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tv   Good Day Philadelphia  FOX  July 30, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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to get into, why temple university drops standard eyes test scores as a requirement to get into the school. >> you know, things could have got little negative, booed their own players, but here, you know, you don't really get that. >> sunday september 21, put it on your calendar, bring your friends with you. weekend welcome to desean jackson back to the negative link. >> ladies, do you know you're absorbing 5 pounds of make up, and into your internal organs? make up detox this morning on good day philadelphia. >> i imagine for it is might be little more than 5 pounds. >> upward of 20 pounds a year! >> twenty, 25 pounds. >> happy birthday, ya.
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>> so glad you're work here! >> thank you! >> we'll talk more about her birthday in a bit. but great day of weather. >> do something today, just too nice out there. it is a ten on scale of one to ten. we expect nothing less for miss kacie. we have sunshine, less clouds, than yesterday, and it will be pretty comfortable. high temperatures in the low eight 80s, bus stop buddy though before we get to the 80s, have to wear hoodie this morning, that cool out. temperatures mainly in the 50's, you can jump in the pool later on this afternoon, he's got his fox 29 hat and shades to match. 63 degrees in philadelphia, i think we hit our low temperature of 62 last hour, which means, we did not hit our low record low of 58. that will stand for yet another year. for today, 82 the high temperature, nice sunshine, and real good looking afternoon, great night again, don't need the ac, open the windows, see that low of
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63 degrees, and there are some changes when it comes to the wet weather potential coming up in your seven day forecast, that and the latest on the weekends still ahead. caste? >> thanks very much, caitlin. all right, a loft accidents, incidents, starting with water main break this morning, springfield township, been with us for few hours, bethlehem pike, at wissahickon avenue. hopefully not as bad as the water main break at ucla. eastbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike, at willow grove. you have the left lane blocked therefore an accident. also, the eastbound side right around norristown, that accident moved to the shoulder. delays on 76 down to 22 miles per hour, some portions, 19 miles per hour headed southbound on 95. kerrey, mike? >> big news, breaking news, high ranking police sources tell us just few minutes ago, former philadelphia narcotics officers are in custody this morning on corruption charges. >> yep it, actually stems from federal grand jury probe back in january. sources tell us five of these officers were arrested at their homes in philadelphia. one actually take friend his home down the jersey shore.
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that is news conference scheduled for little later this morning, so we will be following that, as soon as we hear of that, we'll dip in, let you listen live. >> back to this other horrible story. funerals held monday for the three children killed in last friday's deadly carjacking, and crash, in north philadelphia. last night, hundreds, i mean, hundreds attended a vigil to mourn the death of those victims. keisha williams, her three children, were selling fruit to raise money for their church. you know their story by now, when a car that was carjacked by two men, lost control, hit all of themment williams herself still in the hospital in a coma fighting for her life. >> she know yet that her children have died? >> not yet, you know what i mean, she don't know anything yet. i mean, so she's, like i said, still in a coma right now. >> two surviving daughters, accused carjackers, 23 year
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old crawford, 19 year old jonathan rosa, have been denied bail. 7:03. unfortunately this isn't the first time we've seen video like this, septa police looking for couple who record or were record i should say by another passenger on train, they look like they're in pretty questionable shape, having trouble standing up. of course the police would like to know if the child that was with them, is now in harms way. >> what's going on here? >> another little girl on septa, and another case of parents maybe not being completely with it. and, another case, where police, and the department of human services, here in philly, want to find a family, for the second time since march, a passenger video posted on youtube of parents with a daughter, who anyone watching this will feel so sorry for. it was church going time sunday morning, here in philly, on the market frankford train, and doubt fell they were going to
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church. little shoe less, sock less babe nay baby carriage, mom and dad clearly struggling to stay awake, stand up, and just see straight. they believe under the influence of something for sure, one passenger called police, another told the parents they better get off the next stop, police were called, so they d that passenger then ridiculed by all of the others on the train for keeping that little girl in potential harm. we talked to the woman who recorded this video protecting all identities involved. >> so disturbing, you know, was looking around at everyone to see if i was the only one feeling this way, everyone was looking at them, too. >> one woman in particular, she told me she had kids, and just not right. so sad. >> kid didn't even have shoes on. >> definitely helpful people on a train contact us, because we've had cases where the
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parent is so out of wack, that they can't care for that child, and it is good for us to be able to help. seek latest video will see you in the mine, the memories, also in your search buttons if you go back to march, remember this first video we showed you, also went viral around the world another girl trying to wake up her mom who keeps passing out on septa trolley again during the morning hours mother, mouth wide open, eyes wide shut. they did investigate that case, tracted down that mother, and daughter, and, because privacy laws would not confirm to us whether they took that little girl as we heard into foster care, got that mother some help. dhs now likely seeing this on our area, likely trying to track these people down too with septa and philly police, so kerrey, mike, what happened was this all happened around eighth street market frankford line, cops are called, and thomas nestled ahead of the septa transit police tell us they immediately had police
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waiting for them at the 11th street stop. will stop the train, the family getting alerted from the other passenger, got off here at market street, got off, seen on the surveillance, struggling to get to the station, somehow allude dollars police just seconds before they arrived over here. >> boy, wild night on spring garden last night. >> sure was. >> philadelphia police trying to identify substances, they found inside of an apartment in the city spring garth end section. >> what were they trying to make? officers called to this building right around ninth and spring garden, just before 6:00 last night. once inside, police found a pressure cooker, oh, oh, and some substances growing inside the apartment. >> at this point they say nothing they found would be illegal. substances will be sent to crime lab, where experts will determine exactly what was found. meantime, pressure cookers -- >> do you think maybe? >> think back to the boston
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marathon bombing. >> temple university is making test scores optional for admission. >> yes, i think this is one of the largest public institutions in the northeast that do this. what's the point here, jenny? >> reporter: well, the point is that temple recognizes that there is more to a student than simply a test score. some people just do not test well, they understand that, so now temple is getting rid of sat scores perspective students no longer have to smith their scores. they can if they want tonight but they are planning to assess academic success in other ways. temple decided to make test scores optional if response to research they had a shows high school gpa, class rang, and non-cognitive factors like self confidence, determination, and grit, are more reliable predictors of college success. not to smith test scores instead, he or she can smith answers, to shortest a questions that are self self reflective. this type of test can assess motivational and developmental
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traits better predictors of college success, than sat scores. the new temple option will be in place for students applying in the fall of 2015, again, option. temple saying if you are a good test scorer, if you do have strong scores, and you are encourage today smith them. however, you do not have to. mike, kerry? >> so jenny, what do you think the cut off point is? if you had like 1150, 1050, 1100, would you smith that or not? i have to ask the temple rep we have coming in. >> yes, what's the best? >> now, jen she had perfect 1600. >> 1600. >> yessing. >> perfect, numbers change. >> but i am a temple grad. >> are you? >> yes. >> temple tough you're an up. >> i'm an owl, yep. >> woo. >> no word yet on what it will cost to repair damage caused to ucla's campus. my daughter jessica is awed a proud alum. she called me immediately. just about every building she was ever in on that campus is
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now, well, flooded, certainly. >> that's millions of gallons of water flooded the entire thing. firefighters actually to use both to try to get around. five people that had to be rescued, from a water main break. they were stranded, i guess, in the parking garage. >> parking garages there. >> yes. the university's underground parking lots, and its newly renovated basketball arena, also affected. >> you saw little shot of polly pavilion there. look at this. >> insane. >> we did have some damage to some of our buildings, most notably, pauley pavilion, taking water, parking structures also received good deal of water which has created problem for many of the employees and visitors who's cars are now either underwater or not able to get them out for awhile. >> freak i. of course westwood section of los angeles. this giant water main, this pipe, was almost 100 years old. >> and they're having such a drought there right now, too. the worst in years. >> running into the concrete
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river there in in los angeles. >> gut wrenching video of teen rescued from crushed mini-van. crazy stuff. but this story has heartwarm being ending thanks to the heroic first responders. >> you seen this? >> it is insane. >> look at. that will out of control trash truck flew over a median on route 413 just by i95, bristol township. >> this was yesterday afternoon. truck flattens the mini-van caring family of three. mom and dad got out quickly. their 17 year olson was pinned inside. so rescuers new the truck could fall further on to the van, crushing this some year old. >> any moment. >> they stabilized, pulls them out. relieved teenager seen patting and hugging rescuers after being placed on the stretcher. i would, too. >> right? >> the family expected to be okay. all of them, investigators are looking into, what caused the trash truck to lose control like that and flip. >> well, the surgeon general of the united states issuing call to action to prevent skin
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cancer, skin cancer including mel no, ma'am, a increasing. all about sunscreen. doctors treat nearly 5 million people in the united stay for skin cancer, so the surgeon general says people with lighter skin are at higher risk. no matter what color we are. get skin cancer, tan can be disfiguring, even deadly. the call to action will hopefully help spread the words on ways to stay healthy while soaking in the great outdoors. >> i just had some basil cell burned off of me. >> you did, where was it? >> right there. >> really? >> i would show it to you, but -- >> yeah, i don't want to see that. >> what do they use? cold -- >> like a night trust oxide? >> that's what i was. >> 200 degrees below zero. >> really. >> did you feel it?
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>> in the surge of this ebola case there. >> it is so bad on the western side. >> american doctor, worker, also core track dollars that disease, no known cure for ebola. can strike very quickly. on this outbreak, in western africa, which is the largest in history, we should say, already killed about 670 people. >> thousands may be infect the. >> no cases have been confirmed in the unite states. good news. >> i think -- >> good to know. >> almost month to figure out that you have it. >> but it is so contagious, you can get it almost from touching. >> touching, yes. united states imposing wider set of sanctions against russia. mainly targeted in the country's financial defense, and energy sector.
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some of their biggest banks now affected immediately. pentagon says russians are sending sophisticated heavy duty weapons to the separatists in eastern ukraine, who want the eastern part of the country to succeed and become russia again. president obama says there is little proof the kremlin wants to end nip of the violence. >> president said yesterday afternoon he wants to penalize russia for continued support of pro russian rebels, meanwhile, russia is denying its supplying these heavy weapons. to the separatists, also denying firing missiles over its boards err into ukraine. >> philadelphia's iconic 30th street station could be getting new name. >> not the 29th street station, no. >> even though the front of the build something on 29th? >> you mentioned. that will there is proposal to rename 30th street station and passed a house, would be named after former us representative bill gray. gray died about year ago.
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he was 71 years old. if it passes the senate, the bill would rename the station the william h gray the third 30th street station. >> well, eventually caitlin, do you think we would ever take me to, you know, take me to 30th street station. take me to the gray station? >> eventually, not the williams h gray the third -- i don't think, no. >> no. >> that's a mouthful. >> no, maybe in 20 years, might say take me to the gray station. >> we don't change rapidly here in philadelphia. >> thirtieth street station though is not easy. >> thirtieth street is the back, what i call, the back of the train station. there is no 29th street, is there? >> the tss. >> call it that. >> what's that. >> what's that little street called between market and -- >> i'll look it up. >> schuylkill me? >> i don't know. >> it is a division of sorts. all he know, divides one part of the city, and train stain inbetween. >> whatever your plans, traveling around the area, by rail, by lane, by car, looking
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at fabulous weather, shouldn't have any issues, high pressure in control right now. >> damper on the front, would have been real nice if not for all of the clouds. fox future cast showing a lot of sunshine today. >> central pennsylvania, usher in another real nice evening. but those showers do arrive by late in the day, on thursday. so, not too long before we need the umbrellas again. right now, the big story this morning, how cool it has been. sixty-three in philadelphia, right now, but widespread 50's elsewhere. fifty-three pottstown, poconos, lows around the area, just few degrees, off, but we were close, 61 in atlantic city, 63 in wildwood. well, if you're down the beach this week, you know that yesterday was not the best to be out by the water, but it looks better today. temperatures into the 70s, much more sunshine, beach winds, out of the northwest, shifting to the south at
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10 miles an hour, surf temperature 72 degrees. water warmer than the air yesterday. eighty-two is the high here in philadelphia, so, it will be a bit sunnier. nice, nice weather, great evening, for tomorrow, i think, generally it is still a nice day, eight a degrees, just chance for shower late and then the storm chances increase through the rest of the weekends, we'll time it all out for you coming up in just a bit. meantime busy morning for kacie. how are things looking? >> things settling down, thank you, caitlin. do have couple of little this, that, the other things going on your majors, springfield township start there. bethlehem pike at wissahickon avenue, water main break, eastbound side of the turnpike at willow grove. left lane block, there clear, move out of your way, things moving just fine on the turnpike and elsewhere. seventy-six little jammed around city avenue. ninety-five south of course down. mike? >> what will happen tomorrow? one day away from the major league baseball trade deadline, so far still no moves from the phillies. and phillies use the homerun ball last night, and some great pitching by cole hamels. jimmy rollins, grade i
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sizemore, grade i had first homerun. they both homered. chest utley is the one, grand-slam, fifth of his career, but cole really put on a show. eight scoreless innings and the phillies six to nothing win, that will just make some other team want them even more. is he going to be a dodger or cardinal by the end of this week? all right, let's get back to oh, buddy here steven a smith. works for the inquirer for years, all of this in philadelphia know him very well. espn has suspended him following the controversial commerce he made last friday, about domestic violence. smith made the comment while speaking about an incident involving baltimore ravens running back, ray rice. you know the surveillance video by now. he was in atlantic sit which his wife. now, national news story "tmz" released surveillance video, long time ago. >> to employ the female members of moo family, some of
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how have talk, what have you, again, this is what i have done this all my life, let's make sure we don't do anything to provoke wrong action. >> oh, boy, that's where he steered off course there. ray rice's two game suspension by the nfl for violating the league's personal conduct policy triggered this conversation. and conversation across the country. the former philadelphia inquirer writer apologized on espn on monday. >> i made what can only amount to the most aggregious error of my career. while elaborating on sorts concerning the nfl ruling versus ray rice, following domestic dispute with his then fiancee, end slurred tie by allude to go a woman's role in such haneous mat efforts going sofas to use the words provoke in my dieto be. my words came across somehow a woman's fault, this was not my intent. >> those words not enough for espn, though, even though let him work monday and yesterday,
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last night they suspended him for a week. so steven a will return, looks like to show called first take on espn2. next wednesday. full week suspension. what do you think that far? will you boo on september 21st, a sunday, at the linc. when desean jackson comes back, after the comments he made about the city of brotherly love yesterday on the practice field, in the dc area. what egg eels fans have in store for desean. are your feathers ruffled this morning? and who is she? what's she doing? that's what people on twitter are asking all across the country. apparently there is word she is headed or way. we'll introduce you to the woman in black.
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welcome back, desean jack john just started first training camp with washington redskins, already made some decisions about redskins fans. >> really, didn't even play the game yet. listen what desean had to say about his experience in the dc
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air, compared what it was like here in fill. >> i now you have this redskins nation. i can see the smile on your face, little different. can you describe it? >> it is different. very supportive here. you know, they're open, you know, being out here on the field, avenue been hearing certain things, but they're good things. sometimes thing could have gotten negative, they booed their own players, but here, you know, you don't really get that. >> i just got tweet, bruno from woman who watched the show. she watches every morning. she goes well, casino of right. we do boo. we eat our own here, too, don't just boo our own, we eat our own. >> too early for him to be saying that, because he didn't play into game. >> you mean too soon? too soon? >> what is he supposed to say? >> now sucking up to the fans, they showed epp at two practices all the sudden they're very support sniff remember daniel snyder the owner of the team was the first team to charge people to go to training camp. so, they booed that, too. by the way the washington rush redskins, if you want to use the word redskins, two playoff wins since 1992.
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not exactly this dynasty. they were good back in the 70s, 80s, them early 90s when they won their last superbowl in 91. by the way, they booed rgiii, too last year. >> the redskins fans. >> course they do. >> so by the way, i'll put up picture here, heats is redskins support over the years. >> oh, we have redskins support? >> there go. >> that's the old rfk stadium. >> that's game day though. >> see sunday game, washington comes in here. >> yes. >> booed, or no? >> of course booed. you know what's interesting? >> he does have fans here. interesting, because, after the eagles, remember, he didn't want out of here, they traded him. so when at the traded him away, when they let go-go, actually, released him, then washington signed him, the fan base still upset. still people to this day here say die sean jack some not able to row place hess production, jerry mack is coming with a being, not healthy, young kids they drafted the bottom line of
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course they'll bo him. he is the enemy now. that's the way we work here. >> i need your opinion. training deadline major league baseball tomorrow at 4:00. what. >> would you be doing at 4:00 tomorrow? >> watching cole hamels flying to los angeles? >> no, flying san francisco. >> boy he pitched well, showed off last night, didn't he? >> great start. and the phillies have this all of these guys on the trade block that have been awful. you know, a.j. burnett on trade block. he goes after, gets destroyed. now you have marilyn bird, who was benched last night, got night off. well, will they trade him? it depends. he doesn't -- see, they have a loft toxic contracts on the team that nobody wants. cole hamels doesn't have it. i don't think he goes, you can't trade him. do you have keep him and chasement can't get rid of everybody. >> if you trade coal it means it is over, we're reboot being. >> surely. >> real quickly, here is the the side from steven a smith. want your comment. >> i made what can only amount to the most aggregious error of my career following
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domestic dispute with rice's beyonce, beyond the scope of our discussion by allude g to a woman's role in such haneous matters, going sofas to use the word provoke in my die a to be. my words came across somehow a woman's fault, this was not my intent. >> i have listen to him for years, you know him so well over 20 years, he never talks like. >> this i think the word provoked was the problem. >> no doubt. one word. again, whether you dis a greets, agree, a lot of people supporting him. you are doing live television. not scripted. then you give an empassioned plea about s i am not defends wag he said. now -- you can't use the words when in live television doing an hour show sometimes up get called like that, then he got caught. now he will be suspended for a week and go on vacation. >> he's always very supportive, has four strong sisters, strong mother all of that. so you just can never lay a hand on a woman. >> lotly. >> no such thing, provoking. good to see you, tony.
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your good friends jenn fred is playing golf today. she says golf is so hard we need big time help. you can get it in philly. >> yes, we can get it from the best of philly golf pro. guess what, we're not talking about tricks. bringing in lazers, high tech stuff, batman material, because all you boys say you're crying, just too hard to play golf. so we'll bring in the big guns, lazers, batman, it is so we'll bring in the big guns, lazers, batman, it is what's with the suit?
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oh, i had to go to the bank. if you look legit they give you special treatment. seriously? seriously, yeah. the banker dude set up my checking account so if i make one deposit a month, no monthly maintenance fee. special treatment! citizens bank, right? yep. you know they do that one deposit checking thing for everyone, right? got mustard on your suit. actually, it's your suit. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee.
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>> clouds went out down the shore, scale of one to ten, more sunshine, warmer told, really can't plane. we rival some record low temperatures, early this morning, and didn't quite get there. but when you talk about record lows, in july that's a good thing, not january, but july. bus stop buddy has a hoodie, dressed him for cool weather. temperatures mainly in the ooh, a up in the poconos, started in the 40's, with all of that sunshine, we will warm up, pretty quickly into the afternoon. it is 63 degrees in philadelphia right now. absolutely gorgeous morning. this afternoon will be great. eighty-two for the high temperature, low humidity, and slight breeze, into tonight, again, another night you don't have to have the ac onto sleep
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comfortably. sixty-three overnight in the city. we'll have 50's in the suburbs. that's a look at your foxcast, time for traffic and weather with cast. >> i thank you, all right, springfield township, starting again, with this water main break, been with us all morning, not going anywhere, looks like, springfield township, bethlehem pike at wissahickon avenue. look out for crews on the scene directing traffic. eastbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike, at willow grove, you have got eastbound delays, you have got westbound delays, but this accident blocking the left lane right around 343. westbound 76, past city avenue, 19 miles per hour on 95 south as i awe prefer the vine this morning, 37 miles per hour westbound on the pennsylvania turnpike. >> he when i think of sat scores i get nauseous. takes me back to high school. entrance exams may be a thing of the past for temple students. they'll soon be at an option on the application form for
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incoming freshman. no longer necessary to take the sat tests, instead, have the option to smith shortest ace. hopefully that i have right tonight explain this, director of admissions, right to the top. at the inch, karen, welcome. >> welcome, thank you. >> won't they still take the sat test? i mean the test itself, they just don't have to smith the results? >> exactly, student have the option. many students will decide that the test scores in addition to their high school grades, their transcript information, presents the best picture. but for some students they'll say i'm moran a test score, night to provide something additionalment temple option allows them to do that. >> i'm in high school. do i still have to take the sat? >> it depend, we're one of 800 schools that offer test on sean al policy. some student want to broaden that reach. it is a personal decision. when we think about it, at
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tell it be, and as we explain it to our families and our students, we want them to look at the whole of their academic and make the de us. >> but why not just take it, if it is real a high school, i'll smith it. >> to up them. >> if it stinks i'm not going to. >> again, to me, what's most representative to them. for some students, they're happen which how the sat overlays with the different pieces of their application process. and that's what they want to present. >> well, how are we going to compare. >> temple option allows them to complete four for the answer questions, short answer, about 100, 150 words, very self reflective. >> could you give me an example, what the questions might be? >> oh, would you love, that wouldn't you? no, we want student really not to prepare for. that will i can give awe general sense. >> yes, give me. >> one of them to look backward, be able to look forward, and reflect, and be able to present that
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information to us. in fact, we encourage student, we really don't want that preparation, we want that first reaction response to those questions. so we're not sharing them. >> you know the criticism will be oh, you know, we're the whoosification society. just letting everybody in. everybody gets a trophy. >> not at all. we see as being able to broaden the way we look hollis i cannily. >> i like it actually. >> still asking students to provide additional information. but it is a part of a larger process. you know, making admissions decisions, part art and science. all of the information we have really benefits students? seems more fair. >> i would tends to agree. for me personally being able to have this option, would have roam i meant something more than 20 years ago. >> are there really people that just don't do well on tests? like i would get all clammy, and upset, and not do particularly well. >> i think that most
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definitely happens for a perspective students and families. i know it happened for me. first generation student. a good student. but i just didn't test well. ultimately, i think, i was the exact type of student that a campus would want to have, an active student, one who graduates with honors. but, maybe that wasn't necessarily apparent in that review process? coming out of high school what would be a determining factor to get into temple now? >> i was in the chess club, like that. >> we wanted to make academic decision for student so they can be successful, in our classrooms, very important, but it is a broad decision. >> yes. >> we want them active on our campus, be student leaders, pokes themselves to be real world ready, whatever they're going to do next. >> i like that, real world ready. sometimes college students are not when they leave school. you've done very well, even though not good on test. >> i did do well, right? >> huge university.
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congratulations. karen, thanks a l coming up, comment on twitter with this. what do you think about that? hey, coming up, is your make up making you sick? karen, you look nice today. ladies, you want to hear about this. you know that your body absorbs 5 pounds every make up a year? there is a way to get rid of it, detox yourself, we'll teach you how. and morning sickness may not be so bad, at least for your baby. why it could actually and good sign when it comes to your bundle of joy. yes,
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>> avenue yep, talking about make you will all morning. could your make up be making you sick? between your foundation, the blush on top of that, you got your eye shadow, many women are putting a lot of make up on their face, probably, right now. and it may not be as harmless
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as you think. kacie, what are we talking about? how many pounds of make up do you think goes on a woman's face every year? >> this is average. i know improbably upward of 20-pound. experts say average woman, so you right, there eating your cheerios, 5 pounds every make newspaper your skin every year. now one doctor is detox g faces, combating all of the chemicals found in these make ups and creams. experts say a lot of those cosmetics macon tend toxic heavy metals, what you are putting on your face, the skin is the largest organ, as you know, those metals can have serious impact on your health. why some patients are resorting to chillation therapy, helps remove toxic levels of heavy metals in your body. >> can affect our nervous systems, they can cause fatigue, can cause headaches, dermatitis, problems with reproduction. >> judge getting combination of vitamins, helping to find
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the to flush them out of your system n order for the treatment to works, it takes about ten sections, and it is $250 a session. >> so, what are you saying smear something that we're drinking? >> iv? >> either that or i guess just a mask, like chemical peel type thing? >> flushing, coming out of our stool or urine it sounds like, the iv. wow. >> no thank you. just cut back. >> you don't want to be hurting your internal organs with chemicals. >> i know. >> going well below the skin. >> that's correct the problem apparently. >> oh, my goodness. >> all right. >> i have many problems. >> heavy make up? >> due to the heavy make up. >> jenn fred is on the golf course today. did you see in philadelphia magazine they have their best ever issue? this place got a best of. >> it is not, dude, that dude got the best. by the way happy birthday, kacie mcdonnell. so he is the best, and sick of people crying about how hard
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golf is. we're going to tell you how to make golf easier. not with his brain, with his toy box. yes, we are bridging the gadgets out to help out get yes, we are bridging the gadgets out to help out get yothe wonder of summer is that
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i never know what kind of adventure awaits. the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $319 a month.
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>> wait for it. >> stand by. there it is. we'll start off with radar everyone. that is quiet morning out there. you can see the sunshine outside your windows, if you are just joining us, though, it is cool. which is something we don't normally say in july. but, temperatures started off in the 50's, and now, in the low 60s here in philadelphia. so, fox future cast, showing a loft sunshine around today. couple of clouds, maybe later in the afternoon, but, overall, a lot more sun, than yesterday. and any of the clouds and showers, that do pop up will stay well off toward our west, here they are, central pennsylvania, probably reach us, though, by tomorrow afternoon. that's our first chance of seeing some showers this week. but, enjoy nice afternoon, that will lead into a very nice evening. temperatures have been the big story so far this morning, widespread 50's, close to record lows in spots including poconos. started 45, record low of 42, in philadelphia, 63, the records low 58. didn't quite get there.
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came close, pretty remarkable july 30th talking record lows. let's go down the shore, show you your "shorecast" first, yesterday not beach day. today looks better. temperatures in the low seven's, close to the water temperature wind out of the not west, rip countries being low, uv index high. seven day forecast, 82 today. even after chris be start this morning we do warm things up, feels real nice into the afternoon, and thursday still good day, eight a degrees, with mainly sunshine, just that slight chance of shower in the afternoon. >> friday, eight a, still warm, saturday, itself, casino every transitional day. more clouds, showers, chance of thunderstorm, and it is cooler with only high of 79. then we warm things up and dry out as we head into next week. so that's a look at your seven day forecast, now time for traffic. >> thank you, a lot, sticking with us all morning long, jest caring over, a look everywhere first every all. the turnpike if you're headed westbound jammed, entire lent, little jammed eastbound, as
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well, if you are headed westbound on 76, jammed once you get past city. jammed once past the betsy ross bridge. springfield township water main break. bethlehem pike at wissahickon avenue. crews still out there on the scene. the eastbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike, at willow grove. that's what is contributing to the little eastbound delay. you've got the left lane block for accident. here is a look again at your majors and some of your travel times. guys? >> hey, listen to there is kerrey, you know what i found? look at this. in this magazine we had it on monday? best of? there is this guy, he's considered the best like golf pro, golf teacher in the city. and this is why we want to talk to him. new survey says that a lot of people are just quitting the game of golf. >> this guy found lazers, and equipment, will change all that, your game will improve, right? blue bell. >> double b. okay, good morning, congratulations being the best of the best.
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>> the thing i said in philly mag, you know what you are talking becomes you don't take it too seriously, so you have listened to us wine about how hard it is. golf is frustrating. >> what do you tell people? >> do few things, take coaching lessons from your pro, take time in, play six holes, play nine homes, play 12 holes, make your own rules, have fun. >> okay, so they always say this on the golf channel and all of those places. >> you drive for show, put for dough. so i always -- but i am adhd on the golf course. >> of course. >> and off the course. >> i just want to get it done. you have seen them, they're pretty good. you say putting -- shut up. pretty good. it is a good place to start in terms of like getting better. >> absolutely. work your way back. >> okay. >> actually have to drive it far enough along. >> so a lot of people have heard about this custom fitting of clubs, and they think it is too expensive,
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takes too much time. >> you say even rook can i benefit? >> even rook can i play better, faster, have more fun sooner. whether you and her go to wedding dresses, you don't buy off the rack, you get something to fit for you. >> all touch? >> relative. certain clubs should be worth more money. putter should be worth moran wedge. you snow. >> so this guy here is zach, super high tech lazer, buddy, hi, how are you? basically he already toll me, come here real quick, already told me that i am the worse put nerve america. i don't know jim putting him on tv. what is he doing? >> not a bad putter, just not good aimer. >> he says line upright? >> yep. >> you can say it again. >> i them ' good. >> i think i'm good. >> feel like i'm bad. i feel like i'm good. >> so take this, see reflection of the lazer actually.
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>> off the grid. >> so just to be clear, if i would have hit this, instead of going big white thing it, would have gone way over there? >> would have made compensation in your stroke. >> yes, dow, that i try to go like that. >> you're compensating for ill aim. >> so then how does accustom puppet err help my bad aiming? >> you can combine the fit withing zach, the coaching from me, now start aiming better, start the ball on line better, make more puts, more puts means you play quicker and you have more fun. >> basically saying, if we use the wedding analogy, right? because you said the wedding dress. so basically giving me better high heal shoes so i can dance longer at the wedding reception? >> how much have you had to drink? >> how long should it take, number one complaint, it is too hard. two complaint, it is cents time. how much time do i have to invest to get good at golf? >> not much. depends how good you want to get.
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based on what we're seeing here, you're close. >> all right. >> doesn't take much. if you want, all relative. make it six hole day. break 90 for eight holes. whatever. set your own goals. golf is fun. >> all right. >> mike will be here all morning, ladies, gentle cards, what do you think? ready to do this? >> how about ten footer right now? >> here i go. here i go. i'm ready. >> it is 7:52, i'm going to put up video here after guy, this guy, says, he was bullied, not long ago, in his life. >> hard to believe. he turned to body building, though, to cope with that abuse. look at him now. one of the best teen body builders. this is teenager, in the entire country, actually from here. >> i know he is. he's on our show for goodness sake. he will crush q's head. and the pictures you post on line could affect the way people treat you in person.
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well heck ya. what people are judging you on without even realizing it. >> duck face. >> duck face. so sick of duck face. >> i could die. so sick of duck face. >> i could die. >> oh, quack
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have you seen tom corbett's negative ad with this actress. it's just not true. and more of the same from corbett. tom wolf's company is headquartered and files taxes right here in pennsylvania. and it's tom wolf who'll be the governor we need. he'll make the gas companies pay up to fund our schools. build a 21st century infrastructure. and restore manufacturing for the jobs we need today. take a look at his plan for yourself. tom wolf. a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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nick, by the way? >> we're all nick. >> common! >> let's talk to kacie boy. >> i would be happen which that. >> new survey, kacie, says sloan from entorage, the tv show, still every guy's dream tv girl. who is your dream girl on tv besides kerrey barnett. >> okay. do i mention, guys, what i had talked about earlier today? i have a weird crush and
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fascination with michelle dug err. >> oh, wow. >> uh-huh. >> what? >> ya. listen. >> what is it? because he knows you'll get some. >> well, ya, that part of t i don't know, just so wholesome and nice and pure. >> and you want it ruin that? >> she is also pretty by the way. not like a hag or anything like that. but i just -- >> what? >> there she is. she has 19 kids. okay, kacie, tell you this, i'll give you one. i kind of have a crush on that kate gosselin. >> oh, no. >> yes. >> she is like -- >> mike, mike, i can see that, she is attractive on one level, but all of the press, everything you hear, is a nightmare from hell. >> love that. >> you like that? >> ya. >> she is like the anti-michelle dugger. >> all right, back to preston and steve. preston, who is your crush? >> i'm a big a there. ge guy personally (laughing). >> i like thiemia them
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manually, gigantic grow test being lips. >> honestly, mike, i was thinking about it. i really don't have any -- there is no crush for me right now. i can't think of anybody that would be wife material. i find women attractive, sexy, so for the, but the one that i would say oh, that would be a great wife. i've really yet to see that. >> steve, how about you? >> who would make the best wife? know how to run household, be there when you need them. sophia bigara. ya. >> you know, i always had a crush -- >> mom material. >> i had a crush on elaine on seinfeld. >> seinfeld, really. what was it about her? have she wore those little white sox, the plaid skirts and stuff, and the episode where she talks did the toy them. that kind of -- >> oh, okay, ya, ya, i can see that, that works. >> what about gab fry desperate housewives, eva
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longoria, oh, man. >> you know? >> sexy but too much. kathy would do her. >> wow. >> too high maintenance? >> well, kathy, why do you like her? >> i love her. i don't know. i just do. i love her. i loved her and i loved her character on that show. >> obsessive compulsive as kathy is. >> and kerrey sitting next to me, she has a lot of female likes. >> i do, but see i don't have any current. i had kind after girl crush on nicole egg earth from charles in charge. remember back in the day? >> ya, ya. >> we all did, we all did. >> i don't think time has been kinds to her. >> no. >> but she was certainly really cute at the time. >> how about the woman on full house? >> oh, i know, rebecca. >> she was married to stay most. >> lori luck lynn. >> says that's the one that got away. >> really? >> yes. she is the one that he really should, in real life, have ended up with. >> i didn't know that.
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>> you chose wisely. >> let me close out just by saying, you know, march ace, is she there today? >> yes, she. >> here, hold on. >> wearing belly shirt. >> belly shirt? >> just not working. >> this is the third time. >> mike? remember this? >> so hateful. >> hi, mike. >> oh, hold on, go ahead. >> i love that you say things when i don't have headphones. do we want limb to repeat it? >> he said no luck getting a man. >> even though you're seeing somebody, and i won't tell anybody because we're on tv. >> oh! >> 8:00. let's do another hour, what do you say? >> all right. >> live from the fox 29 studios. this is "good day philadelphia". and then there was weather. >> caitlin? >> too cool for you? >> i am now.
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it was a little chilly out there, temperatures in the 50's, close to record lows this morning, but we are looking at a beautiful day ahead. we'll have all of that in your wednesday forecast. >> hey, quincy, what you got? >> i'm here in olney working out, a bully working out. you see me working out right now. wow. this is a 60 year old right here. 's beast. we'll talk to him next. >> q may not survive. that will a lot of people say they can't survive 18 long grueling holes on the golf course. we will talk about making your own rules when it comes to golf. don't tell anyone. but i'm going to get mike the golf pro guy tell us thousand cheat, how to make it our own. >> i might start playing against if it is okay to cheat. 8:01 now, we have breaking news to tell but, first we have to get to weather and traffic real quickly. >> real nice forecast, not even too much for you.
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ten today on scale of one to ten, bus stop buddy out by the pool with his hoodie on, we started off real cool. temperatures in the 50's, even the four's, up in the mountains. and right now, philadelphia, 65 degrees. nice afternoon awaits. eighty-two for the high temperature. a lot of sunshine today. just few clouds later this afternoon. and slight breeze. so, beautiful weather today. still comfortable into tonight. have clear skies and low of 63. kacie? >> thank you, guys. thank you very much, caitlin. all right, let's go out to the roadways, 676, right around 24th street. things looking fantastic this morning, beautiful day, couple of little incidents, water main break, springfield township, bethlehem pike. if we go out to the pennsylvania turnpike, still right in the same area, eastbound side at willow grove. you have the left lane block, and then just westbound delays. guys? >> mike my goodness, story out of moorestown, new jersey, woman accused of assaulting an officer has competed on the s national weight lifting team. you may know her.
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according to the burlington county times, rivera martinez was charged for biting a police officer last week ace police were responding to domestic dispute call. so she won a civil metal in the 2010 senior national weight lifting championship. >> recent, recent. >> yes. >> unbelievable story. okay, we'll follow that of course. meanwhile, this is another big story. students all over the country probably rejoicing about this. temple university believes student are more than just test scores, what your numbers are. so no longer requiring perspective students to supply their sat level. >> no, instead, students can smith. >> self reflective essays, that show how motivated they are to succeed in life. new procedure is in response to research that shows high school gpa, class rang, none cognitive factors, like self
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confidence, determination, and grit, are more reliable predictors of college success. >> yes, new option available i think in fall of 2015. so, if you're a student looking at college, check it out. >> 2015, year from now. >> right. >> so going into your senior year, you have year to deal with this. >> right. the thing is you probably still want to take the sat, if you do, smith it. but you have the option anyway of answering these four questions, i think there is eight that you have to choose from, do you have pick four, short answers like 140, 150 words, just kind of describing yourself. they want your kind of spur of the moment gut ring. >> i would like to get on twitter find the reaction to. >> this are we being too easy? >> are we whoosiifying. >> espn suspended steven a smith following some controversial row marks, he made last week about steep ever a made the common while speaking about incident involving baltimore ravens ray rice, all seen the video by
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now. >> let's take a look at this. this is an incident that happened in atlantic city. "tmz" released the video, that's when it really became national news. >> what i tried to i am employ, female members of my family, some talked to, what have you, again, this is what i've done this all my life, let's make sure we don't do anything to provoke wrong actions. >> so far, explain this video one more time, in case you haven't seen it. >> this is his fiancee at the time, now wife, altercation they had in a elevator in atlantic city, and he pretty much pick her up casino of leaf her on the floor there. she was passed out after he supposedly punched her. that's what the words is. >> she later said, one, alcohol was involved. never charged by the way. >> no. >> but he was suspended. >> suspended for couple of games. >> by the nfl. not police charges. the nfl decided to suspends him for two games, a lot of people said wait a minute, if
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you smoke some grass, you get suspended for four games. >> well, here is the thing, i think if anybody else, in any other industry, was caught on camera doing this casino of thing it, would have been fired. >> we would have been fired. >> yes. >> well, former philadelphia inquirer steven a smith, a writer for them, a popjoys dollars on monday's first take show on espn. >> i made what can only amount to the most aggregious error of my career, while elaborating the ruling versus ray rice, following domestic dispute with his then fiancee, i venture beyond the scope of our discussion by allude to go woman's role in such haneous matters, going sofas to use the words provoke in my die to be. my words came across that somehow a woman's fault. this was not my intent. >> didn't satisfy espn. so he won't be back on first take on espn until a week from
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today. >> not good. provoke is where is took a bad turn. >> i truly believe, you should never put a hand on a woman. >> you shouldn't put a hand on anybody, period. >> either way. >> right. men, women, women, men. because men are abused, as well. but i think maybe what he was trying to say is that, you know, there shouldn't be fighting between either party. let's leave it at that. >> just can't use the words provoke. back to breaking news, how about this, six former philadelphia narcotics officers under arrest, maybe not too surprising. >> steve keeley live at f.b.i. headquarters stemming from probe i guess started back it january. is that right? >> well, from rounds house to round up, right across the street from police headquarters now here at f.b.i. headquarters, more cops, more trouble, and more arrest this is morning, f.b.i. agents make early morning harvest from philly to the shore of former narcotics detectives, getting charged with shake-downs and stealing from street dealers. no surprise, no shocking news here, it was just a matter of
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when, who, how many. ever since the man we're going to show you a picture of, former veteran narcotics officer and now federal prison inmates, jeffrey walker pleaded guilty and started ratting out plenty of other colleague earlier this year, by his own lawyers, others in the case, to expect large rounds up of others who work the street, drug detective beat. last night our veteran, dave schratwieser, was told there was going to be a rather rude i am-person wake-up call, and shiny new bracelets for several police officers who had already been transferred out of the narcotics squad by their boss police commissioner ramsey. hundreds of case haves been tossed out the past few months, here are clips of previous interviews from this case from walker's lawyer and commissioner charles ramsey. >> these are dangerous people, engage in the criminal activity. >> honest men and women out here working hard every day. they don't deserve to have guys like this working alongside them. they truly don't.
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>> all right, i guess we won't hear from the lawyer, but the lawyer did say that he was cooperating more than you could ever imagine, and that there would be a lot more arrests, expect them there is came pretty soon soon after the case, as late as january. federal building now, where these men were brought before the sun came up this morning. they'll arraigned probably early this afternoon, news conference here, and again, let's keep this in mind. six comes being arrested one-tent of 1 percent of more than the 6,000 great cops who work these streets every day. >> chris, kerrey? >> great reminder for sure. >> have you seen this on line? and if you have seen this woman in person, you got to call us right away, mysterious woman dressed head to tow in black, has been seen walking along busy roads all across the united state, i think she is in the south right now. >> yes, south, mid wells, as well, been spotted but a lot of folks on social media
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trying to figure out who she is exactly and where she is going. here is a picture of her face. over the past couple of months, actually been spotted in several states. those include as we mentioned george, a tennessee, kentucky, and west virginia. then, people have been posting pictures of her on a facebook page, for her, and on twitter using the hashtag woman in black. according to one report, she is from alabama. she on some sort of bible mission. meanwhile, though, there is a guy that claims to be her brother, that told the news agency she is us army veteran, mother of two, and widow. but show she is really and where she going is unknown. we have heard she is making her way from west to east. she made be head in the this direction. >> well, the further north she has got send west virginia, pennsylvania connection to west virginia. >> so right there. >> i say she is headed up 95 right now. oh, we'll get kacie on. that will still ahead, some women just can't take a compliment, like yesterday i
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gave kerrey had beautiful blue eyes. >> and i said you're lying. my eyes are ugly, hideous, that's what we do. but even worse than that, the excuses that some of us make after we get a compliment, why so many of us women, i mean, feel the need to justify our at buttes. but first, youtube celebrity paying it forward. so he's decided to help his parents out in a very big way. this is so cute. their incredible reaction of generosity. what do you think he did? >> looks like big check. >> we'll be back. huh, fifteen minutes could save
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you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse?
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>> 8:15 a.m. for today, really great. sixty-five in philadelphia, restarted at 62, close to record low temperatures, all across the area, but, didn't exactly hit them. we'll save that for another year. although very comfortable. probably won't need the jacket in a couple of hours. down the shore, we rise into the low 70s, beach winds at 10 miles an hour, much better beach day than yesterday. actually real nice everywhere. only hit the mid 70s
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yesterday. eighty-two today, sunshine, still great day tomorrow, just chance for showers in the afternoon, 85. showers and thunderstorms on friday, we keep the chance for rain unfortunately through the weekend, just chance through sunday, before we dry out, we see some more july-like temperatures although it will be august by monday, tuesday, hard to believe. summer flying by. >> insane, it is over, covering those books with those book socks. northbound side of the garden state parkway right north of route 72, do you have accident there, moved to the left shoulder. you're headed out westbound side of the vine as you approach the ben franklin bridge, pretty bad accident, monroe township overturned truck, eastbound side of 322, shutdown at melago road. mike, kerry? >> all right. >> thank you. >> here we go. >> inspiring story. i bet you haven't heard b local teen, was a former bully victim, and look at him now. started body building. he's news one of the best teen
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body builders in the entire country, so much so, he was chosen to represent the united states in the international championships this summer. he raised the money to go, but due to an advice an issue, he was not able to travel. the good part that far is he is still around here, so we can have him on the show. >> he is, and he has all of that money so he can do ream cool things with it. >> that's not him. >> there he is. >> ya. >> hey, q. that's your cue. >> i'm here with nick, 16 year old, still looking for id. i have to go to his high school, delaware valley charter high school to find out. how you doing, man? >> i'm good. i'm good. >> see, you were getting bullied? >> yes. >> about three yearsing. >> right. >> and you decided to start working out. >> right. >> explain your story. >> it was painful, long story because it got to the point where i got to hurt myself.
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so get myself out of this world so people could just back off and get away from me and leave me alone. >> but you turned it around, started working out. >> yes. >> you have been working out for three years now. >> yep. >> you won couple of competition. >> i got nine titles, eight body building titles, you know, hard work. >> that's impressive watch would you tell the kids out there right now that are getting bullied. >> don't give up. don't let nobody change you. no matter what, keep doing what you are doing. somebody will walk up to you and be like oh, you're week, your awe skinny, you can't do there is can't do that. don't listen. just keep doing what you are doing. coach telling you no you're not strong enough, not big enough to play this, show to up practice every day, aim for that position. somebody smacking your head at school? that's cool. tell somebody. right? because one day there is going to be a bigger person that's going to smack that same person in the head. >> wow. >> and you're an inspiration to a lot of people in your community. >> right. >> you started this camp, first year of the camp.
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actually the last day of the camp. you tell people to come, where are we right snow. >> bishop park, 600 west spencer street here in olney. >> and you have bunch of your friends, you guys come out here, work out? >> yes. >> you have superman work out. what does the superman work out entail? >> what it is, is it is an hour of straight intense, everything you got. no, you know, no games. push yourself. when you get to that limit, you got to get the super strength out of no where and keep ongoing. when you start getting tired that's when your body like, no, you are not doing no more. ya, really not doing no more. got to get if from somewhere all right, i got you. get it up. >> now, you're actually 16 years old. when is your next competition? >> october 11, african-american museum, that's teenage of the universe i plan on wing the whole show. so -- >> now, you say you have some, you know, work out for me right now. >> ya.
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>> what workouts are we about to do? >> from the looks of it, looks like we're about to do some legs. i was hoping some burden of proof burpees. >> okay, i'm 18. i go to delaware val. >> i so you're going to stretch it out. next hour, guys, i'll be doing the superman work out. >> with nick. >> yes. >> and the crew. >> in the studio. >> you got to lung a little deeper, honey, common. >> well, this is my tv lung. this is my tv lung. >> he has a microphone. >> well, comedian maids famous makes good on promise he made to his parents years ago. he is paying off their mortgage. >> so cool. he captured the check ceremony on camera. but let's see if that's enough for his parents. >> take it out. boom. open it. (laughing). >> that's for the house. >> what?
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>> whew! >> give me couple of years. couple more years. >> his parents rib him little bit, greatful for his gift. by the way, he dropped out of college five years ago to pursue his dreams of ac entertainer and comic. when he did, he reassured his parents woe make it big and pay off their house, and did he, five years later. >> good for him. due by is paying children to lose weight. did you hear about that country buy bay? we'll tell you what the country is giving out to reward its citizens for dropping the pounds. plus, how about a controversial billboard, gets a facelift. why so many people are actually happy about the why so many people are actually happy about the vandalism on that billboard
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box! now at h.h. gregg, you can save up to 25% off store-wide. plus, get another 5% off instantly with your h.h. gregg card. get this whirlpool stainless steel three door refrigerator now only $1499. or a samsung 55" smart tv for just $788. for these amazing deals, and the boxes they come in, hurry to h.h. gregg, and fill your home with happy.
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>> they say over there only 42 bucks, us, so, $2,000. >> depend on the carrot. >> so, families, with kids, will get double that amount. the program runs in conjunction with ramidan, of course, the muslim observance that includes a month of fasting. >> good time. >> good timing. >> last year similar initiative paid out more than $750,000 in gold, to those who participated. >> maybe true. >> state of michigan?
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>> got vandalized glue here is the deal. billboard, friend don't let friends much inch top. see that? somebody spray paint philadelphia to say you're beautiful. according to the company, this billboard was supposed to make people lawyer. sure it was. instead raising questions about body image, whether the billboard was fat shaming. >> remember trying to ties their liposuction. >> of course. >> so it was casino of bad shaming. >> i remember last summer when there was big billboard going down the a.c. expressway, calling people whales? >> yep. dow remember that. >> lose some weight before the whales hit the beach. >> the other big billboard where they had the woman overweight, looking to the mirror reflecting a slender image of herself. that was on 95. it was a couple every months ago i saw that, but yes, everywhere. >> ever see that curves billboard on nine at five? >> still ahead, yes, move on. cell phone dangers. you saw the video of the cell phone smoldering, how does this happen? can your phone catch on fire?
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there is some warning signs that my phone gets hot every now and then. what do you do about it? >> what? >> the new jersey family moved halfway across the country for this. cannibis. pot. they say, without it, their three year old couldn't lead a normal life. >> failing her. >> i'm chris o'connell. we travel to colorado for their emotional story. >> tonight
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>> coming up 8:30 this wednesday morning. >> hump day, and great weather day, probably the best of the week and the week to come. bus stop buddy has a hoodie ion july 30th believe it or not. fiftieth's, jumping quickly to the 60s, some sunshine, so you will not need that sweatshirt for very long. it will turn into nice pool
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day. six an in philly right now, calm winds, and i think we see a lot less cloud cover compared to yesterday. that made it very cool with high temperatures only in the 70s. but for today, 82 the high temperature, mostly sunny, this one is a ten, it really doesn't get much better than this. tonight mostly clear, will be comfortable low temperature of 65 degrees. and then, we keep those comfortable temperatures around into the weekend, just comes with the price of some rain. that will come up in your seven day forecast, things clearing, things sticking with us, pretty bad accident. just cleared interest stafford, northbound side of the garden state parkway, back open, north of 72, the left shoulder, was blocked. if you are headed westbound on 676, you have got that, as you approach the ben franklin bridge, left lane block, pretty bad accident there. also pretty bad slow down. monroe township overturned truck, the eastbound side of 322, completely shutdown. right at malaga pike, good alternates, leaking at the majors, see 16 miles per hour, up on the westbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike,
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nine on portions of 76, not as bad on 95, 15 miles per hour southbound there. >> you do certain things with your cell phone, sometimes mine gets real hot. >> if you have like the gps on for awhile, the face of it gets burning. >> and you can feel it coming through the back of the phone. well, there is this message going around about phone safety and a fire danger. i don't know. you might be at risk with your phone. >> i think part of the problem, so many of us had our phones by our beds, maybe they ends up being under the sheets, air flow problem. it was fox consumer reporter steve who broke the story now more than million views on youtube, and of course counting. so, he is joining us live this morning, high. >> what happened here? >> good morning to you guys, yes, pretty scary stuff. story aerial tow free, texas girl, take a look at the video we have for you. she went to bed like little girls do with her cell phone under her pillow. >> goodness. >> and while she slept through the night that phone smoldered, burned a hole through the pillow, the
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sheets, the mattress, she didn't realize it until she woke up the next morning and smelled something burning. the manufacturer points out to a warning that specifically says covering the device with bedding, your body, thick clothe affect poor fly and possible risk of fire or explosion, that warning is on page 208. >> yes. >> of the user manual, likely something consumers will never get to read. >> well then i things got to change. or putting a little label, like right on the front page, or even put it on the phone? >> yes. that's something that we actually suggested to the cpsc when we spoke with them earlier in the week. says as far as safety standards go, they think everything is fine as it is. the current standards setback in 2007. they say what they need is to make sure manufacturers are adhering to the standards, and that consumers are doing best -- when you hear what they are, you might be surprised. ready? >> if you can't have it in your bed, okay, don't put it in the pocket? >> don't put it in your pocket. >> in the pocket, no keys, no
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coins. if it is in your handbag it, has to be on top. never on the bottom. keep it always well ventilated. never keep it near any sort of heat or outside or in a hot car. mine things that consumer generally would do, they also say, that you should only use manufacturer err parts, unusual to be brand specific in a recommendation, but in order to ensure the proper voltage make sure do you that. >> because you may be buying counterfeit item if you don't buy it directly from the retailer, right? >> absolutely, may not be. l approved. >> they suggest when charging your phone do you it battery side up. and also, you know, how many times has this happened? drop your phone, first thing do you is russian check what, the screen, right? make sure it is not crack. they say that if you have one of these phones where you can pop off the back and access the battery, that's actually what you want to check first, and any sort of dent, ding, split, could cause the battery to malfunction, swell, over
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heat, and possibly -- >> two things i learned, i didn't realize i shouldn't have change in my pocket next to my phone, and what is this about charging your phone with a battery up? >> got it. >> another thing, i read, also, you should never, if you drop your phone, in like water, get it wet, you don't want to blow dry t a lot of people do, that stick it in a bag every rice. if you blow dry it, could you do damage. >> i knew. >> you know that? a lot of people don't. >> like a geico commercial, everybody knows that, kerrey, the rice thing? >> still ahead. >> that's how it works. >> thank you. i un friends you. >> what's your favorite show? that one right there? is it charlotte's web? amazon ranked the top 100 children's books out there, start weighing in on your favorite. and another thing, chris, i
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forgot to tell everybody. >> yes? >> national cheese cake day. >> yes. >> where do you think, what's the best cheese cake place in philadelphia? delaware vale? >> my favorite canoli, down there south philly, isgrow's best cheese cake, too? >> it is not canoli day. >> you guys have me thinking about rice and weddings. think about this for just a minute. if disaster struck, guys, what would be the one thing you grab out of your home before you say, ray ran, out, maybe your ring, or family photo? how about a wedding dress? one found nearly two years after super storm sandy coming up next o
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it is 8:38. by the way, we ask you where you get the best cheese cake in the delaware valley. just in. over riverside, place called
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cinderella. >> a.m. rhett owe, the way to go. >> you know what i always liked? >> darling. >> oh, my gosh. >> did you hear about this woman on staten island, up in new york, lost her wedding dress during that giant hurricane sandy. well, she spots in the window of dry cleaners her neighborhood, two years after sandy. >> i can't believe she even remembered what it looked like. chris has got the story from the news room. what are the odds? >> seriously. this is interesting. after her wedding day, which is in july of 2012, nicole dropped her dress off at staten island clean efforts, then, well, sandy hit, as mike said, store destroyed. nicolae assumed her dress was gone, too. miraculously, the only thing that survived was, in fact, her wedding dress. now, these pictures are from staten island live. com. after the storm hit, all of the paperwork was gone, and the owner didn't know who that dress belonged to. the guy reopened in a new
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location, obviously took that dress with him as part of the inventory. but two weeks ago, nicole, she took a different route to work, and low and behold, she spotted the dress in the store window. she new instantly it was hers. she even still had the ticket for it. nicole now has a caught here is just 18 months olds, she wants her to wear that dress on her wedding day, and boy, she'll have a story to tell when it comes to that dress. >> so was it covered in mud? did they actually clean it? >> obviously at the cleaners in the window. you know how it is where you have the wedding dress cleaned and then wrapped up in a box? >> yes. >> people pay a lot of money moore. >> hundreds every dollars. >> yes. >> we did that with my wedding dress, saved it for avery's christening. >> i love it, cutting up your wedding dress into christening gown. >> talk about cheese cake. what's the different between new york cheese cake? what's the difference? style? >> philadelphia belter. >> exactly right. i think new york might have icing on top of it. is that what it is, once a
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year? >> little fluffier. >> i always wondered. >> icing on top, i know it is not true. >> cheese cake is enough itself. you don't need the icing. >> oh, i like a little thin icing on top. i love you, chris. >> some cops can be pretty intimidating no question about it, but real people too. just like us. some enjoy a good dance groove. >> ♪ >> a jazz festival, great white north, pretty sure this guy is just keeping in shape. that's what we're assuming anyway. >> plus hard. you know -- >> do you think peyton manning dancing at training camp yet? >> no. >> oh, we have to show you that. dancing, maybe not great dancing, but dancing. >> like he doesn't look like he's having some sort of medical condition. >> certainly not that. >> dancing. >> all right, jen.
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jen is trying to make us into better golfers. >> i've never gulfed in my life. so if you can help me out with this, please. >> kerrey barrett, have you herd deer, listen, we are area going to make our own rules. people are saying it takes too long, quick crying, just start playing. all right, we'll make our own rules. >> jay j fred rules. >> all right, baby.
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8:45, a lot of people say golf takes too much to play, or it is boring, or that it is too hard. well, how about playing it your own way? jen is with a guy in philly, manufactures the very best golf pro around. so if anybody can make you good at golf, it is this guy. >> if anybody can help you, it is mike, gentlemen, country club in blue bell, near norristown, plymouth meeting, all of these amazing places, so here's what i confessed to you off camera. i love golf. but i feel like 11 holes is good for me, not like 18. >> i like 12. >> that's part of making your own way, making your own
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rules? >> you can do anything you want. once sign up for women's open, senior women's open, move it out, do anything, make it fun, give yourself training wheels. >> because people are so afraid to break golf. but you say as long as you told the for some, before go, what you are doing, anything goes. >> announce your own rules, one of our lines, we it all the time. >> love it. so these ladies are out here, one of the things the bug study said, men are leaving because they think it is too hard, but women are joining. and so that is a big part, i know you work with some of the players on the l pga tour. so make it easy for me. please? >> well, first off, they're terrified, see a shot, have to pitch it over a bunker. >> this is the sand. >> very is her filing. so what we do here at the meadowlands golf academy, we preach a swing called, go ahead, ladies, l back to y through, good shot. >> look at that. >> l to y, finish low to crow
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ate high. my gosh. >> letter l? >> even kids just learn the alphabet, do it l back swing and y through sling. >> bicker version than l. >> i think a loft people i have to do this, this, this. you say from the t to here. >> dumb it down, simple golf, have fun. swing looks like jump furyk, have fun, hit the ball sod i hit it far. find it, repeat. >> my boyfriends, adam scott, one of the hot i's on the
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tour. >> might mislead you, so straddle this golf ball right here. >> okay. >> face the cup. tell me if you feel any amount of site tilt. in your right or left side. >> you mean like this? feels like it is down low? >> correct. >> five minutes and training, my digital level, i can tell you on better slope of four right there, back up, once that calibrates your arm, and aim four fingers offer the right. >> to be clear, all i need to do is go this, this, and then put my four fingers snout. >> isn't golf easty? >> it is for you, all right. here we go. wrapping it up. ladies and gentlemen of the jury. watch, watch, watch! >> man, my ladies are rocking and rolling today.
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>> weirds owe. >> not the first time she ' been called a weird owe. >> better than mike jerrick, she's getting better. >> yes, i have getting betterment mike is not here, but she is getting better. >> just about 8:50, there is a tornado full of sharks headed to new york city tonight sequel to the movie shark nato. you remember actor, reprice his role as fin in shark nato two the second one, that's the full title of the movie. something about shark nato made people crazy on social media last summer. movie became cult phenomenon. ratings weren't all that great. joining the cast, tara need, things shark nato could actually half, mcgraff's daughter will be played by local girl, courtney baxter, actually from west chester. she is a student at pace
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university. i never caught the first one, but maybe i make time for shark nato two the second one. okay, 8:51, right now, still ahead, wedding wednesday, talking fashion. what should you wear, i don't know, to a beech wedding, for example? to formal wedding? how can you tell if it is not specified on the invite? we'll have the hottest looks, and little bit of advice for we'll have the hottest looks, and little bit of advice for you, in just a bit.
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box! now at h.h. gregg, you can save up to 25% off store-wide. plus, get another 5% off instantly with your h.h. gregg card. get this whirlpool stainless steel three door refrigerator now only $1499. or a samsung 55" smart tv for just $788. for these amazing deals, and the boxes they come in, hurry to h.h. gregg, and fill your home with happy.
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>> we have sunshine outside, it is actually pretty cool, or at least it was, couple of hours ago when we saw temperatures in the 50's, even four's up in the poconos, sunshine a bound really all day long, we'll have a lot less cloud cover than yesterday, making it feel little warmer, six an in philadelphia, right now, 59 in pottstown, 59 in allentown, 55 autumnal pocono. jumped quite significantly from their morning low of 42,
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68 in wildwood. sixty-four in atlantic city will be much nicer beach day too. a ten, sunshine, low humidity, slight breeze, high temperatures in the low 80s, really nice. now, tomorrow still looks good, too. each day gets slightly worse. eighty-five, tomorrow, it is cents still great. but there is a chance of afternoon shower. friday, it is the afternoon showers, thunderstorms, then unfortunately, saturday, sunday, this does not look like great forecast. we have rain. we have thunderstorms, pacely the chance most of the weekend before we dry out and head into next week. temperatures in the 80s. and back to more seasonable readings. so, kacie, the least we have today. right? >> wash out, thank you, caitlin. talking accidents, westbound side of the vine approach the ben franklin bridge, one lane blocked, monroe township, overturned truck, eastbound side of 322 at mill ago a road. blocking all lanes, harding highway white horse pike both good alternates this morning. springfield township bethlehem pike at wissahickon water main
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break, cleared, out of the way, go have another water main break university city views street right at 36th street. aside from that normal delays on majors shall specially 76 and 95, kerrey mike? >> let's start little dating chat here, what do you say? ladies, playing hard to get. do you think that will get awe guy? well, may get you no where, matter of fact. new research is out. why you should show him a lot of affection, and early on. >> anecdotal evidence to suggest otherwise. >> okay, terry story next. you used to sleep like a champ.
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then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits, kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiq™ technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down you'll know cuz sleepiq™ tells you.
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only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq™ start at just $999.98. know better sleep with sleep number. wednesday, july 30th, 2014, yes, july almost gone already. good day to you, kacie back on the set. morning, kacie, birthday girl, kerry is here, surrounded by
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that kerrey, kacie, caitlin, cheese cake. you now some women just can't take compliment. even worse than that, the excuses some make after getting that compliment. why so many women specially, you know i do it, too, need to justify their success. like oh, my goodness, that dress is beautiful. he got it armour shoes, $12. >> all the time. don't do that on your wedding or anybody else's. wedding wednesday, faking off, beach wedding? >> my daughter jill getting married on the beach in early august. >> and this one, one of the sweetest days of the year, national cheese cake day. >> so we ask you, fox 29 cheese cake, what is your favorite place? just got another one? from bet o'donnell, says the country club diner has great cheese cake. what's the difference between new york and chilly style?
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>> philly style more cheap cheese. new york has more sour cream. >> sour cream? >> that's the deal. >> i like juniors in brooklyn. ladies, if you like to play hard to get, it could make it harder to keep a man. >> response i have, a tentative, yes, because we're not sure of ourselves. experts say it shows your concern for another person, in turn, builds intimacy. we want that affection and intimacy right away. they say guys finds it sexy when women give them an a fen sean. >> shocker. >> ironically, shows women don't perceive nice guys as sexy. the bad boy thing again. not because they don't like to be treated well, it is because they


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