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tv   Fox29 Weekend  FOX  December 28, 2014 8:00am-9:01am EST

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♪ >> this is morning on fox 29 weekend, gearing up for the new year mummers are preparing to strut on broad street. but there's some changes to the 2015 parade. why many philly residents are not too happy. plus as the weather gets colder it's important not to forget our pets. new fines you can face for keeping your furry friends out in the frigid temperature. grab your tablet, smart phone or laptop. let's chat. ♪ >> your news, your neighborhood, live and interactive, this is fox 29's weekend. >> we are so glad you joined us for our last show of 2014. don't you remember when we started this all in september. >> just a couple months ago. it's already the end of the year. i don't know how to happened. >> it's sunday, december 28, 2014. good morning and thanks so much for joining us. i'm lauren johnson.
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>> i'm karen hepp. excuse my voice including this developing story everyone will be talking about we're right on top of this. that plane that has disappeared flying from indonesia to singapore this morning officials are trying to figure out what happened. >> plus, another movie causing worldwide controversy. egypt now banning the film exodus gods and kings. >> we want to begin as we always do. how to get out the door and, how to dress how to plan your day. we had a gorgeous day yesterday. caitlin it was amazing now we have clouds that are moving in on this morning. i know. yesterday was so beautiful. sunshine all afternoon. high temperature in the mid 50s right now though. that's the change you're going to see all day. overcast skies we'll have the clouds with us as we move from sunday into monday. showers have already pushed through. just about an hour or two ago we saw light rain here in philadelphia this is all along a cold front but a lot of that rain pushed up into new england. there are still some showers back in western pennsylvania that could affect us later today. light rain on and off is kind of the story for today. certainly not wash out. certainly not going to be raining all day but umbrellas
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just needed just in case. here's the steadier showers moved from central jersey up to new york city. so, again, pretty quite here in philadelphia right now. but we do have the chance for a few showers as we go through the rest of today. 42 in mount pocono. 41 in pottstown. 44 in philadelphia. obviously this is just rain showers as temperatures are well above freezing. 46 in millville. 48 in atlantic city. we still get into the 50s despite the clouds and showers little bit of light rain otherwise just overcast for tonight we'll fall back to 39 degrees. a little bit of rain to start off the work week and the cold air returns all of that still ahead in your seven day foreca forecast. >> thanks so much caitlin. let's get right to that developing story right now this morning. there's a massive sea essential happening underway for an air asia plane that disappeared while flying from indonesia to singapore. 162 people were on that plane. fox 29's brad satin is live in our social media center with more. good morning. >> good morning ladies much massive search underway it's been underway for hours much it
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is air asia flight 8501 disappearing in southeast asia. it is dark outside there right now. so the search we just heard a short timing a suspended for the night. plane was flying from a city in indonesia headed to singapore when it sis appeared over the java sea. at this point it's about 14 hours ago. the plane said to have 162 people on board. no americans believed to be on that flight. disappearing early sunday morning local time. that make it about 6:15 last night our time. so far there's been no sign of this plane. family members of those missing quickly began to gather at the airport. seen talking on phones looking at the schedules there crying obviously. the two pilots said to be very experienced. there are some reports that they request add change in the route to go up higher to avoid some clouds and bad weather. there was said to be no distress call before air traffic control lost communication with that plane. search and rescue again just stopping for the night because of darkness. search crews with the inn donation army there are as well
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as singapore air force and navy. australia also on stand by. >> the weather radar is showing big areas of red which means that there is violent thunderstorms going on so it does look as though the pilot requested an alternative route but what has happened possibly and it's only speculation at the moment it might have been hit by thunder and might have gone do down. >> reporter: all speculation right now much tweets have been pouring in using the hash tag air asia. joe writing, saddened to hear about another missing plane. i hope that it is found. everyone is okay. matt writing saying another missing plane, those poor peop people. my heart is torn apart for the families. i have shivers just thinking about it and finally a tweet may god give strength to the families of the passengers of the missing air asia plane. some of the tweets social media coming in right now. we know this is now the third
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incident connect to do malaysia this year. malaysian airlines flight 777 that one disappeared back on march 8th. 239 people on board. the search wept on for months. still has not been found. and malaysian flight 17 that one was shot down over the ukraine in july killing 298 people. of course, this latest case developing story we'll be watching through the day. lauren? >> brad, thank you so much for that update. new this morning two people are in the hospital after a car plowed into a house in philadelphia's oxford section. this happened around 3:00 a.m. on the 700 block of nor street. a woman is in critical condition while a man is in stable condition. police say the victims were in their early 20's. investigators are looking into this as a possible dui. philadelphia charter school sends home letters to parents saying the school won't open after the holiday break. parents with students at the walter palmer middle school are now scrambling to find a new school for their children. the letter says the school will shut down after december 31st
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because administrators were unable to meet with the school district of philadelphia. the dispute over money. the district says the school never hinted at having to shut down. now parents are scrambling. >> we got to weak wait until break is over to scramble and try to find a school for our kids. >> you may remember the walter palmer charter school shut down on hundreds of students a few months ago. the district says they did not have charter to run the high school in the first place. they wept back to court and the district took back money from the organization. it's not clear if the fallout is forcing the middle school to shut done as well. >> cover story this morning is our pets. we know it's getting a lot colder outside so you definitely want to remember bring your dogs and your cats inside. we talk about it every time. this time of year. if it's too cold for you it's too cold for them. whitney writes breaks my heart seeing doing out in the cold. if you are cold outside, your pets are cold. bring them inside. this tweet if you keep your pets
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outside make sure to bring them in inside on these cold nights. snuggle up in a warm blanket and give lots of kisses. there are new laws to help protect our pets. we brought our attorney heather in to talk about this morning by skype. >> good morning. >> good morning karen. >> war some of the new laws to protect our pets j it's interesting because i looked around and all around the pennsylvania, new jersey, delaware this there's all different kinds of laws that apply to this. really ordinances in their town by town specific. but philadelphia just for the very first time passed an ordinance that said that you must have your dog inside if it's cold blue, cold gray or code red if it's too cold, too much precipitation, rape, wind, et cetera, or too hot. so this is the first time that in philadelphia if you leave your dog and just applies to dogs outside you can get into trouble. >> steve keeley absolutely loves animals and he goes around and does stories he'll dogs outside. sometimes the best help in these situations is the people that live around that dog or animal.
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>> yooftentimes backyards are fenned in. people on the outside from the street can't see there's a dog inside. if you as neighbor see it, you can often be the best tipster to officials or even just to tell the neighbor perhaps they don't know about the new ordinance to make sure they're bringing their dogs inside. they can be outside if they're in a home -- a doghouse but it has to have certain specifications. everyone needs to be aware of what they have to do under the law and just to be good to their pets. >> what's the best way to check that? maybe i'm fluffing one of the suburbs how do i find that out information. >> google. it takes a little get of googling to fine out. put in ordinance, put in your town and protection of dogs and i was able to come up with whole number of them through montgomery county, delaware county and philadelphia county. so you can find out or make a couple phone calls and find out ease until way as well. >> do you have a dog or cat? >> i don't. i want a dog badly but my condo won't allow for it. >> all right. there you go. gets you off the hook.
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heather we appreciate your time, thank you so much. >> thanks, karen. if you have a dog are cat it there put up a picture. we love when you share with us it helps our conversation. use our hash tag fox 29 weekend. lauren? new clues this morning in the search for missing chester county native. culling up what police in pittsburgh say they saw that could help them locate 22-year-old paul, 2014 winding down. planning to make some new year's eve resolutions. what you need to do to make sure you finally keep them. ♪ >> this is dan ricotta. you know this year each of us is going to spend over a thousand dollars in out of pocket medical expenses and how about $11,600 the average family spends for child care. wow. kids are expensive. so no wonder that 30 million
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americans have something called a flexible spending account at work. that's right. it's an account you can put money in tax free up to $2,500 and then use that money to pay for qualified medical expenses and child care expenses. here's how it work. think about this. you get paid a dollar and if you're in 25% tax bracket that dollar really is 75 cents. way flexible spending account that dollar goes in as a dollar and it comes out as a dollar when you pay for qualified medical bills or child care expenses. but there is a catch. you have to use that money before the end of the year. and time is running out so here's a few tips. pay all those outstanding medical bills you know those pesky coach pays and deductibles get rid of them now. renew your prescriptions. get a new pair of eye glasses. contact lenses. even acupuncture for all that holiday stress might be covered in your plan. finally there may still be time to enroll in your plan for neck year so you can save money in 2015.
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hey, got to go now. got a dentist appointment. this time i'm looking forward to it. i got a discount. i'm cashing out. ♪
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>> it's time now for another check of your interactive weather. i couldn't believe, caitlin, i walked in this morning it was fine. now the grounds are wet, it's raining and up in the poconos it's snowing. yeah, look at that skiers out already. just after 8:00 a.m. i can't believe it. it has been a really great ski
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weekend. yesterday was beautiful. we have showers around today although they look pretty light and also not that widespread. so little bit of light rain out there but the clouds are back. we're not going to have the sunshine we did yesterday. take look at this picture though. we did get this tweeted to karen. beautiful sunrise shot. this is lbi. so in some spots you are seeing a few peeks of sunshine before the clouds roll in. but those showers approaching our shore points now. they're there probably raining in lbi right now you can see on ultimate doppler a lot of the rain moving through. again it looks like we're just about to see a break from this. more showers about to move into philadelphia after that we'll see a break and light rain expected through today. fox future cast showing the clouds with us all day. showers around on and off. very light. but still there. that will last through tonight and then even into early monday morning especially towards our south. temperatures right now 44 in allentown and philadelphia. 46 in millville and 49 in dover. your seven day forecast clouds and showers but still on the mild side today. temperatures start to fall off as we head through the rest of the week.
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tuesday only seeing high temperatures in the 30s. a very cold new year's eve with temperatures falling back into the 20s. and new year's day the same thing. high of just 39 but we turn milder as we head towards saturday. lauren. >> caitlin, thanks so much. your news now. pennsylvania attorney general kathleen cane is headed towards splitsville. she and her husband christopher were married for 14 years. a in complaint filed friday cane says her marriage is irretrievablely broken. a spokesperson for cane says the issue is a private family matter. the couple has two children. the autopsy results are in for a 93-year-old woman who died after a driver smashed a car into her home in bristol township. the bucks county coroner jewels jenny russo died from natural causes. the report says there was no signs of trauma caused by that accident. the 19-year-old driver slammed into her house on red brook drive on friday. the teen turned himself in to police hours after the crash but was not charged. the da is expected to make charging decision early this week. russo was under hospice care and
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died a few hours after the cra crash. >> we do have a new clue in the search for chester county native that is now missing in pittsburgh. that young man police now say there's video that shows that 22-year-old paul, walking near his south side apartment at about 2:45 in the morning of december 16th. investigators say he had been out with friends watching some football and then his friends say he disappeared while they were out getting fast food. helping somebody with a cut on his hand. investigators say his wallet and his keys were missing from his apartment but his car was still outside. this morning, we're taking a look back at some of the biggest stories of 2014 and we're talking to the fox 29 reporters who covered those stories. of course, one of this year's top stories was the announcement that pope francis is coming to philly next year. let's take a look back at that day in november. >> he is one of the most charismatic and influential leaders on the world stage and he is coming here. the news has catholic young people in particular fairly buzzing with anticipation.
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>> oh, my goodness. pope francis one of my favorite people ever. i'm such a fan. >> reporter: pontiff made the announce many midday in rome. he spoke in italian but the most important word was easy to translate. >> philadelphia. >> you recognize that voice. that's fox 29's bruce gordon and bruce you want to share tweets with you before we get your perspective from emily pope francis intends to come to philadelphia in 2015. you might say i'm excited and this one from someone you've talk to countless times darrell clark very excited to welcome pope francis to philly. people of all faith can learn from his wisdom and generous spear i you were lucky enough to cover this story when the rumors first started flowing and take a trip to the vatican. tell us how great that was. >> very exciting this was actually my second trip to the vatican and to rome on behalf of fox 29 several years ago. >> lucky you. >> cover the death of pope john paul. this was a fascinating experience. this was a local delegation led by governor tom corbett, mayor michael nutter and other dignitaries essentially putting the formal request in for the
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pontiff to visit philadelphia. the world meeting of families of course next september, septemb september 22nd through 27th. a massive event for philadelphia. and for the entire region. this was their attempt to say, officially, formally, pope, we want you in philadelphia. one of the more fascinating elements of it was and we knew this at the time but everyone sort of sworn to secrecy it was fairly clear at the time when the delegation had their couple of minutes of if you will personal time with the pope, of course, thousands of people in saint peters square but they had their face to face time with the pope, they asked him formally at that time and we now know for certain that he said i'll be there but, of course, everything works on the pope's time and on the vatican's time the official announcement of course didn't come till fairly recently for next september's events. it was fairly clear then he was coming this in fact huge for this region. it is i grew up catholic it's exciting news for all catholics. as the person said in the tweet, for people of all faiths i think everyone is excited.
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>> there's religious aspect it to and also a tourism and booster rich as spec as well. we're talking about a couple of hundred thousand people for the event itself and probably well over million people because the pope will be here probably saturday and sunday the last two days of the event and that exposes the city of philadelphia and this region to a huge world wide audience. lots of tourists especially coming from south and central america. it's going to be huge and a real showcase for the region. >> bruce gordon, thank you so much. my pleasure. >> i'm anthony mongeluzo and this is your tech tank. hopefully santa has been good to you this year and maybe you got a new pc-a new mack, a laptop, something. i know you're real excited to plug it in. but let's make sure you stay safe. number one, with your old device whether it's a phone, computer, anything, make sure you back up your data. okay. you put it on hard drive on your computer whatever you need to do. back it up. two, when you plug in your new device, make sure you file the
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updates and all the security settings the bad guys will come looking for you as soon as it's plugged into the internet. number three, we all want to be giving it's the holiday season. before you give your old device to someone else or throw it out, hold the for a month or two. there might be files that you just don't access on day to day basis that you might have forgot tepp about and you don't want to lose them. so keep your device it's not going to cost you anything. and number four, don't just chuck these in the trash. take it to a recycling company. it companies like mine your township, people will recycle this. now, if you can't find anyone there's services that will do it for up to $5 it's money well spent to protect your data. brag about your new stuff or talk about staying safe, hash us tech tank on twitter and we'll continue the conversation. ♪ >> you may be planning for neck year 2015. there's a lot of things you probably want to do by the end of this year. that's one of the conversations we're having right now.
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what do you want to do in the last couple of days before 2014 ends use our hash tag fox 29 weekend and so many of you are responding to a lot of the topics we've been discussing. speaking of new year's we're asking what you were doing. new year's eve aka amateur night i'm staying in. smart guy. something close happens afraid of the dui guys. that is pretty smart. we asked you for pet pictures. how it's getting colder bring them n you're sharing your pets and we love this one. princess aurora so cute waiting for her present and tamara we love the cat. we love that super girl. absolutely adorable her baby daisy and finally pam is responding to that terrible quandary what happened to that plane. god bless those families that have loved ones ones on that missing plane. praying going up for all. use our hash tag fox 29 weekend. >> we are playing your music requests all morning long. this is party like it's 1999. keep t
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watching and streaming football with xfinity on the x1 operating system feels just like skydiving. while following all live scores and stats with the x1 sports app may not look like skydiving. it will feel just like skydiving. (whistle) and who wouldn't want to feel like this? while they are doing this, but like this. with this, but like this. make the most live sports more live with
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the x1 operating system.
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>> 2015 less than a week away people are considering their resolutions. >> try to load -- lose weight. do well in school, quit smoking altogether. what's less popular is actually succeeding in any of your resolutions through the next year. so here's some of the tips to stay on track. first of all don't call eight resolution. don't try to. you're trying to change your way
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of thinking by making whatever you're doing a permanent lifestyle change. not something you try out for week or two. don't try to do too much at once you're not going to lose 20 pounds in a week or so. then you feel like a failure and also write down what you want to accomplish. by and large when you look at people six months and a year later evaluate how well they did on new year's resolutions, typically they're not wildly successful. >> experts say the best way to stay on track with your goals tell people about it. it's a huge motivation factor. much better than keeping it all inside to yourself. >> time now for knocking the king. >> hey howard i'm dan from old city. i heard what you had to say about philadelphia sports. >> i never thought it would be this bad. eagles out of the playoffs. think about that. that's bad enough. but now we have to watch the 76ers.
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the flyers who i hate to break the news to you are not playoff team and then follow it up by a phillies team that's at least a few years away. i have no idea what to look forward to without the eagles. help! sports right now in philadelphia is depressing. >> howard, would you stop being howard. it's the holidays. i think it's too early to say chip kelly is not the answer. i think he's a phenomenal coach. i think he's done great things with this team this year. i think that they obviously have some question marks. especially at the quarterback position, and next year you have a new season. >> genius, let me just try to clue in on one thing. eagles are the least of our problems. never did i criticize chip kel kelly. never am i the grinch around christmas. the point is, without the eagl eagles, that's without the eagles, sixers are horrible. flyers aren't going to make the playoffs and the phillies are two years away from being two years away from being three
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years away. that's my point. the eagles will be the next team to win championship but without them, we're sunk for another year. you can keep on trying to knock the king. and i'll talk to you again next week. ♪ >> you've been doing a great job keep them coming your chance to knock the king. very simple record a video post it on facebook, twitter or instagram use that hash tag fox 29 weekend or pick up your phone one-800-292-9369. go ahead. your turn to knock the king. hey, genius. >> hey genius. we always argue when is the worst time in philly sports. i don't know if it's worse than normal. all right. this cat a woman has so many people. out in kansas city ex communicated from the church. she says she's sad but she's not backing down from the decision that got her kicked out. how this woman wants to make history. >> here's another one of your requests. we love when you play along with our weekend and make your
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requests. angry al on twitter -- >> oh, no. >> he wants to hear this one. for the eagle. end of the road, boyz ii men. tweet us. >> for the eagles. hash tag fox 29 weekend.
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>> welcome back. your news now. a police officer in arizona is
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killed in a shooting with a domestic violence suspect. 24-year-old officer tyler stewart was looking for the suspect. identified as robert smith in flag staff, arizona when the man fired several shots at the officer. the suspect then shot and killed himself. stewart was taken to the hospital where he died. officials don't believe the officer fired any shots. their investigation continues. in new york city, the empire state building was lit in blue overnight in honor of 2nypd officers killed more than a week ago. yesterday more than 20,000 officers from across the country packed the streets to remember officer raphael ramos much also at the funeral the family of fellow officer wenjian liu. the two men were murdered while sighting in their patrol car. in your health news this morning as we're ending this year and welcoming in the new one the chances are many of us will have new year's resolutions to try and be healthier. thanks to technology, it's easier than ever to do it for all those people who gottennism phones for the holidays there's a health app built right in. so many people are tweeting
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about this one. how about this person that says didn't know that health app on the iphone was tracking the miles you walk a day. or this tweet. according to myism phone health app i walked 1787 steps around this golden coral buffet tonig tonight. i got that one going for me. but there are some other apps out there that really blew away or medical team's dr. joe. she's joining us right now this morning. good morning, dr. joe. >> good morning. yes, you know, one of the ones that i really found fascinating was this. it sounds really simple but it's a thermometer called the kinsa, fda approved. you just plug it in right into your head phone jack and what's cool about this is that it allows you to put in profiles so you can put all your kids names in here. every time you take their temperature you tap on their name. it records their temperature. you can also put their symptoms in as well as whether or not you gave them some ibuprofen, gave them tylenol watch will be new in the coming year is that it's
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going to allow you to communicate with other parents in their school. other people in your community to find out what's going around. so somebody can say i just took mary to the body trig, she's positive for strep or johnny has the flu, so that you can potentially track and report back to your pediatrician what you think your child might have. >> how about when we have to wait when we get to the hospital? is there something that can make that a little bit easier? >> yes. in 2015 you'll see this happening in more and more hospitals much it's call the ease app. so this was developed by two doctors. and what this does it allows communication from the operating room to the parents or any family member so the family members download this app for free. they can receive text messages from the circulating nurse. they can receive anything, pictures. whatever is happening in the or can be transmitted directly to the parents immediately. so that really does ease that stress. it's like snap chat. it's hipaa compliant.
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those pictures will disappear. in 20 veep they're hoping to expand this to cardiac surgery first because those can be very lengthy procedures, you know, transplants and various things can be very, very, you know, troublesome to people that are waiting for their loved ones. and then expand out even more. potentially to emergency departments. so again i would look for that ease app to be hitting other hospitals next year. >> all right. dr. joe, thank you. interesting stuff. >> yes, thank you. >> we appreciate it. thank you for jingoes for fox 29 weekend. >> flu is up in penn. the virus is affecting health of the state. more than 5,000 people have gotten sick as of last week. allegheny county had the most concerned cases with more than 800 officials say most people don't get medical attention so the numbers don't show all the likely cases. flu season runs from october through may. >> there is catholic woman out in kansas city so many people
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are talking about. she's been ex communicated from the church because of her dream to be that citi' first female priest. her name is georgia walker. she says she feels like many catholics have left the church because they don't feel welcome. now she would like them to come home to their failing and feel septembered for who they are. she says, shell try to find a space to hold masses and also plans to serve at area prisons. >> this movement for women priests is saying, no, we're not leaving the church. we're staying and we're helping a very, um, sad church move forward into the future. >> the church doesn't see that way. the person spokesperson pour the kansas city diocese declined to comment. >> this weekend we've been looking back at the year that was in 2014 but also looking ahead to 2015. coming up we have a preview of one of philadelphia's finest traditions, our mummers par raged you can hear the music and
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also some changes you can expect to see this year. >> karen people are wide awake on this sunday the last sunday of our show this year. good morning lauren johnson, good morning cannon. rick says it's been great this year with the addition of your show. i love the format. happy new year, ladies. looking forward to 2015. thank you rick for that. brayden says what will i be doing on new year's eve. nothing much really. watching movies. that's a good idea. sometimes it gets crazy in the streets you don't know what can happen. >> i thought high plans and just found out i didn't. >> all right. i'm going to go to the mummers parade. we've done this a number of years. so much fun. speaking of our mummers you'll recognize the song oh, them golden slipper much keep your music requests coming much use or hash tag
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>> how exciting was the pinstripe bowl. penn state bowl game sold out in 36 hours. fans treat to do an mazing game. bc led penn state 21-seven. the game goes to overtime. tied at 24 after bc scored touchdown but they missed the extra point. penn state had to get the td and to get the kick and they did. and they won the game. everyone rejoiced. game 31-30. no bias here at all. how about you? >> there we go, caitlin. absolutely. >> we are! >> then there's this. no such luck for the flyers playing against that are former
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head coach. fly guys fall to the predators four-one. >> how about our sixers? utah playing out the jazz. kept it tight through three quarters. i was following it on twitter. look pretty good. they cannot keep up our sixers lose it 88-71 fall to a four and 25 record. right. >> another least there's penn state to keep the headlines nice in sports. >> one of things we like to do on fox 29 weekend we follow wants trending online. the has hash tag before 2014 ens has been trending out there. people express their goals before the end of the year. let's take look at a couple of them. here's what you're saying. >> let's see your goals before the end of the year. let's ab nicer person. i like this i'd like to thank all of you for the amazing memories. that's a nice one. i want to, someone to write me a heartfelt letter about what i mean to them and how much they love me. >> what? >> good luke on that one. fab says before the year ends i
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want to tell all those i love just how much they mean to me. that one is much more accomplishable. i think the world of them and will be for never mylar. >> it's just so funny. >> here's this one. i want to see all my notifyings harry styles files followed you from one direction. you realize they follow everybody. >> what's your hash tag of what do you want to do before 2014 ends. is that what you're just saying you can't be honest? >> i've been trying to get through the next couple of days. >> long week ahead of you. >> healthier and, yes, that's a good goal. short term is easy to understand. manageable in your head. >> how about you lauren. >> mine was to pay off my student loans the dreaded student loans. >> yes. >> it's done! >> yeah. >> i paid off my student loans. >> that's a great one. >> seriously i graduated from college in 2003. it was time for them to go.
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>> that's normal. that happens. >> yeah. i'm done. >> that is so good. >> i got a kids play room. the toys on the of my house. wonderful accomplishment. >> so we have another movie making the headlines. first it was the interview creating all kinds of problems around the globe and now another movie causing a lot of controversy overseas. >> and coming up the problem one country has with the film exodus gods and kings. here's request perfect for this drizzly sunday buddy guys feels like rain. thanks for that request, joe. we'll play what you want to hear every saturday and sunday. let us know use the hash tag fox 29 weekend.
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>> welcome back. you got a shout out. >> i know. i do have to do this quick. yesterday at in order tromm rack at king of prussia george thin smith is a fan of the show. caitlin and karen and i. we have to say hey to george. >> hi george. >> appreciate you watching and supporting. >> we thank all of our viewers. you guys crack us up the things that you do we really appreciate it. keep the messages coming. >> let's talk hot in hollywood on this sunday morning. another film causing some more worldwide controversy. this time it's the biblical tail exodus gods and kings. >> the movie tells the story of moses leading the jews out of egypt but people living in modern day egypt will not be seeing it much it's banned in that country.
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21st century fox the corporate owners of fox 29 haven't given a reason for the ban just yet but movies that depict biblical figures have been prohibited before in the muslim country. exodus is also coming under fire forecasting mostly white actors in the leading rolls. >> it is 8:46 on your sunday morning. we do have a little bit of rain outside. i'm not seeing any umbrellas right here in old city, caitlin. at the airport it looks like hazy but shouldn't have any problems or delays there. no we really shouldn't. we have had showers come through earlier this morning and you can tell from that shot we do have overcast skies. what gorgeous saturday it was sunshine, the mild temperatures and nice treat but unfortunately it's already gone. we've got the clouds with us. they're sticking around all day. showers moving through the philadelphia area. but there's another wave back across kentucky, west virginia and western parts of virginia. that's going to move through later today. so light rain out seeing a break here. but more showers are expected as we go through the rest of today. temperatures well above freezing so even though we've got showers
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in the forecast it's just rain showers. 42 in the poconos. 41 in pottstown. 44 philadelphia. only 52 in wildwood and 49 in dover. your seven day forecast shows clouds, scattered showers for today. 52 and still mild. 45 still a chance for leftover shower on monday. we transition into some much colder weather. so beginning on tuesday, high temperatures only in the 30s. 36 is all on wednesday that's new year's eve. it will be a very cold night out and a very chilly new year's day. just 39 for the high temperatu temperature. the good thing is, we stay sunny all week not looking any snow on the horizon in the short term. karen. >> thank you so much, caitlin. right here in philadelphia new year's day has a very special significance. >> earlier i had the chance to skype with tom looms president of the string band association. >> new year's day in philadelphia means just one thing, the mummers like they've done for years and years and years. they'll be strutting down broad street but there will be a radical difference this year a new route which bring the mummers south from city hall to
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washington avenue skipping south philadelphia arguably the heart of the mummers parade on facebook thousands of people have signed a petition to save the mummers south philly. the group says the change to the route will break a 100-year-old tradition. comments on facebook angry mary saying the powers that be ruined the parade decades ago like everything else the dollar rules. sad but true. some things should be left alone and diana wrote, why do all the good things in philadelphia have to be tampered with. joining us by skype tom loomis president of the string band association and tom first off, what can people expect from the parade this year? >> i think you can expect more interactive parade. we're hoping that getting rid of the props and the judging first and turning it into a parade will make it a big difference for the people who are spectating. >> let's get to some more comments. tom said why can't they leave things alone i'm so tired of people changing things to fit their needs. if it doesn't broke, don't fix
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it. pat said this is a south philly tradition taking it out of south physical. i don't want to go to center city to watch it i want to run to my sister's house for a hot bowl of soup. south philly the friendly and homey part of broad street where it all began. your response to that. it's still in south philly as far as i know. south broad street starts at city hall and continues down to the delaware river. number two, to not change is to not acknowledge that there's been some things lacking in the parade. every year the feedback we get from the people watching the parade they're tired of watching bands and brigades stand in place waiting to move up one block in and an effort to get judged. so we took that and tried to make this into a more interactive parade instead of a line up waiting to be judged. we think the parade is the most important part of what we do not the judging or competition. >> describe the feel. i'm new to philly. for someone who's never seen it what is the environment like, what do you see? i think bands around city hall and they get on south broad
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street more interactive bands. you'll see things actually being shared with the audience. whether treats being thrown out. just bands have time to take pictures playing more music and do their show without the prop being in the way and without having to wait and be judge at city hall. >> tom, we're glad you're listen what people are saying. happy new year, thank you for joining us. happy new year. thanks forgetting the word out for us. >> what do you think about the mummers parade the new ideas that tom said are out there. you think it's good stuff or not so happy? leave us your leave that hash tag fox 29 weekend. ♪ >> sibling rivalries. off brother or sister you know exactly what we're talking about. do we really need science to prove it? researchers put to the test. pre tendon to spill water on the book ruining it they said kids up putting another kid on their mom's lap. when the book got ruin the tiny mill monsters thought it was hilarious.
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our dr. mike agrees it make sense. >> this concept of a concept in psychiatric terms where we take pleasure in other people's bad luck. and this comes from being in a competitive environment. this study found that even two-year-old toddlers took pleasure when they were in a study and their siblings did not get as much attention from their parents as they did. i can tell you from personal experience that the key is to love your children equally and absolutely show no difference between them. i have two children. i have a boy an girl. and if i pay attention to one, i absolutely make sure that the other one gets the same amount of attention. if do you that, you're going to prevent long-term resentment and problems down the road. >> the advice from dock on raising healthy kids but this
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study still s♪ ♪s pretty silly
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>> attention lehigh valley viewers. are you having trouble seeing fox 29? well hello there. now you can watch fox 29 over the air using your antenna with no reception problems whatsoev whatsoever. just grab your remote control and hit the menu or set up button. look for channel scan. auto scan, then select.
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>> and once your scan is complete sit down and and joy the shows you love on fox 29. thanks for watching lehigh valley. >> what do you think about that tv? >> the 1920tv. that's the problem right there. if you have that tv you're watching it over the air. maybe you got new one for christmas. >> we love the pictures of your pet. don nay loves the show and his pet. this one from rachel my cat every winter i'm sure he's saying mouw christmas and happy mew year. >> no reason we can't go out with a bank. catch "game day live" 11:00 eagles trying to sweep the giants for the fir since 2010. see the game at 1:00 o'clock. lions and packers at 4:25. will decide the nfc north and who plays the cowboys on wild card weekend. it's a busy day of football and fox 29. as you know, we're all about viral videos here on fox 29 weekend. >> absolutely. >> 2014 was all about that. here's a look back at all the videos that us scratching our heads.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> ouch! >> when something makes you file it's so depressing you were
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saying now, football. >> go eagle. >> that will do it for us. we have the news and wrap it all up at 10:00 o'clo
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i'm chris wallace. the year in review. looking back at some of the biggest stories of 2014 and what where should expect in the year ahead. from the midterm elections and that gop wave set to sweep over washington. >> tonight we shook up the senate. >> i would welcome the president moving to the middle. first indications have not been very hopeful. >> to the growing fight against isis. >> this is an organization that has an apocalyptic end of days strategic vision which will eventually have to be defeated. >> and old wounds of racial discrimination reopen. journalist jason riley,


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