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tv   Fox29 Weekend  FOX  December 27, 2014 8:00am-10:01am EST

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>> we're expecting thousands upon thousands of officers from all around this country in new york city this morning to pay their final respects to nypd officer ramos.
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fox 29's is a bone in a kuriakose joins us now with more on the funeral today for officer ramos. sabina. days after christmas new york city deep in mourning officer ramos' funeral begins at 10:00 o'clock this morning and as you said, thousands of mourners expected to tend from all over the country. the funeral follows an eight-hour wake during which family and fellow officers described officer ramos as a southwest -- caring and compassionate man dedicated to god. the four-year-old married father of two was studying to become a pastor. this is exactly one week to the day that officer ramos and his partner wenjian liu were gunned down in cold blood as they sat in their patrol car in brooklyn. before gunman ismaaiyl brinsley turn the gun on himself. social media posts leading up to the murders brinsley referenced michael brown and eric garner cases as justification for his crime. at the wake yesterday officer ramos' son and sister spoke of their heart wrenching loss.
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>> dad, i'll miss you -- i'll miss you with every fiber of my being. >> my dear brother, my heart aches so much right now. please pray for me as i know you always did. >> our heart aches for them much this morning vice-president biden and new york city mayor bill diblasio will say a few words in his honor. here in philadelphia buses of mourners set out for the funeral home from the fraternal order of police's launch this morning. funeral will be streamed live on the church's website so you can watch it. christ karen and lauren. >> thank you very much. >> police investigating armed rob bro in philadelphia's win feel section. this happened around few 30:00 this morning on the 5,000 block of city avenue. investigators aren't sure how much money the thief took. so far no suspects. >> teenaged driver struck and killed an elder woman on her
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birthday is in her own home. that teenager is now on bail out. 93-year-old jenny russo in her home when a truck driven by a bucks county teen slammed into her home killing her. police say the 19-year-old who was behind the wheel his name has not been released did turn himself in. her family is devastated. >> wants to do you in this house. you wouldn't think by a car. you wouldn't think that, you know, on her birthday. jeez, you know, really. >> police say the driver expressed remorse. they're still investigating but sources at the bucks county district attorney's office say it is unclear if that driver will face charges because russo was in hospice care. north korea is blaming president obama for the release of the movie "the interview". that country's government called the movie illegal, dishonest and reactionary and they hurled racist insults at president obama calling him reckless. our cover story this morning the sony hack still in the news
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making headlines. the company decided to reverse its initial decision and release the interview in select theaters and online. the controversial movie is about assassination plot on north korean dictator kim jong-un. they warn the company not to release the movie. federal investigators pointed their tipping at north korea saying the country was behind that attack. days later north korea's internet was shut down, leading to the question is cyber war the warfare of the 21st century. she wrote on twitter i hope we don't get in in a cyber war with north korea. cyber war is a lot worse than it sounds. joining to us discuss the issues of cyber security republican congressman pat meehan chairman of the house homeland security sub committee on cyber security. congressman, first off, was this an act of war or just cyber vandalism? >> i don't think i would call it an act of war, but it certainly was -- the president call it cyber vandalism. i think you can call it cyber
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terrorism to the ex at the present time people have been influenced in their activity, you know, the nature of us being to have our thoughts put forward being dictated by somebody from north korea. so i would call that an act of terrorism. >> okay. we weren't to get few more tweets. nate writes what i still don't get how it led to a mini cyber war like it's a zone nor movie. chill out north korea. this one from josh... >> finally this one from, i wouldn't every want if north korea actually win think they can win a cyber war against the u.s. your response people think it's a cyber war. this is more than just simply the threats about the movie. they went inside sony and actually took over the system, shut down the computers in a way which was more aggressive than anything we have seen in quite some time. so the fact that that and then information that was taken was extensive.
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10 terror bites of information more than 10 times all of the information that's in the library of congress. so as a result, there was a great deal of theft and the influence on the organization was very very significant. much greater than simply the threat to carry out further acts if the film was shown. >> final errly this week democratic brad sherman released a statement saying i am exten extending an offer to stream the interview in the us capitol facilities. it this is about our right to live without fear and knowing that our values will not be compromised by the idol threat of regime. good or bad americans should not be deprived of the opportunity to seat move z your thoughts on this and do you plan to see the movie? the nice thing the movie has been put out and americans are seeing it. i don't know that i'm going to watch it. you know it seems like a little bit of a silly com dough to me. but that's not the point. the larger issue is the recognition that this is
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something that is free speech that's being dictated to -- by the north koreans that's not something we can have. >> congressman, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate your time this morning. always great to be with you. thank you for having me. >> ♪ >> still to come, just days left in 2014 looking to maximize your tax refund? we've got black minute money tips you'll want to hear so you can save your hard earned cash, plus make way lord -- downtown abby is open for business. how you can spend a night in the
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>> your news now. new controversy this morning at department of veterans affairs. concerns over what high level officials at the va new about the agency's health care scandal and when they knew about it. federal administrative law judge ruled this week that knowledge of long wait times went far above the phoenix va hospital. >> this confirms things that many ofs have been saying for a long time that this wasn't just phoenix. it wasn't just sharon hellman. it wasn't just the director and miss bowers this goes all the way as alleged to the va secretary. >> hellman was fired last month and filed an appeal to get her job back. judge upheld her firing siting a conflict of interest. make shift memorial for mychal brown is restored in ferguson, missouri. the memorial was damaged after it was hit by car. supporters rebuilt the memorial but there's still no word on who hit. brown was shot and killed by
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police officer darrin wilson back in august. >> this morning let's take look back at some of the biggest stories of 2014. who can forget the terrible nearly seven week manhunt for eric frein the suspect accused of of ambushing a state trooper back in september. >> armed and dangerously obviously. if he's going to kill cops obviously he'll kill anyone. >> the search cost nearly $10 million and put frein on the fbi's top 10 most wanted list. >> he's been stripped of his guns, his bombs noun his freed freedom. >> that's dave schratwieser he cover this story from the get go the very moment it all happened up until he was actually caught. here's a tweet that was posted on october 31st. it says, wake up to see eric frein has been caught. bye-bye cop killer. they'll have fun with you. dave, this was a long search. what was it like to cover this? >> you know, it weren't on for so long here day after day after day. you really have to give law enforcement a lot of credit he here. they really stuck to it who are it wasn't all business every
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single day. we were up there several times when they raided different locations and things like that. i mean heavily armed into locations where he could have been hiding. kind of making sure that he wasn't there and then making sure people stayed safe. i mean also watching out for the citizens but this was big for the citizens up in that area, too. they dealt with a huge police presence the entire time that this was going on. some seven weeks something like that. >> i mean they had schools closed. they a lot of fear there. they were thinking about canceling about this that and the other thing. were you concerned for your own safety? what's it like to be there in that climate of fear? sorry. okay. pick it up from there. >> a dog in danger of being put to sleep because the request was in the owners will but there was another option now a decision has been made what the future holds for bella. >> karen? >> getting some comments on what
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happened with our discussion on north korea. this coming from bill. sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. also we're asking you what was the best and the worst gift that you got over the holidays. this was one of mine. calling my hubble out on this one. socks. i really got socks. best gift was the joy of my children's face as as they opened up their gifts. what was your best and worse gifts. we're talking about some of the biggest hash tag of the year. we'll be right back. >> brian is a runner. give him a break. >> we're playing your tunes all morning long. first up sweet caroline by neal diamond. brian sent that in. send yours in by using or hash tag fox 29 weekend.
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>> it doesn't matter what size you use. three, 3.5, 4-pound chicken. first thing we're going we'll inject it. injection is very simple. little bit of butter, melted, hot, and beer. we'll pour a couple ounces of beer right into the butter, little bit more is good. shake it up a little bit. and that's our marinade. our inject. now, inject it. there we go. look at that. let's take mr. chicken, inject him anywhere you want. chicken, inject it, chicken and inject him. you notice how he puffs up a little bit every time you inject it. do it again. you weren't to inject the whole bird. the reason we're using butter as he sits on the grill he'll tend
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to dry out if you don't have a nice marinade in there. it will leak a little bit but that's okay. get his leg, little bit of his cavity, now we have injected and now we're ready to make our seasoning. tablespoon and a half and granules lated onion my favorite lowry season salt, tablespoon, tablespoon of black pepper, tablespoon of culture salt, tablespoon of garlic, 3 tablespoons brown sugar, brown sugar helps him brown up a little bit, tablespoon of paprika, half a tablespoon of adoba. mix everything together. make sure you get all that brown sugar broken up. that's will caramel lies as he's cooking and give it a really great flavor. here we government let's get the cavity first. a lull more in the cavity. real important you have to loosen the skin here top and bottom and you want to give him a little bit of rub inside, around the skin.
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flip him over, rub inside here, get the bottom, let's rub him on the top and that will caramel lies and crust up really really nicely on the grill. last step a little bit of rub with some butter and beer. little bit there. little bit there. don't be afraid to massage him little bit more. we're ready to go, guys. so now we're ready to do our chicken and want to show you the secret beer can chicken. pick up mr. chicken, turn him around you got this big cavity here. watch this. beer can right inside. the beer is going to actually steam and permeate the chicken inside and out. i'm going to put him on the grill. i'm going to set him up. you have to make him stand. we'll cover him up. so we're just going to use a little bit of that, cover him up, so you're going to do beer can chicken at home. do it on your outside grill. just like this. you don't have to cover him you
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can actually take your grill and close the grill make sure he's standing up in in there. close the grill. that's the same as what i'm doing right here. i know his leg is sticking out right now i'm going to stick it leg underneath. on your outside grill cook him at medium to high heat about seven minutes a pound give or take. more importantly, you want to make sure that the internal temperature of the chicken is 165 before you tack the off the grill. i think he's done. let's check him. he is done. so what i'm going to do i actually happen to like to char him little bit. leave him on the grill for a minute or two. get rid of the beer can. so he's all done and now we're going to cut him up, taste him and and joy him. let's taste him. hmm. spectacular. i'm pitt master glenn at fat jack's barbecue and thi
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>> one of television's most popular shows returns next week. lord and grade lady grant son will be back on downtown abby. ooh actually watch it. they won all these awards. what is this show. i started paying attention a couple seasons. >> you're familiar. >> it's about dreaming and it's about beautiful things. but now you can actually have an opportunity to live like an earl or count tess for one night because the castle that's in this show which is just beautiful and stunning called high claire castle a mansion now doubles as downtown abby opening
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up rooms to paying guests. the real life earl who actually lives there has decided to take bookings for a lodge on the property but you're not going to get the full experience. no servants. room isn't even inside the real castle. the asking price in case you're curious $550 a night. nice to dream. >> i'd rather go to the ritz. i'm just saying. >> sure to mick julia smile, she wrote downtown abby like my blood, sweat and tears. i went to hey claire castle over the summer and i need to be a tour guide there. >> i'm superintendent michael chitwood with the video that bleep this off this week. near death experience for state police officer doing are you teen traffic stop. the officer walks to the passenger side window, that's when out of nowhere a truck careens off the side of the road. you see the truck hit the car and knocking it over and then
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the officer -- hit the officer in the leg. luckily he survived season okay. the driver of the truck was hospital live. when you look at this video you see the credibility of how people drive out of control everybody is in a hurry. people are in attentive. in this particular case, a fed ex truck is out of control strikes a vehicle almost killing a state trooper. fortunately this officer received the appropriate training on how to make a car stop. that's the only reason he's alive today. people need to slow down. you lose control of your vehicle. this is a horrific accident that could have had some tragic consequences. i'm superintendent michael chitwood much that's my take. >> all right. it is the end of the year right now but you still have couple of days to save your money. coming your money questions answered about how to not lose
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out on some tax savings this year. >> more music this morning weekend jukebox. we got ladies night. this is from cool and the gang. >> joe thank you for sending in that request. keep them coming much use our hash tag fox 29 weekend.
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>> caitlin thinks it's a beautiful day outside. i think people are going to shop, they're awake and out and about because it's not so bad.
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it looks hazy in that shot there. where is that, atlantic city? >> beautiful. you're having people suite to you, caitlin. yeah. we're on beautiful sunrise alert or at least we were earlier. gorgeous pictures we got sent from you on twitter thanks so much to -- for that. if you have a forecast personalized to you just tweet us hash tag fox 29 weekend. here's that gorgeous sunrise over philadelphia earlier this morning. good morning philly. it will be a good morning a beautiful afternoon especially when it comes to december standards. we've seen a lot of clouds so far this month. today we should see a lot of sunshine. ultimate doppler does show early morning clouds. that is what aided to such a gorgeous sunrise a few sprinkles down towards our south. rain free today. 34 in the poconos. 28 in pottstown. 35 philadelphia. 33 dover and 28 in millville. as we go through the rest today of back behind me you don't see anything going on. this is our model going in time. because we have sun and clouds more clouds increasing tonight as a cold front comes by. 50/50 weekend with today being the nice sunny mild one.
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still on the mild side by 8:00 a.m. sunday morning showers are moving through. we'll see on and off light rain throughout the day sunday not talking about a lot of rape. not talking about what we saw on christmas eve a little bit cloudier and drearier as we head through the second half the weekend we clear out through monday from philadelphia northward. clouds and showers look to linger along the front towards our south. your seven day forecast 55 degrees today and sunny. doesn't get that much better than this this time of year. clouds and showers sunday. again that shower move south monday colder air starts to filter in day by day we get chillier. check out as we head towards new year's eve. 35, 38 on new year's day. round out at 40 degrees by next week. >> this morning let's take look back at some of the biggest stories of 2014. who can forget that terrible nearly seven week manhunt for eric frein the suspect accused of of ambushing and killing a stat trooper back in september. >> armed and dangerously obviously he's going to kill cops obviously he'll kill anyo anyone. >> search cost nearly
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$10 million and put frein on the fbi's top 10 most wanted list. >> he has been stripped of his guns, his bombs and now his freedom. >> heard his voice that's our dave schratwieser he cover this story from the get go the very moment it all happened. up until he was actually caught. here's a tweet that was posted on october 31st it says, wake up to see eric frein has been caught bye-bye cop killer. they'll have fun with you. dave this was long search what was it like to cover this? >> you know it went on for so long here. day after day after day. you really have to give law enforcement a lot of credit here. they really stuck to it who are. and it was all business every single day. we were up there several times when they raided different locations and things like that. i mean heavily armed, 92 locations where he could have been hiding. kind of making sure that he wasn't there and then making sure people stayed safe. i mean also watching out for the citizens but this was big for the citizens up in that area, too they dealt with this huge police presence the and tire time that this was going on.
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some seven weeks, something like that. we had school that is were closed, they were canceling one event after another. there was such a climate of fear. what's it look to be up there. were you concerned for your own safety. >> sometimes when we were doing live shots up near the schools there was no police activity at around the area and it is a little concerning. surrounded by woods that kind of situation we talk to lot folks who lived up there and they were living with tension every single day between sending their kids to school. wondering whether he might show up at a school. leaving them at home. they didn't want the kids at home that kind of thing in terms of those deals. added school days things like that it was lot of tension for everybody involve. you cover our cop beat you always are plugged in you've got a million sources you know our department, philadelphia, many of the other ones inside out. this year our police commissioner really risen to the national stage. what do you make of this? he was the head of two big police organizations and now the president has tapped him to head this new panel that's going to study policing all across the country. it's a big task. has to have a report done by
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sometime in february and recommendations put on the president' desk so the president can then announce them. this is a large task for chuck ramsay but he's a tough guy certainly up to that task. no doubt about it. >> what's it look been covering the philadelphia police department over this year. >> it's been interesting year. it started off with the amber long murder in northern liberties. that shook up everyone young lady shot and killed right in front of her mother over a purse snatching situation. that murder still hasn't been solve. a lot of crimes against women this year that we kind of highlight add few times. surveillance video has boomed this year with the police department and it is solving crimes left and right. so it's a definite plus to try and get more businesses, more personal folks hooking in their surveillance video up and zenning their surveillance video into the police depth. solved hundreds of cases haven't arrested quite a few people using surveillance video. that's something we can all help out, dave. thank you as always. we love you. you're breaking the news and the stories and getting to the bomb to have. >> thanks for having me. i appreciate it. thank you. that is something we can do is get surveillance cameras during our conversation use the hash
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tag fox 29 weekend. >> 8:32 right now. let's take a look at some of other headlines. it has been more than a month since shane montgomery disappeared. the 21 was partying with friends akildare's the night before thanksgiving and has not been searched. they have searched for him in and around the schuylkill river. >> it's time for a segment we like to call let it rip. our guest has 30 seconds to let it rip on three big tacony-palmyra pick. salomon jones morning host at wurd joins it by skype. we'll get to our first topic. what we've been talking about over the last few week. comedy the interview. hackers threatened sony said no release much the president said why not? that's a big mistake. sony did a limited release in theaters and streamed it online. reaction on social media pretty micked that. hayden wrote, 10 minutes in the interview is hilarious. fine edition of buddy comedy
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genre. jack brac said watch the interview and my couch in my tight tee whites because freed freedom. miles said 35 minutes in, wondering if i'll ever laugh again. finally this tweet. wow, hash tag the interview was horrible. the koreans were actually trying to save us from that awfulness. solomon 30 seconds let it rip. >> well the interview aired in 31 theaters across the country raking in were you million dollars on christmas. and you know it's great if that's what you want to do, that's fine. one movie goer call it patriotism it's our patriotic duty to see the interview because of free speech. well, you know, patriotism is fighting for your country. patriotisms fighting off a foreign invasion. it's not patriotism to be forced see a seth bro again movie that is in the patriotism. that's punish many. >> all right. next up a christmas day miracle. a fox 29 exclusive a baby born on septa train. our cameras were there as first
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responders rush the baby up the stairs and into awaiting ambulance. septa police say the mother and baby are doing welch dozens of people wrote about this story on our fox 29 facebook page. jenn for wrote, why does breaking news have to be horrible this was wonderful news and it's about time a good story was consider breaking news. god bless this little miracle born on christmas day. and dave said happy birthday and merry christmas. thank god police officers are willing to do the right thing. but peggy asked, why would you get on a train in labor? call cab. at least 30 seconds solomon let it rip. >> okay look there's lot of things going around about bad cops certainly there are bad cops who do bad things. i don't think anybody would protest that but i think that these cops are great cops. not only great cops but great men look i have three children. i've seen all of them born. it is not a pretty sight. it's not something that you want to see. it's not something for the faint at heart. these cops actually not only saw a birth, but participated in it and were able to smile afterwards, my hats are off to
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these cops. they're better men than i am. >> great men. funeral service today's for a new york city police officer who was shot and killed last weeke weekend. officer raphael ramos will be remembered today while funeral a a. for his partner officer wenjian liu are still pending. they were both murdered execution style as they sat in their patrol car pro and anti police protests do continue though. evelyn writing on facebook there isn't wrong with peaceful protests. when the mayor of the city asks for the people to let these officers be laid to rest before continuing to protest, it's a shame they have to be asked and it's more of a shame that they can't abide. so sad and speak volumes of how disrespectful and unempathetic people have become. wendy says why stop the protesters, michael brown aka eric garner their dead and gone. no respect there. sorry for the inform ypd and their loss but life goes on hash tag protests. let it rip and that one yes. >> well, i think that people should continue to pro testify. it's not an american thing.
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it's not constitutional to tell people that they cannot pro testify. you can certainly ask. but it's our right to continue to protest and people are doing that. but i think beyond the disrespect, beyond the rhetoric all of that, emerald garner is the daughter of eric garner the man choke to death by police and she weren't out to the memorial to those two officers and she said, look, when my father died, people supported my family. i'm going support these two families because not all cops are bad. there are cops in my family. we just want to weed the bad one out. i think we need to follow her lead. >> times up. we appreciate it. have a great new year. >> okay. you too. thanks, lauren. >> if you have any comments of course you know what to do. leave them on or social media sites using the hash tag fox 29 weekend. >> thank you, lauren. we told you this story about this dog of danger of being put to sleep because the owners died and wanted the dog ashes to be buried with them but they're another option. now a decision has been made. what the future holds for bella. >> okay. karen, people are talking about
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those gifts both good and bad on our social media site. sarah says karen, they're great socks to run in. your toots cease will thank you. then there's angie. she says i don't know if this is and every day gift or can only wear during the holidays. looks like a pin or something like that. trina tells us this is what my mom got me for christmas. love teas and a rem ma therapy. >> someone is telling karen best gift ever, bought it for moo self. good for you. go girl. >> all right. time for music speaking of that. single ladies by beyonce'. send in your tune requests. use our tash mag fox 29 weeken .
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>> does anybody home know person who thinks their bigger than they are and they really aren't? >> we always feel bloated after christmas. >> thank you caitlin. that's what it is. it's just one of those -- no matter what your size you've been having christmas cookies. >> look at this. she's like i feel so big. >> squeeze yourself in. >> lay down and zip up the pan pants. >> hold your breath. >> yes. >> we have a happy ending to story we told you about last sunday on fox 29 weekend. bella a german shepherd will be sent to animal rescue in utah. bella was in danger of being pitt down after her own are in died and she left in her will she want the the dog's ashes played with her. she left also a second hospital shouldn't to send bella to the
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best friends animal society if they raised enough money. it will take the dog in. and provide her with proper ca care. >> hundreds of you obviously commented about this story and our fox 29 facebook page. here's some of your comments. brie wrote, yea, so happy she gets to find a home. no animal deserves to die without natural causes. and melissa said also yea, i'm so grad bella gets to live. so sad an owner would do that i would never have put my dogs to sleep just because iodide. i hope he's happy in his new home and when he passes he can still be buried with his owner. >> a happy ending. so many people were so upset with that story. i was. >> there has to be another way. you can't kill the dog. yes. i know. >> it's a conflict of interest because it's her will and you have to honor her will. thank god there were two optio options. >> ancient egyptians, who does that? >> i die and of one around me must die. what? >> all right. the end of the year we're talking about we call the year enters at the end of year but you still have a double of days
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left to save hard end money. coming up we've got your money questions and this important stuff you want to have your right cash savings as we finish out the year. the advice that you need and more tunes this morning ring my bell by anita ward. mia sent that one in. she got a play station two for christmas. best gift ever. good for you. keep those coming hash tag fox 29 weekend. hey! guess what day it is?? >>hump day! hummmp daaay!
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it's hump day! >>yeah! >>hey mike! mike mike mike mike mike! >>mike mike mike mike mike. hey! he knows! hey! guess what day it is! hey! camel! guess what day it is! >>it's not even wednesday. let it go, phil. if you're a camel, you put up with this all the time. it's what you do. (sigh) if you want to save fifteen percent or more car insurance, you itch to geico. it's what you do. ok...
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>> welcome back. now, caitlin predicts everyone will be up and out and about on this beautiful day and it is a beautiful day. i predict that people went out last night and had so many wonderful holiday parties, they might be sleeping late this morning. you let us know what you're actually doing. >> if do you sleep it off are that's fine. because even later on in the day it looks pretty nice. just we'll see temperatures well into the 50s with some sunshine. i heard a lot of the golf courses were packed yesterday. i'll bet it's the same thing today. we have not had many days this fall and errly winter where you could head out on the greens and i think today is a good one for it. ultimate doppler shows a few clouds around. sprinkles down towards our south. we should see mainly sun and clouds as we go through the rest of today. it look pretty good out there. as we probably go through the afternoon hours, we'll start off with some sunshine. and then we'll probably see a little less as we go into the second half of the weekend. but for the most part, it will be a very nice afternoon. nice change, too. zooming out further there's some
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showers rain and snow scattered moving in across the midwest the ohio valley. but worry not going to see that arrive until sometime tomorrow. fox future cast we've got the sun with us as weed when through 5:00 o'clock and then later on tonight there's those clouds increasing. into sunday there's the showers arriving. so we're with you this time tomorrow morning 8:00 a.m. fox 29 weekend talk bowing rain moving through. not a lot but along a cold front which will bring on and off showers till about early monday morning. and then those showers will probably linger in our southern counties. temperatures in the 20s and 30s right now. it's chilly but not unbearable. 35 in philadelphia. we make it up to 55 today. clouds and showers tomorrow. and then the colder air comes in and probably in waves but it's about to get very chilly as we head towards new year's. high temperatures only in the theirs. >> as the year comes to an it's time to start thinking about your money. tack season will be here before you know it. even though it's the last weekend of the year there's some things you can do to safe money on your taxes and some things
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you'll definitely want to do so you don't lose money. joining us via skype to make sense of it richard mass so financial expert for wells fargo advisers. richard we asked our fox 29 viewers to tweet us and use the hash tag money moves and we've got a few questions for you. first question comes from jamie who asks, i have a flex spending account. is there anything i should do before the end of the year? richard? well, good morning and happy holidays. thanks for having me. yes, when it comes to flex spending accounts it's going to depend on what time type of flex spending account you have. you will want to make sure last week of the year here to see what your balance is, and how much hasn't been used. what balance needs to be looked at to check off with receipts depending in it's a vision, dental, you want to see if you have balance that hasn't been used and then see what receipts you can use that had the appointment or the event throughout this year. you do have some time into the next year to put the through. but you want to make sure it's
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an expense that was bun done in 2014 and in some instances you may be able to, if you don't have a receipt, you may be able to go to eye glass store and maybe pre pay for some new prescription glasses and pick them out later if you don't have any other receipts left for vision spending. richard thanks for that one. jersey girl 3016, i don't have health insurance is there anything i can do to avoid the penalty in 2015 or is it too late? jersey girl, it is not too late. you have little bit of time left. you have until february 15th that's the deadline the absolute last time you can set up the health insurance for 2015. after that, you're going to have to wait until the next open enroll many which is not going to be until the fall and you will not have health insurance for the year 2015. which is something you want to be cautious of because the penalty for that is $325 per individual or 2% of household income and that's a big jump
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from 2014 when it was only $95. or 1% of household income. >> i'm in my 20s when should i start saving from retirement. similar question from someone that says how do i know if i cribbed enough to my 401k this year. >> you're right. both of these are completely connected. first of all the 401k you want to try to be as familiar with your company plan as possible. you want to look at it here at the end of the year see how much of your contribution went in. the maximum contribution is 17,500. if you're over 50 years old there's another catch up of $5,500. but the most important thing to see if you've at least contributed enough to get your company match. so you want to know exactly what that percentage is. want to make sure you at least contributed that. but if we really want to make sure we are focusing on doing the most we can for our retirement and the younger you are, the more important it is to save. as hard as it is to think about retirement, the younger we are,
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the longer our life expectant cease are really going to be. retirement will be that much longer. and with inflation coming down the road our dollars will be cut in half every 25 years or so. so we want to look at saving the compounding interest that we can get by putting that money away and just forget about it. try to maximize your contributions as much as you possibly can as young as you a are. and just so you know next year 18,000 is going to be the max. with the 6,000 catch up if you're over 50. >> richard, thank you so much for that great advice. safe, safe, save have a great new year. >> you too, thank you so much. >> if you have questions for richard or any financial questions sen♪ ♪em to us use
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>> welcome back. we're talking about family and holidays spending time together. what was the worst and the best gift. we start with this one because it's so sad. worst was i got my wife a newism pad. sounds great. while setting it up discovered she was having an affair. oh, man. >> oh, no. we want to show you some kids. this is the spirit of the holidays. the trains are the toys this was my best gift. kids are healthy and happy and then this one i got the dreaded fruit cake. who still gives fruit cake out there. >> my grandma by accident. loo gave you app accident. my grandma. >> pj got a lot of nice stuff. i gave north face, flat screens, surround sound, smart watches and all i got was a bull horn.
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>> why? >> i don't know. >> best and worse gift lauren. >> best gift my parents and grandmother came to hang out with me this weekend. worse gift my mom bought me arm warmers. >> what are those. >> as opposed to legwarmers. >> very into legwarmers. they're like panty hose and she was so excited i was like here's the deal because my mom can be honest. i'm not going to wear these. don't waste your money. send them back. >> isn't that a weird kind of gift. it's really good if you're a biker but you're not. >> karen has bott my back. >> best and worse caitlin. >> everything was so nice. i love getting gifts. i got a really good winter coat i needed i peck out. i can't go wrong with that. nice jewelry things like that. i again knot got the box of socks. but i actually appreciate that. my mom gives all of us a whole box. >> i like that. >> i -- >> i think it's okay for mom.
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but karen is like brian, really? >> he's at the running store g getting hisself something. he gets me a running store shirt and socks. he came up big other than that. i do love. >> aaron, how about you. >> i got what i got lots of cash which i love. and i also got a gift card and bought a shirt it was my worse gift retook it home and tried it on i don't like this. i got to return it. >> you didn't try the on in the store. >> no. >> he got his own worst gift. >> seriously. >> aaron got the best of both worlds. he celebrated christmas with us and hanukkah with his family. eight gifts. >> it was wonderful. >> that's nice. >> good. >> speaking of gift cards, gift cards they can seem like they are the perfect gift unless you're like aaron and buy yourself your own worst gift. >> right. >> what if you don't leak that particular store? i've had that that happen. we have a good answer. there may be an answer. coming up what you can do with your unwanted gift card. >> i've gem to us? >> your music requests 1985 by
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bowling for soup never heard of that group. thanks to dylan for requesting that one. get your requests in hash tag fox 29 weekend. bowling for soup? >> yes. >> i heard of it. >> chicken noodle. >> one hit wonder. >> i love chicken noodle. >> see that grocery store across the street. i'm not ready to go back to reality yet. so let's still do some shopping for the holidays. we're here with marla. now is the best time because everything is on sale. >> everything. we're in a section here that is all 70% off. >> now that i've carried about the teachers, my friends, me mother-in-law, my husband and my kids. i can care about myself. now is a good time to shop for myself. >> when you're shopping for other people, do you need to gift wrap that. no, that's for me. >> now is the timing to crazy. >> you've got something that's marked $54. 70% off. >> i love it.
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>> by the way if you're looking for me i'll be right who are. i'm jenn frederick and this is mom-o-logue
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♪ >> this hour on fox 29 weekend, gas prices going down, down, down. great news for your wallet. you may be able to afford a night out but could these low prices be a sign of bad times to come? >> plus, an inspirational story. a young woman overcoming obstacles and the organization that helped her and dozens of others lead happy normal lives. we're all about the two screen experience here. grab your device, turn the tv up and let's chat. ♪ >> your news, your neighborhood, live inn interactive, this is fox 29's weekend. >> it's the last weekend of 2014 and we are so glad you decided to start it with you much it is saturday, december 27th.
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i still have no new year's eve plans by the way. i'll come up with something. >> what are you doing for new year's eve. >> thanks for joining us on fox 29 weekend. i'm laura johnson. >> i invited us to come to the water park with the screaming kids. somehow she decline. >> very very sad passing final farewell to that new york city police officer who was shot and killed and with so many officials call an assassination. >> the insults keep flying as north korea reacts to the release of the interview. >> but first you were trying to get your day started and planning on what to wear, what to get the kids in as you step outside. take live look outside. where did the city go? it is a hazy morning out there, caitlin. it is. it's hazy and cloudy right now. we've got those clouds around which helped make it a pretty nice sunrise but we've got to overcome them to get a lot of sunshine through today. partly sunny skies. probably through the morning. maybe a little bit more sunshine this afternoon. clouds now showing up sprinkles down towards our south a lot of showers across the tennessee valley and that is some snow moving across the midwest this
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is a cold front which will come through tomorrow and bring us a chance for some rain. but that's tomorrow outside right now we're looking at a pretty good day. 37 degrees outside winds are calm. we do have some fog and some clouds to overcome like oy said. but more sunshine expected. 39 up in mount pocono. 34 in allentown. all of us above freezing right now so it's not too cold. 37 in philly and dover. 41 in wildwood right now. your fox cast for today, once we break out in sunshine really looks good. 55 degrees is the high temperature. well above normal. normally we see high temperature in the low 40s. into tonight clouds are on the increase as that front approaches. 41 degrees the low temperature. that cold air returns just in time for 2015. we'll show you that still ahead in your seven day forecast. >> karen? >> thank you so much, caitlin in our news this morning, in less than an hour so many thousands will be gathered to pay their final respects to that fallen nypd officer. >> it's the first of two funerals for the police officers gunned down in their police car just one week ago. >> our sabina kuriakose joining
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us now with meront funeral today for the officer. >> reporter: all righty. we're hearing the line outside the church stretches at least half a dozen blocks and now we know that the procession has already gun for officer ramos' funeral. police and mourners from around the country have turned out to pay their respects watching right now a live feed as that procession has now begun. now publish reports indicate security is very very tight at that funeral. here at home, philly sent some of its finest on buses that departed from the fop lodge hours ago. now officer ramos will be buried in full dress uniform and american flag draped over his casket. yesterday thousands paid their respects during an eight-hour wake during which ramos' family spoke of their tremendous loss. colleagues remembering their fallen brother in blue as a compassionate, caring and selfless man who cable bible study books in his lock consider because he wanted to become a pastor. officer ramos and his partner wenjian liu were murdered in
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cold blood as they sat in that are police cruiser one week ago. the gunman is ismaaiyl brinsley post on instagram wanted to kill cops in retaliation of the deaths for michael brown and eric garner. he killed himself minutes after gunning down the two policemen. officer ramos is remember for his love of family and faith. those who knew the 4084 old married father of two say caring about on the people is what made him a good husband, a good father and a good cop. >> great guy. great guy. and you ask anybody about him, they'll tell you the exact same thing. >> definitely. >> everything is about family. family and the police depth. no matter where you're from, we say we have a thin blue line, that thin blue line goes from one state to california to west coast all the way to new york. >> reporter: thin blue line on full display as mourners have turned out this morning to grieve the loss of officer ramos and to support his family. the funeral will be live streamed on the church's website
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you can catch it at christ lauren? >> is a bone in a, thank you so much police investigating an armed robbery in philadelphia's wynnefield section. this happened around 5:30 this morning on the 5,000 block of city avenue. investigators are not sure how much money the thief took so far no suspects. >> the hit-and-run driver who killed an elderly driver on her birthday will not be charged just yet. after slamming into her bucks county home and then speeding away. police say the 20-year-old whose name has not yet been released turned himself in hours after killing 93-year-old jenny russo inside her bristol township home. her family left devastated. she wanted that die in this house but you wouldn't think by a car. you wouldn't think that on her birthday. jeez, you know, really. >> police say the driver did express remorse. they're stl investigating but sources at the bucks county da's office say it's unclear if the door will face charges because russo was in hospice care.
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our cover story this hour the falling gas prices already with the year ending our prices are down almost a dollar from where they were last year. let's take look. nationally last year we were at about $3.02. this year 2.3. let's see exactly what it is in our neck of the woods. here in pennsylvania, we're -- we pay last year almost $3.5. right now in pennsylvania, the little over $2.5. in delaware it's always less than it is in pennsylvania. if we take look at those numbers, they're at $3.3. people were paying last year. this year folks in the first state $2.5 way to go, new jersey certainly always has the least gas prices in our area. if we take look at that. we can see that they have paid $3.2 last year. down to 2.3. and we had our steve keeley out there. there's some areas in brick township where it's under $2. so that should be great thing so
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many of you are overjoyed about this more wallet -- money in your wallet and pockets. 16 bucks to fill up my tank. i love these gas prices please going down. christian says i'm in love with gas prices right now. but low prices aren't always the best news. we have to be debbie downer ornithes one. we've got gene mark from the marks group joining us by skype. good morning to you. hey, karen. happy holidays to you. >> happy holidays. i want to get these two tweets before we start. katie says while i love the gas prices being this low, it's scary because half of east texas works in the oil field, and someone else writes all these people praising low gas prices and room just like, man, i wonder how many thousands of people won't have jobs if this keeps up. so gene, we're not near texas. should it ab concern to us with these prices they keep falling? >> yeah, first of all i have to say karen i'm brought on fox 29 all the time to give people bad news. i'm a cpa or something about my
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face. so, you know, there is some downside to these low gas prices. it affects a lot of people. just locally so we know, you know, pennsylvania, western pennsylvania got a big shale oil region and remember, you know, governor wolf or new governor one of the platforms he was going on to sure up the state's budget was to tax these shale oil companies. kind of tough to do when shale oil companies are going through such hard time not making profits to tax. not only affects the companies themselves, they're employees, they're growth, all of that, but a big impact on the state butch. other states have the same are but just in pennsylvania alone it's a big problem if we can't tax and that plans don't work out. how is that going to affect the rest of us? business weiss and tax weiss. we were taxing them before now if we may start, it will be more money we didn't make in the past. these oil companies they are making money, aren't they? >> they are. there's a certain price per barrel. 60 bucks a barrel. once you get below that, it becomes unprofitable for them to generate.
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begun, all those taxes levied was a big election last november. again, that's now we're heading into this new year that was the big part of the plan to sure up the state's finances. definitely is an issue. we're enjoying lower gas prices at the pump and helps consume mr. spenting all that good stuff just from a deficit issue from a statewide issue, you know, it could reverberate back on us. we have to keep an eye on us. >> how about people who live in new jersey and delaware. we don't worry about low gas prices. good news fours. this is trout at the same time but there are a lot of ancillary industries in new jersey and delaware that benefit from the oil industry. refining done in both states, transportation, rail operations, there's inn direct businesses, that all are impacted by the oil industry. so when the industry itself is suffering, those industries suffer as well. so again it's funny in this world when ever you hear something is good, there's always like an offset. somebody is ben it f'ing somewhere. somebody not benefiting because of that.
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in this case. the same area. there are a lot of people and a lot of industries that all indirectly benefit from the oil industry and they're going to suffer for the next few months at least if in the all of next year. >> gene, we love you. >> thank you. >> i feel really sad. bad news -- >> you're definitely going in the column of don down are in. not debbie downer. you're a don downer i have to tell you. >> i wish i can make that noise they do on saturday night live. i won't even try that on tv. thank you so much. we appreciate your time. >> sure thing. take care karen. >> be sure to let us know what you think about the falling gas prices. most of us do love it. use our hash tag fox 29 weekend. one game left for the eagles but it doesn't matter. the birds aren't going to the playoffs. but coach kelly to blame. >> let us know your thoughts use the hash tag fox 29 weekend. plus, our look back at 2014 continues. with some of the year's funniest hash tags and two young women who brought hope and cheer to
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>> good morning and welcome back at exactly 9:13. there's news happens happening right now there's so many people that are gathering up there in new york city. we are taking a live look in new york. this is queens specifically as thousands of mourners are arriving now for the funeral of new york city police officer raphael ramos at the christ tabernacle church that is in queens. he was killed along with his partner execution style while i
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was sitting in a patrol car. we're going to continue to have live updates as so many are gathering to give their final respects. other news at 9:13, north korea is blaming fred obama for the release of the new movie "the interview". >> the cup from's government called the movie illegal, dishonest and reaction nary and hurled racist insults at president obama calling him reckless. ♪ >> i'm jeff cole it's time for fox unfiltered. where we respond to your comments and complaints right here on the air. ♪ >> and we're noticing a trend with your feedback. a lot of viewers think we're a very negative bunch. example one, a cop buy as woman eggs instead of arresting her for allegedly shop living the public loves it. so do we. but michael thinks we did the story only to shift attention from other police stories. sickening how fox will go to any length to cover up police brutality. michael, we cover stories that
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viewers see as both positive and negative. it is the nature of news period. example two the of cover denny crocket respond to do home rob before he. the kids were devastated. officer crocker is so moved he takes his cruiser down to the local store and surprises the kids with a present. a brand new tv. but instead of commenting on the cops generosity some of our viewers used this story to take a shot at us. angela, nice seeing a's tiff story for change hash tag sick of neglect tough news. joan omg i can't believe fox 29 does a non-bashing police story. joan, with all due respect, if you think that's all we do regarding police, you simply are not paying attention. and then there's this. a fox 29 crew was there. a mayfair rally to support philly police. kathleen noted, this is what the media should show.
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amanda, it's nice to see this after so much negativity in the media. we agree, amanda. our goal is to troy to continue to bring you balanced news coverage in 2015. we got lots of positive reaction to this story. brandon is the team assistant for the nba's memphis grizzlies. when his car was stolen the team surprised him with a brand new set of wheels. juanita wrote let's hear more stories like this. maybe goodness and godly love will catch a mighty wave. brian, it's easy to love than hate. very nice, brian. i have an idea. let that be the message of 2015. ♪ >> finally, more good news. meghan works hards waitress at her local diner. she gave a table of 10 their bill. about 130 bucks. their tip, $1,200. kim wrote, this world needs more kindness like this.
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sandy, proof there's goodness in the world. adrianna, good for her. i am happy to hear these stories, happy to see people care. you know what adrianna, we'd like to think that more people care than those had don't. let's try to find more of those stories in the new year. >> that's it for this very positive edition of fox unfiltered. i'm jeff cole. >> eagles kicking off again the giants tomorrow but of course at this point they're playing for nothing. they're not going to make the playoffs. so this whole year once again another disappointment for our phillies sports fans. let's take look back. we'll reflect for moment on this. we've got john marks from the john and sean show 97.5 the phanatic joining us this morning. good morning. mer row christmas karen. how you doing. >> merry christmas. how were your holidays. fantastic but now we're on to another football game like you said it doesn't matter. >> we're not -- so hard when you're not excited for game day and then so much last week and
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then all of a sudden a week later it's just, we're all disappointed. well who would have thought when we were sitting here at nine and three this team three games later would be talking about no playoffs. it was a certainty. we didn't know mow about mark sanchez. we didn't know if there was going to be a super bowl. they needed one more win. to more wins tops to get into the playoffs and a tough stretch but now you look at the eagles season and it goes from 913 to thinking maybe super bowl. maybe you go deep into the playoffs. you're wondering is chip kelly really the great coach we thought he was. and what i've been thinking about the last week or so who is your quarterback for 2014? because nick foles can't stay healthy. if he's the guy? there's more questions than answers right now as far as i'm concerned. >> well, two seconds on that one. what do you think about chip and is foles the guy? >> well, i think chip is still a bright offensive football mine. i still they think he can have success without a quarterback an guy that can stay health theme nick foles missed a couple games. really only started half of the
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season. but he missed some games because of a concussion. this year now he's got broken collarbone. he's got an injury bug that follows hem around. whether it's a concussion or broken collarbone or whatever, so now you're counting on him being your quarterback next season which by the way his last year of his rookie contract. so even if he comes back next year, and you're like, oh, did he pretty well, he's not signed for 2015. so i like nick foles and chip kelly i'm in the sure what the hell is going to happen with this, and just a couple weeks ago we thought we were set. we had chip kelly, our quarterback -- whatever quarterback he wants to bring in we're good with. then all of a sudden it's like we're not in the playoffs. now there's uncertainty. now there's questions. it's going to be a very evident fromming off season for sure. >> all right. so we're totally depressed about all of that. what's the best team? we know eagles that was a huge disappointment. we were depressed about that. take us through the rest of our franchise teams, you know, what do we think. do we have to? >> i know, right. i don't know if i wept tom let's start off with the eagles f you're looking for like a bright spot or the story of
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2014, you would have thought the eagles but you can say that now. they were nine and three. they lost three straight games in december. so not the eagles. so what it be the phillies? no it's not going to be the phillies. last place, now they're trying to trade everybody. look at that. jimmy rollins, chase utley, ryan how war the good old days. now none of them might be here in 2015 they can't be the team of the year. the 76ers had the worst record in all of basketball. and if you look at those three guys, evan tougher are in, spence sr. haws and thaddeus young that was their core in present 14. allotheism goat traded now you have a young team and they're growing. the flyers might make the playoffs. >> that's true. they lost to the rangers in the first round. so the team of 2014? you can't. because i got the answer. >> okay. >> 13 year olds team of the year in philadelphia in 2014 are the taney dragons, south philadelphia's own of course what great run to the little
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league world series and they really were the talk of the nation. highlighted by our girl mo'ne davis who made the cover of sports illustrated, karen i group saying you throw like a girl. after watching mo'ne throw -- >> yes. >> you want to throw like a girl. she was the biggest story in america. she did the talk show circuit. >> yes. >> on letterman. what an inspirational girl. already super star. if there's bright spot in philadelphia sports in 201413 year olds. >> i definitely have to agree with you on that one. have a wonderful and happy new year. may it a better than it was this last year sports wise. >> karen, everybody take care. >> let us know. that's the call right there. what do you think our biggest sports highlight biggest sports team, moment use or hash tag fox 29 weekend. this move could have made for a very unhappy christmas a man loses an envelope that had $1,500 inside. but it ends well. he gets it back. what he did that now makes him
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say he'll always listen to his wife. we like you. >> good advice from our man. another smart man with lot of fun. a show we called chasing bill anderson so he zen us thus video of his kids. look at them in thermaging pajamas this is their reaction to getting their christmas gift it's a wii. take a lock. (kids screaming). >> what is it? >> what is it. it's a w i.e. e
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>> christmas miracle thanks to the kindness of a complete stranger. >> can't imagine this happening. 74-year-old paul carrying an envelope with $1,500 in it. he put it on the top of his car for a second. how many times have you done that with the coffee mug. oh yeah. >> you put it on the top of the car and forget about it. starts to drive off as his wife feared the envelope blew off but there was a woman, this kind hearted woman hooks found it on the side of the road, saw the handwritten name and address on it and returned it to that couple a short time later. wow! >> i was greatly relieved. oh, my gosh. what a -- what a miracle
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christmas that somebody would first of all stop out here on busy street, i learn two things of out. one don't put anything on top of the car that you don't want to lose and two always believe your wife. >> the most important lesson always believe your wife. why paul was carrying that cash he and his son just sold a car for relative he was planning to take the money to a bank where he dee pouffed it and write that relative a personal check. >> good morning. i'm dr. mike. ♪ >> we are in that heat of the holiday season. we're all probably eating a little more than we should. now is not the time to get on a diet. now is the time to just maintain your weight. have a great holiday, carp pay diem, my friends. many of us make new year's resolutions. 50% of do, 88% of us fail.
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what are you going to do? i've always failed so this year i'm getting a trainer to mick sure i don't fail this year. >> hard to believe he's going to look even better than he does. i'm dr. mike. have great we♪ ♪d and holiday
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>> well kill back. 9:29. we want to take a look at our headlines. it has been more than a month sips shane montgomery went out his friends were manayunk and disappeared.
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21-year-old was at kildare's the night before thanksgiving but hasn't been seen since. the police, fbi and volunteers searched for him around the schuylkill river last week divers found his car keys but clues have yet to solve the mystery of his appearance. >> the memorial for michael brown in ferguson, missouri was damaged after it was hit by a car. no word on who hit it. brown was shot and killed by police officer darrin wilson back in august. >> ♪ >> i'm bruce gordon. the honeymoon is over. just 23 days after a blow out win at dallas, had that had the philadelphia eagles in fares place in their division and head coach chip kelly hailed as genius, the birds dropped their third straight game. within by dallas the very next day made it official. the birds will miss the playof playoffs. the three-point loss to terrible washington redskins team was pathetic on all levels and exposed our second year head coach to a barrage of criticism
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that would have been unthinkable a few weeks ago. kelly himself was responsible for the mistakes. penalties. the defensive lapses and the mediocre quarterback play. my take, our passion as philadelphia sports fans comes with a very high price. again and again, we're sucker flood believing that the latest new guy, the player or coach or front office guru will lead us to the promised land. after all those big expectatio expectations, the fall is always painful. in the case of kelly, we bought into all of that hype about the new face with the new ideas and so when he gave away a star wide out and got nothing in return we shrugged. chip knows what he's doing. when his% round draft become couldn't get on the field we shrug again. chip knows what he's doing. and when losses against the nfl's better teams began to mount, well, then we stopped slugging and asked, does chip know what he's doing? in the end all of that hype was replaced by reality. kelly's player assessments his
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in game decisions even his vaunted hurry up offense have all been exposed. funny thing i don't recall chip kelly ever asking to be called a savor in this town. but around here he comes with the territory. we like building people up. it's that much more fun to tear them down. only in philly. >> all right. 9:32. let's take live look outside because the sun is shining so brightly. it's absolutely gorgeous. it looks like anything out that was out there in terms of fog may have burned off. very quickly. beautiful sunrise the clouds and sunshine and changed to all sunshine today. we are looking at a great saturday but big changes obviously talk about big changes but this time winter like changes as we head towards new year's one of our twitter viewers wanting to know about tuesday morning. 7:45am take off out of philadelphia and you know what, i would say you'd be fine but we actually will have just enough clouds and showers around by then there could be some delays and the showers return by sunday. on and off light rain cold front
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comes through. not a lot of rain. but just enough to make it that dreary drizzily weather we've become accustomed to. by 7am monday morning the front sinks southward but the clouds and showers linger for southern counties. i think a lot of sunshine might be in store the further north and west you go. but as that boundary sits there, it creeps back up, 6am tuesday morning i think we still see some clouds and fog. so maybe not out of the woods just quite yet despite the fact that tuesday looks like an overall dry day. but those morning flights can be tricky with any fog. seven day forecast shows sunny and mild, 55 today. absolutely but full. take advantage of this nice late december rare weather treat. clouds and showers return on a still mild sunday. light flurries or rain showers possible as that cold air comes through monday and tuesday. notice temperatures dropping off into only the theirs on tuesday. come new year's eve what a night it's going to be. maybe didn't need those winter coats on christmas but you will for new year's. 35 the low of 26. 38 new year's day. 24 for the low. we stay sunny and as we round out the rest of the week.
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>> this is one of our favorite segments. a whole team of junior reporters. these are young, very talented college students from all over different area schools that find stories in their communities and bring them to us. one of them right now from rider university samantha craw for. you went to a really interesting christmas party. >> yes. it was so much fun. there was so much spirit in the air and i met this fantastic young girl named anita. i think everyone will find her inn spin sr. race when they meet her. >> i want my picture taken. >> while most children are trying to defeat the odds of high school algebra and physics anita is facing the hard ships of autism spectrum. developmental delays with her diagnosis of tryst 39. >> she has medical issues with breathing tracheal malaysia. it will cause her to have a lot of breathing issues. she also has aspirations issues where the food when it's swallowed good down into the
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lungs and end up with few moan ya. she has lot of diagnoses right now. >> working a lot and waiting our turn and weighing for a response toism pad making sure conversation you're not interrupting me typing in theism pad. sometimes we go out in the community and work on those skills out in the community. yes uh-uh like going shopping, right? >> the family similar conditions are far from alone. ability tree known for services reaching out to familiar impacted by disability through recreation, education, support and training. i'm currently alt their christmas party where everyone is having a great time and making amazing strides along the way. ♪ >> we organize events, put them on our website people register to be special needs children or adults plus their siblings and their parents so it's a total family event. >> it's staff that run it are excellent. they do great job with the kids. unconditional love. >> ability tree is for every
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child, every add dull, everyone of any kind of dissable. there are many great organizations helping special needs children and adults but ours is unique in the sense that we hope to help the total fami family. >> i love this organization. focuses on the ability, not the disability. >> exactlexactly. someone has been diagnose with something doesn't necessarily mean they're not happy or they can't be productive in life and i think what's so special about this organization that they address that like you just said and they also apple to the whole family as pop opposed to the just the individual and himself or herself. it's a team effort. >> it is a team effort. samantha, thank you so much. i love that story. great one. >> thank you for having me. >> many people decide to get new christmas tree every year they throat out every year but one man has kept the same christmas tow for the last, get this, 40 years. why he says he will not get rid of his tree. and we're playing your tunes this morning unwritten by natasha benning foal much thanks james for that one. keep them coming hash tag fox 29 james for that one. keep them coming hash tag fox 29 weekend.
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♪ ah, push it. james for that one. keep them coming hash tag fox 29 weekend. ♪ ♪ push it. ♪ p...push it real good! ♪ ♪ ow! ♪ oooh baby baby. if you're salt-n-pepa, you tell people to push it.
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♪ push it real good. it's what you do. ♪ ah. push it. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ♪ ah. push it. i'm pushing. i'm pushing it real good!
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>> this weekend we're having some of our discussions that happened in the commercial breaks we apologize the ones that crack us up. >> we wish we can tell you. >> taking a look at some of the funniest hash tag of the last year. remember this one. bend gate. when the iphone was new and it
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would bend or something like that. >> no. what was it? >> it's when we got thighs knew iphone six and people were like, the new phone is out you put it in your pocket and you sit down and people were explaining it bent. i think mine did that. >> we got a lot of thought that's what happened. let's take look some of the tweets you were sending out -- that's pretty darn funny. very clever. we like that one. finally got my hasn't on the british version of the iphone but i shop have left it in my back pocket. >> remember that caitlin? >> look at my phone. this is a cheap free iphone five. i had the 4s through most of the 2014 so never have the latest technology. >> karen has the four and aaron gived her the background thing. look how cracked my case is. >> i know. >> i will not get rid of this darn thing. >> look how thick your phone is really the problem. >> yeah. >> it work. i waited until mine died. did you run out and get the iphone six. >> i did. i'm like a tech snob but don't
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know how how to work thing. i have it. >> i don't know anything about this phone. >> maybe i ned a gift car to the apple story, hint, hint. >> brian, those socks. >> i know. >> put the socks on and run over on the apple store. >> sure ink that. he'll get right on that one. gift cards can seem like the perfect thing because you can always go out and get what you really want. what if you don't like that store at all? well there may be an answer coming up for you. coming up, what you can do with your unwanted gift card. >> check out this precious little picture here. best gift watching my son watching my son helping his baby sister open her gift. >> game day, let's go flyers. look at this cutie. hob tag mommy'hash tag mommy's e present. thanks for sending that in. she's a doll.
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>> welcome back. 9:44. so many of you may have gotten gift cards and they can be the perfect gift when you don't know what you want to get for somebody. what happens when you get a gift card -- when you get one for place that you just don't like. karen toll us the story about her experience. wal*mart is testing online gift card exchange allowing customers to turn your unwanted gift cards into wal*mart cards that can be used in stores and online. wal*mart spokesperson says more than 200 retailers and
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restaurants gift cards could be exchanged for up to 97% of the original value. the program will run for several weeks. that is a darn good idea. >> i think it's a great idea. always something you can use at wall march. the boring stuff, food and diapers and all of the things you need. creams always something you need there. and there's never a line open but you just have to be patient. >> got to love wallly world, though. christmas is over and for many people that means it's time to throw out the tree but now for one man in wisconsin, 89-year-old neal olsen kept the same free for 40 years. >> it look leak it. it looks like it. >> yeah. >> he put it up in 1974. christmas when two of his six sons were fighting in the vietnam war and he says to him -- how special, this tree symbolizes the importance of family. >> that time of year we take a look back at the year that it was. thinking about some of the stories in our area and we've got two great ones. we have a reporter that's
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covered some of these stories that are absolutely excellent. one of the bright spots this summer was hot, the weather was amazing. phillies were struggling hasn't do we have to turn to but this group of kids from philadelphia giving a whole area a reason to hope and believe. just may be a team of destiny. the team no one expected to be here has taken williamsport boy storm in dramatic fashion. taney dragons will advance in the little league world series. expecting to be pitching for taney on wednesday, female phenom mo'ne davis. the taney 12 with an entire city behind them hits the field again on wednesday night against las vegas. a win there would put them into the us championship on saturday and possibly play for the world series title on sunday. peter summed it up with a tweet. congratulations to mo'ne davis and the rest of the philadelphia pa hash tag taney little league, job well done players, parents, coaches and ll. our chris o'connell traveled with the taney little league to
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the world series up in williams pour. thank you for spending and spenting time with us on this weekend morning. >> absolutely. >> what an amazing journey. what was it like to be up there with the team and the parents? we saw the rise of this team and mow gay davis. what they didn't see at home. i got a chance to stay the whole week with the parents of these kids. and they are literally they're at the bar watching their kids on espn. can you imagine. >> no. well-year-olds on espn. they're watching their kids. and one night over at the village at the little league world series in william port about 15 minutes away, the water main break at dormatories. so at midnight i see mo'ne davis walk through the lobby of our hotel room and the rest of the team coming into the hotel. and i spent the next hour playing video arcade games with them. air hockey. they were just being kids. and they made -- they didn't win but for these kids, this is all
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they ever wanted was to make it to the little league world series. they got a parade they deserve it. but this was the goal for them. >> i could not believe how young these kids are but the maturity they had and that mo'ne with that mental clarity like steal she can play at the highest caliber level and like an easy going humble kind of kid. a lot of people saw from the other side. i had the front seat to her rise in that week had he she was there. getting interviewed by espn. sports illustrated, cn inform. she was just a kid just like the rest of them. she treated her teammates just like another one of the guys, and you know, she was just a kid. and that's what i got to see up front -- front seat to is her just being a kid. and she's a humble girl. she's -- we'll see a lot of her in the future. >> in the future. another girl really quickly that impressed you so much towards the end of the year. yes. just a few nights ago, mia montgomery a seven-year-old.
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she went to new york city with her mother. she saw some homeless people in penn station and it made her sad. it affected her in way a few weeks later her mother said it was her birthday just friday night last friday. it was her birthday. mom said what do you want to do for your birthday? she said i want to feed the homeless. she spent a month getting donations through facebook, several thousand dollars and literally she fed almost 300 people over two nights and each one of them got a meal, they got clothes. they got shoes and a little goodie bag of a sandwich and a bottle of water and a handwritten note from little mia montgomery just because she felt sad and two years ago, she did a toy drive for her financial birthday. talk about a little girl who is an inspiration to a lot of people this week. >> chris, thank you so much. we really appreciate it. thanks for having me. >> i love that you tweet us using our hash tag. absolutely. always watching. >> fox 29 weekend.
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>> i'm alex holly. >> i'm not mike jerrick. i'm quincy harris. ♪ >> quincy have you seen this? members of the tried to make christmas special for one of their interns. >> they found out his car was stolen and they wanted to something for him. check it out. >> it's a gift. (laughter). >> trying to hold back the tears right now. >> the intern brandon was waiting in the parking lot with team members when they surprised him with a brand new nissan. quincy you have two beautiful boys. do they ever mock you at all. >> all the time. the oldest one he's, hmm, he gets on my nerves. but i love him to death. guess what? these two twins they mock their parents and it's going viral.
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>> so cute duo carli and kelly their parents point and say march whenever the toddlers are in trouble much this is all according to their apartment carl rolen who caught this great impersonation on camera. and that's a look at the trend for this week. thanks for joining me quincy. >> alex, any time. guess what, mike jerrick will be back on monday. we'll all be back on monday. >> the real mike jerrick. >> yeah. >> yeah, this♪ ♪just...
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♪ >> attention lehigh valley viewers are you having trouble seeing fox 29. >> well hello there. now you can watch fox 29 over the air using your antennas with no reception problems whatsoev whatsoever. >> grab your remove control and hit the menu or set up button. look for channel scan. ought though scan, then select. >> once your scan complete sit down and enjoy the shows you love on fox 29. >> thanks for watching lehigh valley. ♪ >> hi, i'm barbara king at the barn at valley forge flours with this week's around the house. renee' trent tweeted us, what can i do to make my christmas plants last longer? to make your christmas greens last longer, it's really important what type of foliage that you choose.
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so i recommend people going with cedar, pine and fir. they really hold up better than anything i have ever found out there. and it's when you pick it. if you're going to go in your backyard and snip some of the greens that you have growing out there, that looks great, but the time that you become it is crucial. you want to be snipping your greens either early in the morning or late at night. because that's when they have the most moisture in them. and they're going to last the longest that way. once you bring these in the house, you want to completely submerge them in water. but i highly recommend with the woody stems what you do is take a hammer and make sure you hammer those stems much it's going to help draw some more water up into the greens. when when um ready to place them i take them out of the water. make sure you dry them off because they can damage your furniture. you want dry pieces on that. dry thdry it off.
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this another thing that is mag magic. this is wilt stop. you spray this on and it helps to seal in the plant's water and it keeps them longer fresher and it really does a great job. also, when you put them into the water in your garage, it doesn't hur to have a perservative like a floral perservative that rea really helps with the longevity of your greens and your foliage. these greens last up to about two weeks. so if you are expecting a month out of them, they are going to get crunchy and dry. if you have any questions you want answered, tweet us at hash tag fox 29 weekend. hash tag around the house. ♪ >> tomorrow morning on fox 29 weekend, gearing up for the new year mummers are preparing to strut on broad street. but there are some changes to the 2015 parade.
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why many philly residents are not too happy. plus as the weather gets colder it's important not to forget our pets. new signs for keeping your furry friends out in frigid temperature. it starts at 8:00 right here on fox 29. >> so we'll continuing to take lock at must really funny hash tag from this year. this is one of ones a lot of fun oh and good day with. the so gee olympic games. so, so, sochi. >> and you would play along as well. lots of funny pictures. are a reason was not -- lauren was not here for this one. >> it was never ending. >> my hotel has no water. if restore the front desk says do not use on your face because it contains something very dangerous. that is was the classic. who needs walls. don't wanting to number two with your buddy? >> exactly that. because who doesn't want to use a public restroom with complet completely mirrored ceilings. >> wow. >> can you imagine. does anyone have to look up.
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>> horrifying. >> oh, gosh. >> thank you so much for joining us on this saturday. >> thank you so much for joining us on this saturday.
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- welcome to awesome planet, i'm philippe cousteau. ecosystems surround us in nature. they're an intricate and fascinating web of life with plants and animals coexisting in harmony. so join us on an amazing adventure as we explore diverse ecosystems to understand just how vast and delicate they can be. in this episode, prehistoric reptiles lurk below, and giant beasts roam the open planes. i think it's appropriate that we've got elk right behind us, because that's a food source for the wolves. join me philippe cousteau, as we explore ecosystems, on awesome planet. if someone had to choose just one word to describe


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