in polk and hardy but not much. raining in seabring. no rain in arcadia. rain near lake is moving from west to east. additionally there are showers and storms in the gulf. a couple of more days of a west wind. then this weekend, as a front dies out over us, the winds will shift to the east that means showers and thunder showers along the west coast during the afternoon. you add it up and divide by five, it's still a wet pattern for us and temperatures are in the mid-80s to near 90. we'll be talking a lot about
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away. we're going to watch it and see how the models behave. for now it's a tropical storm. it has moved into the carribbean sea. radar from barbados is showing a good shin here and bands of heavy rain like in st. lucia. what else is out here? grenada. everything is moving from west to east. they've seen multiple bands of heavy rain. the we feel prety confident there's going to be a big right-hand turn. the question is how sharp will that right-hand turn be? and will the storm accelerate north or north east, out to sea or hang? and to be candid, we don't have those answers yet. we're talking next wednesday or thursday for that potential.
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we'll watch it day by day. here's the 5:00 advisory. 13.8. 62. winds are up to 60. should be a hurricane tomorrow. then it moves north and then gets near jamacia and cuba on monday. forecast for tonight. couple of more showers and thunder showers near the cost. we're down to 77. storms move inland tomorrow. some rain could be heavy. back up to 85. but forecaster friday, scattered showers and thunder showers moving inland. as we stay in the mid-80s and the boating forecast, the south west wind about 10 the seven-day forecast, shows rain coverage for this time of year above average. in fact i wouldn't be surprised if the rain issues for the bucks game on on sunday with temperatures in the upper 80s. scott. >> got to keep the lightning away. this sunday the bucks will be their final home game for basically an entire month with a couple of road games and a buy week the bucks will try to leave the home crowd with a better performance this week than last.
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as tough of a team as they'll see all year long. the next two weeks they will play both teams who appeared in the super bowl last year. the broncos should sunday and the following week a visit to the panthers in charlotte. no question that this early stretch could be the toughest set of opponents the bucks will face all season long. >> when you look at that stretch with arizona, the rams, denver, and carolina, arguably the five plst defences in the whole nfl, that's what all of us got to come together and just be, like, we take on that challenge. you know, this is a great opportunity that we are given. >> well, this week on the other side of the field, no longer a super bowl pro bowl quarterback. it's now trevor simian under center for the broncos. he was a former teammates of a bucks play. today he was named the afc offensive player of the week for
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following his fourth touchdown, 300 yard game against cincinatti. he says the amount of success the young kernquarterback has hd comes as no surprise to him. >> i'm good buddies with him. i have seen it and known, you know, especially in a pro style offense. it's a great fit for him. when you got coaches and a staff, you know, with elway who can develop a guy who is just a raw talent, you know, i think he just ended situation as well. i'm not surprised at all, to be honest with you. >> coming up this sunday right here on fox 13, 10:30 a.m. it's tailgate sunday. ricky and i will give you that pregame analysis followed by the fox network coverage and then the panthers and pal cons 1:00 right here on fox 13. well, preseason in the nhl is more than just shaking off a little rust. for the younger players in the system it's a chance to get a small taste of life with the big team.
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teams, thirds round pick. braydet point and last year's sixth round pick both scored for the lightning. and both have dreams of playing for many, many years. scoring against an nhl team is a surprise. >> actually, i was surprised thought coach put me at the end of the game like this. i'm not used to it he told me stay in front of the net. that's what i did i shot the puck on net. rebound came on my stick and put it in. >> so twitter exploded once again this afternoon when tebow hashtags which has been happening a lot lately. this time it was not about a new career decision or a tryout or jersey sales. today was actually about something he did in a game on the baseball diamond. his very first at bat as a pro in the instructional league. this is the very first pitch. are you kidding me?
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tebow hits am opposite field home run. this is legendary stuff right here. you cannot write it. he hits it off a pitcher who went to jesuit. there's your cam pa connection. afterwards he tweeted this. i thought we agreed you were going to take that pitch. what happened? breakdown in communication. >> clearly. >> that's really -- for as much as people have weighed in on how difficult this road may be for him it. that's pretty cool stuff. >> he's a determined guy. >> but the pest of his day, one for six. that was the only hit. he said he made contact -- some hard contact four times. >> that brought us down, scott. >> a little. sorry. i know. i should have left on the high note. >> the fans in the stands got their money's worth today. >> they were there when tebow
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i think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. i would bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. get him out of here! get him out of here! get the hell out of here! priorities usa action is responsible
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watching wall street -- stocks close on a high note >> stocks close on a high note for a second day nay row. the dow closing up digits. nasdaq up more than 12 points. and the s&p closed behind at 11 points. >> well, it's the end of an era for blackberry. they're not going to make phones. they'll outsource to phones to business partners. at one point they owned the smart phone market with its signature keyboard and sophisticated software. then doomed by the rise of iphone and android phones.
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next. >> here are mark and kelly. >> my thumb hurts just looking at that video. thank you. hurricane hermine did damage here in the bay area. >> now there will be federal help to pay for the cleanup. coming up, we'll tell you what the president did today to make this clean up easier. >> nearly two years ago a missile blew a plane out of the sky over ukraine. tonight at 6:00, why investigators have concluded that that missile came from somewhere. we'll tell you where. >> also a local teacher caugh president obama. you'll see why she just received one of the biggest hobblers in the cup -- honors in the country. that's ton i wore a badge for 38 years knowing how much you trusted us
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enough to give their families the help they desperately needed. dana young understood. that was wrong, so we changed that law. to ensure these families get the benefits they are entitled to and the honor they deserve. dana young has our back and she has yours. dana young for the florida senate.
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runs:"we've disinfected the area right here at this home" that home is right by a big sewage spill in >> coming up tonight that home is by a big sewage spill in clearwater. see where the waste went and why there will be more testing. no i'm not drinking no. >> more tests are back now from the mosaic sinkhole. no matter the results why some are saying they will not drink the water. >> what can we do to help make our communities better? we understand the president problems. >> i bet you know who that is. coach tony tonguey back in the area heading back to school with a very important message. time from tampa bay's number one
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6:00 news. >> good evening. welcome tonight. i'm mark wilson. >> and i'm kelly ring. thank you for joining us. every time they turn on the faucet, it's the first question that comes to mind -- is their water safe? now neighbors ant the plant that sent radio active water into the aquifer near their homes. the first round of tests are back. but some are more concerned and months from now than right now. >> reporter: radio active water keeps pouring into the massive sink hole and down into the aqua. >> we're concerned about our whole community. >> reporter: it's hard for neighbors to feel much different than they did a month ago when the sinkhole opened and the community didn't find out more than two weeks >> we can't good water to cook


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