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tv   Fox 13 News  FOX  November 18, 2016 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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school football playoffs. tampa bay still has a bunch of teams left in the hubt. 21 teams looked to keep their dreams alive. tampa catholic hosting berke low prep in 3a action. remember back in september, they won this game 25-10, we also have a famous face in the crowd, that's bucs head coach dirk cutter. he's there because his son is the quarterback for the other bucs. and we're talking about the berkeley bucs, berkeley prep, that is. first quarter action, you drive would stall and tc would have to punt. berkeley prep takes over, that's davis cutter right there, number 11, puts it up right on the sidelines, great grab by hines. that play sets up a 55-yard run by the bucs' gordon stetson. he's gone. 7-0 berkeley prep. second quarter, it's that stetson kid again. this time from inside the 5, 14-0 bucs.
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berkeley prep faces jacksonville trinity christian, next week's state semifinals. also a rematch of the class 5a from last year. jefferson scores first but the tigers answer, hillsborough county's all time rusher breaks loose to tie the game, then in the second quarter, danny boone keeps it and he finds a crack to the goal line right there, up 14-7 at halftime. after jesuit stuffs jefferson on fourth down from the 10, look at this. that's malik davis and he only needs a crack. 91 yards for the touch touchdow. jesuits moving on, they will host amocole next friday. in class 7a, a rematch, this time it's on plant's tur turf. they played to a scoreless tie
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explodes. across the middle to the 1-yard line, they have to settle for a field goal and it's just 3-0 at this point. lakeland -- franzen, finding a wide open -- right there and plant is up 18-14. but how's this for a response? a.j. davis. and this guy can motor. he finds some holes. goes 99 yards for the did-ahead score. there are flags on the fie lakeland score is going to count here. they go up 21-18. minute to go, plant blocks the punt, sets him up at the 2-yard line, franzen for the winning score, 30 seconds left, and they win it, 25-21. just amazing, amazing weekend for round two. wonder if round three is going to get any better. >> i don't know if we can stand it. that's awesome playoff football. >> your pulse is racing. >> good stuff. another guy had a good day here
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too. >> he's the zoo's first and only sumatran tiger cub and he just turned 1. hey, that's mason, and he's one of s ach tu's fans. zoo keepers packed the exhibit today with happy birthday bags filled with meat. toys. makeshift birthday cake topped with meat. except for that guy right there, i suspect satu got to eat it all. happy birthday to you. >> a mea the fox 13 news keeps going on our app, and on our website. >> money, power, politics is
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welcome to disney springs. your place to shop, dine, and be entertained like never before. make your holidays more delicious. right now, when you buy $20 in gift cards... get a $5.00 gift certificate for yourself.
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>> we'll show you how trumps pick to lead the yus tis department call take down medical marijuana in florida. >> good people don't mock marijuana. >> in tonights monument men tear in the war of 2016. >> i want each and every one of you to march right in. >> craig: we'll show you how historians may describe the democrats smashing defeat to our kids. >> the insiders basically said it's our partye' war is hell. >> craig: this is money, power & politics. okay. let's start with bad news for hillary clinton and for james comey and medical marijuana in florida. >> merissa: the next u.s. attorney general could crack down on all three. >> craig: jeff sessions. he could be the top prosecutor and on the path.
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comey would be basically the boss fwr jeff sessions. awkward. >> merissa: superawkward. as for hillary clinton, session said if you get a subpoena for business records and detroy those reports you're subject to criminal prosecution and will be prosecuted. hillary clintons bad week may have taken a turn for the worse. >> there have been a few times this past week when all wanted to do is just curl up with a never leave the house again. >> merissa: then there's sessions position on pot. >> craig: let's play that. >> this drug is dangerous. you not play with it. knots funny. it's not something to laugh about and trying to send that message with clarity that good people don't smoke marijuana. >> craig: session still has to get confirmed by the senate. i may have said it backwards. i said comey would report to
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sessions said controversial things in the past. he had to teal with that in the controversial hearing. >> craig: he thought the clan was okay until he found out they smoked pochlt>> craig: he doesn't like the clan. it tells you how much he dislikes marijuana. sessions said it's more harmful than alcohol and here's where that could get interesting. the federal government still bans marijuana for recreational or medical use, for the most part. a lot of states a the obama administration looks the other way. >> merissa: the next attorney general may not do that and can crack down on anyone dispensioning or using pot eve in the state theys lou it. >> craig: trump said he would not interfere with state medical marijuana campaign tons trail. ed a salvo katz hope he'll stick to that. we're going find out. in a few weeks. democrats are reeling from last weeks defeat and scratching their heads over it. >> merissa: before they can recover they have to figure out
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>> craig: we can help them? >> merissa: how about a mon monumenttear. roll the clip. >> it's time now for trail tales. ? ? the conflicted divided north from south, young from evenlied caught the democratic establishment by surprise. >> i will my party. that is done in effect. flos way i won't be. ? ? the establishment's plans to march unchallenged in washington hit turbulence before it started. >> i remember particularly a trip to bosnia where the welcoming ceremony had to be moved inside because of sniper
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>> the war press had cameras. >> i just said some things that weren't in keeping with what i knew to be the case. >> general clinton stumbled in bosnia and lost the great war of 2008. coming out of retirement rustier than they thought. >> we struggled to piece together resourss for mortgages for houses. for chelsey's education. it was not easy. it may to remember how difficult it was for people to talk about hiv aids back in the 1980s. and because of both president and mrs. reagan, in flr mrs. reagan, we started a national conversation. >> secretary clinton quickly realized the error she made and put out a statement. ? ? >> the general exposed her weakness. >> i've seen little
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secretary of state, a position where you're treated as a potenty she may have gotten worse. it's tough to go back to rope lines after you've been with kings and queens. >> declaring herself a champion sf of the people. the general wore dark glasses to conceal her face in public and strung rope lines to keep the mud ringers at bay. and as winter set in her army bogged down on the plains of iowa. sent a profound message to the political establishment. ? ? >> to the establishment senator bernie sanders was old and rumpled. a nuisance to a coronation of general clinton. >> why would the democrats nominate someone who is snot a dmachlt to me it doesn't make sense. >> the old guard scoffed
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state and laughed young women who would not fall in line. >> there's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other. >> but o to the mass, sanders was a supernova of charisma. >> we need a political revolution. >> it sent shh ifrs through theishment. >> this great war may be the end of me. debbie >> craig: there you go. let's bring in ie tower ri. >> every once in a while i get lucky. >> merissa: we're talking about the democrats. what is it going to take to recover from what happened after this election? what needs to change? >> i ran into prominent democrats the night after the
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he said we have to find a way to win back the white working person. >> craig: who would you suggest for democrats? dean? ellisson? >> in terms of leadership it's hard to say. they need to look at leadership on capitol hill. nancy pelosi has been a strong leader. she's raised a lot of money for folks in the house. it's going to be hard to knock her off. tim ryan is sort of a rust bel she's challenging nancy to be the leader in the house. that's where it starts. the dnc is not as critical. they are frankly just trying to raise money to pay off incredible debts they'll have after this is over. they won't have much to do with electoral politics for quite some time. as far as leadership, pelosi has a battle and they have to look at someone like tim ryan who is
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little more moderate and might appeal to white working collar voters they lost in this election cycle. moderate and come to the middle or hard line to left with the bernie sanders approach to politics. they can't stay where they are. that isn't getting them votes. >> craig: thank you for your time. >> absolutely. >> craig: coming up. remember how trump promised a beautiful wall and said parts could be scaled back to a fence. well republican leaders in congress say it could be scaled back to an >> merissa: charley belcher is back with a special money, power & politics post election mail bag special. & politics post election mail bag special. we'll have it after the break. z26lfz zy6z
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y26m3y yy6y charge of the gaffe of the >> craig: you're in charge of the gaffe. what do you have? >> merissa: we have another interesting tweet from president elect donald trump. it reads, just got a call from my friend he will be keeping the lincoln flant kentucky. no mexico. trump took credit for this adding that he worked hard to keep the flant kentucky and owed it to the state of kentucky for their confidence in him. >> craig: good for him. where's the gaffe? >> merissa: a frort reuters revealed ford had not planned to move that factory to mexico and repeatedly said it had no plans to close any of its factories in
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that's different. okay. >> merissa: speaking of differential. charley belcher is in the mail room. >> craig: he's working on something special. drilling this up. let's head to mail room to see what he's cooked up. >> hello money, power & politics audience. charley belcher coming to you from the money, power & politics mail room with an extra special post election mail bag special. special in the front and back end. that makes it really special. stop that i need presidential music. ? ? >> yeah. there you go. yeah. that's the spirit. in fact, one of my favorite things about tv coverage of elections bunting. i love seeing the bunting in the back of the shots in the news room. unfort unfortunately, here it's been packed away for a couple of years. however, oddly enough the money, power & politics mail room doubles as a storage room.
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bunting. i'm not authorized to go in the boxes and not to touch the bunlting because it's part of fox 13s promotions. nobody comes down here but me. this is a special money, power & politics mail bag election post election special. special on both ends. shall we get to e-mails? yeshgs we shall. the first from mary. craig, watching your report weres great on election made me realize i would wake up with great news. we see where you're leaning. nick says craig, i love your take on politics. another hit. you did a great job and don't forget mail room charley. diane, mail room char leechlt that's me. here's one. dear craig, putz exclamation point. judy. sorry, craig.
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bad. craig, i watched you all night. agreed job. love that you called florida before the rest of the media, signed ann. craig, you are the best. highly informative reporter slash analyst like the media should be unbiassed. appreciate you and your team. elizabeth. thanks. i like to feel like i'm part of the team. more like the kicker who comes on once in a while and 60% ak rachlt craig, awesome job. craig is the b too. erlene. craig, you do the best job. we tried watching other commentators but kept going back to you. thank you. stacia. stick with craig. craig, you guys rock. better coverage than any network through the entire campaign. especially on election night. allen. thank you, allen. craig you're coverage is the best of any other. i flip to a few other challenges
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are still topnotch. you're research and clear explanations are helpful. you make it very clear signed shirley. no flipping. no flip-flopping. stay with us. craig, thanks to craig patrick for job he's done through this election process. he's an asset to the station and his viewing public. i hope he takes time off, susan. craig, take a day auchlt craig, come on. trump is a big joke. women. thank you, penny. yes, penny. that point of view is out there, as well. finally, craig, what is there star? not? plain not? sherry. sherry, we can always count on you. keep the e-mails coming. you know the address.
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we're enjoying this special money, power & politics mail bag post election special. it's over. kill the music. go back to the regular music. the bunting, must be packed away at least until the midterm elections.s. that's right, folks. the election over. we have a president elect whether you like it or not. let's all move shall we? back to you craig. ? ? >> merissa: thanks. coming up trump's plan to wall over border with mexico keeps getting scaled back. >> craig: we're going to show you what republicans in congress
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honey nut cheerios get their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey, ok that's still honey. ahhh, there we go. were back to honey again. who's directing this? that guy, figures.
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we will along the southern border: [cheering] >> craig: that was promise that launched donald trump mexico would pay for a beautiful wall. he would deport people living here illegally and use the money to wall off the border. >> merissa: republican leaders in congress say the wall could be scaled back to a fence in place ors invisible fence to use drones to patrol the bored. >> craig: republicans say we should think to hav wall as a
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could be dialled back in places to a fence. >> are you really going to build a wall? >> yes. >> they are talking about a fence in the republican congress. would you accept a fence? >> for certain areas i would. but certain areas the wall is more appropriate. i'm good at this. there could be some fencing. >> craig: trump won 30% of the latino vote. more than the preelection polls suggested. with that the wall didn't drive night. you're in charge every weekend of coming up with something different. i think you have something special for us tonight. i hope. >> merissa: yeah. it's unbelievable story of georgia man that still doesn't know who won the presidential
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you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grains as our first ingredient. in every honey nut "o". every lucky charms spoonful. and every cinnamon toast crunch square. ?
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>> craig: okay. you've got a good something different tonight. this fellow from georgia doesn't know who won the election. >> mersa noechlt don't tell him. a guy who still doesn't know who won for president. >> i'm still living in bubble f ignorance. >> joe works from home. he's an artist and drawing calendars consumed him after he decided he wasn't going to find out who won the presidential race. >> i was invited to an election party to stay up in the night with everybody gnawing their nail and hanging on.
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better way. >> he woke up the next morning and felt so at ease he decided goif it a few more hours. >> having subtracted myself from this political fracus and mayhem of the digital media, i found the center to have cy cyclone. it's peaceful in my bubble. >> a week after the election he still does not know who won. staying away from television, niep and social media. wh seldom, he wears headphones and this sign that says i don't know who won and don't want to. please don't tell me. >> for me it's like a breath of relief. >> chandler's daughter, em emily, is serving at her fathers liaison. sending him edited versions. >> telling him there's civil unrest. that there are people rioting. but i'm not saying which side. >> chandler says this was
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not protesting a particular candidate. >> not a fan of either. i did have a preference of the regime that i was hoping we would avoid. >> chandler says he may not be able to live in his bubble too much longer. >> at some point ooifrm going to get cabin fever and say heck with it. i go out into the world and live my life again. >> craig: that was different. good job. you won the prize. >> merissa: i don't think able to do our jobs. good for him. seems happy. >> craig: okay. that's our show. we will see you again tomorrow night. we'll continue to follow the changes in washington and in tallahassee.
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12:00 am
. >> welcome to "dish nation." >> guess what. >> what? >> high-five your television. it's in the trailer for the new "celebrity apprentice." >> finally. >> i know. right? >> heidi interviewed comedian heather mcdonald who shared a very personal story with us, but, first, it looks like there's some shade in the kitchen between j. lo and mark anthony. last night during the latin grammys j. lo is presenting mark with the person of the year award, and the crowd started


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