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tv   Good Day Philadelphia  FOX  November 27, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EST

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important birds of the day, all philadelphia eagles, what our head coach, chip kelly, says is key for today's big game. it all comes down to this we have bird on the brain. >> seriously, ink and blue? you. >> know what the thing; i don't have any green ties. >> how do you live in philadelphia and not have anything or any eagle green? how is that possible? >> all right, i officially have a christmas wish list. >> there go. now i know what to get you for christmas. >> and you and caitlin chanelling the same vibe. >> twinsies. >> two out of three, thank you, chris. >> maybe if we take one of our sleeves each we could make a tie for chris. beautiful shot hine me, my goodness, down the shore, sun rising in the wake of the storm that came through yesterday. brought all of the rain to south jersey, all of the snow to southeast pennsylvania,
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gorgeous morning, and nice change travel much improved and some of you are waking to up a white thanksgiving. number of the day, a seven, left over flurries in slick spots on the roads, otherwise it will be a cloudy but chilly holiday. more sun later this afternoon. bus stop budd any his pilgrim outfit obviously, left over showers across the area, including some flu myers philadelphia. 36 degrees at the airport, where we are seeing much smoother day. ground stop yesterday afternoon, many delays, but that's not the case if you are taking to the air this morning. your foxcast for thanksgiving day today, 41 degrees, couple morning showers, mostly cloudy skies, late day sun, clear and cold tonight for the shoppers, 29 degrees is that low temperature, we'll have your very chilly "black friday" forecast coming up in the seven day. first we start off with live look at route 30. at business route 30, the ramp, there, and seeing just few cars really very quiet out there this morning, obviously
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no commute. but not even many travelers. now, there have been some accident, whether the weather-related or not, not sure. but this one in pottstown, has had industrial highway closed all morning long between keen street and moser wrote. alternate is high street. ben franklin parkway closed today of course because of the dunkin' donuts thanksgiving day parade. you have to take your alternates, the blue route or fairmount avenue. check your septa schedules for detours or delays today because of the holiday, although the route 93 bustline is on time. by the way looking at your current travel times, headed out in the majors, tonightly fine, 55-mile per hour speeds, on 955 is across the vine, 295 in urge new jersey looking good, too. >> thank you so much. well it, may be thanksgiving morning, but shop remembers already hitting stores for "black friday", or i guess, chris, should just call it black thursday? >> these days, k-mart in fact officially kick off the annual shopping holiday just about one hour ago, fox steve keeley live in northeast philly where
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up to this point real disappointment by way of turn out, steve? >> so k-mart is happy we're here. most of the people showing up here now are saying hey i didn't even know you guys were open. isotone fox 29 plus deals are to be had. so selling the stuff they thought they would sell before the doors even open. here is a full shopping cartright here, and philly fan, while you did a lot of shopping here, where what did you come to get? what did you end up getting? >> started out with basketball net, pillows, blankets, a loft toys, of course, christmas time. >> did you good then? >> yes, sir. >> did i save a lot? >> on top of all of the savings giving 5-dollar back for every 50 spent. >> got gift cards we can use later on. >> now come on over here. do you usually shop on thanksgiving? >> yes, shop every year on thanksgiving. >> so not big crowd this year. >> very surprised.
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usually a line there is year there wasn't. >> why do you think that is? no great toy or electronic thing? >> no good electronics this year, most people comfort tv's and all, no good deals. >> did you spend more or less than you thought to. >> less. >> where will you go tonight? >> tonight wal-mart, target, hit up the malls is are you going back out with her? >> of course. >> what a good guy. >> so you'll wait for the phillies, don't care about the eagles game. >> dow care, but inside the electronic section it will be on every tv. >> that's right. good guy. you got a good man there. how many husbands or boyfriend do you think will go out shopping during the eagle game? >> not many. >> he will be it. all right, so, you here is a little slice, all right, you guys, thank you. little slice of the deals here. and they were happy that they didn't fight any crowds here. see that family over here? i'll show you them. we have them on tape when dick codey said this is for -- thanksgiving for families, we shouldn't have these stores
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open by law. maybe in new jersey next thanksgiving a law against having any store open by 9:00. >> this family says if you want to be with the family on thanksgiving, bring them out to k-mart and all of the stores so the little kids all wrapped in blanket, and they were actually happy being here. here is the other thing, chris, you got kids, they shopped for the kids, while the kids were there. so mom takes the kids, dad gets the cart full of toys. the way to do it. >> chris, you're in the going to get 300 green ties un the tree this year, i guarantee it. >> he should. >> i think al sex trying to procure one poor memo. >> we can't have him out here in pink, right, steve? >> i know. first of all, pink eye, chris, i know you're comfortable with your manhood, by the way, i have plenty of green ties, ever need one in a pinch, i always carry extra ties because i spill down three of them every day. >> thank you, yes, so taking it off right now. thank you, steve.
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>> right now in south philly, so people at cacia's bakery getting their turkeys cook, in one of the bakeries, brick ovens, one of their pizza ovens. going to jennifer joyce now, so, they through them in what about an hour ago, put them in the oven? >> no, actually not put in the oven yet. just a maze of turkeys on the gown, the bigger ones we're told go in first, then the smaller ones. some people have been tweeting me. they want to know can we still get cacia's delicious pizza on thanksgiving or just turkey, just so you know, they do have an is spread of pizza as well. so you can get your pizak still get your rolls. in addition for $18, you can come here, drop off your prepared turkey do the roasting for you. come back in five hours or so, now, joe, was around here, earlier, not sure where he is right now, but he told us that typically they don't even let people in here until 6:00.
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welshing they let people in by about 5:30 this morning, they already had 30 turkeys. what are you up to right now? do you have any identify me? >> 110. >> 110, what's your max? >> we've gotten close, dad, is it 130? >> little -- >> , no what's our max? >> i think 129. >> 129. around there is where we start to get nervous because we don't have enough room for any more. >> already very, very close to the max. i love how you yell hey dad, what about this. this is if a family business. pretty fun to spend your holidays with everyone. >> you should be here when my grandfather is here. >> i already met a bunch. characters here, i'm having a great time, i must tell you. now what's the one thing you want people to know about these turkeys, to roast it here versus roasting it at their own house? >> a lot more simpler. i mean, it is brinking it in early but worth it because you got a lot in room in the oven, you don't have all of that space taken up. we take care of it for you.
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it taste as lot better believe it or not. air tasted our turkey tastes great every year. >> okay, well, i'm have to try this next year. and i will tell you we've seen bunch of people coming in wearing eagles hats, eagles sweatshirt, in addition, to celebrating, their thanksgiving, they're ready to clear on the eagles. back to you guys. >> unbelievable. >> that's how it is supposed to be. i like that. >> yes, fun. >> my family's trying to get me to cook a turkey, i'll just bring it to the bakery. thanks, jenny. >> and tell them that you made it. >> yes, that's how do you it, you got to present, put it on the plate, dress it up. >> what's your specialty dish by the way? >> well, i make a very nice traditional salad. we talk about this. actually last night did i do some cooking. i put together a cranberry dip, cranberry cream cheese dip. >> it sound good. >> by the way, just fyi, getting so hungry in here. none of us flings we have breakfast, but we know that we will get big spread coming up in about an hour. so none of just eat answer
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morsel. we're starving. >> i didn't have a thing. but it will be good. >> so we solved that tradition at cacia's, another big interested anythings philadelphia, the christmas village. it will open today in center city. this is seventh year in a row, open air german christmas market. >> it is filled with food, music, kids activities of course lots of shopping. runs through the last sunday in december, and coming up in the 9:00 hour on good day, special preview of this annual event. >> always fun. good to have the kids down there, as well. so talking about, as alex said, a different casino of bird today. not just turkey. >> everyone is ready and excited for this eagles cowboys game. >> yep, so the game, kick off is at 4:30, here on fox 29. the winner leaves dallas in sole possession of first place in the ffc east. i've got to tell you, that nine in three sound so much better than eight and four. >> yes. >> that's the goal. >> just beating cowboys sound great. >> absolutely. so speaking of that area,
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this is the scene in fort worth yesterday, chip kelly, the first off the bus, into the eagles hotel for final preparations, but with all of the hype, implications of this really big game, coach kelsey trying to keep things simple. >> i don't anticipate do anything drags i can, neither are we, just a team that executes the best on any given day. i think sometimes coaches can out think themselves if they think they're out out scheme somebody in the league, i don't think that happens at all. >> mark sanchez, huge for him not to turn the ball over. no more interceptions. that's quite simply probably the biggest aspect of the game. the other 125, shady mccoy. if he can match what demarco has done thus far this year, and have another big running game, 130 yards rushing last week, that's big. >> road trips are cool. you know, always been fun. you know, being with the guide on the planes, the buses, that casino of stuff is first thing you hear retired players towers about, the time in the lockerroom, the bus and the
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plane. i mean, those are moments you never forget. times that are so far and exciting. >> and of course today will be a moment that we will not forget. the eagles playing on thanksgiving. so getting some tweets about how people are scheduling around turkey day, around the eagle game. so, main a says: throw back thursday, i'm home, coy never be more thankful. awe. for this thanksgiving. >> wonderful one. >> what it is all about, having family around. >> yes. >> sitting around, watch your birds play, then eating the bird. soap, what are you doing by the way? i mean, the timing of this is interesting, because kick off is an a at 4:30, tip i can lay lot of people eat right around 4:00. maybe 4:30, what we always did in our family. but you are going to have to shake things up today, perhaps serve the birds at 3:00, 3:30. >> i'm a pro at this. i hate to admit it, did i grow up in dallas, so we had the thanksgiving day pretty much every time everyone usually eat for lunch, then watch the game right after. >> but this year it is all thrown off right with the
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timing? >> still playing at 4:30, usually eat around noon or 1:00. then eat, get the family time, everyone spends time together, then spends time watching the game. everyone is like glued to the tv. >> so this is right up your al. >> i this is how do you it. >> so how are you doing it? use the hashtag fox good day. comment on the air. one of those memorable days. i hope we win. other big team playing right now, not going to mention the 76ers, the flyers. philadelphia flyers can help the camden neighborhood center prepare for thank giving dinner. did just that yesterday. >> yep. flyers aluminum bob kelly. >> today, i love bob kelly, there he is, right there, the hundred. >> yes. >> therefore the two stanley cup teams in the mid 70s, of course was, there along with 30 other flyers front office staffers, they love preparing the kitchen, setting table. the center plans to serve today more than 300 holiday meals. so good for them. >> thanks giving travel ace gets underway this chestnut hill, in a couple of hours, 5-mile run, and 1 mile walk,
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near chestnut hill college. >> what i need to do today, exercise. >> right after i eat some. >> more than thousand people expected to participate. race benefits fate face-to-face, serving people in need, our own karen help will be there a little later today. i think bringing the whole family, that will be a lot of fun. manna philadelphia is preparing for its annual thanksgiving meal. this is video from the charity's 10 million meal celebration last summer. but this morning, manna expect to prepare more than 2,000 meals for people in need. mayor michael nutter will deliver remarks at today's event. >> special thanksgiving dinner hell on the battleship new jersey in partnership with the office of veterans affairs and the board every freeholders. the battleship will offer homeless veterans and active military members a full course turkey dinner. now, after their meals, guests will be treated to music and appearance by miss new jersey. >> i met her at a golf tournament. she beautiful. >> oh, aren't they always beautiful. >> yes. coming up, and caught on
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camera, a thief stealing packages, from the doorstep of someone's olney home? >> police say this is the season for such crimes. and the problem is only going to get worse in the next few weeks. so, here's the thief walking up to the fair hills straight home around 1:30 tuesday, just taking offer with the package. home owner is outraged. but postal service says there are ways to protect yourself. so first choose where you want to have it deliver if you're not at home. such as having it dropped off at neighbor's that you trust, or delivered to fed ex or post office. or a ranging the package so it can be signed for. officials say it is important not to be complacent, about deliveries, because this is whether it goes down. >> postal inspectors say if your ac padge is stolen it is important to report it to the police, or the postal service. mail theft is a federal crime. that will could mean five years in prison, for convicted
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thieves. >> that's what i was tracking numbers come in so hand up. 7:15, this thanksgiving morning, preparation going on in philadelphia for the annual parade. >> so let's check back in, take a look here, we see a lot of is that afloat there with thanksgiving turkey, wearing the hat of course. see lot of float here in center city as they get ready. that will a frozen float? >> yes, everything is so frozen theme these days, right? er. >> one lovers eels a and anna. a lot of people throughout getting ready. look like christmas balloons there, too. i'm so excited. this is my first thanksgiving holiday here in philadelphia. so i can't wait to see the parade and eat and enjoy the holiday. >> and good timing by the way, as well, with the weather. because caitlin, if it was snowing, you might not get as big a crowd out there as you smile. >> no, and we gave alex her first big winter welcome yesterday with the rain and the snow. >> sure. >> and that's pretty early for us, kind of unusual to get that much snowfall. did break daily record up in allentown. we will show you those and the
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in a minute. first behind me looking at ultimate doppler. still bringing heavy snow into part of eastern maine, otherwise we begin to clear out. western new york, all the way down to northeast pennsylvania, even some flurries over the past couple of hours, here, if philly. have the chance for some flurries even some sprinkles going through the morning hours. looks like we are starting to clear up. as long as we have those clouds, there is still the chance this morning for some left over snow or rain showers. snowfall amount, highest further north and west you go. >> carbon county, is 1 inches of snow yesterday. mount pocono, over eight. eight and a half inches of fresh powder, on what's already been excellent start to the ski season there. >> those and tail off, trace at the airport, less in new jersey, delaware, only about inch and a half or less and trace at the atlantic city airport. temperatures right now 27 up in mount pocono, 34 allentown. >> closer to philadelphia mid 30's, never hit the freezing
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mark, didn't really have to worry about too much about refreezing here, back roads, though, different story. thirty-three in millville. thirty-nine in cape may. # day forecast, seeing sunshine, chilly thanksgiving. forty-one also the high temperature. cold tonight, for shoppers, temperatures back to the 20's, 37 for that high tomorrow. temple last game of the season, 41 degrees, at the linc on saturday, and then see the 50's return later on next week. forty-two and cooler by tuesday, with crazy chance of showers next wednesday. that's your seven day forecast, start off with live look at roosevelt boulevard northbound. at robert avenue. starting to see few more cars hit the road there. probably just travelers, as we haven't real had i a commute for obvious reasons. no one really working today. although a couple every accident, don't know if they're weather-related or not. still take extra caution, especially further north and west, where you had all of the slushy snow. pottstown, industrial highway, between keen street and moser road, accident has the road closed there. high street your alternate. also, make sure to check your septa schedules for delays and
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detours, and there might be some due to the holiday schedule. finally taking a look at current travel times, you are in the clear, across most of the majors. just a little bit slower, it looks like, on the schuylkill heading away from the city westbound. we've got speeds down to 31 miles an hour. al next. >> thank you, caitlin. well, president obama has spared two turkeys from the thanksgiving table. it is the presidential pardon. >> i love the names, too, did you hear about this? >> did i. >> two the names are mac and cheese. both from a farm in ohio. according to the white house, presidents as far back as abraham lincoln have spared turkeys. >> let's face it, if you're turkey, and your named after a side dish, your chances are escaping thanksgiving dinner are pretty low. so if these guys are well ahead of the curve, really beat the odds. >> i am was at obama's first
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inauguration, so small, and cute. now, beautiful, young ladies now. >> teenager. >> don't see them all that often with dad. by the way they were asked if they wanted to pet mac and cheese. sasha and malea both declined. can you blame them? >> they're huge turk us. >> yes, and they can be kind of sully. and mac and cheese, so funny. were you telling me, alec, no thanksgiving kin is her complete without mac and cheese, as well as side dishes. >> you told me you've never had mac and cheese on thanksgiving. >> boring, mash potatoes, green beans. >> are you having mac and cheese today? >> today ill. >> you better. >> did you order that by the way. >> change your life. >> a must. >> all right, a holiday tradition for millions of americans, of course, sitting down together to watch the macy's thanksgiving day parade in new york sit. >> i of course everyone has their favorite character. they like to see in the parade . >> spiderman,'s classic. >> i like sponge bob.
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>> so final preparations yesterday, every balloon inflated and ready to go. officials say it can take to up an hour to bring these balloons to life. overall this really is a massive production, we'll check back in later in the show on how things are going for this year. >> always about the wind. so i think the time something good again, thank goodness, they didn't have yesterday's weather for today. what's better than getting something on sale? how about getting it for free? the stores that are giving out freebies for thanksgiving and "black friday". >> and if you want to look good on new years eve, well, you got to watch what you eat. starting with today, thanksgiving day. doctor mike will tell us what you should avoid, and what is i'm sheldon yellin,
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and i started my career rebuilding homes for one family at a time. today, our companies help build something more. for 28 years, belfor has been restoring homes and businesses destroyed by fire, flood, or any disaster. and even though we've grown to over 6,000 dedicated people around the world, for me, it's still about helping one family or business at a time. at belfor, we're restoring more than property.
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>> k-mart opened at 6:00 a.m. this morning. people rolling out their grocery courts, and they're full, every cart i've seen come out of the store has been pack. >> yes. >> loaded. >> they mean business. quite literally. >> we know people want the thank giving and back friday deals of course. >> so, we've got an even better deal for you, however.
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how would you like to get all of that stuff for free? >> j.c. penney giving away pretty lucrative deals. thank giving and "black friday". coupons include $10 off a purchase of $10 or more, which could mean you get an item for free. and then another coupon for $100 off. >> that's serious? >> yes. >> pet smart giving the first 100 people in it stores a free stock withing dog and cat treat. coupon for five bucks, and $50 or more purchase. and scratch card with chances to win other good east. in one stocking per store someone will get a hundred dollar gift card. one person in the nation will win a trip for four. >> and this is what we all need after the holidays. goal gem free work out and fitness consolidation, but check with your local gems to make sure the promotion applies. a lot of people after they eat today, okay, i feel guilty.
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let's go to the gym. >> i think the best idea try to work out and before turkey is served. because afterward? >> who hope. >> no hope. sports authority is offering the first 80 people in their line and each store on thanksgiving and "black friday" the chance to win up to a 500-dollar in-store credit and the first first 50 people in line, i need more coffee, will get free sport another logo claire. >> radio shack offering the first 50 people to enter it stores a pair of touch screen gloves. so you don't smear all of the screenings on your gadget. that's a good thing. also, plus, cold out, i can't text with my gloves on. cosco free cook books, offer good while supplies last. >> so all kind of freebies you can do. i love door busters, too, get in before 1:00 you get this, that, inch september i have really to get their earl. >> i so your mom and dad are in town. >> they are. >> now, for tomorrow, will you and your mom go shopping, or do you they like to go together? >> i'm the shop-a-holic for
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the family, so my mom doesn't like to shop like i do, but when she shops, she sops. >> how does dad do? >> not so much. likes to go in and out, there and done. so, sometimes we go because you like his opinion, on dresses and things, always tells us what looks good. but i don't know, i think my mom is willing to go shopping today. so we will try to brave it out. today it is all about family. >> what are you getting dad? do you know? >> i know he's watching. >> always watching. >> what's he like? what kind of stuff is dad into is he a golfer, into the gadgets, ties? >> loves music. that's his thing. >> but the other day we were having like a little fashion show here, and there was a hattie put on, my dad is like i like that. so already hinting. but we used to have a rule, week after thanksgiving your christmas list needs to be done, very people have time to get that together. so we have a deadline for our christmas list. >> i bet he has a daughter like you, if you give him something to wear, it is automatically cool and he'll wear it, right? >> of course.
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>> ya. >> so forget the free stuff. just talk about how about making money while you shop? even better, right? coming up. we will talk about just that, and how to do it, dan is in the house, we'll break it down with him. >> want to make some monday. >> i hon. >> i and then we will check back on the thanksgiving parade, getting red any center city. all of those balloons lined up, getting ready to go, too. cold out there. hey, guys. >> good morning, happy
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>> it is 7:30 on the dot. are you planning to hit the stores today? how to make money while you shop. >> if it is fun to power shop after thanksgiving dinner, oh, you'll need some fuel. how frozen yogurt help. >> and are you just dreading the company that will be sitting around the thanksgiving dinner table? we have some of the most embarrassing family members have talk about during thanksgiving dinner. it is a no-no. but good morning, everybody, hopefully you'll have great holiday. i guess if you are dreading it, sit around the tv, watch the eagles game. you want to talk then, exciting enough. >> yes, my old grandpop fred pollster man would say some things. >> really? >> casino of shock you induced at times, though. we'll get to that vodka n fused turkey soon from new
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york sit. >> i you can get drunk from eating? >> yes, in new york city, 100 restaurant up there shooting up turkeys with vodka if you're so inclined. >> we have to talk about. that will let's get to caitlin with the werth. had some trouble yesterday when it comes to traveling. today we should be good? >> we should chris murphy, you can just drink. you don't have to eat to get infused. >> long gone, still left over showers, bus stop budd any his pilgrim outfit. kids need to be puddled up. couple rain and snow showers, temperatures in the three's, it will be a chilly turkey day. outside right now, 36 degrees, in philadelphia. there is the live shot of the airport. things running smoothly at philadelphia international. unlike yesterday, we had ground stop at one point in the afternoon due to lows visible, and many many delays. if it was a headache for you, our sympathies. luckily much better today.
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>> forty-one today, will look much better later this afternoon. >> coal for anyone shopping, temperatures bottoming out in the 20's. seven day still ahead. we check the roads, start off with 295, at 561. so this is in new jersey. no problems there. most of our majors are looking good. and if you are taking to the majors, easy travel times, but make sure to check your septa schedules for any delays or detours. alex? >> thank, caitlin. we've been seeing it already. folks hitting the stores, right now, to get jump on all of those deals. now an is a spur expect time it make money while you shop. >> so make money while you shop. usually i'm losing money minute by minute when i shop. dan, financial expert, talking about just that. making money, first of all, happy thanksgiving. >> hey thanksgiving. >> good to see you. >> welcome to your first thanksgiving in philadelphia. >> thank you so much. >> how would like to eat krimpets all day long and not gain any weight? sound good. how would you like to shop and make money. >> let's do it. make me some money, dan.
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>> cup this is fun one. first thing, couple of website out there that you can register on while you shop and you get cash back. for example, e bathe. com will give you certain percentage of everything you spend back every three months you get a check. pretty cool. all do you have do is register at the website, shop through the website, deals are the same, prices are the same. no deal. good deal. >> they want in you their data base. this is why they do it. >> merchant, macy's, target, they pay commission to the website which the website then shares with you. pretty cool. we have producers use this up dares. next, you promise. you have little kids. >> yes, i have four kids, and those every you, here is the deal, you can get some college tuition money by, yes, that's right, by registering at u promise. com. again, it is free. every time you spend through the website or link your credit cards to it, you get
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point back, which can be converted into dollars for your college account for your kids. >> you mean does it go into a 2529? >> goes to 529 account for your kids, or have student loans consideration go toward paying off your student loans. >> and the tax implication there, right? >> gross tax rates. >> pretty cool way to accumulate few bucks, you will not pay their whole tuition that way. >> but it helps. >> every little bit helps. >> what about credit cards, those cash back? >> amazed by people who still have the wrong credit card in their purse. so many good credit card, no annual feel, cash back, we had three we looked at this morning back in the money lab. for example, the sit it double cash gives you cash when you buy something, 1 percent, and cash when you pay your bill. another 1 percent. >> pay it on time. >> he yes, couple out there every time you swipe get real cash back. >> hard to qualify for those? >> no, not at all. everyone should be using, i think, good credit cards, no annual fee, cash back.
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here is another one. mystery shopper. org. sort of neat. they still have these mystery shoppers where you can register through the website, tell them the area you live in, where you are shopping, et cetera. register through the website. it is free. and buy visiting the store and interacting with the sales associate, you get some money back. right directly from the merchant. now they don't know you are doing it, it is a mystery, and it ranges anywhere from four bucks to simple phonecall, to maybe 25 bucks for store visit. pretty cool. again, free to do. and the final one that i will share with you is shop kick. this is neat little app. you put on your smart phone. and every time you walk in a store you turn the app on, say you walk into targets this morning, walk into target. get some point right on your account. those points used for gift card. >> i love that we can use our smart phones and make money. thank you so much. you'll be rich this holiday. >> listen so thankful to have you as part of the team. stick around the next half hour, we'll have all kind of food here.
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>> and i'm starving. >> let's do it. >> dan, stick around. these dogs sure have a lot to be thankful for this thanksgiving day, how the stars are coming out to help dogs in need. >> and then we want to know, are you scheduling turkey day around the eagles game? tweet us your schedule or preparation pictures using #fox29goodday. i mean the game start at 4:30, folks. make sure we have everything together, so you can be ready for dame time. we put your comment live on air throughout the morning. grandma is so happy to be here for your very first christmas.
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i hear you're quite the expert at waking people up in the morning. let me show you how grandma does it. ♪ you're daddy made this when he was a little boy. ♪ this is your dad in my house, where he had his first christmas.
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thanks for making the coffee. well look who's up. i'm really glad you're here, mom. me too. ♪ look who's here!
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find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! >> lined up, and getting ready to go in that. that's their fate. >> may they rest in peace. >> the brick ovens. we will make sure you have a delicious end. >> so, everyone's been tweeting me. chris, why isn't he wearing any green? some even said alec, you're wearing blue. >> , no i'm wearing eagles green, but chris has a problem. he came in here wearing a pink and blue tie. what's that about? hell snow it is like the biggest game of the year. >> i don't --
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>> it is okay. it is all right. i'm here to save the day. look what i have right here. >> oh, that's nice. >> beautiful eagles greens tie. >> let's put it on. >> now, fix this, and fix it now. >> go eagles. >> we want to make sure we're ready for dame time. >> i'm doing it. >> while doing that, nothing like getting together with family on thanksgiving for nice meal. that is until someone bridges up uncomfortable topic at the dinner table, happens every time. remember this from the break up? your mike there. we take a look at the scene from the break up. >> okay. >> let me just show you. dad, how about little percussion? ♪ hey mom: ♪ ♪ >> and gary on the kick drum, on the kick dropping, come come, that's gary, come come. >> oh, my gosh, i love it when he says, gary, on the kick drum. hilarious to me. welshing singing clearly doesn't go over well with everyone at the table.
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let other topic save avoid. off limit topics include religion, money and politics. >> oh, ya. >> and if you're guest, i'll go over someone's house today. i'll be a guest, never say anything bad about the food. so shut up and eat it. but if someone does ask you a question, you don't want to answer, the best way to diffuse it, is with humor. so, of course, let's bring in jen, get her thoughts on this. what casino of humor do you use on thanksgiving? >> first of all, it is all humor, right? because no one wants to be there. and everyone, you know, forced to take a shower on thanksgiving. so if our guest at someone's home, you do feel a little awkward at times. but certainly the other thing you don't want to do, criticizing the other person's taste in decorating. right? that's never like oh, i didn't see that you ordered that. i didn't. you know, you never want to do anything like. that will you never want to say oh, look at johnny. it is a shame, you know, he couldn't get a haircut for thanksgiving. i've had relatives, my step mom from england, and she doesn't know how to get this on internet so it is okay, i can't believe you guys would
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thayer on a holiday. and we're like growing up we in florida, wear flip flops, we will go play football in the backyard. so do you have to tread lightly, remember, it is not exactly a holiday. if it is not your house. >> good point. >> so truth true. look, i feel horrible about this. right? we've been invited to some friends -- >> this is rude, by the way, what did you is rude. >> so here is the store. >> i what do you? >> when jen and bring anchoring, ankle thank you for joining me. >> i got to hear the store. >> i so erika, i love them, and she is the best cook by the way, and i hope she is watching right now, because i feel bad about the phonecall. she texted my wife last night to talk about the logistics of today, what time to come over, what kind of stuff to bring. she said thinking about serving thanksgiving dinner at 4:45. and right away, no! can't do it. first of all, she's already mad at me for being so into
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the eagles this season, flight. >> does she have a team? >> she just doesn't care about sports in general. >> all right. >> so i feel bad even saying anything, and she said i'm not texting her back and changing the time. i said, well -- >> so up the guest and you want the host to move up dinnertime? >> rude! >> wow, i think do you have suck up, budd. >> i new york i called her, she said yes i'll change the time. >> so did you call her? how did you word that. >> as we wrap it up, what you should have said i have to be up so early can you please make it 2:00. you were not like yo i'm watching my eagles game i have to have this stuff on earl. >> i jen, hon toast god, i said we would talk about the game the next day on air, and that toyed do my homework. >> that's true. we are going to talk about it, of course big coverage of the game. boom. >> thanks, jen. >> okay. oh, man, you guys are just always getting in trouble. thank you for putting on that time so who do you feel about drinking your thanksgiving dinner we will show you the turk that i will leave you feeling tired and buzzed. >> and we are head today dallas where the eagles are
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getting ready to take down the cowgirls. so, we will talk some trash here, with reporter here, who proved we're the ones with more spirit. >> wait. we'll talk with a report nerve dallas? we're trash talking. >> oh, ya.
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>> look at that gorgeous scene, put you in the mood for some christmas time. up in the pocono mountains, still snowing up there. these guys, half foot, to foot of brand new fresh powder. on top of, i know, let's do it, you know, the first or the earliest i think in almost 40 years the pocono mountain resorts have been able to open. cold enough all month long to make a lot of snow. now the real deal. so if it is your ski weekends, it will be cold, but certainly be beautiful, lot of snow. all right, ultimate doppler showing the departing nor'easter, up in the canadian maritimement back edge that far storm system, you see a lot of these snow showers moving through. and, once we get to the after innocent hours, i think it will come to end. but we've had some flurries in the city, some sprinkles, down in south jersey, and that is par for the course going through the morning hours. so your fox future cast showing snow probably continuing most of the morning, up in the mountains, probably just not going to quit. not much more accumulating, more clouds than sun, shine breaks out later this afternoon, into tonight, looking at clear skies.
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temperatures, right now, mainly, in the 30's, cold 27 up in the poconos, 33 pottstown, 36 in philadelphia, 34 in dover, many of us stayed above freezing, which was good, after all of the wet wet their we had yesterday. your seven day forecast, 37 the high temperature, chilly last temple game at the linc. see moderation, temperatures back to the 50's, that's a look at your seven day forecast, the traffic authority. here is the platt bridge at 95, taking live look outside, so quiet on the major interstates this morning, that's because it is thanksgiving. and it looks like a loft you got out of town to where you needed to be yesterday. now, in red hill main street between west second and third street, report of a dent there. and also, remember, if you do take septa, check your schedules for delays and alternates as some of the route are operating on holiday schedule. finally looking at the current travel times, all of the
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majors looking pretty good. little slow down on the schuylkill, 422, westbound, 20-mile per hour speeds, little slow there, and same with the schuylkill, speeds down to 29 miles an hour. chris? >> cause for pause, dog spectacular. >> hillary swank, jane lynch, co-host two hour show featuring stories of rescue dolls, viral videos, four electric games, and information about how viewers can adopt a dog. the message behind tonight's show is adopt, don't shop. star studded event. we are perk i can, scarlet johansson, all going to be on the show, belt i white, oh, my gosh, leanne rhymes, yes, concern a, going to be quite quite the star studded event. it will be a fun show. it will be a celebration of dogs and really the joy that they bring to our lives.
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>> you can lose your temper, they still look at you like i love you so much. >> that's why i want to get one, right? have a dog for that reason. i love the unconditional love. i got to interview hillary swank. that will be coming up later on good day. she is a dog lover. she a cool lady. her story is interesting. started in a trailer growing one no money and poor. then moved down to la when she was in her teens, became this big two-time academy award winning actress. >> i loved her million dollars babe. >> i she is great in that. >> all right. so like your thanksgiving turk which little buzz. >> if so this may be for you. so, how does a vodka infused turkey sounds? yes, this thanksgiving, you can order 100 proof turkey. >> more than 100 restaurant across where else new york sit, the vodka soaked birds, takes three days to prep, and clouds five flavors of vodka.
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>> inject the turkey, as it is cooking, we redo every 15, 20, 25 minutes, different flavors, cranberry, one of them, have the did a orange 100%. >> so they also have have the did a infused gravy to top it off. >> so potent after you the drink the gravy comes with complimentary cab ride home. >> i don't know how i feel in a. >> just seems stupid. look, the whole thing is, right? now all of these tv stations are running it. >> i mean, my trite t i wouldn't want the whole thing, just maybe little leg or something? just to try it out. >> as we said earlier (not infuse it with wild turkey. so one up-state new york family may finds it hard to eat turkey this thanksgiving. >> they have an interesting repeat visitor to their phoenix home. take a look at this, meet giblets. she's visited this family several times over the past year. in fact, around them so many,
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giblets, lets his family six year old pelt her from time to time. >> she part of the family. >> she seems to have taken onto my son. whenever he is out here, she just comes right to up him. she is never going to be hurt as long as she stays around here, anyway. >> well, it is a family friend, but they named the turkey giblets? make me think of giblet gravy. makes bee want to eat. they do plan on feasting on the traditional meal this thanksgiving, but say the bird they will eat has no relation to their friends giblets. i get giblets won't be invited because i don't think giblet would want them to see eating a turk. >> i and those turkey is can be feisty. >> that's true. >> when it comes to thanksgiving, you don't want to feel like the turkey. doctor mike is here with the foods you shouldn't stuff yourself with and will make us all feel guilt. >> i oh, i feel guilty every time he walks in. >> shoppers already hitting the stores this thanksgiving morning. the deals they're after
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morning. the deals they're after straight
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we gdid he help pick it out?er. no, he's a cat. is this mine? that one's for alice. but she doesn't know it yet. why not? mom says she's still cooking. capture your memories with hallmark keepsakes ornaments.
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>> checking back in on the press for the thanksgiving day parade. we're about 30 minute away, from the start, of our thanksgiving parade here in center city. volunteers there lining up, also saw a loft marching band, meet a lot of local marching band, always my favorite part to the parade, band, dancing to it. >> it will wine down, or straight shot, really, down the ben franklin parkway, ending upright there at the art museum. >> a recipient every stranger's act of casino necessary. >> so, bruce gordon reports,
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ironic twist of faith, helped bring these two together. >> night in shining armor. >> man that was filled with a heart of kindness, and was there to help. >> the story begins in the parking lot of the giant supermarket, in thorndale. and, had just pulled in, in her 2,002 mitsubishi suv when it happened. >> i could tell it was the battery you. >> turned the ignition? >> i turned the ignition, it was that sound that you know so well. yes, yes. like oh, my gosh. >> she called a friend, who suggested she pop the hood of her vehicle and hope for help. >> and i was immediately thinking, please, don't be some sort after freak. >> within 302nd, a manna lived. he was no freak. >> he was very nice looking man. he immediately put his hand out. look me in the eye. said hi, i'm jim perkins, president of acme supermarket. i immediately apologized. i said i am so sorry.
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i said this is a little embarrassing. >> you are in a giant parking lot. he's from acme. i get it. >> we just laughed about it for few minutes. he told me what he had been doing in, there and we laughed it off. >> perkins had been inside the giant checking out the competition. he went back inside, and came out a moment later with a giant employee, and a set of jumper cables. together they got ann's suv running. then perkins followed her to nearby advanced auto part store where he bought her a new set of jumper cables. >> he told me compliment attack me. he said you really need to have a good set of jumper cables in your karat all times. and i, like about cried right there. i was like that's so incredibly sweet. >> turns out, ann needed a new battery. and so perkins tossed his credit card on the counter and said: it's on me. then, off he went. but not before giving ann his cell phone number. he asked her to call him, so he would know she's okay. >> i'm just so used to people not being nice all the time. you know, you run into so many crappy people. and to have somebody do
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something that's so nice, like, way above and beyond. that was what blew my mind. >> well, we reached perkins by phone, traveling out west to be with his family during the holidays, and he down played his act every kindness saying he was just trying to dot right thing. >> and he said in reaction to ann's on line post about the incident is suggesting other want to duplicate his generosity with acts of their own. so, really, the kindness can be con take us. >> wait. take a look at this. bang at the -- back at the thanksgiving day parade. that's lance bass! look at that, he is waiving at everybody. look at his hair. >> so he is the grand marshall, and should be fun. >> yes. >> look that the hair. >> he was n'sync, right? >> i'm envious. >> he was with n'sync. lance bass, welcome to philly, lance. happy to have you here. so many people out, out there, so, good day, it is thursday, november 27th, 2014. happy thanksgiving.
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>> ♪ >> spending has gun, and the average according to the american research group, $861, that's up from 801 spent last year. and jenny, if you're concerned, the average wait gain starting today through christmas, seven to 10 pounds, and cacia's played big role in that, i think. >> steve, i am concerned. i'm at bakery, we're watching the turk guess in the brick ovens one by one. the 129th turkey just dropped o i think they've reached their limit, caitlin. >> jenny, so proud of you you haven't started eating yet. we are bea to do that on good day philadelphia. nor'easter gone, clouds and the cold weather are still hanging around. if you're staying inside, going to enjoy the food coma, no problem. but if you're taking to the roads, we'll have your travel forecast for the holiday and the seven day forecast all ahead. al next. >> keep those eagles tweets coming. are you changing your dinner plans for the game?
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patty says, turkey in the oven, eating at 2:30, dessert at half time. you know what would be a great dose another an eagles one. so tweet us how are you re rearranging your day to be sure you're there and ready to go for the eagles game that start at 43 use the #fox29goodday. and of course, very happy thanksgiving to you, and yours, my first thanksgiving in philly. >> yeah! happy thanksgiving. >> and spending it with my fox family. >> we're so glad to have you. we're sore bye that winter scare we welcomed you to the holiday season with yesterday. >> that's okay. as long as it is gone for the actual holiday. >> my last winter was my first here. >> yes? >> oh -- >> from california. >> yes, record setter, crazy. >> so since you're from cally? >> ya. >> as you can see, we have great spread here. >> yes. >> so we will be making this occasion, you know, we will be celebrate nag variety of different ways today. we'll have different courses, what we will do, we start out of course, here, some wine,
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really? >> first start with the turkey, chris. >> have the turkey common in. >> oh, look at this. >> look at that bird! >> o beautiful. >> bring it on. main event. >> oh, get the wine out of the way. >> what's your name? >> i'm roberta adamo. >> that's right. and you prepared all of this? >> i prepared all of this for you. >> thank you so much. >> my pleasure, happy thanksgiving. >> beautiful. >> so tell us about this turkey? because i see a lot of -- >> so this is a herb roasted turkey. >> herb roasted. >> we're serving today at kateli. duo. >> let's bring it on over. >> we have this as a garnish little bit of kale and cranberry. >> i looks gorgeous let's pass it on down. >> how big is that bird? >> this is about a 28-pounds turk. >> i wow, 28 pounds. now, do you brine this turkey? do you bake this? >> yes, we have a brine recipe we use, includes oranges, lemons, limes, fresh herbs. >> georgous. >> thank you. >> so we're going to sample this, basically, she will stay
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with us. thank you so much. >> see now little. >> she will keep bringing more courses on. bring on more food. thank you, robert a caitlin, before we either. let's talk about this weather. >> before up get to watch us stuff or face here on fox 29 goodday, let's give you update on the forecast, crazy wednesday it was. luckily, rain and snow moved out bus stop buddy, gobble, gobble. to dress the kids this morning, cloudy, chilly, temperatures in the three's, right now, in philadelphia, 37 degrees, as you take live view of philadelphia international, plenty of clouds, but feelings are -- sealing are high enough, visible is good. not seeing delays on the ground stop we saw yesterday afternoon. foxcast for thanksgiving, we really are improving things, that's the good news, maybe cull elf flurries or light rain shower around this morning, we certainly saw some light snow here in the city couple of hours ago. otherwise, we will see clouds gradually change over to some sunshine later today. 41 degrees the high temperature, on your turkey
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day, for tonight, mostly clear, it will be cold, 29 degrees, for anyone who is going to be hitting the stores, early, tonight, or tomorrow morning. so we'll have your full seven day forecast for the rest of these holiday weekend still ahead. but first, your traffic authority. here is 95 at broad street. been quiet morning obviously. although we have had few accidents, and it looks like there is a car pull over, maybe looks like, on 95 there. probably southbound. but otherwise, we aren't seeing any delays because of that. also on the roosevelt boulevard, northbound, at third street. we had accident in which a motorist hit a park car, so use caution if you're in that spot. although aren't seeing too many delays around that area. next, this is route 52, at creek road. there is an accident there. and finally, don't forget to check your septa schedules today. wife ' got maybe some detours, depend, but we are operating on a holiday schedule. alex, chris? >> caitlin, i have to tell you, we're so tempted right now. we have this turk any front of us. keep trying to eat t but won't
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bring us anything to carve the turk which just yet. >> it smells great. >> it does smell great. >> so let's do some news first then again to the eating. so while were you sleeping, some eager shoppers have already been in and out of k-mart trying to get the black thursday deals. >> yes, black thursday, right? no, k-mart the first to open, they've been open since 6:00 this morning, so, going on two hours now, fox 29's steve keeley live now in northeast philly with more. hype, steve? >> reporter: i'm so good that you guys and the rest of the morning crew inside the station, now, have a turkey dinner, thanks to that guest. and i know our boss put out the e-mail that the guys and girls working tonight, they're going have catered turkey dinner. i was lucky enough also to get a thanksgiving meal. dave schratwieser, general al's chicken leftovers from a chinese food store in west philly left in the glove compartment for gregg and i. we're eating well, too. don't worry about us guys. not just great shopping stories here today at this
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k-mart. great personal stories that give you the holiday spirit. number one, we have a loft fans, but alex, chris, you'll know this after few years of doing this show, we have super fans. and among them elva who beat cans they are year. and she is home watching right now. and her family came to up say hello. she said no way will you talk about elv a on the air. elva happy thanksgiving, you truly have something to be thankful for. great family and beating cancer at age 74, so, great work. and then also inside the store, one of the managers in there, couple of weeks ago, michelle, paid the lay away fee for a lady in a wheelchair, joyce elliot. and joyce elliot just came back in her wheelchair, to pay her back. and i know misch little not take the money. so it is a miracle at 34th street kind of a day here at the big k on frankford avenue. and i told you in the tees, that the average spent this year, according to american research group, will be 861
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bucks. surprising thing that, ten years ago, the same 1100 people surveyed, told them in 20 # four they were spending over a thousand dollars. so here we are, ten years later, people still spending more than 100 bucks lesson average this holiday season, and we saw surprising number of shoppers here, this morning, they usually get three-500 people in line. there was 16 people in line when this place opened at 6:00. and here's a family, that made up part that far group. >> what's the best deal here that k-mart has for you? >> i believe the tablet. >> did you get a lot of sleep last night? >> no. >> do you have to cook and everything today too? >> yes. >> thanksgiving is a lot of work for you, isn't it? shopping, cooking, no sleep? >> i like it. it is for them. so it makes it worth it. >> how much are you here to spend today? >> lots of monday. >> i what do you do for a living that you make so much money you can spend so much? >> uh. >> are you a lawyer? are you a doctor?
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>> what are you, kristin? >> what rother get? what's the number one item you want to get? >> whatever she wants to get. >> that's the secret to successful marriage, man. whatever she want. i bet you, if she is allowed to control the remote control glue surprised there aren't more people smear. >> usually 300 more more people here every year. >> what do you think was the reason this year? >> i think because of the diversity, the store manager said, of everything that, you know what i mean, all the different varieties of things that the other retailers have. >> all right, well, they've been open now, couple of hours, and the crowd got way bigger, and they believe it is because we're out of here, during the free commercial, telling them there is place is open. so a lot of happy shoppers here knowing they can get some of the deals, and also, get some shopping done without a massive crowd. radio shack, though, now joins
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the rush, open at 8:00. so the next big chain to open on thanksgiving day, and not until 4:00 when gap and old navy do we have other chains, and then around dinnertime, 5:00 and 6:00 and all of the big guys start opening. so tonight will be a crazy day on the roads, believe it or not, because people have been coming home from thanksgiving dinner and also going out toeshoe but i think the eagles game on tv this year, at least her in philadelphia, and for sure in dallas; going to cut down on shopping on thanksgiving. >> you know, i would rather go to old navy at 4:00 when they open than see the eagles? >> really? i'll be watching the eagles game, thanks, steve. >> all right, people dropping off their turkeys at cacia's bakery this morning. >> decade going on for decades v they finally put the turkeys in the oven? >> not all every them. as you can see over here, we have handful of turkeys, left to go, we have two ovens going, brick ovens, looking live here is a rotating oven. a total of 129 turkeys, is
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that right? >> yes, we have 129. >> now, year after year, this is fun time for you guys? >> it is fun after i get them all in the oven. right now, little stressful. >> i'm feeling the stress around here, guys, becoming a tens environment here. now, what's special about your turkeys? >> well, we cock on the hot brick. so, you know, the turkey cooks nice and even. and as the oven drops, the temperature of the turkey comes up. and it makes for a much juicier bird. >> okay, now, guys, we've been saying all morning long, people can come here and drove off their turkeys, just $18 to roast these turkeys for about five hours. so people are going to plan to come back here around 1:00 is that correct? so $18, they prep their turkeys, the way they want them, with seasoning, whatnot, just drop it off, threat go, you can go home and prepare the side dishes, and not have to wore bit turkey. people say they come back year after year, because it is so delicious. it is a tradition for them,
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and it is a tradition for this kasha family here, they say they love it year after year. back to you guys. >> oh, thanks, jenny. such a great idea. i'm learning all about the philadelphia holiday traditions. i'm excited. >> have you thought about how many calories you'll consume today? >> i don't want to think about it. >> well, we will make you any it, so just how hard you will need to hit the gym tomorrow. we'll brinking in doctor mike. >> also, keep the tweets coming for us about the eagles. are you changing your dinner plans? typically people eat thanksgiving dinner in the afternoon, but the games at 4:30 today. >> so i just got a tweet, chris. this is from a guy who was -- he says dinner by 3:00 p.m., wonderful cake, pies, by half time. another: having dinner around 3:30, watch the game, having that the giving with friends, go eagles. >> that seems to be the trend. people want to do hour, two hours ahead of time. all done, completely focus on the game. i like.
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that will so how are you changing your dinner plans for the game? use that #fox29goodday. we will be right back.
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8:14 am
ask your doctor about stelara®. ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said, "that was me, mom." [ laughter ]
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>> probably seymour sunshine this afternoon, 41 degrees, still very chilly specially where you have snow on the gown probably not going to see the temperatures climb out of mid 30's. for tonight, temperatures nosedive down to the 20's, cold for shoppers, 37 degrees, the high temperature, on friday. home season at the linc, against, still cold. in the the theme here. 41 degrees. luckily, we see moderation by sunday, temperatures back to the 50 east, close to 06 by monday. will feel nice. then chance of showers as we head into next weaken. so nice turkey day. if you don't mind the chilly weather, check the roads again, where we have been very quiet all among long, we've had few accidents, maybe due to the slippery conditions.
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otherwise, though, still watching what looks like a disable vehicle, or at least car pulled over 95 southbound at broad street. so, we've got police on the scene right behind that car, but because of the lack of volume today, it is not causing any back up. also on the roost, northbound at third street, accident in which a motorist hit a park car. use caution there, seeing at least some moderate delays. and finally let's look at the current travel times. maybe you're hitting the roads headed out, to visit family today, most of the majors in decent shape. there are some slow spots on the schuylkill where speeds westbound and eastbound down to 31 miles an hour, looks like, getting on to the vine, maybe eastbound, pretty slow right there, otherwise, speeds on the vine at 39 miles an hour, al next. >> caitlin, i don't know about you, but i'm ready for some more food. >> oh, bring it. >> so we have the turkey here, but let's bring in the stuffing. >> hello roberta, welcome back to the table. >> favorite part. what did you do? >> cranberries. >> yes, little cran berries in, there and also it is roasted apple and turkey sausage.
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you know what's italian? the sausage in our stuffing. but, keeping it. >> so this is italian style thank giving. i like it. thank you so. we will carve the turk any just a little bit. bev we dough there is we have to bring in doctor mike to make us feel guilt bye all that we will eat, all of the calories. >> see, that ate l yan made us happen. >> i this italian make us angry. >> listen, i didn't make the rooms. before we start eating, you got to make sure you don't have too many drinks. most of you patients, i'll have to end with it later today. so, when we are talking about a holiday like thanks giving, we have to remember that there is a cost, there is nothing for free in this world, and so, not to be a downer, but i wanted to casino of go over some of the things that -- how many calories are in each thing, and basically, what would you have to do to get
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them off. there is a lot of research now, indicates, that if you put on the label that you will have to run on a treadmill, for half hour, you may not eat that candy bar. so, what i did, i talked to katie, my nutritionist, because we have such an obesity problem in this country, higher nutritionist, and she came one some ideas. what i opportunity do -- >> wait. you brought your own food for the thanksgiving dinner. >> well, rather limp compared to the professionals here. another reason why i chose not to become a culinary person, because this is terrible. >> but this looks like a typical plate. >> pro prototypical stuff. let's go through. >> this gravy. and the turkey. 6 ounces. 145 calories. do you know how much time you have to be on the treadmill for that? >> how much? >> fifteen minutes. >> okay. >> fifteen minute. >> all right. >> go to the mashed potatoes, 181 calories. that's 15 minutes of swimming.
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stuffing, 115 calories, ten minute, doing jumping jacks. the one dinner roll, 114 calories, that's 18 minutes, pushing the lawn mower. >> for one little roll? >> oh, my gosh, i love the rolls. >> and the thing that people have to remember, it is so much easier to put it in than to get it out. so could you put that roll in your mouth and could you probably consume it in under a minute. but it is going to take you 18 minutes pushing a lawn mower to get out that calorie count. >> oh, my gosh. >> out of your system. >> did you bring a lawyer mower? >> i didn't. because of the snow. >> he'll do it anyway? >> i cannot guarantee you will remain healthy. there is a health warning here. >> we appreciate that you tried. >> right. so when you get together, this is not the day, folks, to start a diet or thinking about what you're going to do to get yourself in shape. remember, this is kind of a perfect storm. you have all of these calories, don't forget the
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alcohol, and the fact that you have your brother joe, that's showing up, that you may not get along with, it is a perfect storm, potential problems with your heart. in fact, syndrome called holiday heart. you eat so much that you end up in trouble. >> eat this wonderful, amazing food, enjoy your family, and then tomorrow there will be hell to pay. >> well, thanks for that reminder, thank for that reminder. thanks, doctor mike, for joining us. >> all happy thanksgiving. i give thanks because i get to hang out with you people. >> well, hang on little longer, flu. >> yes, we'll share some. that way you don't have to eat that. >> very good. ladies looking for holiday vacation with your man. >> one hotel offering 50 shades of gray deal. >> huh? >> might have an idea what's that about. what it entails, just how much this naughty get away would cost you. >> boy, and keep those eagles
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tweet coming. are you changing your dinner plans for the game for kick off at 4:30, use the hashtag, fox 29 goodday. we got one here, from mack enterprizes dinner ten to 1:00. because at 2:00 p.m., through tomorrow morning, devoted shopping time. hashtag coupon craze shop aholics. if you have nice full schedule.
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revealed through the work of its scholars and graduates. it has inspired strength and purpose. an enduring symbol of passion and excellence that is not static, but moves among us. a feeling...a shared experience, a reminder that we are connected for life. we are penn state, making our mark on the world.
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find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! >> until the holly house polled, before you eat, we sit around the table and say what you're thankful for. >> but the food will get cold. >> common in, before we eat. >> so do you want to start, kitten? we go down?
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>> okay, so what we're playing. >> on this thanksgiving holiday. >> positive spin on some things. thankful for the nor'easter yesterday. keeping me employed. because i have to report the weather to all of you. but of course, i'm thankful to be in the philadelphia area, where i am from, where my family lives, i get to see them all in about three hours from now, get to drive home and spend thanksgiving with them. >> and you're thankful for that. >> absolutely. >> doctor mike? >> well, you know, if my business, i see people coming and going, every single day, and i don't mean out the door. and so, for everyone out there, i want to just instill the concept, that we should all be so thankful that we are just here today enjoy the moment. why don't you make a bold move and get friendly and say you know what, board joe, dow love you, man. i love ya. and make it happen. and that is what i'm thankful for, just that i am alive with all of you. >> that's a good one. okay, chris?
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>> hey, just this week, my mom had couple of little scares, couple of thing removed, and they all turned out to be negative. so we're thankful that she is, you know, cancer free and all of that. >> absolutely. >> good news all around. >> ann just have to say i'm so thankful for the opportunity to be here in philadelphia, for my first thanksgiving, i'm loving it here, i'm having a great time. so i'm so thankful for that. and also my fox family. >> isn't this up? >> having great time. i'm eating on tv. this is great. >> so thankful you're here with us, too, we waited a while, so greatful your area here. >> this is brotherly love. >> and sisterly affection. dig in. so oscar winner hillary swank on good day. seen her passion and movies like million dollars baby. now pouring the passion into something in her personal life. teaming one scarlet johansson, fergie and kesha. >> are you changing your dinner plans today for the big game in dallas against those cowboys? use the #fox29goodday. we are traveling to maryland, and eating at 3:00, and the
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game after that, that's from gale. >> don't forget that hashtag. fly eagles fly, love. that will so use the #fox29goodday. want to announce your plans on air. we'll be right back.
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>> 8:30, this morning, i thought we were going to talk trash with some so boy -- cowboys fans, and they chick ends out of. >> of course, they're going to lose. >> on your phone at the table? am i not entertaining enough? are you not entertained? >> totally entertained. well, let me just finish the tweet. >> legendary macy thank giving day parade in new york sit, holiday tradition, will we be
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seeing anything different this year? >> one of the things rob that's right i really want to see in person one day. one of our reporters from the fox family. happy thanksgiving to you. looks like this year weather wise it is perfect. >> alex, chris, happy thanksgiving to you both. you're exactly right about. that will had some flu thinks morning, but the wind is quite calm. i mention, good news for those guys, those giant balloons, one of the six new ones this year, that's the back side of thomas the tank engine. he's getting ready for his southbound trip down central park west, all told, six balloons will be making their bay due this year, including peak a chew, thomas, as well as pad inning ton bear. last year balloons new and old got big shot of helium, brought them to life, in a annual thanksgiving tradition. kids, and their families, came out to brave the weather and see this inflation for
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themselves. see mower than 12 marching ban, about a thousand clowns, they'll all be entertaining the crowd here in new york city the weather up here to be cooperating. the latest live from central park west this morning, amy, chris, back to you. >> real quick. how does sponge bob look? ready to go, robert? >> i have not seen sponge bob yet. but alec, chris, i'll keep an eye, sorry. i just interviewed amy, the executive producer of the parade. so i was thinking of amy, i apologize. >> that's okay, alex, amy, i'm thankful for still, robert. >> he is truly one of our best reporters. >> of course, we'll check in new york city, we have to check in here in center city. we have our own thanksgiving day parade. oh, the clowns are here. look at all of those clowns. they're getting ready, i guess the parade should be starting any minute now.
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>> yes. >> here in the back of the line, getting ready to walk out. >> 8:30 start time officially starts at 20th and market, down the ben franklin parkway. >> oh, hi, philly roller girl. hey there. everybody get excited, and more clowns behind them. we'll keep checking back in with the thanksgiving day parade. the first thanksgiving parade, right? ever? wanted it started here in here n filly? >> in fact our country started here, caitlin roth. >> believe it or not, our 95th year of seeing the thanksgiving parade down the streets of our fair city here in philadelphia. so few puddles still out there. luckily though the weather has improved greatly compared to yesterday. live look outside at the philadelphia international airport, plenty of clouds, but those planes are taking offer just saw one go, and they're landing fine, no delays, 37th degrees out there, as we saw the rain and snow move out overnight. temperatures very chilly, 34 in allentown 33 pottstown, 37 in philadelphia, so luckily we stayed well above freezing. mid 30's elsewhere, it is 41 degrees today, for your foxcast, seeing some sunshine
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later on, clear skies, cold tonight, low of 29. that's a look at your foxcast, we check the roads again, schuylkill eastbound west of spring garden where we start you offer taking live look, just about handful of cars out there. it has been very quiet morning, but do watch out for slick spots specially north and west of the city on the back roads, we've had a few accidents, one, on the roosevelt boulevard at thirds street. we've got an accident which a car hit a park car, use caution in that spot, seeing at least moderate delays. finally taking a look at the current travel times, going to be hitting the highways to get out of town, 25-mile per hour speeds, on roosevelt boulevard near the accident, other woos good on the schuylkill, across the vine, 54-mile per hour speeds. chris? >> all right, stuffing our faces here. this stuffing is amazing. >> roberto from kateli from the town center, amazing food. >> more food? candid yams? >> tell us how you did these? >> roasted them, candy dressing we toss them in.
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>> wow. >> and it is always the garnish. >> beautiful. >> so i tried your stuffing. phenominal. you mention you put some saws thank there? >> turkey sausage. >> so this is the stuffing here. it is beautiful t tastes better than it looks. it is phenominal. roberta, thank you. >> and cranberries, oh, it keeps coming. >> i'm so content. little thursday i, though. >> boom. >> look at you. >> so rob area, do you think key ciant would go well with this italian infused thank giving meal? >> perfect, particularly us italians, start with the tomato sauce first, perfect pairing for that. >> the gravy? >> the gravy. >> the gravy, love it. well hurry up. i'm ready. we're holiday busing this morning, few things you didn't know about thanksgiving. like this turkey really make you tired? the truth, next, but first, this. also, are you doing this? >> ♪
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>> family dinners can be awkward, but this awkward? remember the scene from beatle juice? oh, we're break down the top movie dinner scenes that we hope our thanksgiving meals don't turn out like. straight ahead. >> ♪
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>> beautiful sunrise in atlantic city, new jersey, i love this shot, whenever we
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take it, beautiful to see the sun over the water. the waves rippling up on the beach. >> roberta? >> oh, you have to have a lot of vegtables today. so we have our baby carrots, pineapple. >> pine al epp? >> then a vegetable medically, that has some butter nut squash, charred brussels sprouts, some green beans, and >> we prepare all of the vegtables separately, toss them together. so that they each individually hold their own flavors.
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but yet they have a beautiful color and presentation, as well. >> beautiful. >> thank you! >> apply pleasure. >> enjoy. >> more stuff coming. >> more? oh, my gosh. >> how many dishes are we getting today, roberta? >> oh, we have -- >> forty something dishes? >> wait until dessert comes. >> oh, my gosh. >> we'll be here. not going anywhere. >> this is great. >> do you know the history behind thanksgiving, right? >> we want to share some things, you might not know about thanksgiving. so, first up, you ready for this, caitlin? >> ready, go. >> thanksgiving did not originate in america. >> interested anythings europe for families to have large dinners, give thanks before the pilgrims arrive to america. >> okay. >> so there is that many foots weren't around back then, so turkey, sweet foe tate owes, stuff, didn't have that, so eating like -- what were they eating i wouldn'ter? nothing elaborate. i would have loved to know. >> corn? >> thanksgiving foods? >> i don't think they even did
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turkey. i was looking at this on line there is article, i want to say. >> but different type of bird. >> pigeon? i'm glad we have this tradition. >> me too. >> minnesota, produces the most turkeys. >> you know, so tired you take a nap after a meal? the truth is turkeys don't make you tired. >> no. >> expert say a combination of heavy meal, the wine, alcohol, and long holiday hours, you know, everyone up cooking early in the morning, then they just eat? welshing that's what makes you more likely to get into that food coma. >> chris will be asleep before 10:00 a.m. >> i can't blame it on the tryptophan in the turkey any more? i guess could you, but the truth; you can't blame it on that. >> what do you blame it on for the other 364 days a year.
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>> this shift. >> always blame the shift. >> are you hoping to snag the sales tonight without any shut my big caffeine boost at the king of prussia mall for free. we'll tell you where you can shop and stop before "black fr
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skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!!
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>> take a look, people riding through, and there is a big float behind this one that you are looking at right now. >> bob the biller. >> oh, and strawberry short cake, and dunn can i donut float. so cool. kids gathered around the tv now to see this. >> i'm impressed you know bob the builder because you don't have children. >> i know bob the biller from when my son was a little one. he can fix anything. he can build a house in like literally four and a half minutes. >> wait. is bob the builder friends with door at explorer? are they bodies. >> not yet. >> we'll arrange that marriage. >> we can do anything. specially when we're inviting at 8:40 in the morning, that
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said,. >> do have more food coming in >> more? we already have the turkey, the stuffing, sweet tow tate owes, carrots. >> medalist. >> so now of course, drinking little bit. >> yes. >> we all know people are gearing up for shopping starting off the turkey day right. you need some energy to stay feud you will for all of the deals, right? a lot of people want to get, every time i go out with the kids, they want frozen yogurt, especially to the mall. >> it is good, and hell year. >> jamie gordan, good morning. happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving to you. >> so you put a twist on -- not for the kids? >> for the adults. >> two things. >> first thing that we have i did literally put a twist on it for you all. >> thank you. >> our pam granite frozen yogurt. >> okay. >> for people coming out this evening, go ahead, pass it down, and share the wealth.
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>> oh,. >> table manners. >> what asks for everybody, for the diehard shoppers hitting king of prussia this evening to 8:00 p.m. this evening until 1:00 a.m. "black friday", we are going to be giving out thanksgiving size frozen yogurt, the idea, we are giving it for free. >> big one? >> not big one, thanksgiving size. basically something that you will be able to eat having already inch dull emergency your large thanksgiving meal. >> light err side, yes. >> definitely more than enough after thanksgiving. but the first place that we give out, as it is, pam granite. because pam granite has been shown to help with digestion, so you have huge dinner, hitting the mall, and you need to digest little bit, stop by the first one we're giving out is pamagranite. after that couple of hours later your energy will drop, might need something to kick it up s he we will give you our chocolate hazel net. made with nut ella. >> my dad would love that. >> delicious. so get burst of the energy from the hazel nut, chocolate,
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caffeine. after that toward the end every evening, probably around midnight, when things start to get a little rough for you, and you need a little bit more energy, we will serve our signature flavor which is pepper minute. which is phenominal. >> quickly, we have to wrap. >> let's get to the fun part. >> pink berry. we cater. you can have us come to your home, your party, where ever you want. one of the things you can do with pink berry, make mock tails or cocktail. today we made pamgranite. >> is this a mock tail? >> cocktail, come on, i'm going to bring awe cocktail not a mock tail. so what we use is three scoop of pink berry pam granite. then we have drizzled it with some pamgranite concentrate. and then we import it with the dust of everything, but prosecco. >> oh, delicious. >> oh, my gosh. >> right? so what more would you want on thanksgiving than little pro second or with your pamgranite and pink berry. >> oh, thank you. >> come and get some, 8:00 in
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the 1:00. >> come back next year. >> i would would love that. >> enjoy. also waiting for our cranberry sauce, i think also coming, roberta will be brink that in. >> oh, she has something else with her. >> looks like mash potatoes. >> oh, mashed potatoes? >> never complete without the potatoes, of course. >> now, this time, this cranberry sauce look different. >> orange cranberry relish orange cranberry relish, does not come in a can. >> no cans here. >> and we have the roasted garlic mashed potatoes. >> can i serve you ladies? >> while doing, that i'll get to the next story. kardashian holiday drama are all of the kardashian kids crashing the dinner who the kids say they would rather be with. we'll tell you in just a bit.
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>> final check of the forecast on this thanksgiving, where we are oh, where we have cocktail service, too, thank you, chris purr if i. happy thanksgiving. >> he has a purpose. no. >> ouch. >> we love you, chris. so thankful for you. yes, again, the pink berry and pro second owe cocktail. never did a forecast with martini glass in my hand but i like the way it looks, cheers. looking at cloudy, chilly, much nicer forecast, 41 degrees the high temperature, 37, sunny, coal, friday. dry and chilly as we head toward saturday. and then we see some improvement there, into the weaken. temperatures moderating back to the 50's. so, for the seven day forecast, pause for a zip. >> the vine st. expressway, onramp from the schuylkill. accident there, see with your live camera view, that's going to cause some delays, even though we haven't had too many -- too much volume there
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this morning. i can't talk already? we haven't had too much volume yet. we are seeing that accident cause some delays, again, the onramp from the schuylkill on to the vine st. expressway. will the also, cathedral pike, accident there, don't forget to check your septa schedule for any detours or delays. finally, a last look at the travel times, if you are taking the highways, this morning, we are seeing some more volume pick up, 32-mile per hour speeds on the vine, 22-mile per hour speeds on roosevelt boulevard, where it is a little slower. and 24-mile per hour speeds down 95. al next. >> keep the eagles tweets coming, reginald said food, family, friend, fellowship, fate and football. those all start with the letter f. he is pretty good of this. >> sue serio a fan of owe literation. she would love this. in fact, is she not serving you to? >> yes, bringing my parent, we're crashing. next person who sends us a tweet in, oh, that was it? well, also says dinner,
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dessert and fine, but all about the football. you're right, it is all about the football. so are you changing your dinner plans for the game today? use the #fox29goodday. we want to know your plans. and i made a good plan to be here this morning for thanksgiving. >> absolutely. is this fun? >> amazing, my first thanksgiving here. i'm loving it. >> ♪
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>> listening to some taylor swift there is thanksgiving morning. chris, who is this? who is that? >> do you have do little catch up here. we already started. >> i heard the pre-game. >> yes, yes, one way to put it. >> let's get you caught up. >> welcome to the table. >> thank you.
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>> earlier, alec, and this guy wasn't serving up drinks at 4:00 a.m. >> no, coffee. >> i lover did you him a sole. >> i wearing pink, really, would you common thanksgiving day? big day today? >> this is michael eugene jerrick, evidently left it hine. so i through it on. >> caitlin wearing green. where is your green? >> he has black and white on. >> i'm wearing old school. >> so we need to feed this girl. because it is thanksgiving. so we have more to bring in, some flat bread of course, what's a thank giving meal without bread? this isn't ordinary flat bread. what's this, roberta? >> gorgozsola. >> poor someone just tuning in, where can we fine your restaurant in voorhees? >> in the town center in voorhees, new jersey. >> at.


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