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tv   Fox29 Weekend  FOX  January 18, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EST

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>> right now on fox 29 weekend -- we got up that morning and went to breakfast. we took a walk. a hike, and when we got back to the house she just knew it was time. >> the husband of a terminally ill woman defends his wife's choice to take her own life. what he's doing now to keep more than just her memory alive. >> plus tomorrow the country will stop and pay tribute to civil rights leader march tip luther king, jr. is this year's holiday taking on different tone? what one local pastor says people in our area need to stand up for. ♪ >> your news, your neighborhood, live and interactive. this is fox 29 weekend. >> thanks a lot for joining us on fox 29 weekend we start this morning with breaking news. take look at this. it's a major pileup on 76.
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this is 76 eastbound at gulph mills road this is near conshohocken. drivers are dealing with icy roads out there this morning. and if you're headed out need to give yourself extra time because you can see there traffic is backed up for quite sometime because of this mess. some incredible pictures you're seeing here on fox 29 weekend. we'll toss things out to caitlin. i told you when i came in this morning i slipped and fell right here at fourth and market. >> yes. >> my phone was a casualty so was my knee. it's slippery out there. >> i feel so bad for you. don't do what lauren d be careful. especially if you have your phone in your hand, too, she has crack iphone. we have a lot of ice around the area. that's because pre tip saying that came in overnight we've been talking about this rain, well, it beat the warm air, so right here in the city temperatures are around freezing rain is falling but it is freezing upon contact with that cold ground and zooming in closer are you can see the pink along knife and the schuylkill that's where we have these icy conditions due to the freezing rain if you don't have to head out don't do it. you can see major inter states
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we have some problems and that does not include a lost back roads which probably have less traffic and can ice up a lot more easily. all of the major inter states around the philadelphia area seeing that freezing rain and that even might be some sleet or possibly some snowflakes micking in the further north and west that you go where it is colder. this extends into new jersey, too. freezing rain advisory in effect until 10am lehigh, berks, lancaster and chester counties west of the city montgomery, bucks, delaware, philadelphia, mercer in new jersey, burlington, camden, and gloucester in interior south jersey. this is until 10:00 and that's as long as we think we'll have the chance for freezing rain before transitioning to all ra rain. temperatures are testament to what's going on right now. it's 28 in pottstown. precipitation hasn't reached as far north and we have as the mountains and it shouldn't just within the next hour or so but 32 in philadelphia. 33 in wilmington. check out how much warmer in south jersey temperature in the mid 40s and that air is moving in slowly but unfortunately we got the rain first and therefore
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the freezing rain. by noon we transition to all rain in the area. now will had been heavy the a times specly from philadelphia eastward into parts of south jersey. here we are at 3:00 o'clock. rain starting to end for our weren't suburbs. and then by 5:00 o'clock it looks like it's just along the shore line. we'll clear out slowly with some leftover showers as we go through this evening and into tonight. so for today, 40 degrees is that high temperature it will take awhile to get there but we are slowly moving above freezing so freezing rain throughout 10:00 a.m. will change to all rain. leftover showers tonight fall back to low of 32 degrees. we'll have much more on the week ahead still coming up in your is that day forecast. lauren. >> caitlin, let's take a look back at that traffic picture we told you about. ism 76 gulph mills road, several cars practically piled up on to one another. this is all, of course, speaking to what caitlin is saying there's lot of slippery areas out there. you have to be careful. right now our crew is also headed to a multi car accident in allegheny along i-95. we'll bring you live pictures as soon as we get those. but let us know the road conditions where you are in your
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area. tweet us and send us pictures and video just make sure you use the #fox29weekend. we'll keep everyone up to date all morning long. be careful out there. on monday the country will honor the birth of a civil rights icon dr. march to know luther king, jr., this year's day of service is taking on a different tone. with the recent deadly police shootings and violent protests, many organizations across the country are calling for peace and hoping this will be a day men and women of all nationalities come together and rebuild hash tag mlk day is making pop -- becoming popular on social media. you've probably seen tweets are facebook posts like this this weekend reflect on the peaceful society you want and do something to create it. mlk is day celebrate by doing something positive in your community. find a need and fill the with your talent, experience and knowledge. and there's this. live's most persistent and urgent question, what are you doing for others? remember mlk day is a day on, not day off. joining us now on skype, mark
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tyler senior pastor of bethel episcopal church in philly. thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate your time. absolutely. thank you for having me. >> let's a look back before we go forward really quickly. yesterday the nominations came out for the oscars and people were upset about sell man the movie not winning anything. your thoughts on that and have you seen the movie j i've seen the movie. really reduced me to tears that various moments in the film. it's a powerful and very timely story in fact i think it's almost divine timing that the movie would come out at this time in our country. we've putt not been in place like this really since those days and so the fact that it got on as core number should, you know, only just ab reminder to us of, you know, the world we live in. we talk a lot about being on a level playing field, but we know that's not true. not with the justice system, not with jobs, not were education, and so it seems not even in hollywood. >> and looking forward, i guess to monday, what's your message
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to have one for monday and why should this mlk day be a little bit different? well this mlk different will be different no matter what we dodge times are different. you know, ferguson, staten island, those events were game changers, cleveland, with tamir rice and so many stories like those stories. it's put us in a place of awareness. you know you talk to many people those stories are not knew and many folk have always known that that sub, you know, below the surface kind of experience has always happened to african-americans. i think what is new is that many of our white brothers and sisters are to gain an awareness of simple things like being fearful of a routine police stop that you know can go terribly wrong when the person on the other end of the window doesn't know that you're approach cher or a father, you know, person trying to be a good citizen. so this is a different day. the march on monday is going to reflect that, and we have turned
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the concern now in philadelphia. so the die ins were fine. they were great to bring awareness but we want to talk about specific issues in phil. we want to march for justice, for jobs and for education. we want to end the stop and frisk. we want to a 15-dollar an hour wage, and we most certainty want a fair funding formula in philadelphia and local control brought back to our school district. >> if dr. king were alive today, what do you think he would say about the current state of race relations and about his dream? >> well, i think first of all dr. king would march with us and that dr. king would understand that what we're doing today is really an extension of his work. i'm certain that he would be sad. i say this because you know my father-in-law who passed a few years ago who was a college student attic in the '60s would often be moan the fact that, you know, we're still fighting the fights that he thought, that his generation had put to rest for us, and so it's no surprise that here we are marching for
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justice, jobs and education. you think about the biggest march dr. king led the march on washington, if you go back look at the signage and all of the statements around that march, they were marching for the exact same things, fairness in the justice system, schools that educated all children equally, and job that is people could work and raise a family on and move into the middle class. >> pastor mark taylor, thank you so much. we appreciate your perspective. thank you so much for having us again. >> and, of course, mark tyler. if you have anything you'll be doing on mlk day let us know use the #fox29weekend. still ahead on fox 29 weekend, a terminally ill woman makes a choice to end her own life. now brittany maynard's husband is speaking out. why he's defending his wife and sharing her final moments. ♪ >> and we thank you for sending in your tweets. tom allow don't says if you're going out right now take your time it's like driving in a skating rink in parts of delco. philly says many reports up here
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in bucks county of cars on 95 going everywhere. it is slippery out there, folks. i can tell you i slipped coming in to work this morning. hit my knee, banged it up a little bit and there's a pile up we told you about on 76. so if you're in that area, you're wondering why you're stuck that's why it looks like toys were you look at this shot. 76 eastbound at gulph mills road be careful, it's very slippery out there. we'll be right back. hi, this is dan rocatto and love is in the air. 43% of all couples getting married get engaged between november and january. but being engaged can be a stressful time as well. you want to plant wedding anding in out how to pay fort wedding and just because you're given your heart doesn't mean you have to surrender your wallet. i'll give you a few tips to keep you on track. first, create a budget and open up a joint savings account.
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a budget will help keep you on track to make sure you don't come back from your honeymoon to be faced with a credit card bill the size of wyoming and a joint savings account will help you practice budgeting, saving, working toward a goal. you'll have all sorts of things you can be saving for after you're married, some of them, well, are small and expensive. next, look for discounts. instead of getting married on saturday, consider a sunday or a friday. i got married friday night. we saved a boat load of money and remember you can negotiate everything from flowers to limos. don't be afraid to ask for a discount. finally, share those intricate details about your financial life with your fiance' before you get married it's better to share that information up front and get it out of the way. don't want any surprises later. as i like to say, it's better to share your balance sheet before you share your bed sheets. i remember being engaged. it was a fun time. it can also ab stressful time. but you take those tips i just gave you, you'll take some of the stress out of the process and ultimately get married on a
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firm financial foundation. then you'll live happily ever after. that's so romantic. i'm cashing o
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>> welcome back to fox 29 weekend. 8:13 this morning we're still getting more tweets about highway conditions and road conditions out there. sabina is telling closed ben franklin, walt wilt man, commodore barry bridge and betsy ross. those are all the bridges. it is slick out there people. lewis zen this one cars are
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slipping all over in abington. we want to show you again this accident. it's at 76 and gulph mills road. you can see all these cars here piled up this picture sort of looks fake this is very real caitlin. cars are slipping and sliding all over the highway of course it's causing a major backup. major headache in that area. so people are sending us their tweets. be very careful. we have sabina headed to another accident. we have pictures of that one. it's 95 at allegheny that's another accident. you can see the car there in the center of your screen looks like it slid right into the median and the wall and other cars are involved as a result of that. be careful if you're out on the roads this morning it's slippery, it's slick and it's raining and it will keep raining, right, caitlin. >> dangerous lauren you can see the rain falling right l this is why freezing rain is such a big issue. you just see rainfalling. you do not know how slippery it is or isn't until you take to the roads so many cars hit the road at 7:00, 7:30 that's just when the freezing rain was falling icing up on the roadways the first when it first makes
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contact and creates that glaze, and your car can't do anything. you start to skid you spin out and get these pile ups exactly what we're seeing on our most major inter states in the area. eighths gloomy, dark, sunday morning. don't leave if you don't have to. because that one on the schuylkill looks like it will take hours to clean up and 95 having issues and we're not even talk bowing back roads which you know have a lot less traffic and therefore probably going to be icing up, too. here's what we're dealing with. rain moving in. it moved in overnight but it moved in before temperatures could warm up right here in philadelphia. so as a result where you see that pink along all of our major arteries is where there's freezing rain. it doesn't look bad but it is and this is why we're seeing icy conditions. there is some hint at least on radar of that freezing rain starting to change over to just plain old rain. and that should happen within the next hour or two. a freezing rain advisory out for obviously whole 95 area from trenton down through delaware county. chester county back through our western suburbs lehigh county and that would include northern burlington county, camden and
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gloucester counties in new jersey. temperatures are coldest the further north and west you go although the precipitation hasn't reached the lehigh valley yet. it's 32 degrees in philadelphia right at that critical temperature the ground is very cold. so the rain is freezing but check out how much warmer it is down in south jersey where you're just seeing plane old rain. temperatures well into the 40s. and hopefully that warm air continues to move in. but when you get the precipitation first it then becomes very difficult for your temperatures to warm up. so i would expect the icy conditions at least through the advisory time 10:00 a.m. but i would expect that beyond that just to be safe. probably into the afternoon. we all change over to all rain there we are at noon. and maybe even some freezing rain for the north up into the mountains early in the afterno afternoon. then by 3:00 o'clock it's all rain as this front moves offshore. but heavy at times especially along parts of new jersey the further close to the coast that you go. showers taper off as we head into this evening so freezing rain to rain for today. 48 degrees the -- 40 degrees is the high temperature. we clear out for martin luther king day. blustery and cold.
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that sunshine extends into tuesday. chance on snow on wednesday. quiet for the rest of the week. lauren. >> this is a story that captivated the entire country not without controversy. 29-year-old woman diagnosed with terminal brain cancer chooses to end her own live on her terms. her name brittany maynard she died back in november using an oregon law that allows termina terminally ill patients to use lethal medications prescribed by the doctor. her story went viral and so many people have questions. her husband is now speaking out. joining us now on skype bill anderson from chasing and bill, you had a chance and the pleasure to sit down with her hub. so many people have sessions of question. let's let you talk and tell us what you found out. >> i d first of all good morning, lauren. i appreciate the time and always watching the show. it was one of those tough interviews it's something that you want to do but it's difficult to do. this is a man whose dealing with his wife who's only really been dead for about 10 weeks. but he's speaking out now because he made a promise to her that he would continue this fight for death with dignity.
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this is not easy for him and as he kind of shared stories about what she went through last moments of their interaction, the decision making process, you could tell that it's very very hard. but he wants this option to exist for other people so they don't have to suffer like ultimately she would have if she stayed alive. >> let's take listen to how he described her final moments. >> the final moments went the way that brittany wanted. we had taken -- we had gotten up that morning. we went to breakfast. we took a walk, a hike, and when we got back to the house, um, she just knew it was time. leading up to november 1st the seizures, the symptoms that she was suffering from were getting progressively worse, and they were bad. the video that came out just before unfortunately a couple days before her passing didn't
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suggest that because that was filmed three weeks before -- prior. so there was a misconception i appreciate the opportunity to address that, because even talking to friends of mine, they would say she look healthy and, no, that was video from before. so when we got back to the house just like she had intended we were in our bedroom and it was brittany and me and her parents, her mother and her step dad, a few friends, my younger brother, she drank the medication the patient has to be able to self administer. is he there's also misconception if injected, no, the patient needs to be able to drink the solution. it's about four to 5-ounces. she fell asleep within five minutes of taking -- of drinking
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the medication, and win 30 minutes her breathing, her respirations slowed to the point where she passed away. so it was the most peaceful thing that a person could hope for could expect when you talk about a peaceful passing. >> he's so calm and speaks with such courage. gives me the chills just to listen to that. >> yeah. again, we spoke for quite sometime, and it was hard. but if you listen to him in the end talking about a peaceful death, one of the things he said to me that people need to understand because he understands the controversy of people saying uri moving hope, uri moving the possibility of amirra kell if you end your life and he said to me, they didn't view it that way. they didn't view it as ending her life. they viewed it as ending her suffering. and he said that he was there, he didn't want somebody that he loved that much to continue to suffer and she was in intense pain. >> such a tough decision.
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so, bill, this story made headlines when the first came into the news making headlines again since her hub has spoken out. let's take a look at the comments. renee' writes she was going to die any way. horribly. why should she suffer? none of us should have to suffer agonizing death. heather says, some of you don't understand why this is still being talk about. this is something that should be legal everywhere. then there's this. give it a rest already. she killed herself. not heroic. please more important stories out there. bill, what do you think her husband's mission is now going forward? >> well, i think that he's trying to keep a promise to her. the mission is to allow that option, and he tries to make it very clear. he's not saying that this is the best option for other people. he's not trying to force this option on anyone. he's fighting because he believes it should be an option, and people who are of sound mind who are terminally ill should have the legal right with a doctor's advice and oversight to not have to suffer and to be able to peacefully end their
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life. >> bill, tough but great interview. thank you so much for joining with us here on fox 29 weekend. >> thanks. bye-bye. >> all right. thanks, lauren. the teenaged couple responsible for a multi state manhunt captured just hours ago. what they were doing when officers found them. also, are you tired of wondewondering if your clothes n or out? we have our style expert for you coming upping in with love it or lose it. caitlin people are continuing to sound off this morning about the icy and dangerous conditions oh it there. sean sent us this one. went to my car to warm it up and could definitely ice 68 all the way there. bob kelly is up tweeting. salt crews are getting out there. it might be a little too late but trying to get out there. paul says wow in shock of all the accidents there. could you imagine if it was monday? so happy to be home today. that's right. stay home and watch football if you can. tom sent us accident on county line road in upper southampton pennsylvania. thanks for sending that one. kathy says who wants breakfast? i do, kathy. it's dangerous out there. the streets are slippery.
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the sidewalks. i slipped and fell this morning. be very careful. we'll bring you some more pictures and life updates coming up on fox 29 weekend. >> thanks lauren. first request of the morning. love me by tracy. this requested. while you're staying safe at home this morning to tweet us your requests using the #fox29weekend. >> and you're still taking a live look at pictures from that accident on 76 at gulph mills road. you can see the cars there literally look like toys just crashed all into each other because of the slippery conditions out there. causing a major headache. it's eastbound lanes, right, nicole? >> yes. >> 76 eastbound. so, yes, if you're in that area if you can avoid it if you're still at home and you can hear us don't go that way. there's also a situation 95 and allegheny. sabina occur rows is head to do that area. we'll try
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>> welcome back to fox 29 weekend. we have this tweet to show you. you can see brake lights are at a standstill at 476 near the broomall exit. thanks so much for sending that picture to us, tom. caitlin has more on your weather conditions for this sunday and sabina kuriakose will have a live update for you on i-95 where there's a tie up in that area. now to your news. one person is in the hospital this morning after shooting overnight in northeast philadelphia. this happened at a home on adams avenue near deal street that's
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in the frankford area. right now police are searching for the gunmen. also new from overnight the manhunt for teenaged bonnie and clyde has come to an end police captured 18-year-old dalton hays and his 13-year-old girlfriend just after midnight in panama city beach florida. they were found asleep inside a stolen car. police say the two love struck teenagers began their crime spree earlier this month when they disappeared from their hometown in western ken can't. time now for knocking the king. >> hey, howard. this is paul. i heard what you had to say about urban meyer. >> unwritten rule don't rub it in, don't do to the other head coach or team what you wouldn't want have done to you. why did urban meyer not tell his team to just take a knee with less than 30 seconds left in the game? and let the clock run o out. myers showed a clear lack of respect to both the oregon head coach and his team. the only thing that extra
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touchdown today with less than 30 seconds ago is satisfy an ego. urban meyer, good coach. but what he did was obnoxious. regardless of the team you are rooting for there's a code that coaches follow it's obvious urban meyer doesn't understand that. what he did was weak and a disgrace. >> he's playing football trying to get the points he deserves. i don't think he's trying to up the score and be inappropriate to the oregon team. >> hey, howard if you have a problem you should just stop them. >> points you deserve much it's already 35-20. what do you need seven more points for? that's a joke. it's not about points he deserves much it's about having respect. they're college kids. college kids. stop them, you know what i would have done if i was oregon i'd walk off the field and embarrass ohio state winning a national championship. urban meyer and you my friend don't have a clue. all right. want your chance to knock the king shoot your video up load
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it, do whatever you want with it torque facebook, instagram or twitter using the #fox29weekend and i'll talk to you next week. ♪ all right, thanks how war. >> favorite segment. knock howard. >> everyone wants to do that. all right. we know we're all looking for new ways to lose weight and get in shape. >> yes. it turns out could be an easy as something you plug in or turn on with twitch. >> still ahead the study that probably sounds silly but it could make a lot of sense and of course we are staying on top of all the accidents out there this morning. let us know the conditions in your area. use that #fox29weekend so we can see these pictures and fine out what you're seeing in your neighborhood this right here is the accident on i-95 at allegheny. you can see a tie-up in that area. sabina kuriakose is right in that area. she had trouble getting there. she'll tell you all about it in life report
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welcome back to fox 29 weekend everyone. dangerous sunday morning. you're taking a live look at 76 eastbound. this is by the gulph mills exit. between conshohocken and king of prussia that area, at least 25 cars piled up due to the icy conditions. obviously, traffic at a standstill behind this. this is going to take hours to clean up. these cars look like toys just strewn about across the eastbound lanes of the interstate. and it looks like on the other side westbound traffic not moving much in that direction either because they're still trying to clean up and get
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everyone where they need to be on the eastbound side. obviously that's going to take while. we have numerous reports of accidents all across the area including on 95 and not to mention all of this slippery sidewalks, driveways and back roads in our area. this is all due to freezing rain and, yes, even freezing drizzle it doesn't look like much is going on outside, but that's the danger of freezing rain. it freezes upon contact with cold ground and that's how you get that glaze of ice out there. here's what we're dealing with ultimate doppler showing the rain moved in over the past few hours. but because temperatures are right at the freezing mark, that's why we have freezing rain right along the main arteries here in the philadelphia area. this does include the new jersey turnpike and 295 into interior south jersey, and this is from about trenton down through wilmington on 95. northwestern counties that's bad, too up through bucks, montgomery, you're also sighing the freezing rain. it does look like on radar, though, the hint of some freezing rain trying to change over and we'll see that over the next couple of hours as temperatures do warm up. but as a result freezing rain
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advisories out for most of the area until 10am. do not head out that if you don't have to. you can see the problems we have on the schuylkill. it could happen anywhere with these icy roads. temperatures are below freezing north and west. right at in philadelphia. but much warmer down in south jersey. you're not seeing those problems where it's in the mid 40s from atlantic city back through dov dover. fox future cast shows for the next couple of hours we'll gradually transition to all rain although freezing rain could linger in the lehigh valley and the mountains there. rain heavy at times east the city in parts of jersey as this system moves out. this is going to take all day. so it's a gloomy wash out of an afternoon. coming off of a very icy start. so for today, 41 degrees with that freezing rain transitioning to just plain old rain and we shouldn't have icing problems later today. and then showers will taper off later on tonight giving way to much better martin luther king holiday. we'll have that in your full forecast coming up. lauren. >> thanks so much. we've been telling you about traffic conditions all morning and they're bad out there. let's check in with sabina kuriakose she's stuck in traffic
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in camden. you were trying to get to the knife and allegheny accident, right? >> reporter: yeah, we were headed there from jersey and this is what we hit. take a look. we're on the admiral wilson, near the toll booth to get on the ben franklin bridge, and this complete standstill is what it's been like for at least 30 minutes. nobody is getting anywhere. you can see all of that red at the top booth there is this bridge is completely shut down. worry going to talk to charlie here he's lowering his window for us. hey, charlie. thanks for talking to us. >> how you doing this morning sabina. >> pretty good. how you doing. >> waiting for the bridge to open. >> trying to get to work, right? >> yup. got to be in at 8:00. i'm a little late. >> how long have you been sitting here? >> it's bow 45 minutes now. >> 45 minutes. this is the worst you've ever seen. >> pretty much. pretty much but i've already been in touch with my supervisors. they've told me even when you get in just sit tight until they tell us to go out the roads are really bad. i've already contacted my customers and look we'll be
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along but it's tough out there today. >> you have a tough job once you get in report in to work. you got to head back out on the roads. it's not looking good. that's correct. >> karl, thanks so much. stay safe out there, all right. thank you. >> thanks for talking me. 45 minutes he's been sitting here in these traffic these conditions are very very icy right now we're told they're just waiting for salt trucks to get in there so they can salt the ground try to get rid of some of this ice. looks like they're actually as we're standing here starting to move just a little bit. charlie is actually pulling up towards that toll booth right now a little bit of movement looks like maybe things are changing rain/snow coming down right now. so very very bad conditions. that's the latest out who are. back to you guys. >> sabina you guys be very careful. she's showing you the road conditions. we can see from the studio indicate lip and i looking out at fourth market people walking carefully on the sidewalks. be careful no matter where you are. you guys are still sending tweets. eric says 60 car pile pile up and i-76 shut down at this time.
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ben franklin, walt man whitman, commodore barry bridge, betsy ross bridge. all the bridges and new jersey turnpike shut down because the conditions. >> jeff says... >> everyone be careful out the there. we're going to continue you to bring updates from the roads as soon as we get them in. stay with us here on f
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8:39. let's get to news really quickly
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for you. crews spent the night repairing a broken water main break in center city. this happened near 12th and market. the lose hotel and other buildings in that area were left without water for several hours. right now though everything is back to normal. and we're learning more this morning about the man police say opened fire unside a florida mall. the shooting happened yesterday just minutes before the mall opened. police say the man had several pockets full of ammo when he shot his wife who works in the food court right now she's being treated at the hospital. another person was killed during the shooting. police say the man then took his open life. on tuesday night, president barack obama will deliver his state of the union address. one of the highlights a plan to impose higher taxes on the wealthy and tax breaks for middle class families. on things like child care and the cost of a college education. our big story this morning as you know icy road conditions all across the area. this is a new accident coming in to us right here on fox 29 weekend. we're not quite sure where but we did see this pop up on the camera. you can see, of course, yet
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again traffic stalled over on the right side of your screen. we see a schoolbus -- this is the same area. we just heard this is i76 at gulph mills just a different angle of that accident that you saw earlier. we were hearing 25 cars involved. some people out there saying 60 cars which is probably not too far off when you see how many cars were there in that area. probably sliding right into that mess. the roads are slick. the areas are very dangerous out there. you have to be extremely caref careful. we also have a live shot for you at i-9 i-95 at alt allegheny. we can see raindrops on the screen that wasn't there before so the rain is coming down as caitlin forecasted but before it started to fall, upping, pretty heavy we started seeing all these slick areas. this is one of them. you can see a couple of cars piled up in that area. so that's going to cause headache for anyone whose already out in that area. and sabina was over in camden trying to make it to that accident there you just saw but she couldn't because you see these conditions. lots of brake lights out there. one map telling sabina he was trying to get to work the 8:00 o'clock. he'd been stuck for 30 minutes
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and called his boss. if that's your situation, do call and tell whoever you're coming to meet are trying to get to that the road conditions are bad and you have to be very careful out l don't try to make your way through traffic on the sidewalks. you know, i slip on the sidewalk this morning. just be careful. as careful as you can out in those conditions. we'll stick with this breaking news and the icy conditions and we'll b
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so how is that new year's resolution going? you made a packet to drop pounds and you feel like you're struggling, listen to this. you think eating your meals under a blue colored light could help. sounds wacky but a team of researchers at the university of arkansas tested a blue light to see if that could help people eat less. well, guess what? they did eat less. but only the guys. our dr. mike says the jury still out whether a blue light will help you drop pounds. >> what were you so interesting about this study is that color actually affected how much we ate. what we can take home from this study is that perhaps down the road we will color food in a way with lighting that will allow us to eat less. yet another piece of the puzzle in our fight against obesity. >> dr. mike says there's still more to learn so this study started out silly but it may turn out to make lot of sense. ♪
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okay. it's time for another check of your interactive weather. caitlin the big story today is weather because it's so icy outside. it's very slick. we have accidents everywhere. this is another shot of that i-76 at gulph mills road accident. you can't see the big pipe yup from this picture but you can see a tow truck i think actually two or three of them on the right side of your screen probably heading to that area to go rescue some of those drivers who probably have been stuck there for quite sometime. we also have some tweets coming in i think, is that coming in right now nicole karen tweet says west windsor new jersey police department advise folks stay off the roads for at least two hours due to multiple local accidents. karen thank you for that. paul says it's nuts out there. i'm in shock. cannot believe all the jammos bob kelly's tribute out there and bob kelly is on twitter this morning so he's paying attention to everything. letting us know as you said caitlin the bridges are shut down. the turnpike it's a mess out there. >> well it's dangerous out there because we have ice just about on all of our major arteries,
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and that is not even including all the back roads all of the rural roads into our northwestern counties and all the major bridges. so it is a dangerous situation with the ice this morning. and that's why we're seeing all the accidents it's a sunday it's a sleepy morning but it doesn't matter. don't go out if you don't have to. we really mean that this time. freezing rain advisory has now been extended into the afternoon hours. because we may be seeing a few hours of this. here the problem. rain moves in overnight. temperatures though hovering right around the freezing mark in philadelphia. because the rain got here first, it's going to be very difficult to warm up. usually happens when you have the rain come in, temperatures even stay where they are or cool off. we do not want them to cool off. there is warmer weather towards our south. but in order to get those temperatures to get above the freezing mark it's going take couple of hours before we transition to all rain. the pink indicates where you're seeing the freezing rain. all up along 95, 295 the new jersey turnpike and back across the schuylkill into the blue route where we're seeing delays just about everywhere. there is the hint of maybe some of that freezing rain trying to transition over to all rain. but of course it's going just
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look like it's raining outside this is why it's dangerous you can't see what's occurring the rain freezes upon contact with the cold gunned. here's that advisory encompasses just about the whole area. it now includes new castle county in delaware. gloucester county, camden county and northern burlington county in new jersey. as well as mercer county. the whole northwestern corridor of our area it's very cold still up in the lehigh valley and the mountains you haven't seen the rain move in yet when you do it will be freezing rain and this is now been extended until 1:00 o'clock today. so you are advised to not take to the roads until later on this afternoon. temperatures below freezing north and west. right at 32 in philadelphia. 34 in wilmington. a big difference down south where it's just plain old rain. temperatures are well into the 40s. fox future cast shows the icing will continue through the morning hours as we gradually transition to all rain who are. probably though not until early afternoon. it will keep raping just like it is out there but we need the ground to warm up before we can wash away that glaze of ice. through the rest of the afternoon rain couldn't heavy at
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times and it looks like those showers could extent into the evening hours before completely pushing out later on tonight. for i don't care cast for today freezing rain giving way to rain, 41 degrees. into tonight 33 degrees with those showers tapering off. we'll give that you seven day forecast much better for the holiday tomorrow. martin luther king day sunny and blustery it's cold. but at least it's dry. we'll stay that way until about wednesday when we have a chance of snow. >> lauren. >> on to more news this morning. the pope wrapped up his week long asian trip with a huge outdoor mass in the philippines. millions of people braced the rain to hear the pope's words. he urged parents to protect their children from sin and give them hope. he dedicated part of the mass to the victims of a deadly typhoon that destroyed back parts of the can untree back in 2013. retired vet and pastor in georgia needs prayers and bullets to keep him safe. david elmore says people are always shooting in his neighborhood. in fact the other night a stray bullet weren't right through his home ended up feet from where he sat. elmore says he sleeps with his guns and bible for protect.
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>> if they're using a weapon to commit that bodily harm, i have no problem and i don't think god has any problem with you using a weapon to protect yourself. >> elmore realizes bullets could have hit him possibly killing him that day but he was not afraid. he says he has the big man looking out for him. caitlin. well let's face it you've frontal probably got all kinds of your closet and some of them you may not have worn in a long time. you're faced with the question should i love it or should i lose it? luckily we've got someone on fox 29 weekend who can answer that question. fashion expert cindy harris joins us by skype this morning. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> good. we're so happy to have you because we've got viewers with urgent questions. they want to know, of course, using the hash tag love it or lose it if they should keep their item of clothing. let's start off with our first one. these pair of wedges are super comfortable but, yes, they are
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also colorful. what do you think about those? they're pretty wild. >> they're very wild and i think they've got to go. she's got to lose it. we've got to get rid of them. i can't even -- i can't really think of how you could make them modern and fresh looking with today's look. so let's lose those. >> totally understandable. let's get to another example. this comes from another one our viewers, and they say what do i do with this floral shirt? i think i open one of these back in the '80' '90's. >> what do you think. >> i think it's a little '90's. >> the plaids and floral are kind of in. that look dated. i was trying to imagine it was a vest or under a jean jacket i think he's got to lose it. >> i totally understand. >> finally we have a video question for you. >> hi, sissy, this is sandy and i live in medford, new jersey i just went in my closet and pulled out this beautiful fuscia satin shirt and i was hoping to wear it for valentine's day. should i love it or lose it?
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>> i'm torn on this one. i have to tell you i think it's a little bit dated also i hate to have so many lose its in one little session. but i think because of the pop of pink and she's looking for valentine's day if she either wears the with skinny leggings, high booties to make it, you know, a little bit fresher or she's got to put a jack over it but that is a lot of pink and a lot of shine. so i've got -- you've got -- if she's going to keep it and love it, we need to put the with like some skinny leather leggings and great booties to make it look good for valentine's day. >> good advice much it's okay to say lose it three times in a row by the way much that's why we have you on our show. (laughter). >> thank you. thank you so much for that. >> thank you. of course, if you have any clothes in your closet you're questioning, you can send us a picture or video on twitter, facebook or instagram just use the hash tag fox 29 weekend or hash tag love it or lose it. all right. caitlin, thank you so much.
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we have yet another accident we heard about less than an hour ago columbus boulevard at 95. that's the picture you're looking at there. so again we emphasize the roads are slick. it's dangerous. it's icy. people are not only sliding on the roadways also on sidewalks out there. so if you have to go outside today, just be very car physical because as caitlin says the rain is coming, and of course the temperatures drop we'll see more ice. stay with us. we'll have one more updat
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okay. thank you so much for keeping us updated this morning with your tweets that have continued to come in. bill anderson says... he thanks you caitlin for your forecast. driving from work from mt. airy and cars on the stuck on the side streets off germantown avenue much it is batter and don't forget that accident on 76 eastbound at gulph mills road. it is ugly out there. >> there it is. >> there it is. cars when you look at the picture you can't even believe it because it looks like a kid had maybe, you know, 10 to 12 toys and just sort of crash them all into each other. this is a real life situation out there folks. you can see the traffic backed up for miles. be very careful if you have to get out into the roads today. because they are slippery. they're icy and it's going continue to rain, right, caitlin. >> yeah. don't even head out. this is one of those mornings where it's not weekday morning but look at the impacts just on a sleepy sunday and you've got everyone one hitting the road. hit the ice at once. hit the brakes and everyone slams into each other and that
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is all because of the freezing rain. it's most dangerous because it's just rainfalling. it doesn't look like it's bad out there. >> it doesn't even feel as cold as it is. >> it does not the ground is so cold. think about how freezing it was yesterday. >> right. >> temperature tried to warm up and in south jersey we're in the 40s where it's just rain but that pink area over philadelphia and all the main arteries that go through our city and stretching up to new york city back down through washington and baltimore so this is a many city issue is where we have the freezing rain. that advisory is out until 1:00 p.m. so that means do not head out you'll see and encounter the ice through 1:00 p.m. and probably even later than that. the further north and west you go. >> all right. so people can stay home. yes. >> watch football. today will be determination afc whose going to the super bowl much what's going to happen. perfect day to stay inside. >> route 1 westbound closed at 476. >> okay. if anyone is out there. >> thank you very much for keeping us informed all morning with your tweets and pictures. everybody helps me and caitlin know what's going on sense we're
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stuck in the studio. be careful if you have to go out there. the news continues at 6:00. but you can keep the co
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>> i'mtion unanimous briggs in for chris wallace. president obama pushes i had agenda ahead of the tuesday's state of the union address. the president draws a line in the sand over iran. >> we have a chance to resolve the nuclear issue peacefully. my message to congress is just hold your fire. >> we'll discuss the latest standoff between the white house and congress with two leading senators. ron johnson chair of the homeland security committee and ben cardin a member of the foreign relations committee. then the supreme court takes up same-sex marriage. we debate the hot button issue with two leading advocates. ted olson who won


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