tv Good Day Philadelphia FOX November 7, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EST
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before his injury, does nick really have a future here in philly. we have a former eagle to talk bit. >> way to be and stirring up a controversy on a friday morning. >> you know is what a bigger controversy hoy will win this twitter fight. >> exactly, it is on. >> explain this competition between the two of you, who have gets 500 or more twitter follower. >> 500 new twitter followers by 9:30. >> we will say 9:30. >> one of us will get to hit you in the face with a pie. >> how do you get involved in this. >> i don't know. >> we always put mike in it. >> seriously, why would that be punishment. >> is that is the reason we're doing it. to get to you show up at the meetings. >> people just want to see you get a pie in the face a lot of people on twitter yesterday. we had pies on the show how come they didn't go in the face. >> new we are making it happen. >> give me your handle. >> bob kelly traffic.
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>> oral ex-holley fox 29, which one do you want. >> yeah. >> it seems like the loser on have that with get the pie but it makes no sense why am i involved. >> yes. >> yes, jammo. >> yes. >> i got it. >> it is a minute after 7:00 we have to get to the weather, speaking of seven. >> do you know what the number toys day. >> eight. >> good one. >> you are, your powers of reason astound me. we have sunshine returning today, but we also have very gusty winds and a stray, really stray shower possible later on in the day. bus stop buddy has his flyers cap on, they have won last night but we have to hold on to our hat because of those wind today. temperatures in the 40's, a few in the 50's and precipitation in the western part of the state but as we zoom in nothing making its way here, we will see a little more sunshine this morning. >> we are seeing some, 47 degrees in philadelphia, right new with a 12-mile an hour win with wind gusting
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higher, damp and dreary only 56 degrees and today only 53 with those wind making it feel even, colder. so, make sure you have an extra layer on, today and we will tell you what you need to wear over the weekend, coming up, hey, bob kelly. >> 7:02, tgif stepping out of the front door. chillier then it was yesterday. we have some sunshine, sun glare warming us up here on i295 at route 30 as we look live in south jersey. that sun will impact your visibility this morning hitting roads. our travel time hitting and league philadelphia on the schuylkill from center city to conshohocken. twenty minute trip south on i-95 big delay right now, 25 minutes from wood have men to downtown and north bound lanes of the blue route, owe sun glare putting 18 minutes on the clock from i-95 up to villanova saint david. accident north on the boulevard at ninth street slowing us down as we work our way from broad up in towards northeast philadelphia. and then in northeast
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philadelphia an accident at rhawn and tabor cottman avenue will be your best bet and in south jersey, delays along 295 at route 73, so far so good as you work your way through bellmawr. we are looking fine at the moment and buses, trains, trolleys have mass transit running with no delays. >> she said the words philadelphia a, it was probably the best moment in my professional life. >> that is reaction from the member of the atf that took down delven barnes, the suspect in that brazenly abduction of the philadelphia woman. >> owe steve keeley is live with new information . talk to us, steve. >> reporter: not just new information but new video and lets get right to it, we will recollect knees delven barnes real good because he is looking same way he did in all surveillance pictures from the atm bank machine and all surveillance videos we saw of him that slowly were released all week and now authorities in virginia got their hand on him after the maryland case yesterday, and they brought him back just before
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11:00 o'clock last night to face the horrific charges in that october 1st through 3rd attack on the poor 16 year-old girl found name, burned, beat when a shovel after she ran out of his trunk and into the woods next to his trailer home where he had been holding her and attacking her. the authority in virginia smartly had him face tv cameras and notice here what else they did they had him wearing that same jacket. some of the evidence in carlesha's case that very recognizable black hooded jacket they saw him wearing those kidnapping surveillance videos and bank atm pictures a at that gas station when he had had carlesha in the car their by held with zip ties. what he had haddon when arrested as well. they want everyone they say to see him and see him just as he looked not in black and white mug shots orr range jump suit but how he looked outside on the street to see if there is anymore potential victims who now recognize on television. captain jason crowley said
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barnes history of brutal icing and raping women may be part of the bigger pardon and barnes confessed to carlesha's case but wasn't exactly confess to go authorities and let reporters down there question him right there and see only answer he gave those reporters had to be bleeped out. >> mr. barnes are there any other victims? what can you tell us about why you did this. mr. barnes, anything to say to the people here in central virginia. >> bleep, tell them that. >> reporter: are you in agreement with with jason crowley the captain on the sheriff's department down there that you fear more victims out there that we just don't know about. >> obviously you have to look into that possibility. you cannot ignore it. i'm sure both authorities in virginia and maryland and even here will take a look at missing person files to see if anything fit. once interrogate todd see if he gives anything up. but it is a great concern and lets you know had he not been
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recovered and rescued as quickly as she was we don't know what the outcome would have been with her either. this is a bad guy, there is in question bit. he is off the street, need to be off the street for the rest of his life. he has federal charges pend ago begins him in this case. they will be filed in this case. he certainly had had charges in virginia. he probably and hopefully will in the see light of day again in his life. >> well, virginia charges carry man try life, in parole, no chance, no how, sentence, and because of the possibility of potential victims, authorities realized they have no idea of his whereabouts between when he left virginia last wednesday, and arriving here in philadelphia by that surveillance by at least sunday night. so are there more victims? authority here in philadelphia may be more hopeful but somewhat confident but cannot be 100 percent sure barn december not try to attack any other woman on the streets of philadelphia before carlesha but they just don't know so that is why it goodies we are putting that picture on as he
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looked last week in philadelphia before carlesha case. if any other local would hand may have managed to avoid him fight him off or runaway authorities want them to call into police. now a week ago today, virginia authorities were awaiting for barnes, this time this morning on friday last week at the virginia supermarket called community market down in virginia and he worked there stocking shelves. they are waiting for him to pick up his paycheck. they did not put out to the public the story of that 16 year-old girl found and air lift to the hospital. she was beaten owe bad and poured fast lean. he asked her how she wanted to die. she was watching him burn her clothe first. he showed her pictures of other girls he has done this too. his family has 5 acres of the land. third will be searching there to see if there is anymore victims buried on that land but when barnes did not pick up his paycheck last friday they knew that they -- that he knew that they want him and they were on to him and took off. what he didn't know until seeing him in that surveillance sunday night is where he ended up here in
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philadelphia question is where was he, what did he do before sunday night's surveillance video after he left virginia on wednesday and night. mike you are father of two beautiful girls and always cases where people ask who would barnes feel if he had a daughter and someone did this to her authorities told me barnes is a father of have a daughter and she may be here in fill from a previous relationship. they don't know age or exact whereabouts. he is a father and still did this to girls. >> he lived here first ten years and the family moved him down to virginia in the 5-acre plot and raise by very strict preacher father. we are learning more about that. thanks very much. 7:08. >> one person dead following a boarding home fire in north philadelphia what is going on there on north between the second street. >> hey there mike. twenty-two people, actually 23 people total in this burning building are out safely in another shelter this morning. lets look at video shot early this morning, fire started on the third floor of the north philadelphia boarding house
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just before 3:00 fire crews had it under control in about 60 minutes. there are reports that the fire alarm or smoke detectors inside may have been switched off, lone victim was found in the upstairs room where fire fighters believed that blaze started. he was the only fatality. the other two dozen people lived here were taken to a nearby shelter and fire mar hall is investigating. >> the fire was in an apartment where the victim was found, confined to that apartment, didn't get outside that apartment. we don't know if the alarm system were working properly. we have very important alarm that works. so we will investigate that. and back out here live you can see crew is still here police and fire marshall investigating, as of today 25 fire fatalities in 2014, so far, mike and alex. >> way too high, ridiculous. thank you. prosecutors say a couple deserves the death penalty after a three-year old was
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beaten to death. >> yeah. >> this is horrific. look at these two losers. gary fellenbaum and jillian tait were arrested in connection to the death of tait's son scottie mcmilan, look at him just three years old. chester county prosecutors say the couple beat this little boy on sunday because he wouldn't eat his breakfast. over a three day period they tortured him. those holes in the drywall there made by his head. so the the couple is also accused of putting the the boy into the shower to revive him after they knock him out and once awake they beat him again they also have a six year-old son, that little boy, also a abused. >> gary fellenbaum and jillian tait tied the two boys up by their feet, over a door and beat them. while they were doing that
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they were laughing. >> yeah, and then went out for pizza even though little boy they could in the revive him. they go out for pizza. so get this, the guy in this, the creepy guy in this, they were living in this trailer, with his estranged wife, a man was in there with his current girlfriend. she eventually call the police, and call 911 but is also facing charges for failing to help this defense less little boy. legally analyst jennifer brant is here, what can you you done to these three should they all be charge? we will talk to her in a little bit. >> okay, today is the big day for commuters on septa. transit workers are working to accept a two year contract. they are recommending that they vote yes but if they reject this contract. a transit strike will begin monday morning. it hikes their pay for 5 percent.
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workers on septa's frontier and red arrow division was get larger pay raises. two people are dead following an army national guard helicopter crash, up in boys i, idaho. a national guard spokesperson says that the crash occurred during a training mission on, well, yesterday, and the names of the victims are being withheld until their families have been notified, the cause of the crash of course is under investigation. a navy seal now says he is the man who shot and killed osama bin laden. >> so take a good lot him. >> his name roberto neil and paid honor to our veterans yesterday at the memorial in tennessee. president put on by your grateful nation a charity dedicated to the support of u.s. combat veterans and their families and next week "fox news" will air an exclusive interview with the ex-navy seal. >> three weeks ago i met him. >> what was that like. >> i was in a meeting in insuring at our network and guy was visiting. there is somebody you might want to meet. they brought him in.
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this is guy that shot osama bin laden. he has got a great personality. "fox news" will do an hour long special on his life and who he is. >> that will be fascinating. >> more than three hundred 50 people are being actively monitored in new york city, for ebola. >> those on the watch list will get the all clear, dallas is only city in the united states where some one died from ebola. hundreds on the watch list in new york are mainly travelers from ebola stricken countries and hospital have staff, caring for ebola patients and one thing we know doctor craig spencer. health officials say spencer is improving and also in stable condition. >> in over a hundred people being tracked in the state of of pennsylvania as well and also in new jersey. meanwhile facebook is stepping up its effort to fight ebola. >> so when you log on to facebook you will see this message asking you to donate more about ebola. it is design to make easier to donate to charities battling the disease. fast bike is donating and
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employing 100 satellite communication terminals to boost internet and phone service to areas in west have africa. launch comes on the heels of the 25 million-dollar donation last month by ceo mark zuckerberg and his wife to the cdc. back here at home bottom dollar food is shutting its doors. >> that includes 46 stores here in the philadelphia area bottom dollar. the properties are sold to competitor aldi and it is in the clear if all 65 bottom dollar stores will be converted into the adi stores. bottom dollar will remain open until end of this year. they employ 2200 people in pennsylvania, new jersey, and in ohio. workers are being encouraged to apply to the aldi positions, hopefully everybody is transferring over. >> hopefully get to keep their jobs. >> 7:14, let's call it 7:15. >> yes, on a friday, sue,
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chilly and windy. a lot of wind. >> on your face. >> that is why first thing we will check are the wind speeds, because we will have 12 miles an hour sustain wind in philadelphia, and 12 miles an hour in millville, 15 miles an hour in dover but these are win gusts and they are higher then the the actual wind speeds. we have gust of 29 miles an hour in pottstown this morning and then close to 30 in many other places. so we will replace the rain with the wind, this morning ape the wind will be here all day licensing so hold on to your hat. so we are continuing to watch circulation around low pressure system that is up in the state of maine but is there still one more last gasp of precipitation but you can see it looks like it is falling apart as it tries to get close to us. if we get anything it will be a isolated stray shower and we will jump ahead to mix of sun and included around a noon and say 3:00 p.m. a pop up shower
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not a big deal and there will be even chillier air coming in, behind that so early tomorrow morning we will have temperatures around freezing, maybe some frost in many areas and then in the afternoon tomorrow it will be chillier then today. 47 degrees in philadelphia but feels chillier because of the win, 50 in wildwood, 45 in wilmington. that is what you can expect walking out the door, you think today is chilly next week lets prepare you new for middle to end of next week from some pol air air moving down from up north, do you remember the term from last winter, pol air vortex. we might be having that same situation but not until wednesday or thursday of next week as temperatures plunging after we get to 63 degrees on veterans day. as far as weekend is concerned and we know you want to necessity about the weekend it looks like bet days saturday and sunday will be chilly but dry. bob kelly, we will managed to get rid of the rain for sunday. >> great job. >> i know were you work conshohocken that since
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monday. 7:16. good morning, everybody. tgif live look at the the blue route 476, right here near mid county interchange folks coming out of the toll plaza a heading southbound we will deal with wick sun glare this morning. in more rain. sun glare. no complaints. an accident west on the pennsylvania turnpike, right here near virginia drive and that is also the spot where again we will get heavy sun glare in this half an hour. ready, we will go for a ride. ready mike. ready. i-95 northbound girard point double decker bridge, hit the brakes, pick it up and there is lower deck of that girard point double decker. is there link off to the left. >> is there the link, yeah. >> yes. >> i have no idea green was such a popular color of cars. >> green means go. >> big logo there we paid big money for that on the side of the building there. >> yellow means. >> slow. >> wow. >> watch your coffee. >> there is a red, readies jam will owe good we found the jammo. >> that is how we do it
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using our new maps there. mass transit they looking good, with no delays. >> i don't know why this excites me so much good you no he what will be a jammo is bob kelly wins, i have been told i'm losing. put it all together 20 years ago. >> were you called bob cat on the radio. >> that makes sense. >> just follow her. >> is what your hand will. >> alex holley fox 29. >> and holley is spelled holley. >> it was a special night, man, this made me cry at paul brown stadium for cincinnati bengals defensive tackle devon still. we have gotten to know him here in philadelphia. >> and also his daughter four year old who is battling cancer, she was there and got big cheers from the crowd.
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>> her name is lee a getting vip treatment in the box. the she was just released from children's hospital of philadelphia and flew over to cincinnati to see her daddy play for the very first time. devon wrote lee a strong on his eye strips to honor his daughter. after the first quarterly a maid it down to the field when bengals presented children's hospital of philadelphia, with a check for more than, are you ready, one million-dollar to help with cancer research, and treatment. >> how wonderful, she's so cute. >> now she has got to come back it is a job. she was well enough to go over there to cincinnati. >> at least got to see her daddy play. >> beautiful. >> feels great. >> cincinnati just laid an egg. >> all right. foles out, an chest in, you know that, but rumors are swirling that the eagles were getting tired of nick foles before his injury?
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too much. i wish there was more people like nick foles in our lives. >> how about that coach deeven ifing nick foles. >> he responded to reports that the team was already growing tired of nick foles, even before his injury last week. >> yeah. >> so mark sanchez is in as you know for nick. look who is back, former eagle, himself garry cobb is here, gary, good to see you. >> my pleasure. >> mark went to u.s.c. too. >> i heard, i heard. >> do you believe chip kelly then. >> not totally. >> there are certain plays, that sanchez can make. he is more athletic. at times it is just guys see pretty women. i don't care. but, the coach is saying, you know, mark sanchez could have made that play. could not help been on the side line mark because he is faster could make a certain play especially the way nick was struggling. >> do you remember the example where they were on the goal line against the cardinals.
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>> yes. >> i bet we wouldn't have have kick that field goal if mark sanchez. >> he is more athletic. he would have been better at a quarterback sneak then somebody as tall. >> 6-foot six. >> rolling outputting pressure on the defense. >> that is part of the that offense but they cannot run that with nick as much. >> even before we saw sanchez and his feet, they were talking about not even giving foles an extension, it right now it seems like and, plus he is. and millions and millions of people. >> even that remarkable season last year. people wondering how is he doing that because he is not that mobile. i feel bad for him. >> i do feel bad for him too. it is just the way the nfl is. he is just not going to get big deal now because he has not been as consistent. >> they had questions about
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him last year. you need to do it over a number of years and that is where problem is but somebody will give him a deal. they will give him an in between deal if things remain the way they are now. but sanchez could play well. >> can you you see us going to the playoffs under sanchez. >> mess definitely can see that. >> we have to see what he will do. >> yeah. >> it is early. >> i see him in practice. he looked good in the preseason. >> sanchez has got athletism and the arm and everything to be a top flight quarterback. >> would you ever run for another political office. >> maybe but it would have to be a lot of things in place. i found out a lot of crazy things, i learned a lot. >> it is all about money. >> you have to raise the money, man. >> show me the the money. >> show me the money good is there a couple guys in wichita kansas, name the coke brothers. >> yes. >> i know mike jerrick. >> there you go.
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>> i'll give them a call. >> oh, my gosh. >> all right g, thanks. >> vittoria secret pulled their ad for the perfect body. well, message they are now sending instead. and if you love cheer you'll want to check out where jen is this morning. hi jen how are you. >> thinks most amazing. i was at my house. as you can see, i have my course light but thinks a craft beer event. they say this is something that i might want to try. not a match. mike? these people hate me already. we are talking about craft beers $10 really fun great event. we will talk bit all morning.
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police say a toddler, three years old, beaten to death. beaten to death by his own parents. >> somebody finally called 911. you won't believe who that was. we will tell you. >> doctor mike is on this morning and we're talking about the way researchers now say depending on what shift you have, it could be affecting your brain. >> so who are the healthiest people, the the day shift, night shift or overnight shift. we will tell you about it.
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>> that is weird. >> girls, little girls in high heels, walking runway in a factory, what the heck is going on here. >> this is the message behind this app for a new girls action figure but not a doll so don't call it a doll. >> don't call it a doll. >> we have an update on the twitter war, parentally i will get a pie in the face, if bob kelly oral ex-holy, raises their twitter total, their follower total by 500. bob has already blown the doors off of the thing. >> he beat me already it is only 7:30. >> my gosh. >> this has been an unfair fight from the beginning because bob went on at 4:00. you didn't goat on until 7:00. >> he has been in the market for 15 years. you got here seven weeks ago. >> i'm the under dog. >> plus alex in the commercial break was crying. so because i have a benevolent heart, we will take this up a notch, do you mine if i change the rules folks because it is my face and it is the pie in my face. >> he has the right. >> i think bob has to increase
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by another 500. >> okay. >> if that happens, i will take two pies to the face. >> okay. >> don't let me be the under dog, don't let me lose. >> at alex holley. >> at fox 29ing. >> that is holley. >> yes, in more crying. >> i'll be a big girl. >> sue, are you following me. >> are you sure. >> i want to know has somebody been to the bakery because i want to see the pie moment. >> the pie is already here, sue. >> the pie is here and so is the seven day forecast. it takes you through the weekend and beyond. 53 degrees today and 50 tomorrow with that autumn chill but at least the wind will calm down on saturday. sunday looks good. we will have clouds around but no rain in the forecast, not anymore, good for our two walks, one in the morning, one in the evening for alzheimer's a and leukemia and lymphoma society. monday we will get up to 60 degrees but in the evening it will be chilly for eagles
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game at the link. veterans day looks great with the high in the mid 60's, but then the winter chill arrives and that will happen by wednesday, or thursday, of next week. we're talking arctic air months in. is there your seven day, bob kelly, what do you got. >> 7:33 on a friday morning. a live look at the schuylkill expressway at girard avenue interchange. three cheers for bus drivers there heading to the class trip to the zoo. is there an accident on the schuylkill expressway here right at girard avenue, it is westbound where we see it right under the overpass here. we have it off to the shoulder but causing a delay for gang heading westbound but an accident north on i-95, right before the girard point double decker bridge, any within leaving airport area heading in the city you will a's find a delay there. on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound an accident at virginia drive, thinks also the spot where we start to see that wick sun glare around this hour of the morning. otherwise rest of the majors out of town on the schuylkill because of that crash at
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girard just under a half an hour center city to conshohocken and almost half an hour south of i-95 from woodhaven into downtown. not bad at all 476. bennie, whitman, commodore barry all looking good, mike, back over to you. somebody on twitter, two or three people, have just said i have no more details about this. so, look at this little will will boy's face, scottie mcmilan. i would give you the details about how he died, basically tortured but it makes me so angry and i think am close to crying about this. so lets bring in our legal analyst jennifer brant. not so much about the details, this little boy was tortured to death. we want to know what can we do about the three people that were living in the trailer in chester county who ailette this happen in front of them. >> it is a horrific story. one of the worst we have heard in a very, very long time. the mother of the child,
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jillian tait, and her boyfriend, gary fellenbaum i believe his name is. >> there they are. >> they have been charged with murder. chester county d.a. says he is seeking the death penalty for them because this crime was so horrific. now gary fellenbaum's estrange wife, also live there. >> say that again, his estrange wife was living in the trailer with he and his girl friend. >> that is correct. that is correct. >> you have new information this morning that there is an 11 month-old baby living in the trailer with them. >> correct good this woman's a child. >> that is right. if this is amber fellenbaum, amber fellenbaum was the wife's child, and then the the girlfriend had two children one of which scottie mcmilan was the child that was killed. now the other two children, the six year-old who had shown evidence of abuse, he was removed and the 11 month-old were removed. these three people are now in jail.
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amber fellenbaum the wife, who allegedly did not take actual part in the beatings. >> she is one who call 911. >> she call 911 but a apparently from what has been reported she has been witnessing this for three weeks and knew this was going on. >> so charge her too. >> she's being charged with child endangerment and could rise to the fell will any in child endangerment she could face yale time, fines, et cetera. i think in my personal opinion that is very horrific that she in the only knew you they were doing this but she's watching this allowing this to go on, didn't contact police, could have possibly saved this child's life and didn't do anything bit. beatings were so horrific that eventually this child died. >> they are seeking death penalty but they could get out if they played guilty. >> absolutely, they have a allegedly already confessed to the beatings. it is a question of whether they are charge, well, they will be charged with first degree murder and if there is a trial, then they could seek the death penalty but as you know in many cases people make
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plea arrangements to get out of the death penalty possibly to face life in jail but we will see what happens. right now it is too early to know that but chester county d.a. seems convinced he is going for death penalty. >> tortured this little boy and throw him in the shower to revive home. him what do they do when he didn't wake up. they went out to eat and got piss and left him in the shower. >> just terrible. >> thank you, i think. >> yeah it is a horrible story. i love to come here but not on things like this. it is really sad from seeing social media they are outrage. >> they are outraged. >> we all are as we should be. >> terrible. >> we have heard studies about the effects of different shifts, shift work, right in so who are the healthiest people, people that work during the day, night or overnight. doctor mike has done some research on this you would think it was the
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i remember this now, goldie blocks is back, with a powerful new ad. this is a san francisco based toy maker, shattering stereotypes with its new action figure, for girls. now listen to this... >> ♪ >> she almost scares me with you it is supposed to be empowering women, kick off high heels and put on some sneakers. >> yes, chuck taylor's. >> and then you beaten things. >> goldie the action figure tour was modeled after a real girl in the ad goldie breaks out of a line of girls wearing
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pink dresses, and, you you know, she smashes the computer here, so, i don't know company says goldie was created so young girls could see they have options in life. especially you know girls can be engineers, in the all engineers in the world have have to be guys. >> that is true. >> this is not the first time cot has tried to break gender stereotypes. >> goldie blocks was founded in 2012 and released this commercial set to the beesty boys song girls. it is encouraging to become engineers by introducing interactive game. >> girls can be interest nearing too. >> you don't to have wear pink dresses and heels. >> we can get there and dot work. >> darn right. >> well, says would the hand in the pink sweater. >> yes. >> well, you don't to have wear pink. >> no. >> don't wear what i'm wearing. >> how is your grand mom. >> she's doing well. >> fine. >> are you trying to be funny, i took her sweater.
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>> i have a grand mom sweater on today. >> cute. >> yes. >> okay. >> say bye-bye to the perfect body, the the slogan vittoria secret will use, inn steady. and jen freddie's starting the weekend early, aren't you. >> i am, i want to know this that guy charlie owns this bar, the institute and we were best friend, best friends i say until will we walk in here. i will tell you why that guy is in the really happy about it but you we will tell will but it. it is true, right.
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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okay. i have lost track of this twitter competition here. bob has over 6404. >> and i have 5,900. >> okay. >> do you think you could catch him. >> i don't know, can i. >> if you catch him i will do three pie. >> three pie friday. >> you know what we should call this, follow friday fight. >> follow friday fight. >> i like that. >> follow friday fight. >> hey by the way speaking of food, were we? we are running a tortilla stand up, what sit called. >> stand and stuff tortilla's. >> i want one of them. >> and, we have run it. we have run it every three
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minutes, in the commercial. so now i'm hungry for it. >> we are hungry. >> so, make it happen. >> i think it is el paso. >> yes. >> for years taco has been falling all over the the place and they have finally stand on their own. >> stand and stuff. >> why didn't we think of that. >> i will do that this weekend. >> i hope you you document it on instagram for all of to us see. >> we have wind now coming out of the northwest, past couple of days, we have had southeasterly winds. it has been on the mild side. do you remember election day? well, not anymore, chillier air moving in. we have 12 miles an hour winds in philadelphia but wind gusts is 26 miles an hour. that makes it feel colder. 29 miles an hour gust in mount pocono, and in wildwood and in dover, lot of 29's. we do like that part. we just don't like it to be this windy. so keeping track of the precipitation as the colder air filters in. it looks like it is breaking up before it gets here this will be the last gasp of the
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storm system that was with us all day yesterday. looking at the fox future cast we have to yum april head with some clouds here and there throughout the rest of the morning to about noon a pop up shower or two and anytime between noon and say three or 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon, not a big deal at all, barely registering in the forecast. so then we will move into saturday and things look brighter about by then. temperatures 47 degrees in the city, 41 lancaster. forty-eight in wildwood and 46 degrees in dover, delaware. kick off forecast looking ahead to monday, why not, eagles play on monday night verse carolina panthers 8:30 kick off time and it will be 46 degrees then so as you sit through rest of the game, it will get colder and a colder. keep a that in mind making your plans for weekend and beyond. we're talking about toy story. anyway, let me get here, it is
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looking great until next week and then it is just too cold but what will you do, bob. >> are you dipping into that refrigerator that jen had in that shot over there. to infinity and beyond, good morning, everybody. 7:49 on a friday. live look at the schuylkill expressway, time to make doughnuts eastbound heavy from conshohocken to belmont. you can see sun glare hitting us hard here this morning. es bound a delay up the hill in towards conshohocken. an accident on the roosevelt boulevard it is northbound roosevelt boulevard right here near rising sun avenue and that is second crash on the northbound side, during this morning rush hour. that is causing delays for follow thanks head up into northeast philadelphia, heading up toward cottman after a new all the way up in towards that pennsylvania turnpike interchange. now the turnpike also heavy westbound from philadelphia bensalem over to virginia drive. we had an earlier accident to deal with their. then we will keep on flying here, as we kind of come to a stop and then in north bound i-95 leaving the airport there is a accident right before the
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girard point double decker bridge. this weekend heads up, alex, are you going shopping. >> oh, yeah good king of prussia mall a hot mess. they will do work here along 202 interchange, north 202 on the ram tops both skew you kill and 422, all day saturday, all day sunday, you might as well just stay at the mall all weekend long, alex and mike back over to you good i won't complain about that. >> you deal with will school buses all the time but have you heard of this school bus, it is called the crash express this cool bus doesn't have have glitter glue or sparkle paint for the kids but a rented school bus that will take you to some great bars? you heard me right. jen is explaining this all at the first stop, hi, jen. >> hey, alex if you are not doing this tomorrow i'm embarrassed for you. this is awesome hi guys, how are you. >> good. >> explain the concept. you pay $10 for my $10 i get what. >> you basically get unlimited rides on school buses for the
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entire day which is about eight hours and you can jump on and off anywhere you'd like at the the various bars that are participating in the craft beer express. >> i love it. one of the things you guys like you want people to invest in the ideas of craft beers and invest in these local pubs. there is different great food and owners. but you want people to get in the beer scene a little bit. >> absolutely. philadelphia has been a leader in the beer scene for decades now. craft beer started with great people like yards and dock street. we have brought 12 taverns together all doing a craft beer excentric event, meet the brewer, taste the style of beer event. hop on the bus for $10 ride all day from 11 to 6:00. you cannot beat that anywhere. >> in the tease i said charlie is mad at me. charlie, you are mad. >> yes, i am you are mad because i was honest. i'm not lying like a lot of these girls that come to these bars. i said i like coors light. that makes you very upset.
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>> is there a coors light cannon top of my bar. i have to resurface it. >> now talk to me you are gorgeous, one of our favorite bartenders. just stop. you say that is what you want people to do you want people to realize even if you are a coors light fan there it mob a beer you might like. >> five boxes of beer, and you want to move them you don't want to go extreme. you go one step up. >> sauce me up a little bit. >> and then i have a friend, i always have to have these budweisers this my beer fridge but i think i want to look company brooklyn lagger is where i want to take him. >> yes, brooklyn lagger. better than budweiser. >> these are things people can figure out this weekend. >> yes good they are all waiting for you, cute bartenders and such nice bar owners. they will be nicer to you i'm sure. >> yes. >> the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and
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round. >> give me another round. >> goodness gracious us very proud. we lead the nation in beer consumption. hey, doctor mike is in, which shift, i'm talking about shift workers which are the in most healthy if you work during the day, night or overnight, what they call the graveyard shift? i think you might be surprised. it is affecting your brain. then this video is unbelievable a tv cam why man carjack at gunpoint as his camera rolled you have got to see how this end, coming upright here on good day.
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♪ this flu season... remember this. your immune system doesn't work the way it did when rock was young. so we made fluzone high-dose vaccine... for people 65+. fluzone high-dose vaccine has a high high higher... dose of antigen... for a stronger immune response. fluzone high-dose vaccine is approved for people 65 and older. it's not for anyone who's had a severe allergic reaction to any vaccine component, including eggs, egg products, or to a prior dose of any flu vaccine. tell your doctor if you've had guillain-barré syndrome. side effects include pain, swelling and redness at the injection site; muscle aches, fatigue, headache and fever. other side effects may occur.
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if you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination, call your doctor immediately. vaccination may not protect everyone. so if you hopped around the clock, ask your health care provider about fluzone high-dose vaccine. fluzone high-dose vaccine. researchers a say long term shift work may lead to more health problems then first thought and which shift is probably the healthiest? day workers, at night or the overnight. >> so let's ask doctor mike, which one is it. >> well, this is very, very wild data. let me tell you, foulke, what they have found is if you work
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shift work and i mean rotating schedules, up at night, sleeping during the day, if you did that for more than ten years you have dramatic problems with memory loss, and problems thinking and being as sharp and all of that. now they have found that the best way to do it, if you have to do it is stay on that reverse schedule. if you rotate, that is more dangerous because it effects your rhythms and that also effects your brain's ability to process, memory. big problem. a lot of people doing shift work. >> i'm thinking about our schedules here because we get up in the in middle of the night and then work half the day. i have a question but i can't remember your name though, what sit doctor. >> oh, no. >> he needs help. >> what about people up on the weekend i try to switch my schedule so i can be up at night. even those two days does that make a difference pushing it
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around. >> probably not the best thing, alex, what you have to remember is we all go on a biological clock called czar cade rhythm and if you miss with mother nature it is not good especially if you do it long term. >> people who have the regular 9:00 to 5:00 they have a piece of cake. >> you need to do what you need to do. if you have to work nights try to stay on that same shift, or, take naps, we talk about naps, not more than 30 minutes, take a nap it will help you. >> what happened wednesday night to you. >> big, big deal. i am very close as you know with ed snyder. we had what is called an endowment get together, what we did was we academic you you get an endowed chair, money donated and we have raised over three million-dollar. i have to say this, this woman named ken ruby, who is my friend and an amazing woman
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helps me bring the the concept of i was getting teary eyes there. having ed snyder there as my friend and kim and all of my family, we have raised over three million-dollar that goes directly to patient care. everyone in my practice knows this, we have nice gowns and access to different things and you just don't have that without the philanthropic effort of people like ed snyder hoy loved. i said he was like my dad. i love that man, more then you will ever know. >> yes. >> kim grovy, you are the best, you made it happen baby how is ed snyder doing. >> ed is doing great. he is doing great. >> come on flyers. >> looks better then he ever did. >> lets get him a cup. >> i think flyers will win this year good they are playing well, doctor mike.
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>> yes, they are good did you go last night. >> no. >> i was with my family and i went to sleep. >> how do you like that. >> have a great weekend. >> love you both good love you right back. >> we love that it is friday. >> it is friday, november the seventh, 2014. straight up 8:00 o'clock. we start with new development and new rid yes in the carlesha kidnapping case and first video we see finally out in public of the accused kidnapper. and lauren we will hear from him but no surprise we have to bleep out all of his answers. a sad situation here in north philadelphia on between the second street. two dozen people displaced after a fire overnight, we will bring you details overnight but first sues serio. >> i can see you shivering out there because as the rain moved out, the wind blew in, we have a chilly forecast for the weekend and all of the details, mike, coming up.
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>> this is where tv cameraman is carjack at a gunpoint as his camera is rolling this dramatic video, you'll have to see this in a little bit. plus this morning at 8:01. we have a twitter war here, we will see who can gain at least, well, a thousand extra followers for bob and 500 extra followers for allah ex-because he hasn't been in the philadelphia area as long as bob has. 9:30 we will make decision. whoever wins, for some freakish reason which makes no sense the winner gets to hit me in the face with the pie. >> look and look at hoy confident bobbies, he is already putting together a plate. >> you know it is a good friday when there is ready whip on the plate.
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>> bob has 6461. and then look at me right now. >> closing in on six. >> i have 5,997. >> yes. >> neck and neck. >> refresh it, refresh it again right now. can you refresh them again. you did just before. >> okay. >> come on, be the 6,000. >> somebody do it right now. >> refresh, refresh, refresh. >> come on, come on, come on baby. >> yeah. >> so maybe i will take this right here and i'll be able to. >> still makes no sense. >> here's weather. >> it bliss them joy.
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>> yes. >> glad i could help. >> lets see how joyful you feel about the forecast. >> we have sunshine back and that is one big thing that was so damp and dreary yesterday, sunshine it will be with us along with gusty wind. can rule out a shower but that is in the the biggest deal, hold on to that flyers cap, it has a warm fleece on at the bus stop today. we have 48 in philadelphia 10-mile an hour pleas, clouds, to sun and the the blustery day today with a high temperature of 53 degrees and wind as high as 30 miles an hour. this is what it is tough to drive one of those little cars over a bridge bob kelly, you just to have hold on. >> both hand and knuckle driving. both hand on the wheel. good morning everybody. sunshine this morning for gang in chester county. thinks a live look at north bound side of 202 heading in to 926, the rain from yesterday, flipped over to sun glare this morning, south on
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the new jersey turnpike an accident as you approach the delaware memorial bridge toll plaza. look out for delays there and an accident northbound on the roosevelt boulevard, heading out at rising sun avenue in the northeast section of the city. we will talk about the wind on the bridge. we will feel it over the benny. whitman and no dor barry slower than normal. here is your travel times on the schuykill expressway, leaving town center city to conshohocken. southbound i-95 just under a half an hour from woodhaven to center city. sun glare south, right here near saint david villanova interchange. mass transit, septa buses trains and trolleys all looking good at the moment north on i-95 from the gang leaving airport and, delaware county coming in towards philadelphia. right before the girard point double decker bridge. mike and alex back to you. >> police commissioner charles ramsey said he had never seen an abduction on videotape after all have of his years in law enforcement when this guy
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abducted a philadelphia woman in germantown. steve keeley has new information. >> and new video, steve. >> reporter: barnes not yet back here at fbi offices at feds building right across the street from you guys but he will be. barnes though is back in virginia. here's video shot just nine hours ago. he will likely face a mandatory life sentence down there in the in the carlesha case but this monstrous rape of the 16 year-old girl we told but yesterday found burned, bleeding and name 3 miles from the trailer that barnes lived in with his parent who moved from philadelphia to their back in the mid 1980's. barnes we have learned from virginia police overnight was working as late as last week at richmond grocery store. his job stocking shelves. that was before dna match confirmed he hit six year-old girl in the head with the shovel, threw her in the the car trunk and took her to the family trailer, over three days and she escaped somehow in the woods nearby while he was burning her clothes in the
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ditch and digging a grave for her on the family 5 acres that they have around the trailer, with this same shovel they beat her with. while holding her captive he was showing her pictures of the other girls he a said that he also attacked the same way and that is why federal and local authorities this morning are now seeing if his dna also matches any other unsolved rapes, or murders or if it can be linked in any possible way to missing persons cases. while he confessed to carlesha's kidnapping after being charged federally in the case yesterday he was not exactly confessing publicly to any other victims when virginia authorities actually let reporters question him last night and let public see him. they let him see film for the so smart out in public. they to the the hood over his head and surveillance video and bank pictures.
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and, got away with them either in virginia or in philadelphia >> mr. barnes, are there other victims, anything you want to see or say. >> what can you tell us about why they did this. >> mr. barnes, anything to say to the people here in central virginia. >> bleep. that is what you tell them, tell them that. >> reporter: are you in agreement with jason crowley the captain of the sheriff's department down there that you feel is there more victims down there. >> we certainly cannot ignore it. i'm sure authorities in both virginia and maryland will take a look at our missing persons files to see if anything fits. once he is interrogated see if he gives anything up. it is great concern and lets you know a had she in the been recovered, and rescue as quickly as she was, we don't know what the outcome would have been with her either. this is a bad guy, is there in question bit. >> he is off the street and needs to be off the street for
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the rest of his life. he a has federal charges pend ago begins him in this case. they will be filed in this case and he certainly has charges in virginia, so he probably and hopefully will not see the light of day again in his life. >> reporter: that previous case back in 2005 we told but this week, we learned after he brutally beat and attack the woman back in philly back then he was first degree early release, by pennsylvania parole board four different times for lack of remorse and still a risk to the community, alex and mike despite those four previous rulings denying him they did release him last year and unleash him in the civilized world to do what he is a accused of doing to these two little girls last week and this week. >> that is what people are saying on twitter and facebook how did someone let him out on the street. >> after all this. >> all right. well one person is dead following a boarding house fire in north philly. >> lets head to lar even johnson on north between the second street when it
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happened, hey lauren. >> good morning, alex and mike, fire marshall is on the scene investigating at this boarding house that burned overnight. lets look at video that was shot earlier this morning when this all started on the third floor of the north philadelphia boarding house just before 3:00 a.m. fire crews had it under control. there are reports that the fire alarm or smoke detectors may have been turn off. lone victim in this fire was found in the upstairs bedroom where fire fighters believe that blaze started. he was only fatality. other two dozen people who lived here were able to get out and taken to another shelter, new fire marshall is investigating the cause of all this. >> we had 23 people displaced on this boarding home, 23 people. they will be transported to another boarding home that is associated with this boarding home so they will be safe and sheltered but we have 21 people displaced with regard to this fire. if you smoke, smoke outside. make sure your smoke alarms
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work. if you don't have have working smoke alarms you can dial 311, we will come out and install them for free. >> and those are so very important as we enter cold chilly freezing months ahead in philadelphia so far mike and alex, 25 fire fatalities in 2014. >> my goodness you have to get smoke detectors, 311, coming right over. >> it is free good take advantage. >> thanks, lauren. >> 8:10. we send camera crews on tout get the story but in australia this cameraman ends up becoming the story. >> thinks weird. >> news photographer said he was working and from assaulting a woman. he said man handed him his weapon and turned himself in but within minutes suspect turned on the camera, and man, the cameraman. >> turn it on him. >> and pointed a gun in his face and then fled away in the news van. the ordeal all captured on the photographer's camera. the alleged carjacker is face ago tempted murder charges but
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cameraman is okay. >> it looks like the guy crash the news vehicle. >> and they have him at this gas station. >> they are yelling at him get down, get down. >> yeah, pass ago this propane tank. >> yes. >> yes, his tv cameraman a lot of times we go to scenes. we have to be right on the scene getting video and just become involved like that. >> and then just went up to get i drink of water. >> sure, you are dry, very hot. >> still ahead matthew mcconaughey he has this movie out. people are saying they love it. inter stellar, it hits theaters today, what is this hype all about. i wonder what kevin mccarthey will give this, he has a scale of five stars.
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we will see. >> we will see what he gives this one. have you ever had a sausage stuffed with bacon mack and cheese. >> take a sausage and stuff mack and cheese tonight. >> it ace a railable at taproom on 19th. why you need to try it this weekend, next. >> i want it now. no one asks to have diabetes or heart disease. at gateway health, we see you , not your condition. gateway health medicare advantage plans offer complete care that fits you better, gives you more, and may cost you less. like ten-dollar copays on the medications you need,
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and zero copays on everything from diabetic monitoring supplies to hearing and eye exams. call 1-877-gateway today. for a better plan. and a better you. ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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all right. we are watching win this morning, yesterday we were watching rain, and lots of it but now that the rapist gone we are left with gusty wind. and north westerly wind is chillier win. a 10-mile an hour sustain wind in philadelphia, 17 miles an hour gust. so what this does is it makes it feel chillier then it actually is, and that chill will last through the weekend. as far as rain is concern, it looks like only rain if we get any today but the system from yesterday moved up to the state of maine and there is a lot have have snow falling there and in the canadian mar
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times but for us, it is that wrap around moisture and it is the the as close as williamsport. we have a possibility there of frozen precipitation but nothing for us. we have just a few clouds around. through about noon time today. say between noon and 3:00 o'clock we could get a small, pop up shower, not a big deal, i promise you. bigger deal is the win gusts up to 30 miles an hour. it makes it feel chilly and messes up your hair too. by sunday things will calm down. we expect light wind at the alzheimer's walk at citizens bank park. fourteenth year of fox 29's partner hip with the alzheimer's association. we are thrilled about that. >> we have leukemia, lymphoma society walk called light the night happening late in the afternoon on sunday at eakin oval. i should be okay, cloudy but dry. >> yes. >> but you temperatures are mostly in the 40's. thirty's in the mountains. 58 degrees in wildwood. it feels chillier because of the win. we expect a high of 53 degrees
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by end of the day to day. seven out of the ten. autumn chill tomorrow gives us another seven. temperatures below average. average high is 60. we don't get back there until monday. by tuesday, veterans day looks fantastic sunny and milder and then bottom drops out after some rain on wednesday morning when we will get a big chill will by next week but bob kelly, you have been warn. >> nice cup of hot chocolate will do you you some good this morning. tgif, curb side on the 42 freeway. we are dealing with wicked sun glare this morning. in complaints today, because after all that rain yesterday but coming in towards philadelphia, stop and go, tighter working your way in towards that walt whitman bridge. you will feel win coming over that bridge. walt whitman, ben franklin both hand on the wheel. september, problems on the west trent than regional rail lines. fifteen minute delays right new because of on wire problems. otherwise manayunk, media elwyn, paoli line all looking
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good. for gang in northeast philadelphia rhawnhurst i got a text, rhawn at tabor an early morning accident but crack a tell even if pole in half. head for cottman avenue in and out of the northeast philadelphia this morning. alex, back over to you. well, did you know tomorrow is one year anniversary party for south philadelphia gastro pub called taproom on 19th. mike went out to check out what is in store and also find out what fatties are, lets find out. >> look at where i am, taproom, on 19th, perfectly named because look on the corner of 19th and ritner and thinks a taproom and this is cristina youngest executive chef i have ever met in my life are you from philadelphia lansdale pa and moved down to the sit bye three years ago good did you go to cooking school. >> culinary arts school good congratulations. >> you are top chef here is that right. >> i am. >> this has been around a
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year. >> yes. >> well tomorrow is the anniversary at day right. >> yes. >> so we are having a feast so come on out. so what did you make the on the table here. >> i made burger and bread right here. >> what do you call it. >> anniversary burger, potato bun by conshohocken bakery. it is beef, color greens with 1732 black peter bacon and barbecue memphis chicken skin. >> is that what that is chicken skin. >> yes good did you invent this. >> yes, we did. >> special occasion tomorrow the anniversary they have brought in a stunned chef or a guest chef. ron, come on in here. good to see you, man. you have a catering company. >> yes, we do. >> my wife said it is appropriately name. >> yes. >> after you. >> yes. >> lets get to this, before i talk to that what is that. >> that is our version of pull
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pork nacho's over potato chips instead of nacho chips. man necessary how to eat barbecue. you reach in and grab it. >> these are called fatties. fatties. >> sausage rolls stuffed with whatever comes to mind. in this case it is bacon, mack and cheese. >> bacon mack and cheese. >> how do you do it, you jam tonight there. >> mike, you pick one up, take it and energy. >> ridiculous. >> have you ever had one of these. >> yes. >> my gosh. >> so, as we go, we will see you down here tomorrow, what time. >> so that is four and 1:00 a.m. >> will you be here. >> yes, all day. >> as weeze close i will shove this in my face.
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>> you need the crunch. >> that chick ebb skinnies good. >> good. >> it gives it the crunch you need. >> congratulations cristina. >> thank you. >> fatties, you have to try all of that. >> always talking with his mouthful but i love me collar greens. >> victoria second secret ditches its perfect body brand, why the the brandies backtracking after a social media fire storm.
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we have a twitter war. >> it is a follow will friday fight. >> is that what it is. >> that is what we are calling it. >> it is a twitter war. anyway, my eyes aren't good bobbies up to what. >> bob has 6,565. >> look at you. >> i have 6,184. >> so if you catch him by 9:30 i'm taking three pies to the face. >> i get to do the honors.
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>> bang. >> great. >> i am catching up. >> i like it. >> thanks, philly, i'm getting a little excited. >> by the way on twitter too they keep comparing to you different people. there is a show we have on, fox called sleepy hallow they say you like a woman on that show. >> i have gotten that and someone tweeted me i looked like... i'm in the sure if i'm saying that but she's in secret life of bees. people just trying to place me with somebody. >> those three you mentioned smoke shows, hot, hot women. >> so some customer backlash now, we are seeing on line has prompted victoria secret to change its recent ad campaign promoting the company's new line of push up brass. thinks the original photo right. >> yes, at first it looks like ad is no different from the other victoria secret one that the other was complaining about but they say that they did change it, so people were angry about the phrase the perfect body and next to the
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picture of models who have supposedly have the perfect body. >> justin in the control room is this the original? >> yes. >> do the transition then. >> and then transition to the next within because this is after a petition was put on asking the company to change the the policy. >> is what different. >> there is not as many women on there. >> tens of thousands of people signed this petition and they wanted it all change. >> here's the new one. let's see. well, what is different. >> i'm in the sure. >> well, i see, instead of the perfect body, it says a body for everybody. >> i don't know if that remedy is it. >> okay. here comes the old one. here's my problem i was not even looking at the words. >> yes, problem for a man. >> it goes from the perfect body to a body for everybody. >> it is all of the bodies
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look the same. >> of course, i missed it because i was in the looking at the letters i was looking at the bras. >> that is what they are selling and that is good. >> were you looking at the bra, bro. >> let's talk about beer, what the heck it is friday. >> jen, are you on the bus? are you going to the next stop? >> i have upgraded, ladies and gentlemen. i have upgraded. oh, have i upgraded. here's the deal i will have a drink and then i have this in my hand, is it for a bottle or steve keeley. he has been talking trash all week. we will meet a sexy french guy in 60 seconds. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink?
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action! blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. introducing the birds of america collection. fifty stunning, hand-painted plates, commemorating the state birds of our proud nation. blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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cannot tell too much of this picture with you it is not as damp and dreary as it was yesterday. for little will kid, it is windy and chilly one. make sure they have a warm fleece on and they hold on to their hats. flyers cap on. he is wearing his shades because of the sunshine. now with the wind, and the stray shower we want seven out of ten today. certainly better than yesterday but not as nice as tuesday election day. a as we zoom in closer we will see a tiny bit of green to our northwest out in berks county but that is not even any rain making it to the ground. we don't expect much for precipitation, but 48 degrees right now. fifty-three is the the high today, sun and clouds and yes, a blustery day with winds gusting as high as 30 miles an hour. tonight it gets chillier down in the 30's, so, be prepared, to bundle up a little bit
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more, tonight if you are stepping out, bob kelly for your friday night. >> friday night stepping out 8:31. it is definitely chilly coming over bridges, both hand on the wheel there with the high wind, live look at the schuylkill expressway near conshohocken. fender-bender on the westbound side working your way up towards the conshohocken curve. an accident north on 295 approaching route one for gang heading up in through trenton, new jersey. watch for a crash in the neighborhood here from the gang from villanova old gulf road at merion square. delays on the schuylkill eastbound at conshohocken, westbound near the boulevard and a crash here in northeast philadelphia cracked the telephone pole in half at rhawnhurst. so use cottman avenue as your alternate this morning. we have delays on the regional rails. the septa a's west trenton line running with 15 minute delays because of overhead wire problems and rest of the system looking good. it has been one week since i have been here. been a crazy week to say thank you to everyone i ordered up
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the dunkin' donuts cruiser, filled with jelly doughnuts and hot coffee, for everybody, i will go out front, if you walk, everybody will get a jelly doughnut and hot cup of coffee. i will go outside. come by fourth and market, say hi, get a jelly doughnut and cup of coffee and we will have some fun, back over to you you. >> wow, really. how can i beat that in this twitter fight. you are giving out free doughnuts. >> and you have to like me on twitter, so i can win this contest. >> i need something to give out. >> thanks so much, bob. >> i will lose. i know it, i will lose. it is okay. lets get to jen. it is chilly. >> jen is at rouge look at her chatting it all up. >> i'm chatting it up. can you say hello to jean charles. >> how are you baby.
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>> absolutely marvelous, having bubbles for breakfast this is the way to go. >> i sexy french champagne maker it would be you in a movie good can you give me a hug. >> of course good love you so much. >> you smell so beautiful. >> thank you. >> that and champagne this is a friday morning. >> talk to me not only do i have a little sniff of you and your loveliness would the men of philadelphia, the men in philadelphia, there is a couple events. lets get the events out of the way first of all. >> we are doing amazing dinners, lunches and obviously we are here in full support of the fantastic honor. >> you are being honored. >> we are honored, it was a famous honor. thomas jefferson represented the bridge to the two countries which we say ocean separates us but wine brings us together. he was one the of the first men to bring wine as you know to the united states. >> are you a married man. >> i am a married many want that. whatever he just said, thank
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you. >> i have been married in pennsylvania. >> there you go. >> again, i don't care, whatever. you want people to necessity burr wine. frenchman that is taking over california. >> well, taking over a stretch is at least we love california. and what we did in california was folk the nature of the region from sonoma to napa valley, as well as a fantastic winery, the first of first point. >> i you got to vice it this place. is there a event this afternoon at joe sche pp and we had him on the show yesterday. outrageous, awesome. >> yes. >> and you can begin tomorrow morning here at rouge there is a bubbly brunch tour. >> that is right. >> i have to say this it really wouldn't be really nice and french, and bubbly winish have a bottle. >> i fully agree. i do that every morning. >> i know you want to kiss my
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boyfriend but i need to you move it. move it. >> is there a trick you you need to undress the bottle nicely. >> did you just say undress. >> undress the color of the gorgeous bottle. >> yes good i take a little bit of the top off, right there. >> yes. >> it has to be very cold. >> it has to be very cold. >> this is the trick. this is my specifically made or you can stand next to me. >> look at this. >> yes. >> look at this beautiful cut. >> yes. >> and great advantage is we can continue to drink it in, glass in the bottle but you look at that bought full cup, isn't that gorgeous. >> mike an alex, there may not be an 9:00 a.m. segment. >> this is all what the from france he will keep talking. you people you you go back the two news or something. >> will we keep talking and
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while you are stuck inside at the desk, he is giving away jelly doughnuts, and coffee, to everybody walking by. >> this is so unfair. he called within of our best sponsors, dunkin' donuts, and by the way for sponsoring the show every day and he talk them into bringing jelly doughnuts down and hot coffee for free. >> that is in the right alex. >> that is in the right. >> but do i want a jelly doughnut and coffee. >> we have less than a hour were we decide really won. >> in the area in olde city
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just swing by. >> big shot of my giant head, hi. >> 8:41, coming up, i'll be watching, because, chris wallace will be surrounded by woman. you talk about a big night tuesday night for republicans it was a big night for woman too chris. >> we will talk to one of them, the new senator from west virginia, she took a democratic seat. she's one of the seven republican pick ups. we will talk to her and corry gardener, who is, pick up a democratic seat. a republican in colorado. >> chris, explain to me, what happened, tuesday, at the polls? there is so many people, did only republicans get to the polls. >> i don't think it is that so much that people don't like republicans but they really don't like the president and the democrats and, you know,
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they are fed up with it. it is like the third time that this has happened since 2006 what they call a wave election where they say we hate all these guys the ones in charge so we will throw them out and fry the other side. it doesn't work but they have gone back and forth from democrat, republican, back to democrat and now back to republican again. we will see whether the new guys have have a chance. i'm a little hopeful on this because of the fact with the equal share of the power, the the republicans have an equal share of the responsibility, the president will want to get something accomplished in his final two years. the republicans will want to show that given control of the house and senate they can accomplish something. we will talk to two of the people that will be at this big lunch today between the president and democratic and republican leaders of the house and senate. we will talk to two of those leaders in the lunch today about what actually goes on and we will talk to two of the new senators who don't come into town until january.
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>> and, i mean you are so right just because of what happened tuesday doesn't mean it will be the same thing in 2016, just two years from now. >> we have seen it was a big democratic year, big republican year in 2010, big democratic year in 2012, big republican year in 204. the republicans know they have in the been given a mandate they have been given a chance and they have to show given the keys to the car that they don't drive it off the cliff. >> or we will throw you out too. >> chris, we will be watching sunday, thank you very much. >> can i say one more quick thing. >> i love jelly doughnuts. >> do you want me to get on i-95 and bring you one. >> yeah, i love it when you eat and bite in to it and squirts all over and gets on your clothes, wow, nothing better. >> that sound good. >> thanks, chris, i will see new you two hours it takes me about two hearst to get to him in d.c. but i will take a bite out of it before i give to it him. manned a by nes wants a
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the did he nut crews are out there. >> bobbies thanking dunkin' donuts. >> they are bringing out big cups of coffee now. >> this will out rage. bobbies basically cheating. >> no, is there nothing in the rules and regulation that is i cannot give out a doughnut and charge them a follow. >> we need to talk about lindsey lohan. >> is she really dating, tom cruise. >> dax, have you heard that. >> i have not heard that at all. >> oh, yeah. >> where did you get that. >> take that tmz we're breaking something. >> that is right, boom. >> you are not the only gossip column. >> well, speaking of her is she finally getting it together, is what the story.
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>> good news for lindsey lohan >> and this is the case where they went in the store and sold the necklace, walked out with it, and then put on probation and then it spark the whole lot of drama for her. she has done an amazing job even over in london completing her community service hours. she did half of the 240 hours in london working with neglected children. they went into court yesterday, she got a glowing report and so she is done with that one but she still has to deal with probation for the reckless driving on pth and lying to the cops. >> she's in a stage play over there. >> okay. it makes sense. >> so what about amanda bynes, she's doing something different, a new job. >> well, she was out wondering around l.a. yesterday and sleeping on couches inside and stuff but we're hearing she is telling people close to her that she wants to be a
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bartender. that is how she wants to make money. right now she's under that conserve ship. she's given $150 a day being dulled out to her. she's like i cannot live off of that money, so i would love to be a bartender but knows that there is people that would go crazy. it would be a spectacle with her. so she is trying to find something else to do because her 5.7 million-dollar are locked up. so she cannot get her hand on it right now. >> is it a good idea for her to be a bartender now. >> on the list of ten things you should do, probably no. >> i mean i guess she doesn't want a normal job because she's amanda bynes but she's trying to find something to make money. bartending, she can make a lot of money. >> she shouldn't be around alcohol, dax we are looking out for her. >> as long as she's not drinking it. >> yes, okay.
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>> okay, dax you the man. >> you know what i noticed on this shot when they took the the tight shot of the two of us, my upper lip is sweating. >> you are always sweating. >> what is that supposed to mean. >> i don't sweat that much it gets hot in here. >> so know what are you doing. >> deodorant. >> really. >> don't laugh. >> it lot like you have been drinking milk. >> yes. >> here's the thing, it may look weird. >> a little will weird. >> but i won't sweat. >> but you will look like this though. >> i should use the clear jell, let me tell you, i heard this from make up artistness hollywood if you are in the green room before you get on the jimmy kimmel or whatever and starting to sweat, get the flap sweat, big stars put deodorant. >> are you saying celebrity do what you are doing. >> this with man here with the
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lip gloss and everything. >> yes. >> she does it we are bringing in somebody who give us all seek when the and style habits that can save your look in a pinch. trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. buying used cars is all we do... all makes and models... no dealership pressure. we'll even settle your loan or lease. so don't wait. get your free online valuation now at
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we are watching the wind, on this friday, because the whipped have have have pick up since the rain ended for us yesterday, and 10 miles an hour winds in philadelphia right now sustained but a 22-mile an hour win gust and look at mount pocono 31-mile an hour wind gust, really windy at the shore with 29-mile an hour gust in wildwood and atlantic city. ultimate doppler showing no rain in the area right now. we see green in berks county
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but that is not making it to the ground, just some clouds. 48 degrees in philadelphia. upper 40's just about every where else, get ready for a polar plunge that will be happening next week we have really cold air by wednesday or thursday of next week and for eagles game monday night 46 degrees at kick off. i think we have covered a lot of stuff there but whatever we left out there is in the seven day forecast, sunday looks terrific for both of our walks to end alzheimer's in the morning and light the night walk for leukemia and lymphoma society in the evening. so sunday we have dried things out, get milder before that polar plunge by the middle or end of next week. is there your seven day forecast how is friday looking,. >> ed in that bad for gang in northeast philadelphia, i-95 southbound on the left heavy from the betsy ross bridge down through girard avenue. typical normal morning volume there and then as we go for a fly, this is southbound i-95, watch for a accident right
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before the betsy ross bridge. once you make it past accident scene you will go through that delay into girard. northeast philadelphia rhawn and tabor that crack a telephone pole in half. they will have a peco power play today cottman avenue is your best bet through morning rush and heading to the king of prussia mall this weekend extra time needed, not for shopping but to get through work crews, they will work on the ramps from 202 to 422, as well as 202 ramps to the schuylkill both tomorrow and sunday, and all weekend long extra time if you are doing shopping there in to kop interchange and then all day tomorrow they will work on the westbound schuylkill ramps closed to the ramp to conshohocken go up to gulph mills and flip it around. fifteen minute delays on the west trenton regional rail line, alex, back over to you. >> thanks, cheater. >> talking about the twitter fight, we're doing. coming up, mommy speed dating, they are looking for
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hey, cheater. >> hey, come on alex, this is how we do it in philly. we got it going on. is what your first name gap. >> joan from port richmond. >> i came down to welcome you you aboard, to 29. >> thank you so much. >> i don't drive, but your traffic report are hysterical. you like the cars and the trucks. >> you like all that. >> yes. >> have a jelly doughnut on me here. >> now you mentioned something abou
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