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tv   Fox 13 News  FOX  November 4, 2016 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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falcons fan. >> what do you think about the bucks after that performance. >> i root for the bucs i don't have an issue with the buks. bucs. >> we are still struggled with martin. >> they put up 40 points in. >> 43. >> yeah, you can't do that. >> i'm not trying to be rude here, but do they normally lose? >> that is a good question. did you can i plop down with you. what do you think. >> i think they were getting a lot of bad calls and i don't like it when the official the get in the game. >> i heard people blame the coaches and the defense, but this is the first blame the officials. how many drinks have you had. >> just enough. >> i like that optimism. >> do you do the dirty bird dance? >> do you want me to fall down and break another hip.
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a hip. >> i'm a giants fan and i'm enjoying the nice weather. >> what do you think -- >> it's a little kick to it. >> mike evans needs to learn to watch the hard ones, he gets the easy ones. >> and did you see that one-handed catch, is that the catch of the yeefer? year? >> so far. >> a little bob marly in the background. >> waiting favorite song >> >> following some losses we've been places where fan fans don't want to talk about it, they are angry, but the beach is not one of them, they were all basically okay. >> yeah, the water just soothes the soul.
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before we go, a hoa ho moment fr parents, teachers and fans. >> w xavier johnson never thougt he would be in a wheelchair, but a tubing accident left him with this night, his teammates helped him over the goal line for a story his family will never forget. >> he blows away the story that i was writing for him on the football field. >> xavier is planning to
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front of him. >> hey, that is going do it for us but the news keeps on going on line. and of course on your fox 13 app right on your smart phone. >> money, power, and politics is up next. from all of us here at fox 13, have a great night and a great
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the ra >> the race tightened and trump and clinton are tearing
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>> her e-mails were on anthony weiners laptop. >> it all comes down to florida. we have new numbers and projections with our pollster matt towery and concerns about voter vej strags broad this time in pennsylvania. charley belcher is back with the pulse of the people. this is money, power & politics. and here we go. merissa, we've had a wild week. a lot of breaking news that's shaking up the race as with speak. >> certainly so. the polls show it will be tight and may hang on florida once again. >> florida. well, and tight. i'm having flash backs to this guy from a few years ago. let take a look. are we going to see this? tell me we're not going to see this. >> we better not see that guy. we do not want a recount like back in 2000.
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out, craig. >> it was a mess. we don't have the hanging chat. we don't have to worry about that. but you can't rule out the possibility of a recount because the polls in the early voting returns are just that close. >> that's right. some five million people voted before the weekend even started. that means more than half the vote is probably already in and the returns are split between a near equal number of republicans and democrats. >> there's two ways to look at this. go bk president obama wins florida four years ago by the skin of his teeth. and heading into this weekend, democrats did no the turnout as many voters in early voting as they did four years ago. and that certainly could spell bad news for democrats. >> democrats gain momentum as rlly voting played out. the court order extension of voter registration added aeth thousand more democrats to vote r rules.
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florida. polling show hillary clinton is winning latino voters by a whopping 30 points. that could spell bad news for republicans. >> what it tells us it could go either way. florida will come down to the wire yet again. and so, it's all about florida. that's why we're seeing so much focus and tension here in our state. >> in florida, we get a recount if the vote margin is half of 1% or less. >> one half of 1% or less. put that in context. we didn't have ago but president obama won the state of florida by less than 1%. and what we're seeing again in the early vote totals suggests that this race, this year, may be even closer. let's start with a look at the forecast. you have 538 forecast. it gives hillary clinton a 65% chance of beating donald trump on tuesday. but there's a but here. >> but that's down from around 80% last month. trump has momentum heading into tuesday. while the electoral map gives
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path to victory. to pull it off he has to win in florida. >> florida. that's why trump and pence spent so much time in florida over the past few days. it's why hillary clinton and tim kaine and president obama, by the way, crisscross florida as well. >> the rallies and stump speeches aren't designed to win over undecided voters. the goal is to motivate your own supporters to get them out and vote. for example, when president obama stopped in north florida republican country, voter turnout. polling shows african american voters overwhelmingly favor hillary clinton. >> it comes down to turnout. that's why they have the rallies here, whichever side does a better job of exciting his or her base is going to win, right? >> not win. we could have a tie as we explained. >> that's right. if you watched last night you worked under the circumstances through the tie combinations. what was the bottom line? >> the changes of a tie go
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>> a small tate but reliably leaning hillary clinton for weeks if not months. that's in the blue column. let's go to the fox decision desk and look at the map. look up there. >> there you go. >> so the fox decision desk flipped this from leaning clun ton to toss up new hampshire. so if trump somehow wins that state and maybe flips a couple of others say, colorado, where the polls are tight, maybe new mexico where johnson could poach some votes you could have a very interesting sitti the map still favors hillary clinton. you need 270 electoral votes to clinch in the fox decision desk gives her 283. based on polls state to state... >> that's where we stand right now. but we've had a lot of changes along the way including bombshells with the fbi. developing news last night an update we want to bring you on that story. last night we told you about the fox news reporting about a likely inindictment into the clinton foundation based on
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well fox news anchor says that was a mistake to say that it was likely to happen that the fbi will continue to build its case. it's up to prosecutors at the justice department to decide whether or not to seek an indictment into the clinton foundation. there are clarified reports of clintons private server hacked repeatedly by foreign intelligence. multiple sources believe and working under the assumption it was are no digital fingerprints of that happening. >> also developing a case of possible voter registration fraud in philadelphia. investigators raided an office looking for evidence of fraud. fox tell us how it went down in the keystone state. >> uniform pennsylvania state police said investigators with the state attorney general's afters raided the field works llc office in philadelphia thursday evening looking for evidence of voter
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the search warrant for raid shows investigators were looking for among other things templates that could be used to construct frauj lenlt voter registration forms. last friday field works office in delaware county was raided based on a search warrant identical to the new one. that warrant also seeks evidence of quota information or bonuses related to the quantity of voter registration forms completed. so it's not clear whether whether field works was trying to deceive election officials or field works employees were trying to deceive the the company. >> this is registration fraud. is it voter fraud? that's to be determined. we'll see what happens on election day. >> now that we've taken you through serious stories days out from the election. let's head to the beach to find out what people are thinking. >> head to the beach. this is another chance for me. this is where we find people who
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back. >> you disturb them ever so nicely. >> we ask about politics and disturbing will not do the trick over the beach. another edition of beach party politics. >> time now for beach party politics. >> you love this place. it's a great way to unwind. >> yeah. beautiful. >> relax? >> yes. >> clear your mind? >> yes. >> i'd like to spend the next few minutes rehashing hillary clinton's you? what do people say about what's going on over here? >> they do think it's a shame. a nation as great as america is having to deal with politics in this way. it seems so sad. >> what do you think about the state of politics today? >> it's sad. ? ?
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>> not sad enough. not sad enough. >> not sad enough. >> no. we have an election for trump versus clinton and whichever way it goes we start oef and have 12 more months of trump versus clinton? why not? [singing] still not sad enough. >> i don't have any sadder than that. >> surely something sadder than that. >> i people have two poor choices and it's strange that its ended up that way. >> company like that don't want this guy in office or we have to have this guy in office. >> what about the or guy? >> i don't know. maybe the other guy, too. i guess if you're into it. i'm not. >> if you're not into it how do you know which guy they are going for versus the one they are not. you don't know? >> i don't. >> what do you think thabt crazy election? >> i don't know.
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right? >> yeah. >> i was talking to this other guy that spoke for all americans about the race for 2016 when he said -- >> well, i can't explain it in english. yeah. >> yeah. yeah. ? ? >> perfect. that's perfect. sad about it. it's a sad caned of year. it is sad we're going after a long two weeks, charley belcher is back. the humor segment and the money, power & politics mail room. >> we'll show you the new government plans to stop
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putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... yes.. and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. standing there with no clothes. you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig.
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uh... i can't say that either. alright, good. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. all right. now is your turn and charley belcher's turn. let's send it to charleyn mpp mail room. hello money, power & politics audience. charley belcher here in the money, power & politics mail room. been away a little vacation preempted by this presidential stuff. i'm back to answer your e mails. shall we get to it? we shall. lisa michelle says just watched the 100th parody. my goodness, all caps, you and
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i'm sure she was talking about craig. the you is craig. remember i'm reading his e-mails. nobody ever e-mails me. anyway, my goodness, all caps, you and merissa are encredible. what an amazing job you two do together. this stuff is brilliant. all caps. now i'm starting to think the caps is just broken. either that or she really loves the show and so entertaining. merissa thanks you. craig thanks you. i thank you. next e-mail. bruce says, i hope you're going to post teents patrick on politics soon. it was awesome. i want to share it. thanks, bruce. remember, you can share it. all these shows end up on youtube. search for money, power & politics on the youtube. i also go to the wal-mart. i like putting the in front of
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share it on the facebook, share it on the twitter. next e-mail from timatio. can i call you tim. craig your show tonight, saturday at 5:30, was outstanding. emoji thumbs up. your segments on first pitch and courtroom arguments with charley were great. coop up the great work. emoji with sunglasses. thank, tim. had to say something to you for a great show. all three ballpark. stopped watching football to watch your show. keep up the great work. god bless. you gave up football for us? that's high praise. thank you. susie says love your show. jessica, love it. omg, still laughing. watching live now. thank you for the e-mail but judge jessica, i think you mean judge merissa. good thing merissa is not here
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>> how long have you been standing there? >> forever. >> susie thinks you're funny. that's good, right? >> jessica could be synonymous with merissa in another language. >> you look like a jessica. maybe a zoe. maybe a francis. maybe. i don't think my parents are going to like this. >> wait. susie actually says -- she sent a final message. she oops. fox 13 rocks. >> we do. >> there you go. she got it right. >> you rock susie. >> go back to wherever you... how does she do that? it's weird. next e-mail comes from sherry. watching the hurricane since my son moved to florida leads me to believe florida was shaped by
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she got florida... hurricanes... okay. thank you sherry. next e-mail. this is from merissa. different marissa. she says if you live in the tampa bay area match money, power & politics. great show. unbiassed host. if you don't watch watch it online l-o-l. thank you. we agree. now let's get to people arguing you know what happens ever week. tis election is almost over. not that will end the argument. bob says, thank god for trump. saving america. kevin says, i think he's acting crazy. i don't want him to control our nuclear. and wesley says, money, power & politics is your left leaning show going to report the new polls that has trump ahead in
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question mark exclamation point question mark exclamation point hashtag trump train. we did. we just reported it. you're welcome. all right. that's it for this week. keep those e-mails coming. mpp mail bag @ send them in, they'll get sent here to the mail room and i will answer yu. back to you, thanks, charley. we're going to dig in the florida senate race.
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putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... yes.. and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. standing there with no clothes. you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? uh... i can't say that either.
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i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. all right. we're back now with our fox 13 pollster matt towery. what's going on in the florida senate race. it's looking pretty good for marco rubio, is it not? >> it is. rubio has c of donald trump. trump is running a tight race in florida. it looks like this strong republican turnout, at least in early voting we're seeing in the state is to his benefit. i would be very shocked in the end if rubio did not go onto win another term in the u.s. senate against murphy. murphy, as you recall, in all of our polls for fox 13, since this matchup began, murphy has never led. at one time therm tied. that's the closest they came. rubio is really beginning to stretch this out.
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>> you previously told us you believe donald trump will win the state of florida. in terms of the presidential election, as a whole, who do you think could win on tuesday? >> in terms of presidential election, you know, i just think that -- i have a feel that the turnout is stronger in florida. this is the important they think. i think the pollsters have all been off in terms of measuring the degree of turnout we're going to see and the difference we'r demographics versus four and aeth years ago. that's the key. these polls had to be weighted. not only does the data have to be right they have that be weighted correctly. i don't think there's a pollster in measuring weighting their polls correctly. i may be wrong on wednesday and the final fox 13 poll, maybe this one or one coming down the road, might be off. but we'll see. >> if you look at the track record through primaries you're third best in the nation. tell us what you did in your methodology and weighting the
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edge in prior polls. >> i think what we did is we used a combination of we don't use live interviewers. my son does the polling not me. he doesn't use live interviewers and has smartphone connections. people don't return or answer cell phone polls. they are just bored. show me somebody to do that for ten minutes and aisle show you a voter that probable isn't going whether it makes a difference in the election i don't know. i think voters that vote for trump aren't willing to tell anybody including an electronic machine which may may call of us pretty much off on tuesday. we'll have to see. >> thanks again, we'll be seeing you soon. >> thanks. >> all right. coming up we could see big changes with the time changes
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i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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y25egy y16fy lawmakers want with the time change but it's not going to happen. it's not practical. we would explain more but we got caught up in time changings. that's our show, see you
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putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. o say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... yes.. and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. standing there with no clothes. you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10.
12:00 am
i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. . >> hello, friends, and welcome to "dish nation." it fri-yea! i don't think anyone loves friday dance. to the dance? >> it's not so much of a dance as it is leaning into the bar and saying another round. >> we sent out our trolls to look at a couple of other trolls. we need a couple of cumber lovers. >> that different than your group the cucumber lovers? you'll understand later what i'm talking about.


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