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tv   Good Day Philadelphia  FOX  November 19, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EST

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rage. >> this is "good day philadlephia". >> coming up on 7:00. good day. look at that on the right. good day. it is going to be a great day, it is wednesday, yo, hi, aling. >> hi, mike. >> it is hump day. >> ayala. >> okay, what's the little temperature down there say? >> it says 21. >> we didn't get to it, now that the sun is up, see, we were going to tie a record from 1936 when it got to 20. if we did that, bob, sue, we were going to roll this embarrassing videotape. and we dubbed it, we secretly taped chris murphy yesterday, when he wasn't knowing it, that would be secretly, wouldn't it? >> driving him crate is all morning long. >> yes, now he knows we have the tape of him. so he's wondering. >> so bad we dubbed it yikes. >> little tease? >> see a little bit. >> ♪
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>> oh, ya. this goes on and on and on. so, i don't know, the sun's up. probably won't get to 20, is it? >> it will be this close. but now we have a shot at a record low maximum temperature meaning the coldest high. >> so the record 35? >> the records is 35 of 1951. >> as our high. >> coldest high temperature ever on november 19th. >> what are you predicting today? >> thirty-three. >> yes, so i think we will cover that one now. >> so three out every ten is our number of the day because we're so far below average. normal high is 55 degrees, for november 19th. this is still just crazy coal. and you have to make sure you're prepared, just like your pal and mine, bus stop buddy. he's got the real warm coat on today. the blanket coat, and the gloves, make sure to find those and hopefully bet a pair that matches. don't forget the a many step
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manies in the teens, 20's, so far 21 degrees in philadelphia, close to the low temperature, in fact, we haven't got answer tie in any of our record lows on this list at least not yet. temperatures, oh, back to 23. oh, well, that's it for that. nineteen reading, 16 lancaster, 25 degrees in wildwood. five below mount pocono, feels like 14 in dover, 12 atlantic city, it was a teeth chattering tuesday, 44 degrees, we did manage that >> at this point crazy, that's your forecast for today. we do have bit of warm up in the seven day forecast. stay tuned for, that bob kelly. >> morning, everybody. rough go all night long on the new jersey turnpike, we had
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that nasty accident, which caused three tractor-trailers to go up in flames. here's video from skyfox, in the last half hour. where the northbound lanes outer drive of the new jersey turnpike, still blocked, up near exit number eight, that's in cranberry, no idea how long these outer drive lanes will be blocked, but going to the maps, if you are headed out the front door this morning, and headed north, your best bet jump into that inner drive, at exit number six, which is the turnpike connector bridge. that will will keep you clear of the back up that is sure to occur in that outer drive throughout the rest of the morning. here is a live look at the blue route, 476, right near cardinal o'hara high school. to problems at all up and down the blue route. starting to see pockets of volume rolling out this wednesday morning. so going on the schuylkill, conshohocken into downtown, south 95 stack up from the betsy ross bridge, into girard avenue. we zoom on in to an accident eastbound on the schuylkill expressway, it is right at the ramp, actually the 42 ramp for 295, south jersey, and then
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horsham, horsham road maple avenue bundle up to stands on the bus corn earn septa's manning just norristown line, 15 minute delays, septa broad ridge spur also with equipment problems, they are area terminating service at the olney stationment and all of the bridges this morning, little bit of back up on the ben franklin, certainly field the wind, as well, again today. mike, alex, over to you. >> you know we're positive people on the show, right? >> yes. >> try to be. >> some silly organization is now called this national bad day? >> have a bad day-day. >> that's a common phrase, hey, hey. now you have a good day. they're flipping it, doing you have a bad day. so who would you wish a bad day on? >> be sure tweet us using hashtag fox good day. i'm already getting tweets. people want to wish people a bad day. >> lawyer send totally into. >> this because her assignment today was go out and stand in the cold for four, five hours. that's bad day. >> in south philly, lauren?
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>> reporter: real how does that? i'm in south philly at the snyder broad street area. i found these, ready to get on the bus. what do you think about this coal weather. >> it is really cold. we need to do something about it. >> what do we do? >> it is not windy but it needs to go away. >> can you believe it came this soon. >> ya, dow, every years seems like it is getting earlier and earlier. >> we don't want you to miss the bus. thanks for waiting. look who i got right here, how cold is it for you?? is this normal? you're fine? you don't think it is cold? >> no. >> no? what do you have on? >> gloves, hat you. >> think weather is good? all right, have a great day at school, okay? mike, alex, it is hard to find people waiting out here because they literally get off the trains, then they get right on the bus and running from the camerasment want no parts of standing in the colds like us for the last four hours. >> see that little girl probably grew up in philadelphia, is used to this.
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>> and she looks layered up. she knows knows what to do. >> and the color coordinating colors. >> purple, pink, cute. thanks, lauren? stay strong. >> you only have three more hours. >> 7:06. customer at a casino wins its bid to open up in south philadelphia. it will soon see the new live hotel and casino near the sports stadium. >> you know, actually, i bet you don't see it soon. i bet -- >> because of all of the appeals? >> appeals, regulators, things, and, well, state regulators, unanimously approved it yesterday afternoon. i knew they were going to choose that one, the new $400 million facility will include shops and restaurants. developers say, nearly 3,000 people will be hired to build it, in another 2,000 employees will be needed to run it. giving the local job market a boost of somewhat, you know, but they also know they'll have to meet very high expectations. because many in south philadelphia around that neighborhood think the casino will bring nothing but
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trouble. >> crimes, drugs, prostitution, my house getting robbed. >> i don't care for it. i think it is already, you know, when we have events at the stadium, already a nightmare down here. then you add to that the regular stream of people at a casino, and i am not looking forward to that. >> yes, some parents we talked to also worried about nearby schools, that could be negatively affected by this casino. developers say they'll continue to gain community support, the goal is to open by sometime in 2017. that's three years from now. >> that's just a goal. >> what are the odds? >> in atlantic city hundreds of casino workers scheduled to participate in protest today on the bore walk, demanding taj mahal casino not be closed. the casino set to shut its doors in about three weeks. that would make it the fifth atlantic city casino to shut down this year. philadelphia's march is scheduled for 5:15. >> oh, man, new details now, surfaced about the death of cooper health system ceo john sheridan, jr. and his wife, joyce. their bodies pulled from a
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fire as you know at their somerset county home. that will was in september. everybody's thought this was suspicious. >> originally authorities suggested their deaths may have been a murder suicide. but now, that may not be the case. let's get to steve keeley who is live with relative that is speaking out with more details on what happened inside that house. >> yes, the brother-in-law of the former cooper ceo and his sister, the wife of the cooper ceo, the one stabbed to death with him. peter mitchco telling the courier post kevin shelly his sister joyce sheridan stabbed at least eight times he describes it quotas savage and done with rage. john sheridan he said had what mitchco describe tentative stab wounds to left side and pen straightening wound to his neck making his jugular event. huge armoir pushed on top of the cooper ceo pushed on top of his body, doused with gasoline. the question why. no sign of forced entry, but he did point out that his
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sister and brother-in-law usually did not lock their front or back doors or the door from the garage leading to the house. he does not think robbery was motive. he told shelly that cash was found in the burning bedroom and large collection of expensive antiques was not even touched, he says, family members are worried that the prosecutors office up in summerset county trying to quickly write off the case by john sheridan as mudder you are suicide, but inconceivable, the brother says, quote, i want someone to tell us that someone else was in that room and why it happened and how it happened. the prosecutor, he thinks, is quote totally incompetent, he said he's waiting for toxicology reports to say john was taking some drug, and they want to hang their hat on that as an explanation to tie drugs into a rage attack or something. the courier post had previously reported that despite mr. sheridan's $1 million salary, as head of cooper, he would spends sundays with his wife down in gloucester county near south jersey at their mullica hill
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antique shop for the past eight years, where mr. sheridan was an expert at buying real nice works, very cheaply, then selling them for bigger profits, knowing their true value. well, one of the sheridan's four sons reading these come friends his uncle, mark sheridan, a attorney here in new jersey, says his uncle, quote, doesn't have his fact straight, but would not site specifics to the reporter kevin shelly. whole lot of new stuff coming out but still nothing coming out from the prosecutors' office or the investigators in this case. >> mike, al next. >> oh, my goodness. back to you in a little bit. 7:10. bucks county west, central bucks county west, now looking for a new football coach after allegations of hazing rocked that school's football program. >> the school district released it own investigation, saying, head coach brian hensell and his assistance did not do enough to supervise the team. that's why he won't be back on the side lines next season, but can stay on as teacher of the school. atlantic month the district canceled central bucks west football season, with two
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games left to play. >> pennsylvania attorney general kathleen cane says children were on the pornographic emails that led to a government scandal. at least some of the emails. so people lost their jobs. kathleen cane says the emails involve videos, pictures of children, violent act against women, describe them as deplorable. scandal had seamus mccaffrey you saws thereto step down after disclosed that he had center received over 200 every those emails. >> investigators trying to determine what caused a fire at burlington county landmark. >> this thing got really raging yesterday. historic columbus farmers market caught fire yesterday afternoon. at least a dozen businesses were damaged. and all of this just before thanksgiving. merchants says that's the markets busiest time of the year. >> the bagel store, not just bagels it is called, cheese steaks, french fries, we are in the far corner. i believe it is gone.
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>> we don't know what will transpire from the fire or anything. they have outside whether we will be able to open up out there or not. because we have a location outside. >> nobody was hurt. the market was closed at the time. fire. >> a northern liberties teenager takes on burglar. he catches red handed in his home. >> yes, this happened early yesterday morning, and this young man wasn't having any part of it, so he reached for his gun. talking about 18 year old, ivan, told fox 29, he was in second floor bedroom when he heard a noise in his father's room just down the hall. roman catholic graduate says burglar was just ransacking it, he scrambled for his 22 caliber remington rifle. >> said don't move or i'll shoot, i'll call the cops, and he ran toward me, i took the safety off, and then he push the barrel downward. >> wow. this 18 year old is brave. suspect ran downstairs and dove out a window, but ivan refused to give up. he chased the man down the street, until he finally
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tackled him, and then put him in a headlock. ivan says he kept the man in his arms until police arrived. they arrested 50 year old orlando dueprout who police say has at least 29 prior arrest. >> twenty-nine priors, my goodness. 7:13. >> hoping these early cold temperatures aren't sign of another nasty winter. >> while the cold is here, some other folks around the country already seeing major snowstorms. that is a overpass. new york governor andrew cuomo polls dollars this picture to his twitter account yesterday afternoon of the snow pile up near buffalo. they've seen as much as 60, did you hear that, 60 inches of snow in about 36 hours, it is coming down three, 4 inches per hour. want to see another one? resident posted another picture on twitter. can't quite make this out. but this is just outside of buffalo, where they got
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60 inches every snow. i'm not sure what that is. is that a car? >> that's how much snow it is. you can't even tell. >> i see the peak of the house. maybe his truck? this is from pennbrook new york, we saw the reporter yesterday. >> live look at what it is looking like this morning. >> this is the same camera where our weather person, maria is doing reports up there. >> we were eavesdropping? >> that's basically the same location where she was in a blizzard. >> hope she's inside somewhere. >> probably in the truck, maria. >> sue, my goodness. >> well, when i lived there, those three magical years, in the 90's, they used to talk about the winter of 1997 when they had epic snowfall. this is worse. and it is just unbelievable. so where ever you were, basically, and that's where you got stuck for more than a day, as far as that snowfall is concerned, now, back to us. we will show you where that snow is in a moment.
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but, now that we haven't reached our record low temperature of the morning, we're talking about a record low maximum temperature. meaning, the coldest highs we've ever had, on a november 19th. so, they all came in 1951, which was pretty cold day, november 19th. thirty-five was the maximum that day. well, we are forecasting 33. so, now we have a shot at these records, the record low maximum temperatures in wilmington, atlantic city, allentown and mount pocono, if those highs turn out to be true. so, we won't know that until later on, i'll tweet it out if it happens. anyway, satellite and radar shows the lake effect band, which had a been parked just south of the city, where the city of buffalo it, actually only got about 4 inches of snow, right there, at the airport, it is now moved northward, so the places that didn't get it up until now are getting hammered, as well as more on top of the suburbs like this one, great name,
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cheektowaga. they have probably 57 inches of snow on the ground at least in south cheektowaga this morning. back to us, 23 degrees now if recalled if, remember the record was 20. we didn't make it. eleven in mount pocono, 20 in wilmington, 21 dover. wind speeds are sustained at 15 miles an hour in philadelphia. so that makes it feel like it is ten. that's your windchill this morning. even with all of that sunshine, five below is what it feels like in mount pocono, 16 in lancaster, we wouldn't be as shocked if we saw all of this happening in january. but it is shocking for this time in november. we have had teeth chattering tuesday with the high of 44, but with the wind 30, 35-mile per hour winds gust it, felt like it was in the teens, 20's, all day. now, today up to 33 degrees, maybe record low high if that makes any sense to you at all. winds pick up again tomorrow. then back to an arctic blast
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again on friday still chilled saturday, back to seasonable temperatures by sunday, eagles game, what is it, bob kelly, ten flock. >> yes, 1:00 o'clock games. >> looks like raining by then. but at least it will just be rain. >> good morning, we roll out 7:17. here is video from skyfox, we flew over the scene of the nasty accident last night on the new jersey turnpike, you see all of this activity off to the right. the northbound lanes of the new jersey turnpike outer drive still cloup near cranberry. that's exit number eight. now there is will cause havoc for anyone headed north on the turnpike this morning. let's go to the maps, your best bet if you are headed north up to new york, north jersey, get to the inner drive, near exit number six. that's the turnpike connector bridge. that will will put in you good shape as you head north. otherwise, outer drive, you will have that back up, as they shift everybody over to the inner drive.
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>> schuylkill, and also an accident just past our camera here off to the right side, off to the shoulder, and slow going, south on 95, from the betsy ross bridge, into girard avenue. we will slide on up to the neighborhood here, river road, right near pleasant avenue, dump truck spilled it load, i think sand or rocks, so that's going to cause a delay. route 32 would be your best bet, and check in with mass transit here, the atlantic city rail line, service suspended, between 30th street and cherry hill, new jersey, they are all using shuttle buss in place, the manayunk norristown line, running with 15 minute delays, and the broad ridge spur service suspended this morning, because of equipment problems. >> people on twitter want to seymour people dancing. >> we play the whole thing
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little later on. >> all right, oh, my gosh. >> 7:18. >> well the cat is out of the bag, at this point, it is no secret that the phillies will move ryan howard and a trade. >> somebody will take him. well, howard eskin says he hears the phillies will buy him out if they can't trade him. but sources telling howard, that ryan howard's family, brought legal action against ryan. >> his mother, father, brother were part of his corporation, in which his earnings were paid. >> since ryan howard got made, he had move the family out of the corporation, and they've bought -- brought a suit against ryan howard. his family was supposed to move into his 35,000 square foot mansion down in florida, but that has not happened. it doesn't look like it l howard eskin will stay on the
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story about ryan howard. >> at love howard's in the mix there. >> you got it. >> the feds are now calling for a national recall, for those defective airbags, that would cover 8 million cars and trucks on the road. the potential problem with trying to replace all those airbags. we'll talk about that problem. that's a big job. >> fight for chance to play, what's next for pro ate re and peterson now suspended for the rest of the season.
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i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara®. it helps keep my skin clearer.
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with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ... stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara®... ...your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems- these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin... ...and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®.
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>> duke a fcc regulation, do you have play this music or money, money, money. >> i was thinking i love we always play money related songs. >> it is a violation if you don't play it, going into the eggment. >> really? >> ya. >> things you learn. >> government pushing auto industry to national airbag recall, which will affect millions of additional cars equipped with those driver side airbags. >> limit today states with high humidity, now switching it up. right, lauren? >> yes, pitching it up, good morning, good to see you guys. what happened was there was injury in north carolina also, one in california, and those states were not part of the humid areas, i know, people in north carolina, like people here in new york are saying, it gets really humid here, too. but still these the we're not part of the original recall. so now the feds are saying that the japanese supplier of those airbags that can explode killing at least five people at this point, that they should make this recall a nationwide recall, affecting every driver in every part of the country.
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>> wow. >> there is a hearing on all of this tomorrow. but this could be major. and if they don't agree, talking fines into the tens of millions of dollars. >> lauren, some are saying they are -- there never should been a recall when it comes to this. >> one of the reasons, they don't have enough airbags. why a regional recall could ensure the cars get fixed. >> lauren, avenue question. so you are telling me, everybody who is watching your face right now should get their airbag checked? >> am i telling that you? yes, you should find out, a, if your car, because if you look at brands, about two dozen brands affected by ten different automakers, check to see if your airbag is made by tackata. do some digging, usually older cars from 2008 and before. how come? there can be inflate or in the airbag, a part, if it malfunctions, we've seen i
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believe about 139 different times the airbag explodes, metal goes into the air it, could hit the driver and/or the passenger. >> cut you. >> yes. >> let me wave the american flag here. why do we have a japanese company making the airbags? anybody here do it? >> good question. >> least look into it. >> please tell us the answer. >> well, on that is the biggest, japanese company, and they're actually the biggest killing tomorrow err of tackata another japanese company. but like i said, because of globalization, making parts in all different part of the world forecaster. wasn't there a story couple of years ago the mustang was mostly made not in the u.s.? >> yes. >> the iconic american car. >> hey, see you tonight, on the fox. >> all right. >> business network. >> look around your cable system, you'll find it. >> worth the find. >> it is.
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>> cold outside in case you didn't notice. it is cold outside. with the change in season, should comma change in your beauty regime. or regimen? that's what i say all the time to my sisters and women friends. you've got to winter proof your face. we'll do it a little later on. >> i need to know. >> this i need help. and if you have never had braces as a kid, well, don't worry. jen showing you how to get a mouth make over, as an adult. jen, getting in chair there? >> i'm not getting in the chair. but i would for this lovely human. look at this there is can speed it up. forget about two years, you can get the party, well, you know, finished. we'll talk about this thing know, finished. we'll talk about this thing awe put all the apps you love... inside a car designed to connect you to a world of possibilities.
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the connected car by volvo. innovating for you. give the gift of volvo this season and we'll give you your first month's payment on us.
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>> jen for bowman, just took picture of her cell phone screen, and it is 20 degrees but she lives in huntington val. >> i so excited. we really want this record to happen so we can see this tape. >> it is getting less and less likely now that the un's up i'm afraid. so, still quite cold. cold enough for budd toy wear the blanket coat today. and the gloves. had to find two matching gloves this morning, that was a challenge in our house.
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so, law law few extra minute for. that will. >> today, sunshine, not quite as winnie, but still unseasonably cold, windchills in the 20's all day long, 23 degrees and right now the win chill is ten, but you can see the camera isn't would be bling as much as it was yesterday. this is high temperature, 33 agree, sunny skies, still cold, remember, the average high for today's date is 55. that's where we should be so we're well, well, well below average. see what happens as the day goes by, we'll track the seven day forecast for you coming up in just a few minute. high temperature for today, here is your traffic report with bob kelly. >> sue, good morning, everybody, rough going last night for folks headed north on the new jersey turnpike, skyfox over the scene this morning, clean-up operation still underway. northbound lane, between exit
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six and eight, centered around this spot in cranberry near exit eight. which is where the accident and tractor-trailer fires occurred. going to the maps, headed north this morning, best bet, get to the inner drive at exit six. that will put in you good shape as you head north up into north jersey or portions of new york, there, this morning. here is live look at the schuylkill expressway, sun glare coming out of the but err left corner there, but heavy from boulevard all the way out to conshohocken, then jump into the neighborhoods here, we hit the next map there, clicker, fire location, bradley road, folks using route 202, as the alternate. expect minor delays on the mass transit regional rail lines again with the cold temperatures and the norristown line, running with about 15 minute delays this morning. mike, alex, over to you. >> thanks, bob kelly. 7:32, nfl suspended minnesota vikings quarterback peterson for the rest of the season, violated the conduct policy
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when disciplined his son with a tree branch. >> so, what's next for the football star? i think he already appealed? hi, ken. >> so, yesterday we had breaking news, oh, adrian peterson suspended without pay. >> without pay. that's the big thing, because now it will cost him between four to $5 million. >> but it has changed already? >> let me just say beforehand he was on the exempt list. he couldn't play but he was paid. so he was sitting home, still getting paid. that's not a bad gig, right? >> hanging out. >> but now what roger goodel did, you're not playing for the rest of the season, we're not going to tolerate this stuff hitting your kid to the point that he is bleeding and doing what did he there. so he said you're not going to get paid. of course now he has appealed t but meanwhile he won't be playing. >> but i believe, oh, my microphone is breaking up, can you just take there is al next. >> i believe if you're under appeal, i thought you still got a check until the appeal was done? >> no. it is without pay.
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so he's not going to get paid. >> but you were saying it is possible co-even play this sunday. >> well, there is a glitch. remember on the exempt list? he appealed. that will that went to independent ash trail traitor. they had their hearing. the independent came out said he should be playing. they're going to make an everything a. he should be playing this sunday, even though the suspension that could goodel imposed will be appealing that. so little glitch. casino of unclear. i predict he won't play. i don't think they're ever going to have him play. but at least potential can he play. >> vikings want anything do with him? >> what the vikings did, push it off to goodel. do you the dirty work. you suspend him. we'll stay out of t they've no comment on this. >> some people saying goodel casino of jumpedment gun, this is what will happen to you -- >> didn't wait for the result, because he doesn't know when they will come out. this co-come out today, a week
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from today, they don't nopement goodel needed to do what he needed to do. >> of course goodel is the nfl commissioner. a lot of people saying in fact the front page of the usa today he is just trying to make up for botching the ray rice thing. >> totally making up for the race rice thing. initially suspended him for two games, then the video came out, had to kevin definately suspends him. now he is trying to make it look like no tolerance policy. policy from, the official policy, if have you domestic violence, you hit your wife, six game suspension, to be honest with you so ridiculous, if you punch your wife you shouldn't be playing football. >> any woman. exactly right. but the thing is people like the nfl, they set ethics ample. >> by the way if you want to follow ken he is now on twitter. and listen to this handle. >> please. >> kenny esquire. >> kennyesquire. >> my friends call me kenny. i am a lawyer, so i am an esquire. so kenny esq seemed a prepare
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root at. >> i'm changing mine. >> that's the original. >> did you hear you know chris murphy? >> i do know, we're good friends. >> time to play the full videoment womb de it after the break. here is another taste of it. >> ♪ >> do you want to see the whole thing? come on back in two. and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood
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if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®.
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>> i know this place, puerto rico, take a tour of the rum factory, at the end you get free rum. >> ya, well, actually though, people already there in part rick owe, asking one question this morning, here it is. >> why is the rum gone? >> one, because it is a -- >> what's happening today rum?
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>> where has the rum gone? chris, what's going on here. >> no, rum's not gone. you just have to pay for it now, mike. so if you take that trip down there, bring some cash. cast a bacardi dis little at this in san juan, have known people like mike jerrick getting the free drinks, now cover charge, 12 bucks, six for resident. cover charge includes welcome drink, souvenir, tour of the visitor center, a tour of the distillery now total will cost 23 bucks, some 250,000 people visit that bacardi distillery each and every year, no official word what prompted the charge. but they want monday. >> i sue, dot math? two times 220,000? that's why they are charge willing. >> all about the monday. >> i i went to the budweiser factory there when they used to make budweiser in the u.s., in st. louis, at the end of the tour you got free beer. >> i went therefore my 21st birthday. >> did you? >> yes. >> and? >> they have lots of beer ends of t great time.
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i i would be very upset if i went there and they didn't have free beer. nobody would go. >> if anyone has video from her 21st birthday, my goodness. >> how much is it? >> $5,750,000. >> $5.7 million? ya ya, no woth err bacardi charges. >> i would be charging too. if you do have videotape of alex, at the budd factory in st. louis, 21st birthday -- >> you wouldn't find it. >> you wouldn't run something like that on air. >> , no but we would run something else. >> we wouldn't secretly videotape you yesterday while were you wait to go do a special taping after special. what was the song again? >> who are you? by the who. >> ♪ ♪
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>> you may have to quit the business. >> i think we've pro atly called this tape yikes. >> what's the worse? nowed microphone. and man do you have the white man over bite down. >> that was town sends, and roger daultry singing and even got little keith moon, late great keith moon. >> wow. >> you are really rocking. have you ever done karioke? >> i saw the who -- no, i do karioke, i do time is on my side. >> yes? >> okay. >> did i not have any rum
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before, that by the way. >> no, where did all of the rum go? >> didn't have my 15 bucks. >> i think we need rum now. >> could use one now for sure. okay, chris. enjoy youtube later today. >> thanks, mike. >> used to be would you try to behind your social media counts from potential employees, you know, my boss, my potential boss, i want him to see my facebook page. now recruiters actually want to see your twitter, facebook, linked in accounts, because they want somebody who is social media savvy. >> but what you need to do on social media to get that job. and, jen showing us how to get a beautiful smile, even if we didn't have braces as a kid. >> oh, adults? >> what are you doing there? >> here is the thing, guess what? you don't have to use the goop i stuff to figure out what you need in terms of braces. look, doctor foot has real cool scare. talking about adult braces and why they're really more popular than ever. and i look the goopy stuff. can i have this to go? >> ♪
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for more people every day. comcast nbcuniversal. bringing media and technology together for you. >> at 7:46, taking a look at the wood lock resort in the pocono mountains. that will snow machine looks like it is in full effect,
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sue. >> cold little early, but they're usually the only people happy about the turn every event such as. >> this the folks up in the higher elevation, in the pocono mountains, so, here's mount pocono's actual temperature, 11 degrees, and it is 17 in allentown, 19 in reading and pottstown, 23 degrees here in philadelphia. we have 22 in millville, 27 degrees in wildwood. but the windchill, that's what makes it brutal, five below the win chill up in mount pocono. feels like eight in pottstown. feels like ten here in the city. and feels like 14 in dover, delaware, so, just enough after breeze to make it so much colder than it actually is, so, there is there are there are warmer temperatures, not just one day, in the latter part of this seven-day forecast, but today, high of only 33 degrees. >> record three the coldest
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it's ever been during the day on november 19th. so, if we get that 33, we don't go above 35, we'll have that record at least, since we're interested in low temperature records, i mean, really bob kelly, if it will be cold, make it record cold. >> i'm just afraid mike will come one another video tomorrow for another record. >> of me? i have to watch myself. good morning, everybody, live look, hello south philly the schuylkill expressway, the on ramp from south street to head eastbound. if you ever use this ramp, like you hold your breath and hope you can merge in without causing an accident, obviously that didn't happen here. causing delay head in the toward south philadelphia. septa just check in to 101 trolley, we got disable trolley at the intersection of congress and lansdowne avenue. so that's never good news. then, fire location up here chalfont, lower state road, right at bradley road. so traffic diverted ton route 202. crash over here, in haddonfield, new jersey, along kings highway at potter street. 295 slow going through that construction as you work your way down toward the that 42
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freeway. and then we click the maps there. there you go. septa's manayunk norristown line 15 minute delays this morning, and also looking at equipment problems on the broad ridge spur. mike, alex, back over to you. >> bob, many movie stars, big beautiful smiles, you know, julia robert, big wide tooth i smile. she told me that she sleeps with a hangar in her mouth. >> a hangar in her mouth, really? >> no. but kerry washington, oh,. >> nice smile. >> beautiful. >> and have you noticed a lot of adult going around with that inch advice i line, or even metal braces in. >> yes. >> invisaline the way to go, because everybody wants their teeth looking perfect, right, jen? >> reporter: absolutely. here is the other thing that's going on, by the way good morning, doctor foot. >> good morning, jennifer. i reached out to you because i saw on our fox plans, now you can get adult orthodontics, more companies doing it as part of their plan, true?
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>> yes. >> why? >> more of demand for adult orthodontics, ands invialine, more socially acceptable for adults to have brace which is either clear, metal, midline. i think that's why insurance companies are responding to the demands from the public. >> and let's look at your before and after. they are pretty significant. so we look at these before's, we go down, and we see all kind of different problems. >> correct. they are called mal occlusions or not correct bites, and you can see there, deep bites, cross bites, open bites. and then if you look to the right, you'll see the results with invisaline after. >> i know a lot -- i have mommy friends, kids get their teeth done. and then they are like oh, i want to get my teeth fixed. but the price is always an issue. but you guys here, which i just learned this morning, by the way, forget about, you know, the difference between metaling and clear and
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invisaline, you price it the same? >> i do. prices are based on how many month i think something will take. but i really don't want pain don't choose based on cost. i really want them to choose what will be best for them. so if inviaaline is best for them, great. if they would rather have metal braces because kids like the colors, great. most adult, if they're not going to choose invisaline will choose ceramic or clear braces, i don't want that to be the person choose it is. >> usually that's way more than meatal. >> correct. >> talk to me about this thing. we can't see it on tv, but basically little vibrating tray. >> yes. so it vibrate the tray that do you have bite on, commit to biting on 20 minutes a day, so it doesn't have to be consecutive minutes, but those 20 minutes will help speed up tooth movement by 50%. >> wow. >> so for an adult, two years in braces would be a year. >> soso you get the inviaaline, and then bite on it. >> yep.
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>> what i think is interesting, when i had braces i had the discusting mashed potato thing, as we wrap it up, you're using a scan system. >> yes. >> so even thinking about getting it gets a little easier? >> much much easier. no impressions any more. we have the 3d scanner. and it shows us a image of the teeth. then that image up loads immediately to inviasline. >> thank you. >> it is a shame you have un attractive people here. everyone in this office, mike, you should not come to this office because they're all women, correct? >> correct. >> all beautiful smile and all super niles. isn't she adorable. >> yes. >> jen, i need my teeth cleaned today. by the way, doctor foot, when we get this from jen, do you think there was any point in her life she thought about being a podiatrist? seriously? >> i hope so. >> doctor foot. >> doctor foot works on teeth. >> but if i go to her today, and she works on my teeth, that would be foot in mouth. yes. >> foot in mouth. and you have your foot in your mouth right now.
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>> exactly. >> are you looking for new job? here is a tip. start tweeting right now. it is true. what employers are looking for on social media. it is good to tweet. >> and baby it is cold outside. >> it is colds outside. >> and if you really take a toll on your skin, you know how your skin cracks, ash i, we'll show you how to winter proof your skin. >> any place on your body ash i right now, al next. >> of course, my hands. >> what about your heals? >> that too.
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>> now through the 23rd, you can make a donation ahead of time. >> it is time for preston and steve! >> oh, hey, guys! >> oh, how are you i didn't hear you. >> that's all right. >> what's going on. >> alex has a question to pose to you. >> ready for this? is it okay to have friends of the opposite sex while you're married? >> um, ya, you know, depending to what level that friendship is. >> just sexual. >> only sexual. you don't want to be lending them things, talking a lot. it should be straight up sex. >> am i wrong on that? >> cathy agrees. >> no, i think it can be -- if you're just an exclusive friend, you and your significant other, not friends with this other person, it can get a little weird, you know? so i would say, it is probably best to stay away from that. but if you are both friends with that person, i think it can be all right. i don't know, cathy. >> well, you know what? one of my husband's best friends is a female.
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so i would have to say it is okay. i have male friends, as well. so, i'm on board with it, i think it is okay. >> but do you ever go hang out with him alone? >> for the sex, yes. >> you know what? i mean, ya, without your husband or wife there? ya, ya. >> ya, my wife has a couple of male friends, couple female friends, nothing that throws me off. now, mine you, if it was chris hemsworth, i might have an issue. but -- >> sexiest manna life. >> but for the most part, i don't think it is that bad. i agree with preston there, you know, hey we're going away for the weekends. that's going to raise red flag. >> what do you guys think? er what your take on it. >> well, you know, i think comes down to what they look like. >> wow. >> sorry, i agree with you 100 percent, that will be the issue. >> for me, how long have they been in your life? if it came up couple every months ago, nah, but ten
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years? ya, before me. >> you can't imagine how many female friends the elephant man had. just awesome. but no one was worried. ya, sure, john, go ahead, hang out with them. no problem. i agree with you, mike, on that. >> yes, i mean, i think back to my really close -- my closest friends are women. >> attractive women. >> so if i do get married, i guess, i have to clear them with my wife to be. >> yes, do, that that's right, make sure you clear it, then if it is cool. and obviously make sure nothing going on, stick with the sex and then you'll be fine. >> do you guys know what you call the flap between your thumb and index finger? because alex's flap is very dry. >> it is ashy. >> oh, mine too. >> i call it ramon. >> rose. >> i ya. >> what is that webbing? >> there is a technical name. >> preston, called webbing. >> webbing. >> look at you.
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>> ya. >> very smart man. >> guys, see you later. >> good day to you, it is wednesday, november the 19th, 2014. >> live from the fox 29 studios. this is "good day philadelphia". well, call the plug on bill cosby. philly's own bill cosby, big decision regarding bill's next project, plus, another accuser steps forward, and it is somebody, well, you will recognize her name. sue? >> it is unusually coal for november out there. and we still have a chance to break a record. it won't be the low temperature record necessarily. we'll talk about it coming up. plus winter means bad news for your wedding? there are some things to do to protect your face and body. best tips for winter proving your skin. >> so we can fix your wedding today. >> absolutely. >> bob kelly?
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>> yes? >> i love it. >> also, i love what you've brought in here. >> can i bring this? yes, been up all night working on this thing. >> nice job. >> well, spin it around, bob. >> okay. >> oh, look at this gingerbread house. i have notes on the back. it is a bakery that made it. >> bread and bag. >> chestnut hill. oh, what a great bakery. they do fantastic job. >> lee at the detail, even the fox 29 on the side. >> the icing dripping. >> turn the roof so we can see our logo. >> look at that. >> the fox 29 house. >> look at our house. >> can you see the front? the presents? >> is that for mike? >> other names on the presents? not sure. >> i love gingerbread. let's just go inside that house. we can cuddle, get so cold. >> the problem is when you turn the heat on. >> can we eat cookie dough and cuddle? >> sure, bob. >> sounds good to me. >> thank you. that's really nice. >> thanks.
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>> great job, beautiful. let's take a look now at our number of the day. we're lonely three again, because it is so much colder than it is supposed to be the it is brutal with the windchills out there. last hour we had windchill of ten in philadelphia. and throughout the afternoon, we expect windchills not to get out of the 20's, and no matter what the actual temperature s so there is bus stop buddy. actual temperatures are in the teens, and 20's, today. so, the blanket coat is in order. now we have a windchill of 12, in philadelphia, and a temperature of 24 degrees. now, 33 should be our high temperature today, sunny, breezy, not as windy as yesterday, but still it will affect it, what it feels like outside, then tonight down to about 20 or so degrees, increasing clouds, and the winds pick up. so that's a look at your foxcast from the weather authority. we'll talk more -- more temperatures coming up. we can't just give enough numbers to you this morning. >> 8:02, live look at 76,
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schuylkill expressway, eastbound, accident at the south street onramp. this is rough ramp to begin with. so, leaving south philadelphia, watch for delays, drexel hill area, or the campus of drexel there, and then, also, watch for delays leaving south philly, coming in toward downtown on this early wednesday morning, my clicker, i'll throw it out the window, trooper road, park avenue, right at ridge pike, dealing with a crash there this morning. slow going on 422 coming in from collegeville in toward that king of prussia interchange. some of the other problems looking at out in cedarbrook, easton road at church road, just outside of flourtown watch for an accident. also, couple of reports of some icy conditions, not real thick ice, but just enough to casino of sends the cars sliding. 101 trolley disable trolley, at congress and lansdale avenue. we're running with delays there. otherwise, mass transit, septa says they're back to normal on on a couple of the regional rail lines we had problems, with and if you are headed north this morning, on the new jersey turnpike, get to the inner driver exit six, outer
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drive still blocked up near exit number eight. mike, alex, back to you. >> just got tweet from lauren johnson. >> what's shy? >> she said she is quitting. >> quitting? >> oh, no! >> because her assignment today was to stand in the cold for six hours. >> she's out there, you braving it out there in south filly? >> reporter: i did not quit. mike! >> hang in there. >> broad street and snyder -- i am, alec, everyone catching the bus over here, trying to stop and talk to some people. but everyone is rushing in across the street. chris will show you where the dunkin donuts is, to grab coffee because it is so cold, got to keep your hands warm some kind of way. check out my friend here, this is kevin, he is camera shy, won't talk to us, he says he does this every single morning, grabs his paper, his quiet time. i said kevin it is coal, wear your gloves, how are you sitting out here? he said it is not cold, philly baby, been here his whole love, lovers the weather. when you ask who is cold, me, i'm freezing, but you guys
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know i came here from orlando, i can barely talk now. i have four layers, four layers. >> wishing you were back in who are lan dough now? >> heck ya. >> we're glad you're here. >> yes, dow. >> i'm glad to be here. >> your first big winter cold, make sure your toast are able to move. don't put so many socks on that your toast don't move. >> you know, one of my toast is fractured right now, so it is like taped up, wrapped up. >> geez, i forgot about that. >> hobbling around. >> ya. >> well thanks for the advice, mike. >> sure, sorry. >> do what you got to do. >> okay, get back in the truck. 8:05, another blast, well, all of the northwest, feeling what we're feeling, even worse, up in new york, up in maine, but also the midwest, what's her name? jill, my daughter. >> wow. >> goodness gracious. she said it is freezing in the midwest. record temps. >> and then lake effect snow pummels western new york, more
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than 4 feet of snow fell on the buffalo area. the fierce snowstorm being blamed for the deaths of at least six people in new york, new hampshire, and michigan. now the snow totals are still rising with some areas expected to see as much as 6 feet of snow! >> excuse me? >> the new york snow left people strands in the their cars for hours, some drivers were trapped, for nearly an entire day. >> did you know it was snowing three to 4 inches per hour up outside of buffalo? got 60 inches every snow. >> it is not even winter yet. i can't believe this. >> among those stranded teen bus for the niagara university women's basketball team. >> they just stayed on the bus. stuck there. thankfully, the driver had filled the tank all the way up, he said he they could have drink, mine could have driven
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for hours and hours, so plenty of heat on the bus. >> they're off of it now. >> looked like casino every having fun. >> some quality time right there. >> but, you know, niagara university, used to the cold. >> true. >> up by niagara falls. >> can you imagine the good day crew being stuck on bus together for 24 hours? >> oh, one every us would be dead. because chris would be joining, sing, dancing. >> we would all be doing this by the end of it, ya. >> open the door, put him out, on the turnpike. >> kick him out. >> what did you think about, you know, we had four choice for the casino, talked about the mayor yesterday. i knew this one was going to win, the frontrunner. so it will be in south philadelphia, if it ever gets built. >> yes. so see the new live hotel and casino, near the sports stadium. that's the goal right now. state regulator approved license yesterday, newer $400 million facility, will include shops, restaurants, those behind it know they'll have to be very high expectations for. >> this but, critics are upset about potential traffic jams, and the casino being near a
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school. >> as i citizens of philadelphia for 25 years -- >> crime, drugs, prostitution, my house get rob. >> i don't care for t i think it is already, you know, we have event, the stadium, it is already a nightmare down here. then you add to that the regular screaming of people at the casino. and i am not looking forward to that. >> should i say some stuff that will get me in trouble? >> no. don't do it. >> officials with live hotel and casino say nearly 3,000 people will be hired to build t that's great. i love that. no matter where it was, there are going to be people to be hired to build t another 2,000 employees will have to run the place, once it is built. it will take three years minimum for this thing to be built. but here we go. fine, it is fine. but why can't we do like other
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cities, just once, build something that i can walk to. go to a restaurant, then walk over to the venue, then leave the venue, and we'll be over to bar and have cocktail or something, and take mass transit it to like pittsburgh, like st. louis, like san francisco. >> mike just wants a world without cars. >> why do everything have to be oh, we all -- nobody gets to benefit from it financially, except the people that own the parking lots down there. >> ya. at least the jobs, though, think about the jobs. >> no matter where it is the jobs be there it. >> at least more jobs. >> so now to this story, every time i hear about it, it hurts my heart. >> you grew one bill cosby. >> oh. so a famous voice is now calling bill cosby out saying he also sexually abused her. >> remember this name? >> wasn't she on the price is right at one point? janice dickinson. she says that she was assaulted, secondly assaulted
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by bill cosby in 1982, at lake tahoe california. model said she wrote about it, the assault in a book that she wrote in 2002, but was persuaded by bill cosby and his attorneys to remover that portion of her autobiography and she did. >> more follows this sex abuse scandal. netflix has put a comedy special on hold, taped by cosby celebrating 77th birthday. and the new special supposed to come out after thanksgiving, this comes after few other talk shows appearances with cosby. >> supposed to be on david letterman tonight, they're going to tape it about 5:00 o'clock this afternoon. >> whole thing makes me sad. >> won't show. all right, cold weather bridges beauty woes. your skin may need help to get these frigid temperatures off of your face. >> tips to keep your skin
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glowing all winter long. >> beautiful skin, allen. >> oh, thank
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>> last night, scott williams looked ahead. winter, 6:03 p.m., december 21. so, to recap, the worse winters we've ever had, last winter was one of them. the second snowiest every all time, 68 inches. then we had 78 in 2009-2010. we were considering this, scott williams put all this together, he did all the work, i'm just messenger here, polar vortex, weak el nino expected. jet stream pattern, which we've already seen the jet stream dip very far south, and give thaws early cold, and nuisance storms, versus block buster storms, so, for the rest of november, we may get some flurries and wet snowflakes, but not expecting anything big. scott says in december, maybe one, two nuisance storms, which just puts coating on the gown, and maybe light accumulations, but first plowable snowfall, scott says, six or more inches, will come in january, and we have maybe
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the chance, if it is going to happen with major nor'easter, probably be in february, when we could get anywhere between six to 10 inches of snow, by march, down to clippers, and small nuisance systems. by then, so, this is what you really wanted to tow know. how much snow do you think we'll get for the 2014-2015 winter season, looks like between 29 and 33 inches, which is just above average. way below last year's total of 68 inches. so not expecting another what happened err like last year where it was just too much snow. now it is too coal. 33 degrees, 43 tomorrow, 36 on friday, arctic again, still cold on saturday, finally back to autumn by the end of the weekend. in fact, by sunday, when the eagles game starts, at 1:00 o'clock, we start to see some rain, but thanks to the milder temperatures, it will only be rain. then we're up to, look at this, 68 degrees, on monday, again, thank goodness, because there is going to be rain, but
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because of the temperature, it is only going to be rain. so this is quite the roller coaster temperatures that we will have over the next seven days. bob kelly, ready for the ride? >> ready for the ride. we got a right for you on the schuylkill expressway. cars coming toward us, leaving south philly head in the toward center city, typical delays, headed in toward downtown, but look in the middle of your screen tax accident on the south street onramp, two cars, buddy treated me, hey, that was nasty rearend their, he was like two cars hine it, so, two people taken to local hospital, but delays now both directions on the schuylkill expressway, near south street, we go for fly north on 95, some police activity, right near columbus boulevard, so that's causing delays for anyone headed up in toward center city. if you're watching us down the shore, in atlantic city, absecon boulevard, near the atlantic city connector bridge, water main break, and with the temps to 23, i bet you we'll have some icy conditions there throughout the day.
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the new jersey transit atlantic city river line still suspended because of amtrak switching problems. but, they are providing bus service, septa says that the nor to -- norristown line back to normal. starting to see late morning delays on all of the bridges coming into downtown philly. mike, alex, back to you. >> thanks, bob. really, what are you doing? ing. >> folate g your face. >> all right. so, we heard sue moment ago. we could get up to 33 inches of snow. my skin, wintertime, always have trouble. i use lotion, and as mentioned this face here, it is always ashy. lets he is bring in dr. seuss and taylor watch do you call this? >> this is called the web space. >> i like that better than -- we were calling it webbing. >> web space. it gets particularly dry. our whole skin gets dry. time to start using moisture eyes err. this is centafil. get it in any store, helps, relieve dry ski skin. >> can you put it all over your dollars body?
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>> you can put head to tow. that's the beautiment even people who are sensitive, can tolerate centapill very well. >> so this is some oil. dry patches that may be particularly stubborn. you can put some bio oil on those areas. and it is a mixture of wonderful oils, hydrate. you know some real sensation amounts with pregnant women, for stretch marks, but i particularly like it for dry patches. >> bio? >> bio oil. >> okay. now the thing, some people when they do this, he put on oh, it gets on my clothe. will if get on your clothes. >> well, but if you use it for the particularly stubborn areas and rub it in, it is going to trap the moisture in your skin. and make a huge difference. >> wonderful. next, our faces? >> yes. so this is skin medica glowed pro. >> this has an alpha hydroxy
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acid. as we get dry, skin cells become sticky. they don't exfoliative easily. so, this is an ex fowl yan, very gentle, to make your skin much more radient in the winter. >> we will be glowing. >> so in the summer, many of us have developed dark marks. and this is the perfect time, the winter, to address those dark marks. because you're not in that intense sun. so, this is a product called pro even, a dark spot treatment. did has lots every, you know, absolutely terrific ingredient, to reverse the dark spots. >> but it is not necessarily a skin light nerve, is it? >> well, will lighten the dark marks, so don't forget. you can get sunburns in the winter particularly if you go skiing, for example. so protect and heal the skin. this is an antioxidant gel.
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it has vitamin c, and e, and whole host of antioxidants to repair the skin. >> he's been ache to go get to the pedi. this is great for the dry, hard skin, on your feet. >> the heals? >> on the heals. it is electronic. so you can turn it on, you can see, it is rough here, so, although it is rough it gently ex pole agents that dead skin on your feet. >> this is great. that's always a problem. >> you know, the dead skin builds up, it can become painful. so you're very gently width link away the dead skin. >> but not on your face? >> your hands, perfect segway, this is glowalogy, hands balance many, will help the dry hands of yours. >> they're calling you out, mike. >> yes, i am. >> it has shea butter, softens it, really makes huge difference. so all of these things can
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help your skin, your feet, your hands, this winter. >> yes, thank you so much. >> list of the best restaurant in the philadelphia area. >> yes, we have it for you. so, come back, see who made >> yes, we have it for you. so, come back, see who made it's on? oh yeah. with who? the citizens banker lady. she made things way simple for me, like how to deposit a check from my phone. she's even gonna send me alerts if my balance gets too low. total special treatment. you do know the alerts don't come from her personally, right don juan? mr.tobin, you forgot your phone! thank you. you left that there on purpose, didn't you? yeah. wow. award winning mobile banking from citizens bank. it's one way we're helping you bank better by keeping things simple.
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sometimes, caring for your neighbors means going the extra mile. when our patient, susan, mentioned her dad couldn't make it in to pearle vision to get his eyes checked... we went to him. and we realized, if he had trouble getting new glasses... he probably wasn't the only one. to us, eye care is about living dr. pearles legacy. building a trusting relationship with the person behind the eyes. this is genuine eye care, right in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision.
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by switching to progressive.
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that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said, "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] >> we have up a date, anchorman down in australia so what did he do, al next. >> wore the same suit for 365 days. and no one asked. >> his viewers didn't notice, his co-workers didn't ask. i guess the anchor woman there, she new about it. >> yes, only two people at the station who were actually in on t but trying to show the difference when is it comes to men on air and women, how people pay attention to what they are wearing. >> here's your update. he has decided to auction off the whole suit, the jacket and the pants. do you want that man's pants? >> this is for good cause, to raise money for white ribbon,
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organization campaigning to ends violence against women. the tv personal says he got tired of the double standards that was placed on his colleagues who always dress a certain way, that's yes was wearing that suit all the time. >> wow. >> now that he's come clean, trying raise awareness. >> at least doing it for a good thing. >> what's left of him, i mean, i know for good cause, put it on and it just falls apart. >> too warn. >> thirty-six a straight dates, da days, i get on the weekends it goss to rest in his closet? >> was it clean? >> you've been warned about watching what you share on your facebook page or your twitter, or stain gram, right, because your career. >> on the other hand, good social media press cones actually help you land a job. >> i get it, okay. >> so career recruiters say your personal brands should reflect your career. for example, if our knit necessary trainer, show how your personal life reflect healthy lifestyle. so don't post pictures of mcdonald, good mack.
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96% of recruiters check social media counts to check on job candidates. >> 93%, everybody does. >> yes. >> i know a loft friends, like what are you doing, girl. >> just cleaning up my facebook page. can you un tag me on. that will i don't want them to see us on that. >> few weeks ago, that's what lee was doing, deleting pictures that might be if-ee, like drinking too much, stuff. posing, nice. >> you got do what you got to do. >> get it off there but use it to your advantage. you know, people hiring, too, want specially young people who are very savvy when it comes to twitter, facebook, all of that. >> a lot of times check how you are responding to people on twitter. still ahead, people ' pets, who was named sexiest manna life? as if you don't know already. is it quincy? >> it should be me. >> should be. >> i mean, i think i'm pretty hot. well, listen, i'm here, new
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exhibit, guess what, we got children, bring my son with exhibit, guess what, we got children, bring my son with me, chec
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i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara®. it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ... stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara®... ...your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems- these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara® patients
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saw at least 75% clearer skin... ...and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®.
8:30 am
>> we have snow making going on in the pocono mountains. real live bus stop buddy with us, just tweeted to us, brr, jaden and gala, bundle up for their walk to school. how adorable are they? and i just love this hat. anyway, they don't look too excited about going out in the cold weather, unlike bus stop buddy who is always smiling, even though it is quite coal. it is sunny, so for the little kids, who have yet to go to the bus stop, their bus comes 8:30, 8:35, temps in the teens, and 20's, for you guys.
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make sure you have enough on. we have three out of ten today. temperature so far below average, now, it is 24 degrees, in philadelphia, and it feels like 12. dress for 12. thirty-three, that's going to be our high temperature, we should be at 55, we will probably only get 33, that could be record cold high for this date if you get what i mean. 29 degrees today, increasing clouds, winds will pick up once again, so we will be dealing with windchills tomorrow morning, it is not until the weekend, bob kelly, that things get little bit better. lou things on that south street ramp? >> yes, still little rough go here. one of the crazy onramps, on the schuylkill expressway. that comes in from the left side. kind of catches you by surprise. if you are not used to that stretch. and for those that try to ender the schuylkill, i've done it before, just kinds of hold your breath, closure eyes, hope to merge on in. didn't happen this morning, south street headed eastbound
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on the schuylkill expressway, because, see how these guys are being pushed into the travel lane, this back up begins in conshohocken and comes all the way in to downtown. well over about a 50 minute trip coming into center city. going to the maps, one of the other problems, that looking at here in lower again he had, route 309, onramp from norristown, an accident. as we go to the next incident here, in absecon, new jersey, down the shore with the low temps, just what we need, water main break here along absecon boulevard right near the atlantic city connector bridge. going for ride north on 95, watch for police activity off to the side with accident right near columbus boulevard. the updates on mass transit, septa says back to normal on their regional rail lines, but the atlantic city rail lines, service still suspended between philly and cherry hill. mike, alex, back to you. >> thanks a l perfect idea. you got the kids inside the house, because of the cold weather. take them to something they're going to love, but still inside and warm. >> yes, delaware, they can put their hands on things.
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>> bell wear children's museum . >> toyed bring my son. say hi, jordan, ya, he's not shy. he is actually shy. oh, i'm going to give him to you, al, he said he will ' act crazy during the segment. trust me. just give him couple of minutes. this is rich here. how are you doing? >> good. >> you guys created? touch thing. >> we it, yes. >> how, what is a touch thing? >> touch -- first i have to say i'm ex at that time took see the children enjoying aquarium. >> we built exhibit that the kids can come in, touch, interact with some of this here. that's star fish. >> they can touch ther? >> touch it, yes. who wants to touch the star fish? >> me, me. >> right there. you can touch. the other ones, back up.
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>> kids being inter active with the fish. >> then it is satisfy time, there is this long 10 feet viewing panel that they can sit in front it see the sharks and see the actual fish, as they interact in the wild. >> now, rich, what casino of fish other than star fish will be in the touch tank here? >> we built there is i'll put him back, okay, guys? we'll take him back out. i built this exhibit as a large variety of different animals, everything from preditors, like sharks, rays, to schooling fish, that shimmer around, to even earth vertebrae like horse shoe crabs, delaware resident, which are pretty exciting, and they kind of flip around and do acrobatics in the water, so large variety of different sea animals in the exhibit. >> this new exhibit opens this saturday. >> this saturday. big ribbon cutting ceremony, at 12:00 this saturday. there is all kind of different fun things going on for the kids. that's why we did it, for the kids, inspire about the oceans, waist going on out there. >> can i go get some?
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>> all right, going to get some of the they have some right here. and what do they eat? >> squid, other small fish. >> okay. >> so, you know, instead of we keep it easy, we keep it in the freezer, we keep it frozen. and we thawing it out in a little cup and put it n put little in the water, sharks start smelling it, their senses start going crazy, they know it is some food. they drop it in, and they'll find it. >> hey kids, are you guys having fun? >> ya. >> i'll hang out with the kids, i have my son here, and we'll feed some of the fish here, the delaware children's museum. >> say hi, say hi. >> oh, he is so cute. okay, now i'm too long babysit, q he asked earlier. >> no, you should live with him. you should live with him. something different.
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>> that's a great kid. >> oh, why yes. >> i was at this restaurant in philadelphia over the weekend, i went there just to again deep fried pickles, dill pickles. >> sound good. >> turns out, they're number one, the best restaurant, considered the best restaurant in philadelphia by the saggot people. they know what they're talking about so start guessing. which rest is it do you t
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here.
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♪ come and get it.
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>> so who knew saturday i was craving deep fried pickles. so i go over to this place right by my apartment. and got it. well, turns out, it is considered the number one, the best restaurant, this year, anyway, according to the food
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critics at zaggot. >> one thing i am learning, there is so much great food here in philly, my gosh, i'm always eating. >> so you want to hear? >> yes. so coming in at number five. >> this is right by your place, society hill, the haz, just few blocks from right here, we could go for lunch. israeli restaurant owned by chef michael, on the show so many times. food critics say you should order the hummus, fried cawley, i've had, that and anything lamb. fourth best restaurant in philadelphia, bebo. >> french bristro in bella advice. that inside i have trip try to get sunday night reservation because of the 45-dollar, four course feast, but bring the green, it is cash only. >> cash only, byob. >> three, very famous, more i
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mother owe. it is on chestnut street. that's one of our most beautiful restaurant, they consider that washington square west. if you visit this steven star and iron chef spot, food critics say, get the morimoto sashimi. arctic char is good, dinner can be pricy, but there are some great deals on the lunch menu. >> and landed in second place, vernick, they want you to try to peas and bacon on toast, you can tell i've never ben here. >> and grilled black see see bass, insider tip, sit at the chef counter, too, so you can see the chef skills up close. >> why not? >> i love doing that. >> famous chris, chris vernick. that's his name. number one is veg. oh, that's on locust street.
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>> vegetarian spot. >> yes, around 12th and locust t beat out, number one, pretty good atmosphere, food is good, and service darn good. try the smoked carrots, fancy radishes, and when you go there, check out the natural wines and creative veggie-based cocktails too. >> and the fried pick else? >> i like their fried pickles. >> i like fried pickles. a lot of fried things. >> six, seven, eight, nine, ten? >> six? laurel east passyunk. >> passyunk avenue, yes. >> amata old city also right around the confrere here. >> boom. >> fountain restaurants. >> logan square. >> restaurant in the four seasons, isn't it? yes, but not for long. four seasons moving up. >> number nine, norg. you got to try there is also passyunk avenue. >> and ten, fond, right across the street, and that was
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ranked number one on being surveys, fond. i hear it is closing. >> oh, no. >> always on top of the restaurant scene. whenever i want to go somewhere i ask mike. okay, where should i go tonight. like oh, go here, go here. you should ask for this. >> your parents are coming in town this week end. >> they are. >> what do you have planned? >> i have to take them somewhere. women, they are listening so i don't want to say. i'm putting the plans together now. my mother lovers plans, itineraries, things to be laid out. >> she scrambling to unpack her boxes still. >> why are you telling on me? >> and she has no plans to do anything, mom and dad. >> that's not true. what are you saying now? i have time. they are coming saturday. leave my alone. i am getting it together. >> rain on them. >> coming up, free service, what? >> free range or cage free. the labels you get when you see picking out your turkey? >> so when i get my turkey, do you really need to have something running free in the wild? >> we will talk about that really means. >> we will talk about that reallydeciding which bread to buy can be tough.
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deciding between buying bread and health care is much tougher.
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healthy pa is now here to help, with name-brand health insurance for the cost of a few basic groceries. if you're uninsured, visit to learn more.
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>> braking weather news, everybody, we did tie the record this morning, national weather service just issued a statement, that said at 6:02
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this morning, the thermometer dipped to 20 degrees at the airport, tying the record that was set in 1936. we promised you that we would show you chris murphy, there he is. we did it anyway. even though we thought we didn't break the record. but, air guitar, air singing. it was psychodelic. now gunning for another record, record low maximum temperature, so, on november 19th, 1951, we had a high of only 35 degrees, that's the coldest it's ever been during the day on any november 19th. we're calling for 33 today. we could get a new record low maximum. and the same story we tie it in wilmington, and atlantic city, and allentown, all of these records were set in the very coal year of 1951.
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we'll let you know on the "fox 29 news at 5:00", six and 10:00. lake effect snow bands has moved north, the epic snowfall in buffalo, and its suburbs, so, this suburb, here, of cheektowaga, 67 inches here, niagara falls, 1 inch on the gown, but know the snow bands is moving a little further northward, so they're battening down the hatches for heavy snowfall, as well, again, fascinating, especially if you don't live there. 24 degrees in philadelphia, 20 in pottstown, and allentown, 19 in lancaster. all actual temperatures, 24 in millville, new jersey, add in the winds, factor it in, it feels like 12 degrees if recalled right now, four below is the windchill, in mount pocono. these are your windchills, here's your forecast, get better by the end of the seven
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day for bass cast, but still too cold today high of only 33, that might be our record low maximum. forty-three tomorrow. the wind picks up again. forty, saturday, still too coal. mid 50's, just right, like goldilocks and the three bears here bob kelly, but then we get some rain in the afternoon on sunday. >> coy go for some warm poor and, coal here in the studio. 8:49. live look at the schuylkill expressway. leaving south philadelphia, coming in toward philly, an accident left lane right here at vare avenue. so that's causing for some delays. but also have some sun glare in the middle there as we go to the maps, some of the other problems we've been watching here, if we can hit that button there, chris, we go to the maps. 309, on ram from norristown block, with a accident. south on the northeast extension, slow going down in toward mid-county. we go to the next one there, new jersey turnpike, here is the update.
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they are still have the outer drive blocked exit eight. it will save you time headed to up new york or north jersey later today. mike, alex, later today. >> eight ooh -- 8:50, did jon bon jovi perform? stars were out at the kim he center last night. >> 2014 merion anderson award, there he is, jon bon jovi. he does look good. recognized for his musical achievement, and of course estell performed. >> if you went last night, i got to go last year, barry gorde, such fantastic thing. reminder we still believe barry gordy's last years' recipient will be sitting on our set neck week. man, i'm excited. >> going to be great. >> hey, jen, what up with your teeth with doctor foot?
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>> okay, here -- >> oh, you moved. >> here is the thing, we are now with the brushing, with the brush, brushing brides. check it out. look at these beautiful beautiful pieces of art. i'll tell you why a bride might think this is little more special
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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>> i like this idea. you got the wedding dress, having the wedding dress cleaned, stored, can cost hundreds of dollars, many times, those dresses just ends up hanging around, turning yellow, and all of that. in your closet over basement. >> jen has new idea what's create wave we can do with our wedding dresses. >> i like it. >> you'll love this. and alex, you'll love christine a good morning to you. >> good morning, so we were talking little bit off camera. you've been drawing pictures for your two girlfriends for years one got married and you decided to do what because it
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was kind of funny? >> one got married. the other one said when i get married i want you to draw my wedding dress for me. i did. on her wedding day she had 12 bridesmaids, and each one of them wanted an order. so i put together a website. and i started drawing wedding dresses. >> so let's go back little bit. basically these women all of us, i'm a married woman. you spent a lot of money on your wedding dress, in many ways that's the thing, you like the guy, you like the husband and the honeymoon, but really like the dress, so you like the idea people can see this dress all the time on the wall of someone's home. >> right. so women, they fall in love with their dress, they look beautiful in them. they wear them once. they put them in their closet for eternity. so this concept is all custom unique hand drawings of your bridal gown, which you can frame, hang on the wall, and remember your wedding day every day. >> i love it. and so, what you're doing, you take the actual dress, or picture of the dress, and then you recreate t i love that you say that it is an
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interpretation, but it is the dress, but in a very elegant way? >> correct. yes, so i do an interpretation, you can do a front or back view. i also do the option to dot front and back view, which is priced little higher. >> yes. >> then i have custom personal is agents, if you want to integrate for this one for example the imitation integrated into the sketch. >> really pretty. and the thing i like about it, your price is right. don't raise your prices because you begin at a price that's even less than having the wedding dress cleaned and stored and thrown in the back of a closet. >> exactly. >> i can tell you at my house, we get my wedding dress out, people wear when they have been drinking, so it would be nice to have a picture of t so coming up at 9:00. tell us, what do we need to get started. >> correct. >> tell us about the guys buying it for christmas, other ideas. mike? >> yes? >> they might have an idea for little ted did i, maybe teddie, little gift for her coming up. >> dow need something!
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>> do you. >> , no gift cards this year. >> at first i didn't think -- >> no gift cards. >> want to just take a picture of your wedding. i like. >> the way it is done. >> art fully done. >> and sophisticated, yes. >> sophisticated, we like the sophistication. when you say good day philadelphia, you think sophistication. >> all the way. >> yes. >> that's right. >> okay, coming up: do you have a birthday that's coming up, like pretty soon? then you could be close to making a huge decision in your life. the ages at which we make our big life decisions. the ages at which we make our big life decisions. oh, man.
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i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara®. it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ... stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara®... ...your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems- these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara® patients
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saw at least 75% clearer skin... ...and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®.
9:00 am


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