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tv   Fox 13 News  FOX  November 8, 2016 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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than 76% in pinellas. again, what does that mean for our local races? more results for you coming up next. >> and looking live at both press dings campaign parties underway, about two miles apart. in, new york city, oregon was called for clinton. donald trump has won wisconsin. we're monitoring this race very closely. we'll have the very latest. we'll go back to craig in a couple minutes.
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let's have a look at the races in hillsborough county: >> kay. it's time to take a look at the races in hillsborough county. two races in hillsborough county. district 1 which contains most of tampa, that's sandy merman, she defeats the political newcomer. district 6 is an at large district. camp coming in with 55% of the vote defeating tim shock to
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commissioner. and for clerk of court, pat frank wins her fourth term and beats eric seidel. property appraiser, the democrat wins the second term, defeating todd jones. >> and for hillsborough county state attorney, mark ober has been in office for 15 years. he loses the job tonight to former prosecutor andrew warren. look at how close this race is. the two. they're saying andrew warren run the race. edgecomb leaves her seat. shamburger has beaten joe jordan robinson. in district 7, very close race in this one as well. carol cordell has left after 20 years. two more first time candidates, former teacher lynn gray barely edges out finance manager kathy james in this race.
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city council district 7. one candidate needs more than 50% to outright win. there will be a runoff in december. so far to my count, this is the only one we've seen so far, jim davidson with 31%. the top vote getters, jim davison. the temple terrace city council seat, ross wins, six candidates in total ran in the race. here's a look at how the rest of them fared rounding o is from pinellas has one commission race, district 3, charlie justice will keep his seat. he beats retired businessman mike mickrack. two school board seats up for grabs as well in district 1, retired teacher jo an latino wins over spc adjunct professor matt stuart. and in district five, incumbent carol cook wins her fifth term
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paul gaultieri over james mcnel list. >> in dunedin, bruce livingston loses and that's seat one. this is the one he gave up to run for mayor. two first time candidates, freeman defeated mike jones. >> and for districts 3 seat, they her heather defended her spot. in largo, commission seat 3, a very tight race, only separated by 200 votes, but incumbent curtis holmes edges out businessman mcmullin. in races that tight, they may do recounts. finally for seminole county council members, two seats up for grabs, the winners are right there, incumbent thomas barnhorn and james quinn have won this race. >> you know you see? you see a lot of close races. >> you essentially do.
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extent divided in a lot of these. where we've got a lot of big winners, we've got some very close losers. it's been interesting so far, and we've still got some time to go before the big race, the biggest one of all is decided. our election coverage, of course, continues on fox 13. let's go back live to, no city over at donald trump's watch party in mid town manhattan. iowa and georgia have just been called in his favor. craig patrick is just going to join us the presidential race coming up next, so stand by for the very
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the presidential number >> let's take another look tonight at the pr presidential numbers. this is the popular vote staying pretty much the same, 49 to 47% in the popular vote. donald trump beating hillary clinton at this point. and now let's go to the florida numbers, and as we know, what called florida for donald trump a little after 10:00 tonight, and he has won this. everybody's called it now, 49% to 48%, so florida goes in the trump category, and a lot of people watching closely i guess now we're watching michigan. >> florida was a must win, then ohio was a must win. north carolina was a must win, and so far, all of those have gone to trump, and fox 13's political editor craig patrick
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u.s. wisconsin is in the books now. that's changed since we last spoke. what's that mean. >> it means it's all looking very, very good for donald trump. you have a situation now where hillary clinton has to make some things change somewhere. look. she's losing in utah as expected. does she have some sort of magic there? no. not by the early returns we're seeing so far. roughly 2 25% and a fourth of te vote in. donald trump is walloping hillary clinton in the state of okay. well, maybe arizona. yeah, she's got a shot there, bu donald trump is leading by around two percentage points. it's looking a lot like other states we've seen. it's looking an awful lot like iowa as well where it's even wider. donald trump leading here by nearly seven percentage points, so it's hard to see where hillary clinton can pull out some magic at this point. you also look to the state of michigan. okay. here hillary clinton is neck and neck, but donald trump has held
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long. one of hillary clinton's problems in michigan, and this holds true through much of the nation, is that she has significantly underperformed among african-american voters. in other words, african-american voters did not turn out for her nearly at the same levels as they did for president obama in 2012 and in 2008, and that certainly hurt her substantially in many states. it hurt her in florida. now, in florida she was able to come very close because there was a significant spike in latino voters who delivered for area that sort of helped her close the gap, although she couldn't close it all the way, but you don't have necessarily the same surge in latino voters in michigan, for example, and you have a good number of african-american voters in particularly the cleveland area who may have voted with their feet, didn't turn out, stayed home. with this, you have a surge in voters angry with government. remember that michigan is dealing with some significant
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jobs in particular to mexico. what did donald trump drive home throughout the course of his campaign? who took the state largely for granted? it would be hillary clinton. example dealing with a poison water crisis where government is responsible for poisoning its own people. this is the type of state where people would logically lose trust in government and what was donald trump's core message? you can't trust government, and he's going to shake things up. with that, this is a state maybe just a couple of days ago she had in the bag. though it is very, very close, with 64% of the vote in, it is just not looking good for her there at this point. then you have a state like new hampshire as well, that the ap has not officially called because it's very close. basically, you know, you had a very slender path for victory for donald trump, but he threaded the needle state after state after state after state, and there's not much left for hillary clinton.
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because we still as a matter of formality have some states to call but the door or the window seems to be closing on her very quickly. >> very interesting. thanks. >> it certainly is. we'll take a quick break. when we come back, we'll take a look at results from some folk county races for you. >> remember, you can find the very latest election results on our website. when we get more numbers in, we're not done. we're back in dunkin's sweet black pepper bacon sandwich is back with twice the crispy, caramelized peppered bacon. experience a breakfast sandwich made for bacon lovers.
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be noisy. be silent. be near. be far. a few races to be together. celebrate joy with dunkin's holiday-flavored coffees, espressos, and donuts. america runs on dunkin'. >> a few races we want to tell you about now. we want to go to polk county. >> the only commission district race for district 5, incumbent john hall remains on the commission. and there are two polk county school board races. district 1 covers lakeland.
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barryman keeps his seat -- keeps actually bill townsend has won this race, 60 to 40% beating hunt berryman. and in district 4, let's take a look. the current board member is not seeking reelection, a very tight race here, and sarah beth reynolds has won this race, beating becky troutman. extremely close. so that's a tight one. we'll see what happens with that if they do a recount o polk county voters decided to pass a continuation of the half cent sales tax for health care for indigent residents, voted yes, 69 to 31%. >> it looks like it may have been within the margin of error for recount. we'll see about that one. pasco county had two commission seats open. ron oakley making a second run for the seat, winning tonight, 70% of the vote. he defeats retired coast guard commander delgado.
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his first run for office. >> two newcomers want to take the appraiser place. pasco tax collector employee has joiner has won this race beating john larkin. for pasco clerk of cashing. paula o'neal wins her third term over roberta cutting. >> let's go to sarasota county now where they have not had a democrat on the county commission since 1970, and that's not g insurance agent mike mo ran defeats democrat and former sarasota mayor fred atkins. in the tax collector's race, coats, the longest serving public official in the county serving more than 30 years will keep the job defeating james fender. >> for clerk of court, karen rushing has also held this job since the late 1980s. she keeps it, defeating todd barton quite easily.
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his own ran because the mayor should not run unopposed. the mayor wins. in three north port actually commission seats, they're decided for district one. hathe 20-year-old cory hutchin n was defeated, 59 to 41%. for district 2, chris hanks has defeated jacquelyn moore. >> then finally for district three, take a look at this. debbie mcdowell with 60% of the vote here sias. we have races in district 3. republican steve johnson is the big winner in manatee county. matt bauer and coming in at 32% but not enough. we've got all of our precincts reporting here for district 3. district 7, both candidates are republicans but jack rogerson ran with no affiliation so he could run against the incuminbent.betsy wins the vote. >> a fresh face takes over in
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32%. for school board district 3 incumbent dave minor has defeated newcomer misty servia. two challengers for bradenton's mayor, poston has defeated them. he defeats the former deputy police chief and political newcomer salazar. >> bradenton city council, ward 1, incumbent gallon low wins again over devin davis tammy spiker gouty. for ward 5, this is also in bradenton, the city council there. council member harold bird had a pretty close win. one race in bradenton beach for ward 4 commissioner. that's former member john chaff chaffey who wins the seat over retiree 62-38. >> for ana maria commission.
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seats. those are looks at your local races. still ahead, we'll take a look at the presidential showdown between hillary clinton and donald trump. >> it is an epic showdown, still unfolding before our very eyes. reaction from both camps. we don't have it yet, but we're going to get it tonight. both of the campaign headquarters are there. trump is inching ever so close to that presidential win. clinton is not yet out of the race, so don't turn it off just yet. fox 13's political editor again with the very latest. new numbers coming up next. ?? know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from. ?? know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values. ??
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y24zwy y12fy let's go back to our political editor craig patrick now.. it's almost midnight, craig. what are you thinking. >> it's looking very good for donald trump. we're still waiting on michigan and wisconsin. it's all about at this point these two states. let's presume that donald trump
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70% of the vote in, he's been leading all night long. we're not seeing anything yet that indicates that hillary clinton, although it is close, can make up that difference in new hampshire. so if donald trump holds on, it all comes down to these two states. if donald trump wins, we're saying winning wisconsin, yes. if he wins the state of michigan, then he's there. i think the key state is michigan combined with new hampshire. those two states would in effect guarantee a donald trump yes. it's very close, but hillary clinton is still trailing. she has been trailing throughout the night. we're not seeing anything as more of the returns come in that suggest she will overcome donald trump. so the other states that we're watching, of course, out west or arizona and nevada. in nevada hillary clinton is leading by six points. i think it's a decent bet that but simply it's not enough.ere,- it takes us to arizona.
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percentage points, but even if hillary clinton were to come from behind here, she needs help in the upper midwest, so i think that it will be the tipping point in mississippi combined with new hampshire, and you also keep an eye on iowa as well. hillary clinton is really at the point now where she just has no path to victory. we can't say that yet. a couple of minutes ago we compared it to being maybe down three or four touch it with two or three minutes left. yes, she can come from behind, but it's going to take maybe a series of on sides kicks and hail mary es and everything going the right way. donald trump is on the cusp of running up the score. he's getting very close to the 270 electoral votes needed. we also have been watching the senate races. democrats h hope to gain four or five seats. it looks as if that's not happening. democrats have gained but one
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in the house races, either. yes, they gained a seat in pinellas county. they gained one other, but hoping to gain dozens of seats. that simply did not happen, so this is a very big night and a very good night for republicans in congress so far, and it appears to be at least on the cusp of a very big night, an historic night for donald trump as well. you're going to have to wait on returns in these states. if something funny happens or something say, happens in michigan and wisconsin, if hillary clinton is able to come from behind and delay this, maybe it takes us into 1 a.m. where donald trump will in all probability win the state of alaska, then that could put him over the top. i don't anticipate that. i think within the next 35 to 45 minutes, we will have a much better idea of where these states are going and with that, donald trump may be much closer to being able to declare victory
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if hillary clinton can pull out a wild upset. >> you know, both sides are crunching the numbers right now. >> they are. >> it will be interesting to see what they're talking about. okay. thank you, craig. >> good job with those maps and those boards. we really appreciate all your hard work. fox continues our election coverage. you can find the latest updates on your fox 13 news, on your phone and the reality is you're witnessing history. whether we get the first female to be elected president or we witness this american political revolution play out. either way, it's going to be a night. good day will have complete election wrap up starting at 4 a.m., and goodnight. thanks for being with us, a.m., and goodnight. thanks for being with us, everybody. everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola.
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12:00 am
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